You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1017 lines
44 KiB

using DS.Module.Core;
using DS.Module.Core.Enums;
using DS.Module.Core.Extensions;
using DS.WMS.Core.Application.Dtos;
using DS.WMS.Core.Application.Entity;
using DS.WMS.Core.Application.Method;
using DS.WMS.Core.Code.Entity;
using DS.WMS.Core.Fee.Entity;
3 months ago
using DS.WMS.Core.Info.Entity;
using DS.WMS.Core.Invoice.Dtos;
using DS.WMS.Core.Invoice.Interface;
using DS.WMS.Core.Settlement.Entity;
using DS.WMS.Core.Sys.Entity;
using DS.WMS.Core.Sys.Interface;
3 months ago
using Mapster;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using SqlSugar;
namespace DS.WMS.Core.Invoice.Method
/// <summary>
/// 发票服务基类
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TEntity"></typeparam>
public class InvoiceService<TEntity> : ApplicationServiceBase, IInvoiceService<TEntity>
where TEntity : Entity.Invoice, new()
readonly Lazy<ICommonService> CommonService;
/// <summary>
/// 初始化
/// </summary>
/// <param name="provider"></param>
public InvoiceService(IServiceProvider provider) : base(provider)
CommonService = new Lazy<ICommonService>(provider.GetRequiredService<ICommonService>());
/// <summary>
/// 获取分页列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<DataResult<InvoiceList>> GetListAsync(PageRequest<string> request)
var query = TenantDb.Queryable<Entity.Invoice>()
.Select((i) => new InvoiceDto
Details = SqlFunc.Subqueryable<ApplicationDetail>().Where(d => d.ApplicationId == i.Id)
.ToList(d => new ApplicationDetailDto
Currency = d.Currency,
ProcessedAmount = d.ProcessedAmount,
ExchangeRate = d.ExchangeRate,
OriginalCurrency = d.OriginalCurrency,
OriginalAmount = d.OriginalAmount,
OriginalProcessedAmount = d.OriginalProcessedAmount
InvoiceApplicationList = SqlFunc.Subqueryable<ApplicationDetail>().LeftJoin<InvoiceApplication>((d, a) =>
d.ApplicationId == i.Id && d.Category == DetailCategory.InvoiceIssuance && d.RefId == a.Id)
.WhereIF(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.OtherQueryCondition), (d, a) => a.ApplicationNO.Contains(request.OtherQueryCondition))
.GroupBy((d, a) => a.ApplicationNO).ToList((d, a) => a.ApplicationNO)
}, true).MergeTable();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.OtherQueryCondition))
query = query.Where(i => i.InvoiceNO.Contains(request.OtherQueryCondition) || i.BillNO.Contains(request.OtherQueryCondition));
var whereList = request.GetConditionalModels(Db);
var result = await query.Where(whereList).ToQueryPageAsync(request.PageCondition);
if (result.Data?.Count > 0)
var userIds = result.Data.Select(x => x.CreateBy)
.Union(result.Data.Where(x => x.LockUserId.HasValue).Select(x => x.LockUserId.Value))
.Union(result.Data.Where(x => x.OperatorId.HasValue).Select(x => x.OperatorId.Value))
var users = await Db.Queryable<SysUser>().Where(x => userIds.Contains(x.Id)).Select(x => new { x.Id, x.UserName }).ToListAsync();
var orgIds = result.Data.Where(x => x.SaleDeptId.HasValue).Select(x => x.SaleDeptId.Value)
var orgs = await Db.Queryable<SysOrg>().Where(x => orgIds.Contains(x.Id)).Select(x => new { x.Id, x.OrgName }).ToListAsync();
foreach (var item in result.Data)
item.CreateByName = users.Find(x => x.Id == item.CreateBy)?.UserName;
item.LockUserName = users.Find(x => x.Id == item.LockUserId)?.UserName;
item.OperatorName = users.Find(x => x.Id == item.OperatorId)?.UserName;
item.SaleDeptName = orgs.Find(x => x.Id == item.SaleDeptId)?.OrgName;
InvoiceList list = new() { List = result.Data };
var invResult = DataResult<InvoiceList>.Success(list, result.MultiCode);
invResult.Count = result.Count;
return invResult;
/// <summary>
/// 获取发票详情
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">发票ID</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<DataResult<InvoiceDto>> GetAsync(long id)
var invoice = await TenantDb.Queryable<Entity.Invoice>().Select<InvoiceDto>().FirstAsync(x => x.Id == id);
if (invoice != null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(invoice.PushMode))
invoice.PushModeValues = invoice.PushMode.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(x => (PushMode)int.Parse(x)).ToArray();
if (invoice.OperatorId.HasValue)
invoice.OperatorName = await Db.Queryable<SysUser>().Where(x => x.Id == invoice.OperatorId.Value)
.Select(x => x.UserName).FirstAsync();
invoice.Details = await CreateApplicationDetailQuery((d, f, s) => d.ApplicationId == id && d.Category == DetailCategory.InvoiceIssuance)
.Select(x => new ApplicationDetailDto
Id = x.Id,
ApplicationId = x.ApplicationId,
RecordId = x.RecordId,
DetailId = x.DetailId,
RefId = x.RefId,
FeeName = x.FeeName,
FeeType = x.FeeType,
ApplyAmount = x.ApplyAmount,
ExchangeRate = x.ExchangeRate,
Currency = x.Currency,
OriginalAmount = x.OriginalAmount,
OriginalCurrency = x.OriginalCurrency,
OriginalRate = x.OriginalRate,
CustomerNo = x.CustomerNo,
ClientName = x.ClientName,
ETD = x.ETD,
SaleName = x.SaleName,
SourceName = x.SourceName,
LoadPort = x.LoadPort,
Vessel = x.Vessel,
Voyage = x.Voyage,
3 months ago
invoice.Summary = invoice.Details.GroupBy(x => new { x.FeeType, x.Currency }).Select(x => new SummaryItem
FeeType = x.Key.FeeType,
Currency = x.Key.Currency,
Amount = x.Sum(y => y.ApplyAmount)
if (invoice.Mode == InvoiceMode.Applcation)
var ids = invoice.Details.Where(x => x.RefId.HasValue).Select(x => x.RefId).Distinct();
invoice.Applications = await TenantDb.Queryable<InvoiceApplication>().Where(x => ids.Contains(x.Id))
.LeftJoin<SysUser>((x, y) => x.CreateBy == y.Id, "shippingweb8_dev.sys_user")
.Select((x, y) => new InvoiceApplicationDto
ApplicationNO = x.ApplicationNO,
Status = x.Status,
Currency = x.Currency,
ApplyAmount = x.ApplyAmount,
InvoiceRemark = x.InvoiceRemark,
CreateBy = x.CreateBy,
CreateByName = y.UserName
invoice.InvoiceDetails = await TenantDb.Queryable<InvoiceDetail>().Where(
x => x.ApplicationId == id && x.Category == DetailCategory.InvoiceIssuance).ToListAsync();
return DataResult<InvoiceDto>.Success(invoice);
3 months ago
/// <summary>
/// 根据业务编号及类型获取费用记录
/// </summary>
/// <param name="items">业务ID与业务类型</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual Task<DataResult<InvoiceApplicaitonBiz>> GetFeesAsync(params FeeClient[] items)
return Task.FromResult(DataResult<InvoiceApplicaitonBiz>.Success(
new InvoiceApplicaitonBiz(new List<FeeInvoiceDto>())));
#pragma warning disable CS4014
/// <summary>
/// 提交
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request">请求参数</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<DataResult<TEntity>> SaveAsync(InvoiceRequest<TEntity> request)
var invoice = request.Invoice;
if (invoice.Currency.IsNullOrEmpty())
invoice.Currency = FeeCurrency.RMB_CODE;
TEntity? dbValue = default;
if (request.Invoice.Id > 0)
dbValue = await TenantDb.Queryable<TEntity>().Select(x => new TEntity
Id = x.Id,
IsLocked = x.IsLocked,
Mode = x.Mode,
}).FirstAsync(x => x.Id == request.Invoice.Id);
var result = EnsureSettlement(request.Invoice, dbValue);
if (!result.Succeeded)
return DataResult<TEntity>.Failed(result.Message, result.MultiCode);
3 months ago
if (invoice.InvoiceDate == default)
invoice.InvoiceDate = DateTime.Now;
invoice.OperatorId ??= long.Parse(User.UserId);
if (invoice.PushModeValues.Length > 0)
invoice.PushMode = string.Join(",", invoice.PushModeValues.Select(x => (int)x));
if (request.Invoice.Mode == InvoiceMode.Applcation && request.Applications?.Count > 0)
var ids = request.Applications.Select(x => x.ApplicationId);
var details = await TenantDb.Queryable<ApplicationDetail>()
.InnerJoin<InvoiceApplication>((x, y) => x.ApplicationId == y.Id)
.LeftJoin<InfoClientBank>((x, y, z) => y.CustomerId == z.ClientId && z.Currency == invoice.Currency && z.IsInvoiceDefault == true)
.Where((x, y, z) => ids.Contains(x.ApplicationId) && x.Category == DetailCategory.InvoiceApplication)
.Select((x, y, z) => new
if (details.GroupBy(x => x.TaxRate).Select(x => x.Key).Count() > 1)
return DataResult<TEntity>.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.InconsistentTaxRates));
3 months ago
invoice.Details ??= new List<ApplicationDetail>(details.Count);
foreach (var item in details)
if (invoice.Id == 0)
invoice.CustomerId = item.CustomerId;
invoice.CustomerName = item.CustomerName;
invoice.TaxRate = item.TaxRate;
invoice.InvoiceHeader = item.InvoiceHeader;
invoice.CustomerTaxID = item.TaxID;
invoice.CustomerAddressTel = item.CustomerAddTel;
invoice.CustomerAccount = item.BankAccountNo;
invoice.CustomerBankName = item.BankName;
invoice.SaleDeptId = item.SaleDeptId;
invoice.PushMode = item.PushMode;
invoice.CellPhoneNO = item.CellPhoneNO;
invoice.Email = item.Email;
else if (invoice.CustomerId != item.CustomerId) //校验开票单位是否一致
return DataResult<TEntity>.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.InvoiceCustomerOnlyOne));
else if (invoice.TaxRate != item.TaxRate) //校验税率是否一致
3 months ago
return DataResult<TEntity>.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.InconsistentTaxRates));
3 months ago
var detail = new ApplicationDetail
ApplicationId = invoice.Id,
RefId = item.ApplicationId,
DetailId = item.Id,
RecordId = item.RecordId,
Category = DetailCategory.InvoiceIssuance,
CustomerName = item.CustomerName,
FeeId = item.FeeId,
FeeName = item.FeeName,
FeeType = item.FeeType,
Currency = invoice.Currency,
OriginalCurrency = item.Currency,
ApplyAmount = item.ApplyAmount - item.ProcessedAmount,
OriginalAmount = item.OriginalAmount - item.OriginalProcessedAmount
var app = request.Applications.Find(x => x.ApplicationId == item.ApplicationId);
if (app != null)
if (app.Currency == invoice.Currency)
detail.ExchangeRate = 1m;
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(app.Currency)) //原币申请
detail.ExchangeRate = app.ExchangeRates.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Currency == item.Currency)?.ExchangeRate;
detail.ExchangeRate = app.ExchangeRates.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Currency == invoice.Currency)?.ExchangeRate;
3 months ago
3 months ago
if (!detail.ExchangeRate.HasValue)
detail.ExchangeRate = 1m;
if (detail.ExchangeRate.HasValue)
detail.ApplyAmount *= detail.ExchangeRate.Value;
DataResult result2;
foreach (var app in request.Applications)
var details2 = invoice.Details.Where(x => x.RefId == app.ApplicationId).OrderBy(x => x.ApplyAmount).ToList();
if (app.AmountRMB.HasValue)
result2 = AssignAmount(details2.FindAll(x => x.OriginalCurrency == FeeCurrency.RMB_CODE), app.AmountRMB.Value);
if (!result2.Succeeded)
return DataResult<TEntity>.Failed(result2.Message, result2.MultiCode);
if (app.AmountUSD.HasValue)
result2 = AssignAmount(details2.FindAll(x => x.OriginalCurrency == FeeCurrency.USD_CODE), app.AmountUSD.Value);
if (!result2.Succeeded)
return DataResult<TEntity>.Failed(result2.Message, result2.MultiCode);
if (app.AmountOther.HasValue)
result2 = AssignAmount(details2.FindAll(x => x.OriginalCurrency != FeeCurrency.RMB_CODE && x.OriginalCurrency != FeeCurrency.USD_CODE), app.AmountOther.Value);
if (!result2.Succeeded)
return DataResult<TEntity>.Failed(result2.Message, result2.MultiCode);
else if (request.Invoice.Mode == InvoiceMode.Free)
3 months ago
if (request.BizList?.Count > 0)
3 months ago
var result2 = await GetFeesAsync([.. request.BizList]);
if (result2.Data != null)
request.Details ??= [];
foreach (var item in result2.Data.Items)
var dto = item.Adapt<PaymentApplicationDetailDto>();
if (dto.Currency != invoice.Currency)
var biz = request.BizList.Find(x => x.Id == dto.BusinessId && x.BusinessType == dto.BusinessType && x.CustomerId == dto.CustomerId);
var er = biz?.ExchangeRates?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Currency == dto.Currency);
dto.ExchangeRate = er == null ? 1 : er.ExchangeRate;
3 months ago
3 months ago
if (request.Details?.Count > 0)
3 months ago
if (invoice.Id == 0 && invoice.CustomerId == 0)
var first = request.Details[0];
invoice.CustomerId = first.CustomerId;
invoice.CustomerName = first.CustomerName;
3 months ago
3 months ago
var ids = request.Details.Select(x => x.RecordId).Distinct();
var fees = await TenantDb.Queryable<FeeRecord>().Where(x => ids.Contains(x.Id)).Select(x => new { x.Id, x.TaxRate }).ToListAsync();
if (fees.GroupBy(x => x.TaxRate).Select(x => x.Key).Count() > 1 || (invoice.Id > 0 && invoice.TaxRate != fees[0].TaxRate))
return DataResult<TEntity>.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.InconsistentTaxRates));
invoice.Details = request.Details.Select(x => new ApplicationDetail
3 months ago
3 months ago
Id = x.Id,
ApplicationId = x.ApplicationId == 0 ? x.ApplicationId : invoice.Id,
RefId = x.RefId,
DetailId = x.Id == 0 ? null : x.Id,
RecordId = x.RecordId,
Category = DetailCategory.InvoiceIssuance,
CustomerName = x.CustomerName ?? invoice.CustomerName,
FeeId = x.FeeId,
FeeName = x.FeeName,
FeeType = x.FeeType,
Currency = x.Currency,
ApplyAmount = x.ApplyAmount,
ExchangeRate = x.ExchangeRate,
OriginalAmount = x.OriginalAmount,
OriginalCurrency = x.OriginalCurrency ?? (invoice.Currency.IsNullOrEmpty() ? x.Currency : invoice.Currency),
3 months ago
if (invoice.Id == 0)
3 months ago
invoice.CustomerTaxID = await TenantDb.Queryable<InfoClient>().Where(x => x.Id == invoice.CustomerId).Select(x => x.TaxNo).FirstAsync();
var header = await TenantDb.Queryable<InvoiceHeader>().Where(x => x.RelativeId == invoice.CustomerId)
.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).FirstAsync();
if (header != null)
invoice.InvoiceHeader = header.Header;
invoice.CustomerAddressTel = header.AddressTel;
var clientBank = await TenantDb.Queryable<InfoClientBank>().Where(x => x.ClientId == invoice.CustomerId && x.Currency == invoice.Currency)
.OrderByDescending(x => x.IsInvoiceDefault).Select(x => new
if (clientBank != null)
invoice.CustomerAccount = clientBank.Account;
invoice.CustomerBankName = clientBank.BankName;
var org = await Db.Queryable<SysOrg>().Where(x => x.Id == User.OrgId).Select(x => new { x.OrgFullName, x.LicenseCode }).FirstAsync();
if (org != null)
invoice.OrgName = org.OrgFullName;
invoice.TaxID = org.LicenseCode;
var orgBank = await Db.Queryable<SysBank>().Where(x => x.LinkId == User.OrgId && x.Currency == invoice.Currency).OrderByDescending(x => x.IsDefault).Select(x => new
if (orgBank != null)
invoice.BankName = orgBank.BankName;
invoice.Account = orgBank.BankAccountNo;
invoice.Details = invoice.Details.FindAll(x => x.Id == 0);
if (invoice.Details.Count > 0)
if (invoice.Details.Any(x => x.ApplyAmount == 0 || x.OriginalAmount == 0))
return DataResult<TEntity>.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.AmountCannotBeZero));
if (invoice.Details.Any(x => x.OriginalCurrency.IsNullOrEmpty()))
return DataResult<TEntity>.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.OriginalCurrencyCanNotNull));
if (invoice.Details.Any(x => x.Currency != invoice.Currency && x.ExchangeRate == null))
return DataResult<TEntity>.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.NeedExchangeRate));
result = await PreSaveAsync(invoice);
if (!result.Succeeded)
return DataResult<TEntity>.Failed(result.Message, result.MultiCode);
await TenantDb.Ado.BeginTranAsync();
BuildOption buildOption;
if (invoice.Id == 0)//新增
buildOption = BuildOption.Create;
var sequence = CommonService.Value.GetSequenceNext<TEntity>();
if (!sequence.Succeeded)
return DataResult<TEntity>.Failed(sequence.Message, MultiLanguageConst.SequenceSetNotExist);
3 months ago
invoice.BillNO = sequence.Data;
await TenantDb.InsertNav(invoice).Include(x => x.Details).ExecuteCommandAsync();
buildOption = BuildOption.Update;
await TenantDb.Updateable(invoice).UpdateColumns(x => new
3 months ago
if (invoice.Details?.Count > 0)
await TenantDb.Insertable(invoice.Details).ExecuteCommandAsync();
if (invoice.InvoiceDetails?.Count > 0)
await TenantDb.Storageable(invoice.Details).DefaultAddElseUpdate().ExecuteCommandAsync();
if (invoice.Details?.Count > 0)
var fees = invoice.Details.Select(x => new FeeRecord
Id = x.RecordId,
InvoiceAmount = x.OriginalAmount,
OrderInvSettlementAmount = x.OriginalAmount,
var updateable = TenantDb.Updateable(fees).PublicSetColumns(x => x.InvoiceAmount, "+");
if (invoice.Mode == InvoiceMode.Applcation)
updateable = updateable.PublicSetColumns(x => x.OrderInvSettlementAmount, "+")
.UpdateColumns(x => new { x.OrderInvSettlementAmount });
await updateable.UpdateColumns(x => new { x.InvoiceAmount }).ExecuteCommandAsync();
await BuildInvoiceDetailAsync(invoice, buildOption);
if (invoice.InvoiceDetails?.Count > 0)
await TenantDb.Storageable(invoice.InvoiceDetails).DefaultAddElseUpdate().ExecuteCommandAsync();
await RefreshInvoiceAsync([invoice]);
await OnSaveAsync(invoice);
await TenantDb.Ado.CommitTranAsync();
return DataResult<TEntity>.Success(invoice);
catch (Exception ex)
await TenantDb.Ado.RollbackTranAsync();
await ex.LogAsync(Db);
return DataResult<TEntity>.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.Operation_Failed));
static DataResult AssignAmount(List<ApplicationDetail> details, decimal invoiceAmount)
if (details.Count == 0)
return DataResult.Success;
2 months ago
if (invoiceAmount == 0)
return DataResult.Failed("开票金额不能为零");
var totalRMB = details.Sum(x => x.ApplyAmount);
if (Math.Abs(invoiceAmount) > totalRMB)
return DataResult.Failed("申请开票金额不能大于剩余开票金额");
if (totalRMB != invoiceAmount) //非全额开票
var rest = totalRMB - invoiceAmount;
foreach (var detail in details)
if (rest == 0)
detail.ApplyAmount = detail.ApplyAmount - rest;
rest = detail.ApplyAmount - rest;
return DataResult.Success;
/// <summary>
/// 生成发票明细
/// </summary>
/// <param name="invoice">发票</param>
/// <param name="option">生成类型</param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected async Task BuildInvoiceDetailAsync(TEntity invoice, BuildOption option)
if (invoice.Details == null || invoice.Details.Count == 0)
invoice.InvoiceDetails ??= [];
var currencies = invoice.Details.Select(x => x.Currency).Distinct();
var codeList = await TenantDb.Queryable<CodeInvoice>()
.Where(ci => currencies.Contains(ci.DefaultCurrency))
.OrderBy(ci => ci.IsDefault)
.Select(ci => new
foreach (var detail in invoice.Details)
var code = codeList.Find(x => x.DefaultCurrency == detail.Currency);
if (code == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(code.Name))
3 months ago
if (option == BuildOption.Create && codeList.IndexOf(code) == 0)//取第一条发票代码税率
invoice.TaxRate = code.TaxRate;
var invDetail = invoice.InvoiceDetails.Find(x => x.CodeId == code.Id);
if (invDetail == null)
invDetail = new InvoiceDetail
ApplicationId = invoice.Id,
CodeId = code.Id,
Name = code.Name,
Quantity = 1,
3 months ago
TaxUnitPrice = detail.ApplyAmount,
TaxRate = code.TaxRate,
Specification = code.Specification,
Unit = code.Unit,
3 months ago
Category = DetailCategory.InvoiceIssuance
3 months ago
invDetail.Amount = invDetail.TaxUnitPrice;
invDetail.Amount += detail.ApplyAmount;
3 months ago
foreach (var item in invoice.InvoiceDetails)
item.TaxAmount = item.Amount * (invoice.TaxRate / 100);
item.UnitPrice += item.Amount - item.TaxAmount;
/// <summary>
/// 重新计算发票的各项金额数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="invoices">发票</param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected async Task<int> RefreshInvoiceAsync(List<TEntity> invoices)
var ids = invoices.Select(x => x.Id);
var details = await TenantDb.Queryable<ApplicationDetail>().Where(x => ids.Contains(x.ApplicationId))
.Select(x => new { x.ApplicationId, x.Currency, x.ApplyAmount, x.OriginalAmount }).ToListAsync();
var invDetails = await TenantDb.Queryable<InvoiceDetail>().Where(x => ids.Contains(x.ApplicationId))
.Select(x => new { x.ApplicationId, x.Amount }).ToListAsync();
foreach (var invoice in invoices)
var currDetails = details.FindAll(x => x.ApplicationId == invoice.Id);
invoice.ApplyAmount = currDetails.Sum(x => x.ApplyAmount);
invoice.AmountUppercase = new Money(invoice.ApplyAmount).ToString();
invoice.OriginalAmount = currDetails.Sum(x => x.OriginalAmount);
invoice.OtherInvoiceAmount = currDetails.FindAll(x => x.Currency != FeeCurrency.RMB_CODE).Sum(x => x.OriginalAmount);
invoice.InvoiceAmount = invDetails.FindAll(x => x.ApplicationId == invoice.Id).Sum(x => x.Amount);
return await TenantDb.Updateable(invoices).UpdateColumns(x => new
/// <summary>
/// 用于发票的状态检查
/// </summary>
/// <param name="invoice">提交的发票</param>
/// <param name="dbValue">数据库值新增时为null</param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected virtual DataResult EnsureSettlement(TEntity invoice, TEntity? dbValue)
if (dbValue != null && dbValue.IsLocked)
return DataResult.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.InvoiceIsLocked));
return DataResult.Success;
/// <summary>
/// 在保存前调用
/// </summary>
/// <param name="invoice">发票</param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected virtual Task<DataResult> PreSaveAsync(TEntity invoice) => Task.FromResult(DataResult.Success);
/// <summary>
/// 在保存时调用
/// </summary>
/// <param name="invoice">要保存的发票</param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected virtual Task OnSaveAsync(TEntity invoice) => Task.CompletedTask;
/// <summary>
/// 在保存完成后调用
/// </summary>
/// <param name="invoice">发票</param>
protected virtual Task PostSaveAsync(TEntity invoice) => Task.CompletedTask;
/// <summary>
/// 删除发票
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ids">发票ID</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<DataResult> DeleteAsync(params long[] ids)
await TenantDb.Ado.BeginTranAsync();
var apps = await TenantDb.Queryable<TEntity>().Where(x => ids.Contains(x.Id)).Select(x => new TEntity
Id = x.Id,
Mode = x.Mode,
IsLocked = x.IsLocked
if (apps.Count == 0)
return DataResult.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.EmptyData));
var details = await TenantDb.Queryable<ApplicationDetail>().Where(x => ids.Contains(x.ApplicationId)).Select(
x => new ApplicationDetail
Id = x.Id,
ApplicationId = x.ApplicationId,
DetailId = x.DetailId,
RefId = x.RefId,
RecordId = x.RecordId,
ApplyAmount = x.ApplyAmount,
OriginalAmount = x.OriginalAmount
foreach (var app in apps)
app.Details = details.FindAll(x => x.ApplicationId == app.Id);
var result = PreDelete(apps);
if (!result.Succeeded)
return result;
await OnDeleteDetailAsync(apps, DeleteOption.Entire);
await TenantDb.DeleteNav<TEntity>(x => ids.Contains(x.Id)).Include(x => x.Details).ExecuteCommandAsync();
await TenantDb.Ado.CommitTranAsync();
PostDeleteAsync(apps, DeleteOption.Entire);
return DataResult.Success;
catch (Exception ex)
await TenantDb.Ado.RollbackTranAsync();
await ex.LogAsync(Db);
return DataResult.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.Operation_Failed));
/// <summary>
/// 删除发票费用明细
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ids">明细ID</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<DataResult> DeleteDetailAsync(params long[] ids)
await TenantDb.Ado.BeginTranAsync();
var details = await TenantDb.Queryable<ApplicationDetail>().Where(x => ids.Contains(x.Id)).Select(
x => new ApplicationDetail
Id = x.Id,
ApplicationId = x.ApplicationId,
DetailId = x.DetailId,
RefId = x.RefId,
RecordId = x.RecordId,
ApplyAmount = x.ApplyAmount,
OriginalAmount = x.OriginalAmount
if (details.Count == 0)
return DataResult.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.EmptyData));
var invIds = details.Select(x => x.ApplicationId).Distinct().ToList();
var invoices = await TenantDb.Queryable<TEntity>().Where(x => invIds.Contains(x.Id)).Select(x => new TEntity
Id = x.Id,
Mode = x.Mode,
IsLocked = x.IsLocked
foreach (var app in invoices)
app.Details = details.FindAll(x => x.ApplicationId == app.Id);
var result = PreDelete(invoices);
if (!result.Succeeded)
return result;
await OnDeleteDetailAsync(invoices, DeleteOption.DetailOnly);
await TenantDb.Deleteable(details).ExecuteCommandAsync();
await RefreshInvoiceAsync(invoices);
await TenantDb.Ado.CommitTranAsync();
PostDeleteAsync(invoices, DeleteOption.Entire);
return DataResult.Success;
catch (Exception ex)
await TenantDb.Ado.RollbackTranAsync();
await ex.LogAsync(Db);
return DataResult.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.Operation_Failed));
/// <summary>
/// 删除发票明细
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ids">发票明细ID</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<DataResult> DeleteInvoiceDetailAsync(params long[] ids)
await TenantDb.Ado.BeginTranAsync();
var invDetails = await TenantDb.Queryable<InvoiceDetail>().Where(x => ids.Contains(x.Id))
.Select(x => new { x.ApplicationId, x.Amount }).ToListAsync();
var groups = invDetails.GroupBy(x => x.ApplicationId);
foreach (var g in groups)
var list = g.Select(x => new TEntity { Id = g.Key, InvoiceAmount = g.Sum(x => x.Amount) }).ToList();
await TenantDb.Updateable(list).PublicSetColumns(x => x.InvoiceAmount, "-")
.UpdateColumns(x => new { x.InvoiceAmount }).ExecuteCommandAsync();
await TenantDb.Deleteable<InvoiceDetail>().Where(x => ids.Contains(x.Id)).ExecuteCommandAsync();
await TenantDb.Ado.CommitTranAsync();
return DataResult.Success;
catch (Exception ex)
await TenantDb.Ado.RollbackTranAsync();
await ex.LogAsync(Db);
return DataResult.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.Operation_Failed));
/// <summary>
/// 在删除发票或其明细之前调用,用于检查状态
/// </summary>
/// <param name="invoices">发票</param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected virtual DataResult PreDelete(List<TEntity> invoices)
if (invoices.Any(x => x.IsLocked))
return DataResult.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.InvoiceIsLocked));
if (invoices.Any(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.ApiCode)))
return DataResult.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.InvoiceIsIssued));
var ids = invoices.Select(x => x.Id);
if (TenantDb.Queryable<ApplicationDetail>().Any(x => ids.Contains(x.RefId.Value) && x.Category == DetailCategory.InvoiceSettlement))
return DataResult.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.InvoiceIsSettled));
return DataResult.Success;
/// <summary>
/// 在执行删除发票或其明细时调用
/// </summary>
/// <param name="invoices">发票及其明细</param>
/// <param name="deleteOption">发票删除选项</param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected virtual async Task OnDeleteDetailAsync(List<TEntity> invoices, DeleteOption deleteOption)
var ids = invoices.Select(x => x.Id);
if (deleteOption == DeleteOption.DetailOnly)
var excludeIds = invoices.SelectMany(x => x.Details).Select(x => x.Id);
var details = await TenantDb.Queryable<ApplicationDetail>().Where(x => ids.Contains(x.ApplicationId) && !excludeIds.Contains(x.Id))
.Select(x => new ApplicationDetail
Id = x.Id,
ApplicationId = x.ApplicationId,
RecordId = x.RecordId,
FeeId = x.FeeId,
ApplyAmount = x.ApplyAmount
foreach (var item in invoices)
item.Details = details.FindAll(x => x.ApplicationId == item.Id);
item.ApplyAmount = item.Details.Sum(x => x.ApplyAmount);
item.AmountUppercase = new Money(item.ApplyAmount).ToString();
await TenantDb.Updateable(invoices).UpdateColumns(x => new
else if (deleteOption == DeleteOption.Entire)
await TenantDb.Deleteable<InvoiceDetail>().Where(x => ids.Contains(x.ApplicationId)).ExecuteCommandAsync();
foreach (var item in invoices)
var fees = item.Details?.Select(x => new FeeRecord { Id = x.RecordId, InvoiceAmount = x.OriginalAmount }).ToList();
var updateable = TenantDb.Updateable(fees).PublicSetColumns(x => x.InvoiceAmount, "-");
if (item.Mode == InvoiceMode.Applcation)
updateable = updateable.PublicSetColumns(x => x.OrderInvSettlementAmount, "-")
.UpdateColumns(x => new { x.OrderInvSettlementAmount });
await updateable.UpdateColumns(x => new { x.InvoiceAmount }).ExecuteCommandAsync();
/// <summary>
/// 在删除完成后调用
/// </summary>
/// <param name="invoices">发票及其明细</param>
/// <param name="deleteOption">发票删除选项</param>
protected virtual Task PostDeleteAsync(List<TEntity> invoices, DeleteOption deleteOption) => Task.CompletedTask;
/// <summary>
/// 设置发票的锁定状态
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isLocked">是否锁定</param>
/// <param name="ids">发票ID</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<DataResult> SetLockAsync(bool isLocked, params long[] ids)
var dt = DateTime.Now;
var userId = long.Parse(User.UserId);
var list = ids.Select(x => new TEntity
Id = x,
IsLocked = isLocked,
LockTime = isLocked ? dt : null,
LockUserId = isLocked ? userId : null
int rows = await TenantDb.Updateable(list)
.UpdateColumns(x => new { x.IsLocked, x.LockTime, x.LockUserId }).ExecuteCommandAsync();
return rows > 0 ? DataResult.Success : DataResult.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.Operation_Failed));
/// <summary>
/// 设置发票的作废状态
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isCancelled">是否锁定</param>
/// <param name="ids">发票ID</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<DataResult> SetCancelAsync(bool isCancelled, params long[] ids)
var dt = DateTime.Now;
var userId = long.Parse(User.UserId);
var list = ids.Select(x => new TEntity
Id = x,
IsCancelled = isCancelled,
CancelTime = isCancelled ? dt : null,
CancelUserId = isCancelled ? userId : null
int rows = await TenantDb.Updateable(list)
.UpdateColumns(x => new { x.IsCancelled, x.CancelTime, x.CancelUserId }).ExecuteCommandAsync();
return rows > 0 ? DataResult.Success : DataResult.FailedWithDesc(nameof(MultiLanguageConst.Operation_Failed));