You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

558 lines
30 KiB

using Amazon.Runtime.Internal.Util;
using DS.Module.SqlSugar;
using DS.Module.UserModule;
using DS.WMS.Core.Op.Dtos;
using DS.WMS.Core.Op.Entity;
using DS.WMS.Core.Op.Interface;
using DS.WMS.Core.Sys.Entity;
using DS.WMS.Core.Sys.Interface;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using SqlSugar;
using NLog;
using NLog.Web;
using DS.Module.Core.Extensions;
using Logger = NLog.Logger;
using Mapster;
5 months ago
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
using DS.Module.Core.Constants;
5 months ago
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace DS.WMS.Core.Op.Method
public class DataCallBackService : IDataCallBackService
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
private readonly ISqlSugarClient db;
private readonly IUser user;
private readonly ISaasDbService saasService;
private readonly ICommonService commonService;
7 months ago
private readonly ISeaExportCommonService seaComService;
5 months ago
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor accessor;
private static readonly Logger _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serviceProvider"></param>
public DataCallBackService(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
db = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ISqlSugarClient>();
user = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IUser>();
saasService = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ISaasDbService>();
commonService = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ICommonService>();
7 months ago
seaComService = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ISeaExportCommonService>();
5 months ago
accessor = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IHttpContextAccessor>();
/// <summary>
/// 插入货运动态
/// </summary>
/// <param name="req"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task AddBookingStatusLog(List<BookingStatusLogReq> req)
// 当BusinessId不为空时将BusinessId的值转为订舱主键否则仍然使用BookingId作为订舱记录主键
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[0].BusinessId))
if (long.TryParse(req[0].BusinessId, out long itemBusinessId))
req[0].BookingId = itemBusinessId;
_logger.Info($"货运动态回调:"+ JsonConvert.SerializeObject(req));
var dicList = db.Queryable<SysDictData>().Where(x => x.TypeId == 1788810332945387520).ToList();
foreach (var item in req)
// 当BusinessId不为空时将BusinessId的值转为订舱主键否则仍然使用BookingId作为订舱记录主键
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.BusinessId))
if (long.TryParse(item.BusinessId, out long itemBusinessId))
item.BookingId = itemBusinessId;
var tenantId = accessor.HttpContext.Request.Headers["PushBackKey"].FirstOrDefault();
var tenantDb = saasService.GetBizDbScopeById(tenantId);
var businessId = item.BookingId;
var list = await tenantDb.Queryable<BookingStatus>().Filter(null, true)
.InnerJoin<SysDictData>((d, t) => d.StatusCode == t.Value && t.TypeId == 1788810332945387520 && d.StatusGroup == "booking_status_group_billtrace"
&& d.BusinessId == businessId, "shippingweb8_dev.sys_dict_data")
.Select((d, t) => new
BusinessId = d.BusinessId,
StatusCode = d.StatusCode,
StatusName = d.StatusName,
StatusTime = d.StatusTime,
Name = t.Name,
Value = t.Value
// var list = await tenantDb.Queryable<BookingStatus>().Filter(null, true).Where(x=>x.StatusGroup == "booking_status_group_billtrace" && x.BusinessId == businessId).Select(d=> new
// BusinessId = d.BusinessId,
// StatusCode = d.StatusCode,
// StatusName = d.StatusName,
// StatusTime = d.StatusTime
var oldLog = await tenantDb.Queryable<BookingStatusLog>().Where(x => x.BusinessId == businessId && x.Group == "yunzong").FirstAsync();
if (oldLog.IsNotNull()) {
var oldLogDetails = await tenantDb.Queryable<BookingStatusLogDetail>().Where(x => x.PId == oldLog.Id).ToListAsync();
if (oldLogDetails.Count > 0)
await tenantDb.Deleteable(oldLogDetails).ExecuteCommandAsync();
await tenantDb.Deleteable(oldLog).ExecuteCommandAsync();
#region 日志
var statusLog = new BookingStatusLog()
BusinessId = businessId,
Group = "yunzong",
Status = item.Status,
OpTime = item.OpTime,
await tenantDb.Insertable(statusLog).ExecuteCommandAsync();
if (item.detail != null && item.detail.Count > 0)
foreach (var dt in item.detail)
var logDetail = new BookingStatusLogDetail()
PId = statusLog.Id,
Status = dt.Status,
OpTime = dt.OPTime
await tenantDb.Insertable(logDetail).ExecuteCommandAsync();
if (item.Status == "提箱")
//await _bookingorderservice.AutoYardData(item.BookingId);
//#region 推送已提箱状态
////2023-12-28 JHQ 增加提箱推送状态
//DateTime opTime = DateTime.MinValue;
//if (item.detail != null && item.detail.Count > 0 && item.detail.Any(x => x.OPTime.HasValue))
// opTime = item.detail.Where(x => x.OPTime.HasValue).Max(x => x.OPTime.Value);
//var pushModel = new ModifyServiceProjectStatusDto
// BookingId = businessId,
// SourceType = TrackingSourceTypeEnum.AUTO,
// StatusCodes = new List<ModifyServiceProjectStatusDetailDto> {
// new ModifyServiceProjectStatusDetailDto { StatusCode = "YTX" } }
//if (opTime != DateTime.MinValue)
// pushModel.StatusCodes[0].SetActDate = opTime;
//var saveStatusRlt = await _bookingValueAddedService.SaveServiceStatus(pushModel);
//_logger.Info("请求JSON={json} 异步推送服务状态完成,结果={rlt}", JSON.Serialize(pushModel), JSON.Serialize(saveStatusRlt));
#region 订舱状态
if (item.Status == "舱单")
if (list.Where(x => x.Value == "status_cangdan").FirstOrDefault() == null)
var bookingStatus = new BookingStatus()
BusinessId = businessId,
StatusCode = "status_cangdan",
StatusName = dicList.Where(x => x.Value == "status_cangdan").Select(x => x.Name).First(),
StatusTime = item.OpTime,
StatusGroup = "booking_status_group_billtrace"
await tenantDb.Insertable(bookingStatus).ExecuteCommandAsync();
//2023-12-28 JHQ 增加舱单放行推送状态
await seaComService.SetGoodsStatus("CDFX", item.BookingId, tenantDb);
if (item.Status == "海关放行")
if (list.Where(x => x.Value == "status_haifang").FirstOrDefault() == null)
var bookingStatus = new BookingStatus()
BusinessId = businessId,
StatusCode = "status_haifang",
StatusName = dicList.Where(x => x.Value == "status_haifang").Select(x => x.Name).First(),
StatusTime = item.OpTime,
StatusGroup = "booking_status_group_billtrace"
await tenantDb.Insertable(bookingStatus).ExecuteCommandAsync();
await seaComService.SetGoodsStatus("BG", item.BookingId, tenantDb);
if (item.Status == "装载")
if (list.Where(x => x.Value == "status_zhuangzai").FirstOrDefault() == null)
var bookingStatus = new BookingStatus()
BusinessId = businessId,
StatusCode = "status_zhuangzai",
StatusName = dicList.Where(x => x.Value == "status_zhuangzai").Select(x => x.Name).First(),
StatusTime = item.OpTime,
StatusGroup = "booking_status_group_billtrace"
await tenantDb.Insertable(bookingStatus).ExecuteCommandAsync();
await seaComService.SetGoodsStatus("ZZFX", item.BookingId, tenantDb);
if (item.Status == "码放")
if (list.Where(x => x.Value == "status_mafang").FirstOrDefault() == null)
var bookingStatus = new BookingStatus()
BusinessId = businessId,
StatusCode = "status_mafang",
StatusName = dicList.Where(x => x.Value == "status_mafang").Select(x => x.Name).First(),
StatusTime = item.OpTime,
StatusGroup = "booking_status_group_billtrace"
await tenantDb.Insertable(bookingStatus).ExecuteCommandAsync();
await seaComService.SetGoodsStatus("MTFX", item.BookingId, tenantDb);
if (item.Status == "装船")
if (list.Where(x => x.Value == "status_zhuangchuan").FirstOrDefault() == null)
var bookingStatus = new BookingStatus()
BusinessId = businessId,
StatusCode = "status_zhuangchuan",
StatusName = dicList.Where(x => x.Value == "status_zhuangchuan").Select(x => x.Name).First(),
StatusTime = item.OpTime,
StatusGroup = "booking_status_group_billtrace"
await tenantDb.Insertable(bookingStatus).ExecuteCommandAsync();
if (item.Status == "ATD")
if (list.Where(x => x.Value == "status_atd").FirstOrDefault() == null)
var bookingStatus = new BookingStatus()
BusinessId = businessId,
StatusCode = "status_atd",
StatusName = dicList.Where(x => x.Value == "status_atd").Select(x => x.Name).First(),
StatusTime = item.OpTime,
StatusGroup = "booking_status_group_billtrace"
await tenantDb.Insertable(bookingStatus).ExecuteCommandAsync();
if (item.Status == "MDGETA")
if (list.Where(x => x.Value == "status_mdgeta").FirstOrDefault() == null)
var bookingStatus = new BookingStatus()
BusinessId = businessId,
StatusCode = "status_mdgeta",
StatusName = dicList.Where(x => x.Value == "status_mdgeta").Select(x => x.Name).First(),
StatusTime = item.OpTime,
StatusGroup = "booking_status_group_billtrace"
await tenantDb.Insertable(bookingStatus).ExecuteCommandAsync();
var order = tenantDb.Queryable<SeaExport>().Filter(null, true).Where(x => x.Id == businessId && x.Deleted == false).First();
if (order.ETA != item.OpTime && item.OpTime != null)
order.ETA = item.OpTime;
order.Note = "运踪回调更新ETA";
await tenantDb.Updateable(order).UpdateColumns(x => new
if (item.Status == "MDGATA")
if (list.Where(x => x.Value == "status_mdgata").FirstOrDefault() == null)
var bookingStatus = new BookingStatus()
BusinessId = businessId,
StatusCode = "status_mdgata",
StatusName = dicList.Where(x => x.Value == "status_mdgata").Select(x => x.Name).First(),
StatusTime = item.OpTime,
StatusGroup = "booking_status_group_billtrace"
await tenantDb.Insertable(bookingStatus).ExecuteCommandAsync();
var order = tenantDb.Queryable<SeaExport>().Filter(null, true).Where(x => x.Id == businessId && x.Deleted == false).First();
if (order.ATA != item.OpTime && item.OpTime != null)
order.ATA = item.OpTime;
order.Note = "运踪回调更新ATA";
await tenantDb.Updateable(order).UpdateColumns(x => new
#region 入港时间
if (item.Status == "入港")
if (list.Where(x => x.Value == "status_rugang").FirstOrDefault() == null)
var bookingStatus = new BookingStatus()
BusinessId = businessId,
StatusCode = "status_rugang",
StatusName = dicList.Where(x => x.Value == "status_rugang").Select(x => x.Name).First(),
StatusTime = item.OpTime,
StatusGroup = "booking_status_group_billtrace"
await tenantDb.Insertable(bookingStatus).ExecuteCommandAsync();
await seaComService.SetGoodsStatus("YRG", item.BookingId, tenantDb);
if (item.Status == "ATD" || item.Status == "ETD" || item.Status == "ATA" || item.Status == "ETA" || item.Status == "MDGETA" || item.Status == "MDGATA")
var config = await db.Queryable<SysConfig>().FirstAsync(x => x.Code == TenantParamCode.ENABLE_STATUS_TO_SAILING_DATE);
5 months ago
if (config.IsNotNull() && config.Value == "YES")
5 months ago
var order = await tenantDb.Queryable<SeaExport>().Where(x => x.Id == businessId && x.MBLNO == item.MBLNO).FirstAsync();
var oldOrder = order.Adapt<SeaExport>();
if (item.Status == "ATD")
5 months ago
// 2024-4-8 因为港捷需要,重新开启,并通过租户参数判断
5 months ago
if (order != null && item.OpTime != null && order.ATD != item.OpTime)
order.ATD = item.OpTime;
//order.Note = "运踪回调更新ATD";
await tenantDb.Updateable(order).UpdateColumns(x => new
5 months ago
// 记录日志
await seaComService.SaveSeaExportLogAsync(new SeaExportSaveLog()
OperateType = "Update",
OldOrder = oldOrder,
NewOrder = order,
SourceCode = "TraceUpdteATD",
SourceName = "运踪回调更新ATD",
}, tenantDb);
//await _bookingorderservice.SaveLog(newOrder, oldOrder, "运踪更新船期");
5 months ago
* 2023824ATD
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.VESSEL) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.VOYNO) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.CARRIERID))
// var order = await _rep.AsQueryable().Filter(null, true).Where(x => x.VOYNO == o.VOYNO && x.VESSEL == o.VESSEL && x.CARRIERID == o.CARRIERID && x.TenantId == o.TenantId && x.IsDeleted == false && x.Id != item.BookingId).ToListAsync();
// foreach (var it in order)
// {
// var _oldorder = it;
// var _oldatd = it.ATD;
// if (_oldatd != item.OpTime)
// {
// it.ATD = item.OpTime;
// await _rep.UpdateAsync(it);
// await _bookingorderservice.SaveLog(it, _oldorder);
// await _bookingorderservice.SendBookingOrder(new long[] { it.Id });
// }
// }
else if (item.Status == "ETD")
if (order != null && item.OpTime != null && order.YgtETD != item.OpTime)
order.YgtETD = item.OpTime;
//order.Note = "运踪回调更新YgtETD";
await tenantDb.Updateable(order).UpdateColumns(x => new
// 记录日志
await seaComService.SaveSeaExportLogAsync(new SeaExportSaveLog()
OperateType = "Update",
OldOrder = oldOrder,
NewOrder = order,
SourceCode = "TraceUpdteYgtETD",
SourceName = "运踪回调更新YgtETD",
}, tenantDb);
//await _bookingorderservice.SaveLog(newOrder, oldOrder, "运踪更新船期");
else if (item.Status == "ATA")
if (order != null && item.OpTime != null && order.StartATA != item.OpTime)
order.StartATA = item.OpTime;
//order.Note = "运踪回调更新StartATA";
await tenantDb.Updateable(order).UpdateColumns(x => new
// 记录日志
await seaComService.SaveSeaExportLogAsync(new SeaExportSaveLog()
OperateType = "Update",
OldOrder = oldOrder,
NewOrder = order,
SourceCode = "TraceUpdteStartATA",
SourceName = "运踪回调更新StartATA",
}, tenantDb);
//await _bookingorderservice.SaveLog(newOrder, oldOrder, "运踪更新船期");
else if (item.Status == "ETA")
if (order != null && item.OpTime != null && order.StartETA != item.OpTime)
order.StartETA = item.OpTime;
//order.Note = "运踪回调更新StartETA";
await tenantDb.Updateable(order).UpdateColumns(x => new
// 记录日志
await seaComService.SaveSeaExportLogAsync(new SeaExportSaveLog()
OperateType = "Update",
OldOrder = oldOrder,
NewOrder = order,
SourceCode = "TraceUpdteStartETA",
SourceName = "运踪回调更新StartETA",
}, tenantDb);
//await _bookingorderservice.SaveLog(newOrder, oldOrder, "运踪更新船期");
else if (item.Status == "MDGETA")
if (order != null && item.OpTime != null && order.ETA != item.OpTime)
5 months ago
order.ETA = item.OpTime;
//order.Note = "运踪回调更新ETA";
await tenantDb.Updateable(order).UpdateColumns(x => new
5 months ago
// 记录日志
await seaComService.SaveSeaExportLogAsync(new SeaExportSaveLog()
OperateType = "Update",
OldOrder = oldOrder,
NewOrder = order,
SourceCode = "TraceUpdteMDGETA",
SourceName = "运踪回调更新ETA",
}, tenantDb);
//await _bookingorderservice.SaveLog(newOrder, oldOrder, "运踪更新船期");
5 months ago
else if (item.Status == "MDGATA")
if (order != null && item.OpTime != null && order.ATA != item.OpTime)
order.ATA = item.OpTime;
//order.Note = "运踪回调更新ATA";
await tenantDb.Updateable(order).UpdateColumns(x => new
5 months ago
// 记录日志
await seaComService.SaveSeaExportLogAsync(new SeaExportSaveLog()
OperateType = "Update",
OldOrder = oldOrder,
NewOrder = order,
SourceCode = "TraceUpdteMDGATA",
SourceName = "运踪更新船期ATA",
}, tenantDb);
//await _bookingorderservice.SaveLog(newOrder, oldOrder, "运踪更新船期");
5 months ago
5 months ago
catch (Exception ex)