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using DS.Module.Core;
using DS.Module.Core.Data;
using SqlSugar;
namespace DS.WMS.Core.TaskPlat.Entity
/// <summary>
/// 装货港未提箱通知
[SugarTable("task_pol_container_not_pickup", "装货港未提箱通知")]
5 months ago
public class TaskPolContainerNotPickup : BaseModelV2<long>
/// <summary>
/// 任务主键ID
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnDescription = "任务主键ID", IsNullable = false)]
public long TASK_ID { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 船名
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnDescription = "船名", IsNullable = true, Length = 30)]
public string? VESSEL { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 航次
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnDescription = "航次", IsNullable = true, Length = 20)]
public string? VOYNO { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 船公司
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnDescription = "船公司", IsNullable = true, Length = 50)]
public string? CARRIER { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 提单号
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnDescription = "提单号", IsNullable = true, Length = 64)]
public string? MBL_NO { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 订舱抬头
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnDescription = "订舱抬头", IsNullable = true, Length = 200)]
public string? BOOKING_CUSTOMER { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 订舱参考号
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnDescription = "订舱参考号", IsNullable = true, Length = 64)]
public string? BOOKING_REFERENCE { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 持约方抬头
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnDescription = "持约方抬头", IsNullable = true, Length = 200)]
public string? PRICE_OWNER { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 是否已转发客户 1-是 0-否
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnDescription = "是否已转发客户 1-是 0-否", IsNullable = true, Length = 1)]
4 months ago
public Nullable<bool> IS_TRANSFER_USER { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 最后转发客户邮件时间
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnDescription = "最后转发客户邮件时间", IsNullable = true)]
public DateTime? LST_TRANSFER_USER_DATE { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 最后转发客户邮件结果
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnDescription = "最后转发客户邮件结果", IsNullable = true, Length = 500)]
public string? LST_TRANSFER_NOTES { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 最后转发客户邮件状态 TEMP-暂存 SUCC-发送成功 FAILURE-发送失败
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnDescription = "最后转发客户邮件状态 TEMP-暂存 SUCC-发送成功 FAILURE-发送失败", IsNullable = true, Length = 20)]
public string? LST_STATUS { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 最后转发客户邮件状态名称
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnDescription = "最后转发客户邮件状态名称", IsNullable = true, Length = 50)]
public string? LST_STATUS_NAME { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 列表批次号
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnDescription = "列表批次号", IsNullable = true, Length = 64)]
public string? GROUP_BATCH_NO { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 是否列表最后项 1-是最后项 0-不是最后项
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnDescription = "是否列表最后项 1-是最后项 0-不是最后项", IsNullable = true, Length = 1)]
public UInt64? IS_LAST { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 订舱ID
/// </summary>
[SugarColumn(ColumnDescription = "订舱ID", IsNullable = true)]
public long? BOOKING_ID { get; set; }