You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using DS.Module.Core;
using DS.Module.Core.Extensions;
using DS.WMS.Core.Flow.Dtos;
using DS.WMS.Core.Flow.Entity;
using DS.WMS.Core.Flow.Interface;
using DS.WMS.Core.Op.Entity;
using DS.WMS.Core.Sys.Entity;
using Mapster;
using Masuit.Tools.Systems;
namespace DS.WMS.Core.Flow.Method;
/// <summary>
/// 租户端工作流实例管理
/// </summary>
public class ClientFlowInstanceService : FlowInstanceService, IClientFlowInstanceService
/// <summary>
/// 初始化
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serviceProvider"></param>
public ClientFlowInstanceService(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) : base(serviceProvider)
/// <summary>
/// 根据业务ID获取关联工作流
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">工作流类型</param>
/// /// <param name="businessType">业务类型</param>
/// <param name="ids">业务ID</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<List<FlowInstance>> GetInstanceByBSIdAsync(TaskBaseTypeEnum type, BusinessType? businessType = null, params long[] ids)
if (ids == null || ids.Length == 0)
return [];
return await Db.Queryable<FlowInstance>().Where(x => x.AuditType == type && ids.Contains(x.BusinessId) &&
(x.FlowStatus == FlowStatusEnum.Ready || x.FlowStatus == FlowStatusEnum.Running))
.WhereIF(businessType.HasValue, x => x.BusinessType == businessType)
.OrderByDescending(x => x.CreateTime).Take(1).ToListAsync();
protected override FlowInstance? BuildInstance(CreateFlowInstanceReq req)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(req.TemplateId.ToString()))
return null;
FlowTemplateTenant template = Db.Queryable<FlowTemplateTenant>().First(x => x.Id == req.TemplateId);
return template == null ? null : new FlowInstance
CustomName = template.Name,
TemplateId = template.Id,
BusinessId = req.BusinessId,
BusinessType = req.BusinessType,
PermissionId = template.PermissionId,
ColumnView = template.ColumnView,
Content = template.Content,
MarkerNotifyURL = template.MarkerNotifyURL,
CallbackURL = template.CallbackURL,
AuditType = template.AuditType
protected override string GetForkNodeMakers(FlowRuntime wfruntime, string forkNodeId)
string makerList = "";
var nextNode = wfruntime.NextNode;
var nextConditionNodeId = wfruntime.GetNextConditionNodeId(nextNode);
var nextConditionNode = wfruntime.ChildNodes.Find(x => x.Id == nextConditionNodeId);
if (nextConditionNode == null)
return makerList;
if (nextConditionNode.AssigneeType == "role")
var users = Db.Queryable<SysRoleUser>().Where(x =>
.Select(x => x.UserId).Distinct().ToList();
makerList = string.Join(",", users);
else if (nextConditionNode.AssigneeType == "user")
makerList = string.Join(",", nextConditionNode.Users);
return makerList;
protected override FlowRuntime CreateRuntimeService(FlowInstance instance)
return new FlowRuntime(instance, Db, TenantDb, User);
/// <summary>
/// 获取工作流实例信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="businessId">业务ID</param>
/// <param name="businessType">业务类型</param>
/// <param name="types">审批类型</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public DataResult<List<FlowInstanceRes>> GetFlowInstances(long businessId, BusinessType? businessType, params TaskBaseTypeEnum[]? types)
var query = Db.Queryable<FlowInstance>().Where(x => x.BusinessId == businessId && x.FlowStatus != FlowStatusEnum.Ready)
.WhereIF(businessType.HasValue, x => x.BusinessType == businessType.Value)
.WhereIF(types != null && types.Length > 0, x => types.Contains(x.AuditType.Value));
var list = query.Select(x => new FlowInstance
Id = x.Id,
Content = x.Content,
AuditType = x.AuditType,
FlowStatus = x.FlowStatus
var list2 = list.Select(x => x.Adapt<FlowInstanceRes>()).ToList();
foreach (var item in list2)
item.AuditTypeName = item.AuditType?.GetDescription();
return DataResult<List<FlowInstanceRes>>.Success(list2);
/// <summary>
/// 工作流审批
/// </summary>
/// <param name="info">工作流实例</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public DataResult AuditFlowInstance(FlowAuditInfo info)
ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(info, nameof(info));
if (info.Instance == null)
return DataResult.Failed("未能获取工作流", MultiLanguageConst.Operation_Failed);
if (info.Instance.FlowStatus == FlowStatusEnum.Approve)
return DataResult.Failed("该工作流已完成!", MultiLanguageConst.FlowInstanceFinished);
if (info.Instance.CallbackURL.IsNullOrEmpty())
var template = Db.Queryable<FlowTemplateTenant>().Where(x => x.Id == info.Instance.TemplateId)
.Select(x => new { x.MarkerNotifyURL, x.CallbackURL }).First();
info.Instance.CallbackURL = template.CallbackURL;
info.Instance.MarkerNotifyURL = template.MarkerNotifyURL;
return AuditFlowCore(info.Status, info.AuditNote, info.Instance);
public async Task<DataResult> WithdrawAsync(long[] ids, string? note = null)
long userId = long.Parse(User.UserId);
var userInfo = await Db.Queryable<SysUser>().Where(x => x.Id == userId).Select(x => new { x.Id, x.UserName }).FirstAsync();
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
await Db.Ado.BeginTranAsync();
var instances = ids.Select(x => new FlowInstance
ActivityId = FlowChild.END,
MakerList = string.Empty,
FlowStatus = FlowStatusEnum.Draft,
Deleted = true,
DeleteBy = userId,
DeleteTime = dt,
DeleteUserName = userInfo.UserName
await Db.Updateable(instances).UpdateColumns(x => new
var historys = ids.Select(x => new FlowInstanceHistory
InstanceId = x,
Content = $"【撤销】由{userInfo.UserName}撤销,备注:{note}",
Result = -1,
UserName = userInfo.UserName
await Db.Insertable(historys).ExecuteCommandAsync();
await Db.Ado.CommitTranAsync();
return DataResult.Successed("撤销成功!", MultiLanguageConst.FlowInstanceCancelSuccess);
catch (Exception ex)
await ex.LogAsync(Db);
await Db.Ado.RollbackTranAsync();
return DataResult.FailedWithDesc(MultiLanguageConst.Operation_Failed);