DsTruck.MsWlTruckEdit = function (config) {
Ext.applyIf(this, config);
var TruckNo;
Ext.extend(DsTruck.MsWlTruckEdit, Ext.Panel, {
ParentWin: null,
OpStatus: 'add',
StoreList: null,
EditRecord: null,
initUIComponents: function () {
this.serialNo = 0;
this.bodyDel = [];
this.cardDel = [];
this.carduseDel = [];
this.TruckMonthDel = [];
this.CARDGID = "";
this.storeTruckType = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumStore', {});
this.storeTruckType.load({ params: { enumTypeId: 99019} });
this.comboxTruckType = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumCombox', {
fieldLabel: '车辆类型',
store: this.storeTruckType,
name: 'TruckType'
this.storeNowStatus = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumStore', {});
this.storeNowStatus.load({ params: { enumTypeId: 99018} });
this.comboxNowStatus = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumCombox', {
fieldLabel: '当前状态',
store: this.storeNowStatus,
name: 'NowStatus'
this.storeVerifiType = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumStore', {});
this.storeVerifiType.load({ params: { enumTypeId: 99016} });
this.comboxVerifiType = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumCombox', {
fieldLabel: '年审类型',
store: this.storeVerifiType,
name: 'VerifiType'
this.storeInsureType = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumStore', {});
this.storeInsureType.load({ params: { enumTypeId: 99021} });
this.comboxInsureType = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumCombox', {
fieldLabel: '保险类型',
store: this.storeInsureType,
name: 'InsureType'
this.storeEmissions = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumStore', {});
this.storeEmissions.load({ params: { enumTypeId: 99031} });
this.comboxEmissions = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumCombox', {
fieldLabel: '车辆尾气排放',
store: this.storeEmissions,
name: 'Emissions'
this.storeBizProperty = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumStore', {});
this.storeBizProperty.load({ params: { enumTypeId: 99032} });
this.comboxBizProperty = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumCombox', {
fieldLabel: '营运性质',
store: this.storeBizProperty,
name: 'BizProperty'
this.storeProperty = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumStore', {});
this.storeProperty.load({ params: { enumTypeId: 99033} });
this.comboxProperty = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumCombox', {
fieldLabel: '车辆性质',
store: this.storeProperty,
name: 'Property'
this.storeFuelType = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumStore', {});
this.storeFuelType.load({ params: { enumTypeId: 99034} });
this.comboxFuelType = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumCombox', {
fieldLabel: '燃油类型',
store: this.storeFuelType,
name: 'FuelType'
this.storeYouLiaoType = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumStore', {});
this.storeYouLiaoType.load({ params: { enumTypeId: 99049} });
this.comboxYouLiaoType = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumCombox', {
fieldLabel: '油料类型',
store: this.storeYouLiaoType,
name: 'YouLiaoType',
valueField: 'EnumValueName',
displayField: 'EnumValueName'
this.storeCompany = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableStore', {
model: 'companymb', proxy: { url: '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetcompanyList' }
this.storeCompany.load({ params: { condition: ""} });
this.comboxCompany = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox', {
fieldLabel: '所属分公司',
forceSelection: true,
allowBlank: false,
store: this.storeCompany,
name: 'OrgCode',
valueField: 'code',
displayField: 'name'
this.storeDrvCode = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableStore', {
model: 'MsWlTruckRefMsWlDriver',
proxy: { url: '/TruckMng/MsWlTruck/GetDrvCodeList' }
this.comboxDrvCode = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox', {
fieldLabel: '驾驶员编码',
store: this.storeDrvCode,
name: 'DrvCode',
valueField: 'DrvCode',
displayField: 'CodeAndName'
this.storeCustomerNameRef = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableStore', {
model: 'DsTruckMng.ux.CustomRefModel',
proxy: { url: '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetCustomRefList' }
this.storeCustomerNameRef.load({ params: { condition: ""} });
this.comboxCustomerNameRef = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox', {
store: this.storeCustomerNameRef,
fieldLabel: '所有者',
//forceSelection: true,
allowBlank: true,
name: 'OWNER',
valueField: 'GId',
displayField: 'CodeAndName'
this.formEdit = Ext.widget('form', {
region: 'center',
frame: true,
bodyPadding: 5,
fieldDefaults: {
margins: '2 2 2 2',
labelAlign: 'right',
flex: 1,
labelWidth: 100,
msgTarget: 'qtip'
items: [
{//fieldset 1
xtype: 'fieldset',
defaultType: 'textfield',
layout: 'anchor',
defaults: {
anchor: '100%'
items: [{
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'hbox',
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [{
fieldLabel: '驾驶员姓名',
name: 'DrvName', flex: 0, hidden: true, margins: '0'
}, {
fieldLabel: '所属车队',
name: 'TruncClass', flex: 0, hidden: true, margins: '0'
}, {
fieldLabel: '车牌号',
allowBlank: false,
name: 'TruckNo'
}, {
fieldLabel: '车辆型号',
allowBlank: false,
name: 'TruckSpec'
}, this.comboxTruckType
, {
labelWidth: 120,
fieldLabel: '关联车辆(车头)号',
//allowBlank: false,
}, {
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'hbox',
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [{
fieldLabel: '车辆颜色',
allowBlank: false,
name: 'TrunkColor'
}, {
fieldLabel: '车辆品牌',
allowBlank: false,
name: 'TrunkBrand'
}, {
fieldLabel: '载重量',
xtype: 'numberfield',
allowBlank: false,
name: 'LoadCount'
}, {
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'hbox',
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [{
fieldLabel: '车架号',
name: 'CjNo'
}, {
fieldLabel: '发动机号',
name: 'FdjNo'
}, {
fieldLabel: '购置日期',
format: 'Y-m-d',
xtype: 'datefield',
name: 'GzDate'
}, {
fieldLabel: '报废日期',
format: 'Y-m-d',
xtype: 'datefield',
name: 'BfDate'
}, {
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'hbox',
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [this.comboxDrvCode, this.comboxNowStatus, {
fieldLabel: '二期维护日期',
format: 'Y-m-d',
xtype: 'datefield',
name: 'Level2Date'
}, {
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'hbox',
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [{
fieldLabel: '年审到期日',
format: 'Y-m-d',
xtype: 'datefield',
name: 'NsDqDate'
}, this.comboxVerifiType, this.comboxEmissions
}, {
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'hbox',
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [this.comboxBizProperty, {
fieldLabel: '车籍',
name: 'NativeAddr'
}, this.comboxProperty
}, {
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'hbox',
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [this.comboxFuelType, {
fieldLabel: '管理单位',
name: 'MngOrg'
}, this.comboxCompany/*,{
fieldLabel: '组织编码',
name: 'OrgCode', flex: 0, hidden: true, margins: '0'
}, {
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'hbox',
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [{
fieldLabel: '吊车百吨油耗',
name: 'CraneFuel'
}, {
fieldLabel: '自卸车倾斜油耗',
name: 'UnloadFuel'
}, {
fieldLabel: '自卸车基础油耗',
name: 'BasisFuel'
}, {
fieldLabel: '自卸车吨公里油耗',
name: 'TonMilFuel'
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'hbox',
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [this.comboxYouLiaoType,{
fieldLabel: '备注',
name: 'Remark', flex: 1
}, {
fieldLabel: '工作地编号',
name: 'WORKNO'
}, this.comboxCustomerNameRef
]//end items(fieldset 1)
}//end fieldset 1
]//end root items
}); //end this.formEdit
this.panelBtn = new Ext.Panel({
region: "north",
tbar: [
text: "保存",
iconCls: "btnsave",
handler: function (button, event) {
scope: this
text: "保存并关闭",
handler: function (button, event) {
scope: this
text: "保存并新建",
handler: function (button, event) {
scope: this
}); //end 按钮Toolbar
//#region 明细表
this.storeLoadTypeRef = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumStore', {});
this.storeLoadTypeRef.load({ params: { enumTypeId: 99030} });
this.comboxLoadTypeRef = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumCombox', {
store: this.storeLoadTypeRef,
name: 'LoadType'
//#region 明细表 空驶/重驶
this.storeBodyList = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
model: 'MsWlTruckFuel',
remoteSort: false,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: '/TruckMng/MsWlTruck/GetBodyList',
reader: {
id: 'TruckNo,SerialNo',
root: 'data',
totalProperty: 'totalCount'
this.gridListCellEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 1
this.gridList = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store: this.storeBodyList,
enableHdMenu: false,
region: 'center',
loadMask: { msg: "数据加载中,请稍等..." },
trackMouseOver: true,
disableSelection: false,
plugins: [this.gridListCellEditing],
selType: 'cellmodel',
tbar: [{
text: '增加明细',
tooltip: '增加明细',
iconCls: "btnadddetail",
handler: function (button, event) {
this.onAddDetailClick(button, event);
scope: this
}, '-', {
text: '删除明细',
tooltip: '删除明细',
iconCls: "btndeletedetail",
handler: function (button, event) {
this.onDelDetailClick(button, event);
scope: this
}/*, {
xtype: 'labelfield',
columns: [{
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'TruckNo', hidden: true,
header: '车牌号',
// hidden: true,
editor: {
xtype: 'textfield',
allowBlank: false,
selectOnFocus: true
width: 160
}, {
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'SerialNo',
header: '录入序号',
width: 60
}, {
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'LoadType',
header: '空驶/重驶方式',
renderer: function (value, p, record) {
if (value == null || value == '')
return '';
return value + '-' + record.data.LoadType_Ref;
editor: this.comboxLoadTypeRef,
width: 100
}, {
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'Condition1',
header: '条件1',
hidden: true,
width: 60
}, {
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'Ton1',
header: '吨位区间(从)<含此重量>',
editor: {
xtype: 'numberfield',
allowBlank: false,
selectOnFocus: true
width: 160
}, {
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'Condition2',
header: '条件2',
hidden: true,
width: 60
}, {
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'Ton2',
header: '吨位区间(至)<不含此重量>',
editor: {
xtype: 'numberfield',
allowBlank: false,
selectOnFocus: true
width: 160
}, {
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'FuelTotal',
header: '耗油量(百公里)',
editor: {
xtype: 'numberfield',
allowBlank: false,
selectOnFocus: true
width: 90
}, {
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'FuelPrice',
header: '耗油量2(千吨公里)',
editor: {
xtype: 'numberfield',
allowBlank: false,
selectOnFocus: true
width: 110
}, {
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'Remark',
header: '备注',
editor: {
xtype: 'textfield',
selectOnFocus: true
width: 200
//#region 明细表 其他费用
this.storeTruckFee = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
pageSize: 50,
model: 'MsWlTruckFeemb',
remoteSort: false,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: '/TruckMng/MsWlTruckFee/GetDataList',
reader: {
id: 'GID',
root: 'data',
totalProperty: 'totalCount'
this.gridTruckFee = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store: this.storeTruckFee,
enableHdMenu: false,
region: 'center',
loadMask: { msg: "数据加载中,请稍等..." },
trackMouseOver: true,
disableSelection: false,
features: [{
ftype: 'summary'//Ext.grid.feature.Summary表格汇总特性
//selModel: this.PCCB,
//plugins: [this.cellEditing],
columns: [new Ext.grid.RowNumberer(), {
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'GID', hidden: true,
header: 'GID',
width: 130
}, {
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'TruckNo',
header: '车号',
width: 85
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'FeeDate',
header: '费用日期',
width: 85,
renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('Y-m-d')
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'FeeName',
header: '费用名称',
editor: this.comboxFeeName,
width: 80
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'Amount',
header: '金额',
summaryType: 'sum',
width: 70
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'Remark',
header: '备注',
width: 120
sortable: true, hidden: true,
dataIndex: 'Inserted',
header: 'Inserted',
width: 80
// paging bar on the bottom
bbar: Ext.create('Ext.PagingToolbar', {
store: this.storeList,
displayInfo: true,
displayMsg: '当前显示 {0} - {1}条记录 /共 {2}条记录',
emptyMsg: "没有数据"
//#endregion 明细表
//#region 充值卡
this.storeCardType = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefEnumStore', {});
this.storeCardType.load({ params: { enumTypeId: 99045} });
this.comboxCardType = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox', {
//fieldLabel: '充值卡类型',
forceSelection: true,
store: this.storeCardType,
name: 'CARDTYPE',
valueField: 'EnumValueName',
displayField: 'EnumValueName',
//triggerAction: 'all',
selectOnFocus: true
this.storeCard = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
model: 'DsTruckMng.ux.CardModel',
remoteSort: false,
pruneModifiedRecords: true,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: '/TruckMng/Card/GetDataList',
reader: {
id: 'GID',
root: 'data',
totalProperty: 'totalCount'
this.CardColumns = [
sortable: true, hidden: true,
dataIndex: 'GID',
header: 'GID',
width: 80
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'CARDNO',
header: '卡号',
editor: {
xtype: 'textfield',
allowBlank: false,
selectOnFocus: true
width: 170
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'CARDTYPE',
header: '卡类型',
editor: this.comboxCardType
xtype: 'textfield',
allowBlank: false,
selectOnFocus: true
width: 70
sortable: true, hidden: true,
dataIndex: 'OP',
header: '所有者',
width: 80
sortable: true, hidden: true,
dataIndex: 'OWNGID',
header: 'OWNGID',
width: 80
sortable: true, hidden: true,
dataIndex: 'ISDELETE',
header: 'ISDELETE',
width: 80
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'REMAIN',
header: '剩余金额',
width: 80
this.cellEditingCard = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 1
this.cardCheckBoxModel = Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel');
var _this = this;
this.formCard = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store: this.storeCard,
enableHdMenu: false,
layout: 'border',
region: 'center',
loadMask: { msg: "数据加载中,请稍等..." },
trackMouseOver: true,
disableSelection: false,
plugins: [this.cellEditingCard],
selModel: this.cardCheckBoxModel,
multiSelect: false,
selType: 'cellmodel',
tbar: [{
text: '增加明细',
tooltip: '增加明细',
iconCls: "btnadddetail",
handler: function (button, event) {
this.onAddCardClick(button, event);
scope: this
}, '-', {
text: '删除明细',
tooltip: '删除明细',
iconCls: "btndeletedetail",
handler: function (button, event) {
this.onDelCardClick(button, event);
scope: this
}, '-', {
text: "保存",
iconCls: "btnsave",
handler: function (button, event) {
scope: this
columns: this.CardColumns
this.formCard.getSelectionModel().on('select', function (model, record, index) {
var CARDGID = record.data.GID;
this.storeCardUse.load({ params: { CARDGID: CARDGID} });
}, this);
//#region 充值卡使用
this.storeCardUse = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
model: 'DsTruckMng.ux.CardUseModel',
remoteSort: false,
pruneModifiedRecords: true,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: '/TruckMng/Card/GetUseList',
reader: {
id: 'GID',
root: 'data',
totalProperty: 'totalCount'
this.CardUseColumns = [
sortable: true, hidden: true,
dataIndex: 'GID',
header: 'GID',
width: 80
sortable: true, hidden: true,
dataIndex: 'CARDNO',
header: 'CARDNO',
width: 80
sortable: true, hidden: true,
dataIndex: 'CARDGID',
header: 'CARDGID',
width: 80
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'BILLNO',
header: '业务编号',
width: 150
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'OPERATE',
header: '业务操作',
width: 80,
editor: {
xtype: 'textfield',
allowBlank: false,
selectOnFocus: true
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'INNUM',
header: '充入',
width: 80,
editor: {
xtype: 'numberfield',
allowBlank: false,
selectOnFocus: true
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'OUTNUM',
header: '支出',
width: 80,
editor: {
xtype: 'numberfield',
allowBlank: false,
selectOnFocus: true
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'OPTIME',
header: '操作时间',
width: 140,
renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
editor: {
xtype: 'datetimefield',
selectOnFocus: true
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'REMARK',
header: '备注',
width: 80,
editor: {
xtype: 'textfield',
allowBlank: false,
selectOnFocus: true
this.cellEditingCardUse = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 1
this.CardUseCheckBoxModel = Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel');
var _this = this;
this.formCardUse = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store: this.storeCardUse,
enableHdMenu: false,
region: 'center',
loadMask: { msg: "数据加载中,请稍等..." },
trackMouseOver: true,
disableSelection: false,
plugins: [this.cellEditingCardUse],
selModel: this.CardUseCheckBoxModel,
selType: 'cellmodel',
tbar: [{
text: '增加明细',
tooltip: '增加明细',
iconCls: "btnadddetail",
handler: function (button, event) {
var CARDGID = "";
var records = this.formCard.selModel.getSelection();
if (records.length == 0) {
OWNGID = records[0].data.OWNGID;
if (OWNGID == "") {
scope: this
}, {
text: '删除明细',
tooltip: '删除明细',
iconCls: "btndeletedetail",
handler: function (button, event) {
var records = this.formCard.selModel.getSelection();
var OWNGID = records[0].data.OWNGID;
var CARDGID = records[0].data.GID;
this.onDelCardUseClick(CARDGID, OWNGID);
scope: this
}, '-', {
text: '保存充值卡使用信息',
tooltip: '仅可保存修改充值卡的充值信息。',
iconCls: "btnsave",
handler: function (button, event) {
var CARDGID = "";
var records = this.formCard.selModel.getSelection();
var CARDGID = records[0].data.GID;
var OWNGID = records[0].data.OWNGID;
if (OWNGID == "") {
this.onSaveCardUseClick(CARDGID, OWNGID);
scope: this
columns: this.CardUseColumns
//#region 车辆月度信息
this.storeTruckMonth = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
model: 'TruckMonthmb',
remoteSort: false,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: '/TruckMng/MsWlTruck/GetTruckMonthList',
reader: {
id: 'GID',
root: 'data',
totalProperty: 'totalCount'
this.TruckMonthColumns = [
sortable: true, hidden: true,
dataIndex: 'GID', readOnly: true,
header: 'GID',
width: 80
sortable: true, hidden: true,
dataIndex: 'TRUCKNO', readOnly: true,
header: 'TRUCKNO',
width: 80
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'ACCDATE',
header: '会计期间',
width: 80,
renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('Y-m'),
editor: {
xtype: 'monthfield',
selectOnFocus: true,
renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('Y-m')
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'ZJF',
header: '折旧费',
width: 80,
editor: {
xtype: 'numberfield',
allowBlank: false,
selectOnFocus: true,
minValue: 0
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'BXF',
header: '车辆保险',
width: 80,
editor: {
xtype: 'numberfield',
allowBlank: false,
selectOnFocus: true,
minValue: 0
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'GZCR', hidden: true,
header: '工作车日',
width: 80,
editor: {
xtype: 'numberfield',
allowBlank: false,
selectOnFocus: true,
minValue: 0
sortable: true, hidden: true,
dataIndex: 'XLCR',
header: '修理车日',
width: 80
sortable: true, hidden: true,
dataIndex: 'ZCR',
header: '总车日',
width: 80,
editor: {
xtype: 'numberfield',
allowBlank: false,
selectOnFocus: true,
minValue: 0
this.cellEditingTruckMonth = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 1
this.TruckMonthCheckBoxModel = Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel');
var _this = this;
this.formTruckMonth = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store: this.storeTruckMonth,
enableHdMenu: false,
layout: 'border',
region: 'center',
loadMask: { msg: "数据加载中,请稍等..." },
trackMouseOver: true,
disableSelection: false,
plugins: [this.cellEditingTruckMonth],
selModel: this.TruckMonthCheckBoxModel,
multiSelect: false,
selType: 'cellmodel',
tbar: [{
text: '增加明细',
tooltip: '增加明细',
iconCls: "btnadddetail",
handler: function (button, event) {
this.onAddTruckMonthClick(button, event);
scope: this
}, '-', {
text: '删除明细',
tooltip: '删除明细',
iconCls: "btndeletedetail",
handler: function (button, event) {
this.onDelTruckMonthClick(button, event);
scope: this
}, '-', {
text: "保存",
iconCls: "btnsave",
handler: function (button, event) {
scope: this
columns: this.TruckMonthColumns
//var billno = this.editRecord.get('TruckNo');
this.storeTruckCert = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
model: 'TruckCert',
remoteSort: false,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: '/TruckMng/MsWlTruck/GetTruckCertList',
reader: {
id: 'GID',
root: 'data',
totalProperty: 'totalCount'
//this.storeTruckCert.load({ params: { start: 0, limit: 9999, TruckNo: TruckNo} });
this.TruckMonthColumns = [
sortable: true, hidden: true,
dataIndex: 'GID', readOnly: true,
header: 'GID',
width: 80
}, {
sortable: true, hidden: false,
dataIndex: 'CertTypeName', readOnly: true,
header: '证件类型',
width: 80
}, {
sortable: true, hidden: false,
dataIndex: 'Pic_Name', readOnly: true,
header: '文件名称',
width: 80
}, {
sortable: true, hidden: true,
dataIndex: 'Pic_Type', readOnly: true,
header: 'Pic_Type',
width: 80
}, {
sortable: true, hidden: false,
dataIndex: 'UpdateTime', readOnly: true,
header: '上传日期',
width: 80
}, {
sortable: true, hidden: false,
dataIndex: 'Operator', readOnly: true,
header: '上传者',
width: 80
sortable: true, hidden: true,
dataIndex: 'Pic_Path',
header: 'Pic_Path',
width: 80
}, {
xtype: 'actioncolumn',
width: 50,
text: "操作",
items: [{
icon: '/images/icons/btnSearch.gif', // Use a URL in the icon config
tooltip: '预览',
handler: function (grid, rowIndex, colIndex) {
var rec = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex);
var filePath = "/Areas/TruckMng/CertImages/" + rec.get('TruckNo') + '/' + rec.get('Pic_Name');
var imgView = new DsTruck.CertView({ filePath: filePath });
var selCertModel = Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel');
this.formTruckCert = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store: this.storeTruckCert,
enableHdMenu: false,
layout: 'border',
region: 'center',
loadMask: { msg: "数据加载中,请稍等..." },
trackMouseOver: true,
disableSelection: false,
selModel: selCertModel,
singleSelect: true,
selType: 'rowmodel',
tbar: [{
text: '上传证件图片',
tooltip: '上传证件图片',
iconCls: "btnadddetail",
handler: function (button, event) {
this.onAddTruckCertClick(button, event);
scope: this
}, '-', {
text: '删除',
tooltip: '删除证件图片',
iconCls: "btndeletedetail",
handler: function (button, event) {
this.onDelTruckCertClick(button, event);
scope: this
columns: this.TruckMonthColumns
//#region 布局
this.panelTop = new Ext.Panel({
layout: "border",
region: 'north',
margin: '1 1',
height: 310,
split: true,
items: [this.panelBtn, this.formEdit]
this.panelCardList = new Ext.Panel({
// title: '货物信息和许可证使用',
layout: "border",
region: 'west',
margin: '0 0',
//height: 450,
width: 330,
split: true,
items: [this.formCard]
this.panelCardUse = new Ext.Panel({
// title: '货物信息和许可证使用',
layout: "border",
region: 'center',
margin: '0 0',
//height: 450,
width: 450,
split: true,
items: [this.formCardUse]
this.panelCard = new Ext.Panel({
layout: "border",
region: 'center',
margin: '0 0',
//height: 260, //width: 450,
split: true,
items: [this.panelCardList, this.panelCardUse]
this.page_1 = new Ext.Panel({
id: "page_1",
title: "油耗信息",
autoScroll: true,
layout: "border",
region: 'center',
items: [this.gridList]
this.page_2 = new Ext.Panel({
id: "page_2",
title: "其他费用查询",
layout: "border",
region: 'center',
items: [this.gridTruckFee]
this.page_3 = new Ext.Panel({
id: "page_3",
title: "充值卡管理",
layout: "border",
region: 'center',
items: [this.panelCard]
this.page_4 = new Ext.Panel({
id: "page_4",
title: "车辆月度费用管理",
layout: "border",
region: 'center',
items: [this.formTruckMonth]
this.page_5 = new Ext.Panel({
id: "page_5",
title: "车辆证件上传",
layout: "border",
region: 'center',
items: [this.formTruckCert]
this.MainTab = new Ext.tab.Panel({
layout: "border",
region: "center", split: true,
items: [
this.page_1, this.page_2, this.page_3, this.page_4, this.page_5
Ext.apply(this, {
items: [this.panelTop, this.MainTab]
this.ParentWin = window.parent.opener;
this.gridList.on('edit', function (editor, e, eOpts) {
this.gridAfterEdit(editor, e, eOpts);
}, this);
this.cellEditingCardUse.on('beforeedit', function (editor, e) {
return this.CardUseBeforeEdit(editor, e);
}, this);
}, //end initUIComponents
InitData: function () {
this.opStatus = 'add';
var condition = '';
if (this.ParentWin) {
var ret = this.ParentWin.OprationSwap();
this.opStatus = ret[0];
this.StoreList = ret[1];
this.editRecord = ret[2];
if (this.opStatus == 'edit')
condition = " TruckNo='" + this.editRecord.get('TruckNo') + "'";
this.LoadData(this.opStatus, condition);
}, //end InitData
LoadData: function (opstatus, condition) {
this.serialNo = 0;
this.bodyDel = [];
this.opStatus = opstatus;
waitMsg: '正在查询主表数据...',
url: '/TruckMng/MsWlTruck/GetData',
params: {
handle: opstatus,
condition: condition
callback: function (options, success, response) {
if (success) {
var result = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
if (!result.Success) {
title: '提示',
msg: result.Message,
icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR,
buttons: Ext.Msg.OK
var data = result.data;
TruckNo = data.TruckNo;
this.storeTruckCert.load({ params: { start: 0, limit: 9999, TruckNo: TruckNo} });
} else {
Ext.MessageBox.alert('请求出现错误,请重试', response.responseText);
scope: this
var billno = '*';
if (this.opStatus == 'edit') {
TruckNo = this.editRecord.get('TruckNo');
billno = this.editRecord.get('TruckNo');
params: { start: 0, limit: 50, sort: '', condition: "TruckNo='" + this.editRecord.get('TruckNo') + "'" },
waitMsg: "正在查询数据...",
scope: this
params: { condition: "TruckNo='" + this.editRecord.get('TruckNo') + "'" },
waitMsg: "正在查询数据...",
scope: this
this.storeBodyList.load({ params: { billno: billno} });
this.storeCard.load({ params: { OWNGID: billno} });
}, // end LoadDate
Save: function (type) {
var basicForm = this.formEdit.getForm();
if (!basicForm.isValid()) {
var data = basicForm.getValues();
var bodydatas = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.storeBodyList.getCount(); i += 1) {
var member = this.storeBodyList.getAt(i);
var jsonBody = ConvertRecordsToJson(bodydatas);
var jsonDelBody = ConvertRecordsToJsonAll(this.bodyDel);
var Carddatas = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.storeCard.getCount(); i += 1) {
var member = this.storeCard.getAt(i);
var CardjsonBody = ConvertRecordsToJson(Carddatas);
var CardjsonDelBody = ConvertRecordsToJsonAll(this.cardDel);
var TruckMonthdatas = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.storeTruckMonth.getCount(); i += 1) {
var member = this.storeTruckMonth.getAt(i);
var Y = member.data.ACCDATE.getFullYear();
var M = member.data.ACCDATE.getMonth() + 1;
var _M = "";
if (M < 10) {
_M = "0" + M;
} else {
_M = "" + M;
member.data.ACCDATE = Y + '-' + _M;
var TruckMonthjsonBody = ConvertRecordsToJson(TruckMonthdatas);
var TruckMonthjsonDelBody = ConvertRecordsToJsonAll(this.TruckMonthDel);
Ext.Msg.wait('正在保存数据, 请稍侯..');
waitMsg: '正在保存数据...',
url: '/TruckMng/MsWlTruck/Save',
scope: this,
params: {
opstatus: this.opStatus,
data: Ext.JSON.encode(data),
body: jsonBody,
delbody: jsonDelBody,
Cardbody: CardjsonBody,
Carddelbody: CardjsonDelBody,
TruckMonthbody: TruckMonthjsonBody,
TruckMonthdelbody: TruckMonthjsonDelBody
callback: function (options, success, response) {
if (success) {
var jsonresult = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
TruckNo = jsonresult.Data.TruckNo;
if (jsonresult.Success) {
var returnData = jsonresult.Data;
if (this.opStatus == 'add') {
var arrNewRecords = this.StoreList.add(returnData);
this.editRecord = arrNewRecords[0];
else if (this.opStatus == 'edit') {
var editp = Ext.create('MsWlTruck', returnData);
this.editRecord.fields.each(function (field) {
if (field.persist) {
name = field.name;
if (name != 'id')
this.editRecord.set(name, editp.get(name));
}, this);
if (type == '0') {
this.opStatus = 'edit';
for (var j = 0; j < this.storeBodyList.getCount(); j += 1) {
var memberbody = this.storeBodyList.getAt(j);
memberbody.set("TruckNo", this.editRecord.get('TruckNo'));
} else if (type == '1') {
} else {
this.LoadData('add', '');
this.storeCard.load({ params: { OWNGID: returnData.TruckNo} });
params: { condition: "TruckNo='" + returnData.TruckNo + "'" },
waitMsg: "正在查询数据...",
scope: this
} else {
Ext.Msg.show({ title: '错误', msg: jsonresult.Message, icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
} else {
Ext.Msg.show({ title: '请重试',
msg: '服务器响应出错',
icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK
}, //end save
onAddDetailClick: function (button, event) {
}, //end onAddDetailClick
onDelDetailClick: function (button, event) {
}, //onDelDetailClick
gridAfterEdit: function (editor, e, eOpts) {
if (e.field == 'LoadType') {
var records = DsStoreQueryBy(this.storeLoadTypeRef, 'EnumValueId', e.value);
if (records.getCount() > 0) {
var data = records.getAt(0).data;
e.record.set('LoadType_Ref', data.EnumValueName);
} else {
e.record.set('LoadType_Ref', '');
addDetail: function () {
var newSerialno = DsGetNewSerialNo(this.storeBodyList, this.serialNo);
this.serialNo = newSerialno;
var loadType = "1";
var loadTypeRef = "重驶";
var records = DsStoreQueryBy(this.storeLoadTypeRef, 'EnumValueId', loadType);
if (records.getCount() > 0) {
var data = records.getAt(0).data;
loadTypeRef = data.EnumValueName;
var record = Ext.create('MsWlTruckFuel', {
TruckNo: '',
SerialNo: newSerialno,
LoadType: loadType,
LoadType_Ref: loadTypeRef,
Condition1: ">=",
Ton1: 0,
Condition2: "<",
Ton2: 0,
FuelTotal: 0,
Remark: ''
var n = this.storeBodyList.getCount();
this.gridListCellEditing.startEditByPosition({ row: n - 1, column: 2 });
deleteDetail: function () {
this.serialNo = DsGetCurSerialNo(this.storeBodyList, this.serialNo);
var selectedRecords = this.gridList.selModel.getSelection();
for (var i = 0; i < selectedRecords.length; i++) {
var rec = selectedRecords[i];
if (rec.BillNo != "" || rec.BillNo != "*") //如果是新增但没有保存的数据,没有必要提交到后台
onAddCardClick: function () {
var record = Ext.create('DsTruckMng.ux.CardModel', {
GID: NewGuid(),
OP: "",
var n = this.storeCard.getCount();
this.cellEditingCard.startEditByPosition({ row: n - 1, column: 2 });
onDelCardClick: function () {
var selectedRecords = this.formCard.selModel.getSelection();
if (this.storeCardUse.getCount()>0){
var selections = this.formCard.getSelectionModel().getSelection();
if (selections.length == 0) {
Ext.Msg.show({ title: '提示', msg: '请先选择卡片!', icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
var _L = selections.length;
var UseCount = "0";
var OWNGID = this.editRecord.get('TruckNo');
Ext.MessageBox.confirm('提示', '确定删除这' + _L + '条记录吗?', function (btn) {
if (btn == 'yes') {
//var record = selections[0];
for (var i = 0; i < _L; i++) {
var record = selections[i];
var GID = record.data.GID;
waitMsg: '正在查询数据...',
url: '/TruckMng/Card/SearchCardUse',
scope: this,
async: false,
params: { GID: GID },
waitMsg: "正在查询数据...",
callback: function (options, success, response) {
if (success) {
var jsonresult = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
var returnData = jsonresult.data;
UseCount = returnData;
} else {
Ext.Msg.show({ title: '请重试',
msg: '服务器响应出错',
icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK
if (UseCount != "0") {
} else {
waitMsg: '正在删除数据...',
url: '/TruckMng/Card/DeleteCard',
params: {
callback: function (options, success, response) {
if (success) {
var jsonresult = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
if (jsonresult.Success) {
//Ext.Msg.show({ title: '提示', msg: jsonresult.Message, icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
else {
Ext.Msg.show({ title: '错误', msg: jsonresult.Message, icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
failure: function (response, options) {
Ext.Msg.show({ title: '警告', msg: '服务器响应出错,请重试', icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
success: function (response, options) {
scope: this
}); //end Ext.Ajax.request
//if (i >= _L ) {
// Ext.Msg.show({ title: '提示', msg: "数据删除结束", icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
this.storeCard.load({ params: { OWNGID: OWNGID} });
//Ext.Msg.show({ title: '提示', msg: "数据删除结束", icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
//this.onRefreshClick(button, event);
}, this);
onAddCardUseClick: function (CARDGID) {
function GetDateStr(AddDayCount) {
var dd = new Date();
dd.setDate(dd.getDate() + AddDayCount); //获取AddDayCount天后的日期
var y = dd.getFullYear();
var m = dd.getMonth() + 1; //获取当前月份的日期
var d = dd.getDate();
return y + "-" + m + "-" + d;
var EnterDate = GetDateStr(0);
var record = Ext.create('DsTruckMng.ux.CardUseModel', {
GID: NewGuid(),
OPERATE: "充值",
INNUM: "0",
OUTNUM: "0",
OPTIME: EnterDate,
var n = this.storeCardUse.getCount();
this.cellEditingCardUse.startEditByPosition({ row: n - 1, column: 2 });
onDelCardUseClick: function (CARDGID, OWNGID) {
var selectedRecords = this.formCardUse.selModel.getSelection();
var selections = this.formCardUse.getSelectionModel().getSelection();
if (selections.length == 0) {
Ext.Msg.show({ title: '提示', msg: '请先选择充值卡使用明细!', icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
var _L = selections.length;
for (var i = 0; i < _L; i++) {
var record = selections[i];
if (record.data.OPERATE == "路单使用") {
Ext.MessageBox.confirm('提示', '确定删除这' + _L + '条记录吗?', function (btn) {
if (btn == 'yes') {
//var record = selections[0];
for (var i = 0; i < _L; i++) {
var record = selections[i];
var GID = record.data.GID;
waitMsg: '正在删除数据...',
async: false,
url: '/TruckMng/Card/DeleteCardUse',
params: {
callback: function (options, success, response) {
if (success) {
var jsonresult = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
if (jsonresult.Success) {
//Ext.Msg.show({ title: '提示', msg: jsonresult.Message, icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
else {
Ext.Msg.show({ title: '错误', msg: jsonresult.Message, icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
failure: function (response, options) {
Ext.Msg.show({ title: '警告', msg: '服务器响应出错,请重试', icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
success: function (response, options) {
scope: this
}); //end Ext.Ajax.request
//Ext.Msg.show({ title: '提示', msg: "数据删除结束", icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
var _this = this;
async: false,
params: { OWNGID: OWNGID },
callback: function (options, success, response) {
for (var i = 0; i < _this.storeCard.getCount(); i += 1) {
var member = _this.storeCard.getAt(i);
if (member.data.GID == CARDGID) {
}, this);
onSaveCardUseClick: function (CARDGID, OWNGID) {
var bodyCardUse = [];
for (i = 0; i < this.storeCardUse.getCount(); i += 1) {
var memberyf = this.storeCardUse.getAt(i);
var jsonCardUseBody = ConvertRecordsToJson(bodyCardUse);
var jsonCardUseDelBody = ConvertRecordsToJsonAll(this.carduseDel);
if (jsonCardUseBody == "" && jsonCardUseDelBody == "") {
Ext.Msg.wait('正在保存数据, 请稍侯..');
waitMsg: '正在保存数据...',
url: '/TruckMng/Card/SaveCardUse',
scope: this,
params: {
, CardUsebody: jsonCardUseBody
, CardUseDelbody: jsonCardUseDelBody
callback: function (options, success, response) {
if (success) {
var jsonresult = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
if (jsonresult.Success) {
var returnData = jsonresult.Data;
var _this = this;
async: false,
params: { OWNGID: OWNGID },
callback: function (options, success, response) {
for (var i = 0; i < _this.storeCard.getCount(); i += 1) {
var member = _this.storeCard.getAt(i);
if (member.data.GID == CARDGID) {
} else {
Ext.Msg.show({ title: '错误', msg: jsonresult.Message, icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
} else {
Ext.Msg.show({ title: '请重试',
msg: '服务器响应出错',
icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK
CardUseBeforeEdit: function (editor, e) {
var OPERATE = e.record.get('OPERATE');
var canedit = true;
if (OPERATE == "路单使用") {
canedit = false;
return canedit;
onAddTruckMonthClick: function () {
var record = Ext.create('TruckMonthmb', {
GID: NewGuid(),
ZJF: "0",
BXF: "0",
GZCR: "0",
XLCR: "0",
ZCR: "0"
var n = this.storeTruckMonth.getCount();
this.cellEditingTruckMonth.startEditByPosition({ row: n - 1, column: 2 });
onDelTruckMonthClick: function () {
var selectedRecords = this.formTruckMonth.selModel.getSelection();
for (var i = 0; i < selectedRecords.length; i++) {
var rec = selectedRecords[i];
if (rec.TRUCKNO != "" || rec.TRUCKNO != "*") //如果是新增但没有保存的数据,没有必要提交到后台
onAddTruckCertClick: function () {
if (TruckNo == '') {
Ext.MessageBox.alert('提示', '请先保存车辆基本信息!');
var winAccess = new DsTruck.CertUpload({});
winAccess.TruckNo = TruckNo;
}, ReflashEdt: function () {
this.storeTruckCert.load({ params: { start: 0, limit: 9999, TruckNo: TruckNo} });
}, onDelTruckCertClick: function () {
var selections = this.formTruckCert.getSelectionModel().getSelection();
if (selections.length == 0) {
Ext.Msg.show({ title: '提示', msg: '请先选择要删除的数据!', icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
var record = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < selections.length; i++) {
Ext.MessageBox.confirm('提示', '确定删除该记录吗?', function (btn) {
if (btn == 'yes') {
waitMsg: '正在删除数据...',
url: '/TruckMng/MsWlTruck/CertDel',
params: {
data: Ext.JSON.encode(record)
callback: function (options, success, response) {
if (success) {
var jsonresult = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
if (jsonresult.Success) {
Ext.Msg.show({ title: '提示', msg: jsonresult.Message, icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
else {
Ext.Msg.show({ title: '提示', msg: jsonresult.Message, icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
failure: function (response, options) {
Ext.Msg.show({ title: '警告', msg: '服务器响应出错,请重试', icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
success: function (response, options) {
scope: this
}); //end Ext.Ajax.request
}, this);