Ext . namespace ( 'DsTruck' ) ;
var C _cargoinfo _id = "" ;
var HTHCount = 0 ;
var APPUsingCount = 0 ;
DsTruck . MsOpAirn _Freight _Edit = function ( config ) {
Ext . applyIf ( this , config ) ;
this . initUIComponents ( ) ;
window . DsTruck . MsOpAirn _Freight _Edit . superclass . constructor . call ( this ) ;
} ;
Date . prototype . format = function ( format ) {
var o = {
"M+" : this . getMonth ( ) + 1 , //month
"d+" : this . getDate ( ) , //day
"h+" : this . getHours ( ) , //hour
"m+" : this . getMinutes ( ) , //minute
"s+" : this . getSeconds ( ) , //sedcond
"q+" : Math . floor ( ( this . getMonth ( ) + 3 ) / 3 ) , //quarter
"S" : this . getMilliseconds ( ) //millisecond
if ( /(y+)/ . test ( format ) ) format = format . replace ( RegExp . $1 ,
( this . getFullYear ( ) + "" ) . substr ( 4 - RegExp . $1 . length ) ) ;
for ( var k in o ) if ( new RegExp ( "(" + k + ")" ) . test ( format ) )
format = format . replace ( RegExp . $1 ,
RegExp . $1 . length == 1 ? o [ k ] :
( "00" + o [ k ] ) . substr ( ( "" + o [ k ] ) . length ) ) ;
return format ;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest ( ) ;
var currdate = new Date ( ) ;
if ( ! xhr ) {
xhr . open ( "HEAD" , location . href , true ) ;
xhr . onreadystatechange = function ( ) {
if ( xhr . readyState == 4 && xhr . status == 200 ) {
var datestr = xhr . getResponseHeader ( "Date" ) ;
currdate = new Date ( datestr ) ;
// alert(currdate.format('yyyy-MM-dd'));
xhr . send ( null ) ;
function getSaved ( ) {
var cargodirty = DsTruck . GetDirty ( panelEdit . storeDetail , panelEdit . DetailDel ) ;
if ( panelEdit . formEdit . getForm ( ) . isDirty ( ) == true || cargodirty == true )
return true ;
else return false ;
Ext . extend ( DsTruck . MsOpAirn _Freight _Edit , Ext . Panel , {
parentWin : null ,
opStatus : 'add' ,
StoreList : null ,
editRecord : null ,
// parentfunction: null,
_First : true ,
GID : "" ,
initUIComponents : function ( ) {
Ext . Ajax . timeout = 1200000 ;
this . DetailDel = [ ] ;
this . feeSerialNo = 0 ;
this . feeBodyDel = [ ] ;
this . DetailListName = "ChFeeAutoDuiDetail" ;
this . bssql = '' ;
this . feesql = '' ;
this . formname = "frmChFeeAutoDuiDetail" ;
this . FactoryNo = "" ;
//#region 枚举参照相关(编辑form)
var _this = this ;
//this.storeSeller = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableStore', {
// model: 'Tradermb',
// proxy: { url: '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetTrader' }
//this.storeSeller.load({ params: { condition: ""} });
this . storeCustomerNameRef = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.CustomRefModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetCustomRefListRm' }
} ) ;
this . storeCustomerNameRef . load ( ) ;
this . comboxCustomer = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '结算对象' , flex : 1 ,
forceSelection : true ,
store : this . storeCustomerNameRef ,
queryMode : 'remote' ,
minChars : 1 ,
queryParam : 'CODENAME' ,
lazyRender : false ,
valueField : 'CustName' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName' ,
allowBlank : false ,
listeners : {
blur : function ( field , newValue , oldValue ) {
Ext . getCmp ( "CUSTOMERNAME" ) . setValue ( field . displayTplData [ 0 ] . CustName ) ;
if ( field . displayTplData [ 0 ] . CustCode != "" ) {
//_this.storeDetailName.load({ params: { start: 0, limit: 9999, condition: " CLIENTGID=(select gid from info_client where codename='" + field.displayTplData[0].code + "') "} });
} ,
change : function ( field , newValue , oldValue ) {
if ( field . displayTplData [ 0 ] . CustCode != "" ) {
//_this.storeDetailName.load({ params: { start: 0, limit: 9999, condition: " CLIENTGID=(select gid from info_client where codename='" + field.displayTplData[0].code + "') "} });
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
this . storeUser = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsTruckMng.ux.UserRefModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetUserRefList' }
} ) ;
this . storeUser . load ( { params : { condition : "" } } ) ;
this . comboxOP = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '操作人' , readOnly : true ,
forceSelection : true ,
store : this . storeUser ,
name : 'OP' ,
valueField : 'UserName' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName'
//,allowBlank: false
} ) ;
this . storeFeeType = Ext . create ( 'Ext.data.Store' , {
fields : [ 'ID' , 'NAME' ]
} ) ;
//this.storeFeeType.add({ "ID": "0", "NAME": "" });
this . storeFeeType . add ( { "ID" : "1" , "NAME" : "应收" } ) ;
this . storeFeeType . add ( { "ID" : "2" , "NAME" : "应付" } ) ;
this . storeFeeType . add ( { "ID" : "3" , "NAME" : "全部" } ) ;
this . comboxFEETYPE = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
store : this . storeFeeType , //id: "STLNAME",
fieldLabel : '结算方式' ,
forceSelection : true ,
flex : 0.6 ,
name : 'FEETYPE' ,
valueField : 'ID' ,
displayField : 'NAME'
} ) ;
this . storeAddDCType = Ext . create ( 'Ext.data.Store' , {
fields : [ 'DC' , 'NAME' ]
} ) ;
this . storeAddDCType . add ( { "DC" : "0" , "NAME" : "全部" } ) ;
this . storeAddDCType . add ( { "DC" : "1" , "NAME" : "应收" } ) ;
this . storeAddDCType . add ( { "DC" : "2" , "NAME" : "应付" } ) ;
this . comboxaddDCType = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '费用范围' ,
store : this . storeAddDCType ,
valueField : 'DC' ,
displayField : 'NAME' ,
flex : 0.5 ,
// labelWidth: 50,
forceSelection : true ,
name : 'FEEDC' ,
enableKeyEvents : true ,
listeners : {
keyup : function ( field , e ) {
if ( e . getKey ( ) == e . ENTER ) {
_this . onRefreshClick ( ) ;
} ) ;
Ext . define ( 'MsFeeCurr' , {
extend : 'Ext.data.Model' ,
idProperty : 'CURR' ,
fields : [
{ name : 'CURR' , type : 'string' } ,
{ name : 'DEFRATE' , type : 'number' } ,
{ name : 'CRDEFRATE' , type : 'number' }
} ) ;
this . StoreCurr = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'MsFeeCurr' ,
proxy : { url : '/MvcShipping/MsChFee/GetFeeCurrList' }
} ) ;
this . StoreCurr . load ( { params : { condition : "" } } ) ;
this . comboxCurr = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '币别' ,
store : this . StoreCurr ,
forceSelection : true ,
labelWidth : 30 ,
flex : 0.4 ,
name : 'CURR' ,
valueField : 'CURR' ,
displayField : 'CURR' ,
enableKeyEvents : true ,
listeners : {
keyup : function ( field , e ) {
if ( e . getKey ( ) == e . ENTER ) {
_this . onRefreshClick ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . storeFSTATUS = Ext . create ( 'Ext.data.Store' , {
fields : [ 'FSTATUS' , 'NAME' ]
} ) ;
this . storeFSTATUS . add ( { "FSTATUS" : "0" , "NAME" : "全部" } ) ;
this . storeFSTATUS . add ( { "FSTATUS" : "1" , "NAME" : "仅已审核" } ) ;
this . storeFSTATUS . add ( { "FSTATUS" : "2" , "NAME" : "仅未审核" } ) ;
this . storeFSTATUS . add ( { "FSTATUS" : "3" , "NAME" : "仅已审核未申请" } ) ;
this . storeFSTATUS . add ( { "FSTATUS" : "4" , "NAME" : "仅未申请" } ) ;
this . comboxFSTATUS = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '费用状态' ,
store : this . storeFSTATUS ,
valueField : 'FSTATUS' ,
displayField : 'NAME' ,
flex : 0.5 ,
forceSelection : true ,
name : 'FSTATUS' ,
value : '' ,
enableKeyEvents : true ,
listeners : {
keyup : function ( field , e ) {
if ( e . getKey ( ) == e . ENTER ) {
_this . onRefreshClick ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . storeDuiType = Ext . create ( 'Ext.data.Store' , {
fields : [ 'ID' , 'NAME' ]
} ) ;
//this.storeFeeType.add({ "ID": "0", "NAME": "" });
this . storeDuiType . add ( { "ID" : "1" , "NAME" : "根据区间对账" } ) ;
this . storeDuiType . add ( { "ID" : "2" , "NAME" : "根据导入对账" } ) ;
this . comboxDUITYPE = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
store : this . storeDuiType , //id: "STLNAME",
fieldLabel : '对账方式' , flex : 1 ,
forceSelection : true ,
value : '1' ,
name : 'DUITYPE' ,
valueField : 'ID' ,
displayField : 'NAME'
} ) ;
this . storeFEEDUITYPE = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefEnumStore' , { } ) ;
this . storeFEEDUITYPE . load ( { params : { enumTypeId : 50003 } } ) ;
this . comboxFEEDUITYPE = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
store : this . storeFEEDUITYPE ,
fieldLabel : '' , //'对账类别',
flex : 0.5 ,
// labelWidth: 60,
valueField : 'EnumValueName' ,
displayField : 'EnumValueName' ,
name : 'FEEDUITYPE' ,
forceSelection : true
} ) ;
this . storeFEEDUITYPECONDIT = Ext . create ( 'Ext.data.Store' , {
fields : [ 'ID' , 'NAME' ]
} ) ;
//this.storeFeeType.add({ "ID": "0", "NAME": "" });
this . storeFEEDUITYPECONDIT . add ( { "ID" : "等于" , "NAME" : "等于" } ) ;
this . storeFEEDUITYPECONDIT . add ( { "ID" : "不等于" , "NAME" : "不等于" } ) ;
this . comboxFEEDUITYPECONDIT = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
store : this . storeFEEDUITYPECONDIT , //id: "STLNAME",
fieldLabel : '费用类别' ,
flex : 0.5 ,
forceSelection : true ,
value : '等于' ,
valueField : 'ID' ,
displayField : 'NAME'
} ) ;
this . storeSALECORP = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'MsCompanySale' ,
proxy : { url : '/MvcShipping/MsCompanys/GetNoPicDataList' }
} ) ;
this . storeSALECORP . load ( ) ;
this . comboxSALECORP = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
store : this . storeSALECORP ,
fieldLabel : '核算单位' , //是否开垫付
flex : 0.5 ,
name : 'SALECORP' ,
valueField : 'NAME' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName'
} ) ;
this . formEdit = Ext . widget ( 'form' , {
// layout: "border",
region : 'center' ,
frame : true ,
bodyPadding : 5 ,
trackResetOnLoad : true , //不加的话load之后isdirty即变为true
fieldDefaults : {
margins : '2 2 2 2' ,
labelAlign : 'right' ,
flex : 1 ,
labelWidth : 60 ,
msgTarget : 'qtip'
} ,
items : [
{ //fieldset 1
xtype : 'fieldset' ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
layout : 'anchor' ,
defaults : {
anchor : '100%'
} ,
items : [ { //container_1
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ {
fieldLabel : '自动对账编号' ,
labelWidth : 90 ,
// hidden: true,
readOnly : true ,
name : 'GID'
} , this . comboxCustomer
, this . comboxDUITYPE
, {
fieldLabel : '对账状态' , //readOnly: true,
name : 'DUISTATUS' , flex : 1
} , {
fieldLabel : '对账单编号' , //readOnly: true,
labelWidth : 75 ,
name : 'DUINO' , flex : 1
, {
fieldLabel : '时间戳' ,
name : 'TimeMark' , flex : 0 , hidden : true , margins : '0'
} , //container_1 end
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [
this . comboxBLTYPE
, {
fieldLabel : '起始时间' ,
format : 'Y-m-d' ,
xtype : 'datefield' ,
renderer : Ext . util . Format . dateRenderer ( 'Y-m-d' ) ,
name : 'STARTDATE'
, {
fieldLabel : '结束时间' ,
format : 'Y-m-d' ,
xtype : 'datefield' ,
renderer : Ext . util . Format . dateRenderer ( 'Y-m-d' ) ,
name : 'ENDDATE'
} , this . comboxOP
, {
fieldLabel : '操作时间' , readOnly : true ,
format : 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ,
xtype : 'datefield' ,
labelWidth : 75 ,
renderer : Ext . util . Format . dateRenderer ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) ,
name : 'OPDATE'
} , { xtype : 'hiddenfield' }
} ,
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [
fieldLabel : '对账情况' , readOnly : true , hidden : true ,
name : 'STATUS' , flex : 2
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [
this . comboxaddDCType , this . comboxFEETYPE , this . comboxCurr , this . comboxFSTATUS , this . comboxSALECORP , {
xtype : 'checkbox' ,
labelWidth : 75 ,
fieldLabel : '包含已对账' ,
name : 'HAVEDEBIT' , flex : 0.5
} , this . comboxFEEDUITYPECONDIT , this . comboxFEEDUITYPE
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [
//xtype: 'checkbox', flex: 1,
fieldLabel : '备注' ,
name : 'REMARK' , flex : 1
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [
} ]
} ]
} ) ;
//#region 自动对账明细
this . storeDetail = Ext . create ( 'Ext.data.Store' , {
pageSize : 9999 ,
model : 'CH_FEE_AutoDuiDetailmb' ,
remoteSort : false ,
//pruneModifiedRecords: true,
proxy : {
type : 'ajax' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsChFeeAutoDui/GetBodyList' ,
reader : {
id : 'GID' ,
root : 'data' ,
totalProperty : 'totalCount'
} ) ;
this . DetailColumns = [
sortable : true , hidden : true ,
dataIndex : 'B_BSNO' ,
text : 'B_BSNO' ,
width : 80
} ,
sortable : true , align : 'left' ,
dataIndex : 'MBLNO' ,
text : '主提单号' ,
width : 140 ,
editor : {
xtype : 'textfield' ,
selectOnFocus : true
} ,
sortable : true , align : 'left' ,
dataIndex : 'CUSTOMERNAME' ,
text : '委托单位' ,
width : 140
} ,
sortable : true , align : 'left' ,
dataIndex : 'OP' ,
text : '操作' ,
width : 80
} ,
sortable : true , align : 'left' ,
dataIndex : 'ETD' ,
text : 'ETD' ,
renderer : Ext . util . Format . dateRenderer ( 'Y-m-d' ) ,
width : 80
} ,
sortable : true , align : 'right' ,
dataIndex : 'RMBAMOUNT' ,
text : 'RMB对账金额' ,
width : 80 ,
renderer : function ( value , cellmeta , record , rowIndex , columnIndex , store ) {
value = usMoney ( value , 2 , '' , true ) ;
return value ;
} ,
summaryType : 'sum' , align : 'right' ,
summaryRenderer : function ( value , cellmeta , record , rowIndex , columnIndex , store ) {
value = usMoney ( value , 2 , '' , true ) ;
return value ;
} ,
sortable : true , align : 'right' ,
dataIndex : 'USDAMOUNT' ,
text : 'USD对账金额' ,
width : 80 ,
renderer : function ( value , cellmeta , record , rowIndex , columnIndex , store ) {
value = usMoney ( value , 2 , '' , true ) ;
return value ;
} ,
summaryType : 'sum' , align : 'right' ,
summaryRenderer : function ( value , cellmeta , record , rowIndex , columnIndex , store ) {
value = usMoney ( value , 2 , '' , true ) ;
return value ;
} ,
sortable : true , align : 'right' ,
dataIndex : 'L_RMBAMOUNT' ,
text : 'RMB本地金额' ,
width : 80 ,
renderer : function ( value , cellmeta , record , rowIndex , columnIndex , store ) {
value = usMoney ( value , 2 , '' , true ) ;
return value ;
} ,
summaryType : 'sum' , align : 'right' ,
summaryRenderer : function ( value , cellmeta , record , rowIndex , columnIndex , store ) {
value = usMoney ( value , 2 , '' , true ) ;
return value ;
} ,
sortable : true , align : 'right' ,
dataIndex : 'L_USDAMOUNT' ,
text : 'USD本地金额' ,
width : 80 ,
renderer : function ( value , cellmeta , record , rowIndex , columnIndex , store ) {
value = usMoney ( value , 2 , '' , true ) ;
return value ;
} ,
summaryType : 'sum' , align : 'right' ,
summaryRenderer : function ( value , cellmeta , record , rowIndex , columnIndex , store ) {
value = usMoney ( value , 2 , '' , true ) ;
return value ;
} ,
sortable : true , align : 'right' ,
dataIndex : 'Y_RMBAMOUNT' ,
text : 'RMB差额' ,
width : 80 ,
renderer : function ( value , cellmeta , record , rowIndex , columnIndex , store ) {
value = usMoney ( value , 2 , '' , true ) ;
return value ;
} ,
summaryType : 'sum' , align : 'right' ,
summaryRenderer : function ( value , cellmeta , record , rowIndex , columnIndex , store ) {
value = usMoney ( value , 2 , '' , true ) ;
return value ;
} ,
sortable : true , align : 'right' ,
dataIndex : 'Y_USDAMOUNT' ,
text : 'USD差额' ,
width : 80 ,
renderer : function ( value , cellmeta , record , rowIndex , columnIndex , store ) {
value = usMoney ( value , 2 , '' , true ) ;
return value ;
} ,
summaryType : 'sum' , align : 'right' ,
summaryRenderer : function ( value , cellmeta , record , rowIndex , columnIndex , store ) {
value = usMoney ( value , 2 , '' , true ) ;
return value ;
} ,
sortable : true ,
dataIndex : 'ISOK' ,
text : '对账完成' , align : 'center' ,
width : 80 ,
editor : {
xtype : 'checkboxfield' ,
inputValue : '1' ,
uncheckedValue : '0'
// selectOnFocus: true
} ,
renderer : function ( value , cellmeta ) {
if ( value == '1' || value == "true" ) {
return "√" ;
} ,
sortable : true , align : 'left' ,
dataIndex : 'REMARK' ,
text : '备注' ,
width : 120 ,
editor : {
xtype : 'textfield' ,
selectOnFocus : true ,
enableKeyEvents : true / * ,
listeners : {
keydown : function ( textField , e ) {
if ( e . getKey ( ) == 40 ) {
_thisfee . onNextKeyClick ( 1 , 18 )
} else if ( e . getKey ( ) == 38 ) {
_thisfee . onUpKeyClick ( 1 , 18 )
} * /
} ,
sortable : true , align : 'left' ,
dataIndex : 'REMARK2' , //readOnly:true,
text : '对账结果' ,
width : 120
} ,
sortable : true ,
dataIndex : 'CARRIER' , //readOnly:true,
text : '船公司' ,
width : 100
} ,
sortable : true ,
dataIndex : 'TEU' , //readOnly:true,
text : 'TEU' ,
width : 60
} ,
sortable : true ,
dataIndex : 'SALE' , //readOnly:true,
text : '揽货人' ,
width : 60
} ,
sortable : true ,
dataIndex : 'CUSTNO' , //readOnly:true,
text : '委托编号' ,
width : 60
} ,
sortable : true ,
dataIndex : 'DOC' , //readOnly:true,
text : '单证' ,
width : 120
} ,
sortable : true ,
dataIndex : 'SALEDEPT' , //readOnly:true,
text : '销售部门' ,
width : 80
} ,
sortable : true ,
dataIndex : 'SALECORP' , //readOnly:true,
text : '所属公司' ,
width : 120
] ;
this . cellEditingDetail = Ext . create ( 'Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing' , {
clicksToEdit : 1
} ) ;
this . Detail _CBM = Ext . create ( 'Ext.selection.CheckboxModel' ) ;
_this = this ;
Ext . grid . RowNumberer = Ext . extend ( Ext . grid . RowNumberer , {
width : 40
} ) ;
this . formDetail = new Ext . grid . GridPanel ( {
store : this . storeDetail ,
enableHdMenu : false ,
layout : 'border' , id : "formDetail" ,
region : 'center' , //bodyStyle: 'background:#FFF',
trackResetOnLoad : true ,
height : 160 ,
features : [ {
ftype : 'summary' //Ext.grid.feature.Summary表格汇总特性
} ] ,
autoScroll : true ,
loadMask : { msg : "数据加载中,请稍等..." } ,
trackMouseOver : true ,
disableSelection : false ,
plugins : [ this . cellEditingDetail ] ,
selModel : this . Detail _CBM ,
selType : 'cellmodel' ,
viewConfig : {
enableTextSelection : true ,
getRowClass : function ( record , rowIndex , rowParams , store ) {
var feeStatus = "" ;
var ISOK = record . get ( 'ISOK' ) ;
var RMBAMOUNT = parseFloat ( record . get ( 'RMBAMOUNT' ) ) ;
var USDAMOUNT = parseFloat ( record . get ( 'USDAMOUNT' ) ) ;
var L _RMBAMOUNT = parseFloat ( record . get ( 'L_RMBAMOUNT' ) ) ;
var L _USDAMOUNT = parseFloat ( record . get ( 'L_USDAMOUNT' ) ) ;
var REMARK2 = record . get ( 'REMARK2' ) ;
if ( record . get ( 'ISOK' ) == "1" ) {
feeStatus = 9 ;
} else
//20221128 增加对本地业务已退舱的支持
if ( REMARK2 == "我方无此提单号" || REMARK2 == "该业务已退舱" ) {
feeStatus = 3 ; //4
} else
if ( REMARK2 == "对方账单无此提单号" ) {
feeStatus = 3 ; //4
} else {
feeStatus = 3 ; //2
feeStatus = 3 ;
} else {
feeStatus = 3 ; //6 改为3
feeStatus = 3 ; //2
feeStatus = 3 ;
} else {
feeStatus = 99 ;
return RowClass ( feeStatus ) ;
} ,
tbar : [ {
text : '增加明细' , //hidden:true,
tooltip : '增加明细' ,
iconCls : "btnadddetail" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . onAddCargoClick ( button , event ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , '-' , {
text : '删除明细' ,
tooltip : '删除明细' ,
iconCls : "btndeletedetail" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . onDelCargoClick ( button , event ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , {
text : '生成应收应付' ,
tooltip : '生成应收应付' ,
iconCls : "btnCWStart" , hidden : true ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . onbtnCWStartClick ( button , event ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , {
text : "保存列表样式" ,
id : "btnsavelist" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
var tempcolumns = this . formDetail . columns ;
DsTruck . SaveGridPanel ( USERID , _this . DetailListName , tempcolumns ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , '-' , {
text : "导出Excel" ,
id : "btnExportExcel" ,
iconCls : 'btnexportexcel' ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . onExportClick ( button , event ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ] ,
columns : this . DetailColumns
} ) ;
this . DetailColumns = DsTruck . GetGridPanel ( USERID , this . DetailListName , this . DetailColumns ) ;
this . DetailColumns . unshift ( new Ext . grid . RowNumberer ( ) ) ;
//使用者id, 表名 , 中间column数组, 跳过一开始的几列
this . formDetail . reconfigure ( this . storeDetail , this . DetailColumns ) ;
this . formDetail . addListener ( 'itemdblclick' , function ( dataview , record , item , index , e , b ) {
this . SelectedRecord = record ;
var openSet = "height=700, width=1024, toolbar=no, menubar=no,scrollbars=1, resizable=1,location=no, status=no,Top= " + ( screen . height - 750 ) / 2 + ",Left= " + ( screen . width - 1100 ) / 2
var openType = "_blank" ;
var openUrl = "" ;
if ( record . data . OPLBNAME == "报关业务" ) {
openUrl = "../MsOpApply/ApplyFeeView?handle=check&bsno=" + record . data . B _BSNO ;
} else {
openUrl = "../MsOpBill/MsOpFeeView?handle=check&bsno=" + record . data . B _BSNO ;
window . open ( openUrl , openType , openSet ) ;
} , this ) ;
this . panelBtn = new Ext . Panel ( {
region : "north" ,
tbar : [
id : "savebtn" ,
text : "保存" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . Save ( '0' ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , {
id : "saveandclosebtn" ,
text : "保存并关闭" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . Save ( '1' ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , '-' , {
text : "打印" , //"打印",
iconCls : "btnprint" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . Print ( ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ,
// id: "saveandclose",
text : "关闭" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
window . close ( ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , '-' ,
text : "导入对账信息Excel表格" ,
tooltip : '注意! 三列数据应分别为: 提单号, RMB金额, USD金额' ,
id : "uploadexcelbtn" ,
iconCls : "btnexportexcel" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . Save ( '0' ) ;
if ( this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CUSTOMERNAME' ) . getValue ( ) == "" ) {
alert ( "必须要选择对账单位" ) ;
return ;
var winAccess = new DsTruck . FileImport ( { } ) ;
winAccess . StoreList = this . storeDetail ;
this . GID = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'GID' ) . getValue ( ) ;
this . CUSTOMERNAME = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CUSTOMERNAME' ) . getValue ( ) ;
this . FEETYPE = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'FEETYPE' ) . getValue ( ) ;
winAccess . show ( ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ,
id : "remakebtn" ,
text : "重新计算对账信息" ,
tooltip : '不需重新导入对账文档,只根据当前的费用状态重新计算对账数据。注意当生成对账单后此功能不能使用' ,
//iconCls: "btnexportexcel",
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . ReMake ( ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , '-' ,
id : "makeduibtn" ,
text : "生成对账单(对账成功的部分)" ,
tooltip : '仅生成对账成功的部分。如果某条信息由于某种原因需要设为对账成功, 可以采取以下方法: 1.对方账单金额错误-将excel文档内的数据改正确, 然后生成' ,
//iconCls: "btnexportexcel",
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . MakeDui ( '1' ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , {
id : "cfsavebtn" ,
text : "拆分(对账成功的部分)" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . CFSave ( ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ,
id : "delduibtn" ,
text : "取消生成对账单" ,
tooltip : '' ,
//iconCls: "btnexportexcel",
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . MakeDui ( '0' ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , '-' , {
text : "生成付费申请" , //"打印",
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . MakeShen ( '0' ) ;
//this.feesql = ' 1=1 ';
//var DUINO = this.formEdit.getForm().findField('GID').getValue();
//this.bssql = " b.BSNO IN (SELECT B_BSNO FROM CH_FEE_AutoDuiDetail WHERE BSNO='" + DUINO + "')";
//var CURR = this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CURR').getValue();
//if (CURR != '' && CURR != null) this.feesql = this.feesql + " and f.Currency='" + CURR + "'"
//var FEEDC = this.formEdit.getForm().findField('FEEDC').getValue();
//if (FEEDC == '1' || FEEDC == '2') this.feesql = this.feesql + " and f.feetype='" + FEEDC + "'"
//var CUSTOMERNAME = this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CUSTOMERNAME').getValue();
//DsOpenEditWin("/Account/Chfee_payapplication/BLEdit?handle=check&bsnosql=duilist&bsCust=" + CUSTOMERNAME, '付费申请');
} ,
scope : this
} ) ; //end 按钮Toolbar
/* 3 */
this . panelTop = new Ext . Panel ( {
layout : "border" ,
region : "north" ,
height : 160 ,
items : [ this . panelBtn , this . formEdit ]
} ) ;
this . panelCargoandApp = new Ext . Panel ( {
layout : "border" ,
region : 'center' ,
split : true ,
height : 500 ,
margin : '1 1' ,
items : [ this . formDetail
} ) ;
Ext . apply ( this , {
items : [ this . panelTop , this . panelCargoandApp ]
} ) ;
parentWin = window . parent . opener ;
this . InitData ( ) ;
this . formDetail . on ( 'edit' , function ( editor , e , eOpts ) {
this . DetailAfterEdit ( editor , e , eOpts ) ;
} , this ) ;
} , //end initUIComponents
SetBtnEnable : function ( data ) {
if ( data . DUINO == "" ) { //没有对账编号
Ext . getCmp ( 'savebtn' ) . enable ( ) ; //保存按钮置灰
Ext . getCmp ( 'saveandclosebtn' ) . enable ( ) ; //enable;
Ext . getCmp ( 'uploadexcelbtn' ) . enable ( ) ;
Ext . getCmp ( 'remakebtn' ) . enable ( ) ;
Ext . getCmp ( 'makeduibtn' ) . enable ( ) ;
Ext . getCmp ( 'delduibtn' ) . disable ( ) ;
} else
if ( data . SALESTATUS != "" ) { //有对账编号
Ext . getCmp ( 'savebtn' ) . disable ( ) ; //保存按钮置灰
Ext . getCmp ( 'saveandclosebtn' ) . disable ( ) ; //enable;
Ext . getCmp ( 'uploadexcelbtn' ) . disable ( ) ;
Ext . getCmp ( 'remakebtn' ) . disable ( ) ;
Ext . getCmp ( 'makeduibtn' ) . disable ( ) ;
Ext . getCmp ( 'delduibtn' ) . enable ( ) ;
} ,
reLine : function ( button , event ) {
var _L = 1 ;
this . storeDetail . each ( function ( record ) {
var ln = _L + "" ;
_L = _L + 1 ;
record . set ( 'SEQUENCE' , ln ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
onAddCargoClick : function ( button , event ) {
//var linenum=this.storeDetail.getCount()+1;
//var _r=this.reLine();
var record = Ext . create ( 'FreightDetailmb' , {
'GID' : NewGuid ( ) ,
'PLAN_GID' : '' ,
'CARGOGID' : '' ,
'CARGO_CODE' : '' ,
'CARGO_NAME' : '' ,
'MINFEE' : '0' ,
'MINWEIGHT' : '0' ,
'W_5' : '0' ,
'W_10' : '0' ,
'W_N' : '0' ,
'W_45' : '0' ,
'W_100' : '0' ,
'W_300' : '0' ,
'W_500' : '0' ,
'W_1000' : '0' ,
'REMARK' : '' ,
'REMARK_2' : '' ,
'REMARK_3' : '' ,
'VESSEL' : '' ,
'D_INFO' : ''
} ) ;
this . storeDetail . add ( record ) ;
var n = this . storeDetail . getCount ( ) ;
this . cellEditingCargo . startEditByPosition ( { row : n - 1 , column : 2 } ) ;
} ,
onDelCargoClick : function ( button , event ) {
var selectedRecords = this . formDetail . selModel . getSelection ( ) ;
Ext . MessageBox . confirm ( '提示' , '确定删除记录吗?' , function ( btn ) {
if ( btn == 'yes' ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < selectedRecords . length ; i ++ ) {
var rec = selectedRecords [ i ] ;
if ( rec . BSNO != "" || rec . BSNO != "*" ) //如果是新增但没有保存的数据,没有必要提交到后台
this . DetailDel . push ( rec ) ;
this . storeDetail . remove ( selectedRecords [ i ] ) ;
} , this ) ;
} ,
DetailAfterEdit : function ( editor , e , eOpts ) {
if ( e . field == 'CARGOGID' ) {
var Cargoinforecords = DsStoreQueryBy ( this . storeDetailName , 'GID' , e . value ) ;
if ( Cargoinforecords . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var Cargoinfodata = Cargoinforecords . getAt ( 0 ) . data ;
e . record . set ( 'CARGO_CODE' , Cargoinfodata . CODEandNAME ) ;
} else {
e . record . set ( 'CARGO_CODE' , '' ) ;
if ( e . field == 'PORTLOADID' ) {
var Cargoinforecords = DsStoreQueryBy ( this . storeCodeDisport , 'PORTID' , e . value ) ;
if ( Cargoinforecords . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var Cargoinfodata = Cargoinforecords . getAt ( 0 ) . data ;
e . record . set ( 'PORTLOADID_REF' , Cargoinfodata . PORTID + "-" + Cargoinfodata . PORTCNAME ) ;
} else {
e . record . set ( 'PORTLOADID_REF' , '' ) ;
if ( e . field == 'PORTDISCHARGEID' ) {
var Cargoinforecords = DsStoreQueryBy ( this . storeCodeDisport2 , 'PORTID' , e . value ) ;
if ( Cargoinforecords . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var Cargoinfodata = Cargoinforecords . getAt ( 0 ) . data ;
e . record . set ( 'PORTDISCHARGEID_REF' , Cargoinfodata . PORTCNAME ) ;
} else {
e . record . set ( 'PORTDISCHARGEID_REF' , '' ) ;
} ,
parentfunction : function ( button , event ) {
var ret1 = window . parent . opener . OprationSwap ( ) ;
// alert(this.First);
ret1 [ 3 ] ( ) ;
} ,
InitData : function ( ) {
this . opStatus = 'add' ;
var condition = '' ;
if ( parentWin ) {
var ret = parentWin . OprationSwap ( ) ;
this . opStatus = ret [ 0 ] ;
this . StoreList = ret [ 1 ] ;
this . editRecord = ret [ 2 ] ;
// this.parentfunction = ret[3];
if ( this . opStatus == 'edit' )
condition = " GID='" + this . editRecord . get ( 'GID' ) + "'" ;
this . LoadData ( this . opStatus , condition ) ;
} , //end InitData
LoadData : function ( opstatus , condition ) {
this . opStatus = opstatus ;
var GID = "" ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '正在查询主表数据...' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsChFeeAutoDui/GetData' ,
params : {
handle : opstatus ,
condition : condition
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
var result = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( ! result . Success ) {
Ext . Msg . show ( {
title : '提示' ,
msg : result . Message ,
icon : Ext . MessageBox . ERROR ,
buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
} ) ;
return ;
var data = result . data ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . reset ( ) ;
GID = data . GID ;
if ( data . FEETYPE == "" || data . FEETYPE == "0" ) {
data . FEETYPE = '3' ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . setValues ( data ) ;
Ext . getCmp ( "formDetail" ) . setTitle ( data . STATUS + '(' + 'RMB对账金额:' + data . RMBAMOUNT + ',USD对账金额:' + data . USDAMOUNT + ',RMB本地金额:' + data . L _RMBAMOUNT + ',USD本地金额:' + data . L _USDAMOUNT + ')' ) ;
this . SetBtnEnable ( data ) ;
} else {
Ext . MessageBox . alert ( '请求出现错误,请重试' , response . responseText ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ) ; //request over
if ( this . opStatus == 'edit' ) {
this . storeDetail . load ( { params : { start : 0 , limit : 9999 , condition : " BSNO='" + this . editRecord . get ( 'GID' ) + "'" } } ) ;
} , // end LoadDate
ReflashEdt : function ( GID ) {
this . opStatus = 'edit' ;
condition = " GID='" + GID + "'" ;
this . LoadData ( this . opStatus , condition ) ;
//this.storeDetail.load({ params: { condition: condition} });
} , //end InitData
checkedit : function ( ) {
var _r = true ;
if ( this . HTHCount > 0 ) {
alert ( "合同号重复" ) ;
_r = false ;
} else {
var ContractStatus = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ContractStatus' ) . getValue ( ) ? 1 : 0
if ( ContractStatus == 1 ) {
alert ( "已经锁定" ) ;
_r = false ;
} else
{ } //return true;
if ( this . storeDetail . getCount ( ) == 0 ) { } //return true;
else {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . storeDetail . getCount ( ) ; i += 1 ) {
var cargomember = this . storeDetail . getAt ( i ) . data ;
if ( cargomember . weight == "0" ) {
alert ( "请填写货物重量,请注意单位是千克" ) ;
_r = false ;
} else
if ( cargomember . name == "" ) {
alert ( "请填写货名。" ) ;
_r = false ;
} else
if ( cargomember . cicodeandname == '0203290090_其他冻藏猪肉' && ( cargomember . SPECIFICATIONS == "" || cargomember . SPECIFICATIONS == null ) ) {
alert ( "0203290090_其他冻藏猪肉的商品必须选择商品规格(去骨/带骨)" ) ;
_r = false ;
} //end for
} //end if
/ * i f ( e . f i e l d = = ' S P E C I F I C A T I O N S ' ) {
var cicodeandname = e . record . get ( 'cicodeandname' ) ;
if ( cicodeandname != "0202300090_其他冻藏猪肉" ) {
canedit = false ;
} else {
} * /
_form = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) ;
var seller _name = _form . findField ( 'seller' ) . getValue ( ) ;
if ( CheckISSTOP ( this . storeSeller , 'name' , seller _name ) == true ) {
alert ( "你选择的贸易商已经停用" ) ;
_r = false ;
var buyer _name = _form . findField ( 'buyer' ) . getValue ( ) ;
var buyer = DsStoreQueryBy ( this . storeBuyer , 'name' , buyer _name ) ;
if ( buyer . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var buyerdata = buyer . getAt ( 0 ) . data ;
if ( buyerdata . ISSTOP == "True" ) {
alert ( "你选择的购货商已经停用" ) ;
_r = false ;
var TRADINGAGENCY _name = _form . findField ( 'TRADINGAGENCY' ) . getValue ( ) ;
var TRADINGAGENCY = DsStoreQueryBy ( this . storeTRADINGAGENCY , 'name' , TRADINGAGENCY _name ) ;
if ( TRADINGAGENCY . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var buyerdata = TRADINGAGENCY . getAt ( 0 ) . data ;
if ( buyerdata . ISSTOP == "True" ) {
alert ( "你选择的中间商已经停用" ) ;
_r = false ;
return _r ;
} ,
Save : function ( type ) {
var basicForm = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) ;
if ( ! basicForm . isValid ( ) ) {
return ;
var data = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . getValues ( ) ;
//var HTH = data.HTH;
//var ContractNo = data.ContractNo;
data . HAVEDEBIT = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'HAVEDEBIT' ) . getValue ( ) ? 1 : 0 ;
var Cargodatas = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . storeDetail . getCount ( ) ; i += 1 ) {
var member = this . storeDetail . getAt ( i ) ;
if ( member . data . ISOK == "true" ) {
member . data . ISOK = "1" ;
if ( member . data . ISOK == "false" ) {
member . data . ISOK = "0" ;
Cargodatas . push ( member ) ;
var CargoBody = ConvertRecordsToJson ( Cargodatas ) ;
var CargoDelBody = ConvertRecordsToJsonAll ( this . DetailDel ) ;
//data.INUSE = this.formEdit.getForm().findField('INUSE').getValue() ? 1 : 0;
var _this = this ;
Ext . Msg . wait ( '正在保存数据, 请稍侯..' ) ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
async : false ,
waitMsg : '正在保存数据...' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsChFeeAutoDui/Save' ,
scope : this ,
params : {
opstatus : this . opStatus ,
data : Ext . JSON . encode ( data ) ,
CargoBody : CargoBody ,
CargoDelBody : CargoDelBody
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
Ext . MessageBox . hide ( ) ;
var jsonresult = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( jsonresult . Success ) {
this . storeDetail . commitChanges ( ) ;
var returnData = jsonresult . Data ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . setValues ( returnData ) ;
if ( this . opStatus == 'add' ) {
var arrNewRecords = this . StoreList . add ( returnData ) ;
this . editRecord = arrNewRecords [ 0 ] ;
// alert(editRecord.get('ContractNo'));
else if ( this . opStatus == 'edit' ) {
var editp = Ext . create ( 'MsChFeeAutoDuimb' , returnData ) ;
this . editRecord . fields . each ( function ( field ) {
if ( field . persist ) {
name = field . name ;
//alert(name + ' -- ' + editp.get(name));
if ( name != 'GID' )
this . editRecord . set ( name , editp . get ( name ) ) ;
} , this ) ;
this . editRecord . commit ( ) ;
if ( type == '0' ) {
this . opStatus = 'edit' ;
this . GID = returnData . GID ;
this . ReflashEdt ( this . GID ) ;
this . SetBtnEnable ( returnData ) ;
//this.storeDetail.load({ params: { start: 0, limit: 9999, condition: " BSNO='" + this.editRecord.get('GID') + "'"} });
this . SetBtnEnable ( returnData ) ;
} else if ( type == '1' ) { //保存并关闭
window . close ( ) ;
} else if ( type == '2' ) { //保存并全部新建
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '错误' , msg : jsonresult . Message , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '请重试' ,
msg : '服务器响应出错' ,
icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
CFSave : function ( ) {
var basicForm = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) ;
if ( ! basicForm . isValid ( ) ) {
return ;
var data = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . getValues ( ) ;
//var HTH = data.HTH;
//var ContractNo = data.ContractNo;
data . HAVEDEBIT = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'HAVEDEBIT' ) . getValue ( ) ? 1 : 0 ;
var Cargodatas = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . storeDetail . getCount ( ) ; i += 1 ) {
var member = this . storeDetail . getAt ( i ) ;
if ( member . data . ISOK == "true" ) {
member . data . ISOK = "1" ;
if ( member . data . ISOK == "false" ) {
member . data . ISOK = "0" ;
Cargodatas . push ( member ) ;
var CargoBody = ConvertRecordsToJson ( Cargodatas ) ;
var CargoDelBody = ConvertRecordsToJsonAll ( this . DetailDel ) ;
//data.INUSE = this.formEdit.getForm().findField('INUSE').getValue() ? 1 : 0;
var _this = this ;
Ext . Msg . wait ( '正在保存数据, 请稍侯..' ) ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
async : false ,
waitMsg : '正在保存数据...' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsChFeeAutoDui/CFSave' ,
scope : this ,
params : {
opstatus : this . opStatus ,
data : Ext . JSON . encode ( data ) ,
CargoBody : CargoBody ,
CargoDelBody : CargoDelBody
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
Ext . MessageBox . hide ( ) ;
var jsonresult = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( jsonresult . Success ) {
this . storeDetail . commitChanges ( ) ;
var returnData = jsonresult . Data ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . setValues ( returnData ) ;
var arrNewRecords = this . StoreList . add ( returnData ) ;
this . editRecord = arrNewRecords [ 0 ] ;
// alert(editRecord.get('ContractNo'));
this . opStatus = 'edit' ;
this . GID = returnData . GID ;
this . ReflashEdt ( this . GID ) ;
this . SetBtnEnable ( returnData ) ;
//this.storeDetail.load({ params: { start: 0, limit: 9999, condition: " BSNO='" + this.editRecord.get('GID') + "'"} });
this . SetBtnEnable ( returnData ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '错误' , msg : jsonresult . Message , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( {
title : '请重试' ,
msg : '服务器响应出错' ,
icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
ReMake : function ( type ) {
var basicForm = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) ;
if ( ! basicForm . isValid ( ) ) {
return ;
var data = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . getValues ( ) ;
data . HAVEDEBIT = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'HAVEDEBIT' ) . getValue ( ) ? 1 : 0 ;
var Cargodatas = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . storeDetail . getCount ( ) ; i += 1 ) {
var member = this . storeDetail . getAt ( i ) ;
if ( member . data . ISOK == "true" ) {
member . data . ISOK = "1" ;
if ( member . data . ISOK == "false" ) {
member . data . ISOK = "0" ;
Cargodatas . push ( member ) ;
var CargoBody = ConvertRecordsToJson ( Cargodatas ) ;
var CargoDelBody = ConvertRecordsToJsonAll ( this . DetailDel ) ;
var _this = this ;
Ext . Msg . wait ( '正在保存数据, 请稍侯..' ) ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
async : false ,
waitMsg : '正在保存数据...' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsChFeeAutoDui/Save' ,
scope : this ,
params : {
opstatus : this . opStatus ,
data : Ext . JSON . encode ( data ) ,
CargoBody : CargoBody ,
CargoDelBody : CargoDelBody
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
Ext . MessageBox . hide ( ) ;
var jsonresult = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( jsonresult . Success ) {
this . storeDetail . commitChanges ( ) ;
var returnData = jsonresult . Data ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . setValues ( returnData ) ;
if ( this . opStatus == 'add' ) {
var arrNewRecords = this . StoreList . add ( returnData ) ;
this . editRecord = arrNewRecords [ 0 ] ;
// alert(editRecord.get('ContractNo'));
else if ( this . opStatus == 'edit' ) {
var editp = Ext . create ( 'MsChFeeAutoDuimb' , returnData ) ;
this . editRecord . fields . each ( function ( field ) {
if ( field . persist ) {
name = field . name ;
//alert(name + ' -- ' + editp.get(name));
if ( name != 'GID' )
this . editRecord . set ( name , editp . get ( name ) ) ;
} , this ) ;
this . editRecord . commit ( ) ;
_this = this ;
Ext . Msg . wait ( '正在保存数据, 请稍侯..' ) ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '正在保存数据...' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsChFeeAutoDui/ReMake' ,
scope : this ,
timeout : 120000 ,
params : {
opstatus : this . opStatus ,
data : Ext . JSON . encode ( data )
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
Ext . MessageBox . hide ( ) ;
var jsonresult = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( jsonresult . Success ) {
var returnData = jsonresult . Data ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . setValues ( returnData ) ;
if ( this . opStatus == 'add' ) {
var arrNewRecords = this . StoreList . add ( returnData ) ;
this . editRecord = arrNewRecords [ 0 ] ;
// alert(editRecord.get('ContractNo'));
else if ( this . opStatus == 'edit' ) {
var editp = Ext . create ( 'MsChFeeAutoDuimb' , returnData ) ;
this . editRecord . fields . each ( function ( field ) {
if ( field . persist ) {
name = field . name ;
//alert(name + ' -- ' + editp.get(name));
if ( name != 'GID' )
this . editRecord . set ( name , editp . get ( name ) ) ;
} , this ) ;
this . editRecord . commit ( ) ;
//this.storeDetail.load({ params: { start: 0, limit: 9999, condition: " BSNO='" + returnData.GID + "'"} });
this . ReflashEdt ( returnData . GID ) ;
this . SetBtnEnable ( returnData ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '错误' , msg : jsonresult . Message , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '请重试' ,
msg : '服务器响应出错' ,
icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '错误' , msg : jsonresult . Message , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '请重试' ,
msg : '服务器响应出错' ,
icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
MakeDui : function ( type ) {
var basicForm = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) ;
if ( ! basicForm . isValid ( ) ) {
return ;
var data = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . getValues ( ) ;
data . HAVEDEBIT = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'HAVEDEBIT' ) . getValue ( ) ? 1 : 0 ;
var Cargodatas = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . storeDetail . getCount ( ) ; i += 1 ) {
var member = this . storeDetail . getAt ( i ) ;
if ( member . data . ISOK == "true" ) {
member . data . ISOK = "1" ;
if ( member . data . ISOK == "false" ) {
member . data . ISOK = "0" ;
if ( member . data . ISOK == "1" )
Cargodatas . push ( member ) ;
if ( Cargodatas . length == 0 ) {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '提示' , msg : '没有要生成对账的业务' , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
return ;
var CargoBody = ConvertRecordsToJson ( Cargodatas ) ;
var CargoDelBody = ConvertRecordsToJsonAll ( this . DetailDel ) ;
var _this = this ;
Ext . Msg . wait ( '正在保存数据, 请稍侯..' ) ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
async : false ,
timeout : 1200000 ,
waitMsg : '正在保存数据...' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsChFeeAutoDui/Save' ,
scope : this ,
params : {
opstatus : this . opStatus ,
data : Ext . JSON . encode ( data ) ,
CargoBody : CargoBody ,
CargoDelBody : CargoDelBody
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
Ext . MessageBox . hide ( ) ;
var jsonresult = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( jsonresult . Success ) {
this . storeDetail . commitChanges ( ) ;
var returnData = jsonresult . Data ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . setValues ( returnData ) ;
if ( this . opStatus == 'add' ) {
var arrNewRecords = this . StoreList . add ( returnData ) ;
this . editRecord = arrNewRecords [ 0 ] ;
// alert(editRecord.get('ContractNo'));
else if ( this . opStatus == 'edit' ) {
var editp = Ext . create ( 'MsChFeeAutoDuimb' , returnData ) ;
this . editRecord . fields . each ( function ( field ) {
if ( field . persist ) {
name = field . name ;
//alert(name + ' -- ' + editp.get(name));
if ( name != 'GID' )
this . editRecord . set ( name , editp . get ( name ) ) ;
} , this ) ;
this . editRecord . commit ( ) ;
_this = this ;
Ext . Msg . wait ( '正在保存数据, 请稍侯..' ) ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '正在保存数据...' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsChFeeAutoDui/MakeDui' ,
timeout : 1200000 ,
scope : this ,
params : {
type : type ,
data : Ext . JSON . encode ( data )
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
Ext . MessageBox . hide ( ) ;
var jsonresult = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( jsonresult . Success ) {
var returnData = jsonresult . Data ;
this . opStatus = 'edit' ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . setValues ( returnData ) ;
if ( this . opStatus == 'add' ) {
var arrNewRecords = this . StoreList . add ( returnData ) ;
this . editRecord = arrNewRecords [ 0 ] ;
// alert(editRecord.get('ContractNo'));
else if ( this . opStatus == 'edit' ) {
var editp = Ext . create ( 'MsChFeeAutoDuimb' , returnData ) ;
this . editRecord . fields . each ( function ( field ) {
if ( field . persist ) {
name = field . name ;
//alert(name + ' -- ' + editp.get(name));
if ( name != 'GID' )
this . editRecord . set ( name , editp . get ( name ) ) ;
} , this ) ;
this . editRecord . commit ( ) ;
this . ReflashEdt ( returnData . GID ) ;
this . SetBtnEnable ( returnData ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '错误' , msg : jsonresult . Message , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '请重试' ,
msg : '服务器响应出错' ,
icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '错误' , msg : jsonresult . Message , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '请重试' ,
msg : '服务器响应出错' ,
icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
MakeShen : function ( type ) {
var basicForm = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) ;
if ( ! basicForm . isValid ( ) ) {
return ;
var data = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . getValues ( ) ;
data . HAVEDEBIT = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'HAVEDEBIT' ) . getValue ( ) ? 1 : 0 ;
var Cargodatas = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . storeDetail . getCount ( ) ; i += 1 ) {
var member = this . storeDetail . getAt ( i ) ;
if ( member . data . ISOK == "true" ) {
member . data . ISOK = "1" ;
if ( member . data . ISOK == "false" ) {
member . data . ISOK = "0" ;
Cargodatas . push ( member ) ;
var CargoBody = ConvertRecordsToJson ( Cargodatas ) ;
var CargoDelBody = ConvertRecordsToJsonAll ( this . DetailDel ) ;
var _this = this ;
Ext . Msg . wait ( '正在保存数据, 请稍侯..' ) ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
async : false ,
timeout : 1200000 ,
waitMsg : '正在保存数据...' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsChFeeAutoDui/Save' ,
scope : this ,
params : {
opstatus : this . opStatus ,
data : Ext . JSON . encode ( data ) ,
CargoBody : CargoBody ,
CargoDelBody : CargoDelBody
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
Ext . MessageBox . hide ( ) ;
var jsonresult = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( jsonresult . Success ) {
this . storeDetail . commitChanges ( ) ;
var returnData = jsonresult . Data ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . setValues ( returnData ) ;
if ( this . opStatus == 'add' ) {
var arrNewRecords = this . StoreList . add ( returnData ) ;
this . editRecord = arrNewRecords [ 0 ] ;
// alert(editRecord.get('ContractNo'));
else if ( this . opStatus == 'edit' ) {
var editp = Ext . create ( 'MsChFeeAutoDuimb' , returnData ) ;
this . editRecord . fields . each ( function ( field ) {
if ( field . persist ) {
name = field . name ;
//alert(name + ' -- ' + editp.get(name));
if ( name != 'GID' )
this . editRecord . set ( name , editp . get ( name ) ) ;
} , this ) ;
this . editRecord . commit ( ) ;
_this = this ;
Ext . Msg . wait ( '正在保存数据, 请稍侯..' ) ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '正在保存数据...' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsChFeeAutoDui/MakeShen' ,
timeout : 1200000 ,
scope : this ,
params : {
type : type ,
data : Ext . JSON . encode ( data )
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
Ext . MessageBox . hide ( ) ;
var jsonresult = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( jsonresult . Success ) {
var returnData = jsonresult . Data ;
this . opStatus = 'edit' ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . setValues ( returnData ) ;
if ( this . opStatus == 'add' ) {
var arrNewRecords = this . StoreList . add ( returnData ) ;
this . editRecord = arrNewRecords [ 0 ] ;
// alert(editRecord.get('ContractNo'));
else if ( this . opStatus == 'edit' ) {
var editp = Ext . create ( 'MsChFeeAutoDuimb' , returnData ) ;
this . editRecord . fields . each ( function ( field ) {
if ( field . persist ) {
name = field . name ;
//alert(name + ' -- ' + editp.get(name));
if ( name != 'GID' )
this . editRecord . set ( name , editp . get ( name ) ) ;
} , this ) ;
this . editRecord . commit ( ) ;
this . ReflashEdt ( returnData . GID ) ;
this . SetBtnEnable ( returnData ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '错误' , msg : jsonresult . Message , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( {
title : '请重试' ,
msg : '服务器响应出错' ,
icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '错误' , msg : jsonresult . Message , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( {
title : '请重试' ,
msg : '服务器响应出错' ,
icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
OprationSwap : function ( ) {
var ret = new Array ( ) ;
ret [ 0 ] = this . bssql ;
ret [ 1 ] = this . feesql ;
return ret ;
} ,
//#region 打印
Print : function ( ) {
var GID = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'GID' ) . getValue ( ) ;
var printType = 'MSCHFEEAUTODUI' ;
var sql1 = "SET LANGUAGE 'us_english' SELECT * FROM CH_FEE_AutoDui WHERE GID= '" + GID + "' " ;
var sql2 = "SET LANGUAGE 'us_english' SELECT dl.*,b.ETD,B.CUSTOMERNAME,B.OP FROM CH_FEE_AutoDuiDetail dl left join v_op_bs B ON (B.BSNO=dl.B_BSNO) WHERE dl.BSNO = '" + GID + "' " ;
var sql3 = "" ;
var sql4 = "" ;
var sql5 = "" ;
var sql6 = "" ;
PrintComm ( printType , sql1 , sql2 , sql3 , sql4 , sql5 , sql6 , '' ) ;
} ,
onExportClick : function ( button , event ) {
if ( this . storeDetail . getCount ( ) == 0 ) {
return ;
var sortstr = '' ;
var condition = " BSNO='" + this . editRecord . get ( 'GID' ) + "'"
Ext . Msg . wait ( '正在组织数据, 请稍侯..' ) ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '正在组织数据...' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsChFeeAutoDui/GetBodyListStr' ,
scope : this ,
params : {
condition : condition ,
sort : sortstr
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
Ext . MessageBox . hide ( ) ;
var jsonresult = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( jsonresult . Success ) {
var returnstr = jsonresult . Data ;
var condition = jsonresult . Message ;
if ( condition != '' ) condition = ' where ' + condition ;
var printType = 'MSCHFEEAUTODUI' ;
var sql1 = returnstr ;
sql1 = sql1 . replace ( /\+/g , "@@@" )
if ( sql1 != '' ) {
GridExportBySql ( sql1 , 'ChFeeAutoDuiDetail' , '对账明细.xls' ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '错误' , msg : jsonresult . Message , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( {
title : '请重试' ,
msg : '服务器响应出错' ,
icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;