You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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3 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using HcUtility.Comm;
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
namespace HcUtility.Core
/// <summary>
/// 功能: 单据保存的类
/// 创建: 吴伟 2009-05-08
/// </summary>
public class ModelObjectDBBill : ModelObjectDB
protected override DBResult BeforeSaveHandler(List<ModelObjectBase> dataList, Database db,
IDbConnection idbConn, IDbTransaction idbTran, ref List<DbCommand> listCmd)
DBResult result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
result.Message = "";
foreach (ModelObjectBase modeldata in dataList)
ModelObjectBill mobBill = (ModelObjectBill)modeldata;
if (mobBill.DbOperationType == DbOperationType.DbotIns)
string headBillno = mobBill.GetBillNoValue().ToString();
if (headBillno == String.Empty || headBillno == "*")
headBillno = mobBill.GetNewBillNo(db);
if (headBillno == "" || headBillno == "*")
throw new ModelDbException("取得单据号出现错误!");
foreach (List<ModelObjectBase> moblist in modeldata.BodyList)
result = SaveBodyListBillNo(moblist, mobBill.GetBillNoValue().ToString());
if (!result.Success)
throw new ModelDbException(result.Message);
if (mobBill.DbOperationType == DbOperationType.DbotUpd)
result = mobBill.CheckTimeMark(db,idbConn,idbTran,ref listCmd);
if (!result.Success)
catch(Exception e)
result.Success = false;
if (!(e is ModelDbException))
result.Message = e.ToString();
return result;
protected override DBResult AfterSaveHandler(List<ModelObjectBase> dataList, Database db,
IDbConnection idbConn, IDbTransaction idbTran, ref List<DbCommand> listCmd)
DBResult result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
List<string> listBillNo = new List<string>();
foreach (ModelObjectBase mob in dataList)
ModelObjectBill mobBill = (ModelObjectBill)mob;
string billno = mobBill.GetBillNoValue().ToString();
if (listBillNo.Contains(billno))
result = mobBill.AfterSaveHandler(db,idbConn,idbTran,ref listCmd);
throw new ModelDbException(result.Message);
catch(Exception e)
result.Success = false;
if (!(e is ModelDbException))
result.Message = e.ToString();
return result;
private DBResult SaveBodyListBillNo(List<ModelObjectBase> moblist, string billNo) {
DBResult result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
foreach (ModelObjectBase mod in moblist) {
result = SaveBodyBillNo(mod, billNo);
if (!result.Success)
return result;
private DBResult SaveBodyBillNo(ModelObjectBase modeldata, string billNo) {
DBResult result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
ModelObjectBill modelBill = (ModelObjectBill)modeldata;
if (modelBill.DbOperationType == DbOperationType.DbotIns)
modelBill.SetPropertyValue(modelBill.GetBillNoFieldName(), billNo);
foreach (List<ModelObjectBase> moblist in modeldata.BodyList) {
result = SaveBodyListBillNo(moblist, billNo);
if (!result.Success)
return result;
private string GetNewBillNo(Database db, string ywType)
string billNo = String.Empty;
using (DbCommand cmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand("sSysGetBillNo"))
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "ps_BillType", DbType.String, ywType);
db.AddOutParameter(cmd, "ps_BillNo", DbType.String, 20);
billNo = Convert.ToString(db.GetParameterValue(cmd, "ps_BillNo"));
return billNo;