using System ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Web.Mvc ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.WMSNew ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsStevedores ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.WMSNewDAL ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Data ;
using System.IO ;
using HcUtility.Comm ;
using DSWeb.Areas.MvcShipping.DAL.Message ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsSysBillNoSet ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsCodeFtpSet ;
using DSWeb.TruckMng.Comm.Cookie ;
using DSWeb.TruckMng.Helper ;
using DSWeb.TruckMng.Helper.Repository ;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Data.OleDb ;
using DSWeb.Areas.CommMng.DAL ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.WMSDeliver ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsSysParamSet ;
using DSWeb.Areas.MvcShipping.Helper ;
namespace DSWeb.MvcShipping.Controllers
public class WMSNewController : Controller
/ /
// GET:
public ActionResult Index ( )
return View ( ) ;
/ /
// GET: /
public ActionResult Edit ( )
return View ( ) ;
public ActionResult InEdit ( )
return View ( ) ;
public ContentResult GetDataList ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition )
int count = 0 ;
var dataList = WMSNewDAL . GetDataList ( condition , start , limit , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , out count , sort ) ;
var timeStamp = DateTime . Now . ToShortDateString ( ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) , timeStamp = timeStamp } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult GetDataList_LTJY ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition )
int count = 0 ;
var dataList = WMSNewDAL . GetDataList_LTJY ( condition , start , limit , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , out count , sort ) ;
var timeStamp = DateTime . Now . ToShortDateString ( ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) , timeStamp = timeStamp } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult GetData ( string handle , string condition )
WMSNewList head = null ;
var timeStamp = DateTime . Now . ToShortDateString ( ) ;
var wmsnoManual = "0" ;
if ( handle = = "edit" )
head = WMSNewDAL . GetData ( condition , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
if ( head = = null )
head = new WMSNewList ( ) ;
head . ARFEE = "0" ;
head . APFEE = "0" ;
head . CHARGEUNIT = "吨" ;
head . GOODSKGS = "0" ;
wmsnoManual = WMSNewDAL . GetWMSNOManualConfig ( ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize (
new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , data = head , timeStamp = timeStamp , WMSNOManual = wmsnoManual } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult GetData_LTJY ( string handle , string condition )
WMSNewList head = null ;
var timeStamp = DateTime . Now . ToShortDateString ( ) ;
var wmsnoManual = "0" ;
if ( handle = = "edit" )
head = WMSNewDAL . GetData_LTJY ( condition , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
if ( head = = null )
head = new WMSNewList ( ) ;
head . ARFEE = "0" ;
head . APFEE = "0" ;
head . CHARGEUNIT = "箱" ;
wmsnoManual = WMSNewDAL . GetWMSNOManualConfig ( ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize (
new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , data = head , timeStamp = timeStamp , WMSNOManual = wmsnoManual } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult Delete ( string data , string USERID )
var WMSNewList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < WMSNewList > > ( data ) ;
string msg = "" ;
bool success = WMSNewDAL . Delete ( WMSNewList , out msg ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = success , Message = msg } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
private List < WMSNewList > serializeParams ( List < WMSNewList > list )
return list ;
public ContentResult Save ( string opstatus , string data , string WMSINBody , string WMSINBodyDel )
var head = JsonConvert . Deserialize < WMSNew > ( data ) ;
var WMSINBodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < WMSNewIN > > ( WMSINBody ) ;
var WMSINBodyDelList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < WMSNewIN > > ( WMSINBodyDel ) ;
if ( WMSINBodyList ! = null )
foreach ( var item in WMSINBodyList )
if ( head . WMSDATE = = "" )
head . WMSDATE = DateTime . Now . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
var CustomsNo = head . CUSTOMNO ;
var BSNO = head . ASSOCIATEDNO ;
var BLNO = head . BLNO ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse ( ) ;
bool ISCustomsClearance = WMSNewDAL . CheckISCustomsClearance ( CustomsNo , BLNO ) ;
if ( ! ISCustomsClearance )
jsonRespose . Success = false ;
jsonRespose . Message = "未进行报关,不允许入库!" ;
if ( opstatus = = "add" )
/ * if ( WMSINBodyList ! = null & & WMSINBodyList . Count > 0 )
head . GOODSNAME = WMSINBodyList [ 0 ] . GOODSNAME ;
* /
head . DbOperationType = DbOperationType . DbotIns ;
head . ModelUIStatus = "I" ;
head . CORPID = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) . Trim ( ) ; //CORPID
head . GID = "Wms" + Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) . Replace ( "-" , "" ) ; ; //获取管理费单号
head . WMSOP = CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserName ( Request ) ;
head . CREATEUSER = CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) ;
//head.WMSNO = getCodeRule("入库单号", "WMSNO", "WMS", head.WMSDATE);//调用编码规则
if ( head . WMSNO = = "" | | head . WMSNO = = null )
var billnoset = MsSysBillNoSetDAL . GetData ( "OPLBNAME='仓储入库'" , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
head . WMSNO = MsSysBillNoSetDAL . GetBillNo ( billnoset , head . WMSDATE . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) , head . ACCDATE . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
if ( head . WMSNO = = null | | head . WMSNO = = string . Empty )
jsonRespose . Success = false ;
jsonRespose . Message = "入库单号生成失败!" ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
if ( head . ASSOCIATEDNO = = "" )
//不是海运进口和进口贸易, 关联号设置和GID相等。见v_op_bs,2019-05-24
head . ASSOCIATEDNO = head . GID ;
else if ( opstatus = = "edit" )
if ( WMSINBodyList ! = null )
/ * if ( WMSINBodyList . Count > 0 )
head . GOODSNAME = WMSINBodyList [ 0 ] . GOODSNAME ;
} * /
if ( head . EIP )
foreach ( var wmsin in WMSINBodyList )
if ( ( wmsin . TRAYNO = = null ) | | ( wmsin . TRAYNO = = "" ) )
//wmsin.TRAYNO = MsSysBillNoSetDAL.GetTrayNo();
WMSEIPSDeliverDAL . UpdateTrayNo ( wmsin . GID , wmsin . TRAYNO , head . STORAGENAME ) ;
if ( head . ISCHANGE = = "货权转移" )
head . ISCHANGE = "True" ;
head . ISCHANGE = "False" ;
head . DbOperationType = DbOperationType . DbotUpd ;
head . ModelUIStatus = "E" ;
head . MODIFIEDTIME = DateTime . Now . ToString ( ) ;
head . MODIFIEDUSER = CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) ;
head . CORPID = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) . Trim ( ) ; //CORPID
head . DbOperationType = DbOperationType . DbotDel ;
if ( WMSINBodyList ! = null )
foreach ( var wmsin in WMSINBodyList )
wmsin . BSNO = BSNO ;
wmsin . BLNO = BLNO ;
if ( head . TiDanJianShu = = "" ) head . TiDanJianShu = "0" ;
if ( head . TiDanZhongLiang = = "" ) head . TiDanZhongLiang = "0" ;
var modb = new ModelObjectRepository ( ) ;
DBResult result ;
if ( WMSINBodyList = = null )
WMSINBodyList = new List < WMSNewIN > ( ) ;
result = modb . Save ( head ,
ModelObjectConvert < WMSNewIN > . ToModelObjectList ( WMSINBodyList ) ,
ModelObjectConvert < WMSNewIN > . ToModelObjectList ( WMSINBodyDelList )
) ;
jsonRespose . Success = result . Success ;
jsonRespose . Message = result . Message ;
jsonRespose . Data = WMSNewDAL . GetData ( " GID='" + head . GID + "'" , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult Save_LTJY ( string opstatus , string data , string WMSINBody , string WMSINBodyDel )
var head = JsonConvert . Deserialize < WMSNew > ( data ) ;
var WMSINBodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < WMSNewIN > > ( WMSINBody ) ;
var WMSINBodyDelList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < WMSNewIN > > ( WMSINBodyDel ) ;
if ( WMSINBodyList ! = null )
foreach ( var item in WMSINBodyList )
if ( head . WMSDATE = = "" )
head . WMSDATE = DateTime . Now . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
var CustomsNo = head . CUSTOMNO ;
var BSNO = head . ASSOCIATEDNO ;
var BLNO = head . BLNO ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse ( ) ;
bool ISCustomsClearance = WMSNewDAL . CheckISCustomsClearance ( CustomsNo , BLNO ) ;
if ( ! ISCustomsClearance )
jsonRespose . Success = false ;
jsonRespose . Message = "未进行报关,不允许入库!" ;
if ( opstatus = = "add" )
if ( WMSINBodyList ! = null & & WMSINBodyList . Count > 0 )
head . GOODSNAME = WMSINBodyList [ 0 ] . GOODSNAME ;
head . DbOperationType = DbOperationType . DbotIns ;
head . ModelUIStatus = "I" ;
head . CORPID = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) . Trim ( ) ; //CORPID
head . GID = "Wms" + Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) . Replace ( "-" , "" ) ; ; //获取管理费单号
head . WMSOP = CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserName ( Request ) ;
head . CREATEUSER = CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) ;
//head.WMSNO = getCodeRule("入库单号", "WMSNO", "WMS", head.WMSDATE);//调用编码规则
if ( head . WMSNO = = "" | | head . WMSNO = = null )
var billnoset = MsSysBillNoSetDAL . GetData ( "OPLBNAME='仓储入库'" , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
head . WMSNO = MsSysBillNoSetDAL . GetBillNo ( billnoset , head . WMSDATE . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) , head . ACCDATE . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
if ( head . WMSNO = = null | | head . WMSNO = = string . Empty )
jsonRespose . Success = false ;
jsonRespose . Message = "入库单号生成失败!" ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
if ( head . ASSOCIATEDNO = = "" )
head . ASSOCIATEDNO = head . GID ;
else if ( opstatus = = "edit" )
if ( WMSINBodyList ! = null )
if ( WMSINBodyList . Count > 0 )
head . GOODSNAME = WMSINBodyList [ 0 ] . GOODSNAME ;
if ( head . ISCHANGE = = "货权转移" )
head . ISCHANGE = "True" ;
head . ISCHANGE = "False" ;
head . DbOperationType = DbOperationType . DbotUpd ;
head . ModelUIStatus = "E" ;
head . MODIFIEDTIME = DateTime . Now . ToString ( ) ;
head . MODIFIEDUSER = CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) ;
head . CORPID = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) . Trim ( ) ; //CORPID
head . DbOperationType = DbOperationType . DbotDel ;
if ( WMSINBodyList ! = null )
foreach ( var wmsin in WMSINBodyList )
wmsin . BSNO = BSNO ;
wmsin . BLNO = BLNO ;
var modb = new ModelObjectRepository ( ) ;
DBResult result ;
if ( WMSINBodyList = = null )
WMSINBodyList = new List < WMSNewIN > ( ) ;
result = modb . Save ( head ,
ModelObjectConvert < WMSNewIN > . ToModelObjectList ( WMSINBodyList ) ,
ModelObjectConvert < WMSNewIN > . ToModelObjectList ( WMSINBodyDelList )
) ;
jsonRespose . Success = result . Success ;
jsonRespose . Message = result . Message ;
jsonRespose . Data = WMSNewDAL . GetData_LTJY ( " GID='" + head . GID + "'" , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult GetWMSINList ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition )
var dataList = WMSNewDAL . GetWMSINList ( condition , sort ) ;
var list = dataList . Skip ( start ) . Take ( limit ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = list . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
/// <summary>
/// 根据提单号和报关单号获取入库数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="BLNO"></param>
/// <param name="CUSTOMNO"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ContentResult GetDataWithBLNOAndWMSNO ( string BLNO , string CUSTOMNO , string OPLBNAME )
bool hasExist = false ;
var MutiBLNO = MsSysParamSetDAL . GetData ( "PARAMNAME='MutiBLNO'" ) ;
if ( MutiBLNO . PARAMVALUE = = "0" )
hasExist = WMSNewDAL . CheckHasExistWMSInWBLNO ( BLNO ) ;
if ( hasExist )
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = false , Message = "提单号" + BLNO + "下已存在入库单,无法再次新建入库单!" } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
int count = 1 ;
string sMBLNO = "" ; //提单号
string sMCUSTOMNO = "" ; //报关单号、备案清单号
string sCONTRACTNO = "" ; //合同号
string sCUSTNO = "" ; //委托编号
string sCUSTOMERNAME = "" ; //客户名称
string sBSNO = "" ; //海运进口业务gid
string sCTNALL = "" ; //箱型
string sCNTRNO = "" ; //箱号
string sSEALNO = "" ; //封号
string sISBONDED = "" ; //是否保税业务
string sOPLBNAME = "" ; //是否保税业务
string sCompanyID = "" ; //货属分部(进口贸易)
int sPKGS = 0 ;
decimal sKGS = 0 ;
var timeStamp = DateTime . Now . ToShortDateString ( ) ;
string sStorageName = "" ;
WMSNewDAL . GetDataWithBLNOAndWMSNO ( BLNO , CUSTOMNO , OPLBNAME , out sMBLNO , out sMCUSTOMNO , out sCONTRACTNO , out sCUSTNO , out sCUSTOMERNAME , out sBSNO , out sCTNALL , out sCNTRNO , out sBAOGUANJIANSHU , out sPKGS , out sKGS , out sSEALNO , out sISBONDED , out sOPLBNAME , out sCompanyID , out sStorageName ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = count , CONTRACTNO = sCONTRACTNO , CUSTNO = sCUSTNO , CUSTOMERNAME = sCUSTOMERNAME , timeStamp = timeStamp , MBLNO = sMBLNO , MCUSTOMNO = sMCUSTOMNO , BSNO = sBSNO , CTNALL = sCTNALL , CNTRNO = sCNTRNO , BAOGUANJIANSHU = sBAOGUANJIANSHU , PKGS = sPKGS , KGS = sKGS , SEALNO = sSEALNO , ISBONDED = sISBONDED , OPLBNAME = sOPLBNAME , COMPANYID = sCompanyID , STORAGENAME = sStorageName } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult GetDetailsForGoodsName ( string codegoodsid )
var dataList = WMSNewDAL . GetGoodsDetailsWithGid ( codegoodsid ) ;
var list = dataList . Skip ( 0 ) . Take ( 1000 ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = list . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
/// <summary>
/// 根据品牌名称和品名id查询件数
/// </summary>
/// <param name="goodsDetailsName"></param>
/// <param name="codeGoodsId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ContentResult GetPKGWithGoodsDetailsNameAndCodeGoodsId ( string goodsDetailsName , string codeGoodsId )
string pkg = WMSNewDAL . GetPKGWithGoodsDetailsNameAndCodeGoodsId ( goodsDetailsName , codeGoodsId ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = 1 , data = pkg } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
/// <summary>
/// 根据提单号和报关单号,获取报关单号列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="BLNO"></param>
/// <param name="CUSTOMNO"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ContentResult GetCustomsNoListWithBLNOAndCustomNo ( string BLNO , string CUSTOMNO )
var dataList = WMSNewDAL . GetCustomsNoListWithBLNOAndCustomNo ( BLNO , CUSTOMNO ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult GetXMLMessageWithWMSNO ( string WMSNO )
string USERID = CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) ;
string message = "" ;
var ftpset = MsCodeFtpSetDAL . GetData ( "EDINAME='QCKCBW'" , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
string trade_code = ftpset . SENDCOMPANYCODE ;
string unit = ftpset . SENDSUBCOMPANYCODE ;
string ip = ftpset . SERVERIP ;
string xml = MSGDAL_HCHX_DATA . GetXMLMessageWithWMSNO ( WMSNO , USERID , trade_code , unit , ip , out message ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = message = = "" , Message = message = = "" ? "发送成功" : "发送失败,下列字段为空:" + message , totalCount = 1 , data = xml } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
/// <summary>
/// 发送报文
/// </summary>
/// <param name="WMSBSNO"></param>
/// <param name="type"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ContentResult GetXMLMessage4001WithWMSBSNO ( string WMSBSNO , int type )
string USERID = CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) ;
string message = "" ;
var ftpset = MsCodeFtpSetDAL . GetData ( "EDINAME='CKRKBW'" , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
string trade_code = ftpset . SENDCOMPANYCODE ;
string unit = ftpset . SENDSUBCOMPANYCODE ;
string ip = ftpset . SERVERIP ;
string xml = MSGDAL_HCHX_DATA2 . GetXMLMessageWithWMSBSNO ( WMSBSNO , USERID , out message , trade_code , unit , ip , type ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = message = = "" , Message = message = = "" ? "发送成功" : "发送失败,下列字段为空:" + message , totalCount = 1 , data = xml } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult LockWMS ( string wmsno , bool EIP , int type ) {
string message = "" ;
bool rst = WMSNewDAL . LockWMS ( wmsno , EIP , type , out message ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = rst , Message = message , totalCount = 1 } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
//var USERID = CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserId(Request);
//var _r = DingTalkHelper.Send_WMSIN(USERID, wmsno);
//var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = _r.Success, Message = _r.Message };
//return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult LockWMS2 ( string wmsno , int type )
bool rst = WMSNewDAL . LockWMS2 ( wmsno , type ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = rst , Message = rst ? "操作成功" : "操作失败" , totalCount = 1 } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult GetCodeCtnList ( string mblno )
int count = 0 ;
var dataList = WMSNewDAL . GetCodeCtnList ( mblno ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult GetCNTRNOList ( string mblno , string ctnall )
int count = 0 ;
var dataList = WMSNewDAL . GetCNTRNOList ( mblno , ctnall ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
/// <summary>
/// 根据提单号,箱号 获取封号
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bsno"></param>
/// <param name="cntrno"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ContentResult GetSEALNOWithBLNOAndCNTRNO ( string bsno , string cntrno )
int pkgs = 0 ;
float cbm = 0.00f ;
string SEALNO = WMSNewDAL . GetSEALNOWithBLNOAndCNTRNO ( bsno , cntrno , out pkgs , out cbm ) ;
bool flag = true ;
if ( SEALNO = = "" & & pkgs = = 0 & & cbm = = 0.00f )
flag = false ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = flag , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = 1 , data = SEALNO , pkgs = pkgs , cbm = cbm } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult GetGoodsInfoWithName ( string goodsname , string CodeAndName )
string codeAndname = "" ;
string gid = WMSNewDAL . GetGoodsInfoWithName ( goodsname , out codeAndname ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = 1 , data = gid , CodeAndName = codeAndname } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult GetZhuangXieGongList ( )
List < Stevedores > zxglist = WMSNewDAL . GetZhuangXieGongList ( ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = 999 , data = zxglist } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult GetCheDuiList ( )
List < CheDui > zxglist = WMSNewDAL . GetCheDuiList ( ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = 999 , data = zxglist } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult CreateCost ( string wmsno )
string msg = "" ;
string userid = Session [ "USERID" ] = = null ? "" : Session [ "USERID" ] . ToString ( ) ;
bool rst = WMSNewDAL . CreateCost ( wmsno , userid , out msg ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = rst , Message = msg , totalCount = 1 } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
#region 仓储费费率相关
public ContentResult SaveRate ( string BSNONAME , string BSNO , string WMSRATEBody , string WMSRATEBodyDel )
var WMSRATEBodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < WMSRATEmb > > ( WMSRATEBody ) ;
var WMSRATEDelBodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < WMSRATEmb > > ( WMSRATEBodyDel ) ;
if ( WMSRATEBodyList ! = null )
foreach ( var _WR in WMSRATEBodyList )
_WR . MODIFIEDUSER = CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserName ( Request ) ;
_WR . MODIFIEDTIME = DateTime . Now . ToString ( ) ;
var modb = new ModelObjectRepository ( ) ;
DBResult result = modb . SaveComm ( BSNONAME , BSNO ,
ModelObjectConvert < WMSRATEmb > . ToModelObjectList ( WMSRATEBodyList ) ,
ModelObjectConvert < WMSRATEmb > . ToModelObjectList ( WMSRATEDelBodyList )
) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse
Success = result . Success ,
Message = result . Message ,
//Data = XXHDAL.GetData("M.ContractNo='" + head.ContractNo + "'")
} ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult DelRate ( string BSNONAME , string BSNO , string WMSRATEBodyDel )
//var WMSRATEBodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<WMSRATEmb>>(WMSRATEBody);
var WMSRATEDelBodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < WMSRATEmb > > ( WMSRATEBodyDel ) ;
var modb = new ModelObjectRepository ( ) ;
DBResult result = modb . SaveComm ( BSNONAME , BSNO ,
null ,
ModelObjectConvert < WMSRATEmb > . ToModelObjectList ( WMSRATEDelBodyList )
) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse
Success = result . Success ,
Message = result . Message ,
//Data = XXHDAL.GetData("M.ContractNo='" + head.ContractNo + "'")
} ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult GetWMSRATE ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition )
var dataList = WMSNewDAL . GetWMSRATE ( condition , sort ) ;
var list = dataList . Skip ( start ) . Take ( limit ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = list . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
# endregion
public ContentResult GetSysFeeConfig ( string userid )
var value = WMSNewDAL . GetSysFeeConfig ( "" ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = 1 , data = value . ToString ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult GetImportFeeModel ( string custname , string goodnameid , string wmsdate , string storagename )
var list = WMSNewDAL . GetImportFeeModel ( custname , goodnameid , wmsdate , storagename ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = list . Count , data = list } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult GetLoaderFeeModel ( string custname , string goodnameid , string wmsdate , string feetype , string storagename )
var list = WMSNewDAL . GetLoaderFeeModel ( custname , goodnameid , wmsdate , feetype , storagename ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = list . Count , data = list } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult GetZhuangXieFeiWithZhuangXieGongID ( string gid )
int count = 0 ;
float feejian = 0 ;
float feeton = 0 ;
WMSNewDAL . GetZhuangXieFeiWithZhuangXieGongID ( gid , out feejian , out feeton ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = count , data1 = feejian , data2 = feeton } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult modify ( string data , string modifydata )
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < WMSNewList > > ( data ) ;
var amodifydata = JsonConvert . Deserialize < WMSNewList > ( modifydata ) ;
var result = new DBResult ( ) ;
if ( bodyList ! = null )
result = WMSNewDAL . Modify ( bodyList , amodifydata , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse
Success = result . Success ,
Message = result . Message ,
} ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
/// <summary>
/// 导入
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ContentResult FileUpload ( )
var jsonRespose = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { success = false , message = "未上传文件" } ) ;
var file = Request . Files [ "file" ] ; //获取文件
if ( file = = null ) //未上传文件
return new ContentResult { Content = jsonRespose } ;
var path = Server . MapPath ( "../../UploadFiles/CtnTkDetail" ) ; //获取物理路径
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( path ) )
Directory . CreateDirectory ( path ) ;
var name = Path . GetFileName ( file . FileName ) ;
var usercode = CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserCode ( Request ) ;
string filepath = path + "\\" + usercode + DateTime . Now . ToString ( "yyyyMMddHHmmssfff" ) + name ;
if ( System . IO . File . Exists ( filepath ) )
System . IO . File . Delete ( filepath ) ;
file . SaveAs ( filepath ) ;
DataSet ds = GetExcelDs ( filepath ) ;
if ( ds . Tables . Count > 0 )
DataTable dt = ds . Tables [ 0 ] ;
string [ ] arr =
} ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < arr . Length ; i + + )
dt . Columns [ i ] . ColumnName = arr [ i ] ;
dt . Columns . Add ( new DataColumn ( ) { ColumnName = "GOODSNAMEDISPLAY" } ) ;
dt . Columns . Add ( new DataColumn ( ) { ColumnName = "GOODSNAME" } ) ;
dt . Columns . Add ( new DataColumn ( ) { ColumnName = "GID" } ) ;
dt . Columns . Add ( new DataColumn ( ) { ColumnName = "ZHONGLIANG2" } ) ;
foreach ( DataRow item in dt . Rows )
item [ "GID" ] = Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) ;
item [ "ZHONGLIANG2" ] = "0" ;
var model = BasicDataRefDAL . GetCodeGoodsList ( string . Format ( "GOODCODE = '{0}' or GOODNAME like '%{0}%'" , item [ "GOODSNAMEID" ] ) ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
if ( model ! = null )
item [ "GOODSNAMEID" ] = model . GID ;
item [ "GOODSNAMEDISPLAY" ] = model . CodeAndName ;
item [ "GOODSNAME" ] = model . GOODNAME ;
var list = ToJson ( dt ) ;
jsonRespose = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new
success = true ,
data = list ,
totalCount = dt . Rows . Count ,
message = "导入成功"
} ) ;
return new ContentResult { Content = jsonRespose } ;
catch ( Exception se )
jsonRespose = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new
success = false ,
message = se . Message
} ) ;
return new ContentResult { Content = jsonRespose } ;
/// <summary>
/// 获取DataSet
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filepath"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public DataSet GetExcelDs ( string filepath )
var strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + filepath + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1" ;
if ( filepath . ToLower ( ) . IndexOf ( ".xlsx" , StringComparison . Ordinal ) > 0 )
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + filepath + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=Yes\"" ;
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection ( strConn ) ;
conn . Open ( ) ;
DataTable dt = conn . GetOleDbSchemaTable ( OleDbSchemaGuid . Tables , new object [ ] { null , null , null , "TABLE" } ) ;
conn . Close ( ) ;
if ( dt ! = null )
OleDbDataAdapter oada = new OleDbDataAdapter ( "select * from [" + dt . Rows [ 0 ] [ 2 ] + "]" , strConn ) ;
DataSet ds = new DataSet ( ) ;
oada . Fill ( ds ) ;
return ds ;
return new DataSet ( ) ;
catch ( Exception )
return new DataSet ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// DataTable 对象 转换为Json 字符串
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dt"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string ToJson ( DataTable dt )
JavaScriptSerializer javaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer ( ) ;
javaScriptSerializer . MaxJsonLength = Int32 . MaxValue ; //取得最大数值
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList ( ) ;
foreach ( DataRow dataRow in dt . Rows )
Dictionary < string , object > dictionary = new Dictionary < string , object > ( ) ; //实例化一个参数集合
foreach ( DataColumn dataColumn in dt . Columns )
if ( dataColumn . ColumnName = = "OPERTIME" )
dataRow [ dataColumn . ColumnName ] = DateTime . Now . ToString ( ) ;
dictionary . Add ( dataColumn . ColumnName , dataRow [ dataColumn . ColumnName ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
arrayList . Add ( dictionary ) ; //ArrayList集合中添加键值
return javaScriptSerializer . Serialize ( arrayList ) ; //返回一个json字符串
/// <summary>
/// 盘点校对
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public JsonResult PanDian ( string code , string num , string gid )
string sql1 = string . Format ( "select [JIANSHU2] from [wms_in] where ASSOCIATEDNO='{0}' and goodsnameid=(select GID FROM code_goods WHERE GOODNO = '{1}')" , gid , code ) ;
var obj = SoftMng . DBUtility . DbHelperSQL . GetObject ( sql1 ) ;
if ( ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( obj . ToString ( ) ) )
num = ( Convert . ToInt32 ( num ) + Convert . ToInt32 ( obj ) ) . ToString ( ) ;
string sql = string . Format ( "UPDATE [wms_in] SET [JIANSHU2] ='{0}' where ASSOCIATEDNO='{1}' and goodsnameid=(select GID FROM code_goods WHERE GOODNO = '{2}')" , num , gid , code ) ;
var result = SoftMng . DBUtility . DbHelperSQL . ExecuteSql ( sql ) > 0 ;
return Json ( result ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 获取商品名称
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public JsonResult beforePanDian ( string code , string gid )
string sql = string . Format ( "select GOODSNAME,GOODSMODEL from [wms_in] where ASSOCIATEDNO='{0}' and goodsnameid=(select GID FROM code_goods WHERE GOODNO = '{1}')" , gid , code ) ;
var ds = SoftMng . DBUtility . DbHelperSQL . Query ( sql ) ;
if ( ds . Tables . Count > 0 )
if ( ds . Tables [ 0 ] . Rows . Count > 0 )
var dataRow = ds . Tables [ 0 ] . Rows [ 0 ] ;
return Json ( new { res = true , name = dataRow [ "GOODSNAME" ] . ToString ( ) , model = dataRow [ "GOODSMODEL" ] . ToString ( ) } ) ;
return Json ( new { res = false } ) ;
/// <summary>
/// 从v_op_wmsbs当中取出现过的optype
/// </summary>
/// <param name="condition"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// ContentResult GetDataList ( int start, int limit, string sort, string condition )
public ContentResult GetWMSOPTYPE ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition )
var evList = BasicDataRefDAL . GeneralSelect ( " select distinct oplbname GID,oplbname GVALUE from v_op_wmsbs " ) ;
jsonresponse _jr = new jsonresponse ( ) ;
if ( evList . Count = = 0 )
_jr . success = false ;
_jr . success = true ;
_jr . data = evList . ToList ( ) ;
return _jr . getContentReult ( ) ;