using System ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Web.Mvc ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsCrmQuotationDAL ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsCrmQuotation ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Helper ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Comm.Cookie ;
using HcUtility.Comm ;
using HcUtility.Core ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsBaseInfoDAL ;
using DSWeb.EntityDA ;
using DSWeb.Models ;
using DSWeb.Attributes ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsSysBillNoSet ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsSysBillNoSet ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsCodeServiceFeeTemplate ;
using DSWeb.SoftMng.Filter ;
namespace DSWeb.MvcShipping.Controllers
public class MsCrmQuotationController : Controller
public ActionResult Index ( )
return View ( ) ;
public ActionResult Edit ( )
return View ( ) ;
public ActionResult HistryFeeAgentIndex ( )
return View ( ) ;
#region 查询
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetDataList ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition )
var dataList = MsCrmQuotationDAL . GetDataList ( condition , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , sort ) ;
var list = dataList . Skip ( start ) . Take ( limit ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = list . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetData ( string handle , string condition )
MsCrmQuotationEntity head = null ;
if ( handle = = "edit" )
head = MsCrmQuotationDAL . GetData ( condition , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , data = head } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
# endregion
#region 打印
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetDataListStr ( string condition , string gids , string printstr )
var dataListStr = MsCrmQuotationDAL . GetDataListStr ( condition , gids , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , data = dataListStr } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
# endregion
#region 明细查询
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetDetailList ( string condition )
var dataList = MsCrmQuotationDAL . GetDetailList ( condition , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
# endregion
#region 保存
public ContentResult Save ( string opStatus , string data , string body )
if ( Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "CODENAME" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "DEPTNAME" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" )
var jsonRespose2 = new JsonResponse { Success = false , Message = "登录超时,请退出系统重新登录!" } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose2 ) } ;
/ /
T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new EntityDA . T_ALL_DA ( ) ;
var headData = JsonConvert . Deserialize < MsCrmQuotationEntity > ( data ) ;
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < CrmQuotationDetailEntity > > ( body ) ;
var isPost = true ;
var errorstr = "" ;
#region 报价编号规则(取自“编码规则设置”)
string sQUOTATIONCODE = headData . QUOTATIONCODE . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ;
if ( sQUOTATIONCODE = = "" )
sQUOTATIONCODE = MsCrmQuotationDAL . getCodeRuleWmsOut ( "报价编号" , "QUOTATIONCODE" , 1 , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) . Trim ( ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
# endregion
#region 基本信息
headData . CLIENTGID = "" ; //相关联的潜在客户GID
headData . DESCRIPTION = headData . SHORTNAME ; //客户全称
headData . CORPID = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ; //所属分公司代码
headData . LANE = "" ; //航线
headData . ETD = DateTime . Now ; //开船日期
headData . ENTREPORT = "" ; //中转港
headData . TT = "" ; //航程
headData . WEEK = "" ; //WEEK
# endregion
/ /
if ( opStatus = = "add" )
headData . GID = Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) ; //惟一值
headData . MODIFIEDUSER = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) ; //最后一次操作人
headData . MODIFIEDTIME = DateTime . Now ; //最后一次操作时间
/ /
headData . DbOperationType = DbOperationType . DbotIns ;
else if ( opStatus = = "edit" )
headData . MODIFIEDUSER = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) ; //最后一次操作人
headData . MODIFIEDTIME = DateTime . Now ; //最后一次操作时间
/ /
headData . DbOperationType = DbOperationType . DbotUpd ;
headData . ModelUIStatus = "E" ;
headData . DbOperationType = DbOperationType . DbotDel ;
if ( isPost )
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
DBResult result = modb . Save ( headData ) ;
if ( result . Success = = true )
#region 明细表保存
if ( bodyList ! = null )
int n = 1 ;
foreach ( var enumValue in bodyList )
#region 默认值
CrmQuotationDetailEntity headRow = new CrmQuotationDetailEntity ( ) ;
headRow . LINKGID = headData . GID . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ; //主表关联GID
headRow . FEETYPE = enumValue . FEETYPE = = null ? "" : enumValue . FEETYPE . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ; //费用类型
headRow . FEENAME = enumValue . FEENAME = = null ? "" : enumValue . FEENAME . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ; //费用中文名称
headRow . UNIT = enumValue . UNIT = = null ? "" : enumValue . UNIT . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ; //单位标准
headRow . UNITPRICE = enumValue . UNITPRICE ; //单价
headRow . CURRENCY = enumValue . CURRENCY = = null ? "" : enumValue . CURRENCY . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ; //币别
headRow . CARRIER = enumValue . CARRIER = = null ? "" : enumValue . CARRIER . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ; //船公司
headRow . REMARK = enumValue . REMARK = = null ? "" : enumValue . REMARK . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ; //备注
/ /
headRow . CREATEUSER = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) ; //创建人
headRow . CREATETIME = DateTime . Now ; //创建时间
headRow . MODIFIEDUSER = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) ; //最后一次更新操作人
headRow . MODIFIEDTIME = DateTime . Now ; //最后一次更新操作时间
//需求编号: SR2017071700006-2、3、4
if ( headRow . CURRENCY = = "RMB" )
headRow . USDHJ = 0 ;
else if ( headRow . CURRENCY = = "USD" )
headRow . USDHJ = headRow . UNITPRICE ;
string sLs = "select USDHJ=isnull(convert(decimal(18, 2), (" + headRow . UNITPRICE + "*(isnull((select top 1 VALUE from [currency_exchange] where (select top 1 [CODENAME] from [code_currency] where gid=[currency_exchange].[CURRENCYID])='" + headRow . CURRENCY + "' and [STARTTIME]<='" + headData . CREATETIME + "' and [ENDTIME]>='" + headData . CREATETIME + "'),0)/isnull((select top 1 VALUE from [currency_exchange] where (select top 1 [CODENAME] from [code_currency] where gid=[currency_exchange].[CURRENCYID])='USD' and [STARTTIME]<='" + headData . CREATETIME + "' and [ENDTIME]>='" + headData . CREATETIME + "'),0)))),0)" ;
Decimal dl = Decimal . Parse ( T_ALL_DA . GetStrSQL ( "USDHJ" , sLs ) ) ;
headRow . USDHJ = dl ;
# endregion
/ /
if ( enumValue . GID . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "*" | | enumValue . GID . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" ) //"add"
headRow . GID = Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) ;
headRow . DbOperationType = DbOperationType . DbotIns ;
else //"edit"
headRow . GID = enumValue . GID . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ; //唯一编码
headRow . DbOperationType = DbOperationType . DbotUpd ;
headRow . ModelUIStatus = "E" ;
/ /
modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
result = modb . Save ( headRow ) ;
if ( result . Message . ToString ( ) . IndexOf ( "插入重复键" ) > - 1 )
errorstr + = "重复数据不再重复插入!" ;
n + + ;
# endregion
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse
Success = result . Success ,
Message = result . Message ,
Data = MsCrmQuotationDAL . GetData ( "GID='" + headData . GID . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) + "'" , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) )
} ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
else {
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = false , Message = errorstr } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
# endregion
#region 保存明细
public ContentResult SaveDetail ( string body , string sLINKGID )
if ( Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "CODENAME" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "DEPTNAME" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" )
var jsonRespose2 = new JsonResponse { Success = false , Message = "登录超时,请退出系统重新登录!" } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose2 ) } ;
/ /
T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new EntityDA . T_ALL_DA ( ) ;
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < CrmQuotationDetailEntity > > ( body ) ;
DBResult result = null ;
var errorstr = "" ;
#region 明细表保存
if ( bodyList ! = null )
string sLs = "select top 1 CREATETIME from crm_quotation where gid='" + sLINKGID + "'" ;
string strCREATETIME = T_ALL_DA . GetStrSQL ( "CREATETIME" , sLs ) ;
int n = 1 ;
foreach ( var enumValue in bodyList )
#region 默认值
CrmQuotationDetailEntity headRow = new CrmQuotationDetailEntity ( ) ;
headRow . LINKGID = sLINKGID ; //主表关联GID
headRow . FEETYPE = enumValue . FEETYPE = = null ? "" : enumValue . FEETYPE . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ; //费用类型
headRow . FEENAME = enumValue . FEENAME = = null ? "" : enumValue . FEENAME . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ; //费用中文名称
headRow . UNIT = enumValue . UNIT = = null ? "" : enumValue . UNIT . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ; //单位标准
headRow . UNITPRICE = enumValue . UNITPRICE ; //单价
headRow . CURRENCY = enumValue . CURRENCY = = null ? "" : enumValue . CURRENCY . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ; //币别
headRow . CARRIER = enumValue . CARRIER = = null ? "" : enumValue . CARRIER . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ; //船公司
headRow . REMARK = enumValue . REMARK = = null ? "" : enumValue . REMARK . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ; //备注
/ /
headRow . CREATEUSER = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) ; //创建人
headRow . CREATETIME = DateTime . Now ; //创建时间
headRow . MODIFIEDUSER = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) ; //最后一次更新操作人
headRow . MODIFIEDTIME = DateTime . Now ; //最后一次更新操作时间
//需求编号: SR2017071700006-2、3、4
if ( headRow . CURRENCY = = "RMB" )
headRow . USDHJ = 0 ;
else if ( headRow . CURRENCY = = "USD" )
headRow . USDHJ = headRow . UNITPRICE ;
sLs = "select USDHJ=isnull(convert(decimal(18, 2), (" + headRow . UNITPRICE + "*(isnull((select top 1 VALUE from [currency_exchange] where (select top 1 [CODENAME] from [code_currency] where gid=[currency_exchange].[CURRENCYID])='" + headRow . CURRENCY + "' and [STARTTIME]<='" + strCREATETIME + "' and [ENDTIME]>='" + strCREATETIME + "'),0)/isnull((select top 1 VALUE from [currency_exchange] where (select top 1 [CODENAME] from [code_currency] where gid=[currency_exchange].[CURRENCYID])='USD' and [STARTTIME]<='" + strCREATETIME + "' and [ENDTIME]>='" + strCREATETIME + "'),0)))),0)" ;
Decimal dl = Decimal . Parse ( T_ALL_DA . GetStrSQL ( "USDHJ" , sLs ) ) ;
headRow . USDHJ = dl ;
# endregion
/ /
if ( enumValue . GID . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "*" | | enumValue . GID . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" ) //"add"
headRow . GID = Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) ;
headRow . DbOperationType = DbOperationType . DbotIns ;
else //"edit"
headRow . GID = enumValue . GID . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ; //唯一编码
headRow . DbOperationType = DbOperationType . DbotUpd ;
headRow . ModelUIStatus = "E" ;
/ /
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
result = modb . Save ( headRow ) ;
if ( result . Message . ToString ( ) . IndexOf ( "插入重复键" ) > - 1 )
errorstr + = "重复数据不再重复插入!" ;
n + + ;
# endregion
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse
Success = result . Success ,
Message = result . Message ,
Data = MsCrmQuotationDAL . GetDataDetail ( "LINKGID='" + sLINKGID + "'" )
} ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
# endregion
#region 删除
public ContentResult Delete ( string gids )
if ( Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "CODENAME" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "DEPTNAME" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" )
var jsonRespose2 = new JsonResponse { Success = false , Message = "登录超时,请退出系统重新登录!" } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose2 ) } ;
/ /
var isfee = MsCrmQuotationDAL . GetFeeCount ( gids ) ;
if ( isfee )
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = false , Message = "此票业务存在费用,请先删除费用才能删除此票业务!" } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
else {
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
DBResult result = MsCrmQuotationDAL . Delete ( gids ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
#region 删除明细
public ContentResult DeleteDetail ( string gids )
if ( Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "CODENAME" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "DEPTNAME" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" )
var jsonRespose2 = new JsonResponse { Success = false , Message = "登录超时,请退出系统重新登录!" } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose2 ) } ;
/ /
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
DBResult result = MsCrmQuotationDAL . DeleteDetail ( gids ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
#region 品名code_msds _下拉框
public JsonResult GetCodeMsdsList ( )
var evList = MsCrmQuotationDAL . GetCodeMsdsList ( ) ;
if ( evList . Count = = 0 )
return Json ( new { success = true , data = new CodeMsdsEntity ( ) } ) ;
return Json ( new { success = true , data = evList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
# endregion