// 官方推荐的多国语言方法 兼容性不好
// 自定义多国语言动态加载方法
//#region MsOpSeae
Zi.LAN.OPLBNAME ="Business type";//"业务类型";
Zi.LAN.OPTYPE = "Change order";//"更改单";
Zi.LAN.FEESTATUSREF = "Fee locking";//"费用锁定";
Zi.LAN.BSSTATUS = "Service locking";//"业务锁定";
Zi.LAN.ISCANCEL = "Return the cabin";//"退舱";
Zi.LAN.BSTYPE ="Transport type";// "运输类型";
Zi.LAN.BLTYPE = "Mode of shipment";//"装运方式";
Zi.LAN.BLFRT = "Payment method";//"付费方式";
Zi.LAN.ISSUETYPE = "Signing method";//"签单方式";
Zi.LAN.OPDATE = "Business date";//"业务日期";
Zi.LAN.CUSTOMDATE ="Date of declaration";// "报关日期";
Zi.LAN.CUSTOMERNAME = "Entrusted unit";//"委托单位";
Zi.LAN.CUSTFULLNAME = "Full name of the entrusting unit";//"委托单位全称";
Zi.LAN.CUSTNO = "Order number";//"委托编号";
Zi.LAN.CUSTOMNO = "Customs declaration number";//"报关单号";
Zi.LAN.ENTERP = "Business unit";//"经营单位";
Zi.LAN.CUSTOMSER = "Customs broker";//"报关行";
Zi.LAN.FORWARDER = "Forwarder";//"货代公司";
Zi.LAN.MBLNO = "MBLNO";//"主提单号";
Zi.LAN.HBLNO ="HBLNO";// "分提单号";
Zi.LAN.ETD ="ETD";// "开船日期";
Zi.LAN.ETA = "ETA";//"预抵日期";
Zi.LAN.VESSEL ="VESSEL";// "船名";
Zi.LAN.VOYNO ="VOYNO";// "航次";
Zi.LAN.SALE = "SALE";//"业务员";
Zi.LAN.OP = "OP";//"操作";
Zi.LAN.DOC = "DOC";//"单证";
Zi.LAN.SALEDEPT = "Sales department";//"销售部门";
Zi.LAN.CUSTSERVICE = "CS";//"客服员";
Zi.LAN.FRCUSTSERVICE = "Overseas customer service officer";//"海外客服员";
Zi.LAN.CONTRACTNO = "Freight agreement number";//"运费协议号";
Zi.LAN.ORDERNO = "Booking NO";//"订舱编号";
Zi.LAN.PORTLOAD = "POL";//"起运港";
Zi.LAN.DESTINATION = "Destination";//"目的地";
Zi.LAN.ACCDATE = "A/P";//"会计期间";
Zi.LAN.LANE = "LANE ";//"航线";
Zi.LAN.BSSOURCE = "Source of business";//"业务来源";
Zi.LAN.BSSOURCEDETAIL = "Source detail";//"来源明细";
Zi.LAN.YARD = "YARD";//"场站";
Zi.LAN.AGENTID = "AGENT";//"代理";
Zi.LAN.REMARK = "REMARK";//"备注";
Zi.LAN.PKGS = "PKGS";//"件数";
Zi.LAN.KGS = "KGS";//"KGS";
Zi.LAN.CBM = "CBM";//"尺码";
Zi.LAN.NETWEIGHT = "Chargeable weight (or net weight)";//"计费重量(或净重)";
Zi.LAN.GOODSNAME = "The name of a product or commodity";//"品名";
Zi.LAN.CREATETIME = "Creation time";//"创建时间";
Zi.LAN.CNTRTOTAL = "container";//"集装箱";
Zi.LAN.OTCNTR = "Other box types";//"其他箱型";
Zi.LAN.TRUCKER = "motorcade";//"车队";
Zi.LAN.SALECORP = "subdivision";//"所属分部";
Zi.LAN.ALLIN ="Tax";//"含税";
Zi.LAN.RMBDR = "RMB receivable";//"RMB应收";
Zi.LAN.RMBCR = "RMB payable";//"RMB应付";
Zi.LAN.RMBPROFIT ="RMB profit";// "RMB利润";
Zi.LAN.USDDR = "USD receivable";//"USD应收";
Zi.LAN.USDCR = "USD payable";//"USD应付";
Zi.LAN.USDPROFIT = "USD profit";//"USD利润";
Zi.LAN.OTDR = "Other coins are receivable";//"其他币别应收";
Zi.LAN.OTCR = "Do not pay for other coins";//"其他币别应付";
Zi.LAN.OTPROFIT = "Profit in other currencies";//"其他币别利润";
Zi.LAN.TTLDR = "Aggregate receivable";//"合计应收";
Zi.LAN.TTLCR = "Aggregate payable";//"合计应付";
Zi.LAN.TTLPROFIT = "Aggregate profit";//"合计利润";
Zi.LAN.PROFITRATE = "Profit rate";//"利润率";
Zi.LAN.TTLTAXDR = "Output tax";//"销项税额";
Zi.LAN.TTLTAXCR = "Input tax";//"进项税额";
Zi.LAN.TTLTAXPROFIT = "Total tax difference";//"合计税额差";
Zi.LAN.ALLBALANCE = "No collection, no payment";//"未收未付";
Zi.LAN.STLRMBDR = "RMB received";//"RMB已收";
Zi.LAN.RMBNODR = "RMB not collected";//"RMB未收";
Zi.LAN.STLUSDDR = "USD received";//"USD已收";
Zi.LAN.USDNODR = "SD not received";//"USD未收";
Zi.LAN.STLOTDR = "Other received";//"其他已收";
Zi.LAN.OTNODR = "Other outstanding";//"其他未收";
Zi.LAN.STLTTLDR = "Total received";//"合计已收";
Zi.LAN.TTLNODR ="Total outstanding";// "合计未收";
Zi.LAN.STLRMBCR = "RMB paid";//"RMB已付";
Zi.LAN.RMBNOCR = "RMB unpaid";//"RMB未付";
Zi.LAN.STLUSDCR = "USD paid";//"USD已付";
Zi.LAN.USDNOCR = "USD unpaid";//"USD未付";
Zi.LAN.STLOTCR = "Other coins have been paid";//"其他币别已付";
Zi.LAN.OTNOCR = "Other unpaid";//"其他未付";
Zi.LAN.STLTTLCR = "Total paid";//"合计已付";
Zi.LAN.TTLNOCR ="Total unpaid";// "合计未付";
Zi.LAN.ALLNOTAX = "No";//"不含税";
Zi.LAN.NOTAXRMBDR = "RMB receivable (excluding tax)";//"RMB应收(不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOTAXRMBCR = "RMB payable (excluding tax)";//"RMB应付(不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOTAXRMBPROFIT = "RMB Profit (excluding tax)";//"RMB利润(不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOTAXUSDDR = "USD receivable (excluding tax)";//"USD应收(不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOTAXUSDCR = "USD payable (excluding tax)";//"USD应付(不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOTAXUSDPROFIT = "USD profit (excluding tax)";//"USD利润(不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOTAXOTDR = "Other currency receivable (tax not included)";//"其他币别应收(不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOTAXOTCR = "Other currency payable (excluding tax)";//"其他币别应付(不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOTAXOTPROFIT = "Profit in other currencies (excluding tax)";//"其他币别利润(不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOTAXTTLDR = "Total receivable (excluding tax)";//"合计应收(不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOTAXTTLCR = "Total payable (excluding tax)";//"合计应付(不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOTAXTTLPROFIT = "Total profit (excluding tax)";//"合计利润(不含税)";
Zi.LAN.ALLNOACCTAX = "Financial excluding tax";//"财务不含税";
Zi.LAN.NOACCTAXRMBDR = "RMB receivable (finance excluding tax)";//"RMB应收(财务不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOACCTAXRMBCR = "RMB payable (finance excluding tax)";//"RMB应付(财务不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOACCTAXRMBPROFIT = "RMB Profit (finance excluding tax)";//"RMB利润(财务不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOACCTAXUSDDR = "USD receivable (finance excluding tax)";//"USD应收(财务不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOACCTAXUSDCR = "USD payable (finance excluding tax)";//"USD应付(财务不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOACCTAXUSDPROFIT = "USD Profit (finance excluding tax)";//"USD利润(财务不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOACCTAXOTDR = "Other currency receivable (finance excluding tax)";//"其他币别应收(财务不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOACCTAXOTCR = "Other currency payable (finance excluding tax)";//"其他币别应付(财务不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOACCTAXOTPROFIT = "Profit in other currencies (finance excluding tax)";//"其他币别利润(财务不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOACCTAXTTLDR = "Total receivables (finance excluding tax)";//"合计应收(财务不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOACCTAXTTLCR = "Total payable (financial excluding tax)";//"合计应付(财务不含税)";
Zi.LAN.NOACCTAXTTLPROFIT = "Total profit (financial excluding tax)";//"合计利润(财务不含税)";
Zi.LAN.BLCOUNT = "vote";//"票数";
Zi.LAN.PS_OPLB = "type";//"业务类型";
Zi.LAN.PS_BSTYPE = "Transport";//"运输类型";
Zi.LAN.PS_SALE = "Sale";//"揽货人";
Zi.LAN.PS_OP = "OP";//"操作";
Zi.LAN.PS_CUSTOMERNAME = "Customername";//"委托单位";
Zi.LAN.HYF = "Ocean Freight Fee";//"海运费";
Zi.LAN.AMEND = "Change";//"合并更改单";
Zi.LAN.ISADVANCEDPAY = "Advance or not";//"是否垫付";
Zi.LAN.INVSTATUS = "Invoice or not";//"是否开票";
Zi.LAN.OTCNTR = "Other box types";//"其他箱型";
Zi.LAN.PS_EXPDATEEND ="To";// "到";
Zi.LAN.PS_ACCDATEBGN = "From A/P";//"从会计期间";
Zi.LAN.PS_ACCDATEEND = "To A/P";//"到会计期间";
Zi.LAN.SaveQuery = "Memory query condition";//"记忆查询条件";
Zi.LAN.HideQuery = "Hidden query";//"隐藏查询";
Zi.LAN.SearchBtn2 = "Display query";//"显示查询";
Zi.LAN.Refresh = "Execute query";//"执行查询";
Zi.LAN.btnExportExcel = "Export Excel";//"导出Excel";
Zi.LAN.btnprint ="print";//"打印";
Zi.LAN.ClearSql = "Emptying condition";//"清空条件";
Zi.LAN.DsQuery = "Advanced query";//"高级查询";
Zi.LAN.SaveGrid = "Save list style";//"保存列表样式";
Zi.LAN.SaveGrid2 = "Save list";//"保存列表";
Zi.LAN.InitGrid = "List initialization";//"列表初始化";
Zi.LAN.BodyChFee = "Business detail";//"业务明细";
Zi.LAN.SUM = "total";//"合计";
Zi.LAN.CORPID = "Company";//"所属公司";
Zi.LAN.DATETYPE = "Date";//"统计日期";
Zi.LAN.PS_EXPDATEBGN = "From ETD";//"从业务日期";
Zi.LAN.PS_EXPDATEEND = "To ETD";//"结束业务日期";
Zi.LAN.FIELDSET = "Profit column setting";//"利润列设置";
Zi.LAN.AMOUNTTYPE = "Amount Type";//"金额类型";
Zi.LAN.OPDEPT = "Department";//"操作部门";
Zi.LAN.AGENTID = "agency";//"代理";
Zi.LAN.LOCK = "lock";//"锁定";
Zi.LAN.UNLOCK = "unlock";//"未锁定";
Zi.LAN.emptyMsg = "No data";//"没有数据";
Zi.LAN.displayMsg = "Currently,{0} - {1} records are displayed/a total of {2} records are displayed";//"当前显示 {0} - {1}条记录 /共 {2}条记录";
Zi.LAN.ShuJuJiaZaiZhongQingShaoDeng ="Data loading, please wait...";// "数据加载中,请稍等...";
Zi.LAN.yewuriq ="ETD";// "业务日期";
Zi.LAN.shuiqian = "Pre";//"税前";
Zi.LAN.TiShi ="Hint";// "提示";
Zi.LAN.KSRQBNWK = "The start date cannot be empty!";//"开始业务日期不能为空!";
Zi.LAN.JKRQBNWK = "The service end date cannot be empty!";//"结束业务日期不能为空!";
Zi.LAN.KSRQBNDYJSRQ = "The service start date cannot be later than the end date";//"业务开始日期不能大于结束日期";
Zi.LAN.KSKQQJBNWK ="The beginning of the accounting period cannot be empty!";// "开始会计期间不能为空!";
Zi.LAN.JSKQQJBNWK ="End accounting period cannot be empty!";// "结束会计期间不能为空!";
Zi.LAN.KSQJQJBNDYJSKJQJ = "The start date of an accounting period cannot be greater than the end date";//"会计期间开始日期不能大于结束日期";
Zi.LAN.PINXIANGFENPIAO = "Split tickets by container load";//"拼箱分票";
Zi.LAN.PINXIANGZHUPIAO = "LCL main ticket";//"拼箱主票";
Zi.LAN.HEPIAOZHUPIAO = "Joint main ticket";//"合票主票";
Zi.LAN.HEPIAOFENPIAO = "Share the votes";//"合票分票";
Zi.LAN.HYCK = "Sea Export";//"海运出口";
Zi.LAN.HYJK = "Sea Import";//"海运进口";
Zi.LAN.PUTONGHUO = "General cargo";//"普通货";
Zi.LAN.GENGGAIDAN = "Change order";//"更改单";
Zi.LAN.bottles = "Records per page";//"每页记录数";
Zi.LAN.CARGOID = "CARGOID";//"货物标识";
//Zi.LAN. = "";