// 官方推荐的多国语言方法 兼容性不好
// 自定义多国语言动态加载方法
//#region MsOpSeae
Zi.LAN.ExecuteQuery = "Execute query";//"执行查询";
Zi.LAN.ResetCondition = "Reset condition";//"重置条件";
Zi.LAN.ExaminationPassed = "Pass the examination";//"审核通过";
Zi.LAN.ExaminationPassedAll = "All approved";//"全部审核通过";
Zi.LAN.DismissedSubmission = "Reject submission";//"驳回提交";
Zi.LAN.AdvancedSearch = "Advanced query";//"高级查询";
Zi.LAN.print = "print";//"打印";
Zi.LAN.ExportExcel ="Export Excel";// "导出Excel";
Zi.LAN.RequisitionNumber = "Application number";//"申请单号";
Zi.LAN.RelatedBusinessNumber = "Related service number";//"相关业务号";
Zi.LAN.SettlementUnit = "Settlement";//"结算单位";
Zi.LAN.FromDateApplication = "From Date";//"从付费申请日期";
Zi.LAN.ToDateApplication = "To Date";//"到付费申请日期";
Zi.LAN.Applicant = "Applicant";//"申请人";
Zi.LAN.ApprovalStatus = "Approval Status";//"审核状态";
Zi.LAN.Saveliststyle = "Save list style";//"保存列表样式";
Zi.LAN.status = "status";//"状态";
Zi.LAN.Save = "preservation";//"保存";
Zi.LAN.Initialization = "initialize";//"初始化";
Zi.LAN.Currency = "Currency";//"币别";
Zi.LAN.DateApplication = "Application date";//"申请日期";
Zi.LAN.FinalReviewDate = "Last audit date";//"最后审核日期";
Zi.LAN.lastReviewer = "Final auditor";//"最后审核人";
Zi.LAN.ApplyPaymentDate = "Application date";//"申请支付日期";
Zi.LAN.Invoiced = "invoiced";//"已开发票";
Zi.LAN.InvoiceNumber = "Invoice number";//"发票号";
Zi.LAN.Requester = "CUSTOMERNAME";//"委托单位";
Zi.LAN.Remarks = "Remarks"; //"备注"; //
Zi.LAN.FenYe = "Record {0} - {1} /Total {2} Records";//"当前显示 {0} - {1}条记录 /共 {2}条记录";
Zi.LAN.Nodata = "No data";//"没有数据";
Zi.LAN.PaymentApplicationDetails = "Payment application details";//"付费申请明细";
Zi.LAN.CostName = "Fee name";//"费用名称";
Zi.LAN.AttachmentInformation = "Attachment information";//"附件信息";
Zi.LAN.DelegateNumber = "CUSTNO";//"委托编号";
Zi.LAN.Requester = "CUSTOMERNAME";//"委托单位";
Zi.LAN.ZhuTDH = "MBLNO";//"主提单号";
Zi.LAN.SailingDate = "ETD";//"开船日期";
Zi.LAN.BusinessSource = "Business source";//"业务来源";
Zi.LAN.PayReceive = "Receipt/Paid Charge";//"收付";
Zi.LAN.WriteOffAmount = "Amount written off";//"核销金额";
Zi.LAN.OriginalCurrency = "Original currency";//"原始币别";
Zi.LAN.OriginalExchangeRate = "Original exchange rate";//"原始汇率";
Zi.LAN.ExchangeRate = "Converted exchange rate";//"折算汇率";
Zi.LAN.OriginalAmount = "Original amount";//"原始金额";
Zi.LAN.ChangeSingle = "Change order";//"更改单";
Zi.LAN.AccountingPeriod = "Accdate";//"会计期间";
Zi.LAN.SignatureStatus = "Signing status";//"签单状态";
Zi.LAN.LanhuoPeople ="Freight solicitor";// "揽货人";
Zi.LAN.EntryMethod = "Input mode";//"录入方式!";
Zi.LAN.TotalAmount = "TotalAmount";//"申请金额合计";
Zi.LAN.AmountOfMoney = "Amount";//"金额";
Zi.LAN.SumMoney = "Sum Money";//"当前此票费用合计";
Zi.LAN.YingShou = "Receipt Charge";//"应收";
Zi.LAN.YingFu = "Paid Charge"; //"应付";
Zi.LAN.Profit = "Profit";//"利润";
Zi.LAN.FileName = "Name";//"文件名称";
Zi.LAN.FileDate = "Upload Date";//"上传日期";
Zi.LAN.FilePerson = "Supplier";//"上传者";
Zi.LAN.Operating = "OP";//"操作";
Zi.LAN.All = "All";//"全部";
Zi.LAN.NotAudited = "Not Audited";//"未审核";
Zi.LAN.Audited = "Audited";//"已审核";
Zi.LAN.MyAudited = "Self Audited";//"仅需自己审核";
Zi.LAN.LoadData = "Data loading, please wait...";//"数据加载中,请稍等...";
Zi.LAN.FileWName = "Name";//"文件物理名称";
Zi.LAN.SelectDanJu = "Please select the documents to be audited first";//"请先选择需审核的单据";
Zi.LAN.NoShenHe = "The current status does not allow auditing";//"当前状态不允许审核";
Zi.LAN.SureShenHe = "Are you sure that the selected business is approved?";//"确定审核通过选中的业务吗?";
Zi.LAN.SureShenHeAll = "Are you sure to review all the applications found?";//"确定审核所有查询出的申请吗?";
Zi.LAN.Prompt = "";//"Hint";//"提示";
Zi.LAN.CONSIGNEE = "authorize a requisition";//"批准申请";
Zi.LAN.NowShenHe = "Data being reviewed...";//"正在审核数据...";
Zi.LAN.Error = "Error";//"错误";
Zi.LAN.FuWuQiError = "Server response error, please try again";//"服务器响应出错,请重试";
Zi.LAN.Caveat = "Warning";//"警告";
Zi.LAN.DismissDocuments = "Please select the documents to be rejected first!";//"请先选择需驳回的单据!";
Zi.LAN.DismissDocumentsNo = "The current status does not allow dismissal!";//"当前状态不允许驳回!";
Zi.LAN.DismissDocumentsSure = "Are you sure to reject the selected business?";//"确定驳回选中的业务吗?";
Zi.LAN.DismissDocumentsNow = "Rejecting data...";//"正在驳回数据...";
Zi.LAN.DismissSuccess = "Successful rejection!";//"驳回成功";
Zi.LAN.NoAudit = "No business needs to be audited. Please search for the business that needs to be audited first!";//"没有业务需审核,请首先检索需审核的业务!";
Zi.LAN.NowAudit = "Being audited...";//"正在审核..."; //
Zi.LAN.NowSelect = "Querying data...";//"正在查询数据...";
Zi.LAN.SelectDanju = "Please select the document first";//"请先选择单据";
Zi.LAN.SelectError = "Query condition assignment error, please check";//"查询条件赋值错误,请检查。";
Zi.LAN.Zhengzaisuoding = "locking...";//"正在锁定...";
// chpayapplicationindex.js
Zi.LAN.NumberOfpage = "Records per page";//"每页记录数";
Zi.LAN.OtherBi = "Other foreign currencies";//"其他外币";
Zi.LAN.jsuan = "Settlement";//"结算";
Zi.LAN.jsuanOther = "Settle other currencies";//"结算其他币别";
Zi.LAN.jsuanBank = "Counterparty bank";//"结算对象银行";
Zi.LAN.jsuanzh ="Counterparty account";// "结算对象账户";
Zi.LAN.yjsuan = "Estimated settlement RMB";//"预计结算RMB";
Zi.LAN.yjsuanOther = "Estimated settlement other";//"预计结算其他";
Zi.LAN.weisq = "Not apply";//"未申请";
Zi.LAN.weisqOther = "No other application";//"未申请其他";
Zi.LAN.shfsi = "Application method";//"申请方式";
Zi.LAN.printy = "printed";//"已打印";
Zi.LAN.ruzsq = "Entry request number";//"入账申请编号";
Zi.LAN.sqdstat = "Requisition status";//"申请单状态";
Zi.LAN.ywnum = "CUSTNO";//"业务编号";
Zi.LAN.sqnum = "APPLICATION NO";//"申请编号";
Zi.LAN.xnew = "New Booking";//"新建";
Zi.LAN.rzshenqing = "Entry request to join";//"入账申请加入";
Zi.LAN.tjshe = "Submit for review";//"提交审核";
Zi.LAN.cxtijiao = "Withdraw submission";//"撤销提交";
Zi.LAN.delete1 = "delete";//"删除";
Zi.LAN.printbb = "Print report";//"打印报表";
Zi.LAN.printlb = "Print list";//"打印列表";
Zi.LAN.printdp = "Print multiple tickets";//"打印多票";
Zi.LAN.printxz = "Print check";//"打印选中";
Zi.LAN.xswork = "Display workflow";//"显示工作流";
Zi.LAN.songchat = "Send wechat push";//"发送微信推送";
Zi.LAN.onselect = "Be Quering...";//"正在查询主表数据...";
Zi.LAN.nodelete = "The current status cannot be deleted!";//"当前状态无法删除此单据!";
Zi.LAN.suredelete = "Are you sure to delete it?";//"确定删除该记录吗?";
Zi.LAN.nowdelete = "Deleting Data...";//"正在删除数据...";
Zi.LAN.truedelete = "Deleted successfully!";//"删除成功!";
Zi.LAN.addnumnow = "Adding Data...";//"正在添加数据...";
Zi.LAN.shtgprint = "Paid applications must be approved before printing";//"付费申请必须审核通过后才能打印";
Zi.LAN.notcfprint = "It has already been printed. Repeat printing is not allowed";//"付费申请已打印过,不允许重复打印";
Zi.LAN.ybsq = "Original currency application";//"原币申请";
Zi.LAN.jstype = "Settlement method";//"结算方式";
Zi.LAN.jsdxzh = "Account of settlement object";//"结算对象账号";
Zi.LAN.otherwb = "Other foreign currency amounts";//"其他外币金额";
Zi.LAN.jhEMB = "Planned settlement RMB";//"计划结算RMB";
Zi.LAN.jhUSD = "Planned settlement USD";//"计划结算USD";
Zi.LAN.jhjies = "Planned settlement other";//"计划结算其他";
Zi.LAN.zptait = "Check payable";//"支票抬头";
Zi.LAN.zpbzhu = "Check note";//"支票备注";
Zi.LAN.fpdate = "Invoice date";//"发票日期";
Zi.LAN.sypiao = "Previous";//"上一票";
Zi.LAN.xypiao = "Next";//"下一票";
Zi.LAN.saveandclose = "Save and close";//"保存并关闭";
Zi.LAN.saveandnew = "Save and new";//"保存并新建";
Zi.LAN.cxsh = "Withdraw audit";//"撤销审核";
Zi.LAN.chatts = "Wechat push";//"微信推送";
Zi.LAN.fyduixiang = "Cost object";//"费用对象";
Zi.LAN.sjmoney = "Amount applied";//"申请金额";
Zi.LAN.deletemx = "Delete request details";//"删除申请明细";
Zi.LAN.jfdanwei = "Settlement unit";//"结费单位";
Zi.LAN.weifu = "Unpaid";//"未付";
Zi.LAN.Otherwf = "Other Unpaid";//"其他未付";
Zi.LAN.weishou = "UNreceived";//"未收";
Zi.LAN.otherws = "Others UNreceived";//"其他未收";
Zi.LAN.dcnum = "ORDERNO";//"订舱编号";
Zi.LAN.fwkpiao = "Pay outstanding invoice";//"付未开票";
Zi.LAN.yewutype = "Business class";//"业务类别";
Zi.LAN.ftdnum = "HBLNO";//"分提单号";
Zi.LAN.lurmen = "Entry clerk";//"录入人";
Zi.LAN.qiyunport = "POL";//"起运港";
Zi.LAN.mudport = "Destnation";//"目的港";
Zi.LAN.chuanname = "vessel";//"船名";
Zi.LAN.vessel = "voyno";//"航次";
Zi.LAN.addjsmx = "Add settlement details";//"添加结算明细";
Zi.LAN.zdbibie = "Convert Into Currency";//"折算币别";
Zi.LAN.kehname = "Customer name";//"客户名称";
Zi.LAN.wjmoney = "Outstanding amount";//"未结金额";
Zi.LAN.bcjsmoney = "Settlement amount";//"本次结算金额";
Zi.LAN.kpmoney = "Invoice amount";//"开票金额";
Zi.LAN.addfsymx = "Add application fee details";//"添加申请费用明细";
Zi.LAN.countfyong = "Total of selected costs";//"所选费用合计";
Zi.LAN.shoufu = "Receipt/Paid Charge";//"收/付";
Zi.LAN.iskaipiao = "Invoice or not";//"是否开票";
Zi.LAN.isdianfu = "Advance or not";//"是否垫付";
Zi.LAN.selectnum = "Select Num";//"编号检索";
Zi.LAN.duiznum = "Reconciliation Number";//"対帐编号";
Zi.LAN.fphexiaohao = "Invoice cancellation number";//"发票核销号";
Zi.LAN.cywdate = "From business date";//"从业务日期";
Zi.LAN.dywdate = "Up to business date";//"到业务日期";
Zi.LAN.onselect ="inquire";// "查询";
Zi.LAN.filetp = "Upload Photo";//"上传图片";
Zi.LAN.sqmxi = "Application details";//"申请明细";
Zi.LAN.filefujina = "Attachment upload";//"附件上传";
Zi.LAN.addjsmingxi = "Add payment and settlement details";//"添加支付结算明细";
Zi.LAN.qqerror = "An error occurred. Please try again";//"请求出现错误,请重试";
Zi.LAN.nowsave = "Saving data, please wait...";//"正在保存数据, 请稍侯...";
Zi.LAN.selectmoney = "Selected Amount";//"选中金额";
Zi.LAN.noallowxiugai = "The current status cannot be modified!";//"当前状态不允许修改附件列表!";
Zi.LAN.pscnum = "Please enter the application number";//"请先生成申请编号";
Zi.LAN.selectdelete = "Please first select the data you want to delete";//"请先选择要删除的数据";
Zi.LAN.selecto = "Selected";//"选中";
Zi.LAN.pyewu = "services";//"票业务";
Zi.LAN.qagin = "Please try again";//"请重试";
Zi.LAN.sqmoneybuneng = "The requested amount cannot be greater than the unclaimed amount!";//"申请金额不能大于未申金额!";
Zi.LAN.dqstatenot = "The current status cannot add paid application details!";//"当前状态无法添加付费申请明细!";
Zi.LAN.notaddfeiyongmingxi = "The fee object is different from the paying client, so this fee detail cannot be added!";//"费用对象与付费申请客户不一致,不能添加此费用明细!";
Zi.LAN.notaddmingxi = "There is no cost breakdown to add";//"没有要添加的费用明细";
Zi.LAN.hesnotnull = "The accounting client cannot be empty!";//"核算客户不能为空!";
Zi.LAN.notselectaddyw = "The service to be added is not selected!";//"没有选择要添加的业务!";
Zi.LAN.nodeletemingxi = "There is no cost breakdown to delete!";//"没有要删除的费用明细!";
Zi.LAN.dqztnotdelectmx = "The current status cannot delete the paid application details!";//"当前状态无法删除付费申请明细!";
Zi.LAN.baocunshenq = "Please save it before submitting it for review!";//"请先保存付费申请,然后才能提交审核!";
Zi.LAN.nowcanntsh = "The current status cannot be submitted for review!";//"当前状态无法提交审核!";
Zi.LAN.notmingxish = "No payment details, cannot be submitted for review!";//"没有付费明细,无法提交审核!";
Zi.LAN.wufachexiaotj = "The current state cannot undo the commit!";//"当前状态无法撤销提交!";
Zi.LAN.bibiezesuan = "Exchange rate translation";//"币别汇率折算";
Zi.LAN.asure = "Sure";//"确定";
Zi.LAN.surezesuanhuil = "Exchange rate must be converted!";//"必须填折算汇率!";
Zi.LAN.close = "Close";//"关闭";
Zi.LAN.islast = "It's the first vote";//"已是最前一票";
Zi.LAN.djnotsave = "The document has not been saved, please save it before printing";//"单据还没有保存,请保存后再打印";
Zi.LAN.REASON = "Cause of rejection";//"驳回原因";
Zi.LAN.Tishi7 = "Sure";//"确认驳回!";
Zi.LAN.Tishi8 = "Please enter the reason!";//"请输入驳回原因!";
Zi.LAN.BalDr = "UNreceived";//"未收";
Zi.LAN.CNTRTOTAL = "container";//"集装箱";
Zi.LAN.RMBDRSTATUS = "RMB fee";//"RMB收费状态";
Zi.LAN.USDDRSTATUS = "USD fee";//"USD收费状态";
Zi.LAN.sureAllAudit = "Are you sure you want to review all the retrieved business?";//"确认要审核检索出来的所有业务吗?";
Zi.LAN.SetNoprint = "Set Noprint";//"设置未打印";
Zi.LAN.SALECORP = "Calculation Unit";//"核算单位";
Zi.LAN.DepartmentName = "Subdivision";//"所属分部";
Zi.LAN.BSSTATUSREF = "Service locking";//"业务锁定";
Zi.LAN.FEESTATUSREF = "Fee locking";//"费用锁定";
Zi.LAN.AccTaxRate = "Financial tax rate";//'财务税率';
Zi.LAN.ENTERP = "Business unit";//'经营单位';
Zi.LAN.APPLICANTDEPT = "Application department";//"申请部门";
Zi.LAN.PRINTCOUNT ="Print times";// "打印次数";
Zi.LAN.TTLNODR = "Total UNreceived";//'未收合计';
Zi.LAN.STLNAME = "Payment method";//'结费方式';
Zi.LAN.BALTTLDR = "Total outstanding";//'合计未收';
Zi.LAN.INPUTBY = "Entry clerk";//'录入人';
Zi.LAN.HBLNO = "HBLNO";//'分提单号';
Zi.LAN.OPLBNAME = "Business type";//"业务类型";
Zi.LAN.OPTYPE = "Change order";//"更改单";
Zi.LAN.FEESTATUSREF = "Fee locking";//"费用锁定";
Zi.LAN.BSSTATUS = "Service locking";//"业务锁定";
Zi.LAN.ISCANCEL = "Return the cabin";//"退舱";
Zi.LAN.BSTYPE = "Transport type";//"运输类型";
Zi.LAN.BLTYPE = "Mode of shipment";//"装运方式";
Zi.LAN.BLFRT = "Payment method";//"付费方式";
Zi.LAN.ISSUETYPE = "Signing method";//"签单方式";
Zi.LAN.OPDATE = "Business date";//"业务日期";
Zi.LAN.CUSTOMDATE ="Date of declaration";// "报关日期";
Zi.LAN.CUSTFULLNAME = "Full name of the entrusting unit";//"委托单位全称";
Zi.LAN.CUSTNO = "CUSTNO";//"委托编号";
Zi.LAN.ENTERP = "Business unit";//"经营单位";
Zi.LAN.CUSTOMSER = "Customs broker";//"报关行";
Zi.LAN.FORWARDER = "Freight forwarding company";//"货代公司";
Zi.LAN.MBLNO = "MBLNO";//"主提单号";
Zi.LAN.HBLNO = "HBLNO";//"分提单号";
Zi.LAN.ETD = "ETD";//"开船日期";
Zi.LAN.ETA = "ETA";//"预抵日期";
Zi.LAN.VESSEL = "vessel";//"船名";
Zi.LAN.VOYNO = "voyno";//"航次";
Zi.LAN.SALE ="SALE";//"业务员";
Zi.LAN.OP = "OP";//"操作";
Zi.LAN.DOC = "DOC";//"单证";
Zi.LAN.SALEDEPT = "Sales department";//"销售部门";
Zi.LAN.CUSTSERVICE = "Customer service clerk";//"客服员";
Zi.LAN.FRCUSTSERVICE ="Overseas customer service officer";// "海外客服员";
Zi.LAN.CONTRACTNO = "Freight agreement number";//"运费协议号";
Zi.LAN.ORDERNO = "Booking number";//"订舱编号";
Zi.LAN.PORTLOAD = "POL";//"起运港";
Zi.LAN.ACCDATE = "Accdate";//"会计期间";
Zi.LAN.LANE = "LANE";//"航线";
Zi.LAN.BSSOURCE = "Business source";//"业务来源";
Zi.LAN.BSSOURCEDETAIL = "Source detail";//"来源明细";
Zi.LAN.YARD = "YARD";//"场站";
Zi.LAN.AGENTID = "AGENT";//"代理";
Zi.LAN.REMARK = "REMARK";//"备注";
Zi.LAN.REMARK2 = "Other remarks";//"其他备注";
Zi.LAN.TEU = "TEU";//"TEU";
Zi.LAN.PKGS = "PKGS";//"件数";
Zi.LAN.KGS = "KGS";//"KGS";
Zi.LAN.CBM ="CBM";// "尺码";
Zi.LAN.NETWEIGHT = "NETWEIGHT";//"计费重量(或净重)";
Zi.LAN.CNTRTOTAL = "container";//"集装箱";
Zi.LAN.SALECORP = "subdivision";//"所属分部";
Zi.LAN.RMBDR = "RMB receivable";//"RMB应收";
Zi.LAN.RMBCR = "RMB payable";//"RMB应付";
Zi.LAN.RMBPROFIT = "RMB profit";//"RMB利润";
Zi.LAN.USDDR = "USD receivable";//"USD应收";
Zi.LAN.USDCR = "USD payable";//"USD应付";
Zi.LAN.USDPROFIT = "USD profit";//"USD利润";
Zi.LAN.OTDR = "Other coins are receivable";//"其他币别应收";
Zi.LAN.OTCR = "Do not pay for other coins";//"其他币别应付";
Zi.LAN.OTPROFIT = "Profit in other currencies";//"其他币别利润";
Zi.LAN.TTLDR = "Aggregate receivable";//"合计应收";
Zi.LAN.TTLCR = "Aggregate payable";//"合计应付";
Zi.LAN.TTLPROFIT ="Aggregate profit";// "合计利润";
Zi.LAN.PROFITRATE = "Profit rate";//"利润率";
Zi.LAN.INVOICEAMOUNT = "Invoice amount";//"发票金额";
Zi.LAN.FORWARDER = "Booking agent";//"订舱代理";
Zi.LAN.SHENHETONGGUO = "Pass";//"审核通过";
Zi.LAN.LURUZHUAGNTAI = "Input";//"录入状态";
Zi.LAN.TIJIAOSHENHE = "Filed";//"已提交";
Zi.LAN.BUFENJIESUAN = "Partial Settlement";//"部分结算";
Zi.LAN.JIESUANWANBI = "Settlement Completed";//"结算完毕";
Zi.LAN.YES = "Yes";//"是";
Zi.LAN.ISREVINV = "Receipt of invoice";//"收到发票";
Zi.LAN.BIAOSHIINV = "Mark receipt of invoice";//"标识收到发票";
Zi.LAN.QUXIAOBIAOSHIINV = "Unmark receipt of invoice";//"取消标识收到发票";
Zi.LAN.DANHAO = "Odd number";//"单号";
Zi.LAN.YISHOUHUO = "";//"已收回";
Zi.LAN.BUFENSHOUHUI = "";//"部分收回";
Zi.LAN.DR = "Receipt Charge";//"应收";
Zi.LAN.CR = "Paid Charge"; //"应付";
Zi.LAN.ISINV = "Invoice only";//"仅开票";
Zi.LAN.ISNOTINV = "Only invoicing is not issued";//"仅不开发票";
Zi.LAN.ISADVANCEDPAY = "Advance only";//"仅垫付";
Zi.LAN.NOTISADVANCEDPAY = "Only unpaid";//"仅未垫付";
Zi.LAN.SHENQINGJINEBUNENGXIAOYULING = "The application amount cannot be less than 0";//"申请金额不能小于0";
Zi.LAN.STLAMOUNT = "Actual amount paid";//"实付金额";
Zi.LAN.panelttlBillSum = "";//"按票合计";
Zi.LAN.ffkhczysfy = "There are charges receivable for this paying customer";//"此付费客户存在应收费用";
Zi.LAN.STLCURR = "Settlement Currency";//"结算币别";
Zi.LAN.AuditStl = "Payment Review";//"付费审核";
Zi.LAN.STLCURR = "Settlement Currency";//"结算币别";
Zi.LAN.PUTONGHUO = "General cargo";//"普通货";
Zi.LAN.GENGGAIDAN = "Change order";//"更改单";
Zi.LAN.HYCK = "Sea Export";//"海运出口";
Zi.LAN.HYJK = "Sea Ixport";//"海运进口";
Zi.LAN.ISOPEN = "Secret";//"机密费用";
Zi.LAN.selectsum = "Selected Amount";//"所选申请金额";