You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

993 lines
40 KiB

3 years ago
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.DAL.Chfee_Settlement;
using DSWeb.Areas.Import.DAL.CW;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.Chfee_Payapplication;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.Chfee_Settlement;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.Chfee_do_detail;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.BillChfeeDetail;
using DSWeb.Areas.Import.Models.CWAdvancePayment;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.Chfee_Invoice;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.Chfee_Invoicehexiao;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.MsCwVouchersGl3;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Helper;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Comm.Cookie;
using DSWeb.Areas.CommMng.DAL;
using DSWeb.Areas.CommMng.Models;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using HcUtility.Comm;
using HcUtility.Core;
using DSWeb.EntityDA;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.Chfee_Exrate;
using DSWeb.TruckMng.Helper.Repository;
//20150906 复制自Chfee_settlement
namespace DSWeb.Areas.Account.Controllers
public class Chfee_ForeignsettlementController : Controller
// GET:
public ActionResult PayIndex()
return View();
// GET: /
public ActionResult PayEdit()
return View();
public ActionResult PayBLEdit()
return View();
public ActionResult PayAppEdit()
return View();
// GET:
public ActionResult RecvIndex()
return View();
// GET: /
public ActionResult RecvEdit()
return View();
public ActionResult RecvBLEdit()
return View();
public ActionResult RecvAppEdit()
return View();
public ActionResult RecvInvEdit()
return View();
public ActionResult PayInvEdit()
return View();
public ActionResult SettementView()
return View();
// GET
public ContentResult GetDataList(int start, int limit, string sort, string condition,int billtype)
int total = 0;
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetDataList(condition,start,limit,out total, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), sort,billtype);
//var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit);
// var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = list.ToList() });
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = total, data = dataList.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetDataListStr(int start, int limit, string sort, string condition, int billtype)
var dataListStr = ChsettlementDAL.GetDataListStr(condition, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), sort, billtype);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", data = dataListStr });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetData(string handle, string condition)
ChSettlement head = null;
int total = 0;
if (handle == "edit")
var list = ChsettlementDAL.GetDataList(condition, 0, 10, out total, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]));
if (list.Count > 0)
head = list[0];
if (head == null)
head = new ChSettlement();
if (handle == "add")
head.SETTLEUSER = Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]);
head.SETTLEUSERREF = Convert.ToString(Session["SHOWNAME"]);
head.SETTLETIME = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", data = head });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetPAYRMBData ( string handle, string condition )
PAYRMBmb head = null;
if (handle == "edit")
var list = ChsettlementDAL.GetPAYRMBData(condition);
if (list.Count > 0)
head = list[0];
if (head == null)
head = new PAYRMBmb();
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", data = head });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetBillList(string condition,string sort)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetBodyList(condition, sort);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = dataList.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetBillSum(string condition)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetBodySumList(condition);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = dataList.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetFeeDataList(int start, int limit, string sort, string condition, int billtype)
2 years ago
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetFeeDataList(condition,"", Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), Convert.ToString(Session["SHOWNAME"]), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), sort, billtype);
3 years ago
var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = list.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetBillDataList(int start, int limit, string sort, string condition, int billtype)
2 years ago
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetAddBillList(condition,"", Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), Convert.ToString(Session["SHOWNAME"]), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), sort, billtype);
3 years ago
// var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = dataList.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetChildDataList ( string condition )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetChildDataList(condition);
// var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = dataList.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetFeeDetailList(string sort, string condition)
2 years ago
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetFeeDetailList(condition, "",Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), Convert.ToString(Session["SHOWNAME"]), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]));
3 years ago
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = dataList.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetAddSum(string condition, int billtype)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetAddSum(condition, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), Convert.ToString(Session["SHOWNAME"]), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]),billtype);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = dataList.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult Save(string opstatus, string data, string accountsdata
, string prepaydata, string ahsrdata, string financialdata
, string advancedata, int billtype,string prepaychange,string PAYRMB
, string Childdata, string ChildDeldata )
var headData = JsonConvert.Deserialize<ChSettlement>(data.Replace("}", ",") + accountsdata.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", ",") + prepaydata.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", ",")
+ ahsrdata.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", ",") + financialdata.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", ",") + advancedata.Replace("{", ""));
var _PAYRMB= JsonConvert.Deserialize<PAYRMBmb>(PAYRMB);
var ChildBodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<SysChildmb>>(Childdata);
var ChildDelBodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<SysChildmb>>(ChildDeldata);
if (opstatus == "add")
headData.GID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
if (billtype==2)
headData.BILLNO = PubSysDAL.GetBillNo("0304");
else if (billtype == 1)
headData.BILLNO = PubSysDAL.GetBillNo("0305");
headData.COMPANYID = Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]);
headData.BILLDATE = DateTime.Now;
headData.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotIns;
headData.ModelUIStatus = "I";
else if (opstatus == "edit")
headData.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotUpd;
headData.ModelUIStatus = "E";
headData.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotDel;
var BILLNO = headData.BILLNO;
if (headData.CURR == "RMB")
headData.AMOUNTRMB = headData.AMOUNT;
headData.ACCOUNTRMB = headData.ACCOUNT;
headData.AMOUNTUSD = 0;
headData.ACCOUNTUSD = "";
headData.AMOUNTUSD = headData.AMOUNT;
headData.ACCOUNTUSD = headData.ACCOUNT;
headData.ACCOUNTRMB = "";
headData.AMOUNTRMB = 0;
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
DBResult result = modb.Save(headData);
//var modb = new ModelObjectRepository();
//DBResult result = modb.Save(headData,
// ModelObjectConvert<SysChildmb>.ToModelObjectList(ChildBodyList),
// ModelObjectConvert<SysChildmb>.ToModelObjectList(ChildDelBodyList));
if ((result.Success) &&(prepaychange == "true")) {
bool updatepayment=ChsettlementDAL.updatePayment(headData, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]));
if (!updatepayment) { result.Message="已保存成功,但预收付更新时发生错误,请检查预收付单据是否已生成凭证或有其他错误!";}
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse
Success = result.Success,
Message = result.Message,
Data = ChsettlementDAL.GetData(" BILLNO='" + BILLNO + "'", Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]))
var _SavePAYRMB = new DBResult();
if (jsonRespose.Success && _PAYRMB!=null )
if (float.Parse(_PAYRMB.Amount)!=0)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetPayDetailList(headData.BILLNO);
var cando = true;
foreach (var _d in dataList) {
if (_d.CURR == "RMB")
cando = false;
if (cando==true)
_SavePAYRMB = ChsettlementDAL.SavePAYRMB(_PAYRMB, "购汇", headData.CUSTOMERNAME, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]),headData.CURR);
jsonRespose = new JsonResponse
Success = result.Success,
Message = result.Message,
Data = ChsettlementDAL.GetData(" BILLNO='" + BILLNO + "'", Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]))
if (float.Parse(_PAYRMB.SXF) + float.Parse(_PAYRMB.DHF) > 0)
//20160405 增加逻辑 对付美元结算美元 用RMB支付手续费电汇费的情况
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetPayDetailList(headData.BILLNO);
var cando = true;
var curr = "";
foreach (var _d in dataList)
if (curr == "") {
curr = _d.CURR;
if (curr != _d.CURR && _d)
cando = false;
if (cando == true)
_SavePAYRMB = ChsettlementDAL.SavePAYRMB(_PAYRMB, "手续电汇", headData.CUSTOMERNAME, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]),headData.CURR);
jsonRespose = new JsonResponse
Success = result.Success,
Message = result.Message,
Data = ChsettlementDAL.GetData(" BILLNO='" + BILLNO + "'", Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]))
//1向申请下增加ch_fee_do 分别为手续费、电汇费,按照
//else {
// //删除相关表格
// ChsettlementDAL.DelPAYRMB(BILLNO);
// ChsettlementDAL.DelMakeFee(BILLNO);
// //ChsettlementDAL.p_update_Amount(BILLNO, 2);
// }
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult AddDetail(string bill, string data, string curr,int billtype)
var bodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<BillChfeeDetail>>(data);
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
2 years ago
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.AddDetail(bill,"", bodyList, curr, Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]));
3 years ago
if (result.Success) {
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult AddBill(string billno, string billcust, string billcurr, string feesql, string storeCurrExrate, int billtype)
var exrateList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<ChFeeExrate>>(storeCurrExrate);
if ((exrateList == null) || (exrateList.Count == 0))
exrateList = ChsettlementDAL.GetCurrExrateData(billcust, billcurr, feesql);
if (exrateList.Count == 0)
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
2 years ago
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.AddBill(billno, "",billcust, billcurr, feesql, exrateList, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]));
3 years ago
if (result.Success) {
ChsettlementDAL.p_update_Amount(billno, billtype);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", Data = exrateList.ToList() };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
2 years ago
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.AddBill(billno,"",billcust, billcurr, feesql, exrateList, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]));
3 years ago
if (result.Success) {
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult DelBill(string data, string billno,int billtype)
var bodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<Chfee_do_detail>>(data);
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.DelFeeDo(bodyList);
if (result.Success) {
ChsettlementDAL.p_update_Amount(billno, billtype);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult Delete(string data, int settlemode)
var headData = JsonConvert.Deserialize<ChSettlement>(data);
DBResult result;
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetPayDetailList(headData.BILLNO);
result = ChsettlementDAL.DelAppStl(dataList, headData.BILLNO);
var dataList2 = ChsettlementDAL.GetBodyList("BILLNO='" + headData.BILLNO + "'");
result = ChsettlementDAL.DelFeeDo(dataList2);
if (result.Success == true)
DSWeb.SoftMng.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql("delete from ch_fee where F_NO='" + headData.BILLNO + "'");
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new EntityDA.T_ALL_DA();
var blUpSQL = " insert into sys_log(GID,NAME,LOGTYPE,LOGTIME,LOGCONTENT,CREATEUSER) values(NEWID(),'" + headData.BILLNO + "','删除结算','" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','" + headData.BILLNO + '(' + headData.CUSTOMERNAME + ')' + "','" + Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]) + "')";
bool bl = T_ALL_DA.GetExecuteSqlCommand(blUpSQL);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
if (result.Success == true) {
var APDList = CWAdvancePaymentDAL.GetBodyList(headData.BILLNO);
var _r = ChsettlementDAL.DelPaymentDo(APDList);
/* public ContentResult DelAPBill(string data)
var bodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<CWAdvancePaymentBody>>(data);
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.DelPaymentDo(bodyList);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult DeleteRecv(string data, int settlemode)
var headData = JsonConvert.Deserialize<ChSettlement>(data);
DBResult result;
if (settlemode == 1)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetRecvDetailList(headData.BILLNO);
result = ChsettlementDAL.DelRecvAppStl(dataList, headData.BILLNO);
else if (settlemode == 3) {
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetRecvInvDetailList(headData.BILLNO);
result = ChsettlementDAL.DelRecvInvAppStl(dataList, headData.BILLNO);
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetBodyList("BILLNO='" + headData.BILLNO + "'");
result = ChsettlementDAL.DelFeeDo(dataList);
if (result.Success == true)
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
#region 锁定和撤销锁定
public ContentResult Lock(string bill, string remark)
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.Lock(bill,remark);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(result);
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult UnLock(string bill)
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.UnLock(bill);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(result);
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult LockList(string bills)
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.LockList(bills);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(result);
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult UnLockList(string bills)
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.UnLockList(bills);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(result);
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
#region 付费申请结算
public ContentResult GetPayList(int start, int limit, string sort, string condition)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetPayDataList(condition, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), sort);
var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = list.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetPayDCList(int start, int limit, string sort, string condition)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetPayDCDataList(condition, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), sort);
var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = list.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetPaydetailList(string billno)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetPayDetailList(billno);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = dataList.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetAppBodyList(string condition)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetAppBodyList(condition);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = dataList.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult AddAppDetail(string bill, string data, string curr, int billtype)
var bodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<ChPaySettlement>>(data);
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.AddAppDetail(bill, bodyList, curr, Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]));
if (result.Success) {
ChsettlementDAL.p_update_Amount(bill, billtype);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult AddAppDCDetail(string bill, string data, string curr, string storeCurrExrate, int billtype, string addcurr)
var exrateList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<ChFeeExrate>>(storeCurrExrate);
var bodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<ChPaySettlement>>(data);
if (((exrateList == null) || (exrateList.Count == 0)) && (addcurr != curr))
exrateList = ChsettlementDAL.GetAppCurrExrateData(bodyList, curr,addcurr);
if (exrateList.Count == 0)
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.AddAppDCDetail(bill, bodyList, curr, Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), addcurr, exrateList,false);
if (result.Success) {
ChsettlementDAL.p_update_Amount(bill, billtype);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", Data = exrateList.ToList() };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.AddAppDCDetail(bill, bodyList, curr, Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), addcurr, exrateList,false);
if (result.Success) {
ChsettlementDAL.p_update_Amount(bill, billtype);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult DelAppBill(string data, string billno, int billtype)
var bodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<ChPaySettlement>>(data);
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.DelAppStl(bodyList,billno);
if (result.Success) {
ChsettlementDAL.p_update_Amount(billno, billtype);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
#region 收费申请结算
public ContentResult GetRecvList(int start, int limit, string sort, string condition)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetRecvDataList(condition, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), sort);
var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = list.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetRecvDCList(int start, int limit, string sort, string condition)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetRecvDCDataList(condition, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), sort);
var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = list.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetRecvdetailList(string billno)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetRecvDetailList(billno);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = dataList.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult AddRecvAppDetail(string bill, string data, string curr, int billtype)
var bodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<ChPaySettlement>>(data);
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.RecvAddAppDetail(bill, bodyList, curr, Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]));
if (result.Success) {
ChsettlementDAL.p_update_Amount(bill, billtype);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult AddRecvAppDCDetail(string bill, string data, string curr, string storeCurrExrate, int billtype, string addcurr)
var exrateList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<ChFeeExrate>>(storeCurrExrate);
var bodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<ChPaySettlement>>(data);
if (((exrateList == null) || (exrateList.Count == 0))&&(addcurr==""))
exrateList = ChsettlementDAL.GetAppCurrExrateData(bodyList, curr, addcurr);
if (exrateList.Count == 0)
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.AddRecvAppDCDetail(bill, bodyList, curr, Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), addcurr, exrateList);
if (result.Success) {
ChsettlementDAL.p_update_Amount(bill, billtype);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", Data = exrateList.ToList() };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.AddRecvAppDCDetail(bill, bodyList, curr, Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), addcurr, exrateList);
if (result.Success) {
ChsettlementDAL.p_update_Amount(bill, billtype);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult DelRecvAppBill(string data, string billno, int billtype)
var bodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<ChPaySettlement>>(data);
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.DelRecvAppStl(bodyList, billno);
if (result.Success) {
ChsettlementDAL.p_update_Amount(billno, billtype);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
#region 付费发票结算
public ContentResult GetPayInvList(int start, int limit, string sort, string condition)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetPayInvDataList(condition, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), sort);
var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = list.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetPayInvdetailList(string billno)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetPayInvDetailList(billno);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = dataList.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult AddPayInvAppDetail(string bill, string data, string curr, int billtype)
var bodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<ChInvoicehexiao>>(data);
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.PayInvAddAppDetail(bill, bodyList, curr, Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]));
if (result.Success)
ChsettlementDAL.p_update_Amount(bill, billtype);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult DelPayInvAppBill(string data, string billno, int billtype)
var bodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<ChInvoicehexiao>>(data);
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.DelPayInvAppStl(bodyList, billno);
if (result.Success)
ChsettlementDAL.p_update_Amount(billno, billtype);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
#region 收费发票结算
public ContentResult GetRecvInvList(int start, int limit, string sort, string condition)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetRecvInvDataList(condition, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), sort);
var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = list.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetRecvInvdetailList(string billno)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetRecvInvDetailList(billno);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = dataList.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
//public ContentResult AddRecvInvAppDetail(string bill, string data, string curr, int billtype)
// var bodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<ChInvoice>>(data);
// var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
// DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.RecvInvAddAppDetail(bill, bodyList, curr, Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]));
// if (result.Success)
// {
// ChsettlementDAL.p_update_Amount(bill, billtype);
// ChsettlementDAL.Set_BS_CUSTOMERNAME(bill);
// }
// var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
// return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult DelRecvInvAppBill(string data, string billno, int billtype)
var bodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<ChInvoice>>(data);
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.DelRecvInvAppStl(bodyList, billno);
if (result.Success)
ChsettlementDAL.p_update_Amount(billno, billtype);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
#region 预收预付
public ContentResult GetAdvancePayment(int start, int limit, string sort, string condition)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetAPDataList(condition);
var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = list.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetAPBodyList(string condition)
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetAPBodyList(condition);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = dataList.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult AddAPDetail(string billno, string data, string stlnogid, int feetype)
var bodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<CWAdvancePayment>>(data);
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.AddAPDetail(billno, bodyList, stlnogid, feetype, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]));
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult DelAPBill(string data)
var bodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<CWAdvancePaymentBody>>(data);
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.DelPaymentDo(bodyList);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
#region 参照部分