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3 years ago
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.DAL.Chfee_Cheque;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.Chfee_cheque;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Helper;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Comm.Cookie;
using DSWeb.Areas.CommMng.DAL;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using HcUtility.Comm;
using HcUtility.Core;
using DSWeb.EntityDA;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.Chfee_Exrate;
namespace DSWeb.Areas.Account.Controllers
public class Chfee_chequeController : Controller
// GET:
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
// GET: /
public ActionResult Edit()
return View();
public ActionResult BookEdit()
return View();
public ActionResult BookIndex()
return View();
// GET
#region 支票
public ContentResult GetDataList(int start, int limit, string sort, string condition)
var dataList = ChChequeDAL.GetDataList(condition, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), sort);
var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = list.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetData(string handle, string condition)
ChCheque head = null;
if (handle == "edit")
var list = ChChequeDAL.GetDataList(condition, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]));
if (list.Count > 0)
head = list[0];
if (head == null)
head = new ChCheque();
if (handle == "add")
head.CREATEUSER = Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]);
head.CREATEUSERREF = Convert.ToString(Session["SHOWNAME"]);
head.COMPANYID = Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]);
if (handle == "copy")
head.CREATEUSER = Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]);
head.CREATEUSERREF = Convert.ToString(Session["SHOWNAME"]);
head.COMPANYID = Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", data = head });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult Save(string opstatus, string data)
var headData = JsonConvert.Deserialize<ChCheque>(data);
if (opstatus == "add")
headData.GID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
headData.BILLNO = PubSysDAL.GetBillNo("0601");
headData.COMPANYID = Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]);
headData.CREATEUSER = Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]);
headData.CREATETIME = DateTime.Now.ToString();
headData.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotIns;
else if (opstatus == "edit")
headData.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotUpd;
headData.ModelUIStatus = "E";
else if (opstatus == "copy")
headData.GID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
headData.BILLNO = PubSysDAL.GetBillNo("0601");
headData.COMPANYID = Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]);
headData.CREATEUSER = Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]);
headData.CREATETIME = DateTime.Now.ToString();
headData.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotIns;
headData.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotDel;
if (headData.CHEQUEMAKETIME == "") headData.CHEQUEMAKETIME = null;
var BILLNO = headData.BILLNO;
var amountstr = string.Format("{0:0.00}", headData.CHEQUEAMOUNT);
amountstr = amountstr.Replace(".","");
headData.FEN = ChChequeDAL.Amount2STR(amountstr,1,headData.CHEQUECURRENCY);
headData.JIAO = ChChequeDAL.Amount2STR(amountstr, 2, headData.CHEQUECURRENCY);
headData.YUAN = ChChequeDAL.Amount2STR(amountstr, 3, headData.CHEQUECURRENCY);
headData.SHI = ChChequeDAL.Amount2STR(amountstr, 4, headData.CHEQUECURRENCY);
headData.BAI = ChChequeDAL.Amount2STR(amountstr, 5, headData.CHEQUECURRENCY);
headData.QIAN = ChChequeDAL.Amount2STR(amountstr, 6, headData.CHEQUECURRENCY);
headData.WAN = ChChequeDAL.Amount2STR(amountstr, 7, headData.CHEQUECURRENCY);
headData.SHIWAN = ChChequeDAL.Amount2STR(amountstr, 8, headData.CHEQUECURRENCY);
headData.BAIWAN= ChChequeDAL.Amount2STR(amountstr, 9, headData.CHEQUECURRENCY);
headData.QIANWAN = ChChequeDAL.Amount2STR(amountstr, 10, headData.CHEQUECURRENCY);
headData.YI = ChChequeDAL.Amount2STR(amountstr, 11, headData.CHEQUECURRENCY);
headData.SHIYI = ChChequeDAL.Amount2STR(amountstr, 12, headData.CHEQUECURRENCY);
headData.BAIYI = ChChequeDAL.Amount2STR(amountstr, 13, headData.CHEQUECURRENCY);
// headData.FEN=
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
DBResult result = modb.Save(headData);
if (result.Success == true)
ChChequeDAL.UpdateCheNoUse(headData.CHEQUENO, headData.BANKID, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]));
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse
Success = result.Success,
Message = result.Message,
Data = ChChequeDAL.GetData(" BILLNO='" + BILLNO + "'", Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]))
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult Delete(string data)
var headData = JsonConvert.Deserialize<ChCheque>(data);
DBResult result;
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
if (result.Success == true)
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult DeleteUp(string data)
var headData = JsonConvert.Deserialize<ChCheque>(data);
DBResult result;
result=ChChequeDAL.UpdateDelete(headData.BILLNO, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]));
if (result.Success==true)
ChChequeDAL.UpdateCheNoDelete(headData.CHEQUENO, headData.BANKID, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]));
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult GetChequeNo(string condition)
if (condition == null || condition == "") {
condition=" b.COMPANYID='"+Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"])+"'";
} else {
condition = condition + " AND b.COMPANYID='" + Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]) + "'";
var dataList = ChChequeDAL.GetChequeNo(condition);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = dataList.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
#region 锁定和撤销锁定
public ContentResult Lock(string bill)
DBResult result = ChChequeDAL.Lock(bill);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(result);
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult UnLock(string bill)
DBResult result = ChChequeDAL.UnLock(bill);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(result);
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult LockList(string bills)
DBResult result = ChChequeDAL.LockList(bills);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(result);
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult UnLockList(string bills)
DBResult result = ChChequeDAL.UnLockList(bills);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(result);
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult UpdatePrint(string billno)
DBResult result = ChChequeDAL.UpdatePrint(billno);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
#region 支票册
public ContentResult GetBookDataList(int start, int limit, string sort, string condition)
var dataList = ChChequeDAL.GetBookDataList(condition, Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), sort);
var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = list.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult GetBookData(string handle, string condition)
ChChequeBook head = null;
if (handle == "edit")
var list = ChChequeDAL.GetBookDataList(condition, Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]));
if (list.Count > 0)
head = list[0];
if (head == null)
head = new ChChequeBook();
if (handle == "add")
head.CREATEUSER = Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]);
head.CREATEUSERREF = Convert.ToString(Session["SHOWNAME"]);
head.COMPANYID = Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", data = head });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult SaveBook(string opstatus, string data)
var headData = JsonConvert.Deserialize<ChChequeBook>(data);
if (opstatus == "add")
headData.GID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
headData.COMPANYID = Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]);
headData.CREATEUSER = Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]);
headData.CREATETIME = DateTime.Now.ToString();
headData.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotIns;
else if (opstatus == "edit")
headData.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotUpd;
headData.ModelUIStatus = "E";
headData.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotDel;
var BILLNO = headData.GID;
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
DBResult result = modb.Save(headData);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse
Success = result.Success,
Message = result.Message,
Data = ChChequeDAL.GetBookData(" GID='" + BILLNO + "'", Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]))
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult DeleteBook(string data)
var headData = JsonConvert.Deserialize<ChChequeBook>(data);
var isfee = ChChequeDAL.GetMakeOutCount(headData.GID);
if (isfee)
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = false, Message = "此票册已有开出支票,不允许删除!" };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
DBResult result;
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
result = modb.Delete(headData);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult CreateBookitems(string data)
var headData = JsonConvert.Deserialize<ChChequeBook>(data);
DBResult result = ChChequeDAL.CreateBookitems(headData, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]));
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult LockBookitems(string data)
var headData = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<ChChequeBookdetail>>(data);
DBResult result = ChChequeDAL.LockBookitems(headData);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult CancelLockBookitems(string data)
var headData = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<ChChequeBookdetail>>(data);
DBResult result = ChChequeDAL.CancelLockBookitems(headData);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult GetBookitemsDataList(string condition, string sort)
var dataList = ChChequeDAL.GetBookitemsDataList(condition, sort);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = dataList.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult DeleteUpBook(string data)
var headData = JsonConvert.Deserialize<ChChequeBook>(data);
DBResult result;
result = ChChequeDAL.DeleteUpBook(headData.GID, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]));
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
#region 参照部分