using System ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Web.Mvc ;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.DAL.Chfee_Settlement ;
using DSWeb.Areas.Import.DAL.CW ;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.Chfee_Payapplication ;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.Chfee_Settlement ;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.Chfee_do_detail ;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.BillChfeeDetail ;
using DSWeb.Areas.Import.Models.CWAdvancePayment ;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.Chfee_Invoice ;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.Chfee_Invoicehexiao ;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.MsCwVouchersGl3 ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Helper ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Comm.Cookie ;
using DSWeb.Areas.CommMng.DAL ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using HcUtility.Comm ;
using HcUtility.Core ;
using DSWeb.EntityDA ;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.Chfee_Exrate ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsSysBillNoSet ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsSysBillNoSet ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.ChMonthCloseDAL ;
using DSWeb.TruckMng.Helper.Repository ;
using System.Text ;
using DSWeb.Areas.CommMng.Models ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsSysParamSet ;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.ChfeeDetail ;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsBaseInfoDAL ;
using DSWeb.SoftMng.Filter ;
using Ivony.Fluent ;
namespace DSWeb.Areas.Account.Controllers
public class Chfee_settlementController : Controller
/ /
// GET:
public ActionResult PayIndex ( )
return View ( ) ;
/ /
// GET: /
public ActionResult PayEdit ( )
return View ( ) ;
public ActionResult PayBLEdit ( )
return View ( ) ;
public ActionResult PayAppEdit ( )
return View ( ) ;
// GET:
public ActionResult RecvIndex ( )
return View ( ) ;
/ /
// GET: /
public ActionResult RecvEdit ( )
return View ( ) ;
public ActionResult RecvBLEdit ( )
return View ( ) ;
public ActionResult RecvAppEdit ( )
return View ( ) ;
public ActionResult RecvInvEdit ( )
return View ( ) ;
public ActionResult PayInvEdit ( )
return View ( ) ;
public ActionResult SettementView ( )
return View ( ) ;
public ActionResult RptStlRemitIndex ( )
return View ( ) ;
// GET:
public ActionResult HexiaoIndex ( )
return View ( ) ;
// GET:
public ActionResult HexiaoEdit ( )
return View ( ) ;
/ /
// GET:
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetDataList ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition , int billtype , string isload = "0" )
int total = 0 ;
string sortStr = "" ;
if ( sort ! = null )
sortStr = sort . Replace ( "SETTLEMODEREF" , "SETTLEMODE" ) ;
sortStr = sortStr . Replace ( "SETTLETYPEREF" , "SETTLETYPE" ) ;
sortStr = sortStr . Replace ( "SETTLEUSERREF" , "SETTLEUSER" ) ;
sortStr = sortStr . Replace ( "BANKCODE" , "ACCOUNTRMB" ) ;
string LAN = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "LANGUAGES" ] ) ;
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetDataList ( condition , start , limit , out total , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserCode ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , sortStr , billtype , isload , LAN ) ;
//var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit);
//var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = list.ToList() });
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = total , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetDataListAll ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition )
int total = 0 ;
string sortStr = "" ;
if ( sort ! = null )
sortStr = sort . Replace ( "SETTLEMODEREF" , "SETTLEMODE" ) ;
sortStr = sortStr . Replace ( "SETTLETYPEREF" , "SETTLETYPE" ) ;
sortStr = sortStr . Replace ( "ACCOUNTREF" , "ACCOUNTRMB" ) ;
sortStr = sortStr . Replace ( "SETTLEUSERREF" , "SETTLEUSER" ) ;
sortStr = sortStr . Replace ( "BANKCODE" , "ACCOUNTRMB" ) ;
string LAN = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "LANGUAGES" ] ) ;
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetDataListAll ( condition ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetDataListStr ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition , int billtype )
var dataListStr = ChsettlementDAL . GetDataListStr ( condition , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserCode ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , sort , billtype ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , data = dataListStr } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetData ( string handle , string condition )
ChSettlement head = null ;
int total = 0 ;
string LAN = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "LANGUAGES" ] ) ;
if ( handle = = "edit" )
var list = ChsettlementDAL . GetDataList ( condition , 0 , 10 , out total , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserCode ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , null , 0 , "0" , LAN ) ;
if ( list . Count > 0 )
head = list [ 0 ] ;
if ( head = = null )
head = new ChSettlement ( ) ;
if ( handle = = "add" )
head . SETTLEUSER = CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) ;
head . SETTLEUSERREF = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) ;
var period = ChMonthCloseDAL . GetData ( "" , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
if ( Convert . ToDateTime ( period . FDAY ) > DateTime . Now )
head . SETTLETIME = period . FDAY ;
} else
head . SETTLETIME = DateTime . Now . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ) ;
head . CURR = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "LOCALCURR" ] ) ;
head . SETTLETYPE = 7 ;
head . RATE = 1 ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize (
new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , data = head } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetBillList ( string condition , string sort )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetBodyList ( condition , sort ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetBillListStr ( string condition , string sort )
var dataListStr = ChsettlementDAL . GetBodyListStr ( condition , sort ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , data = dataListStr } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetBillListPage ( int start , int limit , string condition , string sort )
string LAN = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "LANGUAGES" ] ) ;
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetBodyList ( start , limit , condition , sort , LAN ) ;
int count = ChsettlementDAL . getbodyTotalCount ( condition , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserCode ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetBillSum ( string condition )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetBodySumList ( condition ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetFeeDataList ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition , int billtype )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetFeeDataList ( condition , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , sort , billtype ) ;
var list = dataList . Skip ( start ) . Take ( limit ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize (
new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = list . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetBillDataList ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition , int billtype )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetAddBillList ( condition , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , sort , billtype ) ;
// var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit);
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize (
new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetFeeDetailList ( string sort , string condition )
string LAN = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "LANGUAGES" ] ) ;
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetFeeDetailList ( condition , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , sort , LAN ) ;
//var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit);
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize (
new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetAddSum ( string condition , int billtype )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetAddSum ( condition , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , billtype ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult Save ( string opstatus , string data , string accountsdata , string prepaydata , string ahsrdata , string financialdata , string advancedata , int billtype , string prepaychange )
if ( Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "CODENAME" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" | | Convert . ToString ( Session [ "DEPTNAME" ] ) . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) = = "" )
var jsonRespose2 = new JsonResponse { Success = false , Message = "登录超时,请退出系统重新登录!" } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose2 ) } ;
var headData = JsonConvert . Deserialize < ChSettlement > ( data . Replace ( "}" , "," ) + accountsdata . Replace ( "{" , "" ) . Replace ( "}" , "," ) + prepaydata . Replace ( "{" , "" ) . Replace ( "}" , "," )
+ ahsrdata . Replace ( "{" , "" ) . Replace ( "}" , "," ) + financialdata . Replace ( "{" , "" ) . Replace ( "}" , "," ) + advancedata . Replace ( "{" , "" ) ) ;
if ( opstatus = = "add" & & ( headData . BILLNO = = "" | | headData . BILLNO = = "*" ) )
headData . GID = Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) ;
headData . BILLDATE = DateTime . Now ;
if ( headData . BILLNO = = "" | | headData . BILLNO = = "*" )
if ( billtype = = 2 )
var billnoset = MsSysBillNoSetDAL . GetData ( "OPLBNAME='付费结算'" , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
if ( billnoset . BILLTYPE ! = "" )
headData . BILLNO = MsSysBillNoSetDAL . GetBillNo ( billnoset , headData . SETTLETIME . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) , headData . BILLDATE . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
headData . BILLNO = PubSysDAL . GetBillNo ( "0304" ) ;
else if ( billtype = = 1 )
var billnoset = MsSysBillNoSetDAL . GetData ( "OPLBNAME='收费结算'" , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
if ( billnoset . BILLTYPE ! = "" )
headData . BILLNO = MsSysBillNoSetDAL . GetBillNo ( billnoset , headData . SETTLETIME . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) , headData . BILLDATE . ToString ( ) . Trim ( ) ) ;
else headData . BILLNO = PubSysDAL . GetBillNo ( "0305" ) ;
headData . COMPANYID = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ;
headData . DbOperationType = DbOperationType . DbotIns ;
headData . DbOperationType = DbOperationType . DbotUpd ;
headData . ModelUIStatus = "E" ;
var IsAdvancePaymentChanged = ChsettlementDAL . IsAdvancePaymentChanged ( headData ) ;
var AdvancePaymentHaveBeenUsed = ChsettlementDAL . AdvancePaymentHaveBeenUsed ( headData ) ;
if ( AdvancePaymentHaveBeenUsed )
if ( IsAdvancePaymentChanged )
var jsonRespose0 = new JsonResponse
Success = false ,
Message = "该结算单产生的预收/预付已被引用,不能修改其:结算对象名、币别、金额;" ,
Data = headData
} ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose0 ) } ;
bool updatepayment = ChsettlementDAL . updatePayment ( headData , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
if ( ! updatepayment )
var jsonRespose0 = new JsonResponse
Success = false ,
Message = "结算单产生的预收/预付时发生错误,请重新执行保存或联系管理员" ,
Data = headData
} ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose0 ) } ;
var ct = ChsettlementDAL . GetRdCount ( "GID<>'" + headData . GID + "' AND BILLNO='" + headData . BILLNO + "' " ) ;
if ( ct ! = 0 )
var jsonRespose0 = new JsonResponse
Success = false ,
Message = "结算编号重复,不允许保存!" ,
Data = headData
} ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose0 ) } ;
if ( headData . BILLTYPE = = 2 ) {
if ( PAYINVNONOTREPEAT . PARAMVALUE = = "1" & & ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( headData . INVOICENO ) ) {
var ct2 = ChsettlementDAL . GetRdCount ( "GID<>'" + headData . GID + "' AND BILLTYPE=2 AND INVOICENO='" + headData . INVOICENO + "' " ) ;
if ( ct2 ! = 0 )
var jsonRespose0 = new JsonResponse
Success = false ,
Message = "发票号重复,不允许保存!" ,
Data = headData
} ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose0 ) } ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( headData . ACCOUNT ) ) {
var bankList = MsBaseInfoDAL . GetBANKList ( "" , headData . SALECORPID ) ;
if ( bankList ! = null & & bankList . Count ! = 0 )
foreach ( var bank in bankList )
if ( ( bank . CURRENCY = = headData . CURR ) & & ( bank . ISDEF = = "True" ) )
headData . ACCOUNT = bank . GID ;
var BILLNO = headData . BILLNO ;
if ( headData . CURR = = "RMB" )
headData . AMOUNTRMB = headData . AMOUNT ;
headData . ACCOUNTRMB = headData . ACCOUNT ;
headData . AMOUNTUSD = 0 ;
headData . ACCOUNTUSD = "" ;
headData . AMOUNTUSD = headData . AMOUNT ;
headData . ACCOUNTUSD = headData . ACCOUNT ;
headData . ACCOUNTRMB = "" ;
headData . AMOUNTRMB = 0 ;
if ( headData . SETTLETIME = = "" ) headData . SETTLETIME = null ;
if ( headData . INVOICEDATE = = "" ) headData . INVOICEDATE = null ;
if ( headData . REMITTANCEAMOUNT = = "" ) headData . REMITTANCEAMOUNT = "0" ;
if ( headData . BUYRATE = = "" ) headData . BUYRATE = "0" ;
if ( headData . SELLRATE = = "" ) headData . SELLRATE = "0" ;
if ( headData . SETTLRATE = = "" ) headData . SETTLRATE = "0" ;
if ( headData . ACCOUNTS_CURRENCY = = "" | | headData . ACCOUNTS_CURRENCY = = null )
headData . ACCOUNTS_CURRENCY = headData . CURR ; / /
if ( headData . PREPAY_CURRENCY = = "" | | headData . PREPAY_CURRENCY = = null )
headData . PREPAY_CURRENCY = headData . CURR ; / /
if ( headData . AHSR_CURRENCY = = "" | | headData . AHSR_CURRENCY = = null )
headData . AHSR_CURRENCY = headData . CURR ; / /
if ( headData . FINANCIAL_CURRENCY = = "" | | headData . FINANCIAL_CURRENCY = = null )
headData . FINANCIAL_CURRENCY = headData . CURR ; / /
if ( headData . ADVANCE_CURRENCY = = "" | | headData . ADVANCE_CURRENCY = = null )
headData . ADVANCE_CURRENCY = headData . CURR ; / /
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
DBResult result = modb . Save ( headData ) ;
if ( ( result . Success ) & & ( prepaychange = = "true" ) ) {
bool updatepayment = ChsettlementDAL . updatePayment ( headData , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
if ( ! updatepayment ) { result . Message = "已保存成功,但预收付更新时发生错误,请检查预收付单据是否已生成凭证或有其他错误!" ; }
if ( result . Success = = true ) {
//if (billtype == 2&&!string.IsNullOrEmpty(headData.INVOICENO)) {
// T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new T_ALL_DA();
// var blUpSQL = " update ch_fee_payapplication SET INVNO='"+ headData.INVOICENO + "' where billno in (select PAYBILLNO FROM CH_FEE_DO_PAYAPPLICATION WHERE BILLNO='"+ headData.BILLNO+ "')";
// bool bl = T_ALL_DA.GetExecuteSqlCommand(blUpSQL);
MsSysBillNoSetDAL . DeleteBsNo ( headData . BILLNO ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse
Success = result . Success ,
Message = result . Message ,
Data = ChsettlementDAL . GetData ( " BILLNO='" + BILLNO + "'" , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserCode ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) )
} ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult AddDetail ( string bill , string data , string curr , int billtype )
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < BillChfeeDetail > > ( data ) ;
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . AddDetail ( bill , bodyList , curr , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
if ( result . Success ) { ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( bill , billtype ) ; }
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult AddDetailStl ( string bill , string data , string curr , int billtype , string ShenNo )
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChFeeDetail > > ( data ) ;
var headdata = ChsettlementDAL . GetData ( " BILLNO='" + bill + "'" , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserCode ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . AddDetailStl ( bill , bodyList , curr , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , headdata , ShenNo ) ;
if ( result . Success ) { ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( bill , billtype ) ; }
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult AddBillStl ( string billno , string billcust , string billcurr , string feesql , string storeCurrExrate , int billtype , bool custgroup = false , string ShenNo = "" )
var exrateList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChFeeExrate > > ( storeCurrExrate ) ;
if ( ( exrateList = = null ) | | ( exrateList . Count = = 0 ) )
var exratestr = feesql ;
if ( ShenNo ! = "" ) exratestr = exratestr + " and f.GID IN (SELECT FEEID FROM CH_FEE_DO WHERE BILLNO='" + ShenNo + "')" ;
exrateList = ChsettlementDAL . GetCurrExrateData ( billcust , billcurr , exratestr , custgroup ) ;
if ( exrateList . Count = = 0 )
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
var headdata = ChsettlementDAL . GetData ( " BILLNO='" + billno + "'" , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserCode ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . AddBillStl ( billno , billcust , billcurr , feesql , exrateList , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , headdata , custgroup , ShenNo ) ;
if ( result . Success ) { ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( billno , billtype ) ; }
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , Data = exrateList . ToList ( ) } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
var headdata = ChsettlementDAL . GetData ( " BILLNO='" + billno + "'" , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserCode ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . AddBillStl ( billno , billcust , billcurr , feesql , exrateList , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , headdata , custgroup , ShenNo ) ;
if ( result . Success ) { ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( billno , billtype ) ; }
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult AddBill ( string billno , string billcust , string billcurr , string feesql , string storeCurrExrate , int billtype , bool custgroup = false )
var exrateList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChFeeExrate > > ( storeCurrExrate ) ;
if ( ( exrateList = = null ) | | ( exrateList . Count = = 0 ) )
exrateList = ChsettlementDAL . GetCurrExrateData ( billcust , billcurr , feesql , custgroup ) ;
if ( exrateList . Count = = 0 )
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . AddBill ( billno , billcust , billcurr , feesql , exrateList , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserCode ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , custgroup ) ;
if ( result . Success ) { ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( billno , billtype ) ; }
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , Data = exrateList . ToList ( ) } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . AddBill ( billno , billcust , billcurr , feesql , exrateList , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserCode ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
if ( result . Success ) { ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( billno , billtype ) ; }
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult DelBill ( string data , string billno , int billtype )
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < Chfee_do_detail > > ( data ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . DelFeeDo ( bodyList ) ;
ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( billno , billtype ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
/ /
public ContentResult Delete ( string data , int settlemode )
var headData = JsonConvert . Deserialize < ChSettlement > ( data ) ;
var result = new DBResult ( ) ;
string LAN = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "LANGUAGES" ] ) ;
var shanchuchenggong = "删除成功!" ;
var yiyuemojiezhang = "本期已月末结账,无法删除此单据!" ;
if ( LAN = = "en-us" )
shanchuchenggong = "Successfully deleted! " ;
yiyuemojiezhang = "The current period has been settled at the end of the month, and this document cannot be deleted! " ;
var period = ChMonthCloseDAL . GetData ( "" , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
if ( Convert . ToDateTime ( period . FDAY ) > Convert . ToDateTime ( headData . SETTLETIME ) )
result . Success = false ;
result . Message = yiyuemojiezhang ;
else result . Success = true ;
T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new T_ALL_DA ( ) ;
var strCT = T_ALL_DA . GetStrSQL ( "CT" , "select COUNT(*) CT from cw_vouno_bs_gl where BSGID='" + headData . GID + "'" ) ;
if ( strCT ! = "0" & & strCT ! = "" ) {
result . Success = false ;
result . Message = "已生成凭证,无法删除此单据!" ;
if ( result . Success = = true )
if ( settlemode = = 3 )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetPayInvDetailList ( headData . BILLNO ) ;
result = ChsettlementDAL . DelPayInvAppStl ( dataList , headData . BILLNO ) ;
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetPayDetailList ( headData . BILLNO ) ;
result = ChsettlementDAL . DelAppStl ( dataList , headData . BILLNO ) ;
var dataList2 = ChsettlementDAL . GetBodyList ( "BILLNO='" + headData . BILLNO + "'" ) ;
result = ChsettlementDAL . DelFeeDo ( dataList2 ) ;
if ( result . Success = = true ) {
var APDList = CWAdvancePaymentDAL . GetBodyList2 ( " SETTLEBILLNO='" + headData . BILLNO + "'" ) ;
result = ChsettlementDAL . DelPaymentDo ( APDList ) ;
if ( result . Success = = true )
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
modb . Delete ( headData ) ;
MsSysBillNoSetDAL . DeleteBsNo ( headData . BILLNO ) ;
ChsettlementDAL . DelRemit ( headData . BILLNO ) ;
var blUpSQL = " insert into sys_log(GID,NAME,LOGTYPE,LOGTIME,LOGCONTENT,CREATEUSER) values(NEWID(),'" + headData . BILLNO + "','删除结算','" + DateTime . Now . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ) + "','" + headData . BILLNO + '(' + headData . CUSTOMERNAME + ')' + "','" + Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) + "')" ;
bool bl = T_ALL_DA . GetExecuteSqlCommand ( blUpSQL ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult DeleteRecv ( string data , int settlemode )
var headData = JsonConvert . Deserialize < ChSettlement > ( data ) ;
var result = new DBResult ( ) ;
string LAN = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "LANGUAGES" ] ) ;
var shanchuchenggong = "删除成功!" ;
var yiyuemojiezhang = "本期已月末结账,无法删除此单据!" ;
if ( LAN = = "en-us" )
shanchuchenggong = "Successfully deleted! " ;
yiyuemojiezhang = "The current period has been settled at the end of the month, and this document cannot be deleted! " ;
var period = ChMonthCloseDAL . GetData ( "" , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
if ( Convert . ToDateTime ( period . FDAY ) > Convert . ToDateTime ( headData . SETTLETIME ) )
result . Success = false ;
result . Message = yiyuemojiezhang ;
else result . Success = true ;
T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new T_ALL_DA ( ) ;
var strCT = T_ALL_DA . GetStrSQL ( "CT" , "select COUNT(*) CT from cw_vouno_bs_gl where BSGID='" + headData . GID + "'" ) ;
if ( strCT ! = "0" & & strCT ! = "" )
result . Success = false ;
result . Message = "已生成凭证,无法删除此单据!" ;
if ( result . Success = = true )
if ( settlemode = = 1 )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetRecvDetailList ( headData . BILLNO ) ;
result = ChsettlementDAL . DelRecvAppStl ( dataList , headData . BILLNO ) ;
else if ( settlemode = = 3 )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetRecvInvDetailList ( headData . BILLNO ) ;
result = ChsettlementDAL . DelRecvInvAppStl ( dataList , headData . BILLNO ) ;
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetBodyList ( "BILLNO='" + headData . BILLNO + "'" ) ;
result = ChsettlementDAL . DelFeeDo ( dataList ) ;
if ( result . Success = = true )
var APDList = CWAdvancePaymentDAL . GetBodyList2 ( " SETTLEBILLNO='" + headData . BILLNO + "'" ) ;
result = ChsettlementDAL . DelPaymentDo ( APDList ) ;
if ( result . Success = = true )
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
modb . Delete ( headData ) ;
var blUpSQL = " insert into sys_log(GID,NAME,LOGTYPE,LOGTIME,LOGCONTENT,CREATEUSER) values(NEWID(),'" + headData . BILLNO + "','删除结算','" + DateTime . Now . ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ) + "','" + headData . BILLNO + '(' + headData . CUSTOMERNAME + ')' + "','" + Convert . ToString ( Session [ "USERID" ] ) + "')" ;
bool bl = T_ALL_DA . GetExecuteSqlCommand ( blUpSQL ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
#region 锁定和撤销锁定
public ContentResult Lock ( string bill , string remark , string billtype = "0" )
var headData = ChsettlementDAL . GetData ( "BILLNO='" + bill + "'" ) ;
var errstr = "" ;
if ( headData . AMOUNTRMB ! = 0 | | headData . AMOUNTUSD ! = 0 )
if ( headData . ACCOUNTS_MONEY = = 0 & & headData . AHSR_MONEY = = 0 & & headData . PREPAY_MONEY = = 0 & & headData . FINANCIAL_MONEY = = 0 & & headData . ADVANCE_MONEY = = 0 )
errstr = errstr + " 预收付信息有错误不允许锁定!" ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( errstr ) )
var result2 = new DBResult ( ) ;
result2 . Success = false ;
result2 . Message = errstr ;
var json2 = JsonConvert . Serialize ( result2 ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json2 } ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . Lock ( bill , remark ) ;
if ( result . Success ) {
if ( billtype = = "2" ) {
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( headData . INVOICENO ) | | ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( headData . INVOICEDATE ) | | ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( headData . INVOICEAMOUNT ) )
T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new T_ALL_DA ( ) ;
var blUpSQL = " update ch_fee_payapplication SET INVNO='" + headData . INVOICENO + "',INVDATE='" + headData . INVOICEDATE + "',INVOICEAMOUNT='" + headData . INVOICEAMOUNT + "' where billno in (select PAYBILLNO FROM CH_FEE_DO_PAYAPPLICATION WHERE BILLNO='" + headData . BILLNO + "')" ;
bool bl = T_ALL_DA . GetExecuteSqlCommand ( blUpSQL ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( result ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult UnLock ( string bill )
var result = new DBResult ( ) ;
T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new T_ALL_DA ( ) ;
var strCT = T_ALL_DA . GetStrSQL ( "CT" , "select COUNT(*) CT from cw_vouno_bs_gl where BSGID in (SELECT GID FROM ch_fee_settlement WHERE BILLNO='" + bill + "')" ) ;
if ( strCT ! = "0" & & strCT ! = "" )
result . Success = false ;
result . Message = "已生成凭证,无法解锁此单据!" ;
var strCT2 = T_ALL_DA . GetStrSQL ( "CT" , "select COUNT(*) CT from op_sale_tc where BSNO in (SELECT BSNO FROM ch_fee_do WHERE BILLNO='" + bill + "')" ) ;
if ( strCT2 ! = "0" & & strCT2 ! = "" )
result . Success = false ;
result . Message = "相关业务已发放提成,无法解锁此单据!" ;
result = ChsettlementDAL . UnLock ( bill ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( result ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult LockList ( string bills )
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . LockList ( bills ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( result ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult LockListNew ( string data )
var headList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChSettlement > > ( data ) ;
var errstr = "" ;
foreach ( var bill in headList )
if ( bill . AMOUNTRMB ! = 0 | | bill . AMOUNTUSD ! = 0 ) {
if ( bill . ACCOUNTS_MONEY = = 0 & & bill . AHSR_MONEY = = 0 & & bill . PREPAY_MONEY = = 0 & & bill . FINANCIAL_MONEY = = 0 & & bill . ADVANCE_MONEY = = 0 ) {
errstr = errstr + " 单号:" + bill . BILLNO + " 预收付信息有错误" ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( errstr ) ) {
var result2 = new DBResult ( ) ;
result2 . Success = false ;
result2 . Message = errstr + " 不能锁定" ;
var json2 = JsonConvert . Serialize ( result2 ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json2 } ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . LockListNew ( headList , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( result ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult UnLockList ( string bills )
var billList = bills . Split ( ',' ) ;
T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new T_ALL_DA ( ) ;
foreach ( var bill in billList )
var strCT = T_ALL_DA . GetStrSQL ( "CT" , "select COUNT(*) CT from cw_vouno_bs_gl where BSGID in (SELECT GID FROM ch_fee_settlement WHERE BILLNO='" + bill + "')" ) ;
if ( strCT ! = "0" & & strCT ! = "" )
var result2 = new DBResult ( ) ;
result2 . Success = false ;
result2 . Message = "已生成凭证,无法解锁此单据!" ;
var json2 = JsonConvert . Serialize ( result2 ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json2 } ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . UnLockList ( bills , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( result ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
# endregion
#region 付费申请结算
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetPayList ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetPayDataList ( condition , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserCode ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , sort ) ;
var list = dataList . Skip ( start ) . Take ( limit ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = list . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetPayDCList ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition )
var LOCALCURR = CookieConfig . GetCookie_LocalCurr ( Request ) ;
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetPayDCDataList ( condition , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserCode ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , sort , LOCALCURR ) ;
var list = dataList . Skip ( start ) . Take ( limit ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = list . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetPaydetailList ( string billno )
string LAN = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "LANGUAGES" ] ) ;
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetPayDetailList ( billno , LAN ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetAppBodyList ( string condition , string sort )
string LAN = Convert . ToString ( Session [ "LANGUAGES" ] ) ;
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetAppBodyList ( condition , sort , LAN ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult AddAppDetail ( string bill , string data , string curr , int billtype )
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChPaySettlement > > ( data ) ;
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . AddAppDetail ( bill , bodyList , curr , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
if ( result . Success ) { ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( bill , billtype ) ; }
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult AddAppDCDetail ( string bill , string data , string curr , string storeCurrExrate , int billtype , string addcurr )
var LOCALCURR = CookieConfig . GetCookie_LocalCurr ( Request ) ;
var exrateList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChFeeExrate > > ( storeCurrExrate ) ;
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChPaySettlement > > ( data ) ;
var isAuditExrate = false ;
if ( PAYAUDITEXRATE . PARAMVALUE = = "1" ) isAuditExrate = true ;
T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new EntityDA . T_ALL_DA ( ) ;
if ( ( ( exrateList = = null ) | | ( exrateList . Count = = 0 ) ) & & ( addcurr ! = curr ) )
exrateList = ChsettlementDAL . GetAppCurrExrateData ( bodyList , curr , addcurr , isAuditExrate ) ;
if ( exrateList . Count = = 0 )
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . AddAppDCDetail ( bill , bodyList , curr , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , addcurr , exrateList , isAuditExrate , LOCALCURR ) ;
if ( result . Success )
ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( bill , billtype ) ;
foreach ( var enumValue in bodyList )
var blUpSQL1 = " insert into ch_fee_File (GID,BillNo,File_Type,File_Name,File_Path,CreateTime,Operator,File_OriginalName,File_DocType,File_DocNo,RefBillNo) "
+ " SELECT NEWID(),'" + bill + "',File_Type,File_Name,File_Path,CreateTime,Operator,File_OriginalName,File_DocType,File_DocNo,'" + enumValue . BILLNO + "' FROM ch_fee_File WHERE BillNo='" + enumValue . BILLNO + "' " ;
bool bl1 = T_ALL_DA . GetExecuteSqlCommand ( blUpSQL1 ) ;
if ( isAuditExrate )
decimal stlamount = 0 ;
decimal stlrate = 0 ;
string stlcurr = "" ;
if ( bodyList ! = null )
foreach ( var enumValue in bodyList )
stlamount = stlamount + enumValue . AUDITSTLAMOUNT ;
stlcurr = enumValue . AUDITSTLCURR ;
stlrate = enumValue . AUDITSTLRATE ;
if ( stlamount ! = 0 )
if ( stlamount > 0 )
var blUpSQL1 = " update ch_fee_settlement set AHSR_CURRENCY='" + stlcurr + "',AHSR_RATE=" + stlrate . ToString ( ) + ",AHSR_MONEY=" + stlamount . ToString ( ) + ",FINANCIAL_MONEY=ACCOUNTS_MONEY-" + stlamount . ToString ( ) + " where BILLNO='" + bill + "' " ;
bool bl1 = T_ALL_DA . GetExecuteSqlCommand ( blUpSQL1 ) ;
var blUpSQL1 = " update ch_fee_settlement set AHSR_CURRENCY='" + stlcurr + "',AHSR_RATE=" + stlrate . ToString ( ) + ",AHSR_MONEY=" + stlamount . ToString ( ) + ",FINANCIAL_MONEY=ACCOUNTS_MONEY+" + Math . Abs ( stlamount ) . ToString ( ) + " where BILLNO='" + bill + "' " ;
bool bl1 = T_ALL_DA . GetExecuteSqlCommand ( blUpSQL1 ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , Data = exrateList . ToList ( ) } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . AddAppDCDetail ( bill , bodyList , curr , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , addcurr , exrateList , isAuditExrate , LOCALCURR ) ;
if ( result . Success ) {
ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( bill , billtype ) ;
foreach ( var enumValue in bodyList )
var blUpSQL1 = " insert into ch_fee_File (GID,BillNo,File_Type,File_Name,File_Path,CreateTime,Operator,File_OriginalName,File_DocType,File_DocNo,RefBillNo) "
+ " SELECT NEWID(),'" + bill + "',File_Type,File_Name,File_Path,CreateTime,Operator,File_OriginalName,File_DocType,File_DocNo,'" + enumValue . BILLNO + "' FROM ch_fee_File WHERE BillNo='" + enumValue . BILLNO + "' " ;
bool bl1 = T_ALL_DA . GetExecuteSqlCommand ( blUpSQL1 ) ;
if ( isAuditExrate )
decimal stlamount = 0 ;
decimal stlrate = 0 ;
string stlcurr = "" ;
if ( bodyList ! = null )
foreach ( var enumValue in bodyList )
stlamount = stlamount + enumValue . AUDITSTLAMOUNT ;
stlcurr = enumValue . AUDITSTLCURR ;
stlrate = enumValue . AUDITSTLRATE ;
if ( stlamount ! = 0 )
if ( stlamount > 0 )
var blUpSQL1 = " update ch_fee_settlement set AHSR_CURRENCY='" + stlcurr + "',AHSR_RATE=" + stlrate . ToString ( ) + ",AHSR_MONEY=" + stlamount . ToString ( ) + ",FINANCIAL_MONEY=ACCOUNTS_MONEY-" + stlamount . ToString ( ) + " where BILLNO='" + bill + "' " ;
bool bl1 = T_ALL_DA . GetExecuteSqlCommand ( blUpSQL1 ) ;
var blUpSQL1 = " update ch_fee_settlement set AHSR_CURRENCY='" + stlcurr + "',AHSR_RATE=" + stlrate . ToString ( ) + ",AHSR_MONEY=" + stlamount . ToString ( ) + ",FINANCIAL_MONEY=ACCOUNTS_MONEY+" + Math . Abs ( stlamount ) . ToString ( ) + " where BILLNO='" + bill + "' " ;
bool bl1 = T_ALL_DA . GetExecuteSqlCommand ( blUpSQL1 ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult DelAppBill ( string data , string billno , int billtype )
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChPaySettlement > > ( data ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . DelAppStl ( bodyList , billno ) ;
if ( result . Success ) { ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( billno , billtype ) ; }
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
# endregion
#region 收费申请结算
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetRecvList ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetRecvDataList ( condition , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserCode ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , sort ) ;
var list = dataList . Skip ( start ) . Take ( limit ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = list . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetRecvDCList ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetRecvDCDataList ( condition , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserCode ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , sort ) ;
var list = dataList . Skip ( start ) . Take ( limit ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = list . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetRecvdetailList ( string billno )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetRecvDetailList ( billno ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult AddRecvAppDetail ( string bill , string data , string curr , int billtype )
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChPaySettlement > > ( data ) ;
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . RecvAddAppDetail ( bill , bodyList , curr , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
if ( result . Success ) {
ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( bill , billtype ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult AddRecvAppDCDetail ( string bill , string data , string curr , string storeCurrExrate , int billtype , string addcurr )
var exrateList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChFeeExrate > > ( storeCurrExrate ) ;
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChPaySettlement > > ( data ) ;
T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new EntityDA . T_ALL_DA ( ) ;
if ( ( ( exrateList = = null ) | | ( exrateList . Count = = 0 ) ) & & ( addcurr ! = curr ) )
exrateList = ChsettlementDAL . GetAppCurrExrateData ( bodyList , curr , addcurr ) ;
if ( exrateList . Count = = 0 )
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . AddRecvAppDCDetail ( bill , bodyList , curr , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , addcurr , exrateList ) ;
if ( result . Success )
{ ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( bill , billtype ) ;
foreach ( var enumValue in bodyList )
var blUpSQL1 = " insert into ch_fee_File (GID,BillNo,File_Type,File_Name,File_Path,CreateTime,Operator,File_OriginalName,File_DocType,File_DocNo,RefBillNo) "
+ " SELECT NEWID(),'" + bill + "',File_Type,File_Name,File_Path,CreateTime,Operator,File_OriginalName,File_DocType,File_DocNo,'" + enumValue . BILLNO + "' FROM ch_fee_File WHERE BillNo='" + enumValue . BILLNO + "' " ;
bool bl1 = T_ALL_DA . GetExecuteSqlCommand ( blUpSQL1 ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , Data = exrateList . ToList ( ) } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . AddRecvAppDCDetail ( bill , bodyList , curr , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , addcurr , exrateList ) ;
if ( result . Success )
{ ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( bill , billtype ) ;
foreach ( var enumValue in bodyList )
var blUpSQL1 = " insert into ch_fee_File (GID,BillNo,File_Type,File_Name,File_Path,CreateTime,Operator,File_OriginalName,File_DocType,File_DocNo,RefBillNo) "
+ " SELECT NEWID(),'" + bill + "',File_Type,File_Name,File_Path,CreateTime,Operator,File_OriginalName,File_DocType,File_DocNo,'" + enumValue . BILLNO + "' FROM ch_fee_File WHERE BillNo='" + enumValue . BILLNO + "' " ;
bool bl1 = T_ALL_DA . GetExecuteSqlCommand ( blUpSQL1 ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult DelRecvAppBill ( string data , string billno , int billtype )
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChPaySettlement > > ( data ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . DelRecvAppStl ( bodyList , billno ) ;
if ( result . Success ) {
ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( billno , billtype ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
# endregion
#region 付费发票结算
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetPayInvList ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetPayInvDataList ( condition , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserCode ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , sort ) ;
var list = dataList . Skip ( start ) . Take ( limit ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = list . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetPayInvdetailList ( string billno )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetPayInvDetailList ( billno ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult AddPayInvAppDetail ( string bill , string data , string curr , int billtype )
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChInvoicehexiao > > ( data ) ;
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . PayInvAddAppDetail ( bill , bodyList , curr , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
if ( result . Success )
ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( bill , billtype ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult DelPayInvAppBill ( string data , string billno , int billtype )
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChInvoicehexiao > > ( data ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . DelPayInvAppStl ( bodyList , billno ) ;
if ( result . Success )
ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( billno , billtype ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
# endregion
#region 收费发票结算
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetRecvInvList ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetRecvInvDataList ( condition , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserCode ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , sort ) ;
var list = dataList . Skip ( start ) . Take ( limit ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = list . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetRecvInvdetailList ( string billno )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetRecvInvDetailList ( billno ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult AddRecvInvAppDetail ( string bill , string data , string curr , string storeCurrExrate , int billtype )
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChInvoice > > ( data ) ;
var exrateList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChFeeExrate > > ( storeCurrExrate ) ;
var result = new DBResult ( ) ;
if ( ( ( exrateList = = null ) | | ( exrateList . Count = = 0 ) ) )
exrateList = ChsettlementDAL . GetInvCurrExrateData ( bodyList , curr ) ;
if ( exrateList . Count = = 0 )
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
result = ChsettlementDAL . NewRecvInvAddAppDetail ( bill , bodyList , curr , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , exrateList ) ;
} else result = ChsettlementDAL . RecvInvAddAppDetail ( bill , bodyList , curr , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , exrateList ) ;
if ( result . Success )
ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( bill , billtype ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , Data = exrateList . ToList ( ) } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
result = ChsettlementDAL . NewRecvInvAddAppDetail ( bill , bodyList , curr , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , exrateList ) ;
} else result = ChsettlementDAL . RecvInvAddAppDetail ( bill , bodyList , curr , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , exrateList ) ;
if ( result . Success )
ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( bill , billtype ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult DelRecvInvAppBill ( string data , string billno , int billtype )
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChInvoice > > ( data ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . DelRecvInvAppStl ( bodyList , billno ) ;
if ( result . Success )
ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Amount ( billno , billtype ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
# endregion
#region 预收预付
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetAdvancePayment ( int start , int limit , string sort , string condition )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetAPDataList ( condition ) ;
var list = dataList . Skip ( start ) . Take ( limit ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = list . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetAPBodyList ( string condition )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetAPBodyList ( condition ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult AddAPDetail ( string billno , string data , string stlnogid , int feetype )
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < CWAdvancePayment > > ( data ) ;
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . AddAPDetail ( billno , bodyList , stlnogid , feetype , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult DelAPBill ( string data )
var bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < CWAdvancePaymentBody > > ( data ) ;
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . DelPaymentDo ( bodyList ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
# endregion
#region 汇兑损益
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetRemitList ( string condition , string sort , string printstr )
if ( ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( printstr ) ) & & ( printstr = = "true" ) )
var strSql = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
strSql . Append ( " from ch_fee_settlement_remittance r left join ch_fee_settlement s on (s.BILLNO=r.BILLNO) " ) ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( condition ) )
strSql . Append ( " WHERE " + condition ) ;
var sortstring = DatasetSort . Getsortstring ( sort ) ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( sortstring ) )
strSql . Append ( " order by " + sortstring ) ;
strSql . Append ( " order by r.BILLNO,r.CUSTNO " ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse
Success = true ,
Message = "完成" ,
Data = strSql . ToString ( )
} ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetRemitList ( condition , sort ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize (
new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
public ContentResult DeleteRemit ( string data )
var headData = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChSettlement_remittance > > ( data ) ;
DBResult result ;
var billno = "" ;
if ( headData ! = null )
foreach ( var enumValue in headData )
var modb = new ModelObjectDB ( ) ;
result = modb . Delete ( enumValue ) ;
billno = enumValue . BILLNO ;
ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Remit ( billno ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = true , Message = "删除成功!" } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult SaveRemit ( string billno , string body )
var chfeeBodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChSettlement_remittance > > ( body ) ;
var chfeeDelBodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChSettlement_remittance > > ( "" ) ;
var modb = new ModelObjectRepository ( ) ;
DBResult result = modb . SaveComm ( "BILLNO" , billno ,
ModelObjectConvert < ChSettlement_remittance > . ToModelObjectList ( chfeeBodyList ) ,
ModelObjectConvert < ChSettlement_remittance > . ToModelObjectList ( chfeeDelBodyList )
) ;
if ( result . Success ) { ChsettlementDAL . p_update_Remit ( billno ) ; }
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse
Success = result . Success ,
Message = result . Message ,
//Data = XXHDAL.GetData("M.ContractNo='" + head.ContractNo + "'")
} ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
# endregion
public ContentResult UpdateNotVou ( string data , bool isnot )
var headList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < ChSettlement > > ( data ) ;
var result = ChsettlementDAL . UpdateNotVou ( headList , isnot ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetDefaulExrate ( string billno , string curr )
T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new EntityDA . T_ALL_DA ( ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = true , Message = "" , Data = EXCHANGERATE } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
#region 参照部分
# endregion
#region 生成总账凭证
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetCodeCurrencyList ( string strGids )
var dataList = ChsettlementDAL . GetCodeCurrencyList ( strGids , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) ) ;
var json = JsonConvert . Serialize ( new { Success = true , Message = "查询成功" , totalCount = dataList . Count , data = dataList . ToList ( ) } ) ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = json } ;
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")] //sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult onAddCwVouchers ( string strGids , string dataDiv , string jsonBody )
var headData = JsonConvert . Deserialize < MsCwVouchersGl3 > ( dataDiv ) ;
List < MsCwVouchersGl4 > bodyList = new List < MsCwVouchersGl4 > ( ) ;
if ( jsonBody ! = null )
bodyList = JsonConvert . Deserialize < List < MsCwVouchersGl4 > > ( jsonBody ) ;
if ( bodyList = = null & & headData . ISRATE = = false )
headData . ISRATE = true ;
/ /
DBResult result2 = ChsettlementDAL . GetIsVoucher ( strGids , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) ) ;
if ( ! result2 . Success )
var jsonRespose2 = new JsonResponse { Success = result2 . Success , Message = result2 . Message , Data = "" } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose2 ) } ;
/ /
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . onAddCwVouchers ( strGids , headData , bodyList , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "SHOWNAME" ] ) , Convert . ToString ( Session [ "COMPANYID" ] ) ) ;
/ /
string sGids = "'" + strGids . Trim ( ) . Replace ( "," , "','" ) + "'" ;
T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new EntityDA . T_ALL_DA ( ) ;
string strCwSTARTGID = BasicDataRefDAL . GetCwSTARTGID ( CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) ) ;
string sVOUCHERNO = T_ALL_DA . GetStrSQL ( "ORDNO" , "select top 1 ORDNO from cw_vouno_bs_gl where bsgid in (" + sGids + ") and STARTGID='" + strCwSTARTGID + "'" ) ;
/ /
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message , Data = sVOUCHERNO } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
public ContentResult GetIsVoucher ( string strGids )
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . GetIsVoucher ( strGids , CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message , Data = "" } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
/// <summary>
/// 是否自动弹出结算总账凭证
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ContentResult onIsSettlementsopen ( )
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . onIsSettlementsopen ( CookieConfig . GetCookie_UserId ( Request ) ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message , Data = "" } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
# endregion
#region 生成接口凭证
//public ContentResult onAddCwVouchersJK(string strGids, string dataDiv, string jsonBody)
// DBResult result2 = ChsettlementDAL.GetIsVoucherJK(strGids);
// if (!result2.Success)
// {
// var jsonRespose2 = new JsonResponse { Success = result2.Success, Message = result2.Message, Data = "" };
// return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose2) };
// }
// //
// var headData = JsonConvert.Deserialize<MsCwVouchersGl3>(dataDiv);
// DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.onAddCwVouchersJK(strGids, headData, CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserId(Request), Convert.ToString(Session["SHOWNAME"]), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]));
// //
// string sGids = "'" + strGids.Trim().Replace(",", "','") + "'";
// T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new EntityDA.T_ALL_DA();
// string sVOUNO = T_ALL_DA.GetStrSQL("VOUNO", "select top 1 VOUNO from ch_fee_settlement where gid in (" + sGids + ")");
// //
// var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message, Data = sVOUNO };
// return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
//public ContentResult GetIsVoucherJK(string strGids)
// DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL.GetIsVoucherJK(strGids);
// var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse{ Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message, Data = "" };
// return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
//public ContentResult GetCodeCurrencyListJK(string sVOUDATE)
// var dataList = ChsettlementDAL.GetCodeCurrencyListJK(sVOUDATE, Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]));
// var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = dataList.ToList() });
// return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
/// <summary>
/// 是否自动弹出结算接口凭证
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ContentResult onIsSettlementsopenJK ( )
DBResult result = ChsettlementDAL . onIsSettlementsopenJK ( ) ;
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result . Success , Message = result . Message , Data = "" } ;
return new ContentResult ( ) { Content = JsonConvert . Serialize ( jsonRespose ) } ;
# endregion