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3 years ago
/// Author: Ahmed Lacevic
/// Date: 12/1/2007
/// Desc: This class represents a DBF file. You can create, open, update and save DBF files using this class and supporting classes.
/// Also, this class supports reading/writing from/to an internet forward only type of stream!
/// Revision History:
/// -----------------------------------
/// Author:
/// Date:
/// Desc:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace SocialExplorer.IO.FastDBF
/// <summary>
/// This class represents a DBF file. You can create new, open, update and save DBF files using this class and supporting classes.
/// Also, this class supports reading/writing from/to an internet forward only type of stream!
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// TODO: add end of file byte '0x1A' !!!
/// We don't relly on that byte at all, and everything works with or without that byte, but it should be there by spec.
/// </remarks>
public class DbfFile
/// <summary>
/// Helps read/write dbf file header information.
/// </summary>
protected DbfHeader _header;
/// <summary>
/// flag that indicates whether the header was written or not...
/// </summary>
protected bool _headerWritten = false;
/// <summary>
/// Streams to read and write to the DBF file.
/// </summary>
protected Stream _dbfFile = null;
protected BinaryReader _dbfFileReader = null;
protected BinaryWriter _dbfFileWriter = null;
/// <summary>
/// By default use windows 1252 code page encoding.
/// </summary>
private Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
/// <summary>
/// File that was opened, if one was opened at all.
/// </summary>
protected string _fileName = "";
/// <summary>
/// Number of records read using ReadNext() methods only. This applies only when we are using a forward-only stream.
/// mRecordsReadCount is used to keep track of record index. With a seek enabled stream,
/// we can always calculate index using stream position.
/// </summary>
protected long _recordsReadCount = 0;
/// <summary>
/// keep these values handy so we don't call functions on every read.
/// </summary>
protected bool _isForwardOnly = false;
protected bool _isReadOnly = false;
public DbfFile()
: this(Encoding.GetEncoding(1252))
public DbfFile(Encoding encoding)
this.encoding = encoding;
_header = new DbfHeader(encoding);
/// <summary>
/// Open a DBF from a FileStream. This can be a file or an internet connection stream. Make sure that it is positioned at start of DBF file.
/// Reading a DBF over the internet we can not determine size of the file, so we support HasMore(), ReadNext() interface.
/// RecordCount information in header can not be trusted always, since some packages store 0 there.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ofs"></param>
public void Open(Stream ofs)
if (_dbfFile != null)
_dbfFile = ofs;
_dbfFileReader = null;
_dbfFileWriter = null;
if (_dbfFile.CanRead)
_dbfFileReader = new BinaryReader(_dbfFile, encoding);
if (_dbfFile.CanWrite)
_dbfFileWriter = new BinaryWriter(_dbfFile, encoding);
//reset position
_recordsReadCount = 0;
//assume header is not written
_headerWritten = false;
//read the header
if (ofs.CanRead)
//try to read the header...
_headerWritten = true;
catch (EndOfStreamException)
//could not read header, file is empty
_header = new DbfHeader(encoding);
_headerWritten = false;
if (_dbfFile != null)
_isReadOnly = !_dbfFile.CanWrite;
_isForwardOnly = !_dbfFile.CanSeek;
/// <summary>
/// Open a DBF file or create a new one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sPath">Full path to the file.</param>
/// <param name="mode"></param>
public void Open(string sPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
_fileName = sPath;
Open(File.Open(sPath, mode, access, share));
/// <summary>
/// Open a DBF file or create a new one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sPath">Full path to the file.</param>
/// <param name="mode"></param>
public void Open(string sPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access)
_fileName = sPath;
Open(File.Open(sPath, mode, access));
/// <summary>
/// Open a DBF file or create a new one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sPath">Full path to the file.</param>
/// <param name="mode"></param>
public void Open(string sPath, FileMode mode)
_fileName = sPath;
Open(File.Open(sPath, mode));
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new DBF 4 file. Overwrites if file exists! Use Open() function for more options.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sPath"></param>
public void Create(string sPath)
Open(sPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
_headerWritten = false;
/// <summary>
/// Update header info, flush buffers and close streams. You should always call this method when you are done with a DBF file.
/// </summary>
public void Close()
//try to update the header if it has changed
if (_header.IsDirty)
//Empty header...
_header = new DbfHeader(encoding);
_headerWritten = false;
//reset current record index
_recordsReadCount = 0;
//Close streams...
if (_dbfFileWriter != null)
if (_dbfFileReader != null)
if (_dbfFile != null)
//set streams to null
_dbfFileReader = null;
_dbfFileWriter = null;
_dbfFile = null;
_fileName = "";
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if we can not write to the DBF file stream.
/// </summary>
public bool IsReadOnly
return _isReadOnly;
if (mDbfFile != null)
return !mDbfFile.CanWrite;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if we can not seek to different locations within the file, such as internet connections.
/// </summary>
public bool IsForwardOnly
return _isForwardOnly;
return !mDbfFile.CanSeek;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the name of the filestream.
/// </summary>
public string FileName
return _fileName;
/// <summary>
/// Read next record and fill data into parameter oFillRecord. Returns true if a record was read, otherwise false.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oFillRecord"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool ReadNext(DbfRecord oFillRecord)
//check if we can fill this record with data. it must match record size specified by header and number of columns.
//we are not checking whether it comes from another DBF file or not, we just need the same structure. Allow flexibility but be safe.
if (oFillRecord.Header != _header && (oFillRecord.Header.ColumnCount != _header.ColumnCount || oFillRecord.Header.RecordLength != _header.RecordLength))
throw new Exception("Record parameter does not have the same size and number of columns as the " +
"header specifies, so we are unable to read a record into oFillRecord. " +
"This is a programming error, have you mixed up DBF file objects?");
//DBF file reader can be null if stream is not readable...
if (_dbfFileReader == null)
throw new Exception("Read stream is null, either you have opened a stream that can not be " +
"read from (a write-only stream) or you have not opened a stream at all.");
//read next record...
bool bRead = oFillRecord.Read(_dbfFile);
if (bRead)
if (_isForwardOnly)
//zero based index! set before incrementing count.
oFillRecord.RecordIndex = _recordsReadCount;
oFillRecord.RecordIndex = ((int)((_dbfFile.Position - _header.HeaderLength) / _header.RecordLength)) - 1;
return bRead;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to read a record and returns a new record object or null if nothing was read.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public DbfRecord ReadNext()
//create a new record and fill it.
DbfRecord orec = new DbfRecord(_header);
return ReadNext(orec) ? orec : null;
/// <summary>
/// Reads a record specified by index into oFillRecord object. You can use this method
/// to read in and process records without creating and discarding record objects.
/// Note that you should check that your stream is not forward-only! If you have a forward only stream, use ReadNext() functions.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">Zero based record index.</param>
/// <param name="oFillRecord">Record object to fill, must have same size and number of fields as thid DBF file header!</param>
/// <remarks>
/// <returns>True if read a record was read, otherwise false. If you read end of file false will be returned and oFillRecord will NOT be modified!</returns>
/// The parameter record (oFillRecord) must match record size specified by the header and number of columns as well.
/// It does not have to come from the same header, but it must match the structure. We are not going as far as to check size of each field.
/// The idea is to be flexible but safe. It's a fine balance, these two are almost always at odds.
/// </remarks>
public bool Read(long index, DbfRecord oFillRecord)
//check if we can fill this record with data. it must match record size specified by header and number of columns.
//we are not checking whether it comes from another DBF file or not, we just need the same structure. Allow flexibility but be safe.
if (oFillRecord.Header != _header && (oFillRecord.Header.ColumnCount != _header.ColumnCount || oFillRecord.Header.RecordLength != _header.RecordLength))
throw new Exception("Record parameter does not have the same size and number of columns as the " +
"header specifies, so we are unable to read a record into oFillRecord. " +
"This is a programming error, have you mixed up DBF file objects?");
//DBF file reader can be null if stream is not readable...
if (_dbfFileReader == null)
throw new Exception("ReadStream is null, either you have opened a stream that can not be " +
"read from (a write-only stream) or you have not opened a stream at all.");
//move to the specified record, note that an exception will be thrown is stream is not seekable!
//This is ok, since we provide a function to check whether the stream is seekable.
long nSeekToPosition = _header.HeaderLength + (index * _header.RecordLength);
//check whether requested record exists. Subtract 1 from file length (there is a terminating character 1A at the end of the file)
//so if we hit end of file, there are no more records, so return false;
if (index < 0 || _dbfFile.Length - 1 <= nSeekToPosition)
return false;
//move to record and read
_dbfFile.Seek(nSeekToPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);
//read the record
bool bRead = oFillRecord.Read(_dbfFile);
if (bRead)
oFillRecord.RecordIndex = index;
return bRead;
public bool ReadValue(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, out string result)
result = String.Empty;
DbfColumn ocol = _header[columnIndex];
//move to the specified record, note that an exception will be thrown is stream is not seekable!
//This is ok, since we provide a function to check whether the stream is seekable.
long nSeekToPosition = _header.HeaderLength + (rowIndex * _header.RecordLength) + ocol.DataAddress;
//check whether requested record exists. Subtract 1 from file length (there is a terminating character 1A at the end of the file)
//so if we hit end of file, there are no more records, so return false;
if (rowIndex < 0 || _dbfFile.Length - 1 <= nSeekToPosition)
return false;
//move to position and read
_dbfFile.Seek(nSeekToPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);
//read the value
byte[] data = new byte[ocol.Length];
_dbfFile.Read(data, 0, ocol.Length);
result = new string(encoding.GetChars(data, 0, ocol.Length));
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Reads a record specified by index. This method requires the stream to be able to seek to position.
/// If you are using a http stream, or a stream that can not stream, use ReadNext() methods to read in all records.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">Zero based index.</param>
/// <returns>Null if record can not be read, otherwise returns a new record.</returns>
public DbfRecord Read(long index)
//create a new record and fill it.
DbfRecord orec = new DbfRecord(_header);
return Read(index, orec) ? orec : null;
/// <summary>
/// Write a record to file. If RecordIndex is present, record will be updated, otherwise a new record will be written.
/// Header will be output first if this is the first record being writen to file.
/// This method does not require stream seek capability to add a new record.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="orec"></param>
public void Write(DbfRecord orec)
//if header was never written, write it first, then output the record
if (!_headerWritten)
//if this is a new record (RecordIndex should be -1 in that case)
if (orec.RecordIndex < 0)
if (_dbfFileWriter.BaseStream.CanSeek)
//calculate number of records in file. do not rely on header's RecordCount property since client can change that value.
//also note that some DBF files do not have ending 0x1A byte, so we subtract 1 and round off
//instead of just cast since cast would just drop decimals.
int nNumRecords = (int)Math.Round(((double)(_dbfFile.Length - _header.HeaderLength - 1) / _header.RecordLength));
if (nNumRecords < 0)
nNumRecords = 0;
orec.RecordIndex = nNumRecords;
//we can not position this stream, just write out the new record.
public void Write(DbfRecord orec, bool bClearRecordAfterWrite)
if (bClearRecordAfterWrite)
/// <summary>
/// Update a record. RecordIndex (zero based index) must be more than -1, otherwise an exception is thrown.
/// You can also use Write method which updates a record if it has RecordIndex or adds a new one if RecordIndex == -1.
/// RecordIndex is set automatically when you call any Read() methods on this class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="orec"></param>
public void Update(DbfRecord orec)
//if header was never written, write it first, then output the record
if (!_headerWritten)
//Check if record has an index
if (orec.RecordIndex < 0)
throw new Exception("RecordIndex is not set, unable to update record. Set RecordIndex or call Write() method to add a new record to file.");
//Check if this record matches record size specified by header and number of columns.
//Client can pass a record from another DBF that is incompatible with this one and that would corrupt the file.
if (orec.Header != _header && (orec.Header.ColumnCount != _header.ColumnCount || orec.Header.RecordLength != _header.RecordLength))
throw new Exception("Record parameter does not have the same size and number of columns as the " +
"header specifies. Writing this record would corrupt the DBF file. " +
"This is a programming error, have you mixed up DBF file objects?");
//DBF file writer can be null if stream is not writable to...
if (_dbfFileWriter == null)
throw new Exception("Write stream is null. Either you have opened a stream that can not be " +
"writen to (a read-only stream) or you have not opened a stream at all.");
//move to the specified record, note that an exception will be thrown if stream is not seekable!
//This is ok, since we provide a function to check whether the stream is seekable.
long nSeekToPosition = (long)_header.HeaderLength + (long)((long)orec.RecordIndex * (long)_header.RecordLength);
//check whether we can seek to this position. Subtract 1 from file length (there is a terminating character 1A at the end of the file)
//so if we hit end of file, there are no more records, so return false;
if (_dbfFile.Length < nSeekToPosition)
throw new Exception("Invalid record position. Unable to save record.");
//move to record start
_dbfFile.Seek(nSeekToPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);
/// <summary>
/// Save header to file. Normally, you do not have to call this method, header is saved
/// automatically and updated when you close the file (if it changed).
/// </summary>
public bool WriteHeader()
//update header if possible
if (_dbfFileWriter != null)
if (_dbfFileWriter.BaseStream.CanSeek)
_dbfFileWriter.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
_headerWritten = true;
return true;
//if stream can not seek, then just write it out and that's it.
if (!_headerWritten)
_headerWritten = true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Access DBF header with information on columns. Use this object for faster access to header.
/// Remove one layer of function calls by saving header reference and using it directly to access columns.
/// </summary>
public DbfHeader Header
return _header;