// 官方推荐的多国语言方法 兼容性不好
// 自定义多国语言动态加载方法
Ext . ns ( "Zi.LAN" ) ;
//#region MsOpSeae
Zi . LAN . INVOICETYPEREF = "Type of invoice" ; //"发票类别";
Zi . LAN . INVOICECATEGORYREF = "type" ; //"类型";
Zi . LAN . FREEINVOICE = "Free billing" ; //"自由开票";
Zi . LAN . SHENINVOICE = "Apply for billing" ; //"申请开票";
Zi . LAN . COPYADD = "" ; //"复制添加";
Zi . LAN . BILLSTATUS = "lock" ; //"锁定";
Zi . LAN . BILLNO = "Invoice business number" ; // "发票业务编号";
Zi . LAN . status = "status" ; //"状态";
Zi . LAN . SHENHETONGGUO = "Pass the examination" ; //"审核通过";
Zi . LAN . LURUZHUAGNTAI = "Entry status" ; // "录入状态";
Zi . LAN . TIJIAOSHENHE = "submitted" ; //"已提交";
Zi . LAN . BUFENKAICHU = "Partial departure" ; //"部分开出";
Zi . LAN . YIKAICHU = "Have opened" ; //"已开出";
Zi . LAN . BUHUITIJIAO = "Reject submission" ; //"驳回提交";
Zi . LAN . PAYCOMPANYREF = "subdivision" ; //"所属分部";
Zi . LAN . INVCUSTOMERNAME = "Billing unit" ; //"开票单位";
Zi . LAN . INVOICECUSTNAME = "Invoice title" ; //"发票抬头";
Zi . LAN . Currency = "currency" ; //"币别";
Zi . LAN . APPLYAMOUNT = "Amount applied" ; //"申请金额";
Zi . LAN . INVAMOUNT = "Invoice amount" ; //"开票金额";
Zi . LAN . AMOUNT = "amount" ; //"金额";
Zi . LAN . ISNEEDPRINT = "Print or not" ; //"是否打印";
Zi . LAN . ISNEEDFEE = "Settlement or not" ; //"是否结算";
Zi . LAN . RECVCURR = "Invoice currency" ; //"发票币别";
Zi . LAN . FEEAMOUNT = "Original amount" ; //"原币金额";
Zi . LAN . APPLYTIME = "Application date for invoicing" ; // "申请开票日期";
Zi . LAN . APPLICANTNAME = "applicant" ; //"申请人";
Zi . LAN . INVOICENO = "Invoice number" ; // "发票号";
Zi . LAN . NOSTL = "unsettled" ; // "未结算";
Zi . LAN . INVOICENOREF = "Actual departure ticket number" ; //"实际开出发票号";
Zi . LAN . INVDATE = "Date of drawing" ; // "开票日期";
Zi . LAN . FMINVDATE = "From the invoicing date" ; //"从开票日期";
Zi . LAN . TOINVDATE = "Until the date of invoicing" ; //"至开票日期";
Zi . LAN . REMARK = "remark" ; //"备注";
Zi . LAN . OPERATORNAME = "drawer" ; //"开票人";
Zi . LAN . APPLICANTDEPT = "Subordinate department" ; //"所属部门";
Zi . LAN . SHENREMARK = "Billing requirement" ; //"开票要求";
Zi . LAN . NOTAXAMOUNT = "Tax not included" ; // "不含税金额";
Zi . LAN . ISDELETE = "Void or not" ; // "是否作废";
Zi . LAN . ZUOFEI = "void" ; //"作废";
Zi . LAN . CANCELZUOFEI = "Cancel and void" ; // "取消作废";
Zi . LAN . DELOPERATORNAME = "nullifier" ; // "作废人";
Zi . LAN . DELETETIME = "Obsolescence time" ; // "作废时间";
Zi . LAN . CheckIsDelete = "Total includes nullification amount" ; //"合计含作废金额";
Zi . LAN . TIJIAOSUODING = "Commit lock" ; //"提交锁定";
Zi . LAN . CANCELSUODING = "Undo lock" ; //"撤销锁定";
Zi . LAN . LOCKUSER = "lock-up" ; // "锁定人";
Zi . LAN . LOCKTIME = "Lock time" ; //"锁定时间";
Zi . LAN . INVSHENNO = "Application number" ; // "申请编号";
Zi . LAN . VOUCHERNO = "Interface certificate" ; //"接口凭证";
Zi . LAN . VOUNO = "proof" ; //"凭证";
Zi . LAN . DZSTATUS = "Electronic invoice" ; // "电子发票";
Zi . LAN . NOTAXAMOUNT = "Tax not included" ; //"不含税金额";
Zi . LAN . ENTERTIME = "Entry time" ; // "录入时间";
Zi . LAN . INVOICECATEGORYREF = "Application type" ; // "申请类型";
Zi . LAN . RATE = "Billing rate" ; // "开票税率";
Zi . LAN . OPERATETIME = "Application time" ; //"申请时间";
Zi . LAN . REASON = "Cause of rejection" ; // "驳回原因";
Zi . LAN . PUSHMODEREF = "Notification push mode" ; // "通知推送方式";
Zi . LAN . PUSHMOBILE = "Notification phone" ; // "通知手机";
Zi . LAN . PUSHEMAIL = "Notification mailbox" ; //"通知邮箱";
Zi . LAN . APPLYTIMEFM = "From date of application" ; //"从申请日期";
Zi . LAN . APPLYTIMETO = "By the date of application" ; // "到申请日期";
Zi . LAN . ExecuteQuery = "inquire" ; //"查询";
Zi . LAN . ResetCondition = "Reset condition" ; //"重置条件";
Zi . LAN . AdvancedSearch = "Advanced query" ; //"高级查询";
Zi . LAN . BIANHAO = "ID" ; // "编号";
Zi . LAN . xnew = "new" ; // "新建";
Zi . LAN . tjshe = "Submit for review" ; // "提交审核";
Zi . LAN . cxtijiao = "Withdraw submission" ; // "撤销提交";
Zi . LAN . delete1 = "delete" ; //"删除";
Zi . LAN . print = "print" ; //"打印";
Zi . LAN . printList = "Print list" ; //"打印列表";
Zi . LAN . printSelect = "Print check" ; //"打印选中";
Zi . LAN . ExportExcel = "Export Excel" ; //"导出Excel";
Zi . LAN . Saveliststyle = "Save list style" ; // "保存列表样式";
Zi . LAN . Save = "save" ; //"保存";
Zi . LAN . Initialization = "initialize" ; //"初始化";
Zi . LAN . onExpInvClick = "Export the invoice interface file" ; // "发票接口文件导出";
Zi . LAN . onExpDZInvClick = "Invoice interface (electronic) file export" ; //"发票接口(电子)文件导出";
Zi . LAN . onExpRYTInvClick = "Rong Etong" ; //"荣e通";
Zi . LAN . SetNoPrint = "Set not print" ; //"设置未打印";
Zi . LAN . xswork = "Display workflow" ; // "显示工作流";
Zi . LAN . NowAudit = "Under review" ; //"正在审核..."; //
Zi . LAN . NowSelect = "Querying data" ; //"正在查询数据...";
Zi . LAN . Prompt = "Tips" ; // "提示";
Zi . LAN . SelectDanju = "Please select the document first" ; //"请先选择单据";
Zi . LAN . SelectError = "Query condition assignment error, please check" ; //"查询条件赋值错误,请检查。";
Zi . LAN . CheckSaveQuery = "Memory query" ; //"记忆查询";
Zi . LAN . DowloadFile = "Download file" ; //"下载文件";
Zi . LAN . nodelete = "The current status cannot delete this document!" ; //"当前状态无法删除此单据!";
Zi . LAN . suredelete = "Are you sure to delete this record?" ; //"确定删除该记录吗?";
Zi . LAN . nowdelete = "Deleting data..." ; //"正在删除数据...";
Zi . LAN . truedelete = "Deleted successfully!" ; //"删除成功!";
Zi . LAN . Error = "mistake" ; // "错误";
Zi . LAN . FuWuQiError = "Server response error, please try again" ; //"服务器响应出错,请重试";
Zi . LAN . Caveat = "warn" ; //"警告";
Zi . LAN . addnumnow = "Adding data..." ; //"正在添加数据...";
Zi . LAN . qqerror = "An error occurred. Please try again" ; //"请求出现错误,请重试";
Zi . LAN . Zhengzaisuoding = "Locking..." ; //"正在锁定...";
Zi . LAN . CUSTBANK = "Opening bank and account number" ; //"开户行及账号";
Zi . LAN . ACTUALCUSTOMERNAME = "agent" ; //"代开客户";
Zi . LAN . CUSTRATENO = "Taxpayer identification number" ; //"纳税人识别号";
Zi . LAN . CUSTADDRTEL = "Address, telephone" ; //"地址、电话";
Zi . LAN . OTCURRAMOUNT = "Amount of foreign currency" ; //"外币金额";
Zi . LAN . ImportRemarks = "Extract remarks" ; // "提取备注";
Zi . LAN . SetRemarksTemplate = "Template Settings" ; //"模板设置";
Zi . LAN . sypiao = "Previous vote" ; // "上一票";
Zi . LAN . xypiao = "Next vote" ; //"下一票";
Zi . LAN . saveandclose = "Save and close" ; // "保存并关闭";
Zi . LAN . saveandnew = "Save and new" ; // "保存并新建";
Zi . LAN . btnENew = "new" ; //"新建";
Zi . LAN . CFPCZWB = "This invoice contains foreign currency. Do you want to apply for RMB invoice?" ; //"此发票存在外币,确认要申请RMB发票吗?";
Zi . LAN . LoadData = "Data loading, please wait..." ; //"数据加载中,请稍等...";
Zi . LAN . btnAddInvdetail = "Add invoice details" ; //"添加发票明细";
Zi . LAN . btndelInvdetail = "Delete invoice details" ; //"删除发票明细";
Zi . LAN . GOODSNAMEREF = "Name of goods or taxable services" ; //"货物或应税劳务名称";
Zi . LAN . SPEC = "Specification and model" ; // "规格型号";
Zi . LAN . UNIT = "unit" ; // "单位";
Zi . LAN . PKGS = "quantity" ; //"数量";
Zi . LAN . TAXPRICE = "Unit price including tax" ; //"含税单价";
Zi . LAN . PRICE = "Unit price" ; // "单价";
Zi . LAN . AMOUNT = "amount" ; //"金额";
Zi . LAN . TAXRATE = "Tax rate" ; //"税率";
Zi . LAN . TAX = "The amount of tax payable" ; // "税额";
Zi . LAN . CUSTNO = "Order number" ; // "委托编号";
Zi . LAN . MBLNO = "Master bill of lading number" ; //"主提单号";
Zi . LAN . CUSTOMERNAME = "Entrusted unit" ; // "委托单位";
Zi . LAN . ETD = "Sailing date" ; //"开船日期";
Zi . LAN . BSSOURCE = "Business source" ; //"业务来源";
Zi . LAN . FEENAME = "Fee name" ; //"费用名称";
Zi . LAN . FEETYPEREF = "Receipt and payment" ; //"收付";
Zi . LAN . ORIGCURRENCY = "Original currency" ; // "原始币别";
Zi . LAN . ORIGEXCHANGERATE = "Original exchange rate" ; //"原始汇率";
Zi . LAN . EXCHANGERATE = "Converted exchange rate" ; // "折算汇率";
Zi . LAN . ACCTAXRATE = "Output/input tax rate" ; //"销项/进项税率";
Zi . LAN . ORIGAMOUNT = "Original amount" ; //"原始金额";
Zi . LAN . SALE = "Freight solicitor" ; //"揽货人";
Zi . LAN . SALECORP = "Accounting unit" ; //"核算单位";
Zi . LAN . INPUTMODE = "Input mode" ; //"录入方式";
Zi . LAN . COMPANYNAME = "subdivision" ; //"所属分部";
Zi . LAN . BANK = "Bank and account number" ; //"银行及账号";
Zi . LAN . ENTERP = "Business unit" ; //"经营单位";
Zi . LAN . ACCDATE = "Accounting period" ; //"会计期间";
Zi . LAN . FEESHENDETAIL = "Expense claim details" ; //"费用申请明细";
Zi . LAN . btndeldetail = "Delete request details" ; //"删除申请明细";
Zi . LAN . BSNOSEARCH = "Odd number" ; // "单号";
Zi . LAN . SHENAMOUNTTOTAL = "Total amount applied" ; // "申请金额合计";
Zi . LAN . NumberOfpage = "Records per page" ; //"每页记录数";
Zi . LAN . ORDERNO = "Booking number" ; //"订舱编号";
Zi . LAN . FEEOBJNAME = "Cost object" ; // "费用对象";
Zi . LAN . RMBDrBalAmount = "RMB not opened" ; // "RMB未开";
Zi . LAN . USDDrBalAmount = "USD not opened" ; //"USD未开";
Zi . LAN . OTDrBalAmount = "Other open" ; //"其他未开";
Zi . LAN . HBLNO = "Sub-bill of lading number" ; // "分提单号";
Zi . LAN . OPLBNAME = "Business class" ; // "业务类别";
Zi . LAN . VOYNO = "Voyage or flight number" ; //"航次";
Zi . LAN . VESSEL = "Ship's name" ; //"船名";
Zi . LAN . OP = "Controls" ; //"操作";
Zi . LAN . DOC = "document" ; //"单证";
Zi . LAN . INPUTBY = "Entry clerk" ; //"录入人";
Zi . LAN . PORTLOAD = "Port of shipment" ; //"起运港";
Zi . LAN . PORTDISCHARGE = "Port of discharge" ; //"卸货港";
Zi . LAN . DESTINATIOIN = "Port of destination" ; // "目的港";
Zi . LAN . FenYe = "Currently, {0} - {1} records are displayed/a total of {2} records are displayed" ; //"当前显示 {0} - {1}条记录 /共 {2}条记录";
Zi . LAN . Nodata = "No data" ; //"没有数据";
Zi . LAN . InvDetail = "Invoice detail" ; //"发票明细";
Zi . LAN . FEESUM = "Total cost" ; //"费用合计";
Zi . LAN . FEELIST = "List of expenses" ; // "费用列表";
Zi . LAN . BalAmount = "Unbilled amount" ; // "未开票金额";
Zi . LAN . StlAmount = "The amount of this invoice" ; // "本次开票金额";
Zi . LAN . SelectGrid = "Total of selected costs" ; // "所选费用合计";
Zi . LAN . All = "All" ; // "全部";
Zi . LAN . NOAUDIT = "To be reviewed" ; //"待审核";
Zi . LAN . AUDIT = "audited" ; //"已审核";
Zi . LAN . DR = "closed" ; //"收";
Zi . LAN . CR = "pay" ; //"付";
Zi . LAN . NOSTLAMOUNT = "Outstanding amount" ; //"未结金额";
Zi . LAN . STLAMOUNT = "Settled amount" ; // "已结金额";
Zi . LAN . AUDITSTATUS = "Audit status" ; //"审核状态";
Zi . LAN . FEERANGE = "Cost range" ; //"费用范围";
Zi . LAN . CUSTOMNO = "Customs declaration number" ; //"报关单号";
Zi . LAN . TJFASQMX = "Add invoice request details" ; // "添加发票申请明细";
Zi . LAN . cywdate = "Business date" ; //"业务日期";
Zi . LAN . dywdate = "Business date" ; //"业务日期";
Zi . LAN . DuiNo = "Reconciliation number" ; //"对账编号";
Zi . LAN . sqmxi = "Application details" ; // "申请明细";
Zi . LAN . FileName = "File name" ; //"文件名称";
Zi . LAN . FileDate = "Upload date" ; // "上传日期";
Zi . LAN . FilePerson = "uploader" ; //"上传者";
Zi . LAN . Operating = "Controls" ; // "操作";
Zi . LAN . filetp = "Upload file" ; //"上传文件";
Zi . LAN . filefujina = "Attachment upload" ; // "附件上传";
Zi . LAN . DeleteFile = "Delete file" ; //"删除文件";
Zi . LAN . FEEDETAIL = "Expense detail" ; //"费用明细";
Zi . LAN . INVSHEN = "Invoice application" ; //"发票申请";
Zi . LAN . onselect = "Querying primary table data..." ; //"正在查询主表数据...";
Zi . LAN . bibiezesuan = "Exchange rate translation" ; //"币别汇率折算";
Zi . LAN . asure = "Sure" ; //"确定";
Zi . LAN . surezesuanhuil = "The converted exchange rate must be entered!" ; //"必须填折算汇率!";
Zi . LAN . close = "Close" ; //"关闭";
Zi . LAN . WUTJFPSQFYMX = "No invoice application fee details are added" ; //"无添加发票申请费用明细!";
Zi . LAN . Msg _SavingAndWait = "Saving data, please wait..." ; //"正在保存数据, 请稍侯..";
Zi . LAN . Msg _Saving = "Saving data..." ; //"正在保存数据...";
Zi . LAN . WSQJEBNDYWSJN = "The requested amount cannot be greater than the unclaimed amount!" ; //"申请金额不能大于未申金额!";
Zi . LAN . PlsSave = "Please save the business information before adding the invoice details!" ; //"请先保存业务信息再添加发票明细!";
Zi . LAN . StatusCantadd = "The current status cannot add invoice application details!" ; //"当前状态无法添加发票申请明细!";
Zi . LAN . acctaxratenotinvtax = "The input tax rate of the fee is inconsistent with the tax rate applied for the invoice, so this fee detail cannot be added!" ; //"费用进项税率与发票申请税率不一致,不能添加此费用明细!";
Zi . LAN . FEEOBJNAMENOTSAME = "The fee object is not consistent with the invoicing customer, cannot add this fee detail!" ; //"费用对象与开票客户不一致,不能添加此费用明细!";
Zi . LAN . NOTSELECTADD = "No business selected to add!" ; //"没有选择要添加的业务!";
Zi . LAN . NOTSELECTDELETE = "No fee details to delete!" ; //"没有要删除的费用明细!";
Zi . LAN . StatusCantDELETE = "The current status cannot delete the invoice request details!" ; //"当前状态无法删除发票申请明细!";
Zi . LAN . PlsSaveafterSubmit = "Please save the invoice application first!" ; //"请先保存发票申请!";
Zi . LAN . StatusCantSUBMIT = "The current status cannot be submitted!" ; //"当前状态无法提交!";
Zi . LAN . NODETAILCantSUBMIT = "No application details, can not be submitted for review!" ; //"没有申请明细,无法提交审核!";
Zi . LAN . StatusCantNOSUBMIT = "The current state cannot undo the submission!" ; //"当前状态无法撤销提交!";
Zi . LAN . INVREMARK = "Invoice remarks" ; //"发票备注";
Zi . LAN . INVTEMPLATE = "Invoice remarks template" ; //"发票备注模板";
Zi . LAN . IMPORTINVTEMPLATE = "Extract invoice remarks" ; //"提取发票备注";
Zi . LAN . ISADDINVREMARK = "Add" ; //"是否追加";
Zi . LAN . INVFEEDETAIL = "Application fee details" ; //"申请费用明细";
Zi . LAN . NOSHENHEQUANXIAN = "You do not have permission to review this application!" ; //"你没有审核此申请的权限!";
Zi . LAN . STATUSNOAUDIT = "The current status does not allow auditing!" ; //"当前状态不允许审核!";
Zi . LAN . NODATATOAUDIT = "No applications to review!" ; //"没有要审核的申请!";
Zi . LAN . QUESHIYAOSHENHEXUANZHONG = "Are you sure that the selected business is approved?" ; //"确定审核通过选中的业务吗?";
Zi . LAN . ZHENGZAISHENHE = "Data being reviewed..." ; //"正在审核数据...";
Zi . LAN . STATUSNOBOHUI = "The current status does not allow dismissal!" ; //"当前状态不允许驳回!";
Zi . LAN . BOHUIYUANYIN = "Please enter the reason for rejection!" ; //"请输入驳回原因!";
Zi . LAN . ZHENGZAIBOHUI = "Is rejecting data..." ; //"正在驳回数据...";
Zi . LAN . BOHUICHENGGONG = "Dismissed successfully!" ; //"驳回成功!";
Zi . LAN . YISUODING = "Locked, cannot be deleted or invalidated!" ; //"已锁定,无法删除或作废!! ";
Zi . LAN . YISHENGCHENGPINGZHENG = "" ; //"已生成凭证,无法删除或作废!! ";
Zi . LAN . YIZUOFEI = "Have been voided!" ; //"已作废!";
Zi . LAN . YIJIESUAN = "Settled, cannot be deleted or voided!" ; // "已结算,无法删除或作废!";
Zi . LAN . DANQIANZHUANGTAIWUFAZUOFEI = "The current status cannot be cancelled!" ; //"当前状态无法取消作废!";
Zi . LAN . QUESHIYAOZUOFEI = "Are you sure you want to cancel it?" ; //"确定要取消作废吗?";
Zi . LAN . AMOUNTCAPITAL = "Total amount (in words)" ; //"金额合计(大写)";
Zi . LAN . SETTLEMENT = "Settlement amount" ; //"结算金额";
Zi . LAN . INVAMOUNTTOTAL = "Total invoicing amount" ; // "开票金额合计";
Zi . LAN . CustomerName = "Customer name" ; // "客户名称";
Zi . LAN . Tjfpfymx = "Add invoice cost details" ; //"添加发票费用明细";
Zi . LAN . AUDITDATE = "Date of approval" ; //"审核日期";
Zi . LAN . FEIYONGMINGXI = " Expense Detail" ; //"费用明细";
Zi . LAN . INVSHENDETAIL = "Invoice request details" ; //"发票申请明细";
Zi . LAN . panelInv = "Invoice detail" ; //"发票明细";
Zi . LAN . xuanzhong = "Selected" ; //"选中";
Zi . LAN . jipiao = "-ticket service" ; //"票业务";
Zi . LAN . fpkc = "Invoice" ; //"发票开出";
Zi . LAN . ydywfxg = "This invoice has been printed and cannot be modified, it can only be cancelled!" ; //"已打印无法修改此发票,只能作废!";
Zi . LAN . yscjkpzwfxg = "Interface certificate generated cannot modify this invoice!" ; //"已生成接口凭证无法修改此发票!";
Zi . LAN . ysczzpzwfxg = "This invoice cannot be modified with a generated general ledger voucher!" ; //"已生成总账凭证无法修改此发票!";
Zi . LAN . yszfwfxg = "This invoice is invalid and cannot be modified!" ; //"已作废无法修改此发票!";
Zi . LAN . bbbnwk = "Coins can't be empty!" ; //"币别不能为空!";
Zi . LAN . qdyscxzdmx = "Are you sure you want to delete the selected details?" ; //"确定要删除选中的明细吗?";
Zi . LAN . yscfamy = "Invoices have been generated, no invoice applications need to be added!" ; //"已生成发票,没有需要添加的发票申请!"
Zi . LAN . fyjxslbyz = "The input tax rate of the fee is inconsistent with the tax rate applied for the invoice, so this fee detail cannot be added!" ; //"费用进项税率与发票申请税率不一致,不能添加此费用明细!";
Zi . LAN . fydxkpkhbyz = "The fee object is not consistent with the invoicing customer, cannot add this fee detail!" ; //"费用对象与开票客户不一致,不能添加此费用明细!";
Zi . LAN . myytjdfpmx = "No cost details to add!" ; //"没有要添加的费用明细!";
Zi . LAN . qxbcfpcnsd = "Please save the invoice before you lock it!" ; //"请先保存发票,然后才能锁定!";
Zi . LAN . dqztwfsd = "Current status cannot be locked!" ; //"当前状态无法锁定!";
Zi . LAN . dqztwfcxsd = "The current state cannot undo the lock!" ; //"当前状态无法撤销锁定!";
Zi . LAN . bbyfqsqbyz = "The currency is different from the requested currency of the invoice, so this fee detail cannot be added!" ; // "币别与发票申请币别不一致,不能添加此费用明细!";