
487 lines
23 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data;
namespace WebSqlHelper
/// <summary>
/// 泛型实现单例模式
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">需要实现单例的类</typeparam>
public class Singleton<T> where T : new()
/// <summary>
/// 返回类的实例
/// </summary>
public static T Instance
get { return SingletonCreator.instance; }
class SingletonCreator
internal static readonly T instance = new T();
public class BaseClass
public static SqlDbHelper db = new SqlDbHelper("DongShengDB");
//public static System.Data.DataTable ExecutePager(string tableName, string fieldName, string where, string orderby, int pagesize, int pageindex, ref int recordcount)
// int PageLowerBound = (pageindex - 1) * pagesize;
// int PageUpperBound = PageLowerBound + pagesize;
public static System.Data.DataTable ExecutePager(string table, string field, string key, string where, string orderby, int pagesize, int pageindex, ref int recordcount, params System.Data.Common.DbParameter[] param)
int PageLowerBound = (pageindex - 1) * pagesize;
int PageUpperBound = PageLowerBound + pagesize;
string k = key.Substring(0, key.IndexOf(' '));// (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) ? field : key);
string t = key.Substring(key.IndexOf(' '));
string s = @"declare @indextable table(index_id__ bigint identity(1,1),index_" + k + t + @")
insert into @indextable(index_" + k + ") select " + k + " from " + table + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where) ? "" : " where " + where) + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby) ? "" : " order by " + orderby) + @"
select count(*) from @indextable
select " + field + " from " + table + " left join @indextable on index_" + k + "=" + k + " where index_id__>" + PageLowerBound.ToString() + " and index_id__<=" + PageUpperBound.ToString() + " order by index_id__";
System.Data.DataSet ds = db.GetSqlStrDataSet(s, param);
recordcount = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
return ds.Tables[1];
public static System.Data.DataTable ExecutePager2(string table, string field, string key, string where, string orderby, int pagesize, int pageindex, ref int recordcount, params System.Data.Common.DbParameter[] param)
int PageLowerBound = (pageindex - 1) * pagesize;
int PageUpperBound = PageLowerBound + pagesize;
string k = key.Substring(0, key.IndexOf(' '));// (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) ? field : key);
string t = key.Substring(key.IndexOf(' '));
string s = @"declare @indextable table(index_id__ bigint identity(1,1),index_" + k + t + @")
insert into @indextable(index_" + k + ") select " + k + " from " + table + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where) ? "" : " where " + where) + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby) ? "" : " order by " + orderby) + @"
select count(*) from @indextable
select a__.nid, a__.gcmc, a__.jzdz, a__.jsdw, a__.jzmj, a__.yjsbhs, a__.reportcodes, a__.com,a__.stf,a__.spd,a__.jcf,max(index_id__) from " + table + " left join @indextable on index_" + k + "=" + k + " where index_id__>" + PageLowerBound.ToString() + " and index_id__<=" + PageUpperBound.ToString() + " group by a__.nid, a__.gcmc, a__.jzdz, a__.jsdw, a__.jzmj, a__.yjsbhs, a__.reportcodes, a__.com,a__.stf,a__.spd,a__.jcf,a__.jfrq order by max(index_id__)";
System.Data.DataSet ds = db.GetSqlStrDataSet(s, param);
recordcount = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
return ds.Tables[1];
public static System.Data.DataTable ExecutePager(string table, string field, string key1, string key2, string where, string orderby, int pagesize, int pageindex, ref int recordcount, params System.Data.Common.DbParameter[] param)
int PageLowerBound = (pageindex - 1) * pagesize;
int PageUpperBound = PageLowerBound + pagesize;
string k = key1.Substring(0, key1.IndexOf(' '));// (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) ? field : key);
string t = key1.Substring(key1.IndexOf(' '));
string k2 = key2.Substring(0, key2.IndexOf(' '));// (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) ? field : key);
string t2 = key2.Substring(key2.IndexOf(' '));
string s = @"declare @indextable table(index_id__ bigint identity(1,1),index_" + k + t + ",index_k2" + t2 + @")
insert into @indextable(index_" + k + ",index_k2) select " + k + "," + k2 + " from " + table + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where) ? "" : " where " + where) + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby) ? "" : " order by " + orderby) + @"
select count(*) from @indextable
select " + field + " from " + table + " left join @indextable on index_" + k + "=" + k + " and index_k2=" + k2 + " where index_id__>" + PageLowerBound.ToString() + " and index_id__<=" + PageUpperBound.ToString() + " order by index_id__";
System.Data.DataSet ds = db.GetSqlStrDataSet(s, param);
recordcount = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
return ds.Tables[1];
public static DataSet GetDataSet(SqlMapCollection sql)
if (sql != null)
string str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < sql.Count; i++)
str += sql[i].Sql + " ";
return db.LoadDataSet(sql.Name, str, sql.Param);
return null;
public static DataTable GetStruct(string table)
return db.GetSqlStrTable("select * from " + table + " where 1>2");
static bool ContainColumn(DataTable dt, string n)
foreach (DataColumn c in dt.Columns)
if (c.ColumnName.ToLower() == n.ToLower())
return true;
return false;
public static int GetNext(string table, string field, string where)
object c = db.GetSqlStrScalar("select max(case when ISNUMERIC(" + field + ")=1 then " + field + " else 0 end) from " + table + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where) ? "" : " where " + where));
if (c == null || c is DBNull)
return 1;
return int.Parse(c.ToString()) + 1;
#region InitValue
/// <summary>
/// 禁用服务器控件 Control ID
/// </summary>
/// <param name="c"></param>
public static void DisabledControls(Control beginP, Control endP)
ControlCollection cc = beginP.Parent.Controls;
if (endP == null)
foreach (Control c in cc)
if (c is Label)
((Label)c).Enabled = false;
if (c is TextBox)
((TextBox)c).Enabled = false;
((TextBox)c).ReadOnly = true;
if (c is CheckBox)
((CheckBox)c).Enabled = false;
if (c is CheckBoxList)
((CheckBoxList)c).Enabled = false;
if (c is DropDownList)
((DropDownList)c).Enabled = false;
if (c is RadioButtonList)
((RadioButtonList)c).Enabled = false;
if (c is LinkButton)
(c as LinkButton).Enabled = false;
if (c is HyperLink)
(c as HyperLink).Enabled = false;
if (c.ID == endP.ID)
public static void InitValue(Control p, DataRow dr)
foreach (Control c in p.Parent.Controls)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ID) && ContainColumn(dr.Table, c.ID))
if (c is Literal)
((Literal)c).Text = dr[c.ID].ToString();
if (c is Label)
((Label)c).Text = dr[c.ID].ToString();
if (c is TextBox)
((TextBox)c).Text = dr[c.ID].ToString();
if (c is CheckBox)
((CheckBox)c).Checked = dr[c.ID].ToString() == "1";
if (c is CheckBoxList)
string[] sr = dr[c.ID].ToString().Split(',');
foreach (string s in sr)
if (((CheckBoxList)c).Items.FindByValue(s) != null)
((CheckBoxList)c).Items.FindByValue(s).Selected = true;
if (c is DropDownList)
HttpHelper.SelectComBox((DropDownList)c, dr[c.ID].ToString());
if (c is RadioButtonList)
((RadioButtonList)c).SelectedValue = dr[c.ID].ToString();
if (c is HiddenField)
((HiddenField)c).Value = dr[c.ID].ToString();
public static void CreateSql(Control p, DataTable table, ref string s1, ref string s2, ref string s3, ref List<System.Data.Common.DbParameter> param)
foreach (Control c in p.Parent.Controls)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ID) && ContainColumn(table, c.ID))
s1 += c.ID + ",";
s2 += "@" + c.ID + ",";
s3 += c.ID + "=@" + c.ID + ",";
if ((c is DropDownList || c is CheckBoxList) && c.ID.EndsWith("id") && ContainColumn(table, c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray())))
s1 += c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray()) + ",";
s2 += "@" + c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray()) + ",";
s3 += c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray()) + "=@" + c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray()) + ",";
string o = "";
if (c is TextBox)
if (((TextBox)c).TextMode == TextBoxMode.Password && ((TextBox)c).Text == "")
o = ((TextBox)p.Parent.FindControl(c.ID + "_hid")).Text;
o = string.IsNullOrEmpty(((TextBox)c).Text.Trim()) ? null : ((TextBox)c).Text.Trim();
if (c is CheckBox) o = ((CheckBox)c).Checked ? "1" : "0";
if (c is Label)
o = string.IsNullOrEmpty(((Label)c).Text.Trim()) ? null : ((Label)c).Text.Trim();
if (c is DropDownList)
if (c.ID.EndsWith("id") && ContainColumn(table, c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray())))
param.Add(db.GetParameter(c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray()), !string.IsNullOrEmpty(((DropDownList)c).SelectedValue) ? ((DropDownList)c).SelectedItem.Text : ""));
param.Add(db.GetParameter(c.ID, ((DropDownList)c).SelectedItem.Value));
o = ((DropDownList)c).SelectedValue;
if (c is CheckBoxList)
string s = "", ss = "";
foreach (ListItem li in ((CheckBoxList)c).Items)
if (li.Selected)
s += li.Value + ",";
ss += li.Text + ",";
if (c.ID.EndsWith("id") && ContainColumn(table, c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray())))
param.Add(db.GetParameter(c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray()), !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.TrimEnd(',')) ? ss.TrimEnd(',') : ""));
param.Add(db.GetParameter(c.ID, s.TrimEnd(',')));
o = s.TrimEnd(',');
if (c is HiddenField)
o = ((HiddenField)c).Value;
if (!(c is Literal))
param.Add(db.GetParameter(c.ID, o));
public static void CreateSql(DataRow p, DataTable table, ref string s1, ref string s2, ref string s3, ref List<System.Data.Common.DbParameter> param)
foreach (DataColumn c in p.Table.Columns)
if (p[c.ColumnName].ToString() != "")
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ColumnName) && ContainColumn(table, c.ColumnName))
s1 += c.ColumnName + ",";
s2 += "@" + c.ColumnName + ",";
s3 += c.ColumnName + "=@" + c.ColumnName + ",";
if (c.DataType == System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime"))
param.Add(db.GetParameter(c.ColumnName, p[c.ColumnName], DbType.DateTime));
param.Add(db.GetParameter(c.ColumnName, p[c.ColumnName]));
/// <summary>
/// 只返回Insert语句
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p"></param>
/// <param name="table"></param>
/// <param name="s1"></param>
/// <param name="s2"></param>
/// <param name="param"></param>
public static void CreateSql(Control p, DataTable table, ref string s1, ref string s2, ref List<System.Data.Common.DbParameter> param)
foreach (Control c in p.Parent.Controls)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ID) && ContainColumn(table, c.ID))
s1 += c.ID + ",";
s2 += "@" + c.ID + ",";
if ((c is DropDownList || c is CheckBoxList) && c.ID.EndsWith("id") && ContainColumn(table, c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray())))
s1 += c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray()) + ",";
s2 += "@" + c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray()) + ",";
string o = "";
if (c is TextBox)
if (((TextBox)c).TextMode == TextBoxMode.Password && ((TextBox)c).Text == "")
o = ((TextBox)p.Parent.FindControl(c.ID + "_hid")).Text;
o = string.IsNullOrEmpty(((TextBox)c).Text.Trim()) ? null : ((TextBox)c).Text.Trim();
if (c is CheckBox) o = ((CheckBox)c).Checked ? "1" : "0";
if (c is Label)
o = string.IsNullOrEmpty(((Label)c).Text.Trim()) ? null : ((Label)c).Text.Trim();
if (c is DropDownList)
if (c.ID.EndsWith("id") && ContainColumn(table, c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray())))
param.Add(db.GetParameter(c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray()), !string.IsNullOrEmpty(((DropDownList)c).SelectedValue) ? ((DropDownList)c).SelectedItem.Text : ""));
param.Add(db.GetParameter(c.ID, ((DropDownList)c).SelectedItem.Value));
o = ((DropDownList)c).SelectedValue;
if (c is CheckBoxList)
string s = "", ss = "";
foreach (ListItem li in ((CheckBoxList)c).Items)
if (li.Selected)
s += li.Value + ",";
ss += li.Text + ",";
if (c.ID.EndsWith("id") && ContainColumn(table, c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray())))
param.Add(db.GetParameter(c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray()), !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.TrimEnd(',')) ? ss.TrimEnd(',') : ""));
param.Add(db.GetParameter(c.ID, s.TrimEnd(',')));
o = s.TrimEnd(',');
if (c is HiddenField)
o = ((HiddenField)c).Value;
if (!(c is Literal))
param.Add(db.GetParameter(c.ID, o));
/// <summary>
/// 只返回Update语句
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p"></param>
/// <param name="table"></param>
/// <param name="s3"></param>
/// <param name="param"></param>
public static void CreateSql(Control p, DataTable table, ref string s3, ref List<System.Data.Common.DbParameter> param)
foreach (Control c in p.Parent.Controls)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ID) && ContainColumn(table, c.ID))
s3 += c.ID + "=@" + c.ID + ",";
if ((c is DropDownList || c is CheckBoxList) && c.ID.EndsWith("id") && ContainColumn(table, c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray())))
s3 += c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray()) + "=@" + c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray()) + ",";
string o = "";
if (c is TextBox)
if (((TextBox)c).TextMode == TextBoxMode.Password && ((TextBox)c).Text == "")
o = ((TextBox)p.Parent.FindControl(c.ID + "_hid")).Text;
o = string.IsNullOrEmpty(((TextBox)c).Text.Trim()) ? null : ((TextBox)c).Text.Trim();
if (c is CheckBox) o = ((CheckBox)c).Checked ? "1" : "0";
if (c is Label)
o = string.IsNullOrEmpty(((Label)c).Text.Trim()) ? null : ((Label)c).Text.Trim();
if (c is DropDownList)
if (c.ID.EndsWith("id") && ContainColumn(table, c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray())))
param.Add(db.GetParameter(c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray()), !string.IsNullOrEmpty(((DropDownList)c).SelectedValue) ? ((DropDownList)c).SelectedItem.Text : ""));
param.Add(db.GetParameter(c.ID, ((DropDownList)c).SelectedItem.Value));
o = ((DropDownList)c).SelectedValue;
if (c is CheckBoxList)
string s = "", ss = "";
foreach (ListItem li in ((CheckBoxList)c).Items)
if (li.Selected)
s += li.Value + ",";
ss += li.Text + ",";
if (c.ID.EndsWith("id") && ContainColumn(table, c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray())))
param.Add(db.GetParameter(c.ID.TrimEnd("id".ToCharArray()), !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.TrimEnd(',')) ? ss.TrimEnd(',') : ""));
param.Add(db.GetParameter(c.ID, s.TrimEnd(',')));
o = s.TrimEnd(',');
if (c is HiddenField)
o = ((HiddenField)c).Value;
if (!(c is Literal))
param.Add(db.GetParameter(c.ID, o));
public static void InitCheck(Control p, DataRow dr)
foreach (Control c in p.Parent.Controls)
if (c is CheckBox && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ID) && ContainColumn(dr.Table, c.ID.Replace("chk_", "")))
c.Visible = true;
public static void InitPZ(Control p, string nid)
DataTable dt = db.GetSqlStrTable("select * from u_report_pz where valid=1 and repid=@nid", db.GetParameter("nid", nid));
foreach (Control c in p.Parent.Controls)
if (c is Label && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ID) && c.ID.StartsWith("lb_"))
DataRow[] dr = dt.Select("fieldname='" + c.ID.Replace("lb_", "") + "'");
if (dr.Length > 0)
((Label)c).BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
public static void PZ(Control p, string nid)
db.SetSqlStrNonQuery("update u_report_pz set valid=0 where repid=@id", db.GetParameter("id", nid));
foreach (Control c in p.Parent.Controls)
if (c is CheckBox && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ID) && c.ID.StartsWith("chk_"))
if (((CheckBox)c).Checked)
db.SetSqlStrNonQuery("insert into u_report_pz (repid,fieldname,valid,createtime) values (@repid,@fieldname,1,getdate())"
, db.GetParameter("repid", nid), db.GetParameter("fieldname", c.ID.Replace("chk_", "")));