You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

166 lines
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3 years ago
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using HcUtility.Core;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.CurrencyExchange
public class CurrencyExchange : ModelObjectBillHead
#region private Fields
private string _GID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
private string _COMPANYID = String.Empty;
private string _CURRENCYID = String.Empty;
private string _CURRENCY = String.Empty;
private string _LOCALCURR = String.Empty;
private string _VALUE = String.Empty;
private string _CRVALUE = String.Empty;
private string _TYPE = String.Empty;
private string _STARTTIME = String.Empty;
private string _ENDTIME = String.Empty;
private string _CREATEUSER;
private string _CREATEUSERREF;
private string _CREATETIME = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");//录入日期
private string _CUSTOMVALUE = String.Empty;//海关汇率
public CurrencyExchange()
TableName = "currency_exchange";
#region Public Properties
//region public
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.All, IsPrimary = true)]
public string GID
get { return _GID; }
set { _GID = value; }
public string CURRENCYID
get { return _CURRENCYID; }
set { _CURRENCYID = value; }
public string CURRENCY
get { return _CURRENCY; }
set { _CURRENCY = value; }
public string VALUE
get { return _VALUE; }
set { _VALUE = value; }
public string CRVALUE
get { return _CRVALUE; }
set { _CRVALUE = value; }
public string TYPE
get { return _TYPE; }
set { _TYPE = value; }
public string STARTTIME
get { return _STARTTIME; }
set { _STARTTIME = value; }
public string ENDTIME
get { return _ENDTIME; }
set { _ENDTIME = value; }
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public string COMPANYID
get { return _COMPANYID; }
set { _COMPANYID = value; }
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public string CREATEUSER
get { return _CREATEUSER; }
set { _CREATEUSER = value; }
public string CREATEUSERREF
get { return _CREATEUSERREF; }
set { _CREATEUSERREF = value; }
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public string CREATETIME
get { return _CREATETIME; }
set { _CREATETIME = value; }
public string LOCALCURR
get { return _LOCALCURR; }
set { _LOCALCURR = value; }
public string CUSTOMVALUE
get { return _CUSTOMVALUE; }
set { _CUSTOMVALUE = value; }
public string Remark { get; set; }
//时间区间 用于显示该汇率的起止日期
public string TimeZones {
get {
return STARTTIME + "_" + ENDTIME;
public string DrRef
return VALUE+" 应收" +CURRENCY+"_"+TimeZones;
public string CrRef
return CRVALUE+" 应付" + CURRENCY + "_" + TimeZones;
public string CustomRef
return CUSTOMVALUE+" 海关" + CURRENCY + "_" + TimeZones;