You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

493 lines
16 KiB

3 years ago
if( typeof html5jp == 'undefined' ) {
html5jp = new Object();
if( typeof html5jp.graph == 'undefined' ) {
html5jp.graph = new Object();
html5jp.graph.line = function (id) {
var elm = document.getElementById(id);
if(! elm) { return; }
if(elm.nodeName != "CANVAS") { return; }
if(elm.parentNode.nodeName != "DIV") { return; };
this.canvas = elm;
if ( ! this.canvas ){ return; }
if ( ! this.canvas.getContext ){ return; }
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); = "0"; = "relative"; = "0";
html5jp.graph.line.prototype.draw = function(items, inparams) {
if( ! this.ctx ) {return;}
var params = {
x: [],
y: [],
yMax: null,
yMin: 0,
backgroundColor: "#ffffff",
gbackgroundColor: "#ffffff",//dddddd
gGradation: true,
lineWidth: 1,
dotRadius: 3,
dotType: "disc",
hLineWidth: 1,
hLineType: "dotted",
hLineColor: "#eeeeee",
xAxisWidth: 1,
xAxisColor: "#000000",
yAxisWidth: 1,
yAxisColor: "#000000",
xScaleColor: "#000000",
xScaleFontSize: "10px",
xScaleFontFamily: "Arial,sans-serif",
yScaleColor: "#000000",
yScaleFontSize: "10px",
yScaleFontFamily: "Arial,sans-serif",
xCaptionColor: "#000000",
xCaptionFontSize: "12px",
xCaptionFontFamily: "Arial,sans-serif",
yCaptionColor: "#000000",
yCaptionFontSize: "12px",
yCaptionFontFamily: "Arial,sans-serif",
dLabel: true,
dLabelColor: "#000000",
dLabelFontSize: "10px",
dLabelFontFamily: "Arial,sans-serif",
legend: true,
legendFontSize: "12px",
legendFontFamily: "Arial,sans-serif",
legendColor: "#000000"
if( inparams && typeof(inparams) == 'object' ) {
for( var key in inparams ) {
params[key] = inparams[key];
this.params = params;
if( params.backgroundColor ) {
this.ctx.fillStyle = params.backgroundColor;
this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
if(this.canvas.width / this.canvas.height < 1.5 || this.canvas.height < 200) {
params.legend == false;
var canvas_pos = this._getElementAbsPos(this.canvas);
var cpos = {
x0: this.canvas.width * 0.1,
y0: this.canvas.height * 0.9,
x1: this.canvas.width * 0.9,
y1: this.canvas.height * 0.1
if( typeof(params.x) == "object" && params.x.length > 0) {
cpos.y0 = this.canvas.height * 0.8;
if( typeof(params.y) == "object" && params.y.length > 0) {
cpos.x0 = this.canvas.width * 0.15;
cpos.y1 = this.canvas.height * 0.15
if(params.legend == true) {
cpos.x1 = this.canvas.width * 0.7;
cpos.w = cpos.x1 - cpos.x0;
cpos.h = cpos.y0 - cpos.y1;
var item_num = items.length;
if(item_num > 10) { item_num = 10; }
if(params.legend == true) {
var legend_tmp_s = this._getTextBoxSize('あTEST', params.legendFontSize, params.legendFontFamily);
var lpos = {
x: Math.round( cpos.x1 + this.canvas.width * 0.03 ),
y: Math.round( ( this.canvas.height - ( legend_tmp_s.h * item_num + legend_tmp_s.h * 0.2 * (item_num - 1) ) ) / 2 ),
h: legend_tmp_s.h
}; = lpos.x + Math.round( lpos.h * 2.5 ); = this.canvas.width -;
if(params.gGradation == true) {
this.ctx.moveTo(cpos.x0, cpos.y0);
this.ctx.lineTo(cpos.x1, cpos.y0);
this.ctx.lineTo(cpos.x1, cpos.y1);
this.ctx.lineTo(cpos.x0, cpos.y1);
var radgrad = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(cpos.x0,cpos.y1,cpos.x0,cpos.y0);
var o_gbc = this._csscolor2rgb(params.gbackgroundColor);
var gbc = o_gbc.r + "," + o_gbc.g + "," + o_gbc.b;
radgrad.addColorStop(0, "rgb(" + gbc + ")");
radgrad.addColorStop(1, "rgb(255,255,255)");
this.ctx.fillStyle = radgrad;
} else {
this.ctx.fillStyle = params.gbackgroundColor;
this.ctx.fillRect(cpos.x0, cpos.y1, cpos.w, cpos.h);
var max_v = null;
var min_v = null;
var max_n = 0;
if(params.y.length > 1) {
max = params.y[ params.y.length - 1 ];
for(var i=0; i<item_num; i++) {
var n = items[i].length;
if(n < 2) { continue; }
for(var j=1; j<n; j++) {
var v = items[i][j];
if( isNaN(v) ) {
throw new Error('invalid graph item data.' + n);
if(max_v == null) {
max_v = v;
} else if(v >= max_v) {
max_v = v;
if(min_v == null) {
min_v = v;
} else if(v <= min_v) {
min_v = v;
if(n - 1 >= max_n) {
max_n = n - 1;
if( typeof(params.yMin) != "number" ) {
params.yMin = 0;
if( typeof(params.yMax) != "number" ) {
params.yMax = max_v + Math.abs(max_v - min_v) * 0.1;
var v_range = Math.abs( params.yMax - params.yMin );
if( typeof(params.hLineWidth) == "number" && params.hLineWidth > 0 ) {
var h_line_type = "dashed";
if( params.hLineType.match(/^(solid|dashed|dotted)$/i) ) {
h_line_type = params.hLineType;
for(var i=1; i<params.y.length; i++) {
var aline_x0 = cpos.x0;
var aline_y0 = Math.round( cpos.y0 - cpos.h * ( params.y[i] - params.yMin ) / v_range );
var aline_x1 = cpos.x1;
this._draw_h_aline(aline_x0, aline_y0, aline_x1, params.hLineWidth, h_line_type, params.hLineColor);
//var colors = ["24,41,206", "198,0,148", "214,0,0", "255,156,0", "33,156,0", "33,41,107", "115,0,90", "132,0,0", "165,99,0", "24,123,0"];
var colors = ["207, 220, 41", "220, 108, 41", "41, 117, 220", "41, 220, 146", "248, 197, 153", "220, 41, 142", "193, 248, 153", "248, 153, 153", "220, 41, 41", "166, 153, 248"];
var plots = new Array();
for(var i=0; i<item_num; i++) {
this.ctx.lineJoin = "round";
plots[i] = new Array();
var n = items[i].length;
for(var j=1; j<n; j++) {
var v = items[i][j];
var p = {
x: Math.round( cpos.x0 + cpos.w * ( j - 0.5 ) / max_n ),
y: Math.round( cpos.y0 - cpos.h * ( v - params.yMin ) / v_range ),
v: v
if(j == 1) {
this.ctx.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
} else {
this.ctx.lineTo(p.x, p.y);
var line_width = 1;
if( typeof(params.lineWidth) == "object" && ! isNaN(params.lineWidth[i])) {
line_width = params.lineWidth[i];
} else if( typeof(params.lineWidth) == "number" && ! isNaN(params.lineWidth)) {
line_width = params.lineWidth;
this.ctx.lineWidth = line_width;
var line_color = "rgb(" + colors[i] + ")";
this.ctx.strokeStyle = line_color;
var dot_rad = null;
if( typeof(params.dotRadius) == "object" && ! isNaN(params.dotRadius[i]) && params.dotRadius[i] > 0 ) {
dot_rad = params.dotRadius[i];
} else if( typeof(params.dotRadius) == "number" && ! isNaN(params.dotRadius) && params.dotRadius > 0 ) {
dot_rad = params.dotRadius;
var dot_type = null;
if( typeof(params.dotType) == "object" && typeof(params.dotType[i]) == "string" ) {
dot_type = params.dotType[i];
} else if( typeof(params.dotType) == "string" ) {
dot_type = params.dotType;
} else {
dot_type = "disc";
if(dot_rad > 0) {
for(var k=0; k<plots[i].length; k++) {
this._draw_dot(plots[i][k].x, plots[i][k].y, dot_rad, dot_type, colors[i]);
if(params.dLabel == true) {
for(var k=0; k<plots[i].length; k++) {
if(plots[i][k].x < cpos.x0 || plots[i][k].x > cpos.x1 || plots[i][k].y > cpos.y0 || plots[i][k].y < cpos.y1) {
var dlabel = plots[i][k].v.toString();
var margin = 1;
if(dot_rad != null && dot_rad > 0) {
margin += dot_rad;
var s = this._getTextBoxSize(dlabel, params.dLabelFontSize, params.dLabelFontFamily);
var dlabel_x = plots[i][k].x - Math.round( s.w / 2 );
var dlabel_y = plots[i][k].y - Math.round( s.h ) - margin;
this._drawText(dlabel_x, dlabel_y, dlabel, params.dLabelFontSize, params.dLabelFontFamily, params.dLabelColor);
if(params.legend == true) {
this._drawText(, lpos.y, items[i][0], params.legendFontSize, params.legendFontFamily, params.legendColor);
this._draw_h_aline(lpos.x, Math.round(lpos.y+lpos.h/2), lpos.x + lpos.h*2, line_width, "solid", line_color);
if(dot_rad > 0) {
this._draw_dot(Math.round(lpos.x+lpos.h), Math.round(lpos.y+lpos.h/2), dot_rad, dot_type, colors[i]);
lpos.y = lpos.y + lpos.h * 1.2;
this.ctx.fillStyle = params.backgroundColor;
this.ctx.fillRect(cpos.x0, 0, cpos.w, cpos.y1);
this.ctx.fillRect(cpos.x0, cpos.y0, cpos.w, this.canvas.height - cpos.y0);
if( typeof(params.xAxisWidth) == "number" && params.xAxisWidth > 0 ) {
this._draw_h_aline(cpos.x0, cpos.y0, cpos.x1, params.xAxisWidth, "solid", params.xAxisColor);
if( typeof(params.yAxisWidth) == "number" && params.yAxisWidth > 0 ) {
this._draw_v_aline(cpos.x0, cpos.y0, cpos.y1, params.yAxisWidth, "solid", params.yAxisColor);
var xscale_y_under = 0;
for(var i=1; i<=max_n; i++) {
if( typeof(params.x[i] ) != "string" ) { continue; }
if(params.x[i] == "") { continue; }
var s = this._getTextBoxSize(params.x[i], params.xScaleFontSize, params.xScaleFontFamily);
var xscale_x = Math.round( cpos.x0 + cpos.w * ( i - 0.5 ) / max_n ) - Math.round( s.w / 2 );
var xscale_y = cpos.y0 + 5;
this._drawText(xscale_x, xscale_y, params.x[i], params.xScaleFontSize, params.xScaleFontFamily, params.xScaleColor);
if(xscale_y + s.h >= xscale_y_under) {
xscale_y_under = xscale_y + s.h;
var yscale_y_top = this.canvas.height;
for(var i=1; i<params.y.length; i++) {
if( typeof(params.y[i] ) != "number" ) { continue; }
var v = params.y[i].toString();
if(v == "") { continue; }
if(params.y[i] < params.yMin || params.y[i] > params.yMax) { continue; }
var s = this._getTextBoxSize(v, params.yScaleFontSize, params.yScaleFontFamily);
var yscale_y = Math.round( cpos.y0 - cpos.h * ( params.y[i] - params.yMin ) / v_range ) - Math.round( s.h / 2 );
var yscale_x = Math.round( cpos.x0 - s.w ) - 5;
this._drawText(yscale_x, yscale_y, v, params.yScaleFontSize, params.yScaleFontFamily, params.yScaleColor);
if(yscale_y <= yscale_y_top) {
yscale_y_top = yscale_y;
if( typeof(params.x[0]) == "string" && params.x[0] != "" ) {
var s = this._getTextBoxSize(params.x[0], params.xCaptionFontSize, params.xCaptionFontFamily);
var xcaption_y = cpos.y0 + 5;
if(xscale_y_under > 0) {
xcaption_y = xscale_y_under + 5;
var xcaption_x = Math.round( cpos.x0 + ( cpos.w / 2 ) - ( s.w / 2 ) );
this._drawText(xcaption_x, xcaption_y, params.x[0], params.xCaptionFontSize, params.xCaptionFontFamily, params.xCaptionColor);
if( typeof(params.y[0]) == "string" && params.y[0] != "" ) {
var s = this._getTextBoxSize(params.y[0], params.yCaptionFontSize, params.yCaptionFontFamily);
var ycaption_y = yscale_y_top - s.h - 5;
if(yscale_y_top > cpos.y1) {
ycaption_y = cpos.y1 - s.h - 5;
var ycaption_x = Math.round( cpos.x0 - ( s.w / 2 ) );
if(ycaption_x < 5) {
ycaption_x = 5;
this._drawText(ycaption_x, ycaption_y, params.y[0], params.yCaptionFontSize, params.yCaptionFontFamily, params.yCaptionColor);
html5jp.graph.line.prototype._draw_v_aline = function(x0, y0, y1, width, type, color) {
color = this._csscolor2rgb(color);
color = "rgb(" + color.r + "," + color.g + "," + color.b + ")"
this.ctx.strokeStyle = color;
this.ctx.lineWidth = width;
if(type == "solid") {
this.ctx.moveTo(x0, y0);
this.ctx.lineTo(x0, y1);
} else if( type == "dashed" || (type == "dotted" && width < 2) ) {
var y = y0;
while(1) {
if(y - width*4 < y1) { break; }
this.ctx.moveTo(x0, y);
y = y - width * 4;
this.ctx.lineTo(x0, y);
if(y - width*2 < y1) { break; }
y = y - width*2;
} else if(type == "dotted") {
this.ctx.fillStyle = color;
var y = y0;
while(1) {
if(y - width*2 < y1) { break; }
this.ctx.arc(x0, y, width/2, 0, Math.PI*2, false);
if(y - width*2 < y1) { break; }
y = y - width*2;
html5jp.graph.line.prototype._draw_h_aline = function(x0, y0, x1, width, type, color) {
color = this._csscolor2rgb(color);
color = "rgb(" + color.r + "," + color.g + "," + color.b + ")"
this.ctx.strokeStyle = color;
this.ctx.lineWidth = width;
if(type == "solid") {
this.ctx.moveTo(x0, y0);
this.ctx.lineTo(x1, y0);
} else if( type == "dashed" || (type == "dotted" && width < 2) ) {
var x = x0;
while(1) {
if(x + width*4 > x1) { break; }
this.ctx.moveTo(x, y0);
x = x + width * 4;
this.ctx.lineTo(x, y0);
if(x + width*2 > x1) { break; }
x = x + width*2;
} else if(type == "dotted") {
this.ctx.fillStyle = color;
var x = x0;
while(1) {
if(x + width*2 > x1) { break; }
this.ctx.arc(x, y0, width/2, 0, Math.PI*2, false);
if(x + width*2 > x1) { break; }
x = x + width*2;
html5jp.graph.line.prototype._draw_dot = function(x, y, rad, type, color) {
this.ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(" + color + ")";
if( type == "disc" ) {
this.ctx.arc(x, y, rad, 0, Math.PI*2, false);
} else if( type == "square" ) {
this.ctx.moveTo(x-rad, y-rad);
this.ctx.lineTo(x+rad, y-rad);
this.ctx.lineTo(x+rad, y+rad);
this.ctx.lineTo(x-rad, y+rad);
} else if( type == "triangle" ) {
this.ctx.moveTo(x, y-rad);
this.ctx.lineTo(x+rad, y+rad);
this.ctx.lineTo(x-rad, y+rad);
} else if( type == "i-triangle" ) {
this.ctx.moveTo(x, y+rad);
this.ctx.lineTo(x+rad, y-rad);
this.ctx.lineTo(x-rad, y-rad);
} else if( type == "diamond" ) {
this.ctx.moveTo(x, y-rad);
this.ctx.lineTo(x+rad, y);
this.ctx.lineTo(x, y+rad);
this.ctx.lineTo(x-rad, y);
} else {
this.ctx.arc(x, y, rad, 0, Math.PI*2, false);
html5jp.graph.line.prototype._drawText = function(x, y, text, font_size, font_family, color) {
var div = document.createElement('DIV');
div.appendChild( document.createTextNode(text) ); = font_size; = font_family; = color; = "0"; = "0"; = "absolute"; = x.toString() + "px"; = y.toString() + "px";
html5jp.graph.line.prototype._getTextBoxSize = function(text, font_size, font_family) {
var tmpdiv = document.createElement('DIV');
tmpdiv.appendChild( document.createTextNode(text) ); = font_size; = font_family; = "0"; = "0"; = "hidden"; = "absolute"; = "0px"; = "0px";
var o = {
w: tmpdiv.offsetWidth,
h: tmpdiv.offsetHeight
return o;
html5jp.graph.line.prototype._getElementAbsPos = function(elm) {
var obj = new Object();
obj.x = elm.offsetLeft;
obj.y = elm.offsetTop;
while(elm.offsetParent) {
elm = elm.offsetParent;
obj.x += elm.offsetLeft;
obj.y += elm.offsetTop;
return obj;
html5jp.graph.line.prototype._csscolor2rgb = function (c) {
if( ! c ) { return null; }
var color_map = {
black: "#000000",
gray: "#808080",
silver: "#c0c0c0",
white: "#ffffff",
maroon: "#800000",
red: "#ff0000",
purple: "#800080",
fuchsia: "#ff00ff",
green: "#008000",
lime: "#00FF00",
olive: "#808000",
yellow: "#FFFF00",
navy: "#000080",
blue: "#0000FF",
teal: "#008080",
aqua: "#00FFFF"
c = c.toLowerCase();
var o = new Object();
if( c.match(/^[a-zA-Z]+$/) && color_map[c] ) {
c = color_map[c];
var m = null;
if( m = c.match(/^\#([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i) ) {
o.r = parseInt(m[1], 16);
o.g = parseInt(m[2], 16);
o.b = parseInt(m[3], 16);
} else if( m = c.match(/^\#([a-f\d]{1})([a-f\d]{1})([a-f\d]{1})$/i) ) {
o.r = parseInt(m[1]+"0", 16);
o.g = parseInt(m[2]+"0", 16);
o.b = parseInt(m[3]+"0", 16);
} else if( m = c.match(/^rgba*\(\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)/i) ) {
o.r = m[1];
o.g = m[2];
o.b = m[3];
} else if( m = c.match(/^rgba*\(\s*(\d+)\%,\s*(\d+)\%,\s*(\d+)\%/i) ) {
o.r = Math.round(m[1] * 255 / 100);
o.g = Math.round(m[2] * 255 / 100);
o.b = Math.round(m[3] * 255 / 100);
} else {
return null;
return o;