You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

742 lines
42 KiB

3 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Services;
using DSWeb.Areas.CommMng.Models;
using DSWeb.EntityDA;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Helper;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MonthDataSet;
using DSWebMobileService.Common;
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace DSWebMobileService
/// <summary>
/// MsRptNoTotalMonth 的摘要说明
/// </summary>
[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
// 若要允许使用 ASP.NET AJAX 从脚本中调用此 Web 服务,请取消对下行的注释。
// [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService]
public class MsRptNoTotalMonth : System.Web.Services.WebService
public string HelloWorld()
return "Hello World";
public static ContentResult SaleListData(string dType, int start, int limit, string condition, string sort, string printstr, string sortstr, string beginfrom, string beginto, string accfrom, string accto, string startmonth, string endmonth)
int iCount = 0;
var strDa = GetRangDAStr("index", Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["USERID"]), Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["SHOWNAME"]), Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["COMPANYID"]));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDa))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))
condition = condition + " and " + strDa;
condition = strDa;
var monthlist = GetMonthList(startmonth, endmonth);
List<MonthDataSet> beginMonthList = new List<MonthDataSet>();
List<MonthDataSet> accMonthList = new List<MonthDataSet>(); //= GetMonthList(accfrom, accto);
string[] beginMonthArr = { };// new string[beginMonthList.Count];
string[] accMonthArr = { };
int monthNUM = 0;
if (beginfrom != "")
if (beginto == "") { beginto = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString(); }
beginMonthList = GetMonthList(beginfrom, beginto);
beginMonthArr = new string[beginMonthList.Count];
monthNUM = 0;
foreach (var beginMonth in beginMonthList)
beginMonthArr[monthNUM] = beginMonth.MONTHFIELDNAME;
if (accfrom != "")
if (accto == "") { accto = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString(); }
accMonthList = GetMonthList(accfrom, accto);
accMonthArr = new string[accMonthList.Count];
monthNUM = 0;
foreach (var accMonth in accMonthList)
accMonthArr[monthNUM] = accMonth.MONTHFIELDNAME;
var strSql = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var enumValue in monthlist)
if (iCount > 0)
strSql.AppendLine("union all");
strSql.AppendLine("SELECT B.SALE,SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7) as OPDATE");
strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then (case F.CURRENCY when 'USD' then (F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT) else 0 end) else 0 end) as ZLUSD ");
strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then (case F.CURRENCY when 'RMB' then (F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT) else 0 end) else 0 end) as ZLRMB ");
strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then cast(round(ISNULL((F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT)*F.EXCHANGERATE,0),2) as numeric(20,2)) end) as ZLTTL ");
strSql.AppendLine(" FROM CH_FEE F ");
strSql.AppendLine("INNER JOIN V_OP_BILL B ON (F.BSNO=B.BSNO) ");
if (beginMonthArr.Length > 0)
if (iCount < beginMonthArr.Length)
if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/31 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/30 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/29 23:59:59' ");
if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
if (accMonthArr.Length > 0)
if (iCount < accMonthArr.Length)
if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12")
strSql.AppendLine(" and B.ACCDATE>='" + accMonthArr[iCount] + " 00:00:00' and B.ACCDATE<='" + accMonthArr[iCount] + " 23:59:59'");
else if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12")
strSql.AppendLine(" and B.ACCDATE>='" + accMonthArr[accMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.ACCDATE<='" + accMonthArr[accMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59'");
else if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
if (dType == "1")
strSql.AppendLine(" and F.FEETYPE=1 and F.AMOUNT<>F.SETTLEMENT and (F.FEESTATUS=0 or F.FEESTATUS=8 or F.FEESTATUS=9) ");//应收
strSql.AppendLine(" and F.FEETYPE=2 and F.AMOUNT<>F.SETTLEMENT and (F.FEESTATUS=0 or F.FEESTATUS=8 or F.FEESTATUS=9) ");//应付
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))
strSql.AppendLine(" and " + condition);
strSql.AppendLine(" Group by B.SALE,SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7) ");
List<SaleModule> saleInquData = SetSaleData(strSql);
string jsonStr = "";
foreach (SaleModule data in saleInquData)
jsonStr += "{";
jsonStr += "\"SALE\":\"" + data.Sale + "\",\"OPDATE\":\"" + data.OPDate + "\",\"ZLRMB\":\"" + data.ZLRmb + "\",\"ZLUSD\":\"" + data.ZLUsd + "\",\"ZLTTL\":\"" + data.ZLTtl + "\"";
jsonStr += "},";
if (jsonStr.Length > 0)
jsonStr = jsonStr.Substring(0, jsonStr.Length - 1);
string result = "[" + jsonStr + "]";
return new ContentResult() { Content = result };
private static List<SaleModule> SetSaleData(StringBuilder sql)
var bodyList = new List<SaleModule>();
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql.ToString()))
while (reader.Read())
SaleModule data = new SaleModule();
#region Set DB data to Object
data.Sale = Convert.ToString(reader["SALE"]);
data.OPDate = Convert.ToString(reader["OPDATE"]);
data.ZLUsd = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLUSD"]);
data.ZLRmb = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLRMB"]);
data.ZLTtl = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLTTL"]);
return bodyList;
public static ContentResult CustListData(string dType, int start, int limit, string condition, string sort, string printstr, string sortstr, string beginfrom, string beginto, string accfrom, string accto, string startmonth, string endmonth)
int iCount = 0;
var strDa = GetRangDAStr("index", Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["USERID"]), Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["SHOWNAME"]), Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["COMPANYID"]));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDa))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))
condition = condition + " and " + strDa;
condition = strDa;
var monthlist = GetMonthList(startmonth, endmonth);
//var beginMonthList = GetMonthList(beginfrom, beginto);
List<MonthDataSet> beginMonthList = new List<MonthDataSet>();
List<MonthDataSet> accMonthList=new List<MonthDataSet>(); //= GetMonthList(accfrom, accto);
string[] beginMonthArr = { };// new string[beginMonthList.Count];
string[] accMonthArr = { };
int monthNUM = 0;
if (beginfrom != "")
if (beginto == "") { beginto = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString(); }
beginMonthList = GetMonthList(beginfrom, beginto);
beginMonthArr = new string[beginMonthList.Count];
monthNUM = 0;
foreach (var beginMonth in beginMonthList)
beginMonthArr[monthNUM] = beginMonth.MONTHFIELDNAME;
if (accfrom != "")
if (accto == "") { accto = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString(); }
accMonthList = GetMonthList(accfrom, accto);
accMonthArr = new string[accMonthList.Count];
monthNUM = 0;
foreach (var accMonth in accMonthList)
accMonthArr[monthNUM] = accMonth.MONTHFIELDNAME;
var strSql = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var enumValue in monthlist)
if (iCount > 0)
strSql.AppendLine("union all");
strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then (case F.CURRENCY when 'USD' then (F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT) else 0 end) else 0 end) as ZLUSD ");
strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then (case F.CURRENCY when 'RMB' then (F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT) else 0 end) else 0 end) as ZLRMB ");
strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then cast(round(ISNULL((F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT)*F.EXCHANGERATE,0),2) as numeric(20,2)) end) as ZLTTL ");
strSql.AppendLine(" FROM CH_FEE F ");
strSql.AppendLine("INNER JOIN V_OP_BILL B ON (F.BSNO=B.BSNO) ");
//strSql.AppendLine(" LEFT JOIN info_client C ON (C.SHORTNAME=F.CUSTOMERNAME) ");
if (beginMonthArr.Length > 0)
if (iCount < beginMonthArr.Length)
if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/31 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/30 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/29 23:59:59' ");
else {
if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
if (accMonthArr.Length > 0)
if (iCount < accMonthArr.Length)
if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12")
strSql.AppendLine(" and B.ACCDATE>='" + accMonthArr[iCount] + " 00:00:00' and B.ACCDATE<='" + accMonthArr[iCount] + " 23:59:59'");
else if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12")
strSql.AppendLine(" and B.ACCDATE>='" + accMonthArr[accMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.ACCDATE<='" + accMonthArr[accMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59'");
else if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
if (dType == "1")
strSql.AppendLine(" and F.FEETYPE=1 and F.AMOUNT<>F.SETTLEMENT and (F.FEESTATUS=0 or F.FEESTATUS=8 or F.FEESTATUS=9) ");//应收
strSql.AppendLine(" and F.FEETYPE=2 and F.AMOUNT<>F.SETTLEMENT and (F.FEESTATUS=0 or F.FEESTATUS=8 or F.FEESTATUS=9) ");//应付
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))
strSql.AppendLine(" and " + condition);
strSql.AppendLine(" Group by F.CUSTOMERNAME,SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7) ");
List<CustModulle> custInquData = SetCustData(strSql);
string jsonStr = "";
foreach (CustModulle data in custInquData)
jsonStr += "{";
jsonStr += "\"CUSTNAME\":\"" + data.CustName + "\",\"OPDATE\":\"" + data.OPDate + "\",\"ZLRMB\":\"" + data.ZLRmb + "\",\"ZLUSD\":\"" + data.ZLUsd + "\",\"ZLTTL\":\"" + data.ZLTtl + "\"";
jsonStr += "},";
if (jsonStr.Length > 0)
jsonStr = jsonStr.Substring(0, jsonStr.Length - 1);
string result = "[" + jsonStr + "]";
return new ContentResult() { Content = result };
private static List<CustModulle> SetCustData(StringBuilder sql)
var bodyList = new List<CustModulle>();
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql.ToString()))
while (reader.Read())
CustModulle data = new CustModulle();
#region Set DB data to Object
data.CustName = Convert.ToString(reader["CUSTNAME"]);
data.OPDate = Convert.ToString(reader["OPDATE"]);
data.ZLUsd = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLUSD"]);
data.ZLRmb = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLRMB"]);
data.ZLTtl = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLTTL"]);
return bodyList;
public static ContentResult SaleCustListData(string dType, int start, int limit, string condition, string sort, string printstr, string sortstr, string beginfrom, string beginto, string accfrom, string accto, string startmonth, string endmonth)
int iCount = 0;
var strDa = GetRangDAStr("index", Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["USERID"]), Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["SHOWNAME"]), Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["COMPANYID"]));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDa))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))
condition = condition + " and " + strDa;
condition = strDa;
var monthlist = GetMonthList(startmonth, endmonth);
List<MonthDataSet> beginMonthList = new List<MonthDataSet>();
List<MonthDataSet> accMonthList = new List<MonthDataSet>(); //= GetMonthList(accfrom, accto);
string[] beginMonthArr = { };// new string[beginMonthList.Count];
string[] accMonthArr = { };
int monthNUM = 0;
if (beginfrom != "")
if (beginto == "") { beginto = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString(); }
beginMonthList = GetMonthList(beginfrom, beginto);
beginMonthArr = new string[beginMonthList.Count];
monthNUM = 0;
foreach (var beginMonth in beginMonthList)
beginMonthArr[monthNUM] = beginMonth.MONTHFIELDNAME;
if (accfrom != "")
if (accto == "") { accto = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString(); }
accMonthList = GetMonthList(accfrom, accto);
accMonthArr = new string[accMonthList.Count];
monthNUM = 0;
foreach (var accMonth in accMonthList)
accMonthArr[monthNUM] = accMonth.MONTHFIELDNAME;
var strSql = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var enumValue in monthlist)
if (iCount > 0)
strSql.AppendLine("union all");
strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then (case F.CURRENCY when 'USD' then (F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT) else 0 end) else 0 end) as ZLUSD ");
strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then (case F.CURRENCY when 'RMB' then (F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT) else 0 end) else 0 end) as ZLRMB ");
strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then cast(round(ISNULL((F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT)*F.EXCHANGERATE,0),2) as numeric(20,2)) end) as ZLTTL ");
/*strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case F.CURRENCY when 'USD' then (F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT) else 0 end) as ZLTTLUSD ");
strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case F.CURRENCY when 'RMB' then (F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT) else 0 end) as ZLTTLRMB ");
strSql.AppendLine(",sum(cast(round(isnull((F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT)*F.EXCHANGERATE,0),2) as numeric(20,2))) as ZLTTLTTL ");*/
strSql.AppendLine(" FROM CH_FEE F ");
strSql.AppendLine("INNER JOIN V_OP_BILL B ON (F.BSNO=B.BSNO) ");
//strSql.AppendLine(" LEFT JOIN info_client C ON (C.SHORTNAME=F.CUSTOMERNAME) ");
if (beginMonthArr.Length > 0)
if (iCount < beginMonthArr.Length)
if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/31 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/30 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/29 23:59:59' ");
if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
if (accMonthArr.Length > 0)
if (iCount < accMonthArr.Length)
if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12")
strSql.AppendLine(" and B.ACCDATE>='" + accMonthArr[iCount] + " 00:00:00' and B.ACCDATE<='" + accMonthArr[iCount] + " 23:59:59'");
else if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12")
strSql.AppendLine(" and B.ACCDATE>='" + accMonthArr[accMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.ACCDATE<='" + accMonthArr[accMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59'");
else if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02")
strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' ");
if (dType == "1")
strSql.AppendLine(" and F.FEETYPE=1 and F.AMOUNT<>F.SETTLEMENT and (F.FEESTATUS=0 or F.FEESTATUS=8 or F.FEESTATUS=9) ");//应收
strSql.AppendLine(" and F.FEETYPE=2 and F.AMOUNT<>F.SETTLEMENT and (F.FEESTATUS=0 or F.FEESTATUS=8 or F.FEESTATUS=9) ");//应付
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))
strSql.AppendLine(" and " + condition);
strSql.AppendLine(" Group by B.SALE,F.CUSTOMERNAME,SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7) ");
List<SaleCustModule> saleCustInquData = SetSaleCustData(strSql);
string jsonStr = "";
foreach (SaleCustModule data in saleCustInquData)
jsonStr += "{";
jsonStr += "\"SALE\":\"" + data.Sale + "\",\"CUSTNAME\":\"" + data.CustName + "\",\"OPDATE\":\"" + data.OPDate + "\",\"ZLRMB\":\"" + data.ZLRmb + "\",\"ZLUSD\":\"" + data.ZLUsd + "\",\"ZLTTL\":\"" + data.ZLTtl + "\"";
jsonStr += "},";
if (jsonStr.Length > 0)
jsonStr = jsonStr.Substring(0, jsonStr.Length - 1);
string result = "[" + jsonStr + "]";
return new ContentResult() { Content = result };
private static List<SaleCustModule> SetSaleCustData(StringBuilder sql)
var bodyList = new List<SaleCustModule>();
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql.ToString()))
while (reader.Read())
SaleCustModule data = new SaleCustModule();
#region Set DB data to Object
data.Sale = Convert.ToString(reader["SALE"]);
data.CustName = Convert.ToString(reader["CUSTNAME"]);
data.OPDate = Convert.ToString(reader["OPDATE"]);
data.ZLUsd = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLUSD"]);
data.ZLRmb = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLRMB"]);
data.ZLTtl = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLTTL"]);
return bodyList;
private static List<MonthDataSet> GetMonthList(string startmonth, string endmonth)
var startdate = startmonth.Split('-');
var enddate = endmonth.Split('-');
int monthstart = Convert.ToInt16(startdate[0]) * 12 + Convert.ToInt16(startdate[1]);
int monthend = Convert.ToInt16(enddate[0]) * 12 + Convert.ToInt16(enddate[1]);
var betweenmonth = monthend - monthstart + 1;
DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(startmonth, "yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
var evList = new List<MonthDataSet>();
var month = "";
for (int i = 0; i < betweenmonth; i++)
var evData = new MonthDataSet();
evData.MONTHNAME = dt.ToString("yyyy年MM月");
evData.MONTHNO = i;
month = dt.Month.ToString();
if (month.Length == 1) month = "0" + month;
evData.MONTHFIELDNAME = dt.Year.ToString() + "/" + month;
dt = dt.AddMonths(1);
return evList;
private static string GetRangDAStr(string tb, string userid, string usercode, string companyid)
string str = "";
var strSql = new StringBuilder();
strSql.AppendLine("SELECT ");
strSql.AppendLine(" from VW_User_Authority ");
strSql.AppendLine(" where [NAME]='modNoTotalMonthRange' and USERID='" + userid + "' and ISDELETE=0");
string visiblerange = "4";
string operaterange = "4";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSql.ToString()))
while (reader.Read())
visiblerange = Convert.ToString(reader["VISIBLERANGE"]);
operaterange = Convert.ToString(reader["OPERATERANGE"]);
if (visiblerange == "4")
str = "1=2";
else if (visiblerange == "3")
str = " (B.OP='" + usercode + "' OR B.SALE='" + usercode + "')";
else if (visiblerange == "2")
if (tb == "index")
var rangeDa = new RangeDA();
var deptname = rangeDa.GetDEPTNAME(userid);
var userstr = new StringBuilder();
userstr.Append(" select SHOWNAME from [user] where GID in (select USERID from user_company where COMPANYID='" + companyid + "') and GID in (select userid from user_baseinfo where DEPTNAME='" + deptname + "')");
Database userdb = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (IDataReader reader = userdb.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, userstr.ToString()))
str = "";
while (reader.Read())
if (str == "")
str = " (B.OP='" + Convert.ToString(reader["SHOWNAME"]) + "' OR B.SALE='" + Convert.ToString(reader["SHOWNAME"]) + "'";
str = str + " or B.OP='" + Convert.ToString(reader["SHOWNAME"]) + "' OR B.SALE='" + Convert.ToString(reader["SHOWNAME"]) + "'";
str = str + ")";
str = " UPPER(B.Corpid)='" + companyid + "'";
else if (visiblerange == "1")
str = " UPPER(B.Corpid)='" + companyid + "'";
return str;