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3 years ago
using System;
using HcUtility.Core;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace DSWeb.Areas.TruckMng.Models.MsWlBs
public class MsWlBsHead : ModelObjectBillHead
#region private Fields
private string _billNo = "*";
private DateTime? _lrDate = null;
private DateTime? _jzDate = null;
private string _userCode = String.Empty;
private string _userName = String.Empty;
private string _orgCode = String.Empty;
private string _orgName = String.Empty;
private string _logisticsNo = String.Empty;
private string _custCode = String.Empty;
private string _custName = String.Empty;
private string _custName_Ref = String.Empty;
private string _custDate = String.Empty;
private string _voyVeg = String.Empty;
private string _voyVeg_Ref = String.Empty;
private string _etDate = String.Empty;
private string _endPortDate = String.Empty;
private string _mblNo = String.Empty;
private string _salesCode = String.Empty;
private string _salesCode_Ref = String.Empty;
private string _salesName = String.Empty;
private string _dispatchCode = String.Empty;
private string _dispatchCode_Ref = String.Empty;
private string _dispatchName = String.Empty;
private string _sendYardCode = String.Empty;
private string _sendYardCode_Ref = String.Empty;
private string _sendYardName = String.Empty;
private string _rtnYardCode = String.Empty;
private string _rtnYard = String.Empty;
private string _dstArea = String.Empty;
private string _detiNation = String.Empty;
private string _detiLinkTel = String.Empty;
private string _detiLinkMan = String.Empty;
private string _remark = String.Empty;
private string _bsType ="0";
private string _bsType_Ref = String.Empty;
private string _billStatus = "0";
private string _billStatus_Ref = "0";
private string _feeStatus = "0";
private string _feeStatus_Ref = "0";
private string _gId = String.Empty;
private decimal _timeMark = 0;
private string _BsStatus = "0";
private string _BsStatus_Ref = "0";
private string _ywType = "0112";
private string _custLikeManCode = string.Empty;
private string _feeOpStatus = "0";
private string _feeOpStatus_Ref = "未提交";
private string _voyVegSe = string.Empty;
private string _goodsName = string.Empty;
private string _pcType = string.Empty;
private decimal _pkgs = 0;
private decimal _kgs = 0;
private decimal _cbm = 0;
private decimal _PCpkgs = 0;
private decimal _PCkgs = 0;
private decimal _PCcbm = 0;
private decimal _Npkgs = 0;
private decimal _Nkgs = 0;
private decimal _Ncbm = 0;
private string _kindpkgs = string.Empty;
private string _LoadPlace = string.Empty;
private string _FactoryAddr = string.Empty;
private string _TRANSSTATUS = "新建";
private string _ORDERNO = "";
private string _CONTRACTNO = "";
private string _TEMPLATENAME = "";
private string _ISFEE = "0";
private string _PORTLOAD = "";
public string CustLikeManCode
get { return _custLikeManCode; }
set { _custLikeManCode = value; }
private string _custLikeManName = string.Empty;
public string CustLikeManName
get { return _custLikeManName; }
set { _custLikeManName = value; }
private string _custTel = string.Empty;
public string CustTel
get { return _custTel; }
set { _custTel = value; }
private string _neadLoadDate = string.Empty;
public string NeadLoadDate
get { return _neadLoadDate; }
set { _neadLoadDate = value; }
private string _needArriveDate = string.Empty;
public string NeedArriveDate
get { return _needArriveDate; }
set { _needArriveDate = value; }
private string _billRises1 = string.Empty;
public string PcType
get { return _pcType; }
set { _pcType = value; }
private string _TruckNo = string.Empty;
public string TruckNo
get { return _TruckNo; }
set { _TruckNo = value; }
private string _ctninfo = string.Empty;
public string CtnInfo
get { return _ctninfo; }
set { _ctninfo = value; }
private string _ContainerType = string.Empty;
public string ContainerType
get { return _ContainerType; }
set { _ContainerType = value; }
private string _ContainerQty ="0";
public string ContainerQty
get { return _ContainerQty; }
set { _ContainerQty = value; }
#region Public Properties
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.All, IsPrimary = true)]
public string BillNo
get { return _billNo; }
set { _billNo = value; }
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public DateTime? LrDate
get { return _lrDate; }
set { _lrDate = value; }
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public DateTime? JzDate
get { return _jzDate; }
set { _jzDate = value; }
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public string UserCode
get { return _userCode; }
set { _userCode = value; }
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public string UserName
get { return _userName; }
set { _userName = value; }
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public string OrgCode
get { return _orgCode; }
set { _orgCode = value; }
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public string OrgName
get { return _orgName; }
set { _orgName = value; }
public string LogisticsNo
get { return _logisticsNo; }
set { _logisticsNo = value; }
public string CustCode
get { return _custCode; }
set { _custCode = value; }
public string CustName
get { return _custName; }
set { _custName = value; }
public string CustName_Ref
get { return _custName_Ref; }
set { _custName_Ref = value; }
public string CustDate
get { return _custDate; }
set { _custDate = value; }
public string VoyVeg
get { return _voyVeg; }
set { _voyVeg = value; }
public string VoyVeg_Ref
get { return _voyVeg_Ref; }
set { _voyVeg_Ref = value; }
public string EtDate
get { return _etDate; }
set { _etDate = value; }
public string EndPortDate
get { return _endPortDate; }
set { _endPortDate = value; }
public string MblNo
get { return _mblNo; }
set { _mblNo = value; }
public string SalesCode
get { return _salesCode; }
set { _salesCode = value; }
public string SalesCode_Ref
get { return _salesCode_Ref; }
set { _salesCode_Ref = value; }
public string SalesName
get { return _salesName; }
set { _salesName = value; }
//[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public string DispatchCode
get { return _dispatchCode; }
set { _dispatchCode = value; }
public string DispatchCode_Ref
get { return _dispatchCode_Ref; }
set { _dispatchCode_Ref = value; }
//[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public string DispatchName
get { return _dispatchName; }
set { _dispatchName = value; }
public string LoadPlace
get { return _LoadPlace; }
set { _LoadPlace = value; }
public string FactoryAddr
get { return _FactoryAddr; }
set { _FactoryAddr = value; }
public string SendYardCode
get { return _sendYardCode; }
set { _sendYardCode = value; }
public string SendYardCode_Ref
get { return _sendYardCode_Ref; }
set { _sendYardCode_Ref = value; }
public string SendYardName
get { return _sendYardName; }
set { _sendYardName = value; }
public string RtnYardCode
get { return _rtnYardCode; }
set { _rtnYardCode = value; }
public string RtnYard
get { return _rtnYard; }
set { _rtnYard = value; }
public string DstArea
get { return _dstArea; }
set { _dstArea = value; }
public string DetiNation
get { return _detiNation; }
set { _detiNation = value; }
public string DetiLinkTel
get { return _detiLinkTel; }
set { _detiLinkTel = value; }
public string DetiLinkMan
get { return _detiLinkMan; }
set { _detiLinkMan = value; }
public string Remark
get { return _remark; }
set { _remark = value; }
public string BsType
get { return _bsType; }
set { _bsType = value; }
public string BsType_Ref
get { return _bsType_Ref; }
set { _bsType_Ref = value; }
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public string BillStatus
get { return _billStatus; }
set { _billStatus = value; }
public string BillStatus_Ref
get { return _billStatus_Ref; }
set { _billStatus_Ref = value; }
public string BsStatus
get { return _BsStatus; }
set { _BsStatus = value; }
public string BsStatus_Ref
get { return _BsStatus_Ref; }
set { _BsStatus_Ref = value; }
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public string FeeStatus
get { return _feeStatus; }
set { _feeStatus = value; }
public string FeeStatus_Ref
get { return _feeStatus_Ref; }
set { _feeStatus_Ref = value; }
public string GId
get { return _gId; }
set { _gId = value; }
public decimal TimeMark
get { return _timeMark; }
set { _timeMark = value; }
public string BillRises1
return this._billRises1;
this._billRises1 = value;
public string YwType
return this._ywType;
this._ywType = value;
public string FeeOpStatus
get { return _feeOpStatus; }
set { _feeOpStatus = value; }
public string FeeOpStatus_Ref
get { return _feeOpStatus_Ref; }
set { _feeOpStatus_Ref = value; }
public string VoyVegSe
get { return _voyVegSe; }
set { _voyVegSe = value; }
public string GoodsName
get { return _goodsName; }
set { _goodsName = value; }
public decimal PKGS
get { return _pkgs; }
set { _pkgs = value; }
public decimal KGS
get { return _kgs; }
set { _kgs = value; }
public decimal CBM
get { return _cbm; }
set { _cbm = value; }
public string KINDPKGS
get { return _kindpkgs; }
set { _kindpkgs = value; }
public decimal PCPKGS
get { return _PCpkgs; }
set { _PCpkgs = value; }
public decimal PCKGS
get { return _PCkgs; }
set { _PCkgs = value; }
public decimal PCCBM
get { return _PCcbm; }
set { _PCcbm = value; }
public decimal NPKGS
get { return _Npkgs; }
set { _Npkgs = value; }
public decimal NKGS
get { return _Nkgs; }
set { _Nkgs = value; }
public decimal NCBM
get { return _Ncbm; }
set { _Ncbm = value; }
public string TRANSSTATUS
get { return _TRANSSTATUS; }
set { _TRANSSTATUS = value; }
public string ORDERNO
get { return _ORDERNO; }
set { _ORDERNO = value; }
public string CONTRACTNO
get { return _CONTRACTNO; }
set { _CONTRACTNO = value; }
public string TEMPLATENAME
get { return _TEMPLATENAME; }
set { _TEMPLATENAME = value; }
public string ISFEE
get { return _ISFEE; }
set { _ISFEE = value; }
public string PORTLOAD
get { return _PORTLOAD; }
set { _PORTLOAD = value; }
public MsWlBsHead()
TableName = "tMsWlBsHead";
GId = "TMSBS" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").ToUpper();
override public string GetBillNoFieldName()
return "GId";
#region 参照部分