Ext . namespace ( 'Shipping' ) ;
Shipping . MsOpAiriEdit = function ( config ) {
Ext . applyIf ( this , config ) ;
this . initUIComponents ( ) ;
window . Shipping . MsOpAiriEdit . superclass . constructor . call ( this ) ;
} ;
Ext . extend ( Shipping . MsOpAiriEdit , Ext . Panel , {
ParentWin : null ,
OpStatus : 'add' ,
StoreList : null ,
editRecord : null ,
Editdata : null ,
MainEditRecord : null ,
stroplb : '空运进口' ,
isfen : false ,
initUIComponents : function ( ) {
this . serialNo = 0 ;
//this.bodyDel = [];
this . itemindex = 1 ;
this . initloaddata = 0 ;
this . accdatesameetd = 0 ;
this . MsPeriod = null ;
this . copyfee = false ;
//#region 信息加载
this . storeDefValue = Ext . create ( 'Ext.data.Store' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.OpDefValue' ,
remoteSort : true ,
proxy : {
type : 'ajax' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsCodeOpDef/GetDataList' ,
reader : {
id : 'GID' ,
root : 'data' ,
totalProperty : 'totalCount'
} ) ;
this . storeMustBe = Ext . create ( 'Ext.data.Store' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.OpDefValue' ,
remoteSort : true ,
proxy : {
type : 'ajax' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsCodeOpMustField/GetDataList' ,
reader : {
id : 'GID' ,
root : 'data' ,
totalProperty : 'totalCount'
} ) ;
this . storecodeservice = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'MsCodeOpService' ,
proxy : { url : '/MvcShipping/MsCodeOpService/GetDataList' }
} ) ;
this . StoreOpRange = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'MsOP' ,
proxy : { url : '/MvcShipping/MsBaseInfo/GetOpRang' }
} ) ;
this . StoreOpRange . load ( { params : { optype : "modOpAiriList" } } ) ;
this . storeOpCode = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.UserRefModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetUserLinkRefList' }
} ) ;
this . storeOpCode2 = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.UserRefModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetUserLinkRefListRm' }
} ) ;
this . storeOpCode3 = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.UserRefModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetUserLinkRefListRm' }
} ) ;
this . storeOpCode4 = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.UserRefModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetUserLinkRefListRm' }
} ) ;
this . storeOpCode5 = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.UserRefModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetUserLinkRefListRm' }
} ) ;
this . storeOpCode . on ( 'beforeload' , function ( store ) {
var sql = " u.GID IN (SELECT USERID FROM user_userattribute WHERE ATTRIBUTEID='D4BF2204-F0AC-4F12-B02C-6520D57BF806' and VALUE='true' ) " ;
Ext . apply ( store . proxy . extraParams , { condition : sql } ) ;
} , this ) ;
this . comboxCUSTSERVICE = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '客服' ,
store : this . storeOpCode ,
forceSelection : true ,
name : 'CUSTSERVICE' ,
valueField : 'UserName' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName' ,
value : SHOWNAME
} ) ;
this . comboxSALE = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '揽货人' ,
store : this . storeOpCode2 ,
forceSelection : true ,
queryMode : 'remote' ,
minChars : 0 ,
queryParam : 'CODENAME' ,
name : 'SALE' ,
valueField : 'UserName' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
'select' : function ( combo , records , eOpts ) {
if ( records . length > 0 ) {
if ( this . SALEORDERDEPTBYOP == 0 )
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'SALEDEPT' ) . setValue ( records [ 0 ] . data . DEPTNAME ) ;
} ) ;
//操 作
this . comboxOP = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '操 作' ,
store : this . storeOpCode3 ,
//forceSelection: true,
queryMode : 'remote' ,
minChars : 0 ,
queryParam : 'CODENAME' ,
name : 'OP' ,
valueField : 'UserName' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
'select' : function ( combo , records , eOpts ) {
if ( records . length > 0 ) {
if ( this . SALEORDERDEPTBYOP == 1 )
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'SALEDEPT' ) . setValue ( records [ 0 ] . data . DEPTNAME ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'SALECORPID' ) . setValue ( records [ 0 ] . data . CORPID ) ;
} ) ;
this . comboxDOC = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '单 证' ,
store : this . storeOpCode4 ,
//forceSelection: true,
queryMode : 'remote' ,
minChars : 0 ,
queryParam : 'CODENAME' ,
name : 'DOC' ,
valueField : 'UserName' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName'
} ) ;
this . comboxFRCUSTSERVICE = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '海外客服' , //'客服',
store : this . storeOpCode5 ,
forceSelection : true ,
queryMode : 'remote' ,
minChars : 0 ,
queryParam : 'CODENAME' ,
valueField : 'UserName' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName'
} ) ;
this . storeCustCode = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.CustomRefModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetCustomRefListController' }
} ) ;
this . comboxCustCode = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '委托单位' ,
store : this . storeCustCode ,
forceSelection : true ,
queryMode : 'remote' ,
minChars : 0 ,
queryParam : 'CODENAME' ,
valueField : 'CustName' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName' ,
allowBlank : false ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
'select' : function ( combo , records , eOpts ) {
if ( records . length > 0 ) {
var data = combo . value ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'SALE' ) . setValue ( records [ 0 ] . data . SALE ) ;
var s = " ISOPERATOR=1 and LINKID in (select gid from [info_client] where SHORTNAME='" + combo . value + "')" ;
this . storeInfoClientContact . load ( { params : { condition : s } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( this . storeInfoClientContact . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var member = this . storeInfoClientContact . getAt ( 0 ) ;
this . comboxInfoClientContact . setValue ( member . data . SHOWNAME ) ;
// this.formHead.getForm().findField('OPERATOREMAIL').setValue(member.data.EMAIL);
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'OPERATORTEL' ) . setValue ( member . data . TEL ) ;
// this.formHead.getForm().findField('OPERATORFAX').setValue(member.data.FAX);
} else {
this . comboxInfoClientContact . setValue ( '' ) ;
// this.formHead.getForm().findField('OPERATOREMAIL').setValue('');
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'OPERATORTEL' ) . setValue ( '' ) ;
// this.formHead.getForm().findField('OPERATORFAX').setValue('');
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
var sF = " ISFINANCIALSTAFF=1 and LINKID in (select gid from [info_client] where SHORTNAME='" + combo . value + "')" ;
this . storeInfoClientContactFF . load ( { params : { condition : sF } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( this . storeInfoClientContactFF . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var member = this . storeInfoClientContactFF . getAt ( 0 ) ;
this . comboxClientFCContact . setValue ( member . data . SHOWNAME ) ;
// this.formHead.getForm().findField('FINANCIALSTAFFEMAIL').setValue(member.data.EMAIL);
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'FINANCIALSTAFFTEL' ) . setValue ( member . data . TEL ) ;
// this.formHead.getForm().findField('FINANCIALSTAFFFAX').setValue(member.data.FAX);
} else {
this . comboxClientFCContact . setValue ( '' ) ;
// this.formHead.getForm().findField('FINANCIALSTAFFEMAIL').setValue('');
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'FINANCIALSTAFFTEL' ) . setValue ( '' ) ;
// this.formHead.getForm().findField('FINANCIALSTAFFFAX').setValue('');
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
this . storeShipper . load ( { params : { condition : "shippertype=2 AND (ISPUBLIC=1 OR CODENAME IN (SELECT CODENAME FROM info_client WHERE SHORTNAME='" + combo . value + "') )" } } ) ;
this . storeConsignee . load ( { params : { condition : "shippertype=1 AND (ISPUBLIC=1 OR CODENAME IN (SELECT CODENAME FROM info_client WHERE SHORTNAME='" + combo . value + "') )" } } ) ;
this . storenotifyparty . load ( { params : { condition : "shippertype=3 AND (ISPUBLIC=1 OR CODENAME IN (SELECT CODENAME FROM info_client WHERE SHORTNAME='" + combo . value + "') )" } } ) ;
this . storeagent . load ( { params : { condition : "shippertype=4 AND (ISPUBLIC=1 OR CODENAME IN (SELECT CODENAME FROM info_client WHERE SHORTNAME='" + combo . value + "') )" } } ) ;
if ( records [ 0 ] . data . BSSOURCE != '' ) {
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BSSOURCE' ) . setValue ( records [ 0 ] . data . BSSOURCE ) ;
var recs = DsStoreQueryBy ( this . storeSource , 'SourceName' , records [ 0 ] . data . BSSOURCE ) ;
if ( recs . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var data = recs . getAt ( 0 ) . data ;
var s = "SOURCEID='" + data . SourceID + "'" ;
this . storeSourceDetail . load ( { params : { condition : s } } ) ;
} else {
var BSSOURCEDETAIL = this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BSSOURCEDETAIL' ) ;
BSSOURCEDETAIL . setValue ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
this . storeInfoClientContact = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.InfoClientContactModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetInfoClientContactList' }
} ) ;
this . storeInfoClientContactFF = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.InfoClientContactModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetInfoClientContactList' }
} ) ;
this . comboxInfoClientContact = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '客户操作' ,
store : this . storeInfoClientContact ,
valueField : 'SHOWNAME' ,
displayField : 'SHOWNAME' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
'select' : function ( combo , records , eOpts ) {
if ( records . length > 0 ) {
var Cargoinforecords = DsStoreQueryBy ( this . storeInfoClientContact , 'GID' , records [ 0 ] . data . GID ) ;
if ( Cargoinforecords . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var Cargoinfodata = Cargoinforecords . getAt ( 0 ) . data ;
// this.formHead.getForm().findField('OPERATOREMAIL').setValue(Cargoinfodata.EMAIL);
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'OPERATORTEL' ) . setValue ( Cargoinfodata . TEL ) ;
// this.formHead.getForm().findField('OPERATORFAX').setValue(Cargoinfodata.FAX);
} else {
// this.formHead.getForm().findField('OPERATOREMAIL').setValue('');
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'OPERATORTEL' ) . setValue ( '' ) ;
// this.formHead.getForm().findField('OPERATORFAX').setValue('');
} ) ;
this . comboxClientFCContact = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '客户财务' ,
store : this . storeInfoClientContactFF ,
valueField : 'SHOWNAME' ,
displayField : 'SHOWNAME' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
'select' : function ( combo , records , eOpts ) {
if ( records . length > 0 ) {
var Cargoinforecords = DsStoreQueryBy ( this . storeInfoClientContactFF , 'GID' , records [ 0 ] . data . GID ) ;
if ( Cargoinforecords . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var Cargoinfodata = Cargoinforecords . getAt ( 0 ) . data ;
// this.formHead.getForm().findField('FINANCIALSTAFFEMAIL').setValue(Cargoinfodata.EMAIL);
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'FINANCIALSTAFFTEL' ) . setValue ( Cargoinfodata . TEL ) ;
// this.formHead.getForm().findField('FINANCIALSTAFFFAX').setValue(Cargoinfodata.FAX);
} else {
// this.formHead.getForm().findField('FINANCIALSTAFFEMAIL').setValue('');
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'FINANCIALSTAFFTEL' ) . setValue ( '' ) ;
// this.formHead.getForm().findField('FINANCIALSTAFFFAX').setValue('');
} ) ;
this . storeAIRLINES = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.CustomRefModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetCustomRefList' }
} ) ;
this . comboxAIRLINES = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '航空公司' ,
store : this . storeAIRLINES ,
forceSelection : true ,
name : 'AIRLINES' ,
valueField : 'CustName' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName'
} ) ;
this . storeFORWARDER = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.CustomRefModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetCustomRefList' }
} ) ;
this . comboxFORWARDER = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '卸货代理' ,
store : this . storeFORWARDER ,
forceSelection : true ,
name : 'FORWARDER' ,
valueField : 'CustName' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName'
} ) ;
this . storeTRUCKER = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.CustomRefModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetCustomRefList' }
} ) ;
this . comboxTRUCKER = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '车队' ,
store : this . storeTRUCKER ,
forceSelection : true ,
name : 'TRUCKER' ,
valueField : 'CustName' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName'
} ) ;
this . storeCUSTOMSER = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.CustomRefModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetCustomRefList' }
} ) ;
this . comboxCUSTOMSER = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '报关行' ,
store : this . storeCUSTOMSER ,
forceSelection : true ,
name : 'CUSTOMSER' ,
valueField : 'CustName' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName'
} ) ;
this . storeLANE = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.Lane' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetCodeLaneList' }
} ) ;
this . storeLANE . load ( ) ;
this . comboxLANE = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '航线' , //'航线',
store : this . storeLANE ,
name : 'LANE' ,
valueField : 'LANE' ,
displayField : 'LANE'
} ) ;
this . StoreBLTYPE = Ext . create ( 'Ext.data.Store' , {
fields : [ 'BLTYPE' ]
} ) ;
this . StoreBLTYPE . add ( { "BLTYPE" : "空运单票" } ) ;
this . StoreBLTYPE . add ( { "BLTYPE" : "空运主票" } ) ;
this . StoreBLTYPE . add ( { "BLTYPE" : "空运分票" } ) ;
this . comboxBLTYPE = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '装运方式' ,
store : this . StoreBLTYPE ,
forceSelection : true ,
name : 'BLTYPE' ,
valueField : 'BLTYPE' ,
displayField : 'BLTYPE' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
'select' : function ( combo , records , eOpts ) {
if ( records . length > 0 ) {
if ( combo . value == "空运主票" ) {
} ) ;
this . storeCodeGoodsList = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.CodeGoodsModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetCodeGoodsList' }
} ) ;
this . storeCodeGoodsList . load ( ) ;
this . comboxGOODSNAME = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
store : this . storeCodeGoodsList ,
fieldLabel : '品名' , // forceSelection: true,
name : 'GOODSNAME' ,
valueField : 'GOODNAME' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName'
} ) ;
this . storeSource = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.SourceModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetSource' }
} ) ;
this . storeSource . load ( ) ;
this . storeSourceDetail = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.SourceDetailModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetSourceDetail2' }
} ) ;
this . comboxBSSOURCE = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '业务来源' ,
store : this . storeSource ,
// forceSelection: true,
name : 'BSSOURCE' ,
valueField : 'SourceName' ,
displayField : 'SourceName' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
'select' : function ( combo , records , eOpts ) {
if ( records . length > 0 ) {
var recs = DsStoreQueryBy ( this . storeSource , 'SourceID' , records [ 0 ] . data . SourceID ) ;
if ( recs . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var data = recs . getAt ( 0 ) . data ;
var s = "SOURCEID='" + data . SourceID + "'" ;
this . storeSourceDetail . load ( { params : { condition : s } } ) ;
} else {
var BSSOURCEDETAIL = this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BSSOURCEDETAIL' ) ;
BSSOURCEDETAIL . setValue ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
this . storeSourceDetail . load ( ) ;
this . comboxBSSOURCEDETAIL = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '贸易条款' ,
store : this . storeSourceDetail ,
// forceSelection: true,
valueField : 'SourceDetail' ,
displayField : 'SourceDetail'
} ) ;
this . storeDept = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.DeptModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetDeptList' }
} ) ;
this . storeDept . load ( ) ;
this . comboxDept = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '所属部门' ,
store : this . storeDept ,
forceSelection : true ,
labelWidth : 60 ,
flex : 0.5 ,
name : 'SALEDEPT' ,
valueField : 'DeptName' ,
displayField : 'DeptName'
//,hidden: true
} ) ;
this . storeCodePackage = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.CodePackageModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetCodePackageList' }
} ) ;
this . storeCodePackage . load ( ) ;
this . comboxKINDPKGS = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '包 装' ,
labelWidth : 35 ,
store : this . storeCodePackage ,
padding : '0 0 0 10' ,
// forceSelection: true,
name : 'KINDPKGS' ,
valueField : 'PKGS' ,
displayField : 'PKGS'
} ) ;
this . storeShipper = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'OpSeaeShipper' ,
proxy : { url : '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeae/GetShipperList' }
} ) ;
// this.storeShipper.load({ params: { condition: "ISCONTROLLER='1'"} });
this . comboxShipper = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : 'Shipper (发货人)' ,
store : this . storeShipper ,
// forceSelection: true,
labelWidth : 150 ,
labelAlign : 'left' ,
name : 'SHIPPERID' ,
valueField : 'SHORTNAME' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
'select' : function ( combo , records , eOpts ) {
if ( records . length > 0 ) {
var selectrecords = DsStoreQueryBy ( this . storeShipper , 'SHORTNAME' , combo . value ) ;
if ( selectrecords . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var selectdata = selectrecords . getAt ( 0 ) . data ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'SHIPPER' ) . setValue ( selectdata . SHIPPERDETAIL ) ;
} else {
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'SHIPPER' ) . setValue ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
this . storeConsignee = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'OpSeaeShipper' ,
proxy : { url : '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeae/GetShipperList' }
} ) ;
// this.storeShipper.load({ params: { condition: "ISCONTROLLER='1'"} });
this . comboxConsignee = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : 'Consignee (收货人)' ,
labelWidth : 150 ,
labelAlign : 'left' ,
store : this . storeConsignee ,
// forceSelection: true,
name : 'CONSIGNEEID' ,
valueField : 'SHORTNAME' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
'select' : function ( combo , records , eOpts ) {
if ( records . length > 0 ) {
var selectrecords = DsStoreQueryBy ( this . storeConsignee , 'SHORTNAME' , combo . value ) ;
if ( selectrecords . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var selectdata = selectrecords . getAt ( 0 ) . data ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CONSIGNEE' ) . setValue ( selectdata . SHIPPERDETAIL ) ;
} else {
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CONSIGNEE' ) . setValue ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
this . storenotifyparty = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'OpSeaeShipper' ,
proxy : { url : '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeae/GetShipperList' }
} ) ;
// this.storeShipper.load({ params: { condition: "ISCONTROLLER='1'"} });
this . comboxNotifyParty = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : 'Notify Party (通知人)' ,
store : this . storenotifyparty ,
labelWidth : 150 ,
labelAlign : 'left' ,
// forceSelection: true,
valueField : 'SHORTNAME' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
'select' : function ( combo , records , eOpts ) {
if ( records . length > 0 ) {
var selectrecords = DsStoreQueryBy ( this . storenotifyparty , 'SHORTNAME' , combo . value ) ;
if ( selectrecords . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var selectdata = selectrecords . getAt ( 0 ) . data ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'NOTIFYPARTY' ) . setValue ( selectdata . SHIPPERDETAIL ) ;
} else {
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'NOTIFYPARTY' ) . setValue ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
this . storeagent = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'OpSeaeShipper' ,
proxy : { url : '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeae/GetShipperList' }
} ) ;
// this.storeShipper.load({ params: { condition: "ISCONTROLLER='1'"} });
this . comboxAgent = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '代 理' ,
store : this . storeagent ,
labelWidth : 150 ,
labelAlign : 'left' , // forceSelection: true,
name : 'AGENTID' ,
valueField : 'SHORTNAME' ,
displayField : 'CodeAndName' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
'select' : function ( combo , records , eOpts ) {
if ( records . length > 0 ) {
var selectrecords = DsStoreQueryBy ( this . storeagent , 'SHORTNAME' , combo . value ) ;
if ( selectrecords . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var selectdata = selectrecords . getAt ( 0 ) . data ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'AGENT' ) . setValue ( selectdata . SHIPPERDETAIL ) ;
} else {
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'AGENT' ) . setValue ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
//this.StoreStlName = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
// fields: ['STLNAME']
//this.StoreStlName.add({ "STLNAME": "票结" });
//this.StoreStlName.add({ "STLNAME": "半月结" });
//this.StoreStlName.add({ "STLNAME": "月结" });
//this.StoreStlName.add({ "STLNAME": "周结" });
//this.comboxStlName = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox', {
// store: this.StoreStlName,
// fieldLabel: '结算方式',
// forceSelection: true,
// flex: 0.5,
// name: 'STLNAME',
// valueField: 'STLNAME',
// displayField: 'STLNAME'
this . storeCrmKeyCodeCode = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.CrmKeyCodeModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetCrmKeyCodeList' }
} ) ;
this . storeCrmKeyCodeCode . load ( { params : { condition : " and KEYTYPE='贸易方式'" } } ) ;
this . comboxTRADETYPE = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '贸易方式' ,
store : this . storeCrmKeyCodeCode ,
forceSelection : true ,
id : 'TRADETYPE' ,
name : 'TRADETYPE' ,
valueField : 'KEYVALUE' ,
displayField : 'KEYVALUE'
} ) ;
this . storeISSUETYPE = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'CODE_BLTYPE' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetCodeBLTYPEList' }
} ) ;
this . storeISSUETYPE . load ( { params : { condition : "" } } ) ;
this . comboxISSUETYPE = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '签单方式' , //'签单方式',
store : this . storeISSUETYPE ,
flex : 0.5 ,
forceSelection : true ,
name : 'ISSUETYPE' ,
valueField : 'BLTYPE' ,
displayField : 'BLTYPE'
} ) ;
this . storeSaleCompany = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'MsCompanysEntity' ,
proxy : { url : '/MvcShipping/MsCompanys/GetNoPicDataList' }
} ) ;
this . storeSaleCompany . load ( { params : { condition : "" } } ) ;
this . comboxSaleCompany = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '所属分部' , //'委托分公司',
store : this . storeSaleCompany ,
forceSelection : true ,
name : 'SALECORPID' ,
valueField : 'GID' ,
displayField : 'NAME'
} ) ;
this . storeCodeCurrency = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.CodeCurrencyModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetCodeCurrencyList' }
} ) ;
this . storeCodeCurrency . load ( ) ;
this . comboxCodeCurrency = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '币别' , //'币别',
store : this . storeCodeCurrency ,
forceSelection : true ,
flex : 0.4 ,
labelWidth : 40 ,
id : 'CURRENCY' ,
name : 'CURRENCY' ,
valueField : 'CODENAME' ,
displayField : 'CODENAME'
} ) ;
this . storeISBONDED = Ext . create ( 'Ext.data.Store' , {
fields : [ 'FType' , 'NAME' ]
} ) ;
this . storeISBONDED . add ( { "FType" : '1' , "NAME" : "是" } ) ;
this . storeISBONDED . add ( { "FType" : '0' , "NAME" : "否" } ) ;
this . comboxISBONDED = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
store : this . storeISBONDED ,
fieldLabel : '是否保税业务' ,
labelWidth : 90 ,
valueField : 'FType' ,
displayField : 'NAME' ,
forceSelection : true ,
name : 'ISBONDED'
} ) ;
//#region 编辑formHead 基本信息
this . formHead = Ext . widget ( 'form' , {
region : 'north' ,
frame : true ,
bodyPadding : 5 ,
collapsed : false ,
collapsible : true ,
trackResetOnLoad : true ,
fieldDefaults : {
margins : '2 2 2 2' ,
labelAlign : 'right' ,
flex : 1 ,
labelWidth : 70 ,
msgTarget : 'qtip'
} ,
items : [ {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ {
fieldLabel : '业务编号' ,
name : 'BSNO' , hidden : true
} , {
fieldLabel : 'INPUTBY' ,
name : 'INPUTBY' , hidden : true
} , {
fieldLabel : 'MASTERNO' ,
name : 'MASTERNO' , hidden : true
} , {
fieldLabel : '业务锁定' ,
disabled : true ,
readOnly : true ,
} , {
fieldLabel : '费用锁定' ,
readOnly : true ,
disabled : true ,
} , {
fieldLabel : '会计期间' ,
xtype : 'monthfield' ,
name : 'ACCDATE'
} , this . comboxBLTYPE , this . comboxISSUETYPE , this . comboxDept ]
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ this . comboxCustCode , this . comboxBSSOURCE , this . comboxBSSOURCEDETAIL , {
fieldLabel : '结算方式' ,
flex : 0.5 ,
readOnly : true ,
name : 'STLNAME'
} , {
fieldLabel : '结算日期' ,
// format: 'Y-m-d',
flex : 0.5 ,
labelWidth : 55 ,
// xtype: 'datefield',
name : 'STLDATE'
} , this . comboxSaleCompany ]
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ this . comboxOP , this . comboxSALE , this . comboxDOC , this . comboxCUSTSERVICE , this . comboxFRCUSTSERVICE ]
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
flex : 1 ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ {
fieldLabel : '委托编号' , //'委托编号',
allowBlank : true ,
name : 'CUSTNO'
} , {
xtype : 'button' ,
id : 'btnCUSTNO' ,
iconCls : "btncancel" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . ClearCustNo ( ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ]
} , {
fieldLabel : '订舱编号' ,
name : 'ORDERNO'
} , {
fieldLabel : '主单号' ,
name : 'MBLNO' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
blur : function ( field , The , eOpts ) {
_this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'MBLNO' )
. setValue ( field . value . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
} , {
fieldLabel : '分单号' ,
name : 'HBLNO' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
blur : function ( field , The , eOpts ) {
_this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'HBLNO' )
. setValue ( field . value . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
} , {
fieldLabel : '合约号' ,
} ]
} , this . myCheckboxService , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ this . comboxInfoClientContact , {
fieldLabel : 'TEL' ,
} , this . comboxClientFCContact , {
fieldLabel : 'TEL' ,
} , this . comboxLANE ]
] //end items(fieldset 1)
} ) ; //end this.formEdit
//#region 数据集
this . storeCodeDisport = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'MsCodeAirPort' ,
proxy : { url : '/MvcShipping/MsCodeAirPort/GetDataList' }
} ) ;
// this.storeCodeDisport.load();
this . storeCodeDisport2 = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'MsCodeAirPort' ,
proxy : { url : '/MvcShipping/MsCodeAirPort/GetDataList' }
} ) ;
this . comboxPORTLOADID = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '起运港' ,
store : this . storeCodeDisport ,
name : 'PORTLOADID' ,
valueField : 'PORTID' ,
displayField : 'CODEANDNAME' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
'select' : function ( combo , records , eOpts ) {
if ( records . length > 0 ) {
var selectrecords = DsStoreQueryBy ( this . storeCodeDisport , 'PORTID' , combo . value ) ;
if ( selectrecords . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var selectdata = selectrecords . getAt ( 0 ) . data ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'PORTLOAD' ) . setValue ( selectdata . PORTENAME ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'LANE' ) . setValue ( selectdata . LANE ) ;
} else {
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'PORTLOAD' ) . setValue ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
this . comboxPORTDISCHARGEID = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '目的港' ,
store : this . storeCodeDisport2 ,
valueField : 'PORTID' ,
displayField : 'CODEANDNAME' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
'select' : function ( combo , records , eOpts ) {
if ( records . length > 0 ) {
var selectrecords = DsStoreQueryBy ( this . storeCodeDisport , 'PORTID' , combo . value ) ;
if ( selectrecords . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var selectdata = selectrecords . getAt ( 0 ) . data ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'PORTDISCHARGE' ) . setValue ( selectdata . PORTENAME ) ;
} else {
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'PORTDISCHARGE' ) . setValue ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
this . storeFrt = Ext . create ( 'Ext.data.Store' , {
fields : [ 'FRT' ]
} ) ;
this . storeFrt . add ( { "FRT" : "PP" } ) ;
this . storeFrt . add ( { "FRT" : "CC" } ) ;
this . comboxBLFRT = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '运费' ,
store : this . storeFrt ,
forceSelection : true ,
name : 'BLFRT' ,
valueField : 'FRT' ,
displayField : 'FRT'
} ) ;
this . comboxOTBLFRT = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '杂费' ,
store : this . storeFrt ,
forceSelection : true ,
name : 'OTFRT' ,
valueField : 'FRT' ,
displayField : 'FRT'
} ) ;
me = this ;
//#region 编辑formEdit 基本信息
this . panelAIRLINES = new Ext . Panel ( {
layout : 'anchor' ,
bodyPadding : 5 ,
frame : true ,
fieldDefaults : {
margins : '2 2 2 2' ,
labelAlign : 'right' ,
flex : 1 ,
labelWidth : 70 ,
msgTarget : 'qtip'
} ,
items : [ {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'anchor' ,
flex : 3 ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
flex : 1 ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ {
fieldLabel : '航班' ,
flex : 1 ,
name : 'VESSEL' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
blur : function ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts ) {
if ( newValue != oldValue ) {
_this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'VESSEL' ) . setValue ( newValue . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
} , this . comboxAIRLINES , this . comboxFORWARDER ]
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
flex : 1 ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ this . comboxPORTDISCHARGEID , {
} , {
fieldLabel : '进口日期' ,
format : 'Y-m-d' ,
flex : 1 ,
xtype : 'datefield' ,
name : 'ETA'
} ]
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
flex : 1 ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ this . comboxPORTLOADID , {
name : 'PORTLOAD'
} , {
fieldLabel : '离港日期' ,
format : 'Y-m-d' ,
flex : 1 ,
xtype : 'datefield' ,
name : 'ETD'
} ]
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
flex : 1 ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ {
fieldLabel : '换单日期' ,
format : 'Y-m-d' ,
xtype : 'datefield' ,
} , this . comboxCUSTOMSER , this . comboxTRUCKER ]
} ]
} ]
} ) ;
this . storeTRADETERM = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefEnumStore' , { } ) ;
this . storeTRADETERM . load ( { params : { enumTypeId : 97023 } } ) ;
this . comboxTRADETERM = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefEnumCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '贸易条款' ,
store : this . storeTRADETERM ,
forceSelection : true ,
name : 'SERVICE'
} ) ;
// this.comboxSERVICE = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox', {
// fieldLabel: '贸易条款',
// store: this.storeSERVICE,
// forceSelection: true,
// name: 'SERVICE',
// valueField: 'SERVICE',
// displayField: 'SERVICE'
// });
this . panelKGS = new Ext . Panel ( {
layout : 'anchor' ,
bodyPadding : 5 ,
frame : true ,
fieldDefaults : {
margins : '2 2 2 2' ,
labelAlign : 'right' ,
flex : 1 ,
labelWidth : 70 ,
msgTarget : 'qtip'
} ,
items : [ {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'anchor' ,
flex : 3 ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
flex : 1 ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ {
fieldLabel : '件数' ,
flex : 1 ,
name : 'PKGS'
} , this . comboxKINDPKGS , {
fieldLabel : '重量' ,
flex : 1 ,
name : 'KGS'
} , {
fieldLabel : '体积' ,
flex : 1 ,
name : 'CBM'
} ]
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
flex : 1 ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ {
fieldLabel : '等级' ,
flex : 1 ,
name : 'CLASS'
} , {
fieldLabel : '计费重量' ,
flex : 1 ,
name : 'FEEKGS'
} , {
fieldLabel : '计量单位' ,
flex : 1 ,
name : 'UNIT'
} , {
fieldLabel : '送仓日期' , //'ATD',
format : 'Y-m-d' ,
flex : 1 ,
xtype : 'datefield' ,
} ]
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
flex : 1 ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ this . comboxISBONDED , this . comboxTRADETERM , this . comboxBLFRT , this . comboxOTBLFRT ]
} ]
} ]
} ) ;
this . storeEnterpCode = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
fields : [
{ name : 'CUSTOMER' , type : 'string' } ,
{ name : 'ENTERPID' , type : 'string' }
] ,
proxy : { url : '/MvcShipping/MsOpApply/GetENTERPLIST' }
} ) ;
this . storeEnterpCode . load ( ) ;
this . comboxEnterp = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '经营单位' ,
store : this . storeEnterpCode ,
name : 'ENTERP' ,
valueField : 'CUSTOMER' ,
displayField : 'CUSTOMER' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
'select' : function ( combo , records , eOpts ) {
if ( records . length > 0 ) {
var Cargoinforecords = DsStoreQueryBy ( this . storeEnterpCode , 'CUSTOMER' , combo . value ) ;
if ( Cargoinforecords . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
var Cargoinfodata = Cargoinforecords . getAt ( 0 ) . data ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ENTERPID' ) . setValue ( Cargoinfodata . ENTERPID ) ;
} else {
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ENTERPID' ) . setValue ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
this . storeTRADETERM = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefEnumStore' , { } ) ;
this . storeTRADETERM . load ( { params : { enumTypeId : 97023 } } ) ;
this . comboxTRADETERM = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefEnumCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '贸易条款' ,
store : this . storeTRADETERM ,
forceSelection : true ,
name : 'TRADETERM'
} ) ;
this . formEdit = Ext . widget ( 'form' , {
region : 'north' ,
frame : true ,
bodyPadding : 5 ,
layout : 'anchor' ,
trackResetOnLoad : true ,
fieldDefaults : {
margins : '2 2 2 2' ,
labelAlign : 'right' ,
flex : 1 ,
labelWidth : 70 ,
msgTarget : 'qtip'
} ,
items : [ {
xtype : 'fieldset' ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
defaults : {
anchor : '96%'
} ,
items : [ {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'anchor' ,
flex : 2 ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ this . comboxShipper , {
xtype : 'textareafield' ,
grow : true ,
labelWidth : 0 ,
height : 70 ,
name : 'SHIPPER' ,
anchor : '100%' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
blur : function ( field , The , eOpts ) {
_this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'SHIPPER' )
. setValue ( field . rawValue . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
} , this . comboxConsignee , {
xtype : 'textareafield' ,
grow : true ,
labelWidth : 0 ,
height : 70 ,
name : 'CONSIGNEE' ,
anchor : '100%' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
blur : function ( field , The , eOpts ) {
_this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CONSIGNEE' )
. setValue ( field . rawValue . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
} , this . comboxNotifyParty , {
xtype : 'textareafield' ,
grow : true ,
labelWidth : 0 ,
height : 70 ,
name : 'NOTIFYPARTY' ,
anchor : '100%' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
blur : function ( field , The , eOpts ) {
_this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'NOTIFYPARTY' )
. setValue ( field . rawValue . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
} , this . comboxAgent , {
xtype : 'textareafield' ,
grow : true ,
labelWidth : 0 ,
height : 70 ,
name : 'AGENT' ,
anchor : '100%' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
blur : function ( field , The , eOpts ) {
_this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'AGENT' )
. setValue ( field . rawValue . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'anchor' ,
flex : 3 ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ this . panelAIRLINES , this . panelKGS , {
xtype : 'textareafield' ,
grow : true ,
fieldLabel : '唛头' ,
height : 100 ,
name : 'MARKS' ,
anchor : '100%' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
blur : function ( field , The , eOpts ) {
_this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'MARKS' )
. setValue ( field . rawValue . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
defaults : {
anchor : '100%'
} ,
items : [ this . comboxGOODSNAME , {
fieldLabel : 'HS编码' ,
name : 'HSCODE'
} ]
} , {
xtype : 'textareafield' ,
grow : true ,
fieldLabel : '  ' ,
labelSeparator : '' ,
fieldLabel : '货物描述' ,
height : 100 ,
name : 'DESCRIPTION' ,
anchor : '100%' ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
blur : function ( field , The , eOpts ) {
_this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'DESCRIPTION' )
. setValue ( field . rawValue . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
items : [ {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'anchor' ,
flex : 3 ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
flex : 1 ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ {
fieldLabel : '报关单号' ,
name : 'CUSTOMNO'
} , {
fieldLabel : '报关日期' ,
format : 'Y-m-d' ,
flex : 1 ,
xtype : 'datefield' ,
} , this . comboxTRADETYPE , {
fieldLabel : '商检单号' ,
} ]
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
flex : 1 ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
items : [ {
fieldLabel : '商检日期' ,
format : 'Y-m-d' ,
flex : 1 ,
xtype : 'datefield' ,
} , this . comboxEnterp , {
fieldLabel : '单位编码' ,
name : 'ENTERPID'
} , this . comboxCodeCurrency , {
fieldLabel : '货值' ,
labelWidth : 40 ,
flex : 0.6 ,
} , ]
} , {
xtype : 'container' ,
layout : 'anchor' ,
flex : 1 ,
defaultType : 'textfield' ,
defaults : {
anchor : '99%'
} ,
items : [ {
xtype : 'textareafield' ,
grow : true ,
fieldLabel : '备 注' ,
height : 60 ,
name : 'REMARK' ,
anchor : '100%'
} ]
} ]
} ) ; //end this.formEdit
//#region 按钮Toolbar
this . panelBtn = new Ext . Panel ( {
region : "north" ,
tbar : [ {
id : 'btnEPrev' ,
text : "上一票" ,
// iconCls: "btnsave",
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . PrevRecord ( ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , {
id : 'btnENext' ,
text : "下一票" ,
// iconCls: "btnsave",
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . NextRecord ( ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , {
id : 'btnESave' ,
text : "保存" ,
iconCls : "btnsave" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . Save ( '0' ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , {
id : 'btnESaveAndClose' ,
text : "保存并关闭" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . Save ( '1' ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , {
id : 'btnESaveAndNew' ,
text : "保存并新建" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . Save ( '2' ) ;
this . panelOcr . hide ( ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , {
text : '复制新建' , //"国外舱单",
menu : [ {
id : 'btnECopyNew' ,
text : "复制新建" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
var basicForm = this . formHead . getForm ( ) ;
this . opStatus = 'add' ;
this . copyfee = false ;
basicForm . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setDisabled ( false ) ;
var field = basicForm . findField ( 'BSNO' ) ;
var oldbsno = field . getValue ( ) ;
this . LoadCopyData ( oldbsno , false ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , {
id : 'btnECopyNewFee' ,
text : '复制新建(含费用)' , //"复制新建",
handler : function ( button , event ) {
var basicForm = this . formHead . getForm ( ) ;
this . opStatus = 'add' ;
this . copyfee = true ;
basicForm . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setDisabled ( false ) ;
var field = basicForm . findField ( 'BSNO' ) ;
var oldbsno = field . getValue ( ) ;
this . LoadCopyData ( oldbsno , true ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ]
} , '-' , {
text : "关闭" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
window . close ( ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , {
text : "新建" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . LoadData ( 'add' , '' ) ;
var basicForm = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) ;
basicForm . findField ( 'BsNo' ) . setDisabled ( false ) ;
this . panelOcr . hide ( ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , '-' , {
text : "打印" ,
iconCls : "btnprint" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . Print ( ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , '-' , {
text : "其他操作" ,
menu : [
{ text : "转换成大写字母" ,
handler : function ( menu , event ) {
_this . onUpCaseClick ( menu , event ) ;
} , { text : "生成报关业务" ,
handler : function ( menu , event ) {
_this . SaveBG ( ) ;
} ] ,
scope : this
} , '-' , {
text : 'OCR' , //快速录入,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . tabtree . hide ( ) ;
this . tabSeaeWTpanel . setActiveTab ( 1 ) ;
this . panelOcr . body . dom . children [ 0 ] . src = "/MvcShipping/Ocr/UpOcrAuto" ;
if ( this . panelOcr . isHidden ( ) ) {
this . panelOcr . show ( ) ;
if ( this . panelOcr . width < 2 ) {
var wSeaePanel = this . tabSeaeWTpanel . getWidth ( ) ;
this . panelOcr . setWidth ( wSeaePanel * 0.6 ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ]
} ) ; //end 按钮Toolbar
//#region 框架结构
this . panelpage = new Ext . Panel ( {
title : '委托详细信息' ,
layout : "border" ,
region : 'center' ,
animate : true ,
autoScroll : true ,
// containerScroll: true,
frame : false ,
items : [ this . formEdit ]
} ) ;
this . tabSeaeWTpanel = new Ext . TabPanel ( {
activeTab : 0 ,
autoWidth : true ,
border : true ,
frame : false ,
region : 'center' ,
enableTabScroll : true ,
items :
this . panelpage
} ) ;
this . panelSeae = new Ext . Panel ( {
title : '委托信息' ,
id : 'pnlmodNewOpAiriInfo' ,
layout : "border" ,
region : 'center' ,
animate : true ,
autoScroll : true ,
frame : false ,
items : [ this . panelBtn , this . formHead , this . tabSeaeWTpanel ]
} ) ;
this . treestore = new Ext . data . TreeStore ( {
model : 'DsShipping.ux.ModuleModel' ,
nodeParam : 'PARENTID' ,
proxy : {
type : 'ajax' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsBaseInfo/GetModuTreeRefList' ,
reader : {
id : 'GID' ,
root : 'data' ,
totalProperty : 'totalCount'
} ,
autoLoad : true ,
root : {
name : '根节点' ,
expanded : true ,
id : '16E13948-D20D-452B-852F-6EC58173996C'
} ) ;
this . tabtree = new Ext . tree . Panel ( {
region : 'west' ,
title : '业务信息' ,
split : true ,
width : 180 ,
collapsible : true ,
margins : '0 0 0 0' ,
store : this . treestore ,
rootVisible : false ,
hideHeaders : true ,
animate : false ,
lines : false ,
columns : [ {
xtype : 'treecolumn' ,
text : '模块名称' ,
width : 178 ,
dataIndex : 'DESCRIPTION'
} ] ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
'itemclick' : function ( _this , record , item , index , e , eOpts ) {
var finded = false ;
if ( record . data . MODULEURL == '@' ) {
this . tabSeaepanel . setActiveTab ( 0 ) ;
} else if ( record . data . MODULEURL != '#' ) {
var children = this . tabSeaepanel . items ;
if ( children ) {
for ( var i = 0 , len = children . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( children . items [ i ] . id ) {
if ( children . items [ i ] . id == 'pnl' + record . data . NAME ) {
this . tabSeaepanel . setActiveTab ( i ) ;
finded = true ;
if ( finded == false ) {
if ( this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CUSTNO' ) . getValue ( ) == "" ) {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '注意' , msg : '请先保存业务信息后再打开其他模块!' , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} else {
if ( record . data . NAME == 'modAiriAllFee' ) {
var paneltabitems = new Shipping . AiriFee ( {
id : 'pnl' + record . data . NAME ,
layout : "border" ,
region : "center" ,
autoScroll : true ,
frame : false ,
closable : true ,
title : record . data . DESCRIPTION
} ) ;
} else if ( record . data . NAME == 'modAiriAmendFee' ) {
var paneltabitems = new Shipping . AiriAmendFee ( {
id : 'pnl' + record . data . NAME ,
layout : "border" ,
region : "center" ,
autoScroll : true ,
frame : false ,
closable : true ,
title : record . data . DESCRIPTION
} ) ;
} else if ( record . data . NAME == 'modOpAiriFenList' ) {
var paneltabitems = new Shipping . MsOpAiriFenIndex ( {
id : 'pnl' + record . data . NAME ,
layout : "border" ,
region : "center" ,
autoScroll : true ,
frame : false ,
closable : true ,
title : record . data . DESCRIPTION
} ) ;
} else {
var paneltabitems = new Ext . Panel ( {
id : 'pnl' + record . data . NAME ,
layout : "fit" ,
region : "center" ,
autoScroll : true ,
frame : false ,
closable : true ,
title : record . data . DESCRIPTION ,
html : ' <iframe scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" src="' + record . data . MODULEURL + '"> </iframe>'
} ) ;
this . tabSeaepanel . add ( paneltabitems ) ;
this . tabSeaepanel . setActiveTab ( paneltabitems ) ;
this . tabSeaepanel . doLayout ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . tabSeaepanel = new Ext . TabPanel ( {
activeTab : 0 ,
autoWidth : true ,
border : true ,
frame : false ,
region : 'center' ,
id : "TabSeaePanel" ,
enableTabScroll : true ,
items :
this . panelSeae
] ,
listeners : {
scope : this ,
'beforetabchange' : function ( tabPanel , newCard , oldCard , eOpts ) {
if ( oldCard . id == "pnlmodAireAllFee" ) {
var feemodify = oldCard . panelFee . getModifyStatus ( ) ;
if ( feemodify ) {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '警告' , msg : '费用未保存,请先保存费用!' , icon : Ext . Msg . WARNING , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
return false ;
if ( oldCard . id == "pnlmodAireAmendFee" ) {
var feemodify = oldCard . panelAmendFee . getModifyStatus ( ) ;
if ( feemodify ) {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '警告' , msg : '费用未保存,请先保存费用!' , icon : Ext . Msg . WARNING , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
return false ;
} ) ;
this . panelOcr = new Ext . Panel ( {
title : 'OCR' ,
id : 'panelOcr' ,
width : 0 ,
visible : false ,
region : 'east' ,
animate : true ,
autoScroll : true ,
split : true ,
closeAction : 'hide' ,
closable : true ,
html : '<iframe src="" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>'
} ) ;
this . panelOcr . on ( {
hide : function ( ) {
this . tabtree . show ( ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
Ext . apply ( this , {
items : [ this . tabtree , this . tabSeaepanel , this . panelOcr ]
} ) ;
this . LoadInitData ( ) ;
//#region 其他
parentWin = window . parent . opener . _thisfenlist ;
if ( parentWin == NaN || parentWin == null ) {
parentWin = window . parent . opener . _this ;
} else {
this . isfen = true ;
this . InitData ( ) ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsSysParamSet/GetData' ,
params : {
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
var result = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( result . Success != true ) {
} else {
var data = result . data ;
if ( data . PARAMVALUE == '1' ) {
this . accdatesameetd = 1 ;
} else {
} else {
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsSysParamSet/GetData' ,
params : {
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
var result = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( result . Success != true ) {
} else {
var data = result . data ;
if ( data . PARAMVALUE == '1' ) {
} else {
} else {
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
} , //end initUIComponents
//#region 加载事件
InitData : function ( ) {
this . opStatus = 'add' ;
var condition = '' ;
_this = this ;
if ( parentWin ) {
var ret = parentWin . OprationSwap ( ) ;
this . opStatus = ret [ 0 ] ;
this . StoreList = ret [ 1 ] ;
this . editRecord = ret [ 2 ] ;
if ( this . isfen ) this . MainEditRecord = ret [ 3 ] ;
if ( this . opStatus == 'copyaddfee' ) {
this . opStatus = 'copyadd' ;
this . copyfee = true ;
if ( this . opStatus == 'edit' ) {
condition = "BSNO='" + this . editRecord . get ( 'BSNO' ) + "'" ;
//this.storeBodyList.load({ params: { condition: condition} });
this . storecodeservice . load ( { params : { condition : "OPTYPE='4'" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {
var checkboxitems = "" ;
checkboxitems = "[" ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < this . storecodeservice . getCount ( ) ; i += 1 ) {
var memberyf = this . storecodeservice . getAt ( i ) ;
if ( i == 0 ) {
var checkboxSingleItem = "{boxLabel:'" + memberyf . data . SERVICENAME + "',inputValue:'1',name:'Is" + memberyf . data . OPField + "',id:'Is" + memberyf . data . OPField + "'" ;
checkboxSingleItem += "}" ;
} else {
var checkboxSingleItem = ",{boxLabel:'" + memberyf . data . SERVICENAME + "',inputValue:'1',name:'Is" + memberyf . data . OPField + "',id:'Is" + memberyf . data . OPField + "'" ;
checkboxSingleItem += "}" ;
checkboxitems += checkboxSingleItem ;
} ;
checkboxitems += "]" ;
_this . myCheckboxGroup = new Ext . form . CheckboxGroup ( {
id : 'myGroup' ,
xtype : 'checkboxgroup' ,
fieldLabel : '服务项目' ,
columns : 8 ,
items : eval ( checkboxitems )
} ) ;
this . formHead . add ( _this . myCheckboxGroup ) ;
this . formHead . doLayout ( ) ;
if ( this . opStatus == 'copyadd' ) {
this . LoadCopyData ( this . editRecord . get ( 'BSNO' ) , this . copyfee ) ;
} else {
this . LoadData ( this . opStatus , condition ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
// this.LoadData(this.opStatus, condition);
this . LoadMustBe ( ) ;
// if (this.initloaddata == 0) {
// this.LoadInitData();
// this.initloaddata = 1;
// };
} , //end InitData
LoadData : function ( opstatus , condition ) {
this . serialNo = 0 ;
//this.bodyDel = [];
this . opStatus = opstatus ;
if ( this . opStatus == 'edit' ) {
var sMBLNO = this . editRecord . get ( 'MBLNO' ) . toString ( ) . trim ( ) ;
if ( sMBLNO != "" )
document . title = "空运进口-主提单号:" + this . editRecord . get ( 'MBLNO' ) . toString ( ) . trim ( ) ;
document . title = "空运进口-委托编号:" + this . editRecord . get ( 'CUSTNO' ) . toString ( ) . trim ( ) ;
document . title = "空运进口-新增" ;
if ( this . isfen && this . opStatus == 'add' ) {
this . LoadInit ( this . MainEditRecord . data ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . reset ( ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . setValues ( this . MainEditRecord . data ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . reset ( ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . setValues ( this . MainEditRecord . data ) ;
var newBsNo = NewGuid ( ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setValue ( newBsNo ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BLTYPE' ) . setValue ( '空运分票' ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BLTYPE' ) . readOnly = true ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CUSTNO' ) . setValue ( '' ) ;
this . LoadPeriod ( this . opStatus ) ;
} else {
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '正在查询主表数据...' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsOpAiri/GetData' ,
params : {
handle : opstatus ,
condition : condition
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
var result = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( ! result . Success ) {
Ext . Msg . show ( {
title : '提示' ,
msg : result . Message ,
icon : Ext . MessageBox . ERROR ,
buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
} ) ;
return ;
data = result . data ;
this . LoadInit ( data ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . reset ( ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . setValues ( data ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . reset ( ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . setValues ( data ) ;
if ( this . opStatus == 'add' ) {
this . LoadDefValue ( ) ;
this . Editdata = data ;
this . GetEditStatus ( ) ;
if ( this . isfen )
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BLTYPE' ) . readOnly = true ;
this . LoadPeriod ( this . opStatus ) ;
} else {
Ext . MessageBox . alert ( '请求出现错误,请重试' , response . responseText ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
var billno = '*' ;
var gid = '*' ;
} ,
LoadCopyData : function ( bsno , CopyFee ) {
this . serialNo = 0 ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '正在查询主表数据...' , //'正在查询主表数据...',
url : '/MvcShipping/MsOpAiri/GetCopyData' ,
params : {
condition : "BSNO='" + bsno + "'" ,
copyfee : CopyFee
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
var result = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( ! result . Success ) {
Ext . Msg . show ( {
title : '提示' , msg : result . Message , icon : Ext . MessageBox . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
} ) ;
return ;
data = result . data ;
var s = "LINKID in (select gid from [info_client] where SHORTNAME='" + CUSTOMERNAME + "')" ;
this . storeInfoClientContact . load ( { params : { condition : s } } ) ;
this . LoadInit ( data ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . reset ( ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . setValues ( data ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . reset ( ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . setValues ( data ) ;
this . GetAddText ( ) ;
_this . opStatus = 'add' ;
this . GetEditStatus ( ) ;
if ( this . isfen )
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BLTYPE' ) . readOnly = true ;
this . LoadPeriod ( this . opStatus ) ;
} else {
Ext . MessageBox . alert ( '服务器响应出错' , response . responseText ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
} , // end LoadDate
GetAddText : function ( ) {
if ( this . opStatus != 'edit' ) {
this . opStatus = 'add'
var basicForm = this . formHead . getForm ( ) ;
if ( ! this . copyfee ) {
basicForm . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setDisabled ( false ) ;
var field = basicForm . findField ( 'BSNO' ) ;
var oldbsno = field . getValue ( ) ;
var oldmasterno = basicForm . findField ( 'MASTERNO' ) . getValue ( ) ;
var strbsno = "topairi" + NewGuid ( ) . toString ( ) . replace ( /-/g , '' )
field . setValue ( strbsno ) ;
// var BSNO = 'topseae' + NewGuid();
// field.setValue(BSNO);
if ( oldbsno == oldmasterno ) {
field = basicForm . findField ( 'MASTERNO' ) ;
field . setValue ( strbsno ) ;
basicForm . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setDisabled ( true ) ;
field = basicForm . findField ( 'CUSTNO' ) ;
field . setValue ( '' ) ;
field = basicForm . findField ( 'MBLNO' ) ;
field . setValue ( '' ) ;
field = basicForm . findField ( 'HBLNO' ) ;
field . setValue ( '' ) ;
field = basicForm . findField ( 'OP' ) ;
field . setValue ( SHOWNAME ) ;
field = basicForm . findField ( 'INPUTBY' ) ;
field . setValue ( SHOWNAME ) ;
var field = basicForm . findField ( 'BSSTATUSREF' ) ;
field . setValue ( '未锁定' ) ;
var field = basicForm . findField ( 'FEESTATUSREF' ) ;
field . setValue ( '未锁定' ) ;
//field = basicForm.findField('BSTYPE');
var myDate = new Date ( ) ;
var mydatestr = Ext . util . Format . date ( myDate , 'Y-m-d' ) ;
field = basicForm . findField ( 'BSDATE' ) ;
field . setValue ( mydatestr ) ;
var mydatestr = Ext . util . Format . date ( myDate , 'Y-m' ) ;
field = basicForm . findField ( 'ACCDATE' ) ;
field . setValue ( mydatestr ) ;
this . GetEditStatus ( ) ;
var CUSTOMERNAME = this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CUSTOMERNAME' ) . getValue ( ) ;
if ( CUSTOMERNAME != null ) {
var s = "LINKID in (select gid from [info_client] where SHORTNAME='" + CUSTOMERNAME + "')" ;
this . storeInfoClientContact . load ( { params : { condition : s } } ) ;
else {
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'SHOWNAME' ) . setValue ( '' ) ;
if ( Ext . getCmp ( 'pnlmodNewOpAireInfo' ) ) {
var pnlfee = Ext . getCmp ( 'pnlmodNewOpAireInfo' ) ;
pnlfee . close ( ) ;
this . tabSeaepanel . doLayout ( ) ;
} ,
LoadPeriod : function ( opstatus ) {
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '正在查询主表数据...' ,
url : '/Account/ChMonthClose/GetNowPeriod' ,
params : {
condition : ''
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
var result = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( ! result . Success ) {
return ;
data = result . data ;
this . MsPeriod = data ;
this . LoadPeriodStatus ( opstatus ) ;
} else {
Ext . MessageBox . alert ( '请求出现错误,请重试' , response . responseText ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
} ,
LoadPeriodStatus : function ( opstatus ) {
var ETD = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ETA' ) . getRawValue ( ) ;
if ( ETD == '' ) {
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ETA' ) . setMinValue ( this . MsPeriod . FDAY ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ETA' ) . setReadOnly ( false ) ;
} else {
var oDate1 = new Date ( ETD ) ;
var oDate2 = new Date ( this . MsPeriod . FDAY ) ;
if ( oDate1 . getTime ( ) >= oDate2 . getTime ( ) ) {
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ETA' ) . setMinValue ( this . MsPeriod . FDAY ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ETA' ) . setReadOnly ( false ) ;
} else {
if ( opstatus == 'add' || opstatus == 'copyadd' ) {
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ETA' ) . setMinValue ( this . MsPeriod . FDAY ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ETA' ) . setReadOnly ( false ) ;
else {
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ETA' ) . setMinValue ( '' ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ETA' ) . setReadOnly ( true ) ;
var ACCDATE = this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ACCDATE' ) . getValue ( ) ;
var oDate1 = new Date ( ACCDATE + '-01' ) ;
var oDate2 = new Date ( this . MsPeriod . PERIOD + '-01' ) ;
if ( oDate1 . getTime ( ) >= oDate2 . getTime ( ) ) {
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ACCDATE' ) . setMinValue ( this . MsPeriod . PERIOD ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ACCDATE' ) . setReadOnly ( false ) ;
} else {
if ( opstatus == 'add' || opstatus == 'copyadd' ) {
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ACCDATE' ) . setMinValue ( this . MsPeriod . PERIOD ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ACCDATE' ) . setReadOnly ( false ) ;
else {
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ACCDATE' ) . setMinValue ( '' ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ACCDATE' ) . setReadOnly ( true ) ;
} ,
// end LoadDate
LoadInitData : function ( ) {
this . storeCustCode . load ( { params : { condition : "ISCONTROLLER='1'" } } ) ;
this . storeOpCode . load ( ) ;
this . storeAIRLINES . load ( { params : { condition : "ISAIRLINES='1'" } } ) ;
this . storeFORWARDER . load ( { params : { condition : "ISBOOKING='1'" } } ) ;
this . storeCUSTOMSER . load ( { params : { condition : "ISCUSTOM='1'" } } ) ;
this . storeTRUCKER . load ( { params : { condition : "ISTRUCK='1'" } } ) ;
this . storeCodeDisport . load ( ) ;
this . storeCodeDisport2 . load ( ) ;
} ,
//#region 保存
Save : function ( type ) {
var basicForm = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) ;
var basicForm2 = this . formHead . getForm ( ) ;
if ( ! basicForm . isValid ( ) ) {
return ;
if ( ! basicForm2 . isValid ( ) ) {
return ;
if ( this . accdatesameetd == 1 ) {
var ETD = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ETA' ) . getRawValue ( ) ;
if ( ETD == '' ) {
} else {
var oDate1 = new Date ( ETD ) ;
var oDate2 = new Date ( this . MsPeriod . FDAY ) ;
if ( oDate1 . getTime ( ) >= oDate2 . getTime ( ) ) {
var mydatestr = Ext . util . Format . date ( ETD , 'Y-m' ) ;
if ( this . MsPeriod . CLOSEDAY != 0 ) {
var myday = Ext . util . Format . date ( ETD , 'd' ) ;
if ( myday > this . MsPeriod . CLOSEDAY ) {
var mymonth = Ext . util . Format . date ( ETD , 'm' ) ;
var myyear = Ext . util . Format . date ( ETD , 'Y' ) ;
mymonth = parseInt ( mymonth ) + 1 ;
var mymonthstr = mymonth . toString ( ) ;
if ( mymonthstr . length == 1 ) mymonthstr = '0' + mymonthstr ;
mydatestr = myyear . toString ( ) + '-' + mymonthstr ;
} else {
var field = this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'ACCDATE' ) ;
field . setValue ( mydatestr ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setDisabled ( false ) ;
var data = this . formHead . getForm ( ) . getValues ( false , false , false ) ;
var data2 = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . getValues ( false , false , false ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setDisabled ( true ) ;
Ext . Msg . wait ( '正在保存数据, 请稍侯..' ) ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '正在保存数据...' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsOpAiri/Save' ,
scope : this ,
params : {
opstatus : this . opStatus ,
data : Ext . JSON . encode ( data ) ,
data2 : Ext . JSON . encode ( data2 )
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
Ext . MessageBox . hide ( ) ;
var jsonresult = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( jsonresult . Success ) {
var returnData = jsonresult . Data ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . reset ( ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . setValues ( returnData ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . reset ( ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . setValues ( returnData ) ;
this . Editdata = returnData ;
if ( this . opStatus == 'add' ) {
var arrNewRecords = this . StoreList . insert ( 0 , returnData ) ;
this . editRecord = this . StoreList . getAt ( 0 ) ;
if ( type == '0' ) {
this . opStatus = 'edit' ;
basicForm2 . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setDisabled ( true ) ;
this . LoadPeriodStatus ( this . opStatus ) ;
} else if ( type == '1' ) {
window . close ( ) ;
} else if ( type == '2' ) {
this . LoadData ( 'add' , '' ) ;
if ( type == '0' ) {
this . opStatus = 'edit' ;
basicForm2 . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setDisabled ( true ) ;
} else if ( type == '1' ) {
window . close ( ) ;
} else if ( type == '2' ) {
this . LoadData ( 'add' , '' ) ;
else if ( this . opStatus == 'edit' ) {
var editp = Ext . create ( 'MsOpAiriModel' , returnData ) ;
this . editRecord . fields . each ( function ( field ) {
if ( field . persist ) {
name = field . name ;
if ( name != 'id' )
this . editRecord . set ( name , editp . get ( name ) ) ;
} , this ) ;
this . editRecord . commit ( ) ;
if ( type == '0' ) {
this . opStatus = 'edit' ;
basicForm2 . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setDisabled ( true ) ;
this . LoadPeriodStatus ( this . opStatus ) ;
} else if ( type == '1' ) {
window . close ( ) ;
} else if ( type == '2' ) {
this . LoadData ( 'add' , '' ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '错误' , msg : jsonresult . Message , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '请重试' ,
msg : '服务器响应出错' ,
icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
} ) ;
} ) ;
} , //end save
//#region 复制新建
CopyNewData : function ( ) {
var data = this . editRecord . data ;
var basicForm = this . formHead . getForm ( ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . reset ( ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . setValues ( data ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . reset ( ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . setValues ( data ) ;
this . opStatus = 'add' ;
basicForm . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setDisabled ( false ) ;
var BSNO = 'topairi' + NewGuid ( ) ;
var field = basicForm . findField ( 'BSNO' ) ;
var oldbsno = field . getValue ( ) ;
var oldmasterno = basicForm . findField ( 'MASTERNO' ) . getValue ( ) ;
field . setValue ( BSNO ) ;
if ( oldbsno == oldmasterno ) {
field = basicForm . findField ( 'MASTERNO' ) ;
field . setValue ( BSNO ) ;
basicForm . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setDisabled ( true ) ;
field = basicForm . findField ( 'CUSTNO' ) ;
field . setValue ( '' ) ;
field = basicForm . findField ( 'INPUTBY' ) ;
field . setValue ( SHOWNAME ) ;
field = basicForm . findField ( 'OP' ) ;
field . setValue ( SHOWNAME ) ;
var field = basicForm . findField ( 'BSSTATUSREF' ) ;
field . setValue ( '未锁定' ) ;
var field = basicForm . findField ( 'FEESTATUSREF' ) ;
field . setValue ( '未锁定' ) ;
var myDate = new Date ( ) ;
var mydatestr = Ext . util . Format . date ( myDate , 'Y-m' ) ;
field = basicForm . findField ( 'ACCDATE' ) ;
field . setValue ( mydatestr ) ;
this . LoadPeriod ( this . opStatus ) ;
} ,
CopyNew : function ( ) {
var basicForm = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) ;
var basicForm2 = this . formHead . getForm ( ) ;
if ( ! basicForm . isValid ( ) ) {
return ;
if ( ! basicForm2 . isValid ( ) ) {
return ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setDisabled ( false ) ;
var data = this . formHead . getForm ( ) . getValues ( false , false , false ) ;
var data2 = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . getValues ( false , false , false ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setDisabled ( true ) ;
Ext . Msg . wait ( '正在保存数据, 请稍侯..' ) ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '正在保存数据...' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsOpAiri/Save' ,
scope : this ,
params : {
opstatus : this . opStatus ,
data : Ext . JSON . encode ( data ) ,
data2 : Ext . JSON . encode ( data2 )
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
Ext . MessageBox . hide ( ) ;
var jsonresult = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( jsonresult . Success ) {
var returnData = jsonresult . Data ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . reset ( ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . setValues ( returnData ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . reset ( ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . setValues ( returnData ) ;
if ( this . opStatus == 'add' ) {
var arrNewRecords = this . StoreList . add ( returnData ) ;
this . editRecord = arrNewRecords [ 0 ] ;
else if ( this . opStatus == 'edit' ) {
var editp = Ext . create ( 'MsOpAiriModel' , returnData ) ;
this . editRecord . fields . each ( function ( field ) {
if ( field . persist ) {
name = field . name ;
if ( name != 'id' )
this . editRecord . set ( name , editp . get ( name ) ) ;
} , this ) ;
this . editRecord . commit ( ) ;
var basicForm = this . formHead . getForm ( ) ;
this . opStatus = 'add' ;
basicForm . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setDisabled ( false ) ;
var BSNO = 'topairi' + NewGuid ( ) ;
var field = basicForm . findField ( 'BSNO' ) ;
var oldbsno = field . getValue ( ) ;
var oldmasterno = basicForm . findField ( 'MASTERNO' ) . getValue ( ) ;
field . setValue ( BSNO ) ;
if ( oldbsno == oldmasterno ) {
field = basicForm . findField ( 'MASTERNO' ) ;
field . setValue ( BSNO ) ;
basicForm . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setDisabled ( true ) ;
field = basicForm . findField ( 'CUSTNO' ) ;
field . setValue ( '' ) ;
field = basicForm . findField ( 'INPUTBY' ) ;
field . setValue ( SHOWNAME ) ;
field = basicForm . findField ( 'OP' ) ;
field . setValue ( SHOWNAME ) ;
var field = basicForm . findField ( 'BSSTATUSREF' ) ;
field . setValue ( '未锁定' ) ;
var field = basicForm . findField ( 'FEESTATUSREF' ) ;
field . setValue ( '未锁定' ) ;
var myDate = new Date ( ) ;
var mydatestr = Ext . util . Format . date ( myDate , 'Y-m' ) ;
field = basicForm . findField ( 'ACCDATE' ) ;
field . setValue ( mydatestr ) ;
this . GetEditStatus ( ) ;
var children = this . tabSeaepanel . items ;
if ( children ) {
for ( var i = children . length - 1 , len = 0 ; i >= len ; i -- ) {
if ( children . items [ i ] . id ) {
if ( children . items [ i ] . id == 'pnlmodNewOpAiriInfo' ) {
// this.tabSeaepanel.setActiveTab(i);
} else {
children . items [ i ] . close ( ) ;
this . tabSeaepanel . doLayout ( ) ;
this . LoadPeriodStatus ( this . opStatus ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '错误' , msg : jsonresult . Message , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '请重试' ,
msg : '服务器响应出错' ,
icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
} ) ;
} ) ;
} , //end save
LoadDefValue : function ( ) {
this . storeDefValue . load ( { params : { condition : "BSTYPE='空运进口'" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( this . storeDefValue . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
for ( var j = 0 ; j < this . storeDefValue . getCount ( ) ; j += 1 ) {
var member = this . storeDefValue . getAt ( j ) ;
var headfield = this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( member . data . FIELDNAME ) ;
if ( headfield != NaN && headfield != null )
headfield . setValue ( member . data . DEFVALUE ) ;
var headfield = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( member . data . FIELDNAME ) ;
if ( headfield != NaN && headfield != null )
headfield . setValue ( member . data . DEFVALUE ) ;
} ;
} else {
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
} ,
LoadMustBe : function ( ) {
this . storeMustBe . load ( { params : { condition : "BSTYPE='空运进口'" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( this . storeMustBe . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
for ( var j = 0 ; j < this . storeMustBe . getCount ( ) ; j += 1 ) {
var member = this . storeMustBe . getAt ( j ) ;
var headfield = this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( member . data . FIELDNAME ) ;
if ( headfield != NaN && headfield != null ) {
if ( member . data . ISMUST == "1" )
headfield . allowBlank = false ;
if ( member . data . ISCOLOR == "1" )
headfield . setFieldStyle ( { background : '#ffc' } ) ;
if ( member . data . ISREADONLY == "1" )
headfield . setReadOnly ( true ) ;
var headfield = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( member . data . FIELDNAME ) ;
if ( headfield != NaN && headfield != null ) {
if ( member . data . ISMUST == "1" )
headfield . allowBlank = false ;
if ( member . data . ISCOLOR == "1" )
headfield . setFieldStyle ( { background : '#ffc' } ) ;
if ( member . data . ISREADONLY == "1" )
headfield . setReadOnly ( true ) ;
} ;
} else {
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
} ,
LoadInit : function ( data ) {
var CUSTOMERNAME = this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CUSTOMERNAME' ) . getValue ( ) ;
var s = " ISOPERATOR=1 and LINKID in (select gid from [info_client] where SHORTNAME='" + CUSTOMERNAME + "')" ;
this . storeInfoClientContact . load ( { params : { condition : s } } ) ;
var sF = " ISFINANCIALSTAFF=1 and LINKID in (select gid from [info_client] where SHORTNAME='" + CUSTOMERNAME + "')" ;
this . storeInfoClientContactFF . load ( { params : { condition : sF } } ) ;
this . storeShipper . load ( { params : { condition : "shippertype=2 AND (ISPUBLIC=1 OR CODENAME IN (SELECT CODENAME FROM info_client WHERE SHORTNAME='" + CUSTOMERNAME + "') )" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'SHIPPERID' ) . setValue ( data . SHIPPERID ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
this . storeConsignee . load ( { params : { condition : "shippertype=1 AND (ISPUBLIC=1 OR CODENAME IN (SELECT CODENAME FROM info_client WHERE SHORTNAME='" + CUSTOMERNAME + "') )" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CONSIGNEEID' ) . setValue ( data . CONSIGNEEID ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
this . storenotifyparty . load ( { params : { condition : "shippertype=3 AND (ISPUBLIC=1 OR CODENAME IN (SELECT CODENAME FROM info_client WHERE SHORTNAME='" + CUSTOMERNAME + "') )" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'NOTIFYPARTYID' ) . setValue ( data . NOTIFYPARTYID ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
this . storeagent . load ( { params : { condition : "shippertype=4 AND (ISPUBLIC=1 OR CODENAME IN (SELECT CODENAME FROM info_client WHERE SHORTNAME='" + CUSTOMERNAME + "') )" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'AGENTID' ) . setValue ( data . AGENTID ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
if ( data . SALE != '' ) {
var recordCustCode = Ext . create ( 'DsShipping.ux.UserRefModel' , {
GId : NewGuid ( ) ,
UserCode : data . SALE ,
UserName : data . SALE ,
CodeAndName : data . SALE
} ) ;
this . storeOpCode2 . add ( recordCustCode ) ;
if ( data . OP != '' ) {
var recordCustCode = Ext . create ( 'DsShipping.ux.UserRefModel' , {
GId : NewGuid ( ) ,
UserCode : data . OP ,
UserName : data . OP ,
CodeAndName : data . OP
} ) ;
this . storeOpCode3 . add ( recordCustCode ) ;
// if (data.DOC != '') {
// var recordCustCode = Ext.create('DsShipping.ux.UserRefModel', {
// GId: NewGuid(),
// UserCode: data.DOC,
// UserName: data.DOC,
// CodeAndName: data.DOC
// });
// this.storeOpCode4.add(recordCustCode);
// }
if ( data . FRCUSTSERVICE != '' ) {
var recordCustCode = Ext . create ( 'DsShipping.ux.UserRefModel' , {
GId : NewGuid ( ) ,
UserCode : data . FRCUSTSERVICE ,
UserName : data . FRCUSTSERVICE ,
CodeAndName : data . FRCUSTSERVICE
} ) ;
this . storeOpCode5 . add ( recordCustCode ) ;
if ( data . CUSTOMERNAME != '' ) {
var recordCustCode = Ext . create ( 'DsShipping.ux.CustomRefModel' , {
GId : NewGuid ( ) ,
CustCode : data . CUSTOMERNAME ,
CustName : data . CUSTOMERNAME ,
CodeAndName : data . CUSTOMERNAME
} ) ;
this . storeCustCode . add ( recordCustCode ) ;
var BLTYPE = this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BLTYPE' ) . getValue ( ) ;
if ( BLTYPE == "空运单票" || BLTYPE == "空运分票" ) {
else {
} ,
//#region 转换成大写字符
onUpCaseClick : function ( menu , event ) {
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'SHIPPER' ) . setValue ( this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'SHIPPER' ) . getValue ( ) . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CONSIGNEE' ) . setValue ( this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CONSIGNEE' ) . getValue ( ) . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'NOTIFYPARTY' ) . setValue ( this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'NOTIFYPARTY' ) . getValue ( ) . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'AGENT' ) . setValue ( this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'AGENT' ) . getValue ( ) . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'MARKS' ) . setValue ( this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'MARKS' ) . getValue ( ) . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'DESCRIPTION' ) . setValue ( this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'DESCRIPTION' ) . getValue ( ) . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
} ,
//#region 保存报关
SaveBG : function ( type ) {
var basicForm = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) ;
var basicForm2 = this . formHead . getForm ( ) ;
if ( ! basicForm . isValid ( ) ) {
return ;
if ( ! basicForm2 . isValid ( ) ) {
return ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setDisabled ( false ) ;
var data = this . formHead . getForm ( ) . getValues ( false , false , false ) ;
var data2 = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . getValues ( false , false , false ) ;
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . setDisabled ( true ) ;
Ext . Msg . wait ( '正在生成数据, 请稍侯..' ) ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '正在生成数据...' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsOpAiri/SaveBG' ,
scope : this ,
params : {
data : Ext . JSON . encode ( data ) ,
data2 : Ext . JSON . encode ( data2 )
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
Ext . MessageBox . hide ( ) ;
var jsonresult = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( jsonresult . Success ) {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '提示' , msg : jsonresult . Message , icon : Ext . Msg . INFO , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '错误' , msg : jsonresult . Message , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '请重试' ,
msg : '服务器响应出错' ,
icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
} ) ;
} ) ;
} , //end save
GetFeeCustNoStatus : function ( ) {
var BSNO = this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . getValue ( ) ;
//var btnCUSTNO = Ext.getCmp('btnCUSTNO');
var custno = _this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CUSTNO' ) ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsBaseInfo/GetFeeCustNoEnable' ,
params : {
bsno : BSNO ,
custno : custno
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
var result = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( result . Success == true ) {
custno . setReadOnly ( true ) ;
} else {
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
} ,
//#region 清空委托编号
ClearCustNo : function ( ) {
var CUSTNO = this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CUSTNO' ) . getValue ( ) ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '正在查询委托编号状态...' , //'正在查询委托编号状态...',
url : '/MvcShipping/MsSysBillNoSet/DeleteBsNo' ,
params : {
custno : CUSTNO
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
var result = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( result . Success != true ) {
} else {
this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CUSTNO' ) . setValue ( '' ) ;
} else {
Ext . MessageBox . alert ( '服务器响应出错...' , response . responseText ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
} ,
//#region 编辑时按钮等的状态
GetEditStatus : function ( ) {
var canedit = false ;
//var bsStatus = this.formHead.getForm().findField('BSSTATUS').getValue();
var BSSTATUS = this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BSSTATUSREF' ) . getValue ( ) ;
var inputby = this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'INPUTBY' ) . getValue ( ) ;
var op = this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'OP' ) . getValue ( ) ;
_this = this ;
if ( BSSTATUS == '锁定' ) {
canedit = false ;
this . setSaveBtnStatus ( canedit ) ;
} else {
this . StoreOpRange . load ( { params : { optype : "modOpAiriList" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {
var records = DsStoreQueryBy ( _this . StoreOpRange , 'OPID' , op ) ;
if ( records . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
canedit = true ;
} else {
var recordins = DsStoreQueryBy ( _this . StoreOpRange , 'OPID' , inputby ) ;
if ( recordins . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
canedit = true ;
} else {
canedit = false ;
} else { canedit = false ; }
_this . setSaveBtnStatus ( canedit ) ;
} ) ;
_this = this ;
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '正在查询委托编号状态...' ,
url : '/MvcShipping/MsSysBillNoSet/GetData' ,
params : {
condition : "OPLBNAME='空运进口' AND RULEBLNO='委托编号'" ,
handle : 'edit'
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
var result = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( result . Success != true ) {
var custno = _this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CUSTNO' ) ;
custno . setReadOnly ( true ) ;
} else {
var data = result . data ;
if ( data . ISEDIT == '1' ) {
var custno = _this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CUSTNO' ) ;
custno . setReadOnly ( false ) ;
_this . GetFeeCustNoStatus ( ) ;
} else {
if ( data . RULEBLNO == '' ) {
var custno = _this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CUSTNO' ) ;
custno . setReadOnly ( false ) ;
} else {
var custno = _this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'CUSTNO' ) ;
custno . setReadOnly ( true ) ;
_this . GetFeeCustNoStatus ( ) ;
} else {
Ext . MessageBox . alert ( '请求出现错误,请重试' , response . responseText ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
// waitMsg: '正在查询委托编号状态...',
// url: '/MvcShipping/MsBaseInfo/GetRuleEdit',
// params: {
// rulename: '分提单号',
// ruletype: '1'
// },
// callback: function (options, success, response) {
// if (success) {
// var result = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
// if (result.Success != true) {
// var hblno = _this.formHead.getForm().findField('HBLNO');
// hblno.setReadOnly(true);
// }
// } else {
// Ext.MessageBox.alert('请求出现错误,请重试', response.responseText);
// }
// },
// scope: this
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '正在查询委托编号状态...' , //'正在查询委托编号状态...',
url : '/MvcShipping/MsSysBillNoSet/GetData' ,
params : {
condition : "OPLBNAME='空运进口' AND RULEBLNO='分提单号'" ,
handle : 'edit'
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
var result = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( result . Success != true ) {
var custno = _this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'HBLNO' ) ;
custno . setReadOnly ( true ) ;
} else {
var data = result . data ;
if ( data . ISEDIT == '1' ) {
var custno = _this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'HBLNO' ) ;
custno . setReadOnly ( false ) ;
} else {
if ( data . RULEBLNO == '' ) {
var custno = _this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'HBLNO' ) ;
custno . setReadOnly ( false ) ;
} else {
var custno = _this . formHead . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'HBLNO' ) ;
custno . setReadOnly ( true ) ;
} else {
Ext . MessageBox . alert ( '请求出现错误,请重试' , response . responseText ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ) ;
} ,
GetStringNum : function ( str ) {
var num = 0 ;
if ( str == null || str == '' ) return num ;
if ( str . length == 0 ) return num ;
var if _find = false ;
var str _num = '' ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < str . length ; i += 1 ) {
var member = str . substr ( i , 1 ) ;
if ( ( member == '0' ) || ( member == '1' ) || ( member == '2' ) || ( member == '3' )
|| ( member == '4' ) || ( member == '5' ) || ( member == '6' ) || ( member == '7' )
|| ( member == '8' ) || ( member == '9' ) || ( member == '.' ) || ( member == '-' ) ) {
if ( ! if _find ) {
str _num = str _num + member ;
} else {
if _find = true ;
return str _num ;
} ,
setSaveBtnStatus : function ( enable ) {
var btnESave = Ext . getCmp ( 'btnESave' ) ;
var btnESaveAndClose = Ext . getCmp ( 'btnESaveAndClose' ) ;
var btnESaveAndNew = Ext . getCmp ( 'btnESaveAndNew' ) ;
if ( enable ) {
btnESave . enable ( ) ;
btnESaveAndClose . enable ( ) ;
btnESaveAndNew . enable ( ) ;
} else {
btnESave . disable ( ) ;
btnESaveAndClose . disable ( ) ;
btnESaveAndNew . disable ( ) ;
} ,
//#region 打印
Print : function ( ) {
var basicForm = this . formHead . getForm ( ) ;
var billNo = basicForm . findField ( 'BSNO' ) . value ;
if ( billNo == '*' || billNo == '' ) {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '错误' , msg : '单据还没有保存,请保存后再打印' , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
return ;
var printType = 'MSOPAIRI' ;
var sql1 = "SET LANGUAGE 'us_english' SELECT * FROM op_airi WHERE BSNO = '" + billNo + "'" ;
var sql2 = "" ;
var sql3 = "" ;
var sql4 = "" ;
var sql5 = "" ;
var sql6 = "" ;
PrintComm ( printType , sql1 , sql2 , sql3 , sql4 , sql5 , sql6 ) ;
} ,
PrevRecord : function ( ) {
var modifystr = this . getIsModify ( ) ;
if ( modifystr != "" ) {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '警告' , msg : modifystr + '未保存,如果离开此页,将丢失未保存的更改 ! ! ! ' , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
return ;
var j = this . StoreList . indexOf ( this . editRecord ) ;
if ( j == 0 ) {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '警告' , msg : '已是最前一票' , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
return ;
if ( j == this . StoreList . count ) {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '警告' , msg : '已是最后一票' , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
return ;
var children = this . tabSeaepanel . items ;
if ( children ) {
for ( var i = children . length - 1 , len = 0 ; i >= len ; i -- ) {
if ( children . items [ i ] . id ) {
if ( children . items [ i ] . id == 'pnlmodNewOpAiriInfo' ) {
} else {
children . items [ i ] . close ( ) ;
this . tabSeaepanel . doLayout ( ) ;
j = j - 1 ;
this . editRecord = this . StoreList . getAt ( j ) ;
if ( this . opStatus == 'edit' ) {
condition = "BSNO='" + this . editRecord . get ( 'BSNO' ) + "'" ;
//this.storeBodyList.load({ params: { condition: condition} });
this . LoadData ( this . opStatus , condition ) ;
} ,
NextRecord : function ( ) {
var modifystr = this . getIsModify ( ) ;
if ( modifystr != "" ) {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '警告' , msg : modifystr + '未保存,如果离开此页,将丢失未保存的更改 ! ! ! ' , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
return ;
var j = this . StoreList . indexOf ( this . editRecord ) ;
if ( j == ( this . StoreList . data . length - 1 ) ) {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '警告' , msg : '已是最后一票' , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
return ;
var children = this . tabSeaepanel . items ;
if ( children ) {
for ( var i = children . length - 1 , len = 0 ; i >= len ; i -- ) {
if ( children . items [ i ] . id ) {
if ( children . items [ i ] . id == 'pnlmodNewOpAiriInfo' ) {
// this.tabSeaepanel.setActiveTab(i);
} else {
children . items [ i ] . close ( ) ;
this . tabSeaepanel . doLayout ( ) ;
j = j + 1 ;
this . editRecord = this . StoreList . getAt ( j ) ;
if ( this . opStatus == 'edit' ) {
condition = "BSNO='" + this . editRecord . get ( 'BSNO' ) + "'" ;
//this.storeBodyList.load({ params: { condition: condition} });
this . LoadData ( this . opStatus , condition ) ;
} ,
getIsModify : function ( ) {
var feepanel = Ext . getCmp ( 'pnlmodAiriAllFee' ) ;
if ( feepanel != NaN && feepanel != null ) {
var feemodify = feepanel . panelFee . getModifyStatus ( ) ;
if ( feemodify ) {
return '费用信息' ;
var feeamendpanel = Ext . getCmp ( 'pnlmodAiriAmendFee' ) ;
if ( feeamendpanel != NaN && feeamendpanel != null ) {
var feemodify = feeamendpanel . panelFee . getModifyStatus ( ) ;
if ( feemodify ) {
return '更改单信息' ;
if ( panelEdit . formEdit . getForm ( ) . isDirty ( ) == true || panelEdit . formHead . getForm ( ) . isDirty ( ) == true ) {
return '业务信息' ;
else return '' ;
} ) ;