You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2844 lines
124 KiB

2 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
1 year ago
using System.Data.Entity.Migrations;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
2 years ago
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
1 year ago
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
2 years ago
using System.Web;
using DSWeb.Areas.CommMng.Models;
1 year ago
using DSWeb.Common.DB;
2 years ago
using DSWeb.EntityDA;
using DSWeb.TruckMng.Comm.Cookie;
using HcUtility.Comm;
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data;
1 year ago
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Wordprocessing;
using static DSWeb.Areas.CommMng.DAL.BasicDataRefDAL;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsOpSeae;
using DSWeb.Dispatch.DAL;
using DSWeb.Areas.Account.Models.BSNOLB;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsOpSeaeEdiPortDAL;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsSysParamSet;
using DSWeb.Areas.MvcShipping.Models.Message.VGM;
2 years ago
namespace DSWeb.Areas.CommMng.DAL
public class PubSysDAL
public static List<SysEnumValue> GetEnumValueList(decimal enumTypeId)
return GetEnumValueList(enumTypeId, String.Empty);
public static List<SysEnumValue> GetEnumValueList(decimal enumTypeId, string sCondition)
var strSql = new StringBuilder();
strSql.Append("Select LangId,EnumTypeId,EnumValueId,EnumValueName,EnumValueName_2,IsDefault,DispIndex,VerNo ");
strSql.Append(" from tSysEnumValue ");
strSql.Append(" where EnumTypeId=" + enumTypeId);
if (sCondition != String.Empty)
strSql.Append(" and " + sCondition);
strSql.Append(" order by EnumTypeID,dispindex,EnumValueID");
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
var evList = new List<SysEnumValue>();
using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSql.ToString()))
while (reader.Read())
var evData = new SysEnumValue();
evData.LangId = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["LangId"]);
evData.EnumTypeId = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["EnumTypeId"]);
evData.EnumValueId = Convert.ToString(reader["EnumValueId"]);
evData.EnumValueName = Convert.ToString(reader["EnumValueName"]);
evData.EnumValueName_2 = Convert.ToString(reader["EnumValueName_2"]);
evData.IsDefault = Convert.ToString(reader["IsDefault"]);
evData.DispIndex = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["DispIndex"]);
evData.VerNo = Convert.ToString(reader["VerNo"]);
evData.EnumValueAndName = evData.EnumValueId + "-" + evData.EnumValueName;
var evDatanew = new SysEnumValue();
evDatanew.LangId =100;
evDatanew.EnumTypeId =100;
evDatanew.EnumValueId ="";
evDatanew.EnumValueName ="";
evDatanew.EnumValueName_2 ="";
evDatanew.IsDefault ="";
evDatanew.DispIndex =100;
evDatanew.VerNo ="";
evDatanew.EnumValueAndName ="";
return evList;
public static string GetBillNo(string billType)
var cookies = new Cookies();
var orgCode = cookies.getCookie(CookieConstant.OrgCode);//登录组织
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
var cmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand("sSysGetBillNo");
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ps_BillType", DbType.String, billType);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ps_OrgCode", DbType.String, orgCode);
db.AddOutParameter(cmd, "@ps_BillNo", DbType.String, 20);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ps_RefBillNo", DbType.String, null);
return Convert.ToString(db.GetParameterValue(cmd, "@ps_BillNo"));
public static DBResult Account(string billno, string ywtype,
string userId, string userCode, string userName)
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
var cmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand("sMsSysAccount");
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ps_BillNo", DbType.String, billno);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ps_YwType", DbType.String, ywtype);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ps_UserId", DbType.String, userId);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ps_UserCode", DbType.String, userCode);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@ps_UserName", DbType.String, userName);
db.AddOutParameter(cmd, "@pi_Result", DbType.Int32, 20);
db.AddOutParameter(cmd, "@ps_Message", DbType.String, 2000);
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = Convert.ToInt32(db.GetParameterValue(cmd, "@pi_Result")) == 1;
result.Message = Convert.ToString(db.GetParameterValue(cmd, "@ps_Message"));
return result;
#region 调用存储过程返回数据集
/// <summary>
/// 根据存储过程返回DataSet
/// </summary>
/// <param name="prcName">存储过程名称</param>
/// <param name="dbparams">参数列表(不包含存储过程的返回游标)</param>
/// <param name="curnames">存储过程的返回游标名称列表</param>
/// <returns>DataSet</returns>
public static DBDataSetResult GetMsSqlPrcDataSet(string prcName, List<CustomDbParamter> dbparams,
List<string> curnames)
var dbrptResult = new DBDataSetResult();
dbrptResult.Success = false;
Debug.Assert(curnames != null, "参数curnames不能为空");
if (curnames.Count == 0)
dbrptResult.Message = "参数curnames长度不能为0";
int iResult = -1;
string sMessage = String.Empty;
var dataSet = new DataSet();
var ConnectionStringLocalTransaction = "";
var connectstr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DongShengRpt"];
if (connectstr != null)
ConnectionStringLocalTransaction = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DongShengRpt"].ConnectionString;
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConnectionStringLocalTransaction)) db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("DongShengRpt");
using (IDbConnection idbconn = db.CreateConnection())
using (DbCommand cmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand(prcName))
cmd.CommandTimeout = 1200000; //要加这一句
IDbTransaction idbtran = idbconn.BeginTransaction();
cmd.Transaction = (DbTransaction)idbtran;
foreach (DbParameter param in dbparams)
switch (param.Direction)
case ParameterDirection.Input:
db.AddInParameter(cmd, param.ParameterName, param.DbType, param.Value);
case ParameterDirection.Output:
db.AddOutParameter(cmd, param.ParameterName, param.DbType, param.Size);
case ParameterDirection.InputOutput:
case ParameterDirection.ReturnValue:
db.AddParameter(cmd, param.ParameterName, param.DbType, param.Direction,
param.SourceColumn, DataRowVersion.Default, param.Value);
db.AddOutParameter(cmd, "@pi_result", DbType.Int32, 32);
db.AddOutParameter(cmd, "@ps_Message", DbType.String, 2000);
db.LoadDataSet(cmd, dataSet, curnames.ToArray(), (DbTransaction)idbtran);
iResult = Convert.ToInt32(db.GetParameterValue(cmd, "@pi_Result"));
sMessage = Convert.ToString(db.GetParameterValue(cmd, "@ps_Message"));
catch (Exception e)
iResult = -1; // Convert.ToInt32(db.GetParameterValue(cmd, "pi_Result"));
sMessage = e.Message;//sMessage = Convert.ToString(db.GetParameterValue(cmd, "ps_Message"));
if (iResult == 1)
dbrptResult.Success = true;
dbrptResult.Message = "查询成功!";
dbrptResult.DataSet = dataSet;
dbrptResult.Success = false;
dbrptResult.Message = "查询失败:" + sMessage;
dbrptResult.Success = false;
return dbrptResult;
/// <summary>
/// 根据存储过程返回DataTable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="prcName">存储过程名称</param>
/// <param name="dbparams">参数列表(不包含存储过程的返回游标)</param>
/// <returns>DataSet</returns>
public static DBDataSetResult GetMsSqlPrcDataSet(string prcName, List<CustomDbParamter> dbparams, string curName)
var curnames = new List<string>();
return GetMsSqlPrcDataSet(prcName, dbparams, curnames);
public static string getGuid()
Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
return guid.ToString().Replace("-", "").ToUpper();
#region 直接执行sql命令
static public int ExecSql ( string StrSql )
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
var _count = db.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, StrSql);
return _count;
1 year ago
public class MqWorkDAL
public static void DingCangToDS7(string strBody)
var jarr = JArray.Parse(strBody);
var itemstr = "";
var cdc = new CommonDataContext();
var dolist = new List<DingCangHead>();
foreach (var item in jarr)
var obj = item as JObject;
itemstr = item.ToString();
//var head = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DingCangHead>(itemstr);
//ThreadSaveDS6_Single SaveThread = new ThreadSaveDS6_Single();
//Thread thread1 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(SaveThread.FuncSend));
Task.Run(() => { Do_DingCangToDS7(itemstr); });
//注释部分 为每消息队列文本包 起一个线程
//ThreadSaveDS6_List SaveThread = new ThreadSaveDS6_List();
//Thread thread1 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(SaveThread.FuncSend));
catch (Exception e)
//var errorobjstr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(e);
public static void Do_DingCangToDS7(string itemstr, int count = 0)
LoggerHelper loggerHelper = new LoggerHelper("接收大简云订舱");
if (count > 3)
var head = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DingCangHead>(itemstr);
var cdc = new CommonDataContext();
var newhead = head.GetOpseae();
var OPUser = new VW_user_md();
var OPUserList = cdc.VW_user.Where(x => x.SHOWNAME == head.op).ToList();
if (OPUserList != null && OPUserList.Count > 0) {
OPUser = OPUserList[0];
var currentBill = DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsOpSeaeDAL.MsOpSeaeDAL.GetData($" B.DJYID={head.Id}", OPUser.USERID);
if (currentBill != null && currentBill.DJYID!=null)
var updrec = currentBill;
var headid = updrec.BSNO;
newhead.BSNO = updrec.BSNO;
newhead.MASTERNO = updrec.MASTERNO;
//newhead.INPUTBY = updrec.INPUTBY;
//newhead.INPUTBY = updrec.INPUTBY;
else {
var ctnlist = head.GetCtnList("*");
newhead.BSNO = "topseae"+Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var _r = DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsOpSeaeDAL.MsOpSeaeDAL.DoSave(
catch (Exception e)
#region 大简云订舱数据解析类
public class DingCangHead
public long Id { get; set; }
public string bsno { get; set; } //"string",
public string bsstatus { get; set; } //"string",
public string bsstatusname { get; set; } //"string",
public DateTime? bsdate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public string mblno { get; set; } //"string",
public string tmblno { get; set; } //"string",
public string hblno { get; set; } //"string",
public string bookingno { get; set; } //"string",
public string contractno { get; set; } //"string",
public string servicecontractno { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperid { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeid { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyid { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipper { get; set; } //"string",
public string consignee { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifyparty { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartY2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string foreignAgent { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardid { get; set; } //"string",
public string yard { get; set; } //"string",
public string vesselid { get; set; } //"string",
public string vessel { get; set; } //"string",
public string voyno { get; set; } //"string",
public string voynoinner { get; set; } //"string",
public DateTime? etd { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
/// <summary>
/// 云港通ETD爬取的ETD 写入
/// </summary>
public DateTime? YgtETD { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? atd { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? closingdate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? closedocdate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? closevgmdate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? eta { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public string placereceiptid { get; set; } //"string",
public string placereceipt { get; set; } //"string",
public string portloadid { get; set; } //"string",
public string portload { get; set; } //"string",
public string portdischargeid { get; set; } //"string",
public string portdischarge { get; set; } //"string",
public string placedeliveryid { get; set; } //"string",
public string placedelivery { get; set; } //"string",
public string destinationid { get; set; } //"string",
public string destination { get; set; } //"string",
public string nobill { get; set; } //"string",
public string copynobill { get; set; } //"string",
public string issuetype { get; set; } //"string",
public DateTime? issuedate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public string issueplaceid { get; set; } //"string",
public string issueplace { get; set; } //"string",
public string blfrt { get; set; } //"string",
public string prepardat { get; set; } //"string",
public string payableat { get; set; } //"string",
public string service { get; set; } //"string",
public string marks { get; set; } //"string",
public string hscode { get; set; } //"string",
public string description { get; set; } //"string",
public int? pkgs { get; set; } = 0;
public string kindpkgs { get; set; } //"string",
public decimal? kgs { get; set; } = 0;
public decimal? cbm { get; set; } = 0;
public string totalno { get; set; } //"string",
public string cntrtotal { get; set; } //"string",
public string carrierid { get; set; } //"string",
public string carrier { get; set; } //"string",
public string cargoid { get; set; } //"string",
public string dclass { get; set; } //"string",
public string dunno { get; set; } //"string",
public string dpage { get; set; } //"string",
public string dlabel { get; set; } //"string",
public string linkman { get; set; } //"string",
public string tempid { get; set; } //"string",
public string tempset { get; set; } //"string",
public string reeferf { get; set; } //"string",
public string humidity { get; set; } //"string",
public string tempmin { get; set; } //"string",
public string tempmax { get; set; } //"string",
public bool? iscontainersoc { get; set; } //true,
public string soremark { get; set; } //"订舱备注",
public string siremark { get; set; } //"截单备注",
public string yardremark { get; set; } //"string",
public string compid { get; set; } //"string",
public string compname { get; set; } //"string",
public string shippername { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperaddR1 { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperaddR2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperaddR3 { get; set; } //"string",
public string shippercity { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperprovince { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperpostcode { get; set; } //"string",
public string shippercountry { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperattn { get; set; } //"string",
public string shippertel { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneename { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeaddR1 { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeaddR2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeaddR3 { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneecity { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeprovince { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneepostcode { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneercountry { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeattn { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneetel { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyname { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyaddR1 { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyaddR2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyaddR3 { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartycity { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyprovince { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartypostcode { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartycountry { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyattn { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartytel { get; set; } //"string",
public string pono { get; set; } //"string",
public string opid { get; set; } //"string",
public string docid { get; set; } //"string",
public string op { get; set; } //"string",
public string doc { get; set; } //"string",
public string saleid { get; set; } //"string",
public string sale { get; set; } //"string",
public string custserviceid { get; set; } //"string",
public string custservice { get; set; } //"string",
public string customername { get; set; } //"string",
public string thirdPay { get; set; } //"第三方 第三方付费",
public string forwarder { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipagency { get; set; } //"string",
public string customser { get; set; } //"string",
public string trucker { get; set; } //"string",
public string agentid { get; set; } //"string",
public long? customerid { get; set; } //= 0;
public string forwarderid { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipagencyid { get; set; } //"string",
public string customserid { get; set; } //"string",
public string truckerid { get; set; } //"string",
public string agentname { get; set; } //"string",
public string weituo { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneedooraddr { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperdooraddr { get; set; } //"string",
public string scaccode { get; set; } //"string",
public string itncode { get; set; } //"string",
public string prepardatid { get; set; } //"string",
public string payableatid { get; set; } //"string",
public string custno { get; set; } //"string",
public string transportid { get; set; } //"string",
public string transport { get; set; } //"string",
public string thirdpayaddr { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardcontract { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardcontracttel { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardcontractemail { get; set; } //"string",
public bool? feeself { get; set; } //true,
public string lanecode { get; set; } //"string",
public string lanename { get; set; } //"string",
public string freightpayer { get; set; } //"string",
public string goodscode { get; set; } //"string",
public string goodsname { get; set; } //"string",
public string pkgstotal { get; set; } //"string",
public string kgstotal { get; set; } //"string",
public string cbmtotal { get; set; } //"string",
public string routeid { get; set; } //"string",
public string route { get; set; } //"string",
public string warehouse { get; set; } //"string",
public string warehouseID { get; set; } //"string",
public string epCode { get; set; } //"string",
/// <summary>
/// 用户自定义航线
/// </summary>
public string lineName { get; set; } //"string",
public string dzRemark { get; set; } //"string",
public string czRemark { get; set; } //"string",
public string createdUserName { get; set; } //"string",
public string ZhanCangFlag { get; set; } = ""; //"string",
public string SourceName { get; set; } = ""; //"string",
//public string CtnDayNum { get; set; } = "";//箱使堆存 废弃
public string ShenQingXiangShi { get; set; } = "";//箱使堆存
public string VERSION { get; set; } = "";//版本号 内容为一个gid用来记录数据是否为最新
public string LineManage { get; set; } = "";//航线管理
public string ShippingMethod { get; set; } = "";//装运方式 整箱/拼箱
public List<DingCangCtn> ctnInputs { get; set; }
public DingCangbookingEDIExt bookingEDIExt { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 原来使用DingCangTDXX
/// </summary>
public List<DingCangHead> childrens { get; set; }
public List<DingCanggoodsStatus> goodsStatus { get; set; }
class item
public CODE_CTN_md { get; set; }
public int { get; set; } = 0;
public item(CODE_CTN_md _, int _)
= _;
= _;
public List<item> { get; set; }
public ()
var cdc = new CommonDataContext();
= new List<item>();
public void Add(item newitem)
if (.Exists(x => x. == newitem.))
.First(x => x. == newitem.). += newitem.;
public string get()
var result = "";
foreach (var item in )
if (result != "") result += " ";
result += item..CTN + "*" + item..ToString();
return result;
public string get()
var result = "";
foreach (var item in )
if (result != "") result += "\r\n";
result += item..CTN + "*" + item..ToString() + "-" + item..CTN;
return result;
public string get()
var result = "SAY: ";
foreach (var item in )
if (result != "SAY: ") result += " AND ";
result += NumberToEnglishString(item.).ToUpper() + " (" + item..CTN + "*" + item..ToString() + ")";
result += " CONTAINER ONLY. ";
return result;
public int getTeu()
var result = 0;
foreach (var item in )
if (item..CTNSIZE == "20")
result += 1 * item.;
result += 2 * item.;
return result;
public int get(DateTime? etd)
DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(((DateTime)etd).Year, 1, 1);
TimeSpan ts1 = ((DateTime)etd).Subtract(dateTime).Duration();
var days = ts1.Days;
var weeks = (int)(Math.Ceiling(days / 7.0));
return weeks;
catch (Exception e)
return 0;
public MsOpSeae GetOpseae()
//var weeks = get周次(etd);
//20230410 根据箱信息重新计算 集装箱 和 箱数大写
var cdc = new CommonDataContext();
var = new ();
var tcodectn = cdc.CODE_CTN.Where(x => 1 == 1).ToList();
if (ctnInputs != null)
foreach (var ctn in ctnInputs)
var infoList = tcodectn.Where(x => (x.CTNSIZE + x.CTNTYPE) == ctn.ctnall
|| (x.CTNSIZE + "'" + x.CTNTYPE) == ctn.ctnall
|| x.CTN == ctn.ctnall).ToList();
var info = new CODE_CTN_md();
if (infoList != null && infoList.Count > 0)
info = infoList[0];
.Add(new item(info, ctn.ctnnum == null ? 1 : (int)ctn.ctnnum));
var = .get();
var = .get();
var = .get();
//HS编码 = hscode,
//货物名称 = bookingEDIExt.goodsName,
//货物描述 = description,
var = "";
//var 当前货名 = d6.t_code_goods.Where(x => x.代码 == goodscode).ToList();
//if (当前货名 == null || 当前货名.Count == 0)
// if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(goodscode)) {
// var newrec = new t_code_goods_md();
// newrec.代码 = SetLength(goodscode, 10);
// newrec.货物名称 = SetLength(goodsname, 100);
// 货物名称 = newrec.货物名称;
// newrec.货物描述 = SetLength(description, 600);
// newrec.商品编码 = SetLength(hscode, 10);
// d6.t_code_goods.Add(newrec);
// d6.SaveChanges();
// }
// 货物名称 = 当前货名[0].货物名称;
= dealGoodsinfo(goodscode, goodsname, description, hscode);
var _etd = new DateTime();
var _eta = new DateTime();
if (etd != null) _etd = new DateTime(((DateTime)etd).Year, ((DateTime)etd).Month, ((DateTime)etd).Day);
if (eta != null) _eta = new DateTime(((DateTime)etd).Year, ((DateTime)etd).Month, ((DateTime)etd).Day);
var = op;
var = "";
var = cdc.VW_user.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SHOWNAME == );
if ( != null) = .DEPTNAME;
var = sale;
var = "";
var = cdc.VW_user.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SHOWNAME == );
if ( != null) = .DEPTNAME;
var = carrier;
var ediList = cdc.CodeCustEdi.Where(x => x.EDINAME == "大简云船公司" && x.EDICODE == carrier).ToList();
if (ediList != null && ediList.Count > 0) {
= ediList[0].CUST;
var carrier_clientList = cdc.info_client.Where(x => x.SHORTNAME == ).ToList();
if (carrier_clientList != null && carrier_clientList.Count > 0)
var carrier_client = carrier_clientList[0];
= carrier_client.SHORTNAME;
//int? 申请箱使天数 = null;
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
DateTime today2 = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day);
var = "整箱";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShippingMethod))
//if (船公司.IndexOf("拼箱") >= 0)
// 装运方式 = "拼箱";
= ShippingMethod;
var result = new MsOpSeae
BSNO = bsno,
BSSTATUS = false,
FEESTATUS = false,
//会计期间 = SetDayZero(atd),
//装运方式 = 装运方式,
//周次 = weeks,
//录入日期 = bsdate, //bsdate<new DateTime(2000,1,1)|| bsdate > new DateTime(2070, 1, 1) ? DateTime.Now: bsdate,
MBLNO = mblno,
//真提单号 = tmblno,
//主提单标准 = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( mblno)?,
HBLNO = hblno,
CUSTNO = custno,
CONTRACTNO = contractno,
SHIPPER = (shipper),
CONSIGNEE = (consignee),
NOTIFYPARTY = (notifyparty),
YARD = yard,
VESSEL = vessel,
VOYNO = voynoinner,
ETD = SetDayMinute_Str(YgtETD),
//ETD = SetDayMinute_Str(YgtETD),
ETA = SetDayZero_Str(eta),
ATD = SetDayMinute_Str(atd),
CLOSINGDATE = SetDayZero_Str(closingdate),
PORTLOADID = portloadid,
PORTLOAD = portload,
PORTDISCHARGEID = portdischargeid,
PORTDISCHARGE = portdischarge,
PLACEDELIVERYID = placedeliveryid,
PLACEDELIVERY = placedelivery,
DESTINATIONID = destinationid,
DESTINATION = destination,
NOBILL = nobill,
COPYNOBILL = copynobill,
ISSUETYPE = issuetype,
ISSUEDATE = issuedate == null ? "" : ((DateTime)issuedate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
ISSUEPLACE = issueplace,
BLFRT = blfrt,
PREPARDAT = prepardat,
PAYABLEAT = payableat,
SERVICE = service,
MARKS = (marks),
CUSTSERVICE = service,
HSCODE = hscode,
DESCRIPTION = (description),
PKGS = pkgs.ToString(),
KINDPKGS = kindpkgs,
KGS = kgs.ToString(),
CBM = cbm.ToString(),
TOTALNO = totalno,
CNTRTOTAL = ,//cntrtotal,//
//TOTALNO = 箱数大写,
//计费标准 = 计费标准,
CARRIER = ,//carrier,
CARGOID = cargoid,
DCLASS = dclass,
DUNNO = dunno,
TEMPSET = tempset,
REEFERF = reeferf,
TEMPMIN = tempmin,
TEMPMAX = tempmax,
ISCONTAINERSOC = iscontainersoc==null?false:(bool)iscontainersoc,
//订舱备注 = 设置换行(soremark),//订舱备注
//分单列表 = 设置换行(soremark),
//附加条款 = 设置换行(soremark),
//全称= compname,
//合同号 = pono,
ORDERNO = pono,
//合同号备注 = pono,
FRCUSTSERVICE = custservice,
OP = op,
DOC = doc,
SALE = sale,
//航线操作 = route,
CUSTOMERNAME = customername,
//第三方付费 = thirdPay,
CUSTOMSER = customser,
TRUCKER = trucker,
FORWARDER = forwarder,//大简云“订舱代理”ds6界面的“订舱代理”ds6数据库的货代
//备案号 = lanename,
LANE = lineName,
SHIPAGENCY = shipagency,
AGENT = agentname,//大简云“国外代理”ds6界面的“代理”ds6数据库的代理
//其他备注 = 设置换行(dzRemark),
//是否占舱 = ZhanCangFlag == "是" ? "Y" : "N",
//占舱备注 = 设置换行(czRemark),
REMARK = (dzRemark),
INPUTBY = createdUserName,
EDIREMARK = (bookingEDIExt == null) ? "" : (bookingEDIExt.orderRemark),
//通知到港 = null,
//是否提货 = null,
//是否提交VGM = null,
//是否提交舱单 = null,
//是否装载放行 = null,
SOURCECODE = SourceName,
//箱使堆存 = 设置换行(ShenQingXiangShi),
//总价 = (bookingEDIExt == null) ? "" : bookingEDIExt.kingTareweight == null ? "" : bookingEDIExt.kingTareweight.ToString().Replace(".0", ""),
//箱TEU = 箱型箱量.getTeu(),
//箱型1 = 箱型箱量.get箱型1(),
//箱型2 = 箱型箱量.get箱型2(),
//箱型3 = 箱型箱量.get箱型3(),
//箱型4 = 箱型箱量.get箱型4(),
//箱型5 = 箱型箱量.get箱型5(),
//箱型6 = 箱型箱量.get箱型6(),
//箱型7 = 箱型箱量.get箱型7(),
//箱型8 = 箱型箱量.get箱型8(),
//箱型9 = 箱型箱量.get箱型9(),
//箱型10 = 箱型箱量.get箱型10(),
//辅助字段一 = 设置换行(bookingEDIExt == null ? "" : bookingEDIExt.exRemark1),
//辅助字段二 = 设置换行(bookingEDIExt == null ? "" : bookingEDIExt.exRemark2),
//辅助字段三 = 设置换行(bookingEDIExt == null ? "" : bookingEDIExt.exRemark3),
//辅助字段四 = 设置换行(bookingEDIExt == null ? "" : bookingEDIExt.exRemark4),
//操作部门 = 操作部门名称,
//航线管理 = LineManage
//if (goodsStatus != null)
// foreach (var status in goodsStatus)
// {
// if (status.statusName == "通知到港")
// {
// if (status.finishTime != null)
// result.通知到港 = true;
// }
// if (status.statusName == "是否提货")
// {
// if (status.finishTime != null)
// result.是否提货 = true;
// }
// if (status.statusName == "提交VGM")
// {
// if (status.finishTime != null)
// result.是否提交VGM = true;
// }
// if (status.statusName == "提交舱单")
// {
// if (status.finishTime != null)
// result.是否提交舱单 = true;
// }
// if (status.statusName == "装载放行")
// {
// if (status.finishTime != null)
// result.是否装载放行 = true;
// }
// }
#region 设定字符串长度 超长的截断
//var lengthDic = new Dictionary<string, int>
// {"业务状态",80},
// {"主提单号",20},
// {"分提单号",30},
// {"委托编号",20},
// {"装运方式",8},
// {"委托单位",20},
// {"发货人",20},
// {"收货人",20},
// {"通知人",20},
// {"发货人代码",1000},
// {"收货人代码",1000},
// {"通知人代码",1000},
// {"代理",20},
// {"代理内容",1000},
// {"场站",20},
// {"船名",60},
// {"航次",20},
// {"起运港",60},
// {"装货港",60},
// {"装港代码",10},
// {"卸货港",100},
// {"卸货代码",10},
// {"二程港口",60},
// {"二程船名",60},
// {"二程航次",20},
// {"目的地",30},
// {"交货地点",100},
// {"交货代码",10},
// {"提单份数",10},
// {"签单方式",50},
// {"签单地点",30},
// {"付费方式",60},
// {"预付地点",100},
// {"到付地点",100},
// {"运输条款",10},
// {"唛头",800},
// {"箱号封号",3000},
// {"件数包装",1000},
// {"货物描述",1400},
// {"货物名称",100},
// {"货物重量",1000},
// {"货物尺码",1000},
// {"包装",60},
// {"件数大写",100},
// {"箱数大写",100},
// {"集装箱",200},
// {"录入人",12},
// {"操作员",10},
// {"揽货人",10},
// {"客服员",10},
// {"航线",30},
// {"船公司",20},
// {"货代公司",20},
// {"备注",800},
// {"报关行",20},
// {"承运车队",20},
// {"分单列表",2000},
// {"计费标准",1000},
// {"报关员",10},
// {"报关单号",20},
// {"核销单号",50},
// {"手册号",20},
// {"经营单位",60},
// {"单位代码",20},
// {"合同号",50},
// {"合同号备注",50},
// {"报关备注",600},
// {"危险品分类",5},
// {"危险品编号",20},
// {"冷藏通风量",12},
// {"温度单位",1},
// {"设置温度",16},
// {"最低温度",5},
// {"最高温度",5},
// {"货物标识",1},
// {"发票号",20},
// {"商品编码",400},
// {"销售部门",30},
// {"操作部门",30},
// {"业务来源",8},
// {"英文船期",12},
// {"三程港口",60},
// {"三程船名",60},
// {"三程航次",20},
// {"辅助字段一",600},
// {"辅助字段二",600},
// {"辅助字段三",600},
// {"辅助字段四",600},
// {"解锁人",10},
// {"主提单标准",30},
// {"分提单标准",30},
// {"委托标准",30},
// {"财务凭证",30},
// {"附加条款",600},
// {"备案号",20},
// {"运抵国",60},
// {"境内货源地",60},
// {"批准文号",20},
// {"成交方式",20},
// {"单价",100},
// {"总价",100},
// {"商品名称",400},
// {"数量单位",400},
// {"报检单号",20},
// {"实验内容",100},
// {"报关操作",10},
// {"报检操作",10},
// {"币制",100},
// {"单证信息",100},
// {"核销标准",20},
// {"报关标准",20},
// {"报检标准",20},
// {"目的地代码",10},
// {"包装代码",10},
// {"发货人编号",10},
// {"运输方式",10},
// {"运费协议号",20},
// {"航线操作",10},
// //{"分票编号",12},
// //{"特殊要求",30},
// {"HS编码",30},
// {"船代",20},
// {"单证员",10},
// {"箱使堆存",30},
// {"EDI备注",2000},
// {"航线管理",20}
//foreach (var item in lengthDic)
// try
// {
// var property = result.GetType().GetProperty(item.Key);
// if (property != null)
// {
// var _v = result.GetType().GetProperty(item.Key).GetValue(result);
// if (_v != null)
// {
// var newvalue = SetLength(_v.ToString(), item.Value);
// result.GetType().GetProperty(item.Key).SetValue(result, newvalue);
// }
// }
// //var value = result.GetType().GetProperty(item.Key).GetValue(result).ToString();
// //var newvalue = SetLength(value, item.Value);
// //result.GetType().GetProperty(item.Key).SetValue(result, newvalue);
// }
// catch (Exception e)
// {
// continue;
// }
return result;
public List<MsOpSeaeDetail> GetCtnList(string BSNO)
var result = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
if (ctnInputs != null)
var cdc = new CommonDataContext();
var CurrCtnList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
if (BSNO != "*") {
CurrCtnList = DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsOpSeaeDAL.MsOpSeaeDAL.GetBodyList($" BSNO='{BSNO}'");
var djyctnids = ctnInputs.Select(x =>;
var Ctn = CurrCtnList.Where(x => !djyctnids.Contains(x.DJYCTNID)).ToList();
if (Ctn != null && Ctn.Count > 0)
var delidstr = string.Join(",", Ctn.Select(s => s.DJYCTNID) );
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (var conn = db.CreateConnection())
var tran = conn.BeginTransaction();
var cmdDeletectn = db.GetSqlStringCommand(" delete from op_ctn where DJYCTNID in(" + delidstr + ") ");
db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmdDeletectn, tran);
catch (Exception)
//return result;
foreach (var ctn in ctnInputs)
var infoList = cdc.CODE_CTN.Where(x =>
(x.CTNSIZE + "'" + x.CTNTYPE) == ctn.ctnall
|| (x.CTNSIZE + x.CTNTYPE) == ctn.ctnall
|| (x.CTNSIZE + "'" + x.CTNTYPE.Replace("OT", "O/T")) == ctn.ctnall
|| (x.CTNSIZE + x.CTNTYPE.Replace("OT", "O/T")) == ctn.ctnall
var info = new CODE_CTN_md();
if (infoList != null && infoList.Count > 0)
info = infoList[0];
var ctnbsno = BSNO;
if (BSNO != "*" && !CurrCtnList.Exists(x => x.DJYCTNID ==
ctnbsno = BSNO;
var updctn = CurrCtnList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DJYCTNID ==;
updctn.CTNCODE = info.CTNID;
updctn.SIZE = info.CTNSIZE;
updctn.CTN = info.CTN;
updctn.BSNO = ctnbsno;
updctn.CTNALL = ctn.ctnall;
updctn.CTNNUM = ctn.ctnnum == null ? 0 : (int)ctn.ctnnum;
updctn.CNTRNO = ctn.cntrno;
updctn.SEALNO = ctn.sealno;
updctn.PKGS = ctn.pkgs == null ? 0 : (int)ctn.pkgs;
updctn.KINDPKGS = ctn.kindpkgs;
updctn.KGS = ctn.kgs == null ? 0 : (decimal)ctn.kgs;
updctn.CBM = ctn.cbm == null ? 0 : (decimal)ctn.cbm;
updctn.TAREWEIGHT = ctn.tareweight == null ? 0 : (decimal)ctn.tareweight;
updctn.TEU = info.TEU == null ? 0 : (int)info.TEU;
updctn.WEIGHKGS = ctn.weighkgs == null ? 0 : (decimal)ctn.weighkgs;
else {
ctnbsno = "*";
var newctn = new MsOpSeaeDetail
CTN = info.CTN,
BSNO = ctnbsno,
CTNALL = ctn.ctnall,
CTNNUM = ctn.ctnnum == null ? 0 : (int)ctn.ctnnum,
CNTRNO = ctn.cntrno,
SEALNO = ctn.sealno,
PKGS = ctn.pkgs == null ? 0 : (int)ctn.pkgs,
KINDPKGS = ctn.kindpkgs,
KGS = ctn.kgs == null ? 0 : (decimal)ctn.kgs,
CBM = ctn.cbm == null ? 0 : (decimal)ctn.cbm,
TAREWEIGHT = ctn.tareweight == null ? 0 : (decimal)ctn.tareweight,
TEU = info.TEU == null ? 0 : (int)info.TEU,
WEIGHKGS = ctn.weighkgs == null ? 0 : (decimal)ctn.weighkgs,
return result;
public string dealGoodsinfo(string goodscode, string goodsname, string description, string hscode)
var result = "";
var cdc = new CommonDataContext();
var = cdc.code_goods.Where(x => x.GOODNAME == goodsname).ToList();
if ( == null || .Count == 0)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(goodsname))
var newrec = new code_goods_md();
newrec.GID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
newrec.GOODCODE = SetLength(goodscode, 10);
newrec.GOODNAME = SetLength(goodsname, 60);
result = newrec.GOODNAME;
newrec.DESCRIP = SetLength(description, 600);
newrec.HSCODE = SetLength(hscode, 10);
result = [0].GOODNAME;
catch (Exception e)
var str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(e);
return result;
public static void GetCtn(ref t_op_ctn_md curr, t_op_ctn_md ctn)
curr. = ctn.;
curr. = ctn.;
curr. = ctn.;
//curr.编号 = head.编号,
curr. = ctn.;
curr. = ctn.;
curr. = ctn.;
curr. = ctn.;
curr. = ctn.;
curr. = ctn.;
curr. = ctn.;
curr. = ctn.;
curr. = ctn.;
curr.TEU = ctn.TEU;
curr. = ctn.;
public List<t_op_ams_md> GetAmsList(t_op_seae_md head)
var result = new List<t_op_ams_md>();
//foreach (var item in bookingEDIExt)
var item = bookingEDIExt;
if (bookingEDIExt != null)
var newrec = new t_op_ams_md
= head.,
= SetLength(item.shipperEdiCode, 10),
= SetLength(item.consigneeEdiCode, 10),
= SetLength(item.salerCode, 10),
= SetLength(item.ediAttn, 30),
= SetLength(item.ediAttnTel, 50),
HSCODE = SetLength(item.ckhi, 100),
NCM = (SetLength(item.cncm, 600)),
西 = (SetLength(item.wncm, 300)),
= head.,
HBL = SetLength(item.masterBolIndicator, 1),
ESL线 = SetLength(lanename, 20),
SI = (SetLength(siremark, 1000))
//20230530 如果船公司不是太平PIL 则将部分字段设为空白
if (head. == "PIL")
newrec.HBL = "";
newrec. = "";
newrec. = null;
newrec.NCM = "";
newrec.西 = "";
newrec.HSCODE = "";
return result;
//public List<t_op_seae_assistant_md> GetAssistantList(t_op_seae_md head)
// var result = new List<t_op_seae_assistant_md>();
// var d6 = new DS6DataContext();
// var 货物名称 = "";
// if (childrens != null)
// foreach (var item in childrens)
// {
// var weeks = get周次(item.etd);
// var 箱型箱量 = new 箱型箱量();
// var 箱号封号 = "";
// var 件数包装 = item.pkgs.ToString() + item.kindpkgs;
// var 货物重量 = item.kgs.ToString() + "KGS";
// var 货物尺码 = item.cbm.ToString() + "CBM";
// foreach (var ctn in item.ctnInputs)
// {
// var 箱型infoList = d6.t_code_ctn.Where(x =>
// (x.尺寸 + "'" + x.箱型) == ctn.ctnall
// || (x.尺寸 + x.箱型) == ctn.ctnall
// || (x.尺寸 + "'" + x.箱型.Replace("OT", "O/T")) == ctn.ctnall
// || (x.尺寸 + x.箱型.Replace("OT", "O/T")) == ctn.ctnall
// ).ToList();
// var 箱型info = new t_code_ctn_md();
// if (箱型infoList != null && 箱型infoList.Count > 0)
// {
// 箱型info = 箱型infoList[0];
// }
// else
// {
// continue;
// }
// 箱型箱量.Add(new 箱型箱量item(箱型info, ctn.ctnnum == null ? 1 : (int)ctn.ctnnum));
// if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ctn.cntrno) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ctn.sealno))
// {
// if (箱号封号 != "") 箱号封号 += "\r\n";
// 箱号封号 += (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ctn.cntrno) ? "" : ctn.cntrno) + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ctn.sealno) ? "" : "/" + ctn.sealno);
// }
// //if (ctn.pkgs != null && ctn.pkgs != 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ctn.kindpkgs))
// //{
// // if (件数包装 != "") 件数包装 += "\r\n";
// // 件数包装 += ctn.pkgs.ToString() + ctn.kindpkgs;
// //}
// //if (ctn.kgs != null)// && ctn.重量 != 0
// //{
// // if (货物重量 != "") 货物重量 += "\r\n";
// // 货物重量 += ctn.kgs.ToString() + "KGS";
// //}
// //if (ctn.cbm != null)//&& ctn.尺码 != 0
// //{
// // if (货物尺码 != "") 货物尺码 += "\r\n";
// // 货物尺码 += ctn.cbm.ToString() + "CBM";
// //}
// }
// var 集装箱 = 箱型箱量.get集装箱();
// var 箱数大写 = 箱型箱量.get箱数大写();
// //var 当前货名 = new t_code_goods_md();
// 货物名称 = dealGoodsinfo(item.goodscode, item.goodsname, item.description, item.hscode);
// // var 当前货名 = d6.t_code_goods.Where(x => x.代码 == item.goodscode).ToList();
// //if (当前货名 == null || 当前货名.Count == 0)
// //{
// // if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.goodscode))
// // {
// // var newcodegoods = new t_code_goods_md();
// // newcodegoods.代码 = SetLength(item.goodscode, 10);
// // newcodegoods.货物名称 = SetLength(item.goodsname, 100);
// // 货物名称 = newcodegoods.货物名称;
// // newcodegoods.货物描述 = SetLength(item.description, 600);
// // newcodegoods.商品编码 = SetLength(item.hscode, 10);
// // d6.t_code_goods.Add(newcodegoods);
// // d6.SaveChanges();
// // }
// //}
// //else
// //{
// // 货物名称 = 当前货名[0].货物名称;
// //}
// var newrec = new t_op_seae_assistant_md
// {
// 编号 = head.编号,
// 主编号 = head.编号,
// BSNO = item.bsno,
// 录入日期 = item.bsdate,
// 主提单号 = item.mblno,
// 分提单号 = item.hblno,
// //订舱序列号 = item.bookingno,
// 发货人代码 = 设置换行(item.shipper),
// 收货人代码 = 设置换行(item.consignee),
// 通知人代码 = 设置换行(item.notifyparty),
// //20230605
// 代理内容 = 设置换行(item.foreignAgent),
// 提单份数 = item.nobill,
// 签单方式 = item.issuetype,
// 签单日期 = item.issuedate,
// 签单地点 = item.issueplace,
// 付费方式 = item.blfrt,
// 预付地点 = item.prepardat,
// 到付地点 = item.payableat,
// 运输条款 = item.service,
// 唛头 = 设置换行(item.marks),
// 运输方式 = item.hscode,
// 货物名称 = 货物名称,
// 货物描述 = 设置换行(item.description),
// 件数 = item.pkgs,
// 包装 = item.kindpkgs,
// 重量 = item.kgs,
// 尺码 = item.cbm,
// 件数大写 = item.totalno,
// 集装箱 = item.cntrtotal,
// 船公司 = item.carrier,
// 货物标识 = item.cargoid,
// 危险品分类 = item.dclass,
// 危险品编号 = item.dunno,
// 设置温度 = item.tempset,
// 冷藏通风量 = item.reeferf,
// 最低温度 = item.tempmin,
// 最高温度 = item.tempmax,
// 是否自有箱 = item.iscontainersoc,
// 委托编号 = item.pono,
// 操作员 = item.op,
// 揽货人 =,
// 客服员 = item.custservice,
// //总价 = (item.bookingEDIExt == null) ? 0M : item.bookingEDIExt.kingTareweight == null ? 0M : item.bookingEDIExt.kingTareweight,
// //预付地点= item.prepardatid,
// //到付地点= item.payableatid,
// 周次 = weeks,
// 运费协议号 = item.contractno,
// 场站 = item.yard,
// 船名 = item.vessel,
// 航次 = item.voynoinner,
// 开船日期 = SetDayMinute(item.etd),
// 截港日期 = SetDayZero(item.closingdate),
// 预抵日期 = SetDayMinute(item.eta),
// 装港代码 = item.portloadid,
// 装货港 = item.portload,
// 卸货代码 = item.portdischargeid,
// 卸货港 = item.portdischarge,
// 交货代码 = item.placedeliveryid,
// 交货地点 = item.placedelivery,
// 目的地代码 = item.destinationid,
// 目的地 = item.destination,
// //集装箱 = 集装箱,
// 箱数大写 = 箱数大写,
// 合同号 = item.pono,
// 委托单位 = item.customername,
// 报关行 = item.customser,
// 承运车队 = item.trucker,
// 货代公司 = item.forwarder,//大简云“订舱代理”ds6界面的“订舱代理”ds6数据库的货代
// 备案号 = item.lanename,
// 航线 = item.lineName,
// 代理 = item.agentname,//大简云“国外代理”ds6界面的“代理”ds6数据库的代理
// 录入人 = createdUserName,
// 箱TEU = 箱型箱量.getTeu(),
// 箱型1 = 箱型箱量.get箱型1(),
// 箱型2 = 箱型箱量.get箱型2(),
// 箱型3 = 箱型箱量.get箱型3(),
// 箱型4 = 箱型箱量.get箱型4(),
// 箱型5 = 箱型箱量.get箱型5(),
// 箱型6 = 箱型箱量.get箱型6(),
// 箱型7 = 箱型箱量.get箱型7(),
// 箱型8 = 箱型箱量.get箱型8(),
// 箱型9 = 箱型箱量.get箱型9(),
// 箱型10 = 箱型箱量.get箱型10(),
// 辅助字段一 = 设置换行(item.bookingEDIExt.exRemark1),
// 辅助字段二 = 设置换行(item.bookingEDIExt.exRemark2),
// 辅助字段三 = 设置换行(item.bookingEDIExt.exRemark3),
// 辅助字段四 = 设置换行(item.bookingEDIExt.exRemark4),
// 箱号封号 = 箱号封号,
// 件数包装 = 件数包装,
// 货物重量 = 货物重量,
// 货物尺码 = 货物尺码
// };
// var lengthDic = new Dictionary<string, int>
// {
// {"主提单号",20},
// {"分提单号",20},
// {"发货人代码",1000},
// {"收货人代码",1000},
// {"通知人代码",1000},
// {"提单份数",10},
// {"签单方式",10},
// {"签单地点",30},
// {"付费方式",60},
// {"预付地点",100},
// {"到付地点",100},
// {"运输条款",10},
// {"唛头",800},
// {"运输方式",10},
// {"HS编码",30},
// {"货物描述",1000},
// //{"货物描述",1000},
// {"包装",60},
// {"件数大写",100},
// {"集装箱",200},
// {"船公司",20},
// {"货物标识",1},
// {"危险品分类",5},
// {"危险品编号",20},
// {"设置温度",16},
// {"冷藏通风量",12},
// {"最低温度",5},
// {"最高温度",5},
// {"委托编号",20},
// {"操作员",10},
// {"揽货人",10},
// {"客服员",10},
// {"运费协议号",20},
// {"场站",20},
// {"船名",60},
// {"航次",20},
// {"装港代码",10},
// {"装货港",60},
// {"卸货代码",10},
// {"卸货港",100},
// {"交货代码",10},
// {"交货地点",100},
// {"目的地代码",10},
// {"目的地",30},
// {"合同号",50},
// {"委托单位",20},
// {"报关行",20},
// {"承运车队",20},
// {"货代公司",20},
// {"备案号",20},
// {"航线",30},
// {"代理",20},
// {"录入人",12},
// {"辅助字段一",600},
// {"辅助字段二",600},
// {"辅助字段三",600},
// {"辅助字段四",600},
// };
// //Set分单箱封号件重尺(ref newrec, item);
// foreach (var _item in lengthDic)
// {
// try
// {
// var value = newrec.GetType().GetProperty(_item.Key).GetValue(newrec).ToString();
// var newvalue = SetLength(value, _item.Value);
// newrec.GetType().GetProperty(_item.Key).SetValue(newrec, newvalue);
// }
// catch (Exception e)
// {
// continue;
// }
// }
// result.Add(newrec);
// }
// return result;
public static void GetAssistant(ref t_op_seae_assistant_md curr, t_op_seae_assistant_md item)
//curr.编号 = head.编号;
//curr.主编号 = item.编号;
curr.BSNO = item.BSNO;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
//订舱序列号 = item.bookingno;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr.线 = item.线;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr.TEU = item.TEU;
curr.1 = item.1;
curr.2 = item.2;
curr.3 = item.3;
curr.4 = item.4;
curr.5 = item.5;
curr.6 = item.6;
curr.7 = item.7;
curr.8 = item.8;
curr.9 = item.9;
curr.10 = item.10;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
curr. = item.;
public List<t_op_state_md> GetOpStatus(t_op_seae_md head)
var result = new List<t_op_state_md>();
if (goodsStatus != null && goodsStatus.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in goodsStatus)
var status = new t_op_state_md()
= head.,
= item.statusName,
= item.finishTime == null ? false : true,
= item.finishTime,
= item.finishTime == null ? null : head.,
= item.remark,
= head.,
= item.finishTime == null ? DateTime.Now : item.finishTime
var _order = 1;
foreach (var item in result.OrderBy(x => x.))
item. = _order;
return result;
public DateTime StartDatetime { get; set; }
//public DingCangHead() {
// StartDatetime=DateTime.Now;
public class DingCangCtn
public long? id { get; set; }
public long? billid { get; set; }
public string ctncode { get; set; } //"string",
public string ctnall { get; set; } //"string",
public int? ctnnum { get; set; } = 0;
public int? teu { get; set; } = 0;
public string cntrno { get; set; } //"string",
public string sealno { get; set; } //"string",
public int? pkgs { get; set; } = 0;
public string kindpkgs { get; set; } //"string",
public decimal? kgs { get; set; } = 0M;
public decimal? cbm { get; set; } = 0M;
public decimal? tareweight { get; set; } = 0M;
public string ctnstatus { get; set; } //"string",
public string weightype { get; set; } //"string",
public decimal? weighkgs { get; set; } = 0M;
public string weighattn { get; set; } //"string",
public string vgmconncom { get; set; } //"string",
public string weightel { get; set; } //"string",
public string weighdate { get; set; } //"string",
public string vgmaddr { get; set; } //"string",
public string vgmemail { get; set; } //"string",
public string remark { get; set; } //"string",
public List<DingCangCtnDetail> ctnDetailInputs { get; set; }
public class DingCangCtnDetail
public long? id { get; set; }
public string ctnid { get; set; }
public decimal? pkgs { get; set; } = 0M;
public string kindpkgs { get; set; } //"string",
public decimal? kgs { get; set; } = 0M;
public decimal? cbm { get; set; } = 0M;
public string hscode { get; set; } //"string",
public string marks { get; set; } //"string",
public string description { get; set; } //"string",
public string remark { get; set; }
public class DingCangbookingEDIExt
public string weiTuoFang { get; set; } //"string",
public string sendCode { get; set; } //"string",
public string receiveCode { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifyCdoe { get; set; } //"string",
public string salerCode { get; set; } //"string",
public string masterBolIndicator { get; set; } //"string",
public string emanifestHbl { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeEdiCode { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperEdiCode { get; set; } //"string",
public string ediAttn { get; set; } //"string",
public string ediAttnTel { get; set; } //"string",
public string ediAttnMail { get; set; } //"string",
public string amsConsignee { get; set; } //"string",
public string amsNotifyParty { get; set; } //"string",
public string opEName { get; set; } //"string",
public string opTel { get; set; } //"string",
public string opEmail { get; set; } //"string",
public string acihbl { get; set; } //"string",
public string s0CC0C { get; set; } //"string",
public string goodsName { get; set; } //"string",
public string masterBolIndicatorName { get; set; } //"string",
public string salerCodeName { get; set; } //"string",
public string ckhi { get; set; } //"string",
public string cncm { get; set; } //"string",
public string wncm { get; set; } //"string",
public string orderRemark { get; set; } //"string",
public string exRemark1 { get; set; } //"string",
public string exRemark2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string exRemark3 { get; set; } //"string",
public string exRemark4 { get; set; } //"string",
public decimal? kingTareweight { get; set; } = 0M;
/// <summary>
/// 提单信息
/// </summary>
public class DingCangTDXX
public long Id { get; set; }
public string bsno { get; set; } //"string",
public string bsstatus { get; set; } //"string",
public string bsstatusname { get; set; } //"string",
public DateTime? bsdate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public string mblno { get; set; } //"string",
public string hblno { get; set; } //"string",
public string bookingno { get; set; } //"string",
public string contractno { get; set; } //"string",
public string servicecontractno { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperid { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeid { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyid { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipper { get; set; } //"string",
public string consignee { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifyparty { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartY2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardid { get; set; } //"string",
public string yard { get; set; } //"string",
public string vesselid { get; set; } //"string",
public string vessel { get; set; } //"string",
public string voyno { get; set; } //"string",
public string voynoinner { get; set; } //"string",
public DateTime? etd { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? atd { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? closingdate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? closedocdate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? closevgmdate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? eta { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public string placereceiptid { get; set; } //"string",
public string placereceipt { get; set; } //"string",
public string portloadid { get; set; } //"string",
public string portload { get; set; } //"string",
public string portdischargeid { get; set; } //"string",
public string portdischarge { get; set; } //"string",
public string placedeliveryid { get; set; } //"string",
public string placedelivery { get; set; } //"string",
public string destinationid { get; set; } //"string",
public string destination { get; set; } //"string",
public string nobill { get; set; } //"string",
public string copynobill { get; set; } //"string",
public string issuetype { get; set; } //"string",
public DateTime? issuedate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public string issueplaceid { get; set; } //"string",
public string issueplace { get; set; } //"string",
public string blfrt { get; set; } //"string",
public string prepardat { get; set; } //"string",
public string payableat { get; set; } //"string",
public string service { get; set; } //"string",
public string marks { get; set; } //"string",
public string hscode { get; set; } //"string",
public string description { get; set; } //"string",
public int? pkgs { get; set; } = 0;
public string kindpkgs { get; set; } //"string",
public decimal? kgs { get; set; } = 0;
public decimal? cbm { get; set; } = 0;
public string totalno { get; set; } //"string",
public string cntrtotal { get; set; } //"string",
public string carrierid { get; set; } //"string",
public string carrier { get; set; } //"string",
public string cargoid { get; set; } //"string",
public string dclass { get; set; } //"string",
public string dunno { get; set; } //"string",
public string dpage { get; set; } //"string",
public string dlabel { get; set; } //"string",
public string linkman { get; set; } //"string",
public string tempid { get; set; } //"string",
public string tempset { get; set; } //"string",
public string reeferf { get; set; } //"string",
public string humidity { get; set; } //"string",
public string tempmin { get; set; } //"string",
public string tempmax { get; set; } //"string",
public bool? iscontainersoc { get; set; } //true,
public string soremark { get; set; } //"string",
public string siremark { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardremark { get; set; } //"string",
public string compid { get; set; } //"string",
public string compname { get; set; } //"string",
public string shippername { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperaddR1 { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperaddR2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperaddR3 { get; set; } //"string",
public string shippercity { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperprovince { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperpostcode { get; set; } //"string",
public string shippercountry { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperattn { get; set; } //"string",
public string shippertel { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneename { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeaddR1 { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeaddR2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeaddR3 { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneecity { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeprovince { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneepostcode { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneercountry { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeattn { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneetel { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyname { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyaddR1 { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyaddR2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyaddR3 { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartycity { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyprovince { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartypostcode { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartycountry { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyattn { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartytel { get; set; } //"string",
public string pono { get; set; } //"string",
public string opid { get; set; } //"string",
public string docid { get; set; } //"string",
public string op { get; set; } //"string",
public string doc { get; set; } //"string",
public string saleid { get; set; } //"string",
public string sale { get; set; } //"string",
public string custserviceid { get; set; } //"string",
public string custservice { get; set; } //"string",
public string customername { get; set; } //"string",
public string forwarder { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipagency { get; set; } //"string",
public string customser { get; set; } //"string",
public string trucker { get; set; } //"string",
public string agentid { get; set; } //"string",
public long? customerid { get; set; } //= 0;
public string forwarderid { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipagencyid { get; set; } //"string",
public string customserid { get; set; } //"string",
public string truckerid { get; set; } //"string",
public string agentname { get; set; } //"string",
/// <summary>
/// 境外代理 内容
/// </summary>
public string foreignAgent { get; set; } //境外代理,
public string weituo { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneedooraddr { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperdooraddr { get; set; } //"string",
public string scaccode { get; set; } //"string",
public string itncode { get; set; } //"string",
public string prepardatid { get; set; } //"string",
public string payableatid { get; set; } //"string",
public string custno { get; set; } //"string",
public string transportid { get; set; } //"string",
public string transport { get; set; } //"string",
public string thirdpayaddr { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardcontract { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardcontracttel { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardcontractemail { get; set; } //"string",
public bool? feeself { get; set; } //true,
public string lanecode { get; set; } //"string",
public string lanename { get; set; } //"string",
public string freightpayer { get; set; } //"string",
public string goodscode { get; set; } //"string",
public string goodsname { get; set; } //"string",
public string pkgstotal { get; set; } //"string",
public string kgstotal { get; set; } //"string",
public string cbmtotal { get; set; } //"string",
public string routeid { get; set; } //"string",
public string route { get; set; } //"string",
public string warehouse { get; set; } //"string",
public string warehouseID { get; set; } //"string",
public string epCode { get; set; } //"string",
public string lineName { get; set; } //"string",
public List<DingCangCtn> ctnInputs { get; set; }
public DingCangbookingEDIExt bookingEDIExt { get; set; }
public class DingCanggoodsStatus
public string statusName { get; set; } //"string",
public DateTime? finishTime { get; set; }//2023-03-30T03:12:51.034Z",
public string remark { get; set; } //"string",
public string extData { get; set; }//"string",
public class
public t_op_seae_md opseae { get; set; }
public t_op_letter_md HeadLetter { get; set; } = new t_op_letter_md();
public OpLetterBase ChildLetter { get; set; }
public () { }
public bool IsDeleted { get; set; } = false;
public static getHelper(string lettername, OpLetterBase childletter)
var ds6 = new DS6DataContext();
var opseaeList = ds6.t_op_seae.Where(x => x.DJYID == childletter.DJYBOOKINGID).ToList();
var result = new ();
if (opseaeList == null || opseaeList.Count == 0)
return result;
result.opseae = opseaeList[0];
result.HeadLetter = new t_op_letter_md();
result.HeadLetter. = result.opseae.;
result.HeadLetter. = lettername;
//该字段用于保存新增的业务函电时需先保存op_letter ,但该表是自增序列号表,
//且这种业务函电 需要在调用getHelper方法获得【大简云业务函电】对象时传DJYBOOKINGID字段值
result.HeadLetter.DJYBOOKINGID = childletter.DJYBOOKINGID;
result.HeadLetter.DJYLETTERID = childletter.DJYLETTERID;
result.ChildLetter = childletter;
return result;
public void DoSave()
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HeadLetter.))
//如果具体业务函电已存在 则更新之
public void SaveLetter(object = null)
var result = new OpLetterBase();
var ds6 = new DS6DataContext();
void SaveHeadLetter(string )
var letterheads = ds6.t_op_letter.Where(x => x. == opseae. && x. == HeadLetter.).ToList();
if (letterheads != null || letterheads.Count > 0)
HeadLetter = letterheads[0];
//return new t_op_letter_md();
void UpdHeadLetter(string )
var UpdHeadLetterList = ds6.t_op_letter.Where(x => x. == opseae. && x. == ).ToList();
if (UpdHeadLetterList != null || UpdHeadLetterList.Count > 0)
var UpdHead = UpdHeadLetterList[0];
UpdHead.HEAD_TO = HeadLetter.HEAD_TO;
UpdHead.HEAD_ATTN = HeadLetter.HEAD_ATTN;
UpdHead. = HeadLetter.;
UpdHead. = HeadLetter.;
//return new t_op_letter_md();
void DelHeadLetter(string )
var delheadList = ds6.t_op_letter.Where(x => x. == opseae. && x. == ).ToList();
if (delheadList != null && delheadList.Count > 0)
var delhead = delheadList[0];
//没有找到业务 也就没有可以保存的op_letter 直接退出
if (HeadLetter == null) return;
//var currlist = new List<OpLetterBase>();
if (HeadLetter. == "入货通知")
var currHeadLetterList = ds6.t_op_letter.Where(x => x. == opseae. && x. == HeadLetter.).ToList();
var currlist = new List<t_op_letter_rh_md>();
if (currHeadLetterList != null && currHeadLetterList.Count > 0)
var headid = currHeadLetterList[0].LE_ID;
currlist = ds6.t_op_letter_rh.Where(x => x.LE_ID == headid).ToList();
//首先判断是否为删除 如果是 执行删除
if (IsDeleted)
//找到具体letter 如有则定位到opletter
if (currHeadLetterList != null && currHeadLetterList.Count > 0)
if (currlist != null && currlist.Count > 0)
var delrec = currlist[0];
if (currlist != null && currlist.Count > 0)
var updrec = currlist[0];
updrec.getCopy(ChildLetter, typeof(t_op_letter_rh_md));
if (HeadLetter.LE_ID == 0) return;
ChildLetter.LE_ID = HeadLetter.LE_ID;
if (HeadLetter. == "派车通知")
var = ();
var currHeadLetterList = ds6.t_op_letter.Where(x => x. == opseae. && x. == HeadLetter. && x.DJYLETTERID == HeadLetter.DJYLETTERID).ToList();
var currlist = new List<t_op_letter_pc_md>();
if (currHeadLetterList != null && currHeadLetterList.Count > 0)
var headid = currHeadLetterList[0].LE_ID;
currlist = ds6.t_op_letter_pc.Where(x => x.LE_ID == headid).ToList();
if (IsDeleted)
//找到具体letter 如有则定位到opletter
if (currlist != null && currlist.Count > 0)
var delrec = currlist[0];
opseae. = "";
opseae. = null;
opseae. = ((t_op_letter_pc_md)ChildLetter).;
var = new DateTime();
if (.main.truckTime != null)
= (DateTime)(.main.truckTime);
= new DateTime(.Year, .Month, .Day);
catch (Exception)
opseae. = ;
if (currHeadLetterList == null || currHeadLetterList.Count == 0)
var letterheads = ds6.t_op_letter.Where(x => x. == opseae. && x.DJYLETTERID == HeadLetter.DJYLETTERID).ToList();
if (letterheads != null || letterheads.Count > 0)
HeadLetter = letterheads[0];
if (currlist != null && currlist.Count > 0)
var updrec = currlist[0];
updrec.getCopy(ChildLetter, typeof(t_op_letter_pc_md));
if (HeadLetter.LE_ID == 0) return;
ChildLetter.LE_ID = HeadLetter.LE_ID;
var ctninfo = .main.contaList;
var currctn = ds6.t_op_letter_pc_ctn.Where(x => x.LE_ID == HeadLetter.LE_ID).ToList();
if (currctn != null && currctn.Count > 0)
if (ctninfo != null && ctninfo.Count > 0)
foreach (var djyctn in ctninfo)
var newctn = djyctn.GetPcCtn(HeadLetter);
public class
public long BookingId { get; set; }
public long Id { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// TO
/// </summary>
public string ToName { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// ATTN
/// </summary>
public string Attn { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// ATTN电话
/// </summary>
public string AttnTel { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// ATTN邮箱
/// </summary>
public string AttnMail { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FROM
/// </summary>
public string FromName { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FROM电话
/// </summary>
public string FromTel { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FROM邮箱
/// </summary>
public string FromMail { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 描述
/// </summary>
public string Description { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 截单时间
/// </summary>
public DateTime? CloseDocTime { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 截港时间
/// </summary>
public DateTime? ClosingTime { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 截VGM时间
/// </summary>
public DateTime? VgmTime { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 备注
/// </summary>
public string Remark { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 场站代码
/// </summary>
public string YARDID { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 场站
/// </summary>
public string YARD { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 场站联系人
/// </summary>
public string YARDCONTRACT { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 场站联系人电话
/// </summary>
public string YARDCONTRACTTEL { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 是否删除 ture删除 否则新增或修改
/// </summary>
public bool IsDeleted { get; set; } = false;
public GetLetter()
var letterchild = new t_op_letter_rh_md
LE_ID = 0,
= SetLength(YARD, 30),
= ClosingTime == null ? "" : ((DateTime)ClosingTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
= SetLength(YARDCONTRACT, 60),
= SetLength(Remark, 200),
var result = .getHelper("入货通知", letterchild);
result.HeadLetter.HEAD_TO = SetLength(ToName, 60);
result.HeadLetter.HEAD_ATTN = SetLength(Attn, 60);
result.HeadLetter. = SetLength(FromName, 10);
result.HeadLetter. = DateTime.Now;
result.IsDeleted = IsDeleted;
//result.IsDeleted = true;
return result;
public class
public class head
public long gid { get; set; }
public string messageType { get; set; }
public string senderId { get; set; }
public string senderName { get; set; }
public string receiverId { get; set; }
public string receiverName { get; set; }
public string token { get; set; }
public string version { get; set; }
public string requestDate { get; set; }
public string senderKey { get; set; }
public string requestAction { get; set; }
public class main
public string operType { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 派车单ID
/// </summary>
public long id { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 订舱ID
/// </summary>
public long bookingId { get; set; }
public long? truckId { get; set; }
public string truckCode { get; set; }
public string truckName { get; set; }
public string toName { get; set; }
public string attn { get; set; }
public string attnTel { get; set; }
public string attnMail { get; set; }
public string attnFax { get; set; }
public string fromName { get; set; }
public string fromTel { get; set; }
public string fromMail { get; set; }
public string fromFax { get; set; }
public decimal? kgs { get; set; }
public decimal? fee { get; set; }
public string payMethod { get; set; }
public string payMethodName { get; set; }
public DateTime? truckTime { get; set; }
public string yardid { get; set; }
public string yard { get; set; }
public string yardcontract { get; set; }
public string yardcontracttel { get; set; }
public string factoryId { get; set; }
public string factoryCode { get; set; }
public string factoryName { get; set; }
public string factoryContact { get; set; }
public string factoryTel { get; set; }
public string returnTime { get; set; }
public string inYardID { get; set; }
public string inYard { get; set; }
public string inYardContact { get; set; }
public string inYardContractTel { get; set; }
public DateTime? needArriveTime { get; set; }
public string closingTime { get; set; }
public string pickUpTime { get; set; }
public string isGuaJi { get; set; }
public string attention { get; set; }
public string remark { get; set; }
public string dispatcherId { get; set; }
public string dispatcherName { get; set; }
public string factoryAddr { get; set; }
public string callBackStatus { get; set; }
public bool IsDeleted
return operType == "Delete";
public List<conta> contaList { get; set; } = new List<conta>();
public string ()
var result = "";
var dic = new Dictionary<string, int>();
foreach (var conta in contaList)
if (dic.ContainsKey(conta.ctnall))
dic[conta.ctnall] += conta.ctnnum == null ? 0 : (int)conta.ctnnum;
dic.Add(conta.ctnall, conta.ctnnum == null ? 0 : (int)conta.ctnnum);
if (dic.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in dic)
if (result == "") result += " ";
result += item.Key + "*" + item.Value.ToString();
return result;
public class conta
public string ctncode { get; set; }
public string ctnall { get; set; }
public int? ctnnum { get; set; }
public int? teu { get; set; }
public string cntrno { get; set; }
public string sealno { get; set; }
public decimal? pkgs { get; set; }
public string kindpkgs { get; set; }
public decimal? kgs { get; set; }
public decimal? cbm { get; set; }
public decimal? tareweight { get; set; }
public string ctnstatus { get; set; }
public string weightype { get; set; }
public string weighkgs { get; set; }
public string weighattn { get; set; }
public string vgmconncom { get; set; }
public string weightel { get; set; }
public string weighdate { get; set; }
public string vgmaddr { get; set; }
public string vgmemail { get; set; }
public string remark { get; set; }
public string carNumber { get; set; }
public string carDriver { get; set; }
public string carDriverTel { get; set; }
public t_op_letter_pc_ctn_md GetPcCtn(t_op_letter_md HeadLetter)
var result = new t_op_letter_pc_ctn_md()
LE_ID = HeadLetter.LE_ID,
= ctnall,
= cntrno,
= sealno,
= ctnnum == null ? 0 : (int)ctnnum,
= pkgs == null ? 0 : (int)pkgs,
= kindpkgs,
= kgs,
= cbm,
= carNumber,
= carDriver,
= carDriverTel
return result;
public head head { get; set; }
public main main { get; set; }
public GetLetter()
var letterchild = new t_op_letter_pc_md
= SetLength(main.truckName, 30),
= SetLength(main.(), 50),
= SetLength(main.yard, 30),
= SetLength(main.yardcontract, 60),
= SetLength(main.yardcontracttel, 60),
= main.needArriveTime == null ? "" : ((DateTime)main.needArriveTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
= SetLength(main.factoryAddr, 100),
= SetLength(main.factoryContact, 60),
= SetLength(main.factoryTel, 60),
= SetLength(main.inYard, 100),
= SetLength(main.inYardContact, 60),
= SetLength(main.inYardContractTel, 60),
= SetLength(main.remark, 200),
= main.fee,
= main.payMethodName,
DJYBOOKINGID = main.bookingId
var result = .getHelper("派车通知", letterchild);
if (result.HeadLetter == null) return result;
result.IsDeleted = main.IsDeleted;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(main.toName))
result.HeadLetter.HEAD_TO = SetLength(main.toName, 60);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(main.attn))
result.HeadLetter.HEAD_ATTN = SetLength(main.attn, 60);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(main.fromName))
result.HeadLetter. = SetLength(main.fromName, 10);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(main.fromName))
result.HeadLetter. = DateTime.Now;
return result;
static string NumberToEnglishString(int number)
if (number < 0) //暂不考虑负数
return "";
if (number < 20) //0到19
switch (number)
case 0:
return "zero";
case 1:
return "one";
case 2:
return "two";
case 3:
return "three";
case 4:
return "four";
case 5:
return "five";
case 6:
return "sex";
case 7:
return "seven";
case 8:
return "eight";
case 9:
return "nine";
case 10:
return "ten";
case 11:
return "eleven";
case 12:
return "twelve";
case 13:
return "thirteen";
case 14:
return "fourteen";
case 15:
return "fifteen";
case 16:
return "sixteen";
case 17:
return "seventeen";
case 18:
return "eighteen";
case 19:
return "nineteen";
return "";
if (number < 100) //20到99
if (number % 10 == 0) //20,30,40,...90的输出
switch (number)
case 20:
return "twenty";
case 30:
return "thirty";
case 40:
return "forty";
case 50:
return "fifty";
case 60:
return "sixty";
case 70:
return "seventy";
case 80:
return "eighty";
case 90:
return "ninety";
return "";
else //21.22,.99 思路26=20+6
return string.Format("{0} {1}", NumberToEnglishString(10 * (number / 10)),
NumberToEnglishString(number % 10));
if (number < 1000) //100到999 百级
if (number % 100 == 0)
return string.Format("{0} hundred", NumberToEnglishString(number / 100));
return string.Format("{0} hundred and {1}", NumberToEnglishString(number / 100),
NumberToEnglishString(number % 100));
if (number < 1000000) //1000到999999 千级
if (number % 1000 == 0)
return string.Format("{0} thousand", NumberToEnglishString(number / 1000));
return string.Format("{0} thousand and {1}", NumberToEnglishString(number / 1000),
NumberToEnglishString(number % 1000));
if (number < 1000000000) //1000 000到999 999 999 百万级
if (number % 1000 == 0)
return string.Format("{0} million", NumberToEnglishString(number / 1000000));
return string.Format("{0} million and {1}", NumberToEnglishString(number / 1000000),
NumberToEnglishString(number % 1000000));
if (number <= int.MaxValue) //十亿 级
if (number % 1000000000 == 0)
return string.Format("{0} billion", NumberToEnglishString(number / 1000000000));
return string.Format("{0} billion and {1}", NumberToEnglishString(number / 1000000000),
NumberToEnglishString(number % 1000000000));
return "";
public static string SetLength(string oldstr, int length)
var str = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(oldstr) ? "" : (len(oldstr) > length) ? SubString2(oldstr, 0, length) : oldstr;
return str;
public static int len(string str)
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding n = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] b = n.GetBytes(str);
int length = 0; // l 为字符串的实际长度
for (int i = 0; i <= b.Length - 1; i++)
if (b[i] == 63) //判断是否为汉字或全脚符号
return length;
public static string SubString2(string str, int startIndex, int length)
byte[] b = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str);
if (length > b.Length)
length = b.Length;
return System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(b, startIndex, length);
public static DateTime? SetDayZero(DateTime? dt)
var result = new DateTime?();
result = null;
if (dt != null) result = new DateTime(((DateTime)dt).Year, ((DateTime)dt).Month, ((DateTime)dt).Day);
return result;
public static DateTime? SetDayMinute(DateTime? dt)
var result = new DateTime?();
result = null;
if (dt != null) result = new DateTime(((DateTime)dt).Year, ((DateTime)dt).Month, ((DateTime)dt).Day, ((DateTime)dt).Hour, ((DateTime)dt).Minute, ((DateTime)dt).Second);
return result;
public static string SetDayMinute_Str(DateTime? dt)
var _dt = SetDayMinute(dt);
var result = _dt == null ? "" : ((DateTime)SetDayMinute(_dt)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
return result;
public static string SetDayZero_Str(DateTime? dt)
var _dt = SetDayZero(dt);
var result = _dt == null ? "" : ((DateTime)SetDayMinute(_dt)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
return result;
2 years ago
1 year ago
public static string (string str)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str)) return "";
var myStr = Regex.Replace(str, "(?<!\r)\n", "\r\n");
return myStr;
2 years ago