@ -104,7 +104,8 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
CUSTADDRTEL . setValue ( data . INVADDRTEL ) ;
CUSTADDRTEL . setValue ( data . INVADDRTEL ) ;
if ( CURR == 'RMB' ) {
if ( CURR == 'RMB' ) {
this . storecustbank . load ( { params : { condition : " CURRENCY='RMB' AND LINKID=(SELECT TOP 1 GID FROM INFO_CLIENT WHERE SHORTNAME='" + records [ 0 ] . data . CustName + "')" } ,
this . storecustbank . load ( {
params : { condition : " CURRENCY='RMB' AND LINKID=(SELECT TOP 1 GID FROM INFO_CLIENT WHERE SHORTNAME='" + records [ 0 ] . data . CustName + "')" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {
@ -115,7 +116,8 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
scope : this
scope : this
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( CURR == 'USD' ) {
} else if ( CURR == 'USD' ) {
this . storecustbank . load ( { params : { condition : " CURRENCY='USD' AND LINKID=(SELECT TOP 1 GID FROM INFO_CLIENT WHERE SHORTNAME='" + records [ 0 ] . data . CustName + "')" } ,
this . storecustbank . load ( {
params : { condition : " CURRENCY='USD' AND LINKID=(SELECT TOP 1 GID FROM INFO_CLIENT WHERE SHORTNAME='" + records [ 0 ] . data . CustName + "')" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {
@ -184,7 +186,8 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
CUSTADDRTEL . setValue ( data . INVADDRTEL ) ;
CUSTADDRTEL . setValue ( data . INVADDRTEL ) ;
if ( CURR == 'RMB' ) {
if ( CURR == 'RMB' ) {
this . storecustbank . load ( { params : { condition : " CURRENCY='RMB' AND LINKID=(SELECT TOP 1 GID FROM INFO_CLIENT WHERE SHORTNAME='" + records [ 0 ] . data . CustName + "')" } ,
this . storecustbank . load ( {
params : { condition : " CURRENCY='RMB' AND LINKID=(SELECT TOP 1 GID FROM INFO_CLIENT WHERE SHORTNAME='" + records [ 0 ] . data . CustName + "')" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {
@ -195,7 +198,8 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
scope : this
scope : this
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( CURR == 'USD' ) {
} else if ( CURR == 'USD' ) {
this . storecustbank . load ( { params : { condition : " CURRENCY='USD' AND LINKID=(SELECT TOP 1 GID FROM INFO_CLIENT WHERE SHORTNAME='" + records [ 0 ] . data . CustName + "')" } ,
this . storecustbank . load ( {
params : { condition : " CURRENCY='USD' AND LINKID=(SELECT TOP 1 GID FROM INFO_CLIENT WHERE SHORTNAME='" + records [ 0 ] . data . CustName + "')" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {
@ -352,6 +356,7 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
} ) ;
} ) ;
this . storecustbank = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
this . storecustbank = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableStore' , {
model : 'MsInfoClientBankModel' ,
model : 'MsInfoClientBankModel' ,
proxy : { url : '/MvcShipping/MsInfoClient/GetBankList' }
proxy : { url : '/MvcShipping/MsInfoClient/GetBankList' }
@ -395,7 +400,7 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
this . comboxInvNo = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
this . comboxInvNo = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
store : this . StoreInvNo ,
store : this . StoreInvNo ,
fieldLabel : '发票号' ,
fieldLabel : '发票号' ,
allowBlank : false ,
//allowBlank: false,
flex : 2 ,
flex : 2 ,
name : 'INVOICENO' ,
name : 'INVOICENO' ,
valueField : 'INVNO' ,
valueField : 'INVNO' ,
@ -904,7 +909,8 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
model : 'MsCodeGoodInv' ,
model : 'MsCodeGoodInv' ,
proxy : { url : '/MvcShipping/MsCodeGoodInv/GetDataList' }
proxy : { url : '/MvcShipping/MsCodeGoodInv/GetDataList' }
} ) ;
} ) ;
this . StoreCodeGoodInv . load ( { params : { condition : "" }
this . StoreCodeGoodInv . load ( {
params : { condition : "" }
} ) ;
} ) ;
this . comboxCodeGoodInv = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
this . comboxCodeGoodInv = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
@ -1284,7 +1290,7 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
width : 100
width : 100
} , {
} , {
sortable : true ,
sortable : true ,
dataIndex : 'ETD' , //'ETD'
dataIndex : 'ETD' ,
header : '开船日期' ,
header : '开船日期' ,
renderer : Ext . util . Format . dateRenderer ( 'Y-m-d' ) ,
renderer : Ext . util . Format . dateRenderer ( 'Y-m-d' ) ,
width : 100
width : 100
@ -1818,11 +1824,13 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
text : "保存列表样式" ,
text : "保存列表样式" ,
id : "btntest" ,
id : "btntest" ,
menu : [
menu : [
{ text : "保存" ,
text : "保存" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
handler : function ( button , event ) {
_this . girdbilladdcolums = DsTruck . SaveGridPanel ( USERID , _this . formname + 'billadd' , _this . gridAddFeeList . columns , _this . girdbilladdcolums , 1 , true ) ;
_this . girdbilladdcolums = DsTruck . SaveGridPanel ( USERID , _this . formname + 'billadd' , _this . gridAddFeeList . columns , _this . girdbilladdcolums , 1 , true ) ;
} , { text : "初始化" ,
} , {
text : "初始化" ,
handler : function ( menu , event ) {
handler : function ( menu , event ) {
_this . girdbilladdcolums = DsTruck . SaveGridPanel ( USERID , _this . formname + 'billadd' , _this . gridAddFeeList . columns , _this . initgirdbilladdcolums , 1 , true ) ;
_this . girdbilladdcolums = DsTruck . SaveGridPanel ( USERID , _this . formname + 'billadd' , _this . gridAddFeeList . columns , _this . initgirdbilladdcolums , 1 , true ) ;
@ -1909,7 +1917,7 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
width : 100
width : 100
} , {
} , {
sortable : true ,
sortable : true ,
dataIndex : 'ETD' , //'ETD'
dataIndex : 'ETD' ,
header : '开船日期' ,
header : '开船日期' ,
renderer : Ext . util . Format . dateRenderer ( 'Y-m-d' ) ,
renderer : Ext . util . Format . dateRenderer ( 'Y-m-d' ) ,
width : 100
width : 100
@ -2229,7 +2237,121 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
//#endregion 明细表
//#endregion 明细表
//#region 附件上传
this . storeChfeeFile = Ext . create ( 'Ext.data.Store' , {
model : 'FeeFileModel' ,
remoteSort : false ,
proxy : {
type : 'ajax' ,
url : '/Account/Chfee_payapplication/GetFileList' ,
reader : {
id : 'GID' ,
root : 'data' ,
totalProperty : 'totalCount'
} ) ;
this . FeeFileColumns = [
sortable : true , hidden : true ,
dataIndex : 'GID' , readOnly : true ,
header : 'GID' ,
width : 80
} , {
sortable : true , hidden : false ,
dataIndex : 'File_OriginalName' , readOnly : true ,
header : '文件名称' , //文件名称
renderer : function ( value , p , record ) {
return '<a href="' + "/Areas/Account/Files/" + record . data . BillNo + '/' + record . data . File _Name + '" target="_blank" style=' + '"text-decoration:none"' + ' >' + value + '</a>' ;
} ,
width : 180
} , {
sortable : true , hidden : false ,
dataIndex : 'UpdateTime' , readOnly : true ,
header : '上传日期' , //上传日期
width : 80
} , {
sortable : true , hidden : false ,
dataIndex : 'Operator' , readOnly : true ,
header : '上传者' , //上传者
width : 80
} , {
sortable : true , hidden : true ,
dataIndex : 'File_Name' , readOnly : true ,
header : '文件物理名称' , //文件物理名称
width : 80
} ,
sortable : true , hidden : true ,
dataIndex : 'File_Path' ,
header : 'File_Path' ,
width : 80
} , {
xtype : 'actioncolumn' ,
width : 50 ,
text : '操作' , //操作
items : [ {
icon : '/images/icons/btnSearch.gif' , // Use a URL in the icon config
tooltip : '预览' ,
handler : function ( grid , rowIndex , colIndex ) {
var rec = grid . getStore ( ) . getAt ( rowIndex ) ;
var filePath = "/Areas/Account/Files/" + rec . get ( 'BillNo' ) + '/' + rec . get ( 'File_Name' ) + '?a=' + Math . random ( ) ;
var imgView = new Shipping . FileView ( { filePath : filePath } ) ;
imgView . show ( ) ;
} ]
] ;
var selCertModel = Ext . create ( 'Ext.selection.CheckboxModel' ) ;
this . fileGrid = new Ext . grid . GridPanel ( {
store : this . storeChfeeFile ,
enableHdMenu : false ,
layout : 'border' ,
region : 'center' ,
loadMask : { msg : '数据加载中,请稍等...' } , //数据加载中,请稍等...
trackMouseOver : true ,
disableSelection : false ,
selModel : selCertModel ,
singleSelect : true ,
selType : 'rowmodel' ,
tbar : [ {
text : '上传图片' , //上传图片
tooltip : '上传文件' ,
iconCls : "btnadddetail" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . onAddFileClick ( button , event ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} , '-' , {
text : '删除图片' , //删除
tooltip : '删除文件' , //删除图片
iconCls : "btndeletedetail" ,
handler : function ( button , event ) {
this . onDelFileClick ( button , event ) ;
} ,
scope : this
} ] ,
columns : this . FeeFileColumns
} ) ;
//#region 增加附件上传tab
this . page _2 = new Ext . Panel ( {
id : "page_2" ,
title : '附件上传' , //附件上传
autoScroll : true ,
layout : "border" ,
region : 'center' ,
items : [ this . fileGrid ]
} ) ;
//#region 布局
//#region 布局
@ -2269,7 +2391,8 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
items :
items :
this . panelInv ,
this . panelInv ,
this . panelBody
this . panelBody ,
this . page _2
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -2335,7 +2458,8 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
var sql = "" ;
var sql = "" ;
sql = " BILLNO='" + bsno + "'" ;
sql = " BILLNO='" + bsno + "'" ;
isloadfee = false ;
isloadfee = false ;
this . storeAddBodyList . load ( { params : { condition : sql } ,
this . storeAddBodyList . load ( {
params : { condition : sql } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( success ) {
isloadfee = true ;
isloadfee = true ;
@ -2494,7 +2618,8 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
if ( this . opStatus == 'copyadd' )
if ( this . opStatus == 'copyadd' )
this . CopyNewData ( ) ;
this . CopyNewData ( ) ;
this . StoreInvNo . load ( { params : { condition : "" } ,
this . StoreInvNo . load ( {
params : { condition : "" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {
@ -2511,6 +2636,7 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
} ) ;
} ) ;
this . storeChfeeFile . load ( { params : { start : 0 , limit : 9999 , BillNo : data . BILLNO } } ) ;
// _this.formEdit.getForm().findField('BILLSTATUS').setDisabled(true);
// _this.formEdit.getForm().findField('BILLSTATUS').setDisabled(true);
_this . GetEditStatus ( ) ;
_this . GetEditStatus ( ) ;
} else {
} else {
@ -2530,7 +2656,8 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
} ;
} ;
this . storeBodyList . load ( { params : { condition : " BILLNO='" + billno + "'" } ,
this . storeBodyList . load ( {
params : { condition : " BILLNO='" + billno + "'" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( this . storeBodyList . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
if ( this . storeBodyList . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
@ -2627,7 +2754,8 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '错误' , msg : jsonresult . Message , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '错误' , msg : jsonresult . Message , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} else {
} else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '请重试' ,
Ext . Msg . show ( {
title : '请重试' ,
msg : '服务器响应出错' ,
msg : '服务器响应出错' ,
icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -3240,7 +3368,8 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
CUSTADDRTEL . setValue ( data . INVADDRTEL ) ;
CUSTADDRTEL . setValue ( data . INVADDRTEL ) ;
if ( RECVCURR == 'RMB' ) {
if ( RECVCURR == 'RMB' ) {
this . storecustbank . load ( { params : { condition : " CURRENCY='RMB' AND LINKID=(SELECT TOP 1 GID FROM INFO_CLIENT WHERE SHORTNAME='" + cust + "')" } ,
this . storecustbank . load ( {
params : { condition : " CURRENCY='RMB' AND LINKID=(SELECT TOP 1 GID FROM INFO_CLIENT WHERE SHORTNAME='" + cust + "')" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {
@ -3251,7 +3380,8 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
scope : this
scope : this
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( RECVCURR == 'USD' ) {
} else if ( RECVCURR == 'USD' ) {
this . storecustbank . load ( { params : { condition : " CURRENCY='USD' AND LINKID=(SELECT TOP 1 GID FROM INFO_CLIENT WHERE SHORTNAME='" + cust + "')" } ,
this . storecustbank . load ( {
params : { condition : " CURRENCY='USD' AND LINKID=(SELECT TOP 1 GID FROM INFO_CLIENT WHERE SHORTNAME='" + cust + "')" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {
@ -3383,7 +3513,8 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
} else {
} else {
btnEAddDetail . enable ( ) ;
btnEAddDetail . enable ( ) ;
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '请重试' ,
Ext . Msg . show ( {
title : '请重试' ,
msg : '服务器响应出错' ,
msg : '服务器响应出错' ,
icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -3519,7 +3650,8 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
this . storeAddFeeList . reload ( ) ;
this . storeAddFeeList . reload ( ) ;
_this . storeBodyList . load ( { params : { condition : " BILLNO='" + billno + "'" } ,
_this . storeBodyList . load ( {
params : { condition : " BILLNO='" + billno + "'" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( _this . storeBodyList . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
if ( _this . storeBodyList . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
@ -3676,7 +3808,8 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
var sql = this . BillSql ;
var sql = this . BillSql ;
this . storeAddFeeList . load ( { params : { start : 0 , limit : _this . PageSize , sort : '' , condition : sql } } ) ;
this . storeAddFeeList . load ( { params : { start : 0 , limit : _this . PageSize , sort : '' , condition : sql } } ) ;
_this . storeBodyList . load ( { params : { condition : " BILLNO='" + billno + "'" } ,
_this . storeBodyList . load ( {
params : { condition : " BILLNO='" + billno + "'" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( _this . storeBodyList . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
if ( _this . storeBodyList . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
@ -4385,6 +4518,9 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
return ;
return ;
} ;
} ;
this . StoreInvTemplete = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefEnumStore' , { } ) ;
this . StoreInvTemplete . load ( { params : { enumTypeId : 83001 } } ) ;
this . comboxInvTemplete = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
this . comboxInvTemplete = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox' , {
fieldLabel : '发票备注模板' ,
fieldLabel : '发票备注模板' ,
store : this . StoreInvTemplete ,
store : this . StoreInvTemplete ,
@ -4392,11 +4528,9 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
displayField : 'EnumValueName' ,
displayField : 'EnumValueName' ,
forceSelection : true ,
forceSelection : true ,
name : 'TemplateName' ,
name : 'TemplateName' ,
value : ' 发票备注 ',
value : ' 模板1 ',
enableKeyEvents : true
enableKeyEvents : true
} ) ;
} ) ;
this . formRemarkShowGet = Ext . widget ( 'form' , {
this . formRemarkShowGet = Ext . widget ( 'form' , {
frame : true ,
frame : true ,
title : '提取发票备注' ,
title : '提取发票备注' ,
@ -4411,22 +4545,13 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
} ,
} ,
items : [
items : [
this . comboxInvTemplete , {
xtype : 'radiogroup' ,
fieldLabel : "模板名称" , //'文件功能',
name : 'TemplateName' ,
defaults : { flex : 1 } ,
layout : 'hbox' ,
items : [
this . comboxInvTemplete ,
fieldLabel : '是否追加' , //'是否改签',
fieldLabel : '是否追加' , //'是否改签',
inputValue : true ,
inputValue : true ,
xtype : 'checkboxfield' ,
xtype : 'checkboxfield' ,
name : 'ISZHUIJIA' ,
name : 'ISZHUIJIA' ,
checked : true
checked : true
] //end root items
] //end root items
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -4523,6 +4648,14 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
StoreFieldName . add ( { "OPLBNAME" : "外币金额(总计)" } ) ;
StoreFieldName . add ( { "OPLBNAME" : "外币金额(总计)" } ) ;
StoreFieldName . add ( { "OPLBNAME" : "人民币金额(总计)" } ) ;
StoreFieldName . add ( { "OPLBNAME" : "人民币金额(总计)" } ) ;
StoreFieldName . add ( { "OPLBNAME" : "折算汇率(总计)" } ) ;
StoreFieldName . add ( { "OPLBNAME" : "折算汇率(总计)" } ) ;
StoreFieldName . add ( { "OPLBNAME" : "购方银行" } ) ;
StoreFieldName . add ( { "OPLBNAME" : "购方账号" } ) ;
StoreFieldName . add ( { "OPLBNAME" : "销方银行" } ) ;
StoreFieldName . add ( { "OPLBNAME" : "购方USD银行" } ) ;
StoreFieldName . add ( { "OPLBNAME" : "购方USD账号" } ) ;
StoreFieldName . add ( { "OPLBNAME" : "购方RMB银行" } ) ;
StoreFieldName . add ( { "OPLBNAME" : "购方RMB账号" } ) ;
var gridField = new Ext . grid . GridPanel ( {
var gridField = new Ext . grid . GridPanel ( {
store : StoreFieldName ,
store : StoreFieldName ,
@ -4558,7 +4691,6 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
trackResetOnLoad : true ,
trackResetOnLoad : true ,
items : [ gridField ]
items : [ gridField ]
} ) ;
} ) ;
var StoreInvTemplete2 = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefEnumStore' , { } ) ;
var StoreInvTemplete2 = Ext . create ( 'DsExt.ux.RefEnumStore' , { } ) ;
StoreInvTemplete2 . load ( { params : { enumTypeId : 83001 } } ) ;
StoreInvTemplete2 . load ( { params : { enumTypeId : 83001 } } ) ;
@ -4600,7 +4732,6 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
} ) ;
} ) ;
var formRemarkShow = Ext . widget ( 'form' , {
var formRemarkShow = Ext . widget ( 'form' , {
frame : true ,
frame : true ,
title : '模板内容' ,
title : '模板内容' ,
@ -4623,6 +4754,9 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
anchor : '100%'
anchor : '100%'
} ,
} ,
items : [ {
items : [ {
xtype : 'label' ,
html : "<font color='red'>注意:请将明细部分用 《》 圈起来 例如:《[主提单号] [船名]》</font>"
} , {
xtype : 'textareafield' ,
xtype : 'textareafield' ,
grow : true ,
grow : true ,
height : 300 ,
height : 300 ,
@ -5099,7 +5233,8 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
//#region 必填字段
//#region 必填字段
LoadMustBe : function ( ) {
LoadMustBe : function ( ) {
this . storeMustBe . load ( { params : { condition : "BSTYPE='发票开出'" } ,
this . storeMustBe . load ( {
params : { condition : "BSTYPE='发票开出'" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( this . storeMustBe . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
if ( this . storeMustBe . getCount ( ) > 0 ) {
@ -5143,6 +5278,74 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
else return true ;
else return true ;
} ,
} ,
//#region 文件上传
onAddFileClick : function ( ) {
//var billstatus = this.formEdit.getForm().findField('BILLSTATUS').getValue();
//if ((billstatus != 1) && (billstatus != 4)) {
// Ext.Msg.show({ title: '提示', msg: '当前状态无法添加附件!', icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
// return;
var BillNo = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BILLNO' ) . getValue ( ) ;
if ( BillNo == '' || BillNo == '*' ) {
Ext . MessageBox . alert ( '提示' , '请先生成申请编号!' ) ; //提示', '请先生成申请编号!
return ;
var winAccess = new Shipping . FileUpload ( { } ) ;
winAccess . BillNo = BillNo ;
winAccess . show ( ) ;
} , onDelFileClick : function ( ) {
//var billstatus = this.formEdit.getForm().findField('BILLSTATUS').getValue();
//if ((billstatus != 1) && (billstatus != 4)) {
// Ext.Msg.show({ title: '提示', msg: '当前状态无法删除附件!', icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK });
// return;
var selections = this . fileGrid . getSelectionModel ( ) . getSelection ( ) ;
if ( selections . length == 0 ) { //提示', msg: '请先选择要删除的数据!
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '提示' , msg : '请先选择要删除的数据!' , icon : Ext . Msg . INFO , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
return ;
var BillNo = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'BILLNO' ) . getValue ( ) ;
var record = new Array ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < selections . length ; i ++ ) {
record . push ( selections [ i ] . data ) ;
} //提示', '确定删除该记录吗?'
Ext . MessageBox . confirm ( '提示' , '确定删除该记录吗?' , function ( btn ) {
if ( btn == 'yes' ) {
Ext . Msg . wait ( '正在删除数据...' ) ; //正在删除数据
Ext . Ajax . request ( {
waitMsg : '正在删除数据...' ,
url : '/Account/Chfee_payapplication/CertDel' ,
params : {
data : Ext . JSON . encode ( record )
} ,
callback : function ( options , success , response ) {
if ( success ) {
var jsonresult = Ext . JSON . decode ( response . responseText ) ;
if ( jsonresult . Success ) {
panelEdit . LoadData ( 'edit' , "BILLNO='" + BillNo + "'" ) ;
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '提示' , msg : jsonresult . Message , icon : Ext . Msg . INFO , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} //提示
else {
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '提示' , msg : jsonresult . Message , icon : Ext . Msg . ERROR , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} ,
failure : function ( response , options ) { //'警告', msg: '服务器响应出错,请重试'
Ext . Msg . show ( { title : '警告' , msg : '服务器响应出错,请重试' , icon : Ext . Msg . INFO , buttons : Ext . Msg . OK } ) ;
} ,
success : function ( response , options ) {
} ,
scope : this
} ) ; //end Ext.Ajax.request
} , this ) ;
} ,
GetEditStatus : function ( ) {
GetEditStatus : function ( ) {
var canedit = false ;
var canedit = false ;
var op = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'OPERATORNAME' ) . getValue ( ) ;
var op = this . formEdit . getForm ( ) . findField ( 'OPERATORNAME' ) . getValue ( ) ;
@ -5156,7 +5359,8 @@ Ext.extend(Shipping.MsChInvoiceAppEdit, Ext.Panel, {
} else {
} else {
this . StoreOpRange . load ( { params : { optype : "modInvoiceManagement" } ,
this . StoreOpRange . load ( {
params : { optype : "modInvoiceManagement" } ,
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
callback : function ( r , options , success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( success ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {
if ( r . length != 0 ) {