using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.Chfee_AuditDAL; using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsChFeeDAL; using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsChFee; using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Controllers; using Newtonsoft.Json; using DSWebComponent; using DSWebMobileService; using DSWebMobileService.Common; using HcUtility.Comm; namespace DSWebMobile.Handler { /// /// Profit 的摘要说明 /// public class Profit : IHttpHandler, System.Web.SessionState.IRequiresSessionState { public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { string action = context.Request.QueryString["action"].ToString(); switch (action) { case "0": GetBillDataList(context); break; case "1": GetDataList(context); break; case "3": Audit(context); break; case "4": AuditBack(context); break; case "5": NoIvoice(context); break; case "6": CancelNoIvoice(context); break; case "7": AuditShen(context); break; case "8": AuditBackShen(context); break; case "9": GetFeeInfo(context); break; /*case "10": IsReject(context); break;*/ case "10": GetOPGain(context); break; } } private void GetOPGain(HttpContext context) { string jsonStr = "["; string relBSNO = ""; string bsno = context.Request.Form["bo"].ToString(); string pattern = "\0"; string replacement = ""; Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern); relBSNO = rgx.Replace(bsno, replacement); pattern = "\t"; Regex rgx2 = new Regex(pattern); relBSNO = rgx2.Replace(relBSNO, replacement); List _chFee = MsChFeeDAL.GetOPGainList("BSNO='" + relBSNO + "'", SessionUtil.Session["USERID"].ToString(), SessionUtil.Session["SHOWNAME"].ToString(), SessionUtil.Session["COMPANYID"].ToString());//ChfeeAuditServer.GetDataList(billIDArr[iCount], relBSNO, type, relOpType, expenseStatusIsAll, SessionUtil.Session["USERID"].ToString(), SessionUtil.Session["SHOWNAME"].ToString(), SessionUtil.Session["COMPANYID"].ToString()); foreach (MsOpGain chfee in _chFee) { jsonStr += "{"; jsonStr += "\"PR\":\"" + chfee.PR + "\""; jsonStr += "},"; } jsonStr = jsonStr.Substring(0, jsonStr.Length - 1); jsonStr += "]"; /*var billData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(jsonStr); DBResult result = Chfee_AuditDAL.AuditShenNew(relOpType, Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["USERID"]), billData); var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); json = "[" + json + "]";*/ context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(jsonStr); context.Response.End(); } private void GetFeeInfo(HttpContext context) { string relFeeID = ""; string feeID = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); string pattern = "\0"; string replacement = ""; Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern); relFeeID = rgx.Replace(feeID, replacement); pattern = "\t"; Regex rgx2 = new Regex(pattern); relFeeID = rgx2.Replace(relFeeID, replacement); MsChFeeController _chfee = new MsChFeeController(); var result = _chfee.GetModifyData(relFeeID, "2"); string result2 = result.Content; result2 = result2.Replace("\r\n", ""); result2 = result2.Substring(result2.IndexOf('['), result2.Length - result2.IndexOf('[') - 1); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(result2); context.Response.End(); } private void CancelNoIvoice(HttpContext context) { string relBillID = ""; string billID = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.QueryString["b"].ToString()); string pattern = "\0"; string replacement = ""; Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern); relBillID = rgx.Replace(billID, replacement); pattern = "\t"; Regex rgx2 = new Regex(pattern); relBillID = rgx2.Replace(relBillID, replacement); DBResult result = Chfee_AuditDAL.CancelNoIvoice(relBillID); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); json = "[" + json + "]"; context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(json); context.Response.End(); } private void NoIvoice(HttpContext context) { string relBillID = ""; string billID = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.QueryString["b"].ToString()); string pattern = "\0"; string replacement = ""; Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern); relBillID = rgx.Replace(billID, replacement); pattern = "\t"; Regex rgx2 = new Regex(pattern); relBillID = rgx2.Replace(relBillID, replacement); DBResult result = Chfee_AuditDAL.NoIvoice(relBillID); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); json = "[" + json + "]"; context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(json); context.Response.End(); } private void AuditBackShen(HttpContext context) { string relOpType = ""; string relBillID = ""; string relReason = ""; string billID = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.QueryString["b"].ToString()); string opType = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.QueryString["y"].ToString()); string reason = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.QueryString["r"].ToString()); string pattern = "\0"; string replacement = ""; Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern); relOpType = rgx.Replace(opType, replacement); relBillID = rgx.Replace(billID, replacement); relReason = rgx.Replace(reason, replacement); pattern = "\t"; Regex rgx2 = new Regex(pattern); relOpType = rgx2.Replace(relOpType, replacement); relBillID = rgx2.Replace(relBillID, replacement); relReason = rgx2.Replace(relReason, replacement); DBResult result = Chfee_AuditDAL.AuditBackShen(relOpType, SessionUtil.Session["USERID"].ToString(), relBillID, relReason); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); json = "[" + json + "]"; context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(json); context.Response.End(); } private void AuditShen(HttpContext context) { string relOpType = ""; string relBillID = ""; string relBSNO = ""; string billID = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.QueryString["b"].ToString()); string opType = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.QueryString["y"].ToString()); string bsno = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.QueryString["b"].ToString()); int type = int.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["t"].ToString()); string expenseStatusIsAll = context.Request.QueryString["es"].ToString(); string pattern = "\0"; string replacement = ""; Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern); relOpType = rgx.Replace(opType, replacement); relBillID = rgx.Replace(billID, replacement); relBSNO = rgx.Replace(bsno, replacement); pattern = "\t"; Regex rgx2 = new Regex(pattern); relOpType = rgx2.Replace(relOpType, relOpType); relBillID = rgx2.Replace(relBillID, relBillID); relBSNO = rgx.Replace(relBSNO, replacement); //如果只有一个值,则在值的末尾加上',' if (relBillID.IndexOf(',') == -1) { relBillID += ","; } string[] billIDArr = relBillID.Split(','); string jsonStr = "["; for (int iCount = 0; iCount < billIDArr.Length; iCount++) { List temp = ChfeeAuditServer.GetDataList(billIDArr[iCount], relBSNO, type, relOpType, expenseStatusIsAll, SessionUtil.Session["USERID"].ToString(), SessionUtil.Session["SHOWNAME"].ToString(), SessionUtil.Session["COMPANYID"].ToString()); foreach (MsChFee chfee in temp) { jsonStr += "{"; jsonStr += "\"GId\":\"" + chfee.GId + "\","; jsonStr += "\"BsNo\":\"" + chfee.BsNo + "\","; jsonStr += "\"FeeStatus\":" + chfee.FeeStatus + ","; jsonStr += "\"FeeStatus_Ref\":\"" + chfee.FeeStatus_Ref + "\","; jsonStr += "\"FeeType\":" + chfee.FeeType + ","; jsonStr += "\"FeeName\":\"" + chfee.FeeName + "\","; jsonStr += "\"FeeDescription\":\"" + chfee.FeeDescription + "\","; jsonStr += "\"CustomerType\":\"" + chfee.CustomerType + "\","; jsonStr += "\"CustomerName\":\"" + chfee.CustomerName + "\","; jsonStr += "\"Unit\":\"" + chfee.Unit + "\","; jsonStr += "\"UnitPrice\":" + chfee.UnitPrice + ","; jsonStr += "\"Quantity\":\"" + chfee.Quantity + "\","; jsonStr += "\"TaxRate\":" + chfee.TaxRate + ","; jsonStr += "\"TaxUnitPrice\":" + chfee.TaxUnitPrice + ","; jsonStr += "\"NoTaxAmount\":" + chfee.NoTaxAmount + ","; jsonStr += "\"Amount\":" + chfee.Amount + ","; jsonStr += "\"AccTaxRate\":" + chfee.AccTaxRate + ","; jsonStr += "\"Currency\":\"" + chfee.Currency + "\","; jsonStr += "\"ExChangerate\":" + chfee.ExChangerate + ","; jsonStr += "\"Reason\":\"" + chfee.Reason + "\","; jsonStr += "\"Remark\":\"" + chfee.Remark + "\","; jsonStr += "\"Commissionrate\":" + chfee.Commissionrate + ","; jsonStr += "\"Settlement\":" + chfee.Settlement + ","; jsonStr += "\"Invoice\":" + chfee.Invoice + ","; jsonStr += "\"OrderAmount\":" + chfee.OrderAmount + ","; jsonStr += "\"OrderInvoice\":" + chfee.OrderInvoice + ","; jsonStr += "\"SubmitDate\":\"" + chfee.SubmitDate + "\","; jsonStr += "\"Auditoperator\":\"" + chfee.Auditoperator + "\","; jsonStr += "\"AuditDate\":\"" + chfee.AuditDate + "\","; jsonStr += "\"EnteroPerator\":\"" + chfee.EnteroPerator + "\","; jsonStr += "\"EnterDate\":\"" + chfee.EnterDate + "\","; jsonStr += "\"DebitNo\":\"" + chfee.DebitNo + "\","; jsonStr += "\"IsDebit\":\"" + chfee.IsDebit + "\","; jsonStr += "\"IsOpen\":\"" + chfee.IsOpen + "\","; jsonStr += "\"OpName\":\"" + chfee.OpName + "\","; jsonStr += "\"IsAdvancedpay\":\"" + chfee.IsAdvancedpay + "\","; jsonStr += "\"Sort\":\"" + chfee.Sort + "\","; jsonStr += "\"IsInvoice\":\"" + chfee.IsInvoice + "\","; jsonStr += "\"FeeFrt\":\"" + chfee.FeeFrt + "\","; jsonStr += "\"IsCrmOrderFee\":\"" + chfee.IsCrmOrderFee + "\","; jsonStr += "\"AuditStatus\":\"" + chfee.AuditStatus + "\","; jsonStr += "\"InvoiceNum\":\"" + chfee.InvoiceNum + "\","; jsonStr += "\"ChequeNum\":\"" + chfee.ChequeNum + "\","; jsonStr += "\"WmsOutBsNo\":\"" + chfee.WmsOutBsNo + "\","; jsonStr += "\"LineNum\":" + chfee.LineNum + ","; jsonStr += "\"IsAudit\":\"" + chfee.IsAudit + "\""; jsonStr += "},"; } } jsonStr = jsonStr.Substring(0, jsonStr.Length - 1); jsonStr += "]"; var billData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(jsonStr); DBResult result = Chfee_AuditDAL.AuditShenNew(relOpType, Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["USERID"]), billData); var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); json = "[" + json + "]"; context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(json); context.Response.End(); } private void AuditBack(HttpContext context) { string relOpType = ""; string relBillID = ""; string relReason = ""; string relBSNO = ""; string billID = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.QueryString["b"].ToString()); string opType = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.QueryString["y"].ToString()); string reason = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.QueryString["r"].ToString()); string bsno = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.QueryString["b"].ToString()); int type = int.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["t"].ToString()); string expenseStatusIsAll = context.Request.QueryString["es"].ToString(); string pattern = "\0"; string replacement = ""; Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern); relOpType = rgx.Replace(opType, replacement); relBillID = rgx.Replace(billID, replacement); relReason = rgx.Replace(reason, replacement); relBSNO = rgx.Replace(bsno, replacement); pattern = "\t"; Regex rgx2 = new Regex(pattern); relOpType = rgx2.Replace(relOpType, replacement); relBillID = rgx2.Replace(relBillID, replacement); relReason = rgx2.Replace(relReason, replacement); relBSNO = rgx2.Replace(relBSNO, replacement); if (relBillID.IndexOf(',') == -1) { relBillID += ","; } string[] billIDArr = relBillID.Split(','); string jsonStr="["; for (int iCount = 0; iCount < billIDArr.Length; iCount++) { List temp = ChfeeAuditServer.GetDataList(billIDArr[iCount], relBSNO, type, relOpType, expenseStatusIsAll, SessionUtil.Session["USERID"].ToString(), SessionUtil.Session["SHOWNAME"].ToString(), SessionUtil.Session["COMPANYID"].ToString()); foreach (MsChFee chfee in temp) { jsonStr+="{"; jsonStr+="\"GId\":\""+chfee.GId+"\","; jsonStr += "\"BsNo\":\"" + chfee.BsNo + "\","; jsonStr += "\"FeeStatus\":" + chfee.FeeStatus + ","; jsonStr += "\"FeeStatus_Ref\":\"" + chfee.FeeStatus_Ref + "\","; jsonStr += "\"FeeType\":" + chfee.FeeType + ","; jsonStr += "\"FeeName\":\"" + chfee.FeeName + "\","; jsonStr += "\"FeeDescription\":\"" + chfee.FeeDescription + "\","; jsonStr += "\"CustomerType\":\"" + chfee.CustomerType + "\","; jsonStr += "\"CustomerName\":\"" + chfee.CustomerName + "\","; jsonStr += "\"Unit\":\"" + chfee.Unit + "\","; jsonStr += "\"UnitPrice\":" + chfee.UnitPrice + ","; jsonStr += "\"Quantity\":\"" + chfee.Quantity + "\","; jsonStr += "\"TaxRate\":" + chfee.TaxRate + ","; jsonStr += "\"TaxUnitPrice\":" + chfee.TaxUnitPrice + ","; jsonStr += "\"NoTaxAmount\":" + chfee.NoTaxAmount + ","; jsonStr += "\"Amount\":" + chfee.Amount + ","; jsonStr += "\"AccTaxRate\":" + chfee.AccTaxRate + ","; jsonStr += "\"Currency\":\"" + chfee.Currency + "\","; jsonStr += "\"ExChangerate\":" + chfee.ExChangerate + ","; jsonStr += "\"Reason\":\"" + chfee.Reason + "\","; jsonStr += "\"Remark\":\"" + chfee.Remark + "\","; jsonStr += "\"Commissionrate\":" + chfee.Commissionrate + ","; jsonStr += "\"Settlement\":" + chfee.Settlement + ","; jsonStr += "\"Invoice\":" + chfee.Invoice + ","; jsonStr += "\"OrderAmount\":" + chfee.OrderAmount + ","; jsonStr += "\"OrderInvoice\":" + chfee.OrderInvoice + ","; jsonStr += "\"SubmitDate\":\"" + chfee.SubmitDate + "\","; jsonStr += "\"Auditoperator\":\"" + chfee.Auditoperator + "\","; jsonStr += "\"AuditDate\":\"" + chfee.AuditDate + "\","; jsonStr += "\"EnteroPerator\":\"" + chfee.EnteroPerator + "\","; jsonStr += "\"EnterDate\":\"" + chfee.EnterDate + "\","; jsonStr += "\"DebitNo\":\"" + chfee.DebitNo + "\","; jsonStr += "\"IsDebit\":\"" + chfee.IsDebit + "\","; jsonStr += "\"IsOpen\":\"" + chfee.IsOpen + "\","; jsonStr += "\"OpName\":\"" + chfee.OpName + "\","; jsonStr += "\"IsAdvancedpay\":\"" + chfee.IsAdvancedpay + "\","; jsonStr += "\"Sort\":\"" + chfee.Sort + "\","; jsonStr += "\"IsInvoice\":\"" + chfee.IsInvoice + "\","; jsonStr += "\"FeeFrt\":\"" + chfee.FeeFrt + "\","; jsonStr += "\"IsCrmOrderFee\":\"" + chfee.IsCrmOrderFee + "\","; jsonStr += "\"AuditStatus\":\"" + chfee.AuditStatus + "\","; jsonStr += "\"InvoiceNum\":\"" + chfee.InvoiceNum + "\","; jsonStr += "\"ChequeNum\":\"" + chfee.ChequeNum + "\","; jsonStr += "\"WmsOutBsNo\":\"" + chfee.WmsOutBsNo + "\","; jsonStr += "\"LineNum\":" + chfee.LineNum + ","; jsonStr += "\"IsAudit\":\"" + chfee.IsAudit + "\""; jsonStr += "},"; } } jsonStr = jsonStr.Substring(0, jsonStr.Length - 1); jsonStr += "]"; var billData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(jsonStr); DBResult result = Chfee_AuditDAL.AuditBack(relOpType, SessionUtil.Session["USERID"].ToString(), billData, relReason); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); json = "[" + json + "]"; context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(json); context.Response.End(); } private void Audit(HttpContext context) { string relOpType = ""; string relBillID = ""; string billID = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.QueryString["b"].ToString()); string opType = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.QueryString["y"].ToString()); string pattern = "\0"; string replacement = ""; Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern); relOpType = rgx.Replace(opType, replacement); relBillID = rgx.Replace(billID, replacement); pattern = "\t"; Regex rgx2 = new Regex(pattern); relOpType = rgx2.Replace(relOpType, relOpType); relBillID = rgx2.Replace(relBillID, relBillID); DBResult result = Chfee_AuditDAL.Audit(relOpType, Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["USERID"]), relBillID); var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); //{\"Success\":true,\"Message\":\"审核成功\",\"Data\":null} json = "[" + json + "]"; context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(json); context.Response.End(); } private void GetDataList(HttpContext context) { string relStrCondition = ""; string relBSNO = ""; string relOpType = ""; string strCondition = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.Form["s"].ToString()); string bsno = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.QueryString["b"].ToString()); int type = int.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["t"].ToString()); string expenseStatusIsAll = context.Request.Form["es"].ToString();//费用明细仅显示待审核 string opType = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.Form["y"].ToString()); string pattern = "\0"; string replacement = ""; Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern); relStrCondition = rgx.Replace(strCondition, replacement); relBSNO = rgx.Replace(bsno, replacement); relOpType = rgx.Replace(opType, replacement); pattern = "\t"; Regex rgx2 = new Regex(pattern); relStrCondition = rgx2.Replace(relStrCondition, replacement); relBSNO = rgx2.Replace(relBSNO, replacement); relOpType = rgx2.Replace(relOpType, replacement); var dataList = Chfee_AuditDAL.GetDataList(relBSNO, type, relOpType, expenseStatusIsAll, relStrCondition, SessionUtil.Session["USERID"].ToString(),SessionUtil.Session["SHOWNAME"].ToString(),SessionUtil.Session["COMPANYID"].ToString()); //var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit); string json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataList); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(json); context.Response.End(); } private void GetBillDataList(HttpContext context) { string relStrCondition = ""; string relBeginFrom = ""; string relBeginTo = ""; string relAccFrom = ""; string relAccTo = ""; string relETDFrom = ""; string relETDTo = ""; string strCondition = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.Form["s"].ToString()); string bf = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.Form["bf"].ToString()); string bt = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.Form["bt"].ToString()); string af = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.Form["af"].ToString()); string at = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.Form["at"].ToString()); string ef = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.Form["ef"].ToString()); string et = Encrypt.DesDecrypt("#7c&e@63", context.Request.Form["et"].ToString()); //string strCondition = context.Request.Form["s"].ToString(); string isAll = context.Request.Form["isall"].ToString(); string pattern = "\0"; string replacement = ""; int start = int.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["t"].ToString()); int limit = int.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["l"].ToString()); Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern); relStrCondition = rgx.Replace(strCondition, replacement); relBeginFrom = rgx.Replace(bf, replacement); relBeginTo = rgx.Replace(bt, replacement); relAccFrom = rgx.Replace(af, replacement); relAccTo = rgx.Replace(at, replacement); relETDFrom = rgx.Replace(ef, replacement); relETDTo = rgx.Replace(et, replacement); pattern = "\t"; Regex rgx2 = new Regex(pattern); relStrCondition = rgx2.Replace(relStrCondition, replacement); relBeginFrom = rgx2.Replace(relBeginFrom, replacement); relBeginTo = rgx2.Replace(relBeginTo, replacement); relAccFrom = rgx2.Replace(relAccFrom, replacement); relAccTo = rgx2.Replace(relAccTo, replacement); relETDFrom = rgx2.Replace(relETDFrom, replacement); relETDTo = rgx2.Replace(relETDTo, replacement); /* 仅需审核业务 var StrAudit = " EXISTS (select 1 from ch_fee left join workflow_using wu on wu.bsno=ch_fee.GID where v_op_bill.BSNO=ch_fee.BSNO and dbo.[GetUsingStep](wu.WORKFLOWID,wu.currentid,'" + userid + "',wu.stepno)>0 " + " and wu.WORKFLOWID IN (SELECT GID FROM v_workflow WHERE TYPENAME='FeeRecvPayAudit' or TYPENAME='FeeModifyAudit' " + " or TYPENAME='FeeSeaiRecvPayAudit' or TYPENAME='FeeSeaiModifyAudit' or TYPENAME='ApplyFeeAudit' " + " or TYPENAME='ApplyFeeModify' or TYPENAME='BulkFeeAudit' or TYPENAME='BulkFeeModify' or TYPENAME='FeeOpOpOtherRecvPayAudit' " + " or TYPENAME='FeeOpOtherModifyAudit' or TYPENAME='AireFeeAudit' or TYPENAME='AireFeeModify' " + " or TYPENAME='AiriFeeAudit' or TYPENAME='AiriFeeModify' or TYPENAME='RailwayFeeAudit' or TYPENAME='RailwayFeeModify')) "; 费用明细仅显示待审核 在明细费用查询中设置,这里不用设置 isAll=0 没选 显示全部 isAll=1 选择 显示待审核 */ if (relStrCondition != "" && isAll == "1") { relStrCondition += " and EXISTS (select 1 from ch_fee left join workflow_using wu on wu.bsno=ch_fee.GID where v_op_bill.BSNO=ch_fee.BSNO and dbo.[GetUsingStep](wu.WORKFLOWID,wu.currentid,'" + SessionUtil.Session["USERID"].ToString() + "',wu.stepno)>0 and wu.WORKFLOWID IN (SELECT GID FROM v_workflow WHERE TYPENAME='FeeRecvPayAudit' or TYPENAME='FeeModifyAudit' or TYPENAME='FeeSeaiRecvPayAudit' or TYPENAME='FeeSeaiModifyAudit' or TYPENAME='ApplyFeeAudit' or TYPENAME='ApplyFeeModify' or TYPENAME='BulkFeeAudit' or TYPENAME='BulkFeeModify' or TYPENAME='FeeOpOpOtherRecvPayAudit' or TYPENAME='FeeOpOtherModifyAudit' or TYPENAME='AireFeeAudit' or TYPENAME='AireFeeModify' or TYPENAME='AiriFeeAudit' or TYPENAME='AiriFeeModify' or TYPENAME='RailwayFeeAudit' or TYPENAME='RailwayFeeModify'))"; } else if(relStrCondition=="" && isAll == "1") { relStrCondition = " EXISTS (select 1 from ch_fee left join workflow_using wu on wu.bsno=ch_fee.GID where v_op_bill.BSNO=ch_fee.BSNO and dbo.[GetUsingStep](wu.WORKFLOWID,wu.currentid,'" + SessionUtil.Session["USERID"].ToString() + "',wu.stepno)>0 and wu.WORKFLOWID IN (SELECT GID FROM v_workflow WHERE TYPENAME='FeeRecvPayAudit' or TYPENAME='FeeModifyAudit' or TYPENAME='FeeSeaiRecvPayAudit' or TYPENAME='FeeSeaiModifyAudit' or TYPENAME='ApplyFeeAudit' or TYPENAME='ApplyFeeModify' or TYPENAME='BulkFeeAudit' or TYPENAME='BulkFeeModify' or TYPENAME='FeeOpOpOtherRecvPayAudit' or TYPENAME='FeeOpOtherModifyAudit' or TYPENAME='AireFeeAudit' or TYPENAME='AireFeeModify' or TYPENAME='AiriFeeAudit' or TYPENAME='AiriFeeModify' or TYPENAME='RailwayFeeAudit' or TYPENAME='RailwayFeeModify'))"; } if (relBeginFrom != "") { relStrCondition += " and BSDATE>='" + relBeginFrom + " 00:00:00' "; } if (relBeginTo != "") { relStrCondition += " and BSDATE<='" + relBeginTo + " 23:59:59' "; } if (relAccFrom != "") { relStrCondition += " and ACCDATE>='" + relAccFrom.Substring(0, 7) + "' "; } if (relAccTo != "") { relStrCondition += " and ACCDATE<='" + relAccTo.Substring(0, 7) + "' "; } if (relETDFrom != "") { relStrCondition += " and ETD>='" + relETDFrom + " 00:00:00' "; } if (relETDTo != "") { relStrCondition += " and ETD<='" + relETDTo + " 23:59:59' "; } var dataList = Chfee_AuditDAL.GetBillDataList(relStrCondition, SessionUtil.Session["USERID"].ToString(), SessionUtil.Session["SHOWNAME"].ToString(), SessionUtil.Session["COMPANYID"].ToString(), ""); //var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit); string json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataList); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(json); context.Response.End(); } public bool IsReusable { get { return false; } } } }