Ext.namespace('Shipping'); Shipping.MsOpSeaePreModifyHisEdit = function (config) { Ext.applyIf(this, config); this.initUIComponents(); window.Shipping.MsOpSeaePreModifyHisEdit.superclass.constructor.call(this); }; Ext.extend(Shipping.MsOpSeaePreModifyHisEdit, Ext.Panel, { ParentWin: null, OpStatus: 'add', PageSize: 30, OpType: 'bs', StoreList: null, editRecord: null, Editdata: null, stroplb: '预订舱', initUIComponents: function () { this.bodyDel = []; this.itemindex = 1; this.myDate = new Date(); this.accdatesameetd = 0; this.MsPeriod = null; this.SALEORDERDEPTBYOP = 0; this.PageSize = 30; this.storecodeservice = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableStore', { model: 'MsCodeOpService', proxy: { url: '/MvcShipping/MsCodeOpService/GetDataCtnList' } }); this.storeHisList = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { pageSize: this.PageSize, model: 'MsOpSeaePre', remoteSort: true, proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeaePre/GetHisDataList', reader: { id: 'BSNO', root: 'data', totalProperty: 'totalCount' } } }); Ext.grid.RowNumberer = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.RowNumberer, { width: 50 }); _this = this; this.Pagenum = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Number', { name: 'bottles', fieldLabel: '每页记录数', labelAlign: 'right', value: this.PageSize, maxValue: 100000, width: 180, minValue: 0, listeners: { specialkey: function (field, e) { if (e.getKey() == e.ENTER) { _this.onRefreshClick(); } } } }); this.initgirdcolums = [{ sortable: true, dataIndex: 'BSNO', header: '业务编号', hidden: true, width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'BSSTATUS', header: '业务状态', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'OP', header: '操作员', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CUSTOMERNAME', header: '委托单位', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'REMARK', header: '备注', width: 200 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CARRIER', header: '船公司', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CONTRACTNO', header: '约号', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'FORWARDER', header: '订舱代理', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'MBLNO', header: '主提单号', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'VESSEL', header: '船名', width: 100 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'VOYNO', header: '航次', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ETD', header: '开船日期', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CLOSINGDATE', header: '截港时间', width: 100 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CLOSEDOCDATE', header: '截单时间', width: 100 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'PORTLOAD', header: '装货港', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'PORTDISCHARGE', header: '卸货港', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'LANE', header: '航线', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CNTRTOTAL', header: '箱型箱量', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CREATEUSER', header: '创建人', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CREATETIME', header: '创建日期', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'MODIFIEDUSER', header: '修改人', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'MODIFIEDTIME', header: '修改日期', width: 80 }]; this.girdcolums = this.initgirdcolums; //定义Grid this.GridCheckBoxModel = Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel'); _this = this; this.gridList = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ store: this.storeHisList, enableHdMenu: false, region: 'north', height:160, loadMask: { msg: "数据加载中,请稍等..." }, trackMouseOver: true, disableSelection: false, selModel: this.GridCheckBoxModel, columns: this.girdcolums, // paging bar on the bottom bbar: [Ext.create('Ext.PagingToolbar', { store: this.storeHisList, displayInfo: true, displayMsg: '当前显示 {0} - {1}条记录 /共 {2}条记录', emptyMsg: "没有数据" }), this.Pagenum] }); /////////////以下部分为获取存储的gridpanel显示样式 this.girdcolums = DsTruck.GetGridPanel(USERID, this.formname, this.girdcolums, 1); //使用者id,表名,中间column数组,跳过一开始的几列 this.gridList.reconfigure(this.storeHisList, this.girdcolums); this.gridList.columns[0] = new Ext.grid.RowNumberer(); //////////////////////////// //this.gridList.addListener('itemdblclick', function (dataview, record, item, index, e, b) { // this.SelectedRecord = record; // this.LoadNewData("LOSTNO='" + record.data.BSNO + "' AND TYPE='2'"); // this.LoadOldData("LOSTNO='" + record.data.BSNO + "' AND TYPE='1'"); //}, this); this.gridList.getSelectionModel().on('select', function (model, record, index) { this.LoadNewData("LOSTNO='" + record.data.BSNO + "' AND TYPE='2'", record); this.LoadOldData("LOSTNO='" + record.data.BSNO + "' AND TYPE='1'"); }, this); this.storeHisList.on('beforeload', function (store) { var sql = " MASTERNO='" + this.editRecord.get('BSNO') + "' and TYPE='1' "; Ext.apply(store.proxy.extraParams, { condition: sql }); }, this); this.formHead = Ext.widget('form', { region: 'north', frame: true, title:'旧数据', collapsed: false, collapsible: true, height:260, trackResetOnLoad: true, fieldDefaults: { margins: '2 2 2 2', labelAlign: 'right', flex: 1, labelWidth: 70, msgTarget: 'qtip' }, items: [{ xtype: 'fieldset', defaultType: 'textfield', layout: 'anchor', defaults: { anchor: '100%' }, items: [{ xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ fieldLabel: '业务编号', name: 'BSNO', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '船公司', readOnly:true, name: 'CARRIER' }, { fieldLabel: '约号', readOnly: true, name: 'CONTRACTNO' }, { fieldLabel: '订舱代理', readOnly: true, name: 'FORWARDER' }] }, { xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ fieldLabel: '装货港', readOnly: true, name: 'PORTLOAD' }, { fieldLabel: '卸货港', readOnly: true, name: 'PORTDISCHARGE' }, { fieldLabel: '航线', readOnly: true, name: 'LANE' }] }, { xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ fieldLabel: '主提单号', readOnly: true, name: 'MBLNO' //allowBlank: false }, { fieldLabel: '船名', readOnly: true, name: 'VESSEL' //allowBlank: false }, { fieldLabel: '航次', readOnly: true, name: 'VOYNO' //allowBlank: false }] }, { xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ fieldLabel:'开船日期', //'ETD', readOnly: true, format: 'Y-m-d', flex: 1, xtype: 'datefield', name: 'ETD' }, { fieldLabel: '截港日期', //'截港日期', readOnly: true, format: 'Y-m-d', flex: 1, xtype: 'datetimefield', name: 'CLOSINGDATE' }, { fieldLabel: '截单日期', //'截单日期', readOnly: true, format: 'Y-m-d', flex: 1, xtype: 'datetimefield', name: 'CLOSEDOCDATE' }] },{ xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ fieldLabel: '箱型1', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR1', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '箱型2', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR2', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '箱型3', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR3', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '箱型4', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR4', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '箱型5', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR5', hidden: true }] }, { xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', defaultType: 'textfield', items: [ { fieldLabel: '箱型6', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR6', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '箱型7', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR7', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '箱型8', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR8', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '箱型9', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR9', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '箱型10', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR10', hidden: true }] }, { xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ fieldLabel: '业务状态', readOnly: true, name: 'BSSTATUS' //allowBlank: false }, { fieldLabel: '委托单位', readOnly: true, name: 'CUSTOMERNAME' //allowBlank: false }, { fieldLabel: '操作', readOnly: true, name: 'OP' //allowBlank: false }] }, { xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ xtype: 'textareafield', grow: true, readOnly: true, flex: 2, fieldLabel: '备注', //'备注', height: 60, name: 'REMARK', anchor: '100%' }] }]//end items(fieldset 1) }]//end root items }); //end this.formHead this.formEdit = Ext.widget('form', { region: 'north', frame: true, title: '新数据', collapsed: false, collapsible: true, height: 260, trackResetOnLoad: true, fieldDefaults: { margins: '2 2 2 2', labelAlign: 'right', flex: 1, labelWidth: 70, msgTarget: 'qtip' }, items: [{ xtype: 'fieldset', defaultType: 'textfield', layout: 'anchor', defaults: { anchor: '100%' }, items: [{ xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ fieldLabel: '业务编号', name: 'BSNO', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '船公司', readOnly: true, name: 'CARRIER' }, { fieldLabel: '约号', readOnly: true, name: 'CONTRACTNO' }, { fieldLabel: '订舱代理', readOnly: true, name: 'FORWARDER' }] }, { xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ fieldLabel: '装货港', readOnly: true, name: 'PORTLOAD' }, { fieldLabel: '卸货港', readOnly: true, name: 'PORTDISCHARGE' }, { fieldLabel: '航线', readOnly: true, name: 'LANE' }] }, { xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ fieldLabel: '主提单号', readOnly: true, name: 'MBLNO' //allowBlank: false }, { fieldLabel: '船名', readOnly: true, name: 'VESSEL' //allowBlank: false }, { fieldLabel: '航次', readOnly: true, name: 'VOYNO' //allowBlank: false }] }, { xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ fieldLabel: '开船日期', //'ETD', readOnly: true, format: 'Y-m-d', flex: 1, xtype: 'datefield', name: 'ETD' }, { fieldLabel: '截港日期', //'截港日期', readOnly: true, format: 'Y-m-d', flex: 1, xtype: 'datetimefield', name: 'CLOSINGDATE' }, { fieldLabel: '截单日期', //'截单日期', readOnly: true, format: 'Y-m-d', flex: 1, xtype: 'datetimefield', name: 'CLOSEDOCDATE' }] }, { xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ fieldLabel: '箱型1', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR1', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '箱型2', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR2', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '箱型3', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR3', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '箱型4', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR4', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '箱型5', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR5', hidden: true }] }, { xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ fieldLabel: '箱型6', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR6', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '箱型7', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR7', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '箱型8', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR8', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '箱型9', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR9', hidden: true }, { fieldLabel: '箱型10', readOnly: true, name: 'CNTR10', hidden: true }] }, { xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ fieldLabel: '业务状态', readOnly: true, name: 'BSSTATUS' //allowBlank: false }, { fieldLabel: '委托单位', readOnly: true, name: 'CUSTOMERNAME' //allowBlank: false }, { fieldLabel: '操作', readOnly: true, name: 'OP' //allowBlank: false }] }, { xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ xtype: 'textareafield', grow: true, readOnly: true, flex: 2, fieldLabel: '备注', //'备注', height: 60, name: 'REMARK', anchor: '100%' }] }]//end items(fieldset 1) }]//end root items }); //end this.formHead //按钮Toolbar this.panelBtn = new Ext.Panel({ region: "north", tbar: [{ text: "关闭", handler: function (button, event) { window.close(); }, scope: this }, '-', { text: "打印", iconCls: "btnprint", handler: function (button, event) { this.Print(); }, scope: this }] }); //end 按钮Toolbar Ext.apply(this, { items: [this.panelBtn, this.gridList, this.formHead, this.formEdit] }); parentWin = window.parent.opener; this.InitData(); }, //end initUIComponents InitData: function () { this.opStatus = 'add'; var condition = ''; _this = this; if (parentWin) { var ret = parentWin.OprationSwap(); this.opStatus = ret[0]; this.StoreList = ret[1]; this.editRecord = ret[2]; } this.LoadCtn(); this.opStatus == 'edit'; condition = " MASTERNO='" + this.editRecord.get('BSNO') + "' and TYPE='1' "; this.LoadData(this.opStatus, condition); }, //end InitData LoadData: function (opstatus, condition) { this.bodyDel = []; this.opStatus = opstatus; var sql = condition; this.sqlcontext = sql; this.PageSize = this.Pagenum.getValue(); this.storeHisList.pageSize = this.PageSize; this.storeHisList.load({ params: { start: 0, limit: this.PageSize, sort: '', condition: sql }, waitMsg: "正在查询数据...", scope: this }); }, LoadNewData: function (condition,record) { this.bodyDel = []; Ext.Ajax.request({ waitMsg: '正在查询主表数据...', url: '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeaePre/GetHisData', params: { handle: 'edit', condition: condition }, callback: function (options, success, response) { if (success) { var result = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText); if (!result.Success) { Ext.Msg.show({ title: '提示', msg: result.Message, icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); return; } data = result.data; this.formEdit.getForm().reset(); this.formEdit.getForm().setValues(data); if (record.data.CARRIER != data.CARRIER) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CARRIER').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CARRIER').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.CONTRACTNO != data.CONTRACTNO) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CONTRACTNO').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CONTRACTNO').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.FORWARDER != data.FORWARDER) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('FORWARDER').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('FORWARDER').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.PORTLOAD != data.PORTLOAD) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('PORTLOAD').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('PORTLOAD').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.PORTDISCHARGE != data.PORTDISCHARGE) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('PORTDISCHARGE').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('PORTDISCHARGE').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.LANE != data.LANE) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('LANE').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('LANE').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.MBLNO != data.MBLNO) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('MBLNO').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('MBLNO').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.VESSEL != data.VESSEL) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('VESSEL').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('VESSEL').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.VOYNO != data.VOYNO) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('VOYNO').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('VOYNO').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.ETD != data.ETD) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('ETD').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('ETD').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.CLOSINGDATE != data.CLOSINGDATE) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CLOSINGDATE').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CLOSINGDATE').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.CLOSEDOCDATE != data.CLOSEDOCDATE) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CLOSEDOCDATE').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CLOSEDOCDATE').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.CNTR1 != data.CNTR1) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR1').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR1').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.CNTR2 != data.CNTR2) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR2').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR2').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.CNTR3 != data.CNTR3) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR3').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR3').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.CNTR4 != data.CNTR4) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR4').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR4').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.CNTR5 != data.CNTR5) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR5').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR5').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.CNTR6 != data.CNTR6) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR6').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR6').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.CNTR7 != data.CNTR7) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR7').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR7').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.CNTR8 != data.CNTR8) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR8').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR8').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.CNTR9 != data.CNTR9) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR9').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR9').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.CNTR10 != data.CNTR10) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR10').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CNTR10').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.BSSTATUS != data.BSSTATUS) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('BSSTATUS').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('BSSTATUS').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.CUSTOMERNAME != data.CUSTOMERNAME) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CUSTOMERNAME').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('CUSTOMERNAME').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.OP != data.OP) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('OP').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('OP').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); if (record.data.REMARK != data.REMARK) this.formEdit.getForm().findField('REMARK').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FF4500' }); else this.formEdit.getForm().findField('REMARK').setFieldStyle({ background: '#FFFFFF' }); } else { Ext.MessageBox.alert('请求出现错误,请重试', response.responseText); } }, scope: this }); }, LoadOldData: function (condition) { this.bodyDel = []; Ext.Ajax.request({ waitMsg: '正在查询主表数据...', url: '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeaePre/GetHisData', params: { handle:'edit', condition: condition }, callback: function (options, success, response) { if (success) { var result = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText); if (!result.Success) { Ext.Msg.show({ title: '提示', msg: result.Message, icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); return; } data = result.data; this.formHead.getForm().reset(); this.formHead.getForm().setValues(data); //this.GetEditStatus(this.OpType); } else { Ext.MessageBox.alert('请求出现错误,请重试', response.responseText); } }, scope: this }); }, LoadCtn: function () { this.storecodeservice.load({ params: { condition: "OPTYPE='1'" }, callback: function (r, options, success) { if (success) { if (r.length != 0) { for (i = 0; i < this.storecodeservice.getCount(); i += 1) { var itemindex = i + 1; var memberyf = this.storecodeservice.getAt(i); var headfield = this.formHead.getForm().findField(memberyf.data.OPField); if (headfield != NaN && headfield != null) { headfield.setVisible(true); headfield.setFieldLabel(memberyf.data.SERVICENAME); } var headfield = this.formEdit.getForm().findField(memberyf.data.OPField); if (headfield != NaN && headfield != null) { headfield.setVisible(true); headfield.setFieldLabel(memberyf.data.SERVICENAME); } } this.formHead.doLayout(); this.formEdit.doLayout(); } } }, scope: this }); }, // end LoadDate Save: function (type) { var basicForm2 = this.formEdit.getForm(); if (!basicForm2.isValid()) { return; } this.formHead.getForm().findField('BSNO').setDisabled(false); var olddata = this.formHead.getForm().getValues(false, false, false); this.formHead.getForm().findField('BSNO').setDisabled(true); this.formEdit.getForm().findField('BSNO').setDisabled(false); var newdata = this.formEdit.getForm().getValues(false, false, false); this.formEdit.getForm().findField('BSNO').setDisabled(true); Ext.Msg.wait('正在保存数据, 请稍侯..'); Ext.Ajax.request({ waitMsg: '正在保存数据...', url: '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeaePre/shenmodify', scope: this, params: { olddata: Ext.JSON.encode(olddata), newdata: Ext.JSON.encode(newdata) }, callback: function (options, success, response) { if (success) { Ext.MessageBox.hide(); var jsonresult = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText); if (jsonresult.Success) { var returnData = jsonresult.Data; var editp = Ext.create('MsOpSeaePre', returnData); this.editRecord.fields.each(function (field) { if (field.persist) { name = field.name; if (name != 'id') this.editRecord.set(name, editp.get(name)); } }, this); this.editRecord.commit(); this.opStatus = 'edit'; window.close(); } else { Ext.Msg.show({ title: '错误', msg: jsonresult.Message, icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); } } else { Ext.Msg.show({ title: '请重试', msg: '服务器响应出错', icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); } } }); }, //end save GetEditStatus: function (optype) { //var btnESaveAndNew = Ext.getCmp('btnESaveAndNew'); //var btnECopyNew = Ext.getCmp('btnECopyNew'); //var btnENew = Ext.getCmp('btnENew'); //if (optype == 'op') { // btnESaveAndNew.disable(); // btnECopyNew.disable(); // btnENew.disable(); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('CARRIER').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('MBLNO').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('CONTRACTNO').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('VESSEL').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('VOYNO').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('ETD').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('CLOSINGDATE').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('CLOSEDOCDATE').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('PORTLOAD').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('PORTDISCHARGE').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('LANE').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('FORWARDER').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('CNTR1').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('CNTR2').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('CNTR3').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('CNTR4').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('CNTR5').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('CNTR6').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('CNTR7').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('CNTR8').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('CNTR9').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('CNTR10').setDisabled(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('CUSTOMERNAME').setVisible(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('BSSTATUS').setVisible(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('OP').setVisible(true); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('REMARK').setVisible(true); // var OPFIELD = this.formHead.getForm().findField('OP'); // if (OPFIELD.getValue() == '') OPFIELD.setValue(SHOWNAME); //} else { // btnESaveAndNew.enable(); // btnECopyNew.enable(); // btnENew.enable(); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('CUSTOMERNAME').setVisible(false); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('BSSTATUS').setVisible(false); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('OP').setVisible(false); // this.formHead.getForm().findField('REMARK').setVisible(false); //} }, LoadDefValue: function () { this.storeDefValue.load({ params: { condition: "BSTYPE='预订舱'" }, callback: function (r, options, success) { if (success) { if (this.storeDefValue.getCount() > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < this.storeDefValue.getCount(); j += 1) { var member = this.storeDefValue.getAt(j); var headfield = this.formHead.getForm().findField(member.data.FIELDNAME); if (headfield != NaN && headfield != null) headfield.setValue(member.data.DEFVALUE); }; } else { } } }, scope: this }); this.GetEditStatus(); }, LoadMustBe: function () { this.storeMustBe.load({ params: { condition: "BSTYPE='预订舱'" }, callback: function (r, options, success) { if (success) { if (this.storeMustBe.getCount() > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < this.storeMustBe.getCount(); j += 1) { var member = this.storeMustBe.getAt(j); var headfield = this.formHead.getForm().findField(member.data.FIELDNAME); if (headfield != NaN && headfield != null) { if (member.data.ISMUST == "1") headfield.allowBlank = false; if (member.data.ISCOLOR == "1") headfield.setFieldStyle({ background: '#ffc' }); if (member.data.ISREADONLY == "1") headfield.setReadOnly(true); } }; } else { } } }, scope: this }); }, setSaveBtnStatus: function (enable) { var btnESave = Ext.getCmp('btnESave'); var btnESaveAndClose = Ext.getCmp('btnESaveAndClose'); var btnESaveAndNew = Ext.getCmp('btnESaveAndNew'); if (enable) { btnESave.enable(); btnESaveAndClose.enable(); btnESaveAndNew.enable(); } else { btnESave.disable(); btnESaveAndClose.disable(); btnESaveAndNew.disable(); } }, //#region 上一票,下一票 PrevRecord: function () { var j = this.StoreList.indexOf(this.editRecord); if (j == 0) { Ext.Msg.show({ title:'警告', msg:'已经是最前一票', icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); //'警告', '已是最前一票' return; } j = j - 1; this.editRecord = this.StoreList.getAt(j); if (this.opStatus == 'edit') { condition = "BSNO='" + this.editRecord.get('BSNO') + "'"; //this.storeBodyList.load({ params: { condition: condition} }); } this.LoadData(this.opStatus, condition, this.OpType); }, NextRecord: function () { var j = this.StoreList.indexOf(this.editRecord); if (j == (this.StoreList.data.length - 1)) { Ext.Msg.show({ title: '警告', msg: '已经是最后一票', icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); //'警告', '已是最后一票' return; } j = j + 1; this.editRecord = this.StoreList.getAt(j); if (this.opStatus == 'edit') { condition = "BSNO='" + this.editRecord.get('BSNO') + "'"; //this.storeBodyList.load({ params: { condition: condition} }); } this.LoadData(this.opStatus, condition, this.OpType); }, //#endregion Print: function () { var basicForm = this.formHead.getForm(); var billNo = basicForm.findField('BSNO').value; if (billNo == '*' || billNo == '') { Ext.Msg.show({ title: '错误', msg: '单据还没有保存,请保存后再打印', icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); return; } var billNo2 = this.formEdit.getForm().findField('BSNO').value; var printType = 'MSOPOHTER'; var sql1 = "SET LANGUAGE 'us_english' SELECT * FROM op_seae_pre_his WHERE BSNO = '" + billNo + "'"; var sql2 = "SET LANGUAGE 'us_english' SELECT * FROM op_seae_pre_his WHERE BSNO = '" + billNo2 + "'"; var sql3 = ""; var sql4 = ""; var sql5 = ""; var sql6 = ""; PrintComm(printType, sql1, sql2, sql3, sql4, sql5, sql6); }, getIsModify: function () { if (this.formHead.getForm().isDirty() == true) { return '业务信息'; } else return ''; } });