using System; using System.Collections; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using DSWeb.Models; using DSWeb.EntityDA; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace DSWeb.Message { public partial class SysAnnounceClient : System.Web.UI.Page { public string strHandle; public string strMessageGID;//消息GID public string strUserID; public int iPostType; public int iIncludeTop;//包含编号 public int iNotIncludeTop;//不包含编号 public int iCheckType;//查看类型 1-查看未读消息 2-查看已读消息 3-查看所有消息 public string strType;//消息类型 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["USERID"] != null) { strUserID = Session["USERID"].ToString().Trim(); } else { if (Request.QueryString["clientgid"] != null) { strUserID = Request.QueryString["clientgid"].ToString(); Session["USERID"] = strUserID; } else { Server.Transfer("~/Error/FriendError.aspx"); return; } } // if (Request.QueryString["post"] != null) { iPostType = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["post"].ToString()); this.h_posttype.Value = iPostType.ToString(); } else { iPostType = 2; this.h_posttype.Value = iPostType.ToString(); } //-------------------------------------------- if (!this.h_messageid.Value.ToString().Trim().Equals("")) { strMessageGID = this.h_messageid.Value.ToString().Trim(); } if (this.hdISEDIT.Value != null) { strHandle = this.hdISEDIT.Value.ToString().Trim(); } if (this.hdiIncludeTop.Value.Trim() != "") { iIncludeTop = int.Parse(this.hdiIncludeTop.Value.Trim()); } else { iIncludeTop = 0; } if (this.hdiNotIncludeTop.Value.Trim() != "") { iNotIncludeTop = int.Parse(this.hdiNotIncludeTop.Value.Trim()); } else { iNotIncludeTop = 0; } if (this.sel_read.Value.Trim() != "") { iCheckType = int.Parse(this.sel_read.Value.Trim()); } else { iCheckType = 0; } //公告 SysAnnounceDA SysAnnounceDA = new SysAnnounceDA(); strType = SysAnnounceDA.GetTYPENUM(strUserID, 2); if (strType != "0") { strType = String.Format(" AND TYPE = {0}", int.Parse(strType)); } else { strType = ""; } // if (strHandle != null) { if (strHandle == "messagelist") { GetMessageList(); } if (strHandle == "messagepagelist") { GetMessagePageList(); } this.hdISEDIT.Value = ""; } } #region 根据消息GID获取消息信息 /// /// 根据消息GID获取消息信息 /// /// 消息GID /// 返回JSON消息信息 protected void GetMessageList() { if (!this.h_messageid.Value.Trim().Equals("")) { SysAnnounceDA SysAnnounceDA = new SysAnnounceDA(); SysAnnounceSetDA SysAnnounceSetDA = new SysAnnounceSetDA(); SysAnnounceEntity SysAnnounceEntity = new SysAnnounceEntity(); tbDESCRIPTION.Text = ""; tbANNOUNCECONTENT.Text = ""; SysAnnounceEntity = SysAnnounceDA.GetID(this.h_messageid.Value.Trim());//strMessageGID if (SysAnnounceEntity != null) { if (SysAnnounceEntity.GID != null) { tbDESCRIPTION.Text = SysAnnounceEntity.DESCRIPTION.ToString().Trim(); tbANNOUNCECONTENT.Text = SysAnnounceEntity.ANNOUNCECONTENT.ToString().Trim(); sel_read.SelectedIndex = 0; if (int.Parse(this.sel_read.Value) != 0) { sel_read.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(this.sel_read.Value); } } } } } #endregion /// /// 获取上一条、下一条消息提醒信息 /// /// public void GetMessagePageList() { string strSql = ""; SysAnnounceSetDA SysAnnounceSetDA = new SysAnnounceSetDA(); string strCondition = ""; switch (iCheckType) { case 1: strCondition = " AND gid not in (select ANNOUNCEGID from sys_announce_set where CLIENTGID='" + strUserID + "' and ISDELETE=1)";// and (ISCLOSE=0 or ISDELETE=1) and ISCLOSE=0 break; case 2: strCondition = " AND gid in (select ANNOUNCEGID from sys_announce_set where CLIENTGID='" + strUserID + "' and ISDELETE=0)";// and ISCLOSE=0 break; case 4: strCondition = " AND gid in (select ANNOUNCEGID from sys_announce_set where CLIENTGID='" + strUserID + "' and ISDELETE=1)"; break; default: break; } // if (iIncludeTop >= 1 && iNotIncludeTop >= 1) { strSql = String.Format(" SELECT TOP {0} GID,NAME,DESCRIPTION,ANNOUNCECONTENT,CREATEUSER,CREATETIME,MODIFIEDUSER,MODIFIEDTIME,BEGINTIME,ENDTIME,ISDELETE,DELETETIME,DELETEUSER,INTERVAL,TYPE,ISISSUE " + " FROM sys_announce WHERE ISISSUE=1 and ISDELETE=0 AND GID NOT IN ('" + strMessageGID + "') {1} " + strCondition + strType + " ORDER BY CREATETIME DESC ", iIncludeTop, (iNotIncludeTop > 1 ? " AND GID NOT IN(SELECT TOP " + iNotIncludeTop + " GID FROM sys_announce WHERE ISISSUE=1 and ISDELETE=0 AND ISNULL(ISDELETE,0) <> 1 " + strCondition + strType + " AND GID NOT IN ('" + strMessageGID + "') ORDER BY CREATETIME DESC) " : "")); DataTable sourceTable = SysAnnounceSetDA.GetExcuteSql(strSql).Tables[0]; if (sourceTable != null) { if (sourceTable.Rows.Count > 0) { tbDESCRIPTION.Text = sourceTable.Rows[0]["DESCRIPTION"].ToString().Trim(); tbANNOUNCECONTENT.Text = sourceTable.Rows[0]["ANNOUNCECONTENT"].ToString().Trim(); sel_read.SelectedIndex = 0; if (int.Parse(this.sel_read.Value) != 0) { sel_read.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(this.sel_read.Value); } this.h_messageid.Value = sourceTable.Rows[0]["GID"].ToString().Trim(); // if (sourceTable.Rows[0]["GID"].ToString().Trim() != "") { SysAnnounceSetDA SysAnnounceSetDA1 = new SysAnnounceSetDA(); SysAnnounceSetEntity SysAnnounceSetEntity = new SysAnnounceSetEntity(); int iRt = 0; // T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new T_ALL_DA(); string strGID = T_ALL_DA.GetStrSQL("GID", "SELECT GID FROM sys_announce_set WHERE CLIENTGID = '" + strUserID + "' and ANNOUNCEGID='" + sourceTable.Rows[0]["GID"].ToString().Trim() + "'"); // if (strGID == "") { SysAnnounceSetEntity.GID = getBSNO(); SysAnnounceSetEntity.CLIENTGID = strUserID.Trim(); SysAnnounceSetEntity.InterVal = 1; SysAnnounceSetEntity.ANNOUNCEGID = sourceTable.Rows[0]["GID"].ToString().Trim(); SysAnnounceSetEntity.DELETEUSER = strUserID.Trim(); SysAnnounceSetEntity.ISCLOSE = false; iRt = SysAnnounceSetDA1.InsertUserMsgSetting(SysAnnounceSetEntity); } else { SysAnnounceSetEntity.GID = strGID; SysAnnounceSetEntity.CLIENTGID = strUserID.Trim(); SysAnnounceSetEntity.InterVal = 1; SysAnnounceSetEntity.ANNOUNCEGID = sourceTable.Rows[0]["GID"].ToString().Trim(); SysAnnounceSetEntity.DELETEUSER = strUserID.Trim(); SysAnnounceSetEntity.ISCLOSE = false; iRt = SysAnnounceSetDA1.UpdateUserMsgISCLOSE(SysAnnounceSetEntity);//已经读了 } // if (iRt > 0) { } else { } } } } } } protected String getBSNO() { string strBSNO = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); strBSNO = strBSNO.Replace("-", ""); strBSNO = "Ann" + strBSNO; return strBSNO; } } }