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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using DSWeb.Areas.CommMng.DAL;
using DSWeb.Areas.Import.DAL.XXH;
using DSWeb.Areas.Import.Models.XXH;
using DSWeb.Areas.Import.Models.PortOperate;
using DSWeb.TruckMng.Comm.Cookie;
using DSWeb.TruckMng.Helper;
using DSWeb.TruckMng.Helper.Repository;
using HcUtility.Comm;
using HcUtility.Core;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Controllers;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsOpAmend;
using DSWeb.Areas.Import.DAL.ImportTrade;
using DSWeb.Areas.Import.DAL.Comm;
using DSWeb.Areas.Import.Models.Comm;
using DSWeb.SoftMng.Filter;
namespace DSWeb.Areas.Import.Controllers
public class PortOperateController : Controller
// GET: /Import/create
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult Index2 ( )
return View();
// GET: /Import/create/Edit
public ActionResult Edit()
return View();
public ActionResult Edit2 ( )
return View();
// GET/Import/operate/Save
public ContentResult Save(string opstatus, string data,
string Receiptbody, string Receiptdelbody,
string CargoBody, string CargoDelBody,
string AppstateBody, string AppstateDelBody,
string KCBody, string KCDelBody, string chfeebody, string chfeedelbody)
var head = JsonConvert.Deserialize<PortOperatemb>(data);
var ReceiptbodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<Receiptmb>>(Receiptbody);
var ReceiptdelbodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<Receiptmb>>(Receiptdelbody);
var CargobodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<Cargomb>>(CargoBody);
var CargodelbodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<Cargomb>>(CargoDelBody);
var AppstateBodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<Appstatemb>>(AppstateBody);
var AppstateDelBodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<Appstatemb>>(AppstateDelBody);
var KCBodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<KCmb>>(KCBody);
var KCDelBodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<KCmb>>(KCDelBody);
var chfeeBodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<DSWeb.Areas.TruckMng.Models.Comm.MsChFee>>(chfeebody);
var chfeeBodyDelList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<DSWeb.Areas.TruckMng.Models.Comm.MsChFee>>(chfeedelbody);
if (chfeeBodyList != null)
foreach (var _fee in chfeeBodyList)
_fee.MODIFIEDTIME = DateTime.Now.ToString();
_fee.MODIFIEDUSER = Session["USERID"].ToString();
if (opstatus == "add")
head.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotIns;
head.ModelUIStatus = "I";
head.ContractNo = PubSysDAL.GetBillNo("0201"); //获取合同号
//20131011 应客户要求,将合同号改为接单人手动填写的必填项目。不再自动生成合同号
headData.UserCode = CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request);
headData.UserName = CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserName(Request);
headData.OrgCode = CookieConfig.GetCookie_OrgCode(Request);
headData.OrgName = CookieConfig.GetCookie_OrgName(Request);*/
//headData.LrDate = DateTime.Now;
else if (opstatus == "edit")
head.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotUpd;
head.ModelUIStatus = "E";
head.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotDel;
var modb = new ModelObjectRepository();
head.MODIFIEDUSER = Session["SHOWNAME"].ToString();
head.MODIFIEDTIME = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
DBResult result = modb.Save(head,
BasicDataRefDAL.SaveLog(head, Session["USERID"].ToString(), "进口贸易_港口操作", "保存");
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse
Success = result.Success,
Message = result.Message,
Data = XXHDAL.GetData("M.ContractNo='" + head.ContractNo + "'", CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserCode(Request), CookieConfig.GetCookie_UserName(Request), CookieConfig.GetCookie_CompanyId(Request))
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult SaveAmend(string ContractNo, string data,string chfeeBody, string chfeeBodyDel)
var head = JsonConvert.Deserialize<MsOpAmend>(data);
var chfeeBodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<MsChFee>>(chfeeBody);
var chfeeBodyDelList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<MsChFee>>(chfeeBodyDel);
//var result = new DBResult();
var ParentID = ContractNo;
if (head.ACCDATE!="")
head.ACCDATE = head.ACCDATE.Substring(0, 7);
var opstatus = "";
if (head.BSNO == "")
head.BSNO = PubSysDAL.GetBillNo("0206");
opstatus = "add";
{ opstatus = "edit"; }
if (opstatus == "add")
head.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotIns;
head.ModelUIStatus = "I";
else if (opstatus == "edit")
head.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotUpd;
head.ModelUIStatus = "E";
head.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotDel;
var modb = new ModelObjectRepository();
DBResult result = modb.Save(head,
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse
Success = result.Success,
Message = result.Message,
Data = ""
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public ContentResult SetPrice ( string _price, string _price_agio, string _price_limit, string _weight, string _BoxCount
, string _Exchangerate, string _Exchangerate_Customs, string _PreProportion
, string CargoBody )
var CargobodyList = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<Cargomb>>(CargoBody);
var result= new DBResult();
foreach (var _c in CargobodyList){
List<Cargomb> list = XXHDAL.GetCargoList(""+_c.cgid);
Cargomb _cargo = list[0];
_cargo.U_weight = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal(_weight) / Convert.ToDecimal(_cargo.UnitRate));
_cargo.U_PRICE = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal(_price) * Convert.ToDecimal(_cargo.UnitRate));
Decimal tax_amount =0;
Decimal pay_amount=0;
Decimal amount = 0;
Decimal amount_writeoffs=0;
Decimal Exchangerate = Convert.ToDecimal(_Exchangerate);
Decimal Exchangerate_Customs = Convert.ToDecimal(_Exchangerate_Customs);
Decimal PreProportion = Convert.ToDecimal(_PreProportion);
_cargo.Exchangerate = _Exchangerate;
_cargo.Exchangerate_Customs = _Exchangerate_Customs;
_cargo.PreProportion = _PreProportion;
if (Convert.ToDecimal(_weight) == 0)
_weight = _c.weight;
var price = Convert.ToDecimal(_price);
var price_agio = Convert.ToDecimal(_price_agio);
var price_limit = Convert.ToDecimal(_price_limit);
var baolv = Convert.ToDecimal(_cargo.baolv);
var weight = Convert.ToDecimal(_weight);
var UNIT= _cargo.UnitRef;
if (UNIT!="磅") {
if (price_agio==0){
amount = weight*price ;} //Mul(price_limit,weight,baolv,2)
else {amount = weight*price_agio;} //amount=对国内客户的合同金额
//get_tax_amount 用于向客户收税金的完税价格
//tax_amount 用于向海关交税金的完税价格
if (price_limit != 0 && price_limit > price) {
tax_amount = price_limit*weight*baolv;
if (price_agio!=0 && price_limit>price_agio){//海关限价最高
Decimal get_tax_amount=tax_amount;
}else{Decimal get_tax_amount= price_agio*weight*baolv;}//差价(对国内客户)高于限价
} else {
tax_amount = price*weight*baolv;
if (price_agio!=0 ){
Decimal get_tax_amount=price_agio*weight*baolv;
}else{Decimal get_tax_amount= tax_amount;}//差价(对国内客户)高于限价
pay_amount = weight*price;//贸易商价格x重量x单价
_cargo.AMOUNT_WRITEOFFS = Convert.ToString(amount);
var U_weight = Convert.ToDecimal(_cargo.U_weight);
var U_PRICE = Convert.ToDecimal(_cargo.U_PRICE);
var UnitRate = Convert.ToDecimal(_cargo.UnitRate);
//var weight = Convert.ToDecimal(_weight);
//var price = Convert.ToDecimal(_cargo.price);
//var price_agio = Convert.ToDecimal(_cargo.price_agio);
//var price_limit = Convert.ToDecimal(_cargo.price_limit);
//var baolv = Convert.ToDecimal(_cargo.baolv);
amount = U_weight*U_PRICE;
UNIT= _cargo.UnitRef;
if ((UNIT=="磅")&&(price_agio==0)) {
if (price_limit != 0 && price_limit > (price)) {
tax_amount = price_limit*weight*baolv;
} else {
tax_amount = U_weight*U_PRICE*baolv;
pay_amount = U_weight*U_PRICE;
if (price_limit != 0 && price_limit > price_agio) {
tax_amount = price_limit*weight*baolv;
} else {
tax_amount = price_agio*weight*baolv;
if (price_agio>price)
amount = weight*price_agio;
pay_amount = weight*price;
amount = weight*price;
pay_amount = weight*price;
_cargo.Amount= Convert.ToString(amount);
_cargo.AMOUNT_WRITEOFFS= Convert.ToString(amount_writeoffs);
_cargo.tax_Amount= Convert.ToString(tax_amount);
_cargo.pay_Amount= Convert.ToString(pay_amount);
//if (amount>tax_amount){tax_amount=amount;}//确保tax_amount为给客户显示并使用的完税价格
Decimal tax = Convert.ToDecimal(;//关税税率
Decimal tax_zz = Convert.ToDecimal(_cargo.tax_zz);//增值税税率
//Exchangerate_Customs = Convert.ToDecimal(_cargo.Exchangerate_Customs);//海关汇率
var HS = _cargo.cicode;
var isChicken = false;
Decimal ChickenTax = 0;
Decimal priceandtax = 0;
Decimal tax_1 = 0;
Decimal tax_zz_1 = 0;
Decimal tax_2 = 0;
Decimal tax_zz_2 = 0;
if (HS == "0207142100" || HS == "0207142200" || HS == "0207142900"|| HS == "02071200") {
isChicken = true;
if (HS == "0207142100") {
ChickenTax = 0.8M;
} else if (HS == "0207142200") {
ChickenTax = 1.0M;
} else if (HS == "0207142900"|| HS == "02071200") {
ChickenTax = 1.3M;
if (isChicken) {
priceandtax = tax_amount*Exchangerate_Customs + weight*ChickenTax;
tax_1 = weight*ChickenTax;
tax_zz_1 = priceandtax*tax_zz;
tax_2 = tax_1;
tax_zz_2 = tax_zz_1;
} else {
priceandtax =tax_amount*(1.0M + tax); //完税价格x(1+关税税率)=含关税价格
tax_2 =tax_amount*tax*Exchangerate_Customs; //关税
tax_zz_2 =tax_amount*(1.0M + tax)*tax_zz*Exchangerate_Customs; //decimal(tax_amount * (1.0 + tax) * tax_zz * Exchangerate_Customs,2); //增值税
//var weight = Convert.ToDecimal(_cargo.weight);
//var price_agio = Convert.ToDecimal(_cargo.price_agio);
if (price_agio != 0 && price_agio>price_limit){//如果“差价(对国内客户价格)”不为零而且高于限价 关税的完税价格依据差价价格计算
tax_1 = (weight*price_agio*baolv)*tax*Exchangerate_Customs; //应收关税
tax_zz_1 = (weight*price_agio*baolv)*(1.0M + tax)*tax_zz*Exchangerate_Customs;//应收增值税
tax_1 = tax_2;
tax_zz_1 = tax_zz_2;
var prepayments = amount*PreProportion/100;
var balance = amount-prepayments;
_cargo.prepayments = Convert.ToString(prepayments);
_cargo.balance= Convert.ToString(balance);
var pay_prepayments = pay_amount * PreProportion / 100;
var pay_balance = pay_amount - pay_prepayments;
_cargo.pay_prepayments = Convert.ToString(pay_prepayments);
_cargo.pay_balance= Convert.ToString(pay_balance);
var modb = new ModelObjectRepository();
var _cargolist=new List<Cargomb>();
result = modb.SaveComm(
, _cargo.ContractNo
, ModelObjectConvert<Cargomb>.ToModelObjectList(_cargolist)
, null);
if (result.Success) {
var FeeList=new List<MsChFee>();
FeeList = MakeFee(_cargo);
var USERID=Session["USERID"].ToString();
var _r = MsChFeeDAL.Audit(0, FeeList, USERID, "True");
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
public List<MsChFee> MakeFee(Cargomb _c)
if (Convert.ToDecimal(_c.price_agio) == 0) {
_c.price_agio = _c.price;
var _count = 0;
var GIDs="";
var field = " (GId,BsNo,FeeStatus,FeeType,FeeName,FeeDescription,CustomerType,CustomerName,Unit,UnitPrice,TaxUnitPrice,Quantity ";
field = field + " ,Amount,NoTaxAmount,Currency,ExChangerate,Reason,Remark,Commissionrate,Settlement,Invoice,OrderAmount,OrderInvoice ";
field = field + " ,Auditoperator,EnterOperator,EnterDate,DebitNo,IsDebit,IsOpen,IsAdvancedpay,IsInvoice,FeeFrt,IsCrmOrderFee,AuditStatus) ";
if (Convert.ToDecimal(_c.prepayments) > 0)
var GID=Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var _value = " select '" + GID + "',c.ContractNo,0,1,'预付款','','',m.buyer,''," + _c.prepayments + "," + _c.prepayments + ",1";
_value = _value + "," + _c.prepayments + "," + _c.prepayments + ",(select codename from code_currency where gid=c.currid),c.exchangerate,'' ";
_value = _value + ",case (select codename from code_currency where gid=c.currid) when 'RMB' then '' else convert(varchar(50)," + _c.prepayments + ")+(select codename from code_currency where gid=c.currid)+' 汇率'+convert(varchar(50),Exchangerate) end,0,0,0,0,0 ";
_value = _value + ",'','" + Session["USERID"] + "',getdate(),'',0,0,0,0,'PP',0,0 ";
_value = _value + " from Import_Cargo c ";
_value = _value + " left join Import_main m on M.ContractNo=c.ContractNo where '" + + "'";
var SQL = " Insert into ch_fee " + field + _value;
_count = ImportSyncDAL.SaveSync(SQL);
if (Convert.ToDecimal(_c.pay_prepayments) > 0)
var GID=Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var _value = " select '" + GID + "',c.ContractNo,0,2,'预付款','','',m.seller,''," + _c.pay_prepayments + "," + _c.pay_prepayments + ",1";
_value = _value + "," + _c.pay_prepayments + "," + _c.pay_prepayments + ",(select codename from code_currency where gid=c.currid),c.exchangerate,'' ";
_value = _value + ",case (select codename from code_currency where gid=c.currid) when 'RMB' then '' else convert(varchar(50)," + _c.prepayments + ")+(select codename from code_currency where gid=c.currid)+' 汇率'+convert(varchar(50),Exchangerate) end,0,0,0,0,0 ";
_value = _value + ",'','" + Session["USERID"] + "',getdate(),'',0,0,0,0,'PP',0,0 ";
_value = _value + " from Import_Cargo c ";
_value = _value + " left join Import_main m on M.ContractNo=c.ContractNo where '" + + "'";
var SQL = " Insert into ch_fee " + field + _value;
_count = ImportSyncDAL.SaveSync(SQL);
if (Convert.ToDecimal(_c.prepayments) > 0)
var GID=Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var yfksxf = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal(_c.prepayments)/1000M);
var _value = " select '" + GID + "',c.ContractNo,0,1,'手续费','','',m.buyer,''," + yfksxf + "," + yfksxf + ",1";
_value = _value + "," + yfksxf + "," + yfksxf + ",(select codename from code_currency where gid=c.currid),c.exchangerate,'' ";
_value = _value + ",'预付款手续费',0,0,0,0,0 ";
_value = _value + ",'','" + Session["USERID"] + "',getdate(),'',0,0,0,0,'PP',0,0 ";
_value = _value + " from Import_Cargo c ";
_value = _value + " left join Import_main m on M.ContractNo=c.ContractNo where '" + + "'";
var SQL = " Insert into ch_fee " + field + _value;
_count = ImportSyncDAL.SaveSync(SQL);
if (Convert.ToDecimal(_c.prepayments) > 0)
var GID=Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var DHF = "150";
var _value = " select '" + GID + "',c.ContractNo,0,1,'电汇费','','',m.buyer,''," + DHF + "," + DHF + ",1";
_value = _value + "," + DHF + "," + DHF + ",'RMB',1,'' ";
_value = _value + ",'预付款电汇费',0,0,0,0,0 ";
_value = _value + ",'','" + Session["USERID"] + "',getdate(),'',0,0,0,0,'PP',0,0 ";
_value = _value + " from Import_Cargo c ";
_value = _value + " left join Import_main m on M.ContractNo=c.ContractNo where '" + + "'";
var SQL = " Insert into ch_fee " + field + _value;
_count = ImportSyncDAL.SaveSync(SQL);
var FeeList = MsChFeeDAL.GetDataList("GID in(" + GIDs + ")", Session["USERID"].ToString());
return FeeList;
#region 参照部分