You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
434 lines
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434 lines
17 KiB
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsCompanysDAL;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsCompanys;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Helper;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Comm.Cookie;
using HcUtility.Comm;
using HcUtility.Core;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsBaseInfoDAL;
using DSWeb.EntityDA;
using DSWeb.Models;
using DSWeb.Attributes;
using DSWeb.SoftMng.DBUtility;
using DSWeb.SoftMng.BLL;
using DSWeb.SoftMng.Common;
using DSWeb.SoftMng.Model;
using DSWeb.Areas.MvcShipping.Comm;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using DSWeb.SoftMng.Filter;
namespace DSWeb.MvcShipping.Controllers
public class MsCompanysController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult Edit()
return View();
public ActionResult MsCompanysAccountIndex()
return View();
public ActionResult MsCompanysDeptIndex()
return View();
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")]//sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetDataList(int start, int limit, string sort, string condition)
string strPath = "../../images/logo/noImage.gif";
string strPhotoPath = Server.MapPath(strPath);
var dataList = MsCompanysDAL.GetDataList(strPath, strPhotoPath, condition, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), Convert.ToString(Session["SHOWNAME"]), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), sort);
var list = dataList.Skip(start).Take(limit);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = list.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")]//sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetNoPicDataList(int start, int limit, string sort, string condition)
var dataList = MsCompanysDAL.GetNoPicDataList(condition);
var list = dataList.ToList();
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", totalCount = dataList.Count, data = list.ToList() });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")]//sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetDataListStr(string sort, string condition)
var dataListStr = MsCompanysDAL.GetDataListStr(condition, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]), Convert.ToString(Session["SHOWNAME"]), Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]), sort);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", data = dataListStr });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")]//sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetData(string handle, string condition)
string strPath = "../../images/logo/noImage.gif";
string strPhotoPath = Server.MapPath(strPath);
MsCompanysEntity head = null;
head = MsCompanysDAL.GetData(strPath, strPhotoPath, condition);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", data = head });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
[SqlKeyWordsFilter(Type = "Action")]//sql 防注入过滤器
public ContentResult GetNoPicData(string condition)
MsCompanysEntity head = null;
head = MsCompanysDAL.GetNoPicData(condition);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = true, Message = "查询成功", data = head });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult SaveEtdCloseDay(string companyid,string CLOSEETDDAY)
T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new EntityDA.T_ALL_DA();
if (CLOSEETDDAY != "")
var blUpSQL = " update company set CLOSEETDDAY='"+CLOSEETDDAY+"' WHERE GID='"+companyid+"' ";
bool bl = T_ALL_DA.GetExecuteSqlCommand(blUpSQL);
else {
var blUpSQL = " update company set CLOSEETDDAY=NULL WHERE GID='" + companyid + "' ";
bool bl = T_ALL_DA.GetExecuteSqlCommand(blUpSQL);
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = true, Message = "设置成功"});
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult Save(string opstatus, string data)
if (Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]).ToString().Trim() == "" || Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]).ToString().Trim() == "" || Convert.ToString(Session["CODENAME"]).ToString().Trim() == "" || Convert.ToString(Session["SHOWNAME"]).ToString().Trim() == "" || Convert.ToString(Session["DEPTNAME"]).ToString().Trim() == "")
var jsonRespose2 = new JsonResponse { Success = false, Message = "登录超时,请退出系统重新登录!" };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose2) };
var headData = JsonConvert.Deserialize<MsCompanysEntity>(data);
var isPost = true;
var errorstr = "";
#region 默认赋值
//headData.LOGO 徽标 Image 16
headData.ISDELETED = false;
//headData.ISDISABLE = false;//是否被禁用
headData.PARENTID = "";
headData.GPSUser = "";
headData.GPSPassWord = "";
headData.CREATEUSER = Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]);//创建人
headData.CREATETIME = DateTime.Now;//创建时间
headData.MODIFIEDUSER = Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]);//最后一次操作人
headData.MODIFIEDTIME = DateTime.Now;//最后一次操作时间
if (opstatus == "add")
headData.GID = "Com" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");//惟一编号 varchar(36)
headData.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotIns;
else if (opstatus == "edit")
headData.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotUpd;
headData.ModelUIStatus = "E";
headData.DbOperationType = DbOperationType.DbotDel;
#region LOGO_微标
var jsonRespose1 = new JsonResponse { Success = false, Message = "" };
headData.LOGO = null;
if (Request.Files.Count > 0)
var UpFile = Request.Files["upload"];
if (UpFile != null)
var FileLength = UpFile.ContentLength;//获取上传文件的字节大小
if (FileLength > 0)
Byte[] FileByte = new Byte[FileLength]; //图象文件储存到数组
Stream ObjectStream = UpFile.InputStream;//建立数据流对像,获取一个 Stream 对象,该对象指向一个上载文件,以准备读取该文件的内容。
ObjectStream.Read(FileByte, 0, FileLength); //读取图象文件数据
headData.LOGO = FileByte;
if (isPost)
string strPath = "../../images/logo/noImage.gif";
string strPhotoPath = Server.MapPath(strPath);
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
//DBResult result = modb.Save(headData);
DBResult result = MsCompanysDAL.Save(headData);
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse
Success = result.Success,
Message = result.Message,
Data = MsCompanysDAL.GetData(strPath, strPhotoPath, "GID='" + headData.GID + "'")
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
else {
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = false, Message =errorstr };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
#region 删除
public ContentResult Delete(string data)
if (Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]).ToString().Trim() == "" || Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]).ToString().Trim() == "" || Convert.ToString(Session["CODENAME"]).ToString().Trim() == "" || Convert.ToString(Session["SHOWNAME"]).ToString().Trim() == "" || Convert.ToString(Session["DEPTNAME"]).ToString().Trim() == "")
var jsonRespose2 = new JsonResponse { Success = false, Message = "登录超时,请退出系统重新登录!" };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose2) };
var head = JsonConvert.Deserialize<MsCompanysEntity>(data);
var modb = new ModelObjectDB();
//DBResult result = modb.Delete(head);
DBResult result = MsCompanysDAL.Delete(head);
if (result.Success == true)
DBResult result2 = MsCompanysDAL.setLog(head, Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]));
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
#region 注册
public ContentResult RefReg()
if (Convert.ToString(Session["COMPANYID"]).ToString().Trim() == "" || Convert.ToString(Session["USERID"]).ToString().Trim() == "" || Convert.ToString(Session["CODENAME"]).ToString().Trim() == "" || Convert.ToString(Session["SHOWNAME"]).ToString().Trim() == "" || Convert.ToString(Session["DEPTNAME"]).ToString().Trim() == "")
var jsonRespose2 = new JsonResponse { Success = false, Message = "登录超时,请退出系统重新登录!" };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose2) };
sys_secCompanyBLL cbll = new sys_secCompanyBLL();
sys_secCompany cmodel = cbll.GetModelList("").FirstOrDefault(); //获取客户端实例
DBResult result = new DBResult();
var smodel = getServerCompanyREG(cmodel.GID); //服务端实例
if (smodel.OperTime > cmodel.OperTime) //服务端最后更新时间大于客户端更新时间则更新
sys_secModuleBLL mbll = new sys_secModuleBLL();
var list1 = getServerModelREG(cmodel.GID); //获取服务端数据
foreach (var item in list1)
var cmodel1 = mbll.GetModel(item.GID);
if (cmodel1 != null)
if (item.OperTime > cmodel1.OperTime) //服务端最后更新时间大于客户端更新时间则更新
result.Success = true;
result.Message = "刷新成功!";
catch (Exception ex)
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "刷新过程出错:"+ex.Message;
// Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "key0",
// return;
//do something...
var jsonRespose = new JsonResponse { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message };
return new ContentResult() { Content = JsonConvert.Serialize(jsonRespose) };
protected sys_secCompany getServerCompanyREG(string GID)
var IP = getConfigIP();
var dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dic.Add("GID", SoftMng.Common.Common.string_Encrypt(GID, ""));
var rtn = WebRequestHelper.DoPost(IP + "GetSecCompany", dic, 5000);
DBResult r = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DBResult>(rtn);
if (r.Success)
sys_secCompany companyREG = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<sys_secCompany>(r.Data.ToString());
return companyREG;
return new sys_secCompany();
//sys_secCompany companyREG = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<sys_secCompany>(rtn);
catch (Exception e)
//var r = new sys_secCompany();
//r.CompanySecretKey = e.Message;
//return new sys_secCompany();
sys_secCompanyBLL cbll = new sys_secCompanyBLL();
StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder();
where.Append("select * from sys_secCompany where GID ='" + GID + "'");
var ds = DbHelperServerSQL.Query(where.ToString());
var smodel = cbll.DataRowToModel(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]); //服务端实例
return smodel;
return new sys_secCompany();
protected List<sys_secModule> getServerModelREG(string GID)
var IP = getConfigIP();
var dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dic.Add("GID", SoftMng.Common.Common.string_Encrypt(GID, ""));
var rtn = WebRequestHelper.DoPost(IP + "GetSecModel", dic, 5000);
DBResult r = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DBResult>(rtn);
if (r.Success)
List<sys_secModule> ModelREGList = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<sys_secModule>>(r.Data.ToString());
return ModelREGList;
return new List<sys_secModule>();
//sys_secCompany companyREG = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<sys_secCompany>(rtn);
catch (Exception e)
sys_secModuleBLL mbll = new sys_secModuleBLL();
StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder();
where.Append("select * from sys_secModule where PID ='" + GID + "'");
var ds = DbHelperServerSQL.Query(where.ToString());
if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
var modelList = mbll.DataTableToList(ds.Tables[0]); //服务端实例
return modelList;
return new List<sys_secModule>();
return new List<sys_secModule>();
//var r = new sys_secCompany();
//r.CompanySecretKey = e.Message;
//return new List<sys_secModule>();
private string getConfigIP()
string strConn = "";
strConn = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RegServer"].ToString();
catch (Exception e)
strConn = "";
var IP = "";
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strConn))
strConn = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DongShengDBServer"].ConnectionString;
var strlist = strConn.Split(';');
var serverStr = strlist[0];
int startIndex = serverStr.IndexOf("=");//开始位置
IP = serverStr.Substring(startIndex + 1, serverStr.Length - startIndex - 1);//
if (IP.IndexOf(":") > 0) IP = IP.Substring(0, IP.IndexOf(":"));
catch (Exception e) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(IP)) IP = "";
strConn = "http://" + IP + ":8081";
var result = strConn + "/Dispatch/RegPort/";
return result;