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1216 lines
28 KiB

using System;
using HcUtility.Core;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsOpSeaeBill
public class MsOpSeaeBill : ModelObjectBillHead
#region 读写属性
private string _as_id ="";
/// <summary>
/// 编号
/// </summary>
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.All, IsPrimary = true)]
public string AS_ID
get { return _as_id; }
set { _as_id = value; }
private string _bsno = "topseae" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
/// <summary>
/// 业务编号
/// </summary>
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public string BSNO
get{ return _bsno; }
set{ _bsno = value; }
private string _custno = "";
public string CUSTNO
get { return _custno; }
set { _custno = value; }
private string _mblno = "";
/// <summary>
/// 主提单号
/// </summary>
public string MBLNO
get{ return _mblno; }
set{ _mblno = value; }
private string _hblno = "";
/// <summary>
/// 分提单号
/// </summary>
public string HBLNO
get{ return _hblno; }
set{ _hblno = value; }
private string _ORDERCONTENT = "";
/// <summary>
/// 委托内容
/// </summary>
public string ORDERCONTENT
get { return _ORDERCONTENT; }
set { _ORDERCONTENT = value; }
private string _ORDERCORP = "";
/// <summary>
/// 委托对象
/// </summary>
public string ORDERCORP
get { return _ORDERCORP; }
set { _ORDERCORP = value; }
private string _template = "";
/// <summary>
/// 模板类型
/// </summary>
public string TEMPLATE
get { return _template; }
set { _template = value; }
private string _billtype = "";
/// <summary>
/// 提单类型
/// </summary>
public string BILLTYPE
get { return _billtype; }
set { _billtype = value; }
private string _inputby = "";
/// <summary>
/// 录入人
/// </summary>
public string INPUTBY
get{ return _inputby; }
set{ _inputby = value; }
private string _shipperid = "";
/// <summary>
/// 发货人
/// </summary>
public string SHIPPERID
get { return _shipperid; }
set { _shipperid = value; }
private string _consigneeid = "";
/// <summary>
/// 收货人
/// </summary>
public string CONSIGNEEID
get { return _consigneeid; }
set { _consigneeid = value; }
private string _notifypartyid = "";
/// <summary>
/// 通知人
/// </summary>
public string NOTIFYPARTYID
get { return _notifypartyid; }
set { _notifypartyid = value; }
private string _notifypartyidsecond = "";
/// <summary>
/// 通知人
/// </summary>
get { return _notifypartyidsecond; }
set { _notifypartyidsecond = value; }
private string _shipper = "";
/// <summary>
/// 发货人内容
/// </summary>
public string SHIPPER
get { return _shipper; }
set { _shipper = value; }
private string _consignee = "";
/// <summary>
/// 收货人内容
/// </summary>
public string CONSIGNEE
get { return _consignee; }
set { _consignee = value; }
private string _notifyparty = "";
/// <summary>
/// 通知人内容
/// </summary>
public string NOTIFYPARTY
get { return _notifyparty; }
set { _notifyparty = value; }
private string _notifypartysecond = "";
/// <summary>
/// 第二通知人内容
/// </summary>
get { return _notifypartysecond; }
set { _notifypartysecond = value; }
private string _agentid = "";
/// <summary>
/// 国外代理
/// </summary>
public string AGENTID
get { return _agentid; }
set { _agentid = value; }
private string _agent = "";
/// <summary>
/// 国外代理内容
/// </summary>
public string AGENT
get { return _agent; }
set { _agent = value; }
private string _yard = "";
/// <summary>
/// 场站/靠泊码头
/// </summary>
public string YARD
get { return _yard; }
set { _yard = value; }
private string _vessel = "";
/// <summary>
/// 船名
/// </summary>
public string VESSEL
get{ return _vessel; }
set{ _vessel = value; }
private string _voyno = "";
/// <summary>
/// 航次
/// </summary>
public string VOYNO
get{ return _voyno; }
set{ _voyno = value; }
private string _etd;
/// <summary>
/// 开船日期
/// </summary>
public string ETD
get { return _etd; }
set { _etd = value; }
private string _closingdate;
/// <summary>
/// 截港日期
/// </summary>
public string CLOSINGDATE
get { return _closingdate; }
set { _closingdate = value; }
private string _eta;
/// <summary>
/// 预抵日期
/// </summary>
public string ETA
get { return _eta; }
set { _eta = value; }
private string _placereceipt = "";
/// <summary>
/// 收货地
/// </summary>
public string PLACERECEIPT
get { return _placereceipt; }
set { _placereceipt = value; }
private string _portloadid = "";
/// <summary>
/// 装货港代码
/// </summary>
public string PORTLOADID
get{ return _portloadid; }
set{ _portloadid = value; }
private string _portload = "";
/// <summary>
/// 装货港
/// </summary>
public string PORTLOAD
get{ return _portload; }
set{ _portload = value; }
private string _portdischargeid = "";
/// <summary>
/// 卸货港代码
/// </summary>
get{ return _portdischargeid; }
set{ _portdischargeid = value; }
private string _portdischarge = "";
/// <summary>
/// 卸货港
/// </summary>
public string PORTDISCHARGE
get{ return _portdischarge; }
set{ _portdischarge = value; }
private string _placedeliveryid = "";
/// <summary>
/// 交货地代码
/// </summary>
get { return _placedeliveryid; }
set { _placedeliveryid = value; }
private string _placedelivery = "";
/// <summary>
/// 交货地
/// </summary>
public string PLACEDELIVERY
get { return _placedelivery; }
set { _placedelivery = value; }
private string _destinationid = "";
/// <summary>
/// 目的地代码
/// </summary>
public string DESTINATIONID
get { return _destinationid; }
set { _destinationid = value; }
private string _destination = "";
/// <summary>
/// 目的地
/// </summary>
public string DESTINATION
get { return _destination; }
set { _destination = value; }
private string _nobill = "";
/// <summary>
/// 提单份数
/// </summary>
public string NOBILL
get { return _nobill; }
set { _nobill = value; }
private string _issuetype = "";
/// <summary>
/// 签单方式
/// </summary>
public string ISSUETYPE
get { return _issuetype; }
set { _issuetype = value; }
private string _issuedate;
/// <summary>
/// 签单日期
/// </summary>
public string ISSUEDATE
get { return _issuedate; }
set { _issuedate = value; }
private string _issueplace = "";
/// <summary>
/// 签单地点
/// </summary>
public string ISSUEPLACE
get { return _issueplace; }
set { _issueplace = value; }
private string _BLISSUESTATUS = "";
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string BLISSUESTATUS
get { return _BLISSUESTATUS; }
set { _BLISSUESTATUS = value; }
private string _blfrt = "";
/// <summary>
/// 付费方式
/// </summary>
public string BLFRT
get{ return _blfrt; }
set{ _blfrt = value; }
private string _prepardat = "";
/// <summary>
/// 预付地点
/// </summary>
public string PREPARDAT
get{ return _prepardat; }
set{ _prepardat = value; }
private string _payableat = "";
/// <summary>
/// 到付地点
/// </summary>
public string PAYABLEAT
get{ return _payableat; }
set{ _payableat = value; }
private string _service = "CY-CY";
/// <summary>
/// 运输条款
/// </summary>
public string SERVICE
get{ return _service; }
set{ _service = value; }
private string _marks = "";
/// <summary>
/// 唛头
/// </summary>
public string MARKS
get{ return _marks; }
set{ _marks = value; }
private string _cntrsealno = "";
/// <summary>
/// 箱号封号
/// </summary>
public string CNTRSEALNO
get{ return _cntrsealno; }
set{ _cntrsealno = value; }
private string _nopkgs = "";
/// <summary>
/// 件数包装
/// </summary>
public string NOPKGS
get{ return _nopkgs; }
set{ _nopkgs = value; }
private string _description = "";
/// <summary>
/// 货物描述
/// </summary>
public string DESCRIPTION
get{ return _description; }
set{ _description = value; }
private string _grossweight = "";
/// <summary>
/// 货物毛重
/// </summary>
public string GROSSWEIGHT
get{ return _grossweight; }
set{ _grossweight = value; }
private string _measurement = "";
/// <summary>
/// 货物尺码
/// </summary>
public string MEASUREMENT
get{ return _measurement; }
set{ _measurement = value; }
private int _pkgs = 0;
/// <summary>
/// 件数
/// </summary>
public int PKGS
get{ return _pkgs; }
set{ _pkgs = value; }
private string _kindpkgs = "";
/// <summary>
/// 件数包装
/// </summary>
public string KINDPKGS
get{ return _kindpkgs; }
set{ _kindpkgs = value; }
private decimal _cbm = 0;
/// <summary>
/// 立方数/尺码
/// </summary>
public decimal CBM
get{ return _cbm; }
set{ _cbm = value; }
private string _totalno = "";
/// <summary>
/// 件数大写
/// </summary>
public string TOTALNO
get{ return _totalno; }
set{ _totalno = value; }
private string _cntrno = "";
/// <summary>
/// 集装箱大写
/// </summary>
public string CNTRNO
get { return _cntrno; }
set { _cntrno = value; }
private string _cntrtotal = "";
/// <summary>
/// 集装箱全部内容
/// </summary>
public string CNTRTOTAL
get { return _cntrtotal; }
set { _cntrtotal = value; }
private string _goodsname = "";
/// <summary>
/// 品名
/// </summary>
public string GOODSNAME
get { return _goodsname; }
set { _goodsname = value; }
private decimal _kgs = 0;
/// <summary>
/// 毛重
/// </summary>
public decimal KGS
get { return _kgs; }
set { _kgs = value; }
private string _placereceiptid = "";
/// <summary>
/// 收货地代码
/// </summary>
public string PLACERECEIPTID
get{ return _placereceiptid; }
set{ _placereceiptid = value; }
private string _remarks = "";
/// <summary>
/// 备注
/// </summary>
public string REMARKS
get { return _remarks; }
set { _remarks = value; }
private string _shippercode = "";
/// <summary>
/// 发货人CODE
/// </summary>
public string SHIPPERCODE
get { return _shippercode; }
set { _shippercode = value; }
private string _shippercountry = "CN";
public string SHIPPERCOUNTRY
get { return _shippercountry; }
set { _shippercountry = value; }
private string _shippertel = "";
public string SHIPPERTEL
get { return _shippertel; }
set { _shippertel = value; }
private string _shipperemail = "";
public string SHIPPEREMAIL
get { return _shipperemail; }
set { _shipperemail = value; }
private string _consigneecode = "";
/// <summary>
/// 收货人CODE
/// </summary>
public string CONSIGNEECODE
get { return _consigneecode; }
set { _consigneecode = value; }
private string _CONSIGNEEcountry = "";
get { return _CONSIGNEEcountry; }
set { _CONSIGNEEcountry = value; }
private string _consigneetel = "";
public string CONSIGNEETEL
get { return _consigneetel; }
set { _consigneetel = value; }
private string _consigneeemail = "";
public string CONSIGNEEEMAIL
get { return _consigneeemail; }
set { _consigneeemail = value; }
private string _notifypartycode = "";
/// <summary>
/// 通知人CODE
/// </summary>
get { return _notifypartycode; }
set { _notifypartycode = value; }
private string _notifypartycodesecond = "";
/// <summary>
/// 第二通知人CODE
/// </summary>
get { return _notifypartycodesecond; }
set { _notifypartycodesecond = value; }
private string _NOTIFYPARTYcountry = "";
get { return _NOTIFYPARTYcountry; }
set { _NOTIFYPARTYcountry = value; }
private string _NOTIFYPARTYcountrysecond = "";
get { return _NOTIFYPARTYcountrysecond; }
set { _NOTIFYPARTYcountrysecond = value; }
private string _notifypartytel = "";
public string NOTIFYPARTYTEL
get { return _notifypartytel; }
set { _notifypartytel = value; }
private string _notifypartytelsecond = "";
get { return _notifypartytelsecond; }
set { _notifypartytelsecond = value; }
private string _notifypartyemail = "";
get { return _notifypartyemail; }
set { _notifypartyemail = value; }
private string _notifypartyemailsecond = "";
get { return _notifypartyemailsecond; }
set { _notifypartyemailsecond = value; }
private string _CONTRACTNO;
/// <summary>
/// 运费协议号 取OP_SEAE数据
/// </summary>
public string CONTRACTNO
get { return _CONTRACTNO; }
set { _CONTRACTNO = value; }
private string _HSCODE;
/// <summary>
/// HS代码 取OP_SEAE数据
/// </summary>
public string HSCODE
get { return _HSCODE; }
set { _HSCODE = value; }
private string _CARRIER;
/// <summary>
/// 船公司 取OP_SEAE数据
/// </summary>
public string CARRIER
get { return _CARRIER; }
set { _CARRIER = value; }
private bool _ISCONTAINERSOC;
/// <summary>
/// 是否SOC箱 取OP_SEAE数据
/// </summary>
get { return _ISCONTAINERSOC; }
set { _ISCONTAINERSOC = value; }
private string _CARGOID;
/// <summary>
/// 货物类型 (O/S等) 取OP_SEAE数据
/// </summary>
public string CARGOID
get { return _CARGOID; }
set { _CARGOID = value; }
private string _COPYNOBILL;
/// <summary>
/// 副本份数 (O/S等) 取OP_SEAE数据
/// </summary>
public string COPYNOBILL
get { return _COPYNOBILL; }
set { _COPYNOBILL = value; }
private bool _ishp=false;
/// <summary>
/// 业务编号
/// </summary>
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public bool ISHP
get { return _ishp; }
set { _ishp = value; }
private string _printstatus ="未打印";
/// <summary>
/// 业务编号
/// </summary>
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public string PRINTSTATUS
get { return _printstatus; }
set { _printstatus = value; }
private string _INPUTDATE = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
/// <summary>
/// 业务编号
/// </summary>
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public string INPUTDATE
get { return _INPUTDATE; }
set { _INPUTDATE = value; }
private string _shippername = "";
/// <summary>
/// 发货人
/// </summary>
public string SHIPPERNAME
get { return _shippername; }
set { _shippername = value; }
private string _shipperaddr1 = "";
/// <summary>
/// 发货人
/// </summary>
public string SHIPPERADDR1
get { return _shipperaddr1; }
set { _shipperaddr1 = value; }
private string _consigneename = "";
/// <summary>
/// 收货人
/// </summary>
public string CONSIGNEENAME
get { return _consigneename; }
set { _consigneename = value; }
private string _consigneeaddr1 = "";
public string CONSIGNEEADDR1
get { return _consigneeaddr1; }
set { _consigneeaddr1 = value; }
private string _notifypartyname = "";
/// <summary>
/// 通知人
/// </summary>
get { return _notifypartyname; }
set { _notifypartyname = value; }
private string _notifypartyaddr1 = "";
public string NOTIFYPARTYADDR1
get { return _notifypartyaddr1; }
set { _notifypartyaddr1 = value; }
private string _SCACCODE = "";
public string SCACCODE
get { return _SCACCODE; }
set { _SCACCODE = value; }
private string _DELIVERYTONAME = "";
public string DELIVERYTONAME
get { return _DELIVERYTONAME; }
set { _DELIVERYTONAME = value; }
private string _DELIVERYTOADDR1 = "";
public string DELIVERYTOADDR1
get { return _DELIVERYTOADDR1; }
set { _DELIVERYTOADDR1 = value; }
private string _DELIVERYTOADDR2 = "";
public string DELIVERYTOADDR2
get { return _DELIVERYTOADDR2; }
set { _DELIVERYTOADDR2 = value; }
private string _DELIVERYTOTEL = "";
public string DELIVERYTOTEL
get { return _DELIVERYTOTEL; }
set { _DELIVERYTOTEL = value; }
private string _DELIVERYTOPOSTCODE = "";
set { _DELIVERYTOPOSTCODE = value; }
private string _DELIVERYTOCOUNTRY = "";
get { return _DELIVERYTOCOUNTRY; }
set { _DELIVERYTOCOUNTRY = value; }
private string _DELIVERYTOCITY = "";
public string DELIVERYTOCITY
get { return _DELIVERYTOCITY; }
set { _DELIVERYTOCITY = value; }
private string _CARGODATE = null;
public string CARGODATE
get { return _CARGODATE; }
set { _CARGODATE = value; }
private string _MODIFYTIME = "";
public string MODIFYTIME
get { return _MODIFYTIME; }
set { _MODIFYTIME = value; }
private string _MODIFYUSER = "";
public string MODIFYUSER
get { return _MODIFYUSER; }
set { _MODIFYUSER = value; }
public MsOpSeaeBill()
TableName = "op_seae_billmanage";
override public string GetBillNoFieldName()
return "AS_ID";
public override string GetTimeMarkFieldName()
return "";
public class MsOpSeaeCustomStatus
#region 读写属性
private bool _isprepared =false;
public bool ISPREPARED
get { return _isprepared; }
set { _isprepared = value; }
private string _PREPAREDSTR = "";
public string PREPAREDSTR
get { return _PREPAREDSTR; }
set { _PREPAREDSTR = value; }
private bool _isarrival =false;
public bool ISARRIVAL
get { return _isarrival; }
set { _isarrival = value; }
private string _ARRIVALSTR = "";
public string ARRIVALSTR
get { return _ARRIVALSTR; }
set { _ARRIVALSTR = value; }
private bool _ISCUSTOMCLEAR = false;
get { return _ISCUSTOMCLEAR; }
set { _ISCUSTOMCLEAR = value; }
private string _CUSTOMCLEARSTR = "";
public string CUSTOMCLEARSTR
get { return _CUSTOMCLEARSTR; }
set { _CUSTOMCLEARSTR = value; }
private bool _ISBILLCLEAR = false;
public bool ISBILLCLEAR
get { return _ISBILLCLEAR; }
set { _ISBILLCLEAR = value; }
private string _BILLCLEARSTR = "";
public string BILLCLEARSTR
get { return _BILLCLEARSTR; }
set { _BILLCLEARSTR = value; }
private bool _ISLOADCLEAR = false;
public bool ISLOADCLEAR
get { return _ISLOADCLEAR; }
set { _ISLOADCLEAR = value; }
private string _LOADCLEARSTR = "";
public string LOADCLEARSTR
get { return _LOADCLEARSTR; }
set { _LOADCLEARSTR = value; }
public class MsOpSeaeBill_SI : MsOpSeaeBill
public string SIREMARK { get; set; }
public string CLOSEDOCDATE { get; set; }
public static MsOpSeaeBill_SI AutoCopy(MsOpSeaeBill parent)
MsOpSeaeBill_SI child = new MsOpSeaeBill_SI();
var ParentType = typeof(MsOpSeaeBill);
var Properties = ParentType.GetProperties();
foreach (var Propertie in Properties)
if (Propertie.CanRead && Propertie.CanWrite)
Propertie.SetValue(child, Propertie.GetValue(parent, null), null);
return child;