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882 lines
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882 lines
24 KiB
using System;
using HcUtility.Core;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsOp_BLISSUE
public class MsOp_BLISSUEmb : ModelObjectBillHead
#region 读写属性
private string _GID = string.Empty;
private string _BSNO = string.Empty;
private string _BLNO = string.Empty;
private string _MBLNO = string.Empty;
private string _HBLNO = string.Empty;
private string _ZDFD = string.Empty;
private string _BLNAME = string.Empty;
private string _BLSTATUS = string.Empty;
private string _BLORDERNO = string.Empty;
private string _ISSUETYPE = string.Empty;
private string _OPNAME = string.Empty;
private string _OPTIME = string.Empty;
private string _BSINKNO = string.Empty;
private string _REMARK = string.Empty;
private string _DELFLAG = string.Empty;
private string _EXPRESSCORP = string.Empty;
private string _EXPRESSNO = string.Empty;
private string _ISADD = string.Empty;
private string _PUTSINGLETIME = string.Empty;
private string _PUTSINGLE = string.Empty;
private string _PAYTIME = string.Empty;
private string _PAYRMB = string.Empty;
private string _PAYUSD = string.Empty;
private string _BLTYPE = string.Empty;
private string _CUSTNO = string.Empty;
private string _CUSTOMERNAME = string.Empty;
private string _SALE = string.Empty;
private string _ACCTYPE ="";
private string _ETD = string.Empty;
private string _STLDATE = string.Empty;
private string _STLNAME ="";
private string _CARRIER = string.Empty;
private string _VESSEL = string.Empty;
private string _VOYNO = string.Empty;
private string _PORTLOAD = string.Empty;
private string _PORTDISCHARGE = string.Empty;
private string _OP = string.Empty;
private string _CUSTSERVICE = string.Empty;
private string _DOC = string.Empty;
private string _ORDEROP = string.Empty;
private string _BLISSUESTATUS = string.Empty;
private string _TSFD = string.Empty;
private string _XYTS = string.Empty;
private string _CQTS = string.Empty;
private string _SJTS = string.Empty;
private string _RMBNODR = string.Empty;
private string _USDNODR = string.Empty;
private string _TTLNODR = string.Empty;
private string _TTLDR = string.Empty;
private string _OPLBNAME = string.Empty;
private string _SPREMARK = string.Empty;
private string _ISVESSELPROVE = string.Empty;
private string _VESSELPROVETIME = string.Empty;
private string _VESSELPROVEREMARK = string.Empty;
private string _ISQR = string.Empty;
private string _CUSTCARGOAFTER = string.Empty;
private string _ISCHAOQI = string.Empty;
private string _MNGBLSTATUS = string.Empty;
private string _QRDATE = string.Empty;
private string _QCDATE = string.Empty;
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.All, IsPrimary = true)]
public string GID
get { return _GID; }
set { _GID = value; }
public string BSNO
get { return _BSNO; }
set { _BSNO = value; }
public string BLNO
get { return _BLNO; }
set { _BLNO = value; }
public string MBLNO
get { return _MBLNO; }
set { _MBLNO = value; }
public string HBLNO
get { return _HBLNO; }
set { _HBLNO = value; }
public string ZDFD
get { return _ZDFD; }
set { _ZDFD = value; }
public string BLNAME
get { return _BLNAME; }
set { _BLNAME = value; }
public string BLSTATUS
get { return _BLSTATUS; }
set { _BLSTATUS = value; }
public string BLORDERNO
get { return _BLORDERNO; }
set { _BLORDERNO = value; }
public string ISSUETYPE
get { return _ISSUETYPE; }
set { _ISSUETYPE = value; }
public string OPNAME
get { return _OPNAME; }
set { _OPNAME = value; }
public string OPTIME
get { return _OPTIME; }
set { _OPTIME = value; }
public string BSINKNO
get { return _BSINKNO; }
set { _BSINKNO = value; }
public string REMARK
get { return _REMARK; }
set { _REMARK = value; }
public string DELFLAG
get { return _DELFLAG; }
set { _DELFLAG = value; }
public string EXPRESSCORP
get { return _EXPRESSCORP; }
set { _EXPRESSCORP = value; }
public string EXPRESSNO
get { return _EXPRESSNO; }
set { _EXPRESSNO = value; }
public string ISADD
get { return _ISADD; }
set { _ISADD = value; }
public string PUTSINGLETIME
get { return _PUTSINGLETIME; }
set { _PUTSINGLETIME = value; }
public string PUTSINGLE
get { return _PUTSINGLE; }
set { _PUTSINGLE = value; }
public string PAYTIME
get { return _PAYTIME; }
set { _PAYTIME = value; }
public string PAYRMB
get { return _PAYRMB; }
set { _PAYRMB = value; }
public string PAYUSD
get { return _PAYUSD; }
set { _PAYUSD = value; }
public string BLTYPE
get { return _BLTYPE; }
set { _BLTYPE = value; }
public string CUSTNO
get { return _CUSTNO; }
set { _CUSTNO = value; }
public string CUSTOMERNAME
get { return _CUSTOMERNAME; }
set { _CUSTOMERNAME = value; }
public string SALE
get { return _SALE; }
set { _SALE = value; }
public string ACCTYPE
get { return _ACCTYPE; }
set { _ACCTYPE = value; }
public string ETD
get { return _ETD; }
set { _ETD = value; }
public string STLDATE
get { return _STLDATE; }
set { _STLDATE = value; }
public string STLNAME
get { return _STLNAME; }
set { _STLNAME = value; }
public string CARRIER
get { return _CARRIER; }
set { _CARRIER = value; }
public string VESSEL
get { return _VESSEL; }
set { _VESSEL = value; }
public string VOYNO
get { return _VOYNO; }
set { _VOYNO = value; }
public string PORTLOAD
get { return _PORTLOAD; }
set { _PORTLOAD = value; }
public string PORTDISCHARGE
get { return _PORTDISCHARGE; }
set { _PORTDISCHARGE = value; }
public string OP
get { return _OP; }
set { _OP = value; }
public string CUSTSERVICE
get { return _CUSTSERVICE; }
set { _CUSTSERVICE = value; }
public string DOC
get { return _DOC; }
set { _DOC = value; }
public string ORDEROP
get { return _ORDEROP; }
set { _ORDEROP = value; }
public string BLISSUESTATUS
get { return _BLISSUESTATUS; }
set { _BLISSUESTATUS = value; }
public string TSFD
get { return _TSFD; }
set { _TSFD = value; }
public string XYTS
get { return _XYTS; }
set { _XYTS = value; }
public string CQTS
get { return _CQTS; }
set { _CQTS = value; }
public string SJTS
get { return _SJTS; }
set { _SJTS = value; }
public string RMBNODR
get { return _RMBNODR; }
set { _RMBNODR = value; }
public string USDNODR
get { return _USDNODR; }
set { _USDNODR = value; }
public string TTLNODR
get { return _TTLNODR; }
set { _TTLNODR = value; }
public string TTLDR
get { return _TTLDR; }
set { _TTLDR = value; }
public string OPLBNAME
get { return _OPLBNAME; }
set { _OPLBNAME = value; }
public string SPREMARK
get { return _SPREMARK; }
set { _SPREMARK = value; }
public string ISVESSELPROVE
get { return _ISVESSELPROVE; }
set { _ISVESSELPROVE = value; }
get { return _VESSELPROVETIME; }
set { _VESSELPROVETIME = value; }
get { return _VESSELPROVEREMARK; }
set { _VESSELPROVEREMARK = value; }
public string ISQR
get { return _ISQR; }
set { _ISQR = value; }
public string MNGBLSTATUS
get { return _MNGBLSTATUS; }
set { _MNGBLSTATUS = value; }
public string CUSTCARGOAFTER
get { return _CUSTCARGOAFTER; }
set { _CUSTCARGOAFTER = value; }
public string ISCHAOQI
get { return _ISCHAOQI; }
set { _ISCHAOQI = value; }
public string QRDATE
get { return _QRDATE; }
set { _QRDATE = value; }
public string QCDATE
get { return _QCDATE; }
set { _QCDATE = value; }
public string ISGAIQIAN { get; set; }
public string ISSUEPLACE { get; set; }
public MsOp_BLISSUEmb ( )
TableName = "Op_BLISSUE";
override public string GetBillNoFieldName()
return "BSNO";
public class MsOp_BLISSUEListmb : ModelObjectBillHead
#region 读写属性
private string _GID = string.Empty;
private string _BLSTATUS = string.Empty;
private string _MNGBLSTATUS = string.Empty;
private string _BSNO = string.Empty;
private string _OPNAME = string.Empty;
private string _OPTIME = string.Empty;
private string _REMARK = string.Empty;
private string _DELFLAG = string.Empty;
private string _CUSTOMERNAME = string.Empty;
private string _MBLNO = string.Empty;
private string _HBLNO = string.Empty;
private string _ETD = string.Empty;
private string _VESSEL = string.Empty;
private string _VOYNO = string.Empty;
private string _RMBNODR = string.Empty;
private string _USDNODR = string.Empty;
private string _TTLNODR = string.Empty;
private string _BL_BLSTATUS = string.Empty;
private decimal _TimeMark = 0;
private string _SPREMARK = string.Empty;
private string _CUSTCARGOAFTER = string.Empty;
private string _ISCHAOQI = string.Empty;
private string _STLNAME = string.Empty;
private string _SALE = string.Empty;
private string _SALEDEPT = string.Empty;
private string _ISDEPTARREARS = string.Empty;
private string _MAXARREARS = string.Empty;
private string _DEPTTTLDR = string.Empty;
private string _DEPTTTLNODR = string.Empty;
private string _COMMITREMARK = string.Empty;
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.All, IsPrimary = true)]
public string GID
get { return _GID; }
set { _GID = value; }
public string BLSTATUS
get { return _BLSTATUS; }
set { _BLSTATUS = value; }
public string MNGBLSTATUS
get { return _MNGBLSTATUS; }
set { _MNGBLSTATUS = value; }
public string BSNO
get { return _BSNO; }
set { _BSNO = value; }
public string OPNAME
get { return _OPNAME; }
set { _OPNAME = value; }
public string OPTIME
get { return _OPTIME; }
set { _OPTIME = value; }
public string REMARK
get { return _REMARK; }
set { _REMARK = value; }
public string DELFLAG
get { return _DELFLAG; }
set { _DELFLAG = value; }
public string CUSTOMERNAME
get { return _CUSTOMERNAME; }
set { _CUSTOMERNAME = value; }
public string CUSTCARGOAFTER
get { return _CUSTCARGOAFTER; }
set { _CUSTCARGOAFTER = value; }
public string STLNAME
get { return _STLNAME; }
set { _STLNAME = value; }
public string SALE
get { return _SALE; }
set { _SALE = value; }
public string SALEDEPT
get { return _SALEDEPT; }
set { _SALEDEPT = value; }
public string ISDEPTARREARS
get { return _ISDEPTARREARS; }
set { _ISDEPTARREARS = value; }
public string MBLNO
get { return _MBLNO; }
set { _MBLNO = value; }
public string HBLNO
get { return _HBLNO; }
set { _HBLNO = value; }
public string ETD
get { return _ETD; }
set { _ETD = value; }
public string VESSEL
get { return _VESSEL; }
set { _VESSEL = value; }
public string VOYNO
get { return _VOYNO; }
set { _VOYNO = value; }
public string RMBNODR
get { return _RMBNODR; }
set { _RMBNODR = value; }
public string USDNODR
get { return _USDNODR; }
set { _USDNODR = value; }
public string TTLNODR
get { return _TTLNODR; }
set { _TTLNODR = value; }
public string BL_BLSTATUS
get { return _BL_BLSTATUS; }
set { _BL_BLSTATUS = value; }
public decimal TimeMark
get { return _TimeMark; }
set { _TimeMark = value; }
public string SPREMARK
get { return _SPREMARK; }
set { _SPREMARK = value; }
public string MAXARREARS
get { return _MAXARREARS; }
set { _MAXARREARS = value; }
public string DEPTTTLNODR
get { return _DEPTTTLNODR; }
set { _DEPTTTLNODR = value; }
public string DEPTTTLDR
get { return _DEPTTTLDR; }
set { _DEPTTTLDR = value; }
public string COMMITREMARK
get { return _COMMITREMARK; }
set { _COMMITREMARK = value; }
public string ISCHAOQI
get { return _ISCHAOQI; }
set { _ISCHAOQI = value; }
public string OP { get; set; }
public MsOp_BLISSUEListmb ( )
TableName = "Op_BLISSUEList";
override public string GetBillNoFieldName ( )
return "GID";
public class MsOp_BLISSUEList_Detailmb : ModelObjectBillBody
#region 读写属性
private string _GID = string.Empty;
private string _LINKGID = string.Empty;
private string _BSNO = string.Empty;
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.All, IsPrimary = true)]
public string GID
get { return _GID; }
set { _GID = value; }
public string LINKGID
get { return _LINKGID; }
set { _LINKGID = value; }
public string BSNO
get { return _BSNO; }
set { _BSNO = value; }
public MsOp_BLISSUEList_Detailmb ( )
TableName = "Op_BLISSUEList_Detail";
override public string GetBillNoFieldName ( )
return "LINKGID";
public class BLINFOLIST : ModelObjectBillBody
private string _InfoText = string.Empty;
private string _RMBNODR ="";
private string _USDNODR = "";
private string _TTLNODR = "";
public string INFOTEXT //用于显示业务信息文本
get { return _InfoText; }
set { _InfoText = value; }
public string RMBNODR
get { return _RMBNODR; }
set { _RMBNODR = value; }
public string USDNODR
get { return _USDNODR; }
set { _USDNODR = value; }
public string TTLNODR
get { return _TTLNODR; }
set { _TTLNODR = value; }
public class BLINFOmb : ModelObjectBillBody
private string _InfoText = string.Empty;
private string _InACCDATE = string.Empty;
private string _QF = string.Empty;
private string _XYED = string.Empty;
private string _HXYW = string.Empty;
private string _CanISSUE = string.Empty;
private decimal _RMBNODR = 0M;
private decimal _USDNODR = 0M;
private decimal _TTLNODR = 0M;
private decimal _RMBNODR_All = 0M;
private decimal _USDNODR_All = 0M;
private decimal _TTLNODR_All = 0M;
private decimal _ZLRMBNODR_All = 0M;
private decimal _ZLUSDNODR_All = 0M;
private decimal _ZLTTLNODR_All = 0M;
private string _STLDATE = string.Empty;
private string _结费类型 = string.Empty;
private string _欠费超期 = string.Empty;
private string _累计欠费 = string.Empty;
private string _超期欠费 = string.Empty;
private string _信用额度 = string.Empty;
private string _后续业务 = string.Empty;
private string _IS结费类型 = string.Empty;
private string _IS欠费超期 = string.Empty;
private string _IS累计欠费 = string.Empty;
private string _IS后续业务 = string.Empty;
public string InfoText //用于显示业务信息文本
get { return _InfoText; }
set { _InfoText = value; }
public string InACCDATE //是否在帐期以内
get { return _InACCDATE; }
set { _InACCDATE = value; }
public string QF //是否欠费
get { return _QF; }
set { _QF = value; }
public string XYED //是否在信用额度内
get { return _XYED; }
set { _XYED = value; }
public string HXYW //是否有后续业务
get { return _HXYW; }
set { _HXYW = value; }
public string CanISSUE //是否允许放单
get { return _CanISSUE; }
set { _CanISSUE = value; }
public decimal RMBNODR
get { return _RMBNODR; }
set { _RMBNODR = value; }
public decimal USDNODR
get { return _USDNODR; }
set { _USDNODR = value; }
public decimal TTLNODR
get { return _TTLNODR; }
set { _TTLNODR = value; }
public decimal RMBNODR_All
get { return _RMBNODR_All; }
set { _RMBNODR_All = value; }
public decimal USDNODR_All
get { return _USDNODR_All; }
set { _USDNODR_All = value; }
public decimal TTLNODR_All
get { return _TTLNODR_All; }
set { _TTLNODR_All = value; }
public decimal ZLRMBNODR_All
get { return _ZLRMBNODR_All; }
set { _ZLRMBNODR_All = value; }
public decimal ZLUSDNODR_All
get { return _ZLUSDNODR_All; }
set { _ZLUSDNODR_All = value; }
public decimal ZLTTLNODR_All
get { return _ZLTTLNODR_All; }
set { _ZLTTLNODR_All = value; }
public string STLDATE
get { return _STLDATE; }
set { _STLDATE = value; }
public string 结费类型
get { return _结费类型; }
set { _结费类型 = value; }
public string 欠费超期
get { return _欠费超期; }
set { _欠费超期 = value; }
public string 超期欠费
get { return _超期欠费; }
set { _超期欠费 = value; }
public string 累计欠费
get { return _累计欠费; }
set { _累计欠费 = value; }
public string 信用额度
get { return _信用额度; }
set { _信用额度 = value; }
public string 后续业务
get { return _后续业务; }
set { _后续业务 = value; }
public string IS结费类型
get { return _IS结费类型; }
set { _IS结费类型 = value; }
public string IS欠费超期
get { return _IS欠费超期; }
set { _IS欠费超期 = value; }
public string IS累计欠费
get { return _IS累计欠费; }
set { _IS累计欠费 = value; }
public string IS后续业务
get { return _IS后续业务; }
set { _IS后续业务 = value; }