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using System;
using HcUtility.Core;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsChFee
public class MsChFee : ModelObjectBillBody
#region private Fields
private string _gId = String.Empty;
private string _bsNo = String.Empty;
private int _feeStatus = 0;
private string _feeStatus_Ref = string.Empty;
private decimal _feeType = 0;
private string _feeName = String.Empty;
private string _feeDescription = String.Empty;
private string _customerType = String.Empty;
private string _customerName = String.Empty;
private string _customerFullName = String.Empty;
private string _unit = String.Empty;
private decimal _unitPrice = 0;
private decimal _taxunitPrice = 0;
private decimal _quantity = 0;
private decimal _taxrate = 0;
private decimal _tax = 0;
private decimal _acctax = 0;
private decimal _notaxamount = 0;
private decimal _amount = 0;
private decimal _acctaxrate = 0;
private string _currency = "RMB";
private decimal _exChangerate = 1;
private string _reason = String.Empty;
private string _remark = String.Empty;
private decimal _commissionrate = 0;
private decimal _settlement = 0;
private decimal _invoice = 0;
private decimal _orderAmount = 0;
private decimal _orderInvoice = 0;
private string _submitDate = null;
private string _auditoperator = String.Empty;
private string _auditname = String.Empty;
private string _opname = String.Empty;
private string _auditDate = null;
private string _enteroPerator = String.Empty;
private string _enterDate = null;
private string _debitNo = String.Empty;
private string _isDebit = "0";
private string _isOpen = "0";
private string _isAdvancedpay = "0";
private string _sort = "0";
private string _isInvoice = "0";
private string _feeFrt = String.Empty;
private string _isCrmOrderFee = "0";
private decimal _auditStatus = 0;
private string _invoiceNum = String.Empty;
private string _chequeNum = String.Empty;
private string _wmsOutBsNo = String.Empty;
private decimal _linenum = 0;
private string _isAudit = "0";
private string _MODIFIEDUSER = String.Empty;
private string _MODIFIEDTIME = null;
private decimal _UNINVOICE = 0;
private decimal _preamount = 0;
private decimal _preamountttl = 0;
private string _INPUTMODE = "手工";
private string _LOCALCURR = "RMB";
private string _MANAGER = "";
private string _MANAGERREF = "";
private string _ISACC = "0";
private string _STATEMENTNO = "";
#region Public Properties
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.All, IsPrimary = true)]
public string GId
get { return _gId; }
set { _gId = value; }
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.All)]
public string BsNo
get { return _bsNo; }
set { _bsNo = value; }
public int FeeStatus
get { return _feeStatus; }
set { _feeStatus = value; }
public string FeeStatus_Ref
get { return _feeStatus_Ref; }
set { _feeStatus_Ref = value; }
public decimal FeeType
get { return _feeType; }
set { _feeType = value; }
public string FeeName
get { return _feeName; }
set { _feeName = value; }
public string FeeDescription
get { return _feeDescription; }
set { _feeDescription = value; }
public string CustomerType
get { return _customerType; }
set { _customerType = value; }
public string CustomerName
get { return _customerName; }
set { _customerName = value; }
public string CustomerFullName
get { return _customerFullName; }
set { _customerFullName = value; }
public string Unit
get { return _unit; }
set { _unit = value; }
public decimal UnitPrice
get { return _unitPrice; }
set { _unitPrice = value; }
public decimal TaxUnitPrice
get { return _taxunitPrice; }
set { _taxunitPrice = value; }
public decimal Quantity
get { return _quantity; }
set { _quantity = value; }
public decimal TaxRate
get { return _taxrate; }
set { _taxrate = value; }
public decimal Tax
get { return _tax; }
set { _tax = value; }
public decimal NoTaxAmount
get { return _notaxamount; }
set { _notaxamount = value; }
public decimal Amount
get { return _amount; }
set { _amount = value; }
public decimal PreAmount
get { return _preamount; }
set { _preamount = value; }
public decimal PreAmountttl
get { return _preamountttl; }
set { _preamountttl = value; }
public string INPUTMODE
get { return _INPUTMODE; }
set { _INPUTMODE = value; }
public decimal AccTaxRate
get { return _acctaxrate; }
set { _acctaxrate = value; }
public decimal AccTax
get { return _acctax; }
set { _acctax = value; }
public decimal AccAmount
public string Currency
get { return _currency; }
set { _currency = value; }
public decimal ExChangerate
get { return _exChangerate; }
set { _exChangerate = value; }
public string Reason
get { return _reason; }
set { _reason = value; }
public string Remark
get { return _remark; }
set { _remark = value; }
public decimal Commissionrate
get { return _commissionrate; }
set { _commissionrate = value; }
public decimal Settlement
get { return _settlement; }
set { _settlement = value; }
public decimal Invoice
get { return _invoice; }
set { _invoice = value; }
public decimal OrderAmount
get { return _orderAmount; }
set { _orderAmount = value; }
public decimal OrderInvoice
get { return _orderInvoice; }
set { _orderInvoice = value; }
public string SubmitDate
get { return _submitDate; }
set { _submitDate = value; }
public string Auditoperator
get { return _auditoperator; }
set { _auditoperator = value; }
public string AuditDate
get { return _auditDate; }
set { _auditDate = value; }
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.Insert)]
public string EnteroPerator
get { return _enteroPerator; }
set { _enteroPerator = value; }
public string OpName
get { return _opname; }
set { _opname = value; }
public string AuditName
get { return _auditname; }
set { _auditname = value; }
public string EnterDate
get { return _enterDate; }
set { _enterDate = value; }
public string DebitNo
get { return _debitNo; }
set { _debitNo = value; }
public string IsDebit
get { return _isDebit; }
set { _isDebit = value; }
public string IsOpen
get { return _isOpen; }
set { _isOpen = value; }
public string ISACC
get { return _ISACC; }
set { _ISACC = value; }
public string IsAdvancedpay
get { return _isAdvancedpay; }
set { _isAdvancedpay = value; }
public string Sort
get { return _sort; }
set { _sort = value; }
public string IsInvoice
get { return _isInvoice; }
set { _isInvoice = value; }
public string FeeFrt
get { return _feeFrt; }
set { _feeFrt = value; }
public string IsCrmOrderFee
get { return _isCrmOrderFee; }
set { _isCrmOrderFee = value; }
public bool ISDJY { get; set; }
public string ISCTN { get; set; }
public decimal AuditStatus
get { return _auditStatus; }
set { _auditStatus = value; }
public string InvoiceNum
get { return _invoiceNum; }
set { _invoiceNum = value; }
public string ChequeNum
get { return _chequeNum; }
set { _chequeNum = value; }
public string WmsOutBsNo
get { return _wmsOutBsNo; }
set { _wmsOutBsNo = value; }
public decimal LineNum
get { return _linenum; }
set { _linenum = value; }
public string IsAudit
get { return _isAudit; }
set { _isAudit = value; }
public string MODIFIEDUSER
get { return _MODIFIEDUSER; }
set { _MODIFIEDUSER = value; }
public string MODIFIEDTIME
get { return _MODIFIEDTIME; }
set { _MODIFIEDTIME = value; }
public decimal UNINVOICE
get { return _UNINVOICE; }
set { _UNINVOICE = value; }
public string LOCALCURR
get { return _LOCALCURR; }
set { _LOCALCURR = value; }
public string MANAGER
get { return _MANAGER; }
set { _MANAGER = value; }
public string MANAGERREF
get { return _MANAGERREF; }
set { _MANAGERREF = value; }
public string STATEMENTNO
get { return _STATEMENTNO; }
set { _STATEMENTNO = value; }
string _VOUALLNO = "";
public string VOUALLNO
get { return _VOUALLNO; }
set { _VOUALLNO = value; }
string _SALECORP = "";
public string SALECORP
get { return _SALECORP; }
set { _SALECORP = value; }
public string INVLINKGID { get; set; }
public string SUBMITOPREF { get; set; }
public decimal DEBITAMOUNT { get; set; }
public MsChFee()
TableName = "ch_fee";
override public string GetBillNoFieldName()
return "BsNo";
public class MsChFeeImport : MsChFee
#region private Fields
private string _SALESNO = String.Empty;
private string _DELIVERYNO = String.Empty;
#region Public Properties
public string SALESNO
get { return _SALESNO; }
set { _SALESNO = value; }
public string DELIVERYNO
get { return _DELIVERYNO; }
set { _DELIVERYNO = value; }
public class MsChFeeImportWMS : MsChFee
#region private Fields
private string _SALESNO = String.Empty;
private string _DELIVERYNO = String.Empty;
#region Public Properties
public string SALESNO
get { return _SALESNO; }
set { _SALESNO = value; }
public string DELIVERYNO
get { return _DELIVERYNO; }
set { _DELIVERYNO = value; }
public class MsChFeeWMSINMake : MsChFee {
private string _CustomerType = String.Empty;
new public string CustomerType
get { return _CustomerType; }
set { _CustomerType = value; }
public class MsOrderFee : MsChFee
public MsOrderFee ( )
TableName = "ch_fee_order";
public class MsChFeeDo : ModelObjectBillBody
#region private Fields
private string _Gid = String.Empty;
private string _bsno = String.Empty;
private string _customername = String.Empty;
private string _feeid = String.Empty;
private string _feename = String.Empty;
private string _Doamount = String.Empty;
private string _feetype = String.Empty;
private string _createtime = String.Empty;
#region Public Properties
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.All, IsPrimary = true)]
public string Gid { get; set; }
public string bsno { get; set; }
public string customername { get; set; }
public string feeid { get; set; }
public string feename { get; set; }
public string Doamount { get; set; }
public string feetype { get; set; }
public string createtime { get; set; }
public MsChFeeDo()
TableName = "ch_fee_do";
override public string GetBillNoFieldName()
return "BsNo";
public class MsChFeeGain : ModelObjectBillBody
#region private Fields
private string _gId = String.Empty;
private string _bsNo = String.Empty;
private string _CustomerName = String.Empty;
private decimal _rmbdr = 0;
private decimal _usddr = 0;
private decimal _otdr = 0;
private decimal _ttldr = 0;
private decimal _rmbcr = 0;
private decimal _usdcr = 0;
private decimal _otcr = 0;
private decimal _ttlcr = 0;
private string _rmbprofit = "0";
private string _usdprofit ="0";
private string _otprofit = "0";
private string _ttlprofit = "0";
private string _createuser = String.Empty;
private DateTime? _createtime = null;
#region Public Properties
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.All, IsPrimary = true)]
public string GId
get { return _gId; }
set { _gId = value; }
[ModelDB(MDBType = ModelDBOprationType.All)]
public string BsNo
get { return _bsNo; }
set { _bsNo = value; }
public string CUSTOMERNAME
get { return _CustomerName; }
set { _CustomerName = value; }
public decimal RMBDR
get { return _rmbdr; }
set { _rmbdr = value; }
public decimal RMBCR
get { return _rmbcr; }
set { _rmbcr = value; }
public decimal USDDR
get { return _usddr; }
set { _usddr = value; }
public decimal USDCR
get { return _usdcr; }
set { _usdcr = value; }
public decimal OTDR
get { return _otdr; }
set { _otdr = value; }
public decimal OTCR
get { return _otcr; }
set { _otcr = value; }
public decimal TTLDR
get { return _ttldr; }
set { _ttldr = value; }
public decimal TTLCR
get { return _ttlcr; }
set { _ttlcr = value; }
public string RMBPROFIT
get { return _rmbprofit; }
set { _rmbprofit = value; }
public string USDPROFIT
get { return _usdprofit; }
set { _usdprofit = value; }
public string OTPROFIT
get { return _otprofit; }
set { _otprofit = value; }
public string TTLPROFIT
get { return _ttlprofit; }
set { _ttlprofit = value; }
public String CREATEUSER
get { return _createuser; }
set { _createuser = value; }
public DateTime? CREATETIME
get { return _createtime; }
set { _createtime = value; }
public decimal NOPSTTLCR { get; set; }
public MsChFeeGain()
TableName = "fee_gain";
override public string GetBillNoFieldName()
return "BsNo";
public class MsOpGain
#region private Fields
private string _AmendStr ="";
private string _Curr = String.Empty;
private decimal _noratedr = 0;
private decimal _dr = 0;
private decimal _noratecr = 0;
private decimal _cr = 0;
private string _noratepr ="0";
private string _pr = "0";
private decimal _profitrate = 0;
private decimal _baldr = 0;
public string AMENDSTR
get { return _AmendStr; }
set { _AmendStr = value; }
public string CURR
get { return _Curr; }
set { _Curr = value; }
public decimal NORATEDR
get { return _noratedr; }
set { _noratedr = value; }
public decimal NOACCTAXRATEDR { get; set; }
public decimal ACCTAXDR { get; set; }
public decimal DR
get { return _dr; }
set { _dr = value; }
public decimal BALDR
get { return _baldr; }
set { _baldr = value; }
public decimal NORATECR
get { return _noratecr; }
set { _noratecr = value; }
public decimal NOACCTAXRATECR { get; set; }
public decimal ACCTAXCR { get; set; }
public decimal CR
get { return _cr; }
set { _cr = value; }
public string NORATEPR
get { return _noratepr; }
set { _noratepr = value; }
public string PR
get { return _pr; }
set { _pr = value; }
public decimal PROFITRATE
get { return _profitrate; }
set { _profitrate = value; }
public class MsFeeUnit : ModelObjectBillBody
private string _unit = String.Empty;
private string _sunit = String.Empty;
private decimal _quantity = 0;
public string UNIT
get { return _unit; }
set { _unit = value; }
public string SUNIT
get { return _sunit; }
set { _sunit = value; }
public decimal QUANTITY
get { return _quantity; }
set { _quantity = value; }
public class MsFeeCurr : ModelObjectBillBody
private string _GID = String.Empty;
private string _Curr = String.Empty;
private decimal _defrate = 0;
private decimal _crdefrate = 0;
#region Public Properties
public string GID
get { return _GID; }
set { _GID = value; }
public string CURR
get { return _Curr; }
set { _Curr = value; }
public decimal DEFRATE
get { return _defrate; }
set { _defrate = value; }
public decimal CRDEFRATE
get { return _crdefrate; }
set { _crdefrate = value; }
public class OPCODE : ModelObjectBillBody
private string _opcode = String.Empty;
#region Public Properties
public string OPID
get { return _opcode; }
set { _opcode = value; }
public class FeeTypeRefModel
private string _ISADVANCEDPAY ="0";
private decimal _TAXRATE =0;
public string FeeCode { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string DefaultCurr { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public string CodeAndName { get; set; }
public string DefaultDebit{get; set;}
public string DefaultCredit { get; set; }
public string DefaultDebitRef { get; set; }
public string DefaultCreditRef { get; set; }
public string DefaultUnit { get; set; }
public string FEETYPE { get; set; }
public string FEEFRT { get; set; }
public string ISADVANCEDPAY
get { return _ISADVANCEDPAY; }
set { _ISADVANCEDPAY = value; }
public decimal TAXRATE
get { return _TAXRATE; }
set { _TAXRATE = value; }
public class FeeDefaultUnitmb
public string OPLB { get; set; }
public string KGS { get; set; }
public string WEIGHT { get; set; }
public string TEU { get; set; }
public string CTNALL { get; set; }
public string FEETYPE { get; set; }
public string CTNNUM { get; set; }
public class MsBLChFee : ModelObjectBillBody
#region Public Properties
public string BsNo {get;set;}
public string AccName {get;set;}
public string ObjDr { get; set; }
public string ObjCr { get; set; }
public string DR { get; set; }
public string CR { get; set; }
public string RemarkDr { get; set; }
public string RemarkCr { get; set; }
public decimal USDDR { get; set; }
public decimal RMBDR { get; set; }
public decimal OTDR { get; set; }
public decimal TTLDR { get; set; }
public decimal USDCR { get; set; }
public decimal RMBCR { get; set; }
public decimal OTCR { get; set; }
public decimal TTLCR { get; set; }
public decimal RMBPROFIT { get; set; }
public decimal USDPROFIT { get; set; }
public decimal OTPROFIT { get; set; }
public decimal TTLPROFIT { get; set; }
public Int32 SLNO { get; set; }
public MsBLChFee()
TableName = "fee_gain";
public class FeeCF
public string CUST { get; set; }
public string CURR { get; set; }
public decimal QUANTITY { get; set; }
public decimal AMOUNT { get; set; }
public class CreateFee
public string BSNO { get; set; }
public string NBSNO { get; set; }
public string CUST { get; set; }
public string CURR { get; set; }
public int FEETYPE { get; set; }
public decimal AMOUNT { get; set; }
#region 参照部分