using DSWeb.Common.DB;
using DSWeb.Common.Extentions;
using DSWeb.Common.Helper;
using FluentFTP.Helpers;
using JobReqWebData;
using log4net;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Quartz.Impl;
using RabbitMQ.Client;
using RabbitMQ.Client.Events;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Entity.Migrations;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Topshelf;
namespace DSWeb.Service.Output.DS7
public class DS7Service : ServiceControl
private const string ExchangeName = "output";
private static ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger("DS7Service");
//private const string QueuePrefixCangDan = "djy.output.cangdan.ds7.";
//private const string QueuePrefixBaoguan = "djy.output.baoguan.ds7.";
//private const string QueuePrefixBG = "djy.output.baoguan.bg.ds7.";
private const string QueuePrefix_DingCang = "djy.output.dingcang.ds6.";
/// <summary>
/// 在大简云的公司ID
/// </summary>
private static string CompanyId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CompanyId"].ToLower();
//private static string Corpid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Corpid"];
//private static string DS7ConnStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DongShengDB"].ConnectionString;
private static string DS6ConnStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DS6DB"].ConnectionString;
private string RecMqUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReceiveMQUri"];
//private string FeeInputUserId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FeeInputUserId"];
private static string UserNameStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserNameStr"];
private IConnection mqConn;
//private static string FeePayName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FeePayName"];
//private static string FeePayCustomer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FeePayCustomer"];
//private static string FeePayCustomerType = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FeePayCustomerType"];
//private static decimal FeePayPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FeePayPrice"]);
//private static string FeePayMyshippingName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FeePayMyshippingName"];
//private static string FeePayMyshippingCustomer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FeePayMyshippingCustomer"];
//private static decimal FeePayMyshippingPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FeePayMyshippingPrice"]);
//private static string FeeShouName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FeeShouName"];
private CommonDataContext dS7Data = new CommonDataContext();
public List<string> usernamelist=new List<string>();
public bool Start(HostControl hostControl)
// 开始具体的业务逻辑
dS7Data.Database.Log = (x => { logger.Debug(x); });
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UserNameStr)) {
usernamelist = UserNameStr.Split(',').ToList() ;
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
factory.Uri = new Uri(RecMqUri);
mqConn = factory.CreateConnection();
IModel modelDingCang = mqConn.CreateModel();
modelDingCang.ExchangeDeclare(ExchangeName, ExchangeType.Direct);
modelDingCang.QueueDeclare($"{QueuePrefix_DingCang}{CompanyId}", false, false, false, null);
var consumerDingCang = new EventingBasicConsumer(modelDingCang);
consumerDingCang.Received += (ch, ea) =>
var body = ea.Body;
var strBody = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body.ToArray());
catch (Exception ex)
var excep = ex;
while (excep != null)
excep = excep.InnerException;
modelDingCang.BasicConsume($"{QueuePrefix_DingCang}{CompanyId}", true, consumerDingCang);
catch (Exception e) {
return true;
public bool Stop(HostControl hostControl)
// 结束
return true;
#region 舱单数据解析实体类
public class Ctnlist
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string ctn_id { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string MFNO { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string CTNCODE { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public int? SIZE { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string CTN { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public int? CTNNUM { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public int? TEU { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string CTNALL { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string CNTRNO { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string SEALNO { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public int? PKGS { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public decimal? KGS { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public decimal? CBM { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string KINDPKGS { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string DESCRIPTION { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string MARKS { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string PO { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string SKU { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string SKUDESCRIP { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string DUNNO { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string HTS { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string CTOFORIGIN { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public decimal? GOODVALUE { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string CTNOWNER { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string ShiFengRen { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string LeiXingFa { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string LeiXingShou { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string LeiXingTong { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public int ZhongKongBiaoShi { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string ChengZhongZhongLiang { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string ChengZhongFangShi { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string ChengZhongShiJian { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public decimal? PIZHONG { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string APICTNID { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public DateTime? VGMCLOSETIME { get; set; }
public class OpSeaeEdi
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string MBLNO { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string HBLNO { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string CARRIERID { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string CARRIER { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string WeiTuoFaSongFang { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string DESTINATION { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string DESTINATIONID { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string PORTDISCHARGE { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string PORTDISCHARGEID { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public DateTime? ETD { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string CompId { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 东方海外物流(中国)有限公司青岛分公司
/// </summary>
public string CompName { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string MFNO { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string BSNO { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string MASTERNO { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string SHIPPERNAME { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string SHIPPERADDR1 { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string SHIPPERCOUNTRY { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string SHIPPERTEL { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string CONSIGNEENAME { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string CONSIGNEEADDR1 { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string CONSIGNEECOUNTRY { get; set; }
public string CONSIGNEETEL { get; set; }
public string NOTIFYPARTYNAME { get; set; }
public string NOTIFYPARTYADDR1 { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string NOTIFYPARTYCOUNTRY { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string NOTIFYPARTYTEL { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string SHIPPER { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string CONSIGNEE { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string NOTIFYPARTY { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string VESSEL { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string VOYNO { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string PORTLOADID { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string PORTLOAD { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string PLACEDELIVERYID { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string PLACEDELIVERY { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string SERVICE { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string MARKS { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string DESCRIPTION { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public int? PKGS { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string KINDPKGS { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public decimal? KGS { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public decimal? CBM { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string CARGOID { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string DCLASS { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string DUNNO { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string REEFERF { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string TEMPID { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string TEMPSET { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string TEMPMAX { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string TEMPMIN { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string FREIGHTAGMNO { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string HUMIDITY { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string SHIPIMO { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public DateTime? ETA { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string BLFRT { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public DateTime? SENDTIME { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public string YARD { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 外代
/// </summary>
public string FORWARDER { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public List<Ctnlist> ctnlist { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 舱单数据生成到OPOther版本的舱单业务中 经汉专用
/// </summary>
/// <param name="jarr"></param>
//public void CangdanDataToDS7_OPOther(JArray jarr)
// try
// {
// var opUser = dS7Data.User.AsNoTracking().First(u => u.GID == FeeInputUserId);
// foreach (var item in jarr)
// {
// var obj = item as JObject;
// var itemstr = item.ToString();
// var _edi = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<OpSeaeEdi>(itemstr);
// var MBLNO = obj.GetValue("MBLNO").ToString();
// var HBLNO = obj.GetValue("HBLNO").ToString();
// var CARRIERID = obj.GetValue("CARRIERID").ToString();
// var CARRIER = obj.GetValue("CARRIER").ToString();
// var WeiTuoFaSongFang = obj.GetValue("WeiTuoFaSongFang").ToString();
// var DESTINATION = obj.GetValue("DESTINATION").ToString();
// var DESTINATIONID = obj.GetValue("DESTINATIONID").ToString();
// var PORTDISCHARGE = obj.GetValue("PORTDISCHARGE").ToString();
// var PORTDISCHARGEID = obj.GetValue("PORTDISCHARGEID").ToString();
// var strETD = obj.GetValue("ETD").ToString();
// var ETD = Convert.ToDateTime(strETD);
// var CompId = obj.GetValue("CompId").ToString();
// var ORDERNO = obj.GetValue("ORDERNO").ToString();
// var 对账约号 = obj.GetValue("REMARKS").ToString();
// //看op_other当中有没有该业务主单 如无则增加
// var 主单mfno = "topother" + _edi.MFNO;
// if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_edi.BSNO)) 主单mfno = "topother" + _edi.BSNO;
// op_other_md op_other = dS7Data.op_other.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BSNO == 主单mfno);
// var BSNO = "";
// var CUSTNOHEAD = "";
// var CUSTOMERNAME = "";
// var SOURCEOP = "";
// var 费用标准结算对象 = "";
// var 船代 = "";
// var custEdi = dS7Data.CodeCustEdi.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(x => x.EDINAME == "DJY_OUTPUT" && x.EDICODE == WeiTuoFaSongFang);
// if (custEdi != null)
// {
// 费用标准结算对象 = custEdi.CUST;
// }
// var 船代Edi= dS7Data.CodeCustEdi.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(x => x.EDINAME == "DJY_OUTPUT" && x.EDICODE == _edi.FORWARDER);
// if (船代Edi != null) {
// 船代 = 船代Edi.CUST;
// }
// //如果大简云业务中的【订舱编号】空着,则用大简云舱单界面的【委托发送方】 ,寻找EDI代码设置中的EDICODE =【委托发送方】 EDINAME = 大简云的客户 填入【委托单位】字段的内容
// //如果大简云业务中的【订舱编号】不为空, 录入的是"市场部/海运部,MKT1(英文逗号分割)"
// //根据【订舱编号】录入的"市场部/海运部"对应到东胜系统里的【委托单位】,通过EDI代码设置中的EDICODE = 市场部 / 海运部 EDINAME = 大简云选择填入【委托单位】字段的内容
// //订舱编号里逗号后面的“MKT1”放到源操作SOURCEOP上
// //导入舱单时产生的舱单费
// //1 单价从cust_fee_templatedetail当中的舱单费选取
// //选取标准为:根据大简云舱单界面的【委托发送方】,寻找EDI代码设置中的EDICODE =【委托发送方】 EDINAME = 大简云的客户 ,用这个客户名称查询cust_fee_templatedetail当中的舱单费
// //2费用的结算对象 为这票业务在东胜系统中的委托单位
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ORDERNO))
// {
// //var custEdi = dS7Data.CodeCustEdi.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(x => x.EDINAME == "DJY_OUTPUT" && x.EDICODE == WeiTuoFaSongFang);
// //if (custEdi != null)
// //{
// // CUSTOMERNAME = custEdi.CUST;
// //}
// CUSTOMERNAME = 费用标准结算对象;
// }
// else {
// ORDERNO=ORDERNO.Replace(",", ",");
// var orderinfo = ORDERNO.Split(',').ToList();
// if (orderinfo.Count == 0) {
// orderinfo.Add("");
// orderinfo.Add("");
// }
// if (orderinfo.Count == 1)
// {
// orderinfo.Add("");
// }
// var cust = orderinfo[0];
// var custEdi2 = dS7Data.CodeCustEdi.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(x => x.EDINAME == "DJY_OUTPUT" && x.EDICODE == cust);
// if (custEdi2 != null)
// {
// }
// SOURCEOP = orderinfo[1];
// }
// var 委托单位 = dS7Data.info_client.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SHORTNAME == CUSTOMERNAME);
// if (op_other == null || op_other.BSNO == null || op_other.BSNO == "")
// {
// logger.Debug($"未找到委托数据:{MBLNO}");
// BSNO = 主单mfno;
// //件数 毛重 净重 尺码 sum
// var PKGS = 0;
// var KGS = 0M;
// var CBM = 0M;
// foreach (var ja in jarr)
// {
// var _edi2= JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<OpSeaeEdi>(ja.ToString());
// PKGS += _edi2.PKGS==null?0:(int)_edi2.PKGS;
// KGS += _edi2.KGS == null ? 0M : (decimal)_edi2.KGS;
// CBM += _edi2.CBM == null ? 0M : (decimal)_edi2.CBM;
// }
// var newrec = new op_other_md
// {
// OPLB = "op_other",
// OPLBNAME = "舱单申报",
// BSSTATUS = false,
// FEESTATUS = false,
// HBLNO = "",
// //CUSTOMERNAME2 = WeiTuoFaSongFang,//20230313-大简云舱单界面的【委托发送方】录入东胜系统的实际客户,
// BSDATE = DateTime.Today,
// ACCDATE = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM"),
// OP = opUser.SHOWNAME,
// SALE = opUser.SHOWNAME,
// CORPID = Corpid,
// ETD = ETD,//业务日期
// //SR2023011000005
// PORTLOAD = _edi.PORTLOAD,//装货港
// KGS = KGS,
// CBM = CBM,
// //SHIPAGENT = 船代
// };
// //,DUIYUEHAO = 对账约号
// //20230317 对账约号存于opLogic
// var cdc = new CommonDataContext();
// var dic = new Dictionary<string, string>
// {
// { "DUIYUEHAO",对账约号 }
// };
// SaveLogicInfo(BSNO, "舱单业务", dic);
// var billnoset = dS7Data.SysBillNoSet.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(x => x.COMPANYID == Corpid && x.OPLBNAME == "舱单申报" && x.RULEBLNO == "委托编号");
// if (billnoset != null)
// newrec.CUSTNO = GetBillNo(billnoset, newrec.ETD.ToString(), newrec.ACCDATE, opname: opUser.SHOWNAME, corpid: Corpid);
// else
// {
// logger.Debug($"SysBillNoSet数据未找到,无法生成编号:{MBLNO}");
// }
// dS7Data.op_other.Add(newrec);
// dS7Data.SaveChanges();
// op_other= dS7Data.op_other.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BSNO == 主单mfno);
// }
// else
// {
// logger.Debug($"委托数据已存在:{MBLNO}");
// BSNO = op_other.BSNO;
// CUSTNOHEAD = op_other.CUSTNO;
// }
// //看op_seae_edi当中有没有该业务 如无则增加
// var ediList = dS7Data.op_seae_edi.Where(x => x.BSNO == BSNO).ToList();
// if (!ediList.Exists(x => x.MBLNO == MBLNO && x.HBLNO == HBLNO))
// {
// var newedi = new op_seae_edi_md {
// MFNO = _edi.MFNO,
// BSNO = 主单mfno,
// MASTERNO = 主单mfno,
// CUSTNO = CUSTNOHEAD + (ediList.Count + 1).ToString(),
// MBLNO =_edi.MBLNO,
// HBLNO = _edi.HBLNO,
// //WeiTuoFaSongFang = _edi.WeiTuoFaSongFang,
// ETD = _edi.ETD,
// VESSEL = _edi.VESSEL,
// VOYNO = _edi.VOYNO,
// MARKS = _edi.MARKS,
// PKGS = _edi.PKGS,
// KGS = _edi.KGS,
// CBM = _edi.CBM,
// DCLASS = _edi.DCLASS,
// DUNNO = _edi.DUNNO,
// TEMPID = _edi.TEMPID,
// ETA = _edi.ETA,
// BLFRT = _edi.BLFRT,
// YARD = _edi.YARD,
// CORPID= Corpid
// };
// dS7Data.op_seae_edi.Add(newedi);
// if (_edi.ctnlist != null && _edi.ctnlist.Count > 0) {
// foreach (var ctn in _edi.ctnlist) {
// var newctn = new op_seae_edi_ctn_md
// {
// ctn_id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),//ctn.ctn_id,
// MFNO = _edi.MFNO,
// SIZE = ctn.SIZE.ToString(),
// CTN = ctn.CTN,
// TEU = ctn.TEU,
// PKGS = ctn.PKGS,
// KGS = ctn.KGS,
// CBM = ctn.CBM,
// MARKS = ctn.MARKS,
// PO = ctn.PO,
// SKU = ctn.SKU,
// DUNNO = ctn.DUNNO,
// HTS = ctn.HTS,
// };
// dS7Data.op_seae_edi_ctn.Add(newctn);
// }
// }
// dS7Data.SaveChanges();
// }
// //只要有对应的往来单位=委托发送方 主分单都产生相应的应收
// info_client_md infoClient = null;
// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CUSTOMERNAME))
// {
// infoClient = dS7Data.info_client.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(x => x.SHORTNAME == CUSTOMERNAME);
// if (infoClient != null)
// {
// op_other.SALE = infoClient.SALE; //揽货人赋值
// //查询配置,生成应收
// var fee = dS7Data.CustFeeTemplateDetail.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(x => x.CUSTOMERNAME == 费用标准结算对象 && x.FEENAME == FeeShouName);
// if (fee == null) {
// fee = dS7Data.CustFeeTemplateDetail.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(x => x.CUSTOMERNAME == 委托单位.SHORTNAME && x.FEENAME == FeeShouName);
// }
// if (fee != null )
// {
// var feeShou = new ch_fee_md();
// feeShou.GID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
// feeShou.BSNO = op_other.BSNO;
// feeShou.FEETYPE = 1;
// feeShou.FEENAME = FeeShouName;
// feeShou.CUSTOMERTYPE = "其他";
// feeShou.CUSTOMERNAME = infoClient.SHORTNAME;
// feeShou.UNIT = fee.UNIT;
// feeShou.QUANTITY = 1;
// feeShou.AMOUNT = fee.UNITPRICE;
// feeShou.EXCHANGERATE = 1;
// feeShou.CURRENCY = "RMB";
// feeShou.ENTEROPERATOR = FeeInputUserId;
// feeShou.ENTERDATE = DateTime.Now;
// feeShou.MODIFIEDUSER = FeeInputUserId;
// feeShou.MODIFIEDTIME = DateTime.Now;
// feeShou.LOCALCURR = feeShou.CURRENCY;
// feeShou.FEESTATUS = 0;//费用插入时状态为提交审核;2021-12-8,要求插入时状态改为录入状态:1;2021-12-9,要求状态为审核通过状态:0
// //2021-12-8,下列字段不能为空,写入默认值
// feeShou.SETTLEMENT = 0;
// feeShou.ORDERAMOUNT = 0;
// feeShou.ORDERINVOICE = 0;
// feeShou.INVOICE = 0;
// feeShou.TAXRATE = 0;
// feeShou.ISADVANCEDPAY = false;
// feeShou.ISINVOICE = false;
// feeShou.ISCRMORDERFEE = false;
// feeShou.TAXUNITPRICE = fee.UNITPRICE;//2021-12-29,于菲:同样赋值单价和金额
// feeShou.NOTAXAMOUNT = fee.UNITPRICE;//2021-12-29,于菲:同样赋值单价和金额
// //2021-12-9,要求下列字段不能为空,填写0或false
// feeShou.COMMISSIONRATE = 0;
// feeShou.AUDITSTATUS = 0;
// feeShou.LINENUM = 0;
// feeShou.ISDEBIT = false;
// feeShou.ISOPEN = false;
// feeShou.ACCTAXRATE = 0;
// feeShou.ISVOU = false;
// feeShou.TAX = 0;
// feeShou.PREAMOUNT = 0;
// feeShou.ISACC = false;
// feeShou.CUSTDUI = false;
// feeShou.BXGID = HBLNO;
// //2021-12-23:分单号写入备注
// //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HBLNO))
// //{
// // feeShou.REMARK += $" {HBLNO} ";
// //}
// dS7Data.ch_fee.Add(feeShou);
// }
// }
// }
// if (FeePayCustomerType == "船代") {
// //20230327 改为:
// //如应付对象类型为船代 则结算对象改为该业务的船代公司
// FeePayCustomer = 船代;
// }
// var 分单号 = HBLNO;
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HBLNO)) {
// 分单号 = MBLNO;
// }
// //应付
// if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HBLNO) && FeePayPrice>0) //主单才插入船代费用
// {
// var feeFu = new ch_fee_md();
// feeFu.GID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
// feeFu.BSNO = op_other.BSNO;
// feeFu.FEETYPE = 2;
// feeFu.FEENAME = FeePayName;
// feeFu.CUSTOMERTYPE = FeePayCustomerType;
// feeFu.CUSTOMERNAME = FeePayCustomer;
// feeFu.UNIT = "票";
// feeFu.UNITPRICE = FeePayPrice;
// feeFu.QUANTITY = 1;
// feeFu.AMOUNT = FeePayPrice;
// feeFu.EXCHANGERATE = 1;
// feeFu.CURRENCY = "RMB";
// feeFu.ENTEROPERATOR = FeeInputUserId;
// feeFu.ENTERDATE = DateTime.Now;
// feeFu.MODIFIEDUSER = FeeInputUserId;
// feeFu.MODIFIEDTIME = DateTime.Now;
// feeFu.FEESTATUS = 0;//费用插入时状态为提交审核;2021-12-8,要求插入时状态改为录入状态:1;2021-12-9,要求状态为审核通过状态:0
// //2021-12-8,下列字段不能为空,写入默认值
// feeFu.SETTLEMENT = 0;
// feeFu.ORDERAMOUNT = 0;
// feeFu.ORDERINVOICE = 0;
// feeFu.INVOICE = 0;
// feeFu.TAXRATE = 0;
// feeFu.ISADVANCEDPAY = false;
// feeFu.ISINVOICE = false;
// feeFu.ISCRMORDERFEE = false;
// feeFu.TAXUNITPRICE = FeePayPrice;
// feeFu.NOTAXAMOUNT = 0;
// //2021-12-9,要求下列字段不能为空,填写0或false
// feeFu.AUDITSTATUS = 0;
// feeFu.LINENUM = 0;
// feeFu.ISDEBIT = false;
// feeFu.ISOPEN = false;
// feeFu.ACCTAXRATE = 0;
// feeFu.ISVOU = false;
// feeFu.TAX = 0;
// feeFu.PREAMOUNT = 0;
// feeFu.ISACC = false;
// feeFu.CUSTDUI = false;
// feeFu.BXGID = 分单号;
// dS7Data.ch_fee.Add(feeFu);
// dS7Data.SaveChanges();
// }
// if (FeePayMyshippingPrice > 0) {
// //不管主单分单都要付费给大简云
// var feeFuDJY = new ch_fee_md();
// feeFuDJY.GID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
// feeFuDJY.BSNO = op_other.BSNO;
// feeFuDJY.FEETYPE = 2;
// feeFuDJY.FEENAME = FeePayMyshippingName;
// feeFuDJY.CUSTOMERTYPE = "其他";
// feeFuDJY.CUSTOMERNAME = FeePayMyshippingCustomer;
// feeFuDJY.UNIT = "票";
// feeFuDJY.UNITPRICE = FeePayMyshippingPrice;
// feeFuDJY.QUANTITY = 1;
// feeFuDJY.AMOUNT = FeePayMyshippingPrice;
// feeFuDJY.ENTEROPERATOR = FeeInputUserId;
// feeFuDJY.ENTERDATE = DateTime.Now;
// feeFuDJY.MODIFIEDUSER = FeeInputUserId;
// feeFuDJY.MODIFIEDTIME = DateTime.Now;
// feeFuDJY.FEESTATUS = 0;//费用插入时状态为提交审核;2021-12-8,要求插入时状态改为录入状态:1;2021-12-9,要求状态为审核通过状态:0
// //2021-12-8,下列字段不能为空,写入默认值
// feeFuDJY.INVOICE = 0;
// feeFuDJY.TAXRATE = 0;
// feeFuDJY.ISADVANCEDPAY = false;
// feeFuDJY.ISINVOICE = false;
// feeFuDJY.ISCRMORDERFEE = false;
// feeFuDJY.TAXUNITPRICE = FeePayMyshippingPrice;
// //2021-12-9,要求下列字段不能为空,填写0或false
// feeFuDJY.LINENUM = 0;
// feeFuDJY.ISDEBIT = false;
// feeFuDJY.ISOPEN = false;
// feeFuDJY.ISVOU = false;
// feeFuDJY.TAX = 0;
// feeFuDJY.PREAMOUNT = 0;
// feeFuDJY.ISACC = false;
// feeFuDJY.CUSTDUI = false;
// feeFuDJY.BXGID = 分单号;
// dS7Data.ch_fee.Add(feeFuDJY);
// //dS7Data.Database.Log = (x => { logger.Debug(x); });
// dS7Data.SaveChanges();
// }
// }
// }
// catch (Exception e) {
// logger.Error($"导入舱单出错:{e}");
// }
/// <summary>
/// 生成编号(从东胜7移植并修改)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="billType"></param>
/// <param name="bsdate"></param>
/// <param name="accdate"></param>
/// <param name="dbname"></param>
/// <param name="opname"></param>
/// <param name="corpid"></param>
/// <param name="bshead"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private string GetBillNo(SysBillNoSet billType, string bsdate, string accdate, string dbname = "", string opname = "", string corpid = "", string bshead = "")
var orgCode = "";
var UserCode = "";
UserCode = GetUserCode(opname, dbname);
orgCode = GetCorpCode(corpid, dbname);
//List<SqlParameter> paramArray = new List<SqlParameter>();
//paramArray.Add(new SqlParameter("@ps_BillType", billType.BILLTYPE));
//paramArray.Add(new SqlParameter("@ps_OrgCode", orgCode));
//paramArray.Add(new SqlParameter("@ps_EmpCode", UserCode));
//paramArray.Add(new SqlParameter("@ps_bshead", bshead));
//if (billType.RULEDATETYPE == "业务日期")
// paramArray.Add(new SqlParameter("@ps_Date", bsdate));
//else if (billType.RULEDATETYPE == "会计期间" && accdate.Length == 7)
// paramArray.Add(new SqlParameter("@ps_Date", accdate + "-01"));
// paramArray.Add(new SqlParameter("@ps_Date", accdate + ""));
//paramArray.Add(new SqlParameter("@ps_BillNo", 20));
//SqlParameter sqlParaOut = new SqlParameter("@ps_RefBillNo", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
//sqlParaOut.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
//dS7Data.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC [sSysGetBillNo_new] @ps_BillType,@ps_OrgCode,@ps_EmpCode,@ps_bshead,@ps_Date,@ps_BillNo,@ps_RefBillNo output", paramArray.ToArray());
//ExecStoredProcedure("sSysGetBillNo_new", paramArray.ToArray());
var bsDate = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bsdate))
bsdate = Convert.ToDateTime(bsdate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
if (billType.RULEDATETYPE == "业务日期")
bsDate = bsdate;
else if (billType.RULEDATETYPE == "会计期间" && accdate.Length == 7)
bsDate = accdate + "-01";
bsDate = accdate;
var cmd = $@"DECLARE @ps_BillNo varchar(20)
EXEC [sSysGetBillNo_new]
@ps_BillType = N'{billType.BILLTYPE}',
@ps_OrgCode = N'{orgCode}',
@ps_EmpCode = N'{UserCode}',
@ps_Date = N'{bsDate}',
@ps_bshead = N'{bshead}',
@ps_BillNo = @ps_BillNo OUTPUT,
@ps_RefBillNo = N''
SELECT @ps_BillNo as N'billno'";
return dS7Data.Database.SqlQuery<string>(cmd).First();
/// <summary>
/// 获取用户code(参考东胜7修改)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="username"></param>
/// <param name="dbname"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private string GetUserCode(string username, string dbname = "")
//string EDICODE = "";
//var strSql = new StringBuilder();
//strSql.Append("select CODENAME from [user] where SHOWNAME='" + username + "'");
//Database db = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dbname) ? DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase() : DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(dbname);
//using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSql.ToString()))
// while (reader.Read())
// {
// EDICODE = Convert.ToString(reader["CODENAME"]);
// }
// reader.Close();
//return EDICODE;
return dS7Data.Database.SqlQuery<string>("select CODENAME from [user] where SHOWNAME='" + username + "'").FirstOrDefault();
/// <summary>
/// 获取公司code(参考东胜7修改)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Corpid"></param>
/// <param name="dbname"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private string GetCorpCode(string Corpid, string dbname = "")
//string EDICODE = "";
//var strSql = new StringBuilder();
//strSql.Append("select CODENAME from [company] where GID='" + Corpid + "'");
//Database db = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dbname) ? DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase() : DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(dbname);
//using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSql.ToString()))
// while (reader.Read())
// {
// EDICODE = Convert.ToString(reader["CODENAME"]);
// }
// reader.Close();
//return EDICODE;
return dS7Data.Database.SqlQuery<string>("select CODENAME from [company] where GID='" + Corpid + "'").FirstOrDefault();
public static int ExecStoredProcedure(string procName, params SqlParameter[] parameters)
int rtn = 0;
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DS6ConnStr))
using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
SqlTransaction st = conn.BeginTransaction();
cmd.Transaction = st;
cmd.CommandText = procName;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
var rr = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
return rtn;
catch (SqlException sqlex)
throw sqlex;
/// <summary>
/// 调用DS6的委托编号存储过程
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Code">SE加会计期间年月 共8位</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string DS6GetBSNO(string Code)
//string strConnection = "user id=sa;password=sa;initial catalog=MyTest;Server=YHB;Connect Timeout=30";
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DS6ConnStr))
using (SqlCommand sqlComm = conn.CreateCommand())
sqlComm.CommandText = "p_no_get";
sqlComm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter username = sqlComm.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Code", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20));
username.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
username.Value = Code;
SqlParameter Num = sqlComm.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Num", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20));
Num.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
string num = Convert.ToString(sqlComm.Parameters["@Num"].Value);
return num;
return "";
#region 大简云通过消息队列发布的订舱数据,保存至DS6 用于合川家业务从大简云发布的消息队列中解析至DS6数据库
public void DingCangToDS6(JArray jarr)
DS6DataContext DS6Data = new DS6DataContext();
foreach (var item in jarr)
var obj = item as JObject;
var itemstr = item.ToString();
var head = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DingCangHead>(itemstr);
//如果不存在 则新增
//如存在,则删除原有箱信息。ETD ATD 使用原有数据而不用大简云发布的信息覆盖
var currentBillList = DS6Data.t_op_seae.Where(x => x.DJYID == head.Id).ToList();
if (currentBillList != null && currentBillList.Count > 0)
var updrec = currentBillList[0];
var headid = updrec.编号;
var newhead = head.GetOpseae();
var cando = 人员是否具备权限(newhead.录入人, "776");
if (!cando)
//newhead.ETD = updrec.ETD;
//newhead.开船日期= updrec.开船日期;
newhead.编号 = updrec.编号;
newhead.主编号 = updrec.主编号;
newhead.业务状态 = updrec.业务状态;
newhead.费用状态 = updrec.费用状态;
newhead.报关标准 = updrec.报关标准;
newhead.报检标准 = updrec.报检标准;
newhead.分提单标准 = updrec.分提单标准;
newhead.核销标准 = updrec.核销标准;
newhead.委托标准 = updrec.委托标准;
newhead.业务编号 = updrec.业务编号;
var ctnlist = DS6Data.t_op_ctn.Where(x => x.编号 == headid).ToList();
var newctnList = head.GetCtnList(newhead);
var amslist = DS6Data.t_op_ams.Where(x => x.编号 == headid).ToList();
var newamslist = head.GetAmsList(newhead);
var old_assistantList = DS6Data.t_op_seae_assistant.Where(x => x.编号 == headid).ToList();
var assistantUpdList = new List<t_op_seae_assistant_md>();
var assistantAddList = new List<t_op_seae_assistant_md>();
var assistantDelList = new List<t_op_seae_assistant_md>();
var newassistantList = head.GetAssistantList(newhead);
foreach (var newassis in newassistantList) {
var needinsert = true;
if (old_assistantList != null && old_assistantList.Count > 0)
foreach (var oldassis in old_assistantList)
//if (newassis.BSNO == oldassis.BSNO)
// var updassis = newassis;
// updassis.AS_ID = oldassis.AS_ID;
// assistantUpdList.Add(updassis);
// needinsert = false;
//if (needinsert) assistantAddList.Add(newassis);
if (assistantDelList.Count > 0)
//if (assistantUpdList.Count > 0) {
// foreach(var upd in assistantUpdList)
// DS6Data.t_op_seae_assistant.AddOrUpdate(upd);
if (assistantAddList.Count > 0)
else {
var newhead = head.GetOpseae();
var cando = 人员是否具备权限(newhead.录入人, "776");
if (!cando) continue;
var 编号 = DS6Data.t_op_seae.Max(m => m.编号);
var new编号 = (int.Parse(编号) + 1).ToString().PadLeft(10,' ');
newhead.编号 = new编号;
newhead.主编号 = new编号;
newhead.报关标准 = new编号;
newhead.报检标准 = new编号;
newhead.分提单标准 = new编号;
newhead.核销标准 = new编号;
newhead.委托标准 = new编号;
var 业务编号Code = "SE" + ((DateTime)(newhead.会计期间)).Year.ToString()+ ((DateTime)(newhead.会计期间)).Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
newhead.业务编号 = DS6GetBSNO(业务编号Code);
newhead = DS6Data.t_op_seae.First(x => x.业务编号 == newhead.业务编号);
var headid = newhead.编号;
var ctnlist = DS6Data.t_op_ctn.Where(x => x.编号 == headid).ToList();
var newctnList = head.GetCtnList(newhead);
var amslist = DS6Data.t_op_ams.Where(x => x.编号 == headid).ToList();
var newamslist = head.GetAmsList(newhead);
var old_assistantList = DS6Data.t_op_seae_assistant.Where(x => x.编号 == headid).ToList();
var assistantUpdList = new List<t_op_seae_assistant_md>();
var assistantAddList = new List<t_op_seae_assistant_md>();
var assistantDelList = new List<t_op_seae_assistant_md>();
var newassistantList = head.GetAssistantList(newhead);
foreach (var newassis in newassistantList)
var needinsert = true;
if (old_assistantList != null && old_assistantList.Count > 0)
foreach (var oldassis in old_assistantList)
if (newassis.BSNO == oldassis.BSNO)
var updassis = newassis;
updassis.AS_ID = oldassis.AS_ID;
needinsert = false;
if (needinsert) assistantAddList.Add(newassis);
if (assistantDelList.Count > 0)
if (assistantUpdList.Count > 0)
foreach (var upd in assistantUpdList)
if (assistantAddList.Count > 0)
catch (Exception e)
public bool 人员是否具备权限(string username, string 权限值) {
//SELECT [人员] FROM[dbo].[t_sys_code_emp] where 权限代码 = '776' and 是否可操作 = 1
var ds6 = new DS6DataContext();
var _userinfo = ds6.t_sys_code_emp.Where(x => x.人员 == username && x.权限代码 == "776" && x.是否可操作 == true).ToList();
if (_userinfo != null && _userinfo.Count > 0)
return true;
else {
return false;
//测试期逻辑 判断是否在配置文件字段中存在
if (usernamelist.IndexOf(username) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
#region 大简云订舱数据解析类
public class DingCangHead {
public long Id { get; set; }
public string bsno { get; set; } //"string",
public string bsstatus { get; set; } //"string",
public string bsstatusname { get; set; } //"string",
public DateTime? bsdate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public string mblno { get; set; } //"string",
public string hblno { get; set; } //"string",
public string bookingno { get; set; } //"string",
public string contractno { get; set; } //"string",
public string servicecontractno { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperid { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeid { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyid { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipper { get; set; } //"string",
public string consignee { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifyparty { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartY2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardid { get; set; } //"string",
public string yard { get; set; } //"string",
public string vesselid { get; set; } //"string",
public string vessel { get; set; } //"string",
public string voyno { get; set; } //"string",
public string voynoinner { get; set; } //"string",
public DateTime? etd { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? atd { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? closingdate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? closedocdate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? closevgmdate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? eta { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public string placereceiptid { get; set; } //"string",
public string placereceipt { get; set; } //"string",
public string portloadid { get; set; } //"string",
public string portload { get; set; } //"string",
public string portdischargeid { get; set; } //"string",
public string portdischarge { get; set; } //"string",
public string placedeliveryid { get; set; } //"string",
public string placedelivery { get; set; } //"string",
public string destinationid { get; set; } //"string",
public string destination { get; set; } //"string",
public string nobill { get; set; } //"string",
public string copynobill { get; set; } //"string",
public string issuetype { get; set; } //"string",
public DateTime? issuedate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public string issueplaceid { get; set; } //"string",
public string issueplace { get; set; } //"string",
public string blfrt { get; set; } //"string",
public string prepardat { get; set; } //"string",
public string payableat { get; set; } //"string",
public string service { get; set; } //"string",
public string marks { get; set; } //"string",
public string hscode { get; set; } //"string",
public string description { get; set; } //"string",
public int? pkgs { get; set; } = 0;
public string kindpkgs { get; set; } //"string",
public decimal? kgs { get; set; } = 0;
public decimal? cbm { get; set; } = 0;
public string totalno { get; set; } //"string",
public string cntrtotal { get; set; } //"string",
public string carrierid { get; set; } //"string",
public string carrier { get; set; } //"string",
public string cargoid { get; set; } //"string",
public string dclass { get; set; } //"string",
public string dunno { get; set; } //"string",
public string dpage { get; set; } //"string",
public string dlabel { get; set; } //"string",
public string linkman { get; set; } //"string",
public string tempid { get; set; } //"string",
public string tempset { get; set; } //"string",
public string reeferf { get; set; } //"string",
public string humidity { get; set; } //"string",
public string tempmin { get; set; } //"string",
public string tempmax { get; set; } //"string",
public bool? iscontainersoc { get; set; } //true,
public string soremark { get; set; } //"string",
public string siremark { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardremark { get; set; } //"string",
public string compid { get; set; } //"string",
public string compname { get; set; } //"string",
public string shippername { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperaddR1 { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperaddR2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperaddR3 { get; set; } //"string",
public string shippercity { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperprovince { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperpostcode { get; set; } //"string",
public string shippercountry { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperattn { get; set; } //"string",
public string shippertel { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneename { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeaddR1 { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeaddR2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeaddR3 { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneecity { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeprovince { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneepostcode { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneercountry { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeattn { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneetel { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyname { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyaddR1 { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyaddR2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyaddR3 { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartycity { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyprovince { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartypostcode { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartycountry { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyattn { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartytel { get; set; } //"string",
public string pono { get; set; } //"string",
public string opid { get; set; } //"string",
public string docid { get; set; } //"string",
public string op { get; set; } //"string",
public string doc { get; set; } //"string",
public string saleid { get; set; } //"string",
public string sale { get; set; } //"string",
public string custserviceid { get; set; } //"string",
public string custservice { get; set; } //"string",
public string customername { get; set; } //"string",
public string forwarder { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipagency { get; set; } //"string",
public string customser { get; set; } //"string",
public string trucker { get; set; } //"string",
public string agentid { get; set; } //"string",
public long? customerid { get; set; } //= 0;
public string forwarderid { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipagencyid { get; set; } //"string",
public string customserid { get; set; } //"string",
public string truckerid { get; set; } //"string",
public string agentname { get; set; } //"string",
public string weituo { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneedooraddr { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperdooraddr { get; set; } //"string",
public string scaccode { get; set; } //"string",
public string itncode { get; set; } //"string",
public string prepardatid { get; set; } //"string",
public string payableatid { get; set; } //"string",
public string custno { get; set; } //"string",
public string transportid { get; set; } //"string",
public string transport { get; set; } //"string",
public string thirdpayaddr { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardcontract { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardcontracttel { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardcontractemail { get; set; } //"string",
public bool? feeself { get; set; } //true,
public string lanecode { get; set; } //"string",
public string lanename { get; set; } //"string",
public string freightpayer { get; set; } //"string",
public string goodscode { get; set; } //"string",
public string goodsname { get; set; } //"string",
public string pkgstotal { get; set; } //"string",
public string kgstotal { get; set; } //"string",
public string cbmtotal { get; set; } //"string",
public string routeid { get; set; } //"string",
public string route { get; set; } //"string",
public string warehouse { get; set; } //"string",
public string warehouseID { get; set; } //"string",
public string epCode { get; set; } //"string",
public string lineName { get; set; } //"string",
public string dzRemark { get; set; } //"string",
public string czRemark { get; set; } //"string",
public string createdUserName { get; set; } //"string",
public List<DingCangCtn> ctnInputs { get; set; }
public DingCangbookingEDIExt bookingEDIExt { get; set; }
public List<DingCangTDXX> childrens { get; set; }
public List<DingCanggoodsStatus> goodsStatus { get; set; }
class 箱型箱量item {
public t_code_ctn_md 箱型 { get; set; }
public int 箱量 { get; set; } = 0;
public 箱型箱量item(t_code_ctn_md _箱型, int _箱量) {
箱型 = _箱型;
箱量 = _箱量;
class 箱型箱量 {
public List<箱型箱量item> 箱型箱量信息 { get; set; }
public t_code_ctn_de_md 箱型对应 { get; set; }
public 箱型箱量() {
var ds6 = new DS6DataContext();
箱型箱量信息 = new List<箱型箱量item>();
箱型对应 = ds6.t_code_ctn_de.FirstOrDefault(x => 1 == 1);
public void Add(箱型箱量item newitem) {
if (箱型箱量信息.Exists(x => x.箱型 == newitem.箱型))
箱型箱量信息.First(x => x.箱型 == newitem.箱型).箱量 += newitem.箱量;
else {
public string get集装箱() {
var result = "";
foreach (var item in 箱型箱量信息) {
if(result!="") result+= " ";
result += item.箱型.表现形式 + "*" + item.箱量.ToString();
return result;
public string get箱数大写()
var result = "SAY: ";
foreach (var item in 箱型箱量信息)
if (result != "SAY: ") result += " AND ";
result += NumberToEnglishString(item.箱量).ToUpper()+ " (" +item.箱型.表现形式 + "*" + item.箱量.ToString()+")";
result += " CONTAINER ONLY. ";
return result;
#region 箱型对应
public int get箱型1() {
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(箱型对应.箱型1)) return 0;
foreach (var item in 箱型箱量信息) {
if (item.箱型.代码 == 箱型对应.箱型1) return item.箱量;
return 0;
public int get箱型2()
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(箱型对应.箱型2)) return 0;
foreach (var item in 箱型箱量信息)
if (item.箱型.代码 == 箱型对应.箱型2) return item.箱量;
return 0;
public int get箱型3()
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(箱型对应.箱型3)) return 0;
foreach (var item in 箱型箱量信息)
if (item.箱型.代码 == 箱型对应.箱型3) return item.箱量;
return 0;
public int get箱型4()
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(箱型对应.箱型4)) return 0;
foreach (var item in 箱型箱量信息)
if (item.箱型.代码 == 箱型对应.箱型4) return item.箱量;
return 0;
public int get箱型5()
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(箱型对应.箱型5)) return 0;
foreach (var item in 箱型箱量信息)
if (item.箱型.代码 == 箱型对应.箱型5) return item.箱量;
return 0;
public int get箱型6()
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(箱型对应.箱型6)) return 0;
foreach (var item in 箱型箱量信息)
if (item.箱型.代码 == 箱型对应.箱型6) return item.箱量;
return 0;
public int get箱型7()
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(箱型对应.箱型7)) return 0;
foreach (var item in 箱型箱量信息)
if (item.箱型.代码 == 箱型对应.箱型7) return item.箱量;
return 0;
public int get箱型8()
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(箱型对应.箱型8)) return 0;
foreach (var item in 箱型箱量信息)
if (item.箱型.代码 == 箱型对应.箱型8) return item.箱量;
return 0;
public int get箱型9()
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(箱型对应.箱型9)) return 0;
foreach (var item in 箱型箱量信息)
if (item.箱型.代码 == 箱型对应.箱型9) return item.箱量;
return 0;
public int get箱型10()
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(箱型对应.箱型10)) return 0;
foreach (var item in 箱型箱量信息)
if (item.箱型.代码 == 箱型对应.箱型10) return item.箱量;
return 0;
public int getTeu() {
var result = 0;
foreach (var item in 箱型箱量信息) {
if (item.箱型.尺寸 == "20")
result += 1 * item.箱量;
result += 2 * item.箱量;
return result;
public t_op_seae_md GetOpseae() {
DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(((DateTime)etd).Year, 1, 1);
TimeSpan ts1 = ((DateTime)etd).Subtract(dateTime).Duration();
var days = ts1.Days;
var weeks=(int)( Math.Ceiling(days / 7.0));
//20230410 根据箱信息重新计算 集装箱 和 箱数大写
var d6 = new DS6DataContext();
var 箱型箱量 = new 箱型箱量();
foreach (var ctn in ctnInputs) {
var 箱型infoList = d6.t_code_ctn.Where(x => (x.尺寸 + x.箱型) == ctn.ctnall).ToList();
var 箱型info = new t_code_ctn_md();
if (箱型infoList != null && 箱型infoList.Count > 0)
箱型info = 箱型infoList[0];
箱型箱量.Add(new 箱型箱量item ( 箱型info, ctn.ctnnum==null?1:(int)ctn.ctnnum ));
var 集装箱 = 箱型箱量.get集装箱();
var 箱数大写 = 箱型箱量.get箱数大写();
//HS编码 = hscode,
//货物名称 = bookingEDIExt.goodsName,
//货物描述 = description,
var 货物名称 = "";
var 当前货名 = d6.t_code_goods.Where(x => x.代码 == goodscode).ToList();
if (当前货名 == null || 当前货名.Count == 0)
var newrec = new t_code_goods_md();
newrec.代码 = SetLength(goodscode, 10);
newrec.货物名称 = SetLength(goodsname, 100);
货物名称 = newrec.货物名称;
newrec.货物描述 = SetLength(description, 600);
newrec.商品编码 = SetLength(hscode, 10);
else {
货物名称 = 当前货名[0].货物名称;
var _etd = new DateTime();
var _eta = new DateTime();
if (etd != null) _etd = new DateTime(((DateTime)etd).Year,((DateTime)etd).Month,((DateTime)etd).Day);
if (eta != null) _eta = new DateTime(((DateTime)etd).Year, ((DateTime)etd).Month, ((DateTime)etd).Day);
var result = new t_op_seae_md {
业务编号 = bsno,
业务状态 = "接受委托",
费用状态 = "录入状态",
会计期间 = etd,
装运方式 = "整票",
周次 = weeks,
录入日期 = bsdate,
主提单号 = mblno,
主提单标准 = mblno,
分提单号 = hblno,
订舱序列号 = custno,
运费协议号 = contractno,
发货人代码 = 设置换行(shipper),
收货人代码 = 设置换行(consignee),
通知人代码 = 设置换行(notifyparty),
场站 = yard,
船名 = vessel,
航次 = voynoinner,
开船日期 = SetDayZero(etd),
ETD= SetDayZero(etd),
ETA= SetDayZero(eta),
截港日期 = SetDayZero(closingdate),
装港代码 = portloadid,
装货港 = portload,
卸货代码 = portdischargeid,
卸货港 = portdischarge,
交货代码 = placedeliveryid,
交货地点 = placedelivery,
目的地代码 = destinationid,
目的地 = destination,
提单份数 = nobill,
副本提单份数 = copynobill,
签单方式 = issuetype,
签单日期 = issuedate,
签单地点 = issueplace,
付费方式 = blfrt,
预付地点 = prepardat,
到付地点 = payableat,
运输条款 = service,
唛头 = marks,
运输方式 = service,
HS编码 = hscode,
货物名称 = 货物名称,
货物描述 = 设置换行(description),
件数 = pkgs,
包装 = kindpkgs,
重量 = kgs,
尺码 = cbm,
件数大写 = totalno,
集装箱 = 集装箱,
箱数大写 = 箱数大写,
船公司 = carrier,
货物标识 = cargoid,
危险品分类 = dclass,
危险品编号 = dunno,
设置温度 = tempset,
冷藏通风量 = reeferf,
最低温度 = tempmin,
最高温度 = tempmax,
是否自有箱 = iscontainersoc,
EDI备注 = soremark,
//全称= compname,
合同号 = pono,
合同号备注 = pono,
客服员 = custservice,
操作员 = op,
单证员 = doc,
揽货人 = sale,
航线操作 = route,
委托单位 = customername,
报关行 = customser,
承运车队 = trucker,
货代公司 = agentname,
备案号 = lanename,
航线 = lineName,
船代 = shipagency,
代理 = forwarder,
其他备注 = 设置换行(dzRemark),
占舱备注 = 设置换行(czRemark),
录入人 = createdUserName,
订舱人说明 = (bookingEDIExt == null) ? "" : 设置换行(bookingEDIExt.orderRemark),
通知到港 = false,
是否提货 = false,
是否提交VGM = false,
是否提交舱单 = false,
是否装载放行 = false,
箱TEU = 箱型箱量.getTeu(),
箱型1 = 箱型箱量.get箱型1(),
箱型2 = 箱型箱量.get箱型2(),
箱型3 = 箱型箱量.get箱型3(),
箱型4 = 箱型箱量.get箱型4(),
箱型5 = 箱型箱量.get箱型5(),
箱型6 = 箱型箱量.get箱型6(),
箱型7 = 箱型箱量.get箱型7(),
箱型8 = 箱型箱量.get箱型8(),
箱型9 = 箱型箱量.get箱型9(),
箱型10 = 箱型箱量.get箱型10(),
辅助字段一 = 设置换行(bookingEDIExt.exRemark1),
辅助字段二 = 设置换行(bookingEDIExt.exRemark2),
辅助字段三 = 设置换行(bookingEDIExt.exRemark3),
辅助字段四 = 设置换行(bookingEDIExt.exRemark4),
foreach (var status in goodsStatus) {
if (status.statusName == "通知到港")
result.通知到港 = true;
if (status.statusName == "是否提货")
if (status.finishTime != null)
result.是否提货 = true;
if (status.statusName == "提交VGM")
if (status.finishTime != null)
result.是否提交VGM = true;
if (status.statusName == "提交舱单")
if (status.finishTime != null)
result.是否提交舱单 = true;
if (status.statusName == "装载放行")
if (status.finishTime != null)
result.是否装载放行 = true;
#region 设定字符串长度 超长的截断
var lengthDic = new Dictionary<string, int>
foreach (var item in lengthDic) {
var value = result.GetType().GetProperty(item.Key).GetValue(result).ToString();
var newvalue = SetLength(value, item.Value);
result.GetType().GetProperty(item.Key).SetValue(result, newvalue);
catch (Exception e) {
return result;
public List<t_op_ctn_md> GetCtnList(t_op_seae_md head) {
var result = new List<t_op_ctn_md> ();
foreach (var ctn in ctnInputs) {
var d6 = new DS6DataContext();
var 箱型infoList = d6.t_code_ctn.Where(x => (x.尺寸 + x.箱型) == ctn.ctnall).ToList();
var 箱型info = new t_code_ctn_md();
if (箱型infoList != null && 箱型infoList.Count > 0) {
箱型info = 箱型infoList[0];
else {
var newctn = new t_op_ctn_md
代码 = SetLength(箱型info.代码, 4),
尺寸 = SetLength(箱型info.尺寸, 2),
箱型 = SetLength(箱型info.箱型, 10),
编号 = SetLength(head.编号, 12),
表现形式 = SetLength(ctn.ctnall, 20),
数量 = ctn.ctnnum,
箱号 = SetLength(ctn.cntrno, 30),
封号 = SetLength(ctn.sealno, 30),
件数 = ctn.pkgs,
包装 = SetLength(ctn.kindpkgs, 60),
重量 = ctn.kgs,
尺码 = ctn.cbm,
皮重 = ctn.tareweight,
TEU = (箱型info.尺寸 == "20" ? 1* ctn.ctnnum : 2* ctn.ctnnum),
称重重量 =ctn.weighkgs
result.Add (newctn);
return result;
public List<t_op_ams_md> GetAmsList(t_op_seae_md head)
var result = new List<t_op_ams_md>();
//foreach (var item in bookingEDIExt)
var item = bookingEDIExt;
var newrec = new t_op_ams_md
编号 = head.编号,
发货人代码 = SetLength(item.shipperEdiCode,10),
收货人代码 = SetLength(item.consigneeEdiCode,10),
销售代码 = SetLength(item.salerCode,10),
危险品联系人 = SetLength(item.ediAttn,30),
危险品联系方式 = SetLength(item.ediAttnTel,50),
欧盟HSCODE = SetLength(item.ckhi,100),
南美东NCM = 设置换行(SetLength(item.cncm,600)),
巴西木质包装说明 = 设置换行(SetLength(item.wncm,300)),
实际开船日期 = head.ETD,
HBL发送方式 = SetLength(item.masterBolIndicator, 1)
result.Add (newrec);
return result;
public List<t_op_seae_assistant_md> GetAssistantList(t_op_seae_md head)
var result = new List<t_op_seae_assistant_md>();
var d6 = new DS6DataContext();
var 货物名称 = "";
foreach (var item in childrens)
var 当前货名 = d6.t_code_goods.Where(x => x.代码 == goodscode).ToList();
if (当前货名 == null || 当前货名.Count == 0)
var newcodegoods = new t_code_goods_md();
newcodegoods.代码 = SetLength(goodscode, 10);
newcodegoods.货物名称 = SetLength(goodsname, 100);
货物名称 = newcodegoods.货物名称;
newcodegoods.货物描述 = SetLength(description, 600);
newcodegoods.商品编码 = SetLength(hscode, 10);
货物名称 = 当前货名[0].货物名称;
var newrec = new t_op_seae_assistant_md
编号 = head.编号,
主编号 = head.编号,
BSNO= item.bsno,
录入日期 = item.bsdate,
主提单号 = item.mblno,
分提单号 = item.hblno,
//订舱序列号 = item.bookingno,
发货人代码 = 设置换行(item.shipper),
收货人代码 = 设置换行(item.consignee),
通知人代码 = 设置换行(item.notifyparty),
提单份数= item.nobill,
签单日期 = item.issuedate,
货物名称= 货物名称,
货物描述 = 设置换行(item.description),
尺码= item.cbm,
集装箱= item.cntrtotal,
船公司 = item.carrier,
货物标识 = item.cargoid,
危险品编号= item.dunno,
揽货人 = item.sale,
//预付地点= item.prepardatid,
//到付地点= item.payableatid,
var lengthDic = new Dictionary<string, int>
foreach (var _item in lengthDic)
var value = result.GetType().GetProperty(_item.Key).GetValue(result).ToString();
var newvalue = SetLength(value, _item.Value);
result.GetType().GetProperty(_item.Key).SetValue(result, newvalue);
catch (Exception e)
return result;
public class DingCangCtn {
public long? id { get; set; }
public long? billid { get; set; }
public string ctncode { get; set; } //"string",
public string ctnall { get; set; } //"string",
public int? ctnnum { get; set; } = 0;
public int? teu { get; set; } = 0;
public string cntrno { get; set; } //"string",
public string sealno { get; set; } //"string",
public int? pkgs { get; set; } = 0;
public string kindpkgs { get; set; } //"string",
public decimal? kgs { get; set; } = 0M;
public decimal? cbm { get; set; } = 0M;
public decimal? tareweight { get; set; } = 0M;
public string ctnstatus { get; set; } //"string",
public string weightype { get; set; } //"string",
public decimal? weighkgs { get; set; } = 0M;
public string weighattn { get; set; } //"string",
public string vgmconncom { get; set; } //"string",
public string weightel { get; set; } //"string",
public string weighdate { get; set; } //"string",
public string vgmaddr { get; set; } //"string",
public string vgmemail { get; set; } //"string",
public string remark { get; set; } //"string",
public List<DingCangCtnDetail> ctnDetailInputs { get; set; }
public class DingCangCtnDetail
public long? id { get; set; }
public string ctnid { get; set; }
public decimal? pkgs { get; set; } = 0M;
public string kindpkgs { get; set; } //"string",
public decimal? kgs { get; set; } = 0M;
public decimal? cbm { get; set; } = 0M;
public string hscode { get; set; } //"string",
public string marks { get; set; } //"string",
public string description { get; set; } //"string",
public string remark { get; set; }
public class DingCangbookingEDIExt {
public string weiTuoFang { get; set; } //"string",
public string sendCode { get; set; } //"string",
public string receiveCode { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifyCdoe { get; set; } //"string",
public string salerCode { get; set; } //"string",
public string masterBolIndicator { get; set; } //"string",
public string emanifestHbl { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeEdiCode { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperEdiCode { get; set; } //"string",
public string ediAttn { get; set; } //"string",
public string ediAttnTel { get; set; } //"string",
public string ediAttnMail { get; set; } //"string",
public string amsConsignee { get; set; } //"string",
public string amsNotifyParty { get; set; } //"string",
public string opEName { get; set; } //"string",
public string opTel { get; set; } //"string",
public string opEmail { get; set; } //"string",
public string acihbl { get; set; } //"string",
public string s0CC0C { get; set; } //"string",
public string goodsName { get; set; } //"string",
public string masterBolIndicatorName { get; set; } //"string",
public string salerCodeName { get; set; } //"string",
public string ckhi { get; set; } //"string",
public string cncm { get; set; } //"string",
public string wncm { get; set; } //"string",
public string orderRemark { get; set; } //"string",
public string exRemark1 { get; set; } //"string",
public string exRemark2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string exRemark3 { get; set; } //"string",
public string exRemark4 { get; set; } //"string",
public decimal? kingTareweight { get; set; } = 0M;
/// <summary>
/// 提单信息
/// </summary>
public class DingCangTDXX {
public string bsno { get; set; } //"string",
public string bsstatus { get; set; } //"string",
public string bsstatusname { get; set; } //"string",
public DateTime? bsdate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public string mblno { get; set; } //"string",
public string hblno { get; set; } //"string",
public string bookingno { get; set; } //"string",
public string contractno { get; set; } //"string",
public string servicecontractno { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperid { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeid { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyid { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipper { get; set; } //"string",
public string consignee { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifyparty { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartY2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardid { get; set; } //"string",
public string yard { get; set; } //"string",
public string vesselid { get; set; } //"string",
public string vessel { get; set; } //"string",
public string voyno { get; set; } //"string",
public string voynoinner { get; set; } //"string",
public DateTime? etd { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? atd { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? closingdate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? closedocdate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? closevgmdate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public DateTime? eta { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public string placereceiptid { get; set; } //"string",
public string placereceipt { get; set; } //"string",
public string portloadid { get; set; } //"string",
public string portload { get; set; } //"string",
public string portdischargeid { get; set; } //"string",
public string portdischarge { get; set; } //"string",
public string placedeliveryid { get; set; } //"string",
public string placedelivery { get; set; } //"string",
public string destinationid { get; set; } //"string",
public string destination { get; set; } //"string",
public string nobill { get; set; } //"string",
public string copynobill { get; set; } //"string",
public string issuetype { get; set; } //"string",
public DateTime? issuedate { get; set; } //"2023-03-30T03:12:51.033Z",
public string issueplaceid { get; set; } //"string",
public string issueplace { get; set; } //"string",
public string blfrt { get; set; } //"string",
public string prepardat { get; set; } //"string",
public string payableat { get; set; } //"string",
public string service { get; set; } //"string",
public string marks { get; set; } //"string",
public string hscode { get; set; } //"string",
public string description { get; set; } //"string",
public int? pkgs { get; set; } = 0;
public string kindpkgs { get; set; } //"string",
public decimal? kgs { get; set; } = 0;
public decimal? cbm { get; set; } = 0;
public string totalno { get; set; } //"string",
public string cntrtotal { get; set; } //"string",
public string carrierid { get; set; } //"string",
public string carrier { get; set; } //"string",
public string cargoid { get; set; } //"string",
public string dclass { get; set; } //"string",
public string dunno { get; set; } //"string",
public string dpage { get; set; } //"string",
public string dlabel { get; set; } //"string",
public string linkman { get; set; } //"string",
public string tempid { get; set; } //"string",
public string tempset { get; set; } //"string",
public string reeferf { get; set; } //"string",
public string humidity { get; set; } //"string",
public string tempmin { get; set; } //"string",
public string tempmax { get; set; } //"string",
public bool? iscontainersoc { get; set; } //true,
public string soremark { get; set; } //"string",
public string siremark { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardremark { get; set; } //"string",
public string compid { get; set; } //"string",
public string compname { get; set; } //"string",
public string shippername { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperaddR1 { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperaddR2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperaddR3 { get; set; } //"string",
public string shippercity { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperprovince { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperpostcode { get; set; } //"string",
public string shippercountry { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperattn { get; set; } //"string",
public string shippertel { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneename { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeaddR1 { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeaddR2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeaddR3 { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneecity { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeprovince { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneepostcode { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneercountry { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneeattn { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneetel { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyname { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyaddR1 { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyaddR2 { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyaddR3 { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartycity { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyprovince { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartypostcode { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartycountry { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartyattn { get; set; } //"string",
public string notifypartytel { get; set; } //"string",
public string pono { get; set; } //"string",
public string opid { get; set; } //"string",
public string docid { get; set; } //"string",
public string op { get; set; } //"string",
public string doc { get; set; } //"string",
public string saleid { get; set; } //"string",
public string sale { get; set; } //"string",
public string custserviceid { get; set; } //"string",
public string custservice { get; set; } //"string",
public string customername { get; set; } //"string",
public string forwarder { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipagency { get; set; } //"string",
public string customser { get; set; } //"string",
public string trucker { get; set; } //"string",
public string agentid { get; set; } //"string",
public long? customerid { get; set; } //= 0;
public string forwarderid { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipagencyid { get; set; } //"string",
public string customserid { get; set; } //"string",
public string truckerid { get; set; } //"string",
public string agentname { get; set; } //"string",
public string weituo { get; set; } //"string",
public string consigneedooraddr { get; set; } //"string",
public string shipperdooraddr { get; set; } //"string",
public string scaccode { get; set; } //"string",
public string itncode { get; set; } //"string",
public string prepardatid { get; set; } //"string",
public string payableatid { get; set; } //"string",
public string custno { get; set; } //"string",
public string transportid { get; set; } //"string",
public string transport { get; set; } //"string",
public string thirdpayaddr { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardcontract { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardcontracttel { get; set; } //"string",
public string yardcontractemail { get; set; } //"string",
public bool? feeself { get; set; } //true,
public string lanecode { get; set; } //"string",
public string lanename { get; set; } //"string",
public string freightpayer { get; set; } //"string",
public string goodscode { get; set; } //"string",
public string goodsname { get; set; } //"string",
public string pkgstotal { get; set; } //"string",
public string kgstotal { get; set; } //"string",
public string cbmtotal { get; set; } //"string",
public string routeid { get; set; } //"string",
public string route { get; set; } //"string",
public string warehouse { get; set; } //"string",
public string warehouseID { get; set; } //"string",
public string epCode { get; set; } //"string",
public string lineName { get; set; } //"string",
public List<DingCangCtn> ctnInputs { get; set; }
public DingCangbookingEDIExt bookingEDIExt { get; set; }
public class DingCanggoodsStatus
public string statusName { get; set; } //"string",
public DateTime? finishTime { get; set; }//2023-03-30T03:12:51.034Z",
public string remark { get; set; } //"string",
public string extData { get; set; }//"string",
static string NumberToEnglishString(int number)
if (number < 0) //暂不考虑负数
return "";
if (number < 20) //0到19
switch (number)
case 0:
return "zero";
case 1:
return "one";
case 2:
return "two";
case 3:
return "three";
case 4:
return "four";
case 5:
return "five";
case 6:
return "sex";
case 7:
return "seven";
case 8:
return "eight";
case 9:
return "nine";
case 10:
return "ten";
case 11:
return "eleven";
case 12:
return "twelve";
case 13:
return "thirteen";
case 14:
return "fourteen";
case 15:
return "fifteen";
case 16:
return "sixteen";
case 17:
return "seventeen";
case 18:
return "eighteen";
case 19:
return "nineteen";
return "";
if (number < 100) //20到99
if (number % 10 == 0) //20,30,40,...90的输出
switch (number)
case 20:
return "twenty";
case 30:
return "thirty";
case 40:
return "forty";
case 50:
return "fifty";
case 60:
return "sixty";
case 70:
return "seventy";
case 80:
return "eighty";
case 90:
return "ninety";
return "";
else //21.22,.99 思路:26=20+6
return string.Format("{0} {1}", NumberToEnglishString(10 * (number / 10)),
NumberToEnglishString(number % 10));
if (number < 1000) //100到999 百级
if (number % 100 == 0)
return string.Format("{0} hundred", NumberToEnglishString(number / 100));
return string.Format("{0} hundred and {1}", NumberToEnglishString(number / 100),
NumberToEnglishString(number % 100));
if (number < 1000000) //1000到999999 千级
if (number % 1000 == 0)
return string.Format("{0} thousand", NumberToEnglishString(number / 1000));
return string.Format("{0} thousand and {1}", NumberToEnglishString(number / 1000),
NumberToEnglishString(number % 1000));
if (number < 1000000000) //1000 000到999 999 999 百万级
if (number % 1000 == 0)
return string.Format("{0} million", NumberToEnglishString(number / 1000000));
return string.Format("{0} million and {1}", NumberToEnglishString(number / 1000000),
NumberToEnglishString(number % 1000000));
if (number <= int.MaxValue) //十亿 级
if (number % 1000000000 == 0)
return string.Format("{0} billion", NumberToEnglishString(number / 1000000000));
return string.Format("{0} billion and {1}", NumberToEnglishString(number / 1000000000),
NumberToEnglishString(number % 1000000000));
return "";
public static string SetLength(string oldstr, int length)
var str = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(oldstr) ? "" : (oldstr.Length > length) ? SubString2( oldstr,0, length) : oldstr;
return str;
public static DateTime? SetDayZero(DateTime? dt)
var result = new DateTime?();
result = null;
if (dt != null) result = new DateTime(((DateTime)dt).Year, ((DateTime)dt).Month, ((DateTime)dt).Day);
return result;
public static string 设置换行(string str) {
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str)) return "";
var myStr = Regex.Replace(str, "(?<!\r)\n", "\r\n");
return myStr;
public static int len(string str)
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding n = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] b = n.GetBytes(str);
int length = 0; // l 为字符串的实际长度
for (int i = 0; i <= b.Length - 1; i++)
if (b[i] == 63) //判断是否为汉字或全脚符号
return length;
public static string SubString2(string str, int startIndex, int length)
byte[] b = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str);
return System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(b, startIndex, length);
#region 逻辑信息子表操作
#region 将一个dictionary转化为用;;和::隔开的文本
public static string DicToStr(Dictionary<string, string> dic)
var result = "";
foreach (var item in dic)
result += item.Key + "::" + item.Value + ";;";
return result;
#region 将一个用;;和::隔开的文本转化为dictionary
public static Dictionary<string, string> StrToDic(string dicstr)
var result = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var list = Regex.Split(dicstr, ";;").ToList();
foreach (var item in list)
var itemarray = Regex.Split(item, "::");
if (itemarray.Length < 2) continue;
result.Add(itemarray[0], itemarray[1] == null ? "" : itemarray[1]);
return result;
public static Dictionary<string, string> GetLogicInfo(string BSNO, string PROPNAME)
CommonDataContext cdc = new CommonDataContext();
var result = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var infoList = cdc.OP_LOGICINFO.Where(x => x.BSNO == BSNO && x.PROPNAME == PROPNAME).ToList();
if (infoList != null && infoList.Count > 0)
result = StrToDic(infoList[0].PROPVALUE);
return result;
public static void SaveLogicInfo(string BSNO, string PROPNAME, Dictionary<string, string> InfoDic)
CommonDataContext cdc = new CommonDataContext();
var result = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var infoList = cdc.OP_LOGICINFO.Where(x => x.BSNO == BSNO && x.PROPNAME == PROPNAME).ToList();
if (infoList != null && infoList.Count > 0)
infoList[0].PROPVALUE = DicToStr(InfoDic);
var newinfo = new OP_LOGICINFO_md();
newinfo.GID = Guid.NewGuid();
newinfo.BSNO = BSNO;
newinfo.PROPVALUE = DicToStr(InfoDic);
/// <summary>
/// 汉字转拼音类
/// </summary>
public class Hz2Py
private static int[] pyValue = new int[]
-18447,-18446,-18239,-18237,-18231,-18220,-18211,-18201,-18184,-18183, -18181,-18012,
private static string[] pyName = new string[]
"Za", "Zai","Zan","Zang","Zao","Ze","Zei","Zen","Zeng","Zha","Zhai","Zhan",
/// <summary>
/// 把汉字转换成拼音(全拼)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hzString">汉字字符串</param>
/// <returns>转换后的拼音(全拼)字符串</returns>
public static string Convert(string hzString)
// 匹配中文字符
Regex regex = new Regex("^[\u4e00-\u9fa5]$");
byte[] array = new byte[2];
string pyString = "";
int chrAsc = 0;
int i1 = 0;
int i2 = 0;
char[] noWChar = hzString.ToCharArray();
for (int j = 0; j < noWChar.Length; j++)
// 中文字符
if (regex.IsMatch(noWChar[j].ToString()))
array = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(noWChar[j].ToString());
i1 = (short)(array[0]);
i2 = (short)(array[1]);
chrAsc = i1 * 256 + i2 - 65536;
if (chrAsc > 0 && chrAsc < 160)
pyString += noWChar[j];
// 修正部分文字
if (chrAsc == -9254) // 修正“圳”字
pyString += "Zhen";
for (int i = (pyValue.Length - 1); i >= 0; i--)
if (pyValue[i] <= chrAsc)
pyString += pyName[i];
// 非中文字符
pyString += noWChar[j].ToString();
return pyString;
//private static string GetCharSpellCode(string CnChar)
// long iCnChar;
// byte[] ZW = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(CnChar);
// //如果是字母,则直接返回
// if (ZW.Length == 1)
// {
// return CnChar.ToUpper();
// }
// else
// {
// // get the array of byte from the single char
// int i1 = (short)(ZW[0]);
// int i2 = (short)(ZW[1]);
// iCnChar = i1 * 256 + i2;
// }
// #region table of the constant list
// //expresstion
// //table of the constant list
// // 'A'; //45217..45252
// // 'B'; //45253..45760
// // 'C'; //45761..46317
// // 'D'; //46318..46825
// // 'E'; //46826..47009
// // 'F'; //47010..47296
// // 'G'; //47297..47613
// // 'H'; //47614..48118
// // 'J'; //48119..49061
// // 'K'; //49062..49323
// // 'L'; //49324..49895
// // 'M'; //49896..50370
// // 'N'; //50371..50613
// // 'O'; //50614..50621
// // 'P'; //50622..50905
// // 'Q'; //50906..51386
// // 'R'; //51387..51445
// // 'S'; //51446..52217
// // 'T'; //52218..52697
// //没有U,V
// // 'W'; //52698..52979
// // 'X'; //52980..53640
// // 'Y'; //53689..54480
// // 'Z'; //54481..55289
// #endregion
// // iCnChar match the constant
// if ((iCnChar >= 45217) && (iCnChar <= 45252))
// {
// return "A";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 45253) && (iCnChar <= 45760))
// {
// return "B";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 45761) && (iCnChar <= 46317))
// {
// return "C";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 46318) && (iCnChar <= 46825))
// {
// return "D";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 46826) && (iCnChar <= 47009))
// {
// return "E";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 47010) && (iCnChar <= 47296))
// {
// return "F";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 47297) && (iCnChar <= 47613))
// {
// return "G";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 47614) && (iCnChar <= 48118))
// {
// return "H";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 48119) && (iCnChar <= 49061))
// {
// return "J";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 49062) && (iCnChar <= 49323))
// {
// return "K";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 49324) && (iCnChar <= 49895))
// {
// return "L";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 49896) && (iCnChar <= 50370))
// {
// return "M";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 50371) && (iCnChar <= 50613))
// {
// return "N";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 50614) && (iCnChar <= 50621))
// {
// return "O";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 50622) && (iCnChar <= 50905))
// {
// return "P";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 50906) && (iCnChar <= .51386))
// {
// return "Q";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 51387) && (iCnChar <= 51445))
// {
// return "R";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 51446) && (iCnChar <= 52217))
// {
// return "S";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 52218) && (iCnChar <= 52697))
// {
// return "T";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 52698) && (iCnChar <= 52979))
// {
// return "W";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 52980) && (iCnChar <= 53640))
// {
// return "X";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 53689) && (iCnChar <= 54480))
// {
// return "Y";
// }
// else if ((iCnChar >= 54481) && (iCnChar <= 55289))
// {
// return "Z";
// }
// else return ("?");