// 官方推荐的多国语言方法 兼容性不好
// 自定义多国语言动态加载方法
//#region MsCodeFeeTemplate,需求编号:SR2017061200005-3
Zi.LAN.GOODCODE = "Item name coding";//"品名编码";
Zi.LAN.GOODNAME ="The name of a product or commodity";// "品名";
Zi.LAN.GOODNO = "Material number";//"物料号";
Zi.LAN.DESCRIP = "Product description";//"品名描述";
Zi.LAN.ENAME ="English name";// "英文名称";
Zi.LAN.GOODSTYPE = "Name classification";//"品名分类";
Zi.LAN.ARRATE = "Receivables in storage";//"入库应收";
Zi.LAN.APRATE = "Warehousing payable";//"入库应付";
Zi.LAN.AROUTRATE = "Outbound receivables";//"出库应收";
Zi.LAN.APOUTRATE = "Outbound payables";//"出库应付";
Zi.LAN.CREATEUSERREF = "Entry clerk";//"录入人";
Zi.LAN.CREATETIME = "Entry date";//"录入日期";
Zi.LAN.ISSTOP = "Disable or not";//"是否停用";
Zi.LAN.Yes ="YES";// "是";
Zi.LAN.No ="NO";// "否";
Zi.LAN.GOODSDETAIL ="Commodity specification detail";// "商品规格明细";
Zi.LAN.GOODSDETAILDESCRP = "Specification description";//"规格描述";
Zi.LAN.GOODSDETAILPKGS ="Number of specifications";// "规格件数";
Zi.LAN.REMARK ="remark";// "备注";
Zi.LAN.LoadData = "Data loading, please wait...";//"数据加载中,请稍等...";
Zi.LAN.FenYe = "Currently, {0} - {1} records are displayed/a total of {2} records are displayed.";//"当前显示 {0} - {1}条记录 /共 {2}条记录";
Zi.LAN.Nodata = "No data";//"没有数据";
Zi.LAN.xnew ="new";// "新建";
Zi.LAN.adddetail = "Add specification details";//"增加规格明细";
Zi.LAN.deldetail = "Delete specification details";//"删除规格明细";
Zi.LAN.delete1 = "delete";//"删除";
Zi.LAN.Save ="save";// "保存";
Zi.LAN.SaveClose ="Save and close";// "保存并关闭";
Zi.LAN.SaveNew ="Save and new";// "保存并新建";
Zi.LAN.CopyNew = "Copy new";//"复制新建";
Zi.LAN.ExecuteQuery = "inquire";//"查询";
Zi.LAN.ResetCondition ="Reset condition";// "重置条件";
Zi.LAN.ExportExcel ="Export Excel";// "导出Excel";
Zi.LAN.NowSelect = "Querying data...";//"正在查询数据...";
Zi.LAN.Msg_SavingAndWait = "Please wait for a moment.... while saving data";//"正在保存数据, 请稍侯..";
Zi.LAN.Msg_Saving = "Saving data...";//"正在保存数据...";
Zi.LAN.Error ="mistake";// "错误";
Zi.LAN.FuWuQiError = "Server response error, please try again";//"服务器响应出错,请重试";
Zi.LAN.Caveat ="warn";// "警告";
Zi.LAN.Prompt = "Tips";//"提示";
Zi.LAN.SelectDanju ="Please select the document first";// "请先选择单据";
Zi.LAN.suredelete = "Are you sure to delete this record?";//"确定删除该记录吗?";
Zi.LAN.nowdelete = "Deleting data...";//"正在删除数据...";
Zi.LAN.truedelete ="Deleted successfully!";// "删除成功!";
Zi.LAN.SelectError ="Query condition assignment error, please check";// "查询条件赋值错误,请检查。";
//Zi.LAN. = "";