You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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function getNotice() {
var data = _noticeData;
var html = "";
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
html += '<li class="success-element" data-id="' + data[i].GID + '" onclick="showNotice(this)">';
html += '<a href="#!" >' + data[i].Title + '</a>';
html += '<div class="agile-detail">';
html += '<i class="fa fa-clock-o mr-2"></i>';
html += CommonJson.GetDate(data[i].CreateTime).format('yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii');
html += '</div></li>'
function showTopNotice()
CommonAjax.Post("/SoftMng/Home/GetTopNoticeDetial", null, function (res)
if (res.length > 0)
type: 1,
title: "公告详情",
area: ['80%', '80%'],
content: buildNoticeDetail(res[0]),
btn: ["不再提示", "关闭"],
yes: function (index, layero)
CommonAjax.Post("/SoftMng/Home/SetNoticeUserRelation", { id: res[0].GID}, function (res)
layer.msg(res ? "设置成功" : "设置失败");
function showNotice(obj) {
CommonAjax.Post("/SoftMng/Home/GetNoticeDetial", { id: $(obj).attr("data-id") }, function (res)
type: 1,
title: "公告详情",
area: ['80%', '80%'],
content: buildNoticeDetail(res)
function buildNoticeDetail(item) {
return "<h3 style='text-align:center;margin-bottom:0;'>" + item.Title + "</h3><div style='text-align: right;color:#969696'>"
+ "<span class='mr-2'>公告时间:" + CommonJson.GetDate(item.CreateTime).format('yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii') + "</span>"
+ "<span class='mr-2'>公告人:" + item.CreateUser + "</span>"
+ "</div > <div class='ibox-content'>".concat(decodeURIComponent(item.Content)).concat("</div>");
function getpreWarning() {
var columnsDefault = [{
field: 'BSTYPE',
title: '任务类型',//单据类型
width: 160
, {
field: 'BSMSG',
title: '消息主题',
width: 290
url: '/SoftMng/Home/GetTaskList', //请求后台的URL*
method: 'post', //请求方式(*
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
// toolbar: '#toolbar_preWarning', //工具按钮用哪个容器
striped: true, //是否显示行间隔色
//cache: false, //是否使用缓存默认为true所以一般情况下需要设置一下这个属性*
pagination: true, //是否显示分页(*
sortable: true, //是否启用排序
sortName: "BSTYPE",
sortOrder: "desc", //排序方式
undefinedText: "--",
queryParams: QueryParams, //额外传递参数(*
sidePagination: "server", //分页方式client客户端分页server服务端分页*
pageNumber: 1, //初始化加载第一页,默认第一页
pageSize: 20, //每页的记录行数(*
//pageList: [10, 20, 50, 100, "All"], //可供选择的每页的行数(*
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onlyInfoPagination: false,
//searchOnEnterKey: true,
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showColumns: false, //是否显示的列控制按钮
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clickToSelect: false, //是否启用点击选中行
height: 370, //表格高度
uniqueId: "BSTYPE", //每一行的唯一标识,一般为主键列
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cardView: false, //是否显示详细视图
maintainSelected: true, //设置为 true 在点击分页按钮或搜索按钮时将记住checkbox的选择项
rowStyle: function (row, index) {
return { classes: "col-point" };
//responseHandler: function (res) {//返回前处理对象
// res.rows.forEach(function (item, index) {
// if (item.otherinfo.length > 0) {
// item.MBLNO = item.otherinfo[0].HBLNO == "" ? item.otherinfo[0].MBLNO : item.otherinfo[0].HBLNO;
// item.HBLNO = item.otherinfo[0].HBLNO;
// item.PBLNO = item.otherinfo[0].MBLNO;
// item.MFNO = item.otherinfo[0].MFNO;
// item.FORWARDER = item.otherinfo[0].FORWARDER;
// item.CARRIER = item.otherinfo[0].CARRIER;
// item.ETD = item.otherinfo[0].ETD;
// }
// });
// return res;
formatRecordsPerPage: function () {
return "";
* 双击某行
* @param row 点击行的数据
* @param $element tr 元素
* @param field 点击列的 field 名称
onDblClickRow: function (row, $element, field) {
parent.AddTab(row.MODNAME, row.URL, row.MODCNAME);
// type: 2,
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// area: ["95%", "95%"],
// btn: false
//formatSearch: function() {
// return "提问人 | 问题描述";
onLoadSuccess: function (data) {
//$("#toolbar_preWarning > label.btn > .badge").each(function (i) {
// $(this).text(data.allTotal[i]);
onLoadError: function (status, res) {
if (status !== 0) layer.msg(res.responseText);
columns: columnsDefault
* 添加 - 额外参数
* @param params 参数
function QueryParams(params) {
var extParams = {
limit: params.limit, //页面大小
startIndex: params.offset
return extParams;
//$("#toolbar_preWarning").on("click", "label.btn",
// function () {
// setTimeout(function () {
// refreshWarning();
// }, 0);
// });
function refreshWarning() {
$("#preWarning").bootstrapTable('selectPage', 1);
$("#preWarning").bootstrapTable('refresh', { silent: true });