using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Linq;
using DotNet4.Utilities;
using InvokeWebService;
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data;
using HcUtility.Comm;
using HcUtility.Core;
using DSWeb.EntityDA;
using DSWeb.Areas.CommMng.Models;
using DSWeb.Areas.CommMng.DAL;
using DSWeb.Areas.MvcShipping.DAL.MsOpSeaeQDPortDataDAL;
using DSWeb.DataAccess;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsOpSeae;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsOpSeaeYard;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsOpSeaeBill;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.CompanyDef;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.FtpSet;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsCodeYardDataSet;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.YARDCTNXML;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsSysParamSet;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsOpSeaeDAL;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Helper;
using Spire.Pdf;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using static DSWeb.Areas.CommMng.DAL.BasicDataRefDAL;
namespace DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsOpSeaeYardDAL
public class MsOpSeaeYardDAL
static public string GetPortEDICodeByEname(string port, string EDINAME = "")
string EDICODE = "";
var strSql = new StringBuilder();
if (EDINAME == "")
strSql.Append("select EDICODE from code_disport where PORT='" + port + "'");
strSql.Append("select EDICODE from code_disport_edi where PORTDISCHARGE='" + port + "' AND EDINAME='" + EDINAME + "'");
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSql.ToString()))
while (reader.Read())
EDICODE = Convert.ToString(reader["EDICODE"]).Trim();
if (EDICODE.Trim() == "" && EDINAME != "")
var strSql2 = new StringBuilder();
strSql2.Append("select EDICODE from code_disport where PORT='" + port + "' ");
db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSql2.ToString()))
while (reader.Read())
EDICODE = Convert.ToString(reader["EDICODE"]).Trim();
return EDICODE;
#region 提取中远BC PDF
static public DBResult GetCOSCO_BC_PDF(string pdffile, Stream fileStream)
var result = new DBResult();
var strMsg = "";
PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();
// Load the PDF Document
// String for hold the extracted text
中远BC_ExcelInfo 中远BC = new 中远BC_ExcelInfo(pdffile);
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0;
foreach (PdfPageBase page in doc.Pages)
var BCStr = buffer.ToString();
if (BCStr != "")
MsOpSeae head = null;
head = new MsOpSeae();
head.MBLNO = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "订舱号:", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
//var VESSELVOY = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "船名/航次:", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
//var vesselindex = VESSELVOY.LastIndexOf(" ");
//head.VESSEL = VESSELVOY.Substring(0, vesselindex).Trim();
//head.VOYNO = VESSELVOY.Substring(vesselindex+1).Trim();
head.VESSEL = 中远BC.GetValue("船名");
head.VOYNO = 中远BC.GetValue("航次");
head.ETD = 中远BC.GetValue("ETD");
head.ETA = 中远BC.GetValue("ETA");
head.PLACERECEIPT = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "接货地:", Environment.NewLine).ToUpper().Trim();
head.PLACEDELIVERY = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "交货地:", Environment.NewLine).ToUpper().Trim();
head.YARD = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "提箱点:", "提箱校验码:").Trim();
head.APPLYNO = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "提箱校验码:", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
head.CLOSEDOCDATE = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "样单截单时间:", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
head.CLOSINGDATE = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "截港时间:", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
var goodsname = GetDataHtmlList(buffer.ToString(), "Sub. Equip Gross Weight", "Intended Schedule Plan");
goodsname = goodsname.Substring(goodsname.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine) + 1);
goodsname = goodsname.Substring(0, goodsname.LastIndexOf(Environment.NewLine));
goodsname = goodsname.Substring(44, 33).Trim();
head.GOODSNAME = goodsname.ToUpper();
head.GOODSNAME = "";
result.Data = head;
result.Success = true;
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "未提取到相关数据,请检查PDF文件是否正确!";
catch (Exception e)
result.Success = false;
result.Message = $"提取数据过程中发生错误[{e.Message}],请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 提取天津中远BC PDF
static public DBResult GetTianJinCOSCO_BC_PDF(string pdffile)
var result = new DBResult();
PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();
// Load the PDF Document
// String for hold the extracted text
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0;
foreach (PdfPageBase page in doc.Pages)
var BCStr = buffer.ToString();
if (BCStr != "")
MsOpSeae head = null;
head = new MsOpSeae();
head.MBLNO = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "订舱号:", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
string orderno = head.MBLNO.Substring(4);
head.ORDERNO = orderno;
var VESSELVOY = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "船名/航次:", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
var vesselindex = VESSELVOY.LastIndexOf(" ");
head.VESSEL = VESSELVOY.Substring(0, vesselindex).Trim();
head.VOYNO = VESSELVOY.Substring(vesselindex + 1).Trim();
head.PORTLOAD = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "接货地:", Environment.NewLine).ToUpper().Trim();
head.PLACEDELIVERY = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "交货地:", Environment.NewLine).ToUpper().Trim();
head.APPLYNO = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "提箱校验码:", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
head.CLOSEDOCDATE = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "样单截单时间:", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
head.CLOSINGDATE = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "截港时间:", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
string etdstr = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "船舶预计开航时间:", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
DateTime dtEtd = DateTime.Parse(etdstr);
head.ETD = dtEtd.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
result.Data = head;
result.Success = true;
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "未提取到相关数据,请检查PDF文件是否正确!";
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 长荣BCPDF
static public DBResult GetCHANGRONG_BC_PDF(string pdffile)
var result = new DBResult();
PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();
// Load the PDF Document
// String for hold the extracted text
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0;
foreach (PdfPageBase page in doc.Pages)
var BCStr = buffer.ToString();
if (BCStr != "")
MsOpSeae head = null;
head = new MsOpSeae();
head.MBLNO = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "订舱号码):", "APPLICATION").Trim();
string yardtelstr = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "空箱提领处 :", "重箱返还处").Trim();
yardtelstr = yardtelstr.Replace("\r\n", "$");
string[] teltemp = yardtelstr.Split('$');
head.YARDTEL = teltemp[teltemp.Length - 1].Trim();
catch (Exception)
head.ETD = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "ETD DATE", Environment.NewLine).ToString().Replace(" :","").Trim();
head.ETD = head.ETD.Replace("/", "-");
var VESSELVOY = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "VESSEL/VOYAGE(船名/航次):", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
var vesselindex = VESSELVOY.LastIndexOf(" ");
head.VESSEL = VESSELVOY.Substring(0, vesselindex).Trim();
head.VOYNO = VESSELVOY.Substring(vesselindex + 1).Trim();
head.PLACERECEIPT = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "收货地):", Environment.NewLine).ToUpper().Trim();
head.PLACEDELIVERY = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "交货地):", Environment.NewLine).ToUpper().Trim();
head.YARD = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "空箱提领处 :", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
// head.APPLYNO = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "提箱校验码:", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
string CLOSINGDATE = "";
string CLOSEDOCDATE = "";
string temp = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "截关时间", Environment.NewLine).ToString().Replace(" :", "").Trim();
temp = temp.Replace("/", "-");
DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(temp);
CLOSINGDATE = dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
string temp2 = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "提单补料截止时间", Environment.NewLine).ToString().Replace(" :", "").Trim();
temp2 = temp2.Replace("/", "-");
DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Parse(temp2);
CLOSEDOCDATE = dt2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
catch (Exception)
var goodsname = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "货物品名)", Environment.NewLine).ToString().Replace(" :", "").Trim(); ;
if (goodsname.Contains("PURCHASE NUMBER"))
goodsname = goodsname.Substring(0, goodsname.IndexOf("PURCHASE NUMBER"));
head.GOODSNAME = goodsname.ToUpper();
head.GOODSNAME = "";
result.Data = head;
result.Success = true;
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "未提取到相关数据,请检查PDF文件是否正确!";
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 马士基BC PDF
static public DBResult GetMaersk_BC_PDF_New(string pdffile)
var result = new DBResult();
PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();
// Load the PDF Document
// String for hold the extracted text
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0;
foreach (PdfPageBase page in doc.Pages)
var BCStr = buffer.ToString();
if (BCStr != "")
MsOpSeae head = null;
head = new MsOpSeae();
head.MBLNO = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "Booking No.: ", " ").ToUpper().Trim();
马士基BC_ExcelInfo BC = new 马士基BC_ExcelInfo(pdffile);
//var VESSELVOY = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "船名/航次(Vessel/Voyage):", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
//if (VESSELVOY=="")
// VESSELVOY = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "船名/航次(Vessel): ", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
//if (VESSELVOY != "")
// var vesselindex = VESSELVOY.LastIndexOf("/");
// head.VESSEL = VESSELVOY.Substring(0, vesselindex).Trim();
// head.VOYNO = VESSELVOY.Substring(vesselindex + 1).Trim();
// if (head.VESSEL.IndexOf("(")>0) head.VESSEL = head.VESSEL.Substring(0, head.VESSEL.IndexOf("(")).Trim();
head.VESSEL = BC.GetValue("船名");
head.VOYNO = BC.GetValue("航次");
head.PORTLOAD = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "收货地: ", Environment.NewLine).ToUpper().Trim();
head.PLACEDELIVERY = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "交货地:", Environment.NewLine).ToUpper().Trim();
//string etdstr = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "开港时间(CY Open): ", "(").Trim();
//if (etdstr=="")
// etdstr = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "开港时间(CY open): ", "(").Trim();
//if (etdstr != "")
// DateTime dtEtd = DateTime.Parse(etdstr);
// head.ETD = dtEtd.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
head.ETD = BC.GetValue("ETD");
head.ETA = BC.GetValue("ETA");
string jiegangshijian = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "截载时间(CY cut off)/VGM Submission Deadline:", "(").Trim();
if (jiegangshijian == "")
jiegangshijian = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "截港时间(CY cut off)/VGM Submission Deadline", "(").Trim();
if (jiegangshijian == "")
jiegangshijian = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "截载时间(CY cut off):", "(").Trim();
if (jiegangshijian != "")
DateTime dtJGSJ = DateTime.Parse(jiegangshijian);
head.CLOSINGDATE = dtJGSJ.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
string jiedanshijian = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "样单截至时间(SI Cutoff):", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
if (jiedanshijian == "")
jiedanshijian = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "样单截止时间(SI cut off): ", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
if (jiedanshijian == "")
jiedanshijian = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "样单截至时间(SI Cutoff) / MCC VGM截止时间:", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
if (jiedanshijian != "")
DateTime dtJDSJ = DateTime.Parse(jiedanshijian);
head.CLOSEDOCDATE = dtJDSJ.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
result.Data = head;
result.Success = true;
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "未提取到相关数据,请检查PDF文件是否正确!";
catch (Exception e)
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!" + e.Message;
return result;
#region 马士基BCPDF
static public DBResult GetMaersk_BC_PDF ( string pdffile )
var result = new DBResult();
PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();
// Load the PDF Document
// String for hold the extracted text
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0;
foreach (PdfPageBase page in doc.Pages)
var BCStr = buffer.ToString();
if (BCStr != "")
MsOpSeae head = null;
head = new MsOpSeae();
head.MBLNO = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "订舱号码):", "APPLICATION").Trim();
string yardtelstr = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "空箱提领处 :", "重箱返还处").Trim();
yardtelstr = yardtelstr.Replace("\r\n", "$");
string[] teltemp = yardtelstr.Split('$');
head.YARDTEL = teltemp[teltemp.Length - 1].Trim();
catch (Exception)
head.ETD = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "ETA DATE :", Environment.NewLine).ToString();
head.ETD = head.ETD.Replace("/", "-");
var VESSELVOY = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "船名/航次):", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
var vesselindex = VESSELVOY.LastIndexOf(" ");
head.VESSEL = VESSELVOY.Substring(0, vesselindex).Trim();
head.VOYNO = VESSELVOY.Substring(vesselindex + 1).Trim();
head.PLACERECEIPT = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "收货地):", Environment.NewLine).ToUpper().Trim();
head.PLACEDELIVERY = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "交货地):", Environment.NewLine).ToUpper().Trim();
head.YARD = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "空箱提领处 :", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
// head.APPLYNO = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "提箱校验码:", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
string CLOSINGDATE = "";
string CLOSEDOCDATE = "";
string temp = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "截关时间 :", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
temp = temp.Replace("/", "-");
DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(temp);
CLOSINGDATE = dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
string temp2 = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "VGM CUT OFF via EDI/WEB/APP :", Environment.NewLine).Trim();
temp2 = temp2.Replace("/", "-");
DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Parse(temp2);
CLOSEDOCDATE = dt2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
catch (Exception)
var goodsname = GetDataHtmlList(BCStr, "货物品名) :", Environment.NewLine);
if (goodsname.Contains("PURCHASE NUMBER"))
goodsname = goodsname.Substring(0, goodsname.IndexOf("PURCHASE NUMBER"));
head.GOODSNAME = goodsname.ToUpper();
head.GOODSNAME = "";
result.Data = head;
result.Success = true;
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "未提取到相关数据,请检查PDF文件是否正确!";
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 获取场站数据
static public DBResult GetYARDCTNList ( string bsno, string mblno, string yard, string companyid, string userid, bool isweb = false, string jck = "all")
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var yarddataset = MsCodeYardDataSetDAL.GetData("YARD='" + yard + "'", companyid);
if ((yard != "YGT" ) &&(yarddataset == null || yarddataset.YARDCODE == ""))
result.Message = "不能提取数据,未设置此场站提取数据的相关的参数!";
result.Success = false;
var yardid = yarddataset.YARDCODE;
if (yard == "YGT") yardid = "YGT";
result = GetYardInterfaceList(mblno, bsno, yardid,userid, isweb,jck);
result = GetYARDDataList(bsno, mblno, yardid, userid, isweb);
return result;
static public DBResult GetYARDDataList ( string bsno, string mblno, string yardid, string userid,bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
if (yardid == "STXKEYUN")//世腾克运
result = GetSTXKEYUNCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "DAYA")//大亚
//result = GetDAYACTNList(mblno, bsno, yarddataset.LOGINNAME, yarddataset.PASSWORD);
if (mblno.Contains("COSU") || mblno.Contains("COAU") || mblno.Contains("PASU"))
//result = GetDAYAWEBCTNList2(mblno, bsno, isweb);
result = GetDAYAWEBCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "JIEFENG")//捷丰
result = GetJIEFENGWEBCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "LUHAI")//路海
result = GetLUHAIWEBCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "ZHONGCHUANG")//中创
result = GetZHONGCHUANGWEBCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "GangLianXin")//中创_港联欣场站
result = GetGangLianXinWEBCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "YZH")
result = GetYIHANGCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "CHANGRONG")//长荣
result = GetCHANGRONGCTNList(mblno, bsno, userid, isweb);
else if (yardid == "GLR")//港联荣
result = GetGLRCTNList(mblno, bsno, userid, isweb);
else if (yardid == "SSCZ")
result = GetSSCZCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "WYCZ")//外运场站
result = GetWAIYUNTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "GLCZ")
result = GetGLCZCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "MJCZ")
result = GetMJCZCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "MGDG")
result = GetMGDGCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "XDF")
result = GetXDFCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "SZX")//神州场站
result = GetSZXCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "QQCTU")
result = GetQQCTUCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "ZHENGHUA")//振华
result = GetZHENGHUACTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "YIHANG"|| yardid == "GLJ")//青岛怡航场站/鲁艺场站(查询地址相同)
result = GetYIHANGCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "JINHENG")//锦恒
result = GetJINHENGCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "HANGJIN")//韩进
result = GetHANJINCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "YANTAIYARD")//烟台
result = GetYANTAIYARDList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "GANGWAN")//港湾场站
result = GetGANGWANCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "XINBADA")//新霸达场站
result = GetXINBADACTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "QQCT")//青岛前湾QQCT场站
result = GetQQCTCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "RUNHAI")//润海场站
result = GetRUNHAICTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "LUYI")//鲁艺场站
result = GetYIHANGCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "MGCZ")//明港场站
result = GetMGCZCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "HTZX")//海铁中心
result = GetMGCZCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
else if (yardid == "ZhongWaiYun")//中外运集装箱运输有限公司
//result = GetZhongWaiYunCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);//中外运验证码未提取成功,因此暂时屏蔽
else if (yardid == "KEYUN")//克运场站
result = GetKEYUNCTNList(mblno, bsno, isweb);
return result;
static public DBResult GetYardInterfaceList(string mblno, string bsno, string yardid,string userid, bool isweb = false, string jck = "all")
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
string iswebstr = "1";
if (!isweb) iswebstr = "0";
string qduname ="";
string qdpwd ="";
string customername = "";
string password = "";
#region 抓取页面
if (yardid == "YIHANG" || yardid == "YZH") yardid = "GLJ";
//if (yardid == "YGT" || yardid == "CHANGRONG"|| yardid == "GLR"|| yardid == "JZLG" || yardid == "XINBADA") {
var thirdpartyaccount = MsSysThirdPartyAccount.MsSysThirdPartyAccountDAL.GetData(" THIRDPARTY='运港通' and USERID='"+userid+"' ");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(thirdpartyaccount.ACCOUNT))
else {
qduname = thirdpartyaccount.ACCOUNT;
qdpwd = thirdpartyaccount.ACCOUNTPSW;
customername = MsSysParamSetDAL.GetData("PARAMNAME='GETDATANAME'").PARAMVALUE;
if (yardid == "YGT" && isweb != true) yardid = "YGTJSON";
var GetYardDataUrl = "";
GetYardDataUrl = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GetDataUrl"].ToString();
if (GetYardDataUrl=="") GetYardDataUrl = "";
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = GetYardDataUrl,//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "gzip, deflate",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Postdata = "webusername=" + qduname + "&webuserpass=" + qdpwd + "&mblno=" + mblno + "&yardid=" + yardid + "&isweb=" + iswebstr+ "&custname=" + customername + "&psw=" + password + "&jck=" + jck,
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
if (isweb == true)
var objRtn = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(datahtml, new { status = "", message = "" });
var viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(objRtn.message, "__VIEWSTATE", "/>");
var htmstr = objRtn.message;
if (viewstatehtml!="")
htmstr = objRtn.message.Replace(viewstatehtml,"");
//if (yardid != "YGT")
//htmstr = htmstr.Replace("display: none;", "");
result.Data = htmstr;
var objRtn = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(datahtml, new { status = ""});
if (objRtn.status == "1")
if (yardid == "YGTJSON")
var objRtn2 = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(datahtml, new { status = "", message = "" });
result.Success = true;
result.Data = objRtn2.message;
var objRtn2 = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(datahtml, new JsonMsOpSeaeDetail());
result.Success = true;
result.Data = objRtn2.message.ToList();
// objRtn = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(datahtml, new {<List< MsOpSeaeDetail>> message });
// var data1 = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<MsOpSeaeDetail>>(objRtn.message);
// result.Data = data1.ToList();
var objRtn2 = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(datahtml, new { status = "", message = "" });
result.Success = false;
result.Message = objRtn2.message;
catch (Exception e)
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "没有提取到需要的数据!"+e.Message;
return result;
static public DBResult GetCarrierCtnStatus(string mblno, string carrierid, bool isweb = false)
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
string iswebstr = "1";
if (!isweb) iswebstr = "0";
string qduname = "";
string qdpwd = "";
string customername = "";
string password = "";
#region 抓取页面
customername = MsSysParamSetDAL.GetData("PARAMNAME='GETDATANAME'").PARAMVALUE;
var GetYardDataUrl = "";
if (GetYardDataUrl == "") GetYardDataUrl = "";
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = GetYardDataUrl,//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "gzip, deflate",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Postdata = "mblno=" + mblno + "&yardid=" + carrierid + "&isweb=" + iswebstr + "&custname=" + customername + "&psw=" + password,
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
if (isweb == true)
var objRtn = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(datahtml, new { status = "", message = "" });
if (objRtn.status == "1")
var htmstr = objRtn.message;
result.Data = htmstr;
else {
result.Success =false;
result.Message = objRtn.message;
catch (Exception e)
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "没有提取到需要的数据!" + e.Message;
return result;
static public string GetDataHtmlList ( string html, string startstr, string endstr )
var subhtml = html;
var htmllength = subhtml.Length;
var startindex = subhtml.IndexOf(startstr);
//if (startindex == -1 || startindex == 0) return "";
if (startindex == -1) return "";
subhtml = subhtml.Substring(startindex + startstr.Length, htmllength - startindex - startstr.Length);
var endindex = subhtml.IndexOf(endstr);
if (endindex != -1 && endindex != 0)
subhtml = subhtml.Substring(0, endindex);
return subhtml;
static public List<MsOpSeaeDetail> SumBodyList ( List<MsOpSeaeDetail> bodylist )
var newbodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var tranbodylist = bodylist;
foreach (var enumValue in bodylist)
var istrue = true;
int pkgs = 0;
decimal kgs = 0;
decimal cbm = 0;
foreach (var newenumValue in newbodyList)
if (newenumValue.CNTRNO == enumValue.CNTRNO) istrue = false;
if (istrue)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = enumValue.BSNO;
data.CTNNUM = 1;
data.CNTRNO = enumValue.CNTRNO;
data.CTNALL = enumValue.CTNALL;
data.KINDPKGS = enumValue.KINDPKGS;
data.SEALNO = enumValue.SEALNO;
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
foreach (var tranenumValue in tranbodylist)
if (tranenumValue.CNTRNO == enumValue.CNTRNO)
pkgs = pkgs + tranenumValue.PKGS;
kgs = kgs + tranenumValue.KGS;
cbm = cbm + tranenumValue.CBM;
data.PKGS = pkgs;
data.KGS = kgs;
data.CBM = cbm;
return newbodyList;
static public List<MsOpSeaeDetail> AddBodyList ( List<MsOpSeaeDetail> bodylist, List<MsOpSeaeDetail> bodylist2 )
var newbodyList = bodylist;
foreach (var enumValue in bodylist2)
var iffind = false;
for (var i = 0; i < newbodyList.Count; i++)
if (enumValue.CNTRNO == newbodyList[i].CNTRNO)
if (newbodyList[i].SEALNO == "")
newbodyList[i].SEALNO = enumValue.SEALNO;
if (newbodyList[i].EXITDOOR == "")
newbodyList[i].EXITDOOR = enumValue.EXITDOOR;
if (newbodyList[i].ENTERDOOR == "")
newbodyList[i].ENTERDOOR = enumValue.ENTERDOOR;
if (newbodyList[i].CTNSTATUS == "")
newbodyList[i].CTNSTATUS = enumValue.CTNSTATUS;
if (newbodyList[i].TRUCKNO == "")
newbodyList[i].TRUCKNO = enumValue.TRUCKNO;
if (newbodyList[i].TRUCKTYPE == "")
newbodyList[i].TRUCKTYPE = enumValue.TRUCKTYPE;
if (newbodyList[i].ONBORD == "")
newbodyList[i].ONBORD = enumValue.ONBORD;
if (newbodyList[i].ETD == "")
newbodyList[i].ETD = enumValue.ETD;
iffind = true;
if (iffind == false)
return newbodyList;
#region 世腾克运//POBUTAO161000180//船名航次为中文,提取时需要从船名航次表中提取英文数据,没有则显示中文船名
static public DBResult GetSTXKEYUNCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
#region 抓取页面
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.stx-keyun.com/query/search_bl_no.asp",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.stx-keyun.com",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "text/html",
Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.stx-keyun.com/query/search_bl_no.asp?BL_NO1=" + mblno + "&submit1=%B2%E9%D1%AF HTTP/1.1",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "http://www.stx-keyun.com/query/search_bl_no.asp",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Cookie = mycookie,
Host = "www.stx-keyun.com",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Method = "GET",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../css/sheet.css", "http://www.stx-keyun.com/css/sheet.css");
result.Data = datahtml;
#region 船名航次
var datahtml3 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "下货纸信息</font>", "</font><br>");
if (datahtml3 != "")
T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new EntityDA.T_ALL_DA();
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
var fielddatastr = datahtml3.Remove(0, datahtml3.IndexOf(">") + 1);
data.VESSEL = fielddatastr.Substring(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf("/")).ToString().Trim();
string sVESSEL = T_ALL_DA.GetStrSQL("VESSEL", "select top 1 isnull(VESSEL,'') as VESSEL from code_vessel where CNAME='" + data.VESSEL.ToString().Trim() + "'");
data.VESSEL = (sVESSEL == "" ? data.VESSEL.ToString().Trim() : sVESSEL);
data.VOYNO = fielddatastr.Substring(fielddatastr.IndexOf("/")+1).ToString().Trim();
#region 装箱信息
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "装箱信息</font><br>", "</table>");
if (datahtml != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<TD") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 2)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
if (fieldno == 3)
data.CTNALL = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 5)
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 7)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 9)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
if (fieldno == 11)
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
{ }
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
if (bodyList.Count == 0)
bodyList = bodyList3;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region (远洋)大亚场站
static public DBResult GetDAYACTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, string username, string password, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
string url = "http://www.yydy.com/GacoWebService/DyxtService.asmx";
string[] args = new string[5];
args[0] = username;
args[1] = password;
args[2] = mblno;
args[3] = "";
args[4] = "1";
object resultXml = WebServiceHelper.InvokeWebService(url, "GetBackFCtnInfoXml", args);
StringReader rdr = new StringReader(resultXml.ToString());
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DAYA));
DAYA xmlDoc = (DAYA)serializer.Deserialize(rdr);
if (xmlDoc != null)
dayatable[] ds = xmlDoc.ds;
for (int i = 0; i < ds.Length; i++)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.CNTRNO = ds[i].CTNNO;
data.SEALNO = ds[i].SEALNO;
data.CTNALL = ds[i].CTNSZ + ds[i].CTNTP;
if (ds[i].PKGS != "")
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt16(ds[i].PKGS);
{ }
if (ds[i].ALKWGT != "")
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(ds[i].ALKWGT);
{ }
if (ds[i].ALCUBAGE != "")
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(ds[i].ALCUBAGE);
{ }
if (ds[i].ECTNWT != "")
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(ds[i].ECTNWT);
{ }
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
return result;
public static long ConvertDateTimeInt(System.DateTime time)
//double intResult = 0;
System.DateTime startTime = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0));
//intResult = (time- startTime).TotalMilliseconds;
long t = (time.Ticks - startTime.Ticks) / 10000; //除10000调整为13位
return t;
//static public DBResult GetDAYAWEBCTNList2(string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false)
// //var result = new DBResult();
// //result.Success = true;
// //var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
// //var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
// //MsOpSeaeQDPortDataDAL msd = new MsOpSeaeQDPortDataDAL("");
// //try
// //{
// // string datahtml = "";
// // HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
// // HttpResult resulthtml = new HttpResult();
// // DataMining dm = new DataMining();
// // datahtml = dm.GetHTMLWithMBLNO(mblno);
// // if (isweb == true)
// // {
// // datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../CSS/Style1.css", "http://www.yydy.com/dyxt/CSS/Style.css");
// // datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../JS/jquery-1.9.1.min.js", "http://www.yydy.com/dyxt/JS/jquery-1.9.1.min.js");
// // datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../JS/basicFun.js", "http://www.yydy.com/dyxt/CSS/GridViewStyle.css/JS/basicFun.js");
// // datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../JS/Query/ExportByBill.js", "http://www.yydy.com/dyxt/CSS/GridViewStyle.css/JS/Query/ExportByBill.js");
// // result.Data = datahtml;
// // }
// // else
// // {
// // var datahtml3 = GetDataHtmlList(datahtml, "GridView1", "</table>");
// // if (datahtml3 != "")
// // {
// // #region 船名航次信息
// // var i = 1;
// // while (datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
// // {
// // var datalength = datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>");
// // var recdatastr = datahtml3.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
// // datahtml3 = datahtml3.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml3.Length - datalength - 5);
// // recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
// // recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
// // var fieldno = 1;
// // if (i != 1)
// // {
// // MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
// // data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
// // data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
// // while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
// // {
// // var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
// // var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
// // recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
// // fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
// // fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// // fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace("\r\n", "");
// // //fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace(" ", "");
// // fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace("\t", "");
// // if (fieldno == 2)
// // {
// // data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
// // }
// // if (fieldno == 3)
// // {
// // data.VESSEL = fielddatastr;
// // }
// // fieldno = fieldno + 1;
// // }
// // bodyList3.Add(data);
// // }
// // i = i + 1;
// // }
// // #endregion
// // }
// // //
// // var datahtml2 = GetDataHtmlList(datahtml, "GridView8", "</table>");
// // if (datahtml2 != "")
// // {
// // #region 实装箱信息
// // var i = 1;
// // while (datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
// // {
// // var datalength = datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>");
// // var recdatastr = datahtml2.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
// // datahtml2 = datahtml2.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml2.Length - datalength - 5);
// // recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
// // recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
// // var fieldno = 1;
// // var istrue = false;
// // if (i != 1)
// // {
// // MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
// // data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
// // data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
// // while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
// // {
// // var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
// // var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
// // recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
// // fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
// // fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// // fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace("\r\n", "");
// // fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace(" ", "");
// // fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace("\t", "");
// // if (fieldno == 2)
// // {
// // fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// // fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</a>"), 4);
// // if (fielddatastr == "" || fielddatastr == "<bstyle=\"color:Red\">暂无相关数据</b>") istrue = false; else istrue = true;
// // data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
// // foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
// // {
// // data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
// // data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
// // }
// // }
// // if (fieldno == 4)
// // {
// // data.CTNALL = fielddatastr;
// // }
// // if (fieldno == 6)
// // {
// // try
// // {
// // data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
// // }
// // catch
// // { }
// // }
// // if (fieldno == 7)
// // {
// // data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
// // }
// // if (fieldno == 8)
// // {
// // data.KINDPKGS = fielddatastr;
// // }
// // if (fieldno == 9)
// // {
// // try
// // {
// // fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf(".000"), 4);
// // data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
// // }
// // catch
// // {
// // data.PKGS = 0;
// // }
// // }
// // if (fieldno == 10)
// // {
// // try
// // {
// // data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
// // }
// // catch
// // {
// // data.KGS = 0;
// // }
// // }
// // if (fieldno == 11)
// // {
// // try
// // {
// // data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
// // }
// // catch
// // {
// // data.CBM = 0;
// // }
// // }
// // fieldno = fieldno + 1;
// // }
// // if (istrue)
// // bodyList.Add(data);
// // }
// // i = i + 1;
// // }
// // #endregion
// // }
// // else
// // {
// // result.Success = false;
// // result.Message = "未重箱回场,请稍后重试!";
// // return result;
// // }
// // if (bodyList.Count == 0)
// // {
// // bodyList = bodyList3;
// // }
// // bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
// // result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
// // }
// //}
// //catch (Exception e)
// //{
// // result.Success = false;
// // result.Message = "未提取到数据!";
// //}
// //return result;
static public DBResult GetDAYAWEBCTNList(string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false)
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
MsOpSeaeQDPortDataDAL msd = new MsOpSeaeQDPortDataDAL("");
string datahtml = "";
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpResult resulthtml = new HttpResult();
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
// TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - DateTime.Parse("1970-1-1");
string strtime = ConvertDateTimeInt(DateTime.Now).ToString();
Dictionary<string, string> dict = msd.getVerificationCodebygdv(0, "http://www.yydy.com/dyxt/BasicService/CreateCheckCode.aspx?" + strtime);//<string, string> <验证码|错误码, Cookie>
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dict.Keys.First())) continue;
if (dict.Keys.First().Length != 4)
if (dict.Keys.First() == "14")
result.Message = "IAM鉴权失败,请检查业务参数配置(PARAMNAME:CLOUDBAIDUOCRApi、CLOUDBAIDUOCRSec)";
else if (dict.Keys.First() == "17")
result.Message = "每日请求量超出限额,请在业务参数中更新百度云ApiKey及SecretKey";
result.Message = "提取数据出错,错误码:" + dict.Keys.First();
result.Success = false;
return result;
//ts = DateTime.Now - DateTime.Parse("1970-1-1");
strtime = ConvertDateTimeInt(DateTime.Now).ToString();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.yydy.com/dyxt/BasicService/QueryService.aspx?" + strtime + "&oper=QueryByBill¶m=" + mblno + "&CheckCode=" + dict.Keys.First(),
// ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Method = "GET",
Host = "www.yydy.com",
// Accept = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8",
// UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.170 Safari/537.36",
Cookie = dict.Values.First(),
ResultType = ResultType.Byte
if (http.GetHtml(item).Html == "OK")
// item = new HttpItem()
// {
// // URL = "http://www.yydy.com/dyxt/Query/QueryMainFrame.aspx?type=B&value=" + mblno+"&code="+ dict.Keys.First(),//URL这里都是测试 必需项
// URL = "http://www.yydy.com/dyxt/Query/ExportByBill.aspx?s_no=" + mblno,
// // ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
//// Accept = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8",
// Host = "www.yydy.com",
// // UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.170 Safari/537.36",
// Method = "GET",
// Cookie = dict.Values.First()
// };
//datahtml = http.GetHtml(item).Html;
string whlURL = "http://www.yydy.com/dyxt/Query/ExportByBill.aspx?s_no=" + mblno;
WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(whlURL);
request.Method = "GET";
request.Headers.Add("Cookie", dict.Values.First());
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
string url = response.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri;
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
string content = reader.ReadToEnd();
datahtml = content;
var datahtml1 = datahtml.Remove(0, datahtml.IndexOf("$('#myBillTable tbody').html"));//提单信息
datahtml1 = datahtml1.Remove(datahtml1.IndexOf("</script><script>$('#partBillTable tbody').html"));
datahtml1 = new Regex(@"<tr.+</tr>").Match(datahtml1).Value;
datahtml1 = new Regex(@"(?<=tr)[\w\s=\'\(\);]+").Replace(datahtml1, "");//去除tr 属性
datahtml1 = new Regex(@"(?<=td)[\s\w=\':;]+").Replace(datahtml1, "");//去掉td 属性
var datahtml2 = datahtml.Remove(0, datahtml.IndexOf("$('#partBillTable tbody').html"));//箱及分单信息
datahtml2 = datahtml2.Remove(datahtml2.IndexOf("</script>"));
datahtml2 = new Regex(@"<tr.+</tr>").Match(datahtml2).Value;
datahtml2 = new Regex(@"(?<=tr)[\w\s=\'\(\);]+").Replace(datahtml2, "");//去除tr 属性
datahtml2 = new Regex(@"(?<=td)[\s\w=\':;]+").Replace(datahtml2, "");//去掉td 属性
if (isweb == true)
result.Data = "<table><thead><th>船名</th><th>航次</th><th>装船时间</th><th>提单</th></thead><tbody>" + datahtml1 + "</tbody></table><br/>" +
"<table><thead><th>分单号</th><th>箱号</th><th>铅封号</th><th>箱型</th><th>件</th><th>包装</th><th>重</th><th>尺</th></thead><tbody>" + datahtml2 + "</tbody></table>";
var trList1 = datahtml1.Split(new string[] { "<tr>", "</tr>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();//按tr分组
var VESSEL = "";
var VOYNO = "";
if (trList1.Count > 0)
var tdList = trList1[0].Split(new string[] { "<td>", "</td>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();//按td分组
VESSEL = tdList[0];
VOYNO = tdList[1];
var trList2 = datahtml2.Split(new string[] { "<tr>", "</tr>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();//按tr分组
trList2.RemoveAt(trList2.Count - 1);
foreach (var item in trList2)
var tdList = item.Replace("<td></td>", "<td>" + mblno + "</td>").Split(new string[] { "<td>", "</td>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();//按td分组
if (tdList[0].Contains("此票总计"))
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = mblno;
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
data.CNTRNO = tdList[1];
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(tdList[7]);
data.CTNALL = tdList[3];
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(tdList[6]);
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(tdList[4]);
data.SEALNO = tdList[2];
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
catch (Exception ex)
//return GetDAYAWEBCTNList2(mblno, bsno, isweb);
return result;
#region 捷丰场站
static public DBResult GetJIEFENGCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
string url = "http://www.sdsmart.cn/DongShengWS/Service.asmx";
string[] args = new string[1];
args[0] = mblno;
object resultXml = WebServiceHelper.InvokeWebService(url, "GetBLNoInfo", args);
StringReader rdr = new StringReader(resultXml.ToString());
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(JIEFENG));
JIEFENG xmlDoc = (JIEFENG)serializer.Deserialize(rdr);
if (xmlDoc != null)
ds[] ds = xmlDoc.ds;
for (int i = 0; i < ds.Length; i++)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.CNTRNO = ds[i].CNTRNO;
data.SEALNO = ds[i].SEALNO;
data.CTNALL = ds[i].CNTRSIZE + ds[i].CNTRTYPE;
if (ds[i].CARGOQTY != "")
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt16(ds[i].CARGOQTY);
{ }
if (ds[i].CARGOWEIGHT != "")
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(ds[i].CARGOWEIGHT);
{ }
if (ds[i].CARGOVOLUME != "")
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(ds[i].CARGOVOLUME);
{ }
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
return result;
static public DBResult GetJIEFENGWEBCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList2 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
//URL = "http://www.sdsmartlogistics.com/Search/YD_BLQueryGrid.aspx?blno=" + mblno,//URL这里都是测试 必需项
URL = "http://www.sdsmart.cn/FindClass/YD_BLQueryGrid.aspx?blno=" + mblno,//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.sdsmart.cn",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "text/html",
Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../css/sheet.css", "http://www.sdsmart.cn/css/sheet.css");
result.Data = datahtml;
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var datahtml3 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "id=\"Grid1\"", "</table>");
if (datahtml3 != "")
#region 船名航次信息
var i = 1;
while (datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml3.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml3 = datahtml3.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml3.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
data.VESSEL = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 3)
data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var datahtml2 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "id=\"Grid4\"", "</table>");
if (datahtml2 != "")
#region 箱货动态
var i = 1;
while (datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml2.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml2 = datahtml2.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml2.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 11)
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.TAREWEIGHT = 0;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
var ctnall = "";
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "id=\"Grid3\"", "</table>");
if (datahtml != "")
#region 装货信息
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
var istrue = false;
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fielddatastr == "<a>合计</a>")
istrue = false;
istrue = true;
if (fieldno == 2)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList2)
data.TAREWEIGHT = 0;
if (fieldno == 3)
ctnall = fielddatastr;
if (ctnall == " ") istrue = false;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.CTNALL = fielddatastr + ctnall;
if (fieldno == 5)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 6)
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 75)
data.KINDPKGS = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 8)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 9)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (istrue)
i = i + 1;
if (bodyList.Count == 0)
bodyList = bodyList3;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 陆海场站//177OHPHPQ8004VFB
static public DBResult GetLUHAICTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
string url = "http://www.lhl.cn:8190/WebServiceTest/services/myService";
string[] args = new string[1];
args[0] = mblno;
object resultXml = WebServiceHelper.InvokeWebService(url, "CntrMess", args);
StringReader rdr = new StringReader(resultXml.ToString());
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DAYA));
DAYA xmlDoc = (DAYA)serializer.Deserialize(rdr);
if (xmlDoc != null)
dayatable[] ds = xmlDoc.ds;
for (int i = 0; i < ds.Length; i++)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.CNTRNO = ds[i].CTNNO;
data.SEALNO = ds[i].SEALNO;
data.CTNALL = ds[i].CTNSZ + ds[i].CTNTP;
if (ds[i].PKGS != "")
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt16(ds[i].PKGS);
{ }
if (ds[i].ALKWGT != "")
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(ds[i].ALKWGT);
{ }
if (ds[i].ALCUBAGE != "")
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(ds[i].ALCUBAGE);
{ }
if (ds[i].ECTNWT != "")
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(ds[i].ECTNWT);
{ }
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
return result;
static public DBResult GetLUHAIWEBCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
#region 抓取页面
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
//HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
// URL = "",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
// Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
// Host = "",
// UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
// Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
// ContentType = "text/html",
// Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
//HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var mycookie = "";
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Cookie = mycookie,
Host = "",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Postdata = "strlogname=guest&strpwd=guest&submit1=+%B5%C7%C2%BC+",
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Cookie = mycookie,
Host = "",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Postdata = "BillNo=" + mblno + "&submit1=+%B2%E9%D5%D2+",
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../css/sheet.css", "");
result.Data = datahtml;
#region 船名航次
var datahtml3 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "table1", "</table>");
datahtml3 = datahtml3.Remove(datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
datahtml3 = datahtml3.Remove(0, datahtml3.IndexOf(">") + 1);
datahtml3 = datahtml3.Remove(0, datahtml3.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (datahtml3 != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml3.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml3 = datahtml3.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml3.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 0)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace("<A id=TCount>","");
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("<") > -1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("<"), fielddatastr.Length - fielddatastr.IndexOf("<"));
if (fieldno == 1)
data.VESSEL = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 3)
data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
#region 集装箱信息
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "table5", "</table>");
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(0, datahtml.IndexOf(">") + 1);
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(0, datahtml.IndexOf(">") + 1);
var ctnall = "";
if (datahtml != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
var istrue = false;
if (i != 0)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("<"), fielddatastr.Length - fielddatastr.IndexOf("<"));
if (fieldno == 1)
if (fielddatastr == " ") istrue = false; else istrue = true;
if (fieldno == 2)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
if (fielddatastr == " ") istrue = false; else istrue = true;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
if (fieldno == 4)
ctnall = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 5)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 6)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 7)
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
if (fieldno == 10)
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 11)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 12)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (istrue)
i = i + 1;
if (bodyList.Count == 0)
bodyList = bodyList3;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 中创场站/中创保税仓库/中创保税物流园//NYKS2410075330
static public DBResult GetZHONGCHUANGCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, string password, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
string url = "http://www.cmlog.com.cn:8003/cmlwebservice/CaragtQuery_Cxwl.asmx";
string[] args = new string[2];
args[0] = mblno;
args[1] = password;
object resultXml = WebServiceHelper.InvokeWebService(url, "GetInfo", args);
StringReader rdr = new StringReader(resultXml.ToString());
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ZHONGCHUANG));
ZHONGCHUANG xmlDoc = (ZHONGCHUANG)serializer.Deserialize(rdr);
if (xmlDoc != null)
zhongchuangtable[] ds = xmlDoc.ds;
for (int i = 0; i < ds.Length; i++)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.CNTRNO = ds[i].CNTRNO;
data.SEALNO = ds[i].SEALNO.ToString().Trim();
data.CTNALL = ds[i].CTNSIZE + ds[i].CTNTYPE;
if (ds[i].PKGS != "")
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt16(ds[i].PKGS);
{ }
if (ds[i].KGS != "")
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(ds[i].KGS);
{ }
if (ds[i].CBM != "")
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(ds[i].CBM);
{ }
if (ds[i].TAREWEIGHT != "")
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(ds[i].TAREWEIGHT);
{ }
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
return result;
static public DBResult GetZHONGCHUANGWEBCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList2 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
#region 连接地址URL
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
//URL = "http:///www.cmlog.com.cn/WebApp/LoginNew.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
URL = "http://www.cmlog.com.cn/zcxt/query/ExportUsual.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.cmlog.com.cn",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "text/html",
Method = "GET",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var viewstatehtml = resulthtml.Html;
viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "__VIEWSTATE", "/>");
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("\"", "");
//viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "/", "/>").Trim();
//viewstatehtml = "__EVENTTARGET=&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__VIEWSTATE=%2F" + viewstatehtml + "&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3ATextBox1=" + mblno + "&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AbtnQuery=%E6%9F%A5+%E8%AF%A2&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AhidAtddt=2015%2F4%2F19+7%3A40%3A00&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AhidCMAFX=&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AhidLocklb=0&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AhidCorplb=";
//viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("+", "%2B");
//viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("/", "%2F");
//viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "/", "/>").Trim();
viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, " value =", "/>").Trim();
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("+", "%2B");
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("/", "%2F");
viewstatehtml = "__EVENTTARGET=&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__VIEWSTATE=" + viewstatehtml + "&__VIEWSTATEENCRYPTED=" + "&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3ATextBox1=" + mblno + "&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AbtnQuery=%E6%9F%A5+%E8%AF%A2&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AhidAtddt=2019%2f5%2f5+7%3a00%3a00&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AhidCMAFX=&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AhidLocklb=&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AhidCorplb=";
var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.cmlog.com.cn/zcxt/query/ExportUsual.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "http://www.cmlog.com.cn/zcxt/query/ExportUsual.aspx",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.cmlog.com.cn",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.131 Safari/537.36",
Accept = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3",
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Cookie = mycookie,
#region Postdata
//2016-12-14 重新从网站获取Postdata配置信息
Postdata = viewstatehtml,
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../Css/admincenter.css", "http://www.cmlog.com.cn/zcxt/Css/admincenter.css");
result.Data = datahtml;
#region 船名航次信息
var datahtml3 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "_ctl0_ContentPlaceHolder1_gvVesvoy", "</table>");
if (datahtml3 != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml3.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml3 = datahtml3.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml3.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 4)
data.VESSEL = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 5)
data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
#region 用箱信息
var datahtml2 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "_ctl0_ContentPlaceHolder1_gvExprestu", "</table>");
if (datahtml2 != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml2.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml2 = datahtml2.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml2.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
if (fieldno == 2)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.CTNALL = fielddatastr;
data.SIZE = fielddatastr.Trim().Substring(0,2);
data.CTN = fielddatastr.Trim().Substring(2);
if (fieldno == 5)
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.TAREWEIGHT = 0;
if (fieldno == 6)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr.ToString().Trim();
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
#region 实装箱信息
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "_ctl0_ContentPlaceHolder1_gvShiZhuang", "</table>");
if (datahtml.ToString().Trim() != "")
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(0, datahtml.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (datahtml != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
var istrue = false;
if (i != 0)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
if (fielddatastr == " ") istrue = false; else istrue = true;
if (fieldno == 2)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr.Trim();
if (fielddatastr == " ") istrue = false; else istrue = true;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList2)
if (enumValue.CNTRNO.ToString().Trim() == fielddatastr.Trim())
data.SEALNO = enumValue.SEALNO.ToString().Trim();
data.CTNALL = enumValue.CTNALL;
data.SIZE = enumValue.SIZE;
data.CTN = enumValue.CTN;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr.ToString().Trim();
if (fieldno == 6)
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
if (fieldno == 8)
//data.KINDPKGS = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 10)
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 11)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 12)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.CBM = 0;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (istrue)
i = i + 1;
bodyList = bodyList2;
bodyList = bodyList2;
if (bodyList.Count == 0)
bodyList = bodyList3;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 中创_港联欣场站//6TAOSD0245
static public DBResult GetGangLianXinWEBCTNList(string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false)
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList2 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
#region 连接地址URL
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.cmlog.com.cn/zcxt/glx/ExportUsual.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.cmlog.com.cn",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "text/html",
Method = "GET",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var viewstatehtml = resulthtml.Html;
viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "__VIEWSTATE", "/>");
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("\"", "");
viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "value=", "/>").Trim();
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("+", "%2B");
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("/", "%2F");
viewstatehtml = "__EVENTTARGET=&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__VIEWSTATE=" + viewstatehtml + "&__VIEWSTATEENCRYPTED=" + "&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3ATextBox1=" + mblno + "&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AbtnQuery=%E6%9F%A5+%E8%AF%A2&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AhidAtddt=2019%2f5%2f5+7%3a00%3a00&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AhidCMAFX=&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AhidLocklb=&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AhidCorplb=";
// viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "/", "/>").Trim();
// viewstatehtml = "__EVENTTARGET=&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__VIEWSTATE=%2F" + viewstatehtml + "&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3ATextBox1=" + mblno + "&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AbtnQuery=%E6%9F%A5+%E8%AF%A2&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AhidAtddt=2015%2F4%2F19+7%3A40%3A00&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AhidCMAFX=&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AhidLocklb=0&_ctl0%3AContentPlaceHolder1%3AhidCorplb=";
// viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("+", "%2B");
// viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("/", "%2F");
var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.cmlog.com.cn/zcxt/glx/ExportUsual.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "http://www.cmlog.com.cn/zcxt/glx/ExportUsual.aspx",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.cmlog.com.cn",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.131 Safari/537.36",
Accept = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3",
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Cookie = mycookie,
//2016-12-14 重新从网站获取Postdata配置信息
Postdata = viewstatehtml,
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../Css/admincenter.css", "http://www.cmlog.com.cn/zcxt/Css/admincenter.css");
result.Data = datahtml;
#region 船名航次信息
var datahtml3 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "_ctl0_ContentPlaceHolder1_gvVesvoy", "</table>");
if (datahtml3 != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml3.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml3 = datahtml3.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml3.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 4)
data.VESSEL = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 5)
data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
#region 用箱信息
var datahtml2 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "_ctl0_ContentPlaceHolder1_gvExprestu", "</table>");
if (datahtml2 != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml2.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml2 = datahtml2.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml2.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
if (fieldno == 2)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.CTNALL = fielddatastr;
data.SIZE = fielddatastr.Trim().Substring(0, 2);
data.CTN = fielddatastr.Trim().Substring(2);
if (fieldno == 5)
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.TAREWEIGHT = 0;
if (fieldno == 6)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr.ToString().Trim();
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
#region 实装箱信息
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "_ctl0_ContentPlaceHolder1_gvShiZhuang", "</table>");
if (datahtml.ToString().Trim() != "")
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(0, datahtml.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (datahtml != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
var istrue = false;
if (i != 0)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
if (fielddatastr == " ") istrue = false; else istrue = true;
if (fieldno == 2)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr.Trim();
if (fielddatastr == " ") istrue = false; else istrue = true;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList2)
if (enumValue.CNTRNO.ToString().Trim() == fielddatastr.Trim())
data.SEALNO = enumValue.SEALNO;
data.CTNALL = enumValue.CTNALL;
data.SIZE = enumValue.SIZE;
data.CTN = enumValue.CTN;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr.ToString().Trim();
if (fieldno == 6)
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
if (fieldno == 8)
//data.KINDPKGS = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 10)
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 11)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 12)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.CBM = 0;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (istrue)
i = i + 1;
bodyList = bodyList2;
bodyList = bodyList2;
if (bodyList.Count == 0)
bodyList = bodyList3;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 珉钧场站//6TAOKU6860//无船名航次,暂不提取
static public DBResult GetMJCZCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false)
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
MsOpSeaeQDPortDataDAL msd=new MsOpSeaeQDPortDataDAL("");
HttpResult resulthtml=new HttpResult();
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
Dictionary<string, string> dict = msd.getVerificationCodebygdv(0,"http://www.gfqd.com.cn/vcode.asp");//<string, string> <验证码|错误码, Cookie>
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dict.Keys.First())) continue;
if (dict.Keys.First().Length != 4)
result.Message = "IAM鉴权失败,请检查业务参数配置(PARAMNAME:CLOUDBAIDUOCRApi、CLOUDBAIDUOCRSec)";
else if(dict.Keys.First() == "17")
result.Message = "每日请求量超出限额,请在业务参数中更新百度云ApiKey及SecretKey";
result.Message = "提取数据出错,错误码:" + dict.Keys.First();
result.Success = false;
return result;
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.gfqd.com.cn/bnq.asp",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Postdata = "bill_no=" + mblno + "&yzm=" + dict.Keys.First(),
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.170 Safari/537.36",
Method = "post",
Cookie = dict.Values.First()
if (!http.GetHtml(item).Html.Contains("您输入的确认码和系统产生的不一致,请重新输入!"))
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(resulthtml.Html))
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据超时,请重试!";
return result;
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("css/main.css", "http://www.gfqd.com.cn/css/main.css");
result.Data = datahtml;
Regex reg = new Regex(@"<table.*(?=>)(.|\n)*?</table>");
var datahtml = reg.Match(resulthtml.Html).Value;//匹配所有table标签(包含p标签、h2标签)
datahtml = new Regex(@"<p> </p>").Replace(datahtml, "");//去掉 p标签
datahtml = new Regex(@"<h2 class=\'bold\'>\s*([^u4e00-u9fa5]){5,6}</h2>").Replace(datahtml, "");//去掉 h2标签及其内容
string[] tableArr = datahtml.Split(new string[] { "<table>","</table>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);//按table分组
if (tableArr.Length > 2)
datahtml = tableArr[2] + "</table>"; //取第三个table
datahtml = new Regex(@"(?<=<table)\s*[\w=%\'\s#]*").Replace(datahtml, "");//去掉 table标签内所有属性
datahtml = new Regex(@" +|[\r\n]*").Replace(datahtml, "");//去掉 nbsp;、换行和回车符
datahtml = new Regex(@"<font color=\'#\w+\'>\s*|\s*</font>").Replace(datahtml, "");//去掉 font标签及空白字符
datahtml = new Regex(@"(?<=<tr)\s*\w+=\d+").Replace(datahtml, "");//去掉 tr标签内的属性
datahtml = new Regex(@"(?<=<td)\s*\w+=\'#\w+\'").Replace(datahtml, "");//去掉 td标签内的属性
datahtml = new Regex(@"(?<=<td>)\s*").Replace(datahtml, "");//去掉 td标签innerHTML中的空白
datahtml = new Regex(@"<table>|</table>").Replace(datahtml, "");
var trList = datahtml.Split(new string[] { "<tr>", "</tr>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();//按tr分组
//遍历tr列表 foreach...
foreach (var item in trList)
var tdList = item.Split(new string[] { "<td>", "</td>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();//按td分组
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
data.CNTRNO = tdList[1];//箱号;
data.CTNALL = tdList[3] + tdList[4];//箱型
data.TAREWEIGHT = String.IsNullOrEmpty(tdList[9]) ? 0M : Convert.ToDecimal(tdList[9]);//皮重
data.PKGS = String.IsNullOrEmpty(tdList[6]) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(tdList[6]);//件数
data.KGS = String.IsNullOrEmpty(tdList[7]) ? 0M : Convert.ToDecimal(tdList[7]);//重量
data.CBM = String.IsNullOrEmpty(tdList[8]) ? 0M : Convert.ToDecimal(tdList[8]);//尺码(寸)
data.SEALNO = tdList[2];//铅封号
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
catch(Exception se)
result.Success = false;
result.Message = se.Message;
return result;
#region 明港场站/海铁中心//140600161817//MOLU11029771705
static public DBResult GetMGCZCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
//var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
//var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
// var datahtml = MsGetQingdaoPortDAL.GetHtmlData("http://www.qingdaoport.net/ywzx/qqct/dpcx/cargoDyaMgcz.jsp", "tdh=" + mblno);
// if (isweb == true)
// {
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/css/style2009.css", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/css/style2009.css");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/css/table.css", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/css/table.css");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/js/common.js", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/js/common.js");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/js/validation.js", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/js/validation.js");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/js/date.js", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/js/date.js");
// //var i = datahtml.IndexOf("<table");
// //var j = datahtml.IndexOf("</TBODY>\r\n</TABLE>");
// //datahtml = datahtml.Remove(i, j + 20 - i);
// //i = datahtml.IndexOf("<form");
// //j = datahtml.IndexOf("</form>");
// //datahtml = datahtml.Remove(i, j + 7 - i);
// result.Data = datahtml;
// }
// else
// {
// var datahtml3 = GetDataHtmlList(datahtml, "出口-海关报关单放行", "</table>");
// if (datahtml3 != "" && datahtml3.ToString().IndexOf("暂无") < 0)
// {
// #region 出口-海关报关单放行_船名航次
// var i = 1;
// while (datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
// {
// var datalength = datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>");
// var recdatastr = datahtml3.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
// datahtml3 = datahtml3.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml3.Length - datalength - 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
// var fieldno = 1;
// if (i != 1 && i != 2)
// {
// MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
// data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
// data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
// while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td>") >= 0)
// {
// var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
// var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
// if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>") > -1)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
// }
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// if (fieldno == 5)
// {
// data.VESSEL = fielddatastr;
// }
// else if (fieldno == 6)
// {
// data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
// }
// fieldno = fieldno + 1;
// }
// bodyList3.Add(data);
// }
// i = i + 1;
// }
// #endregion
// }
// var datahtml2 = GetDataHtmlList(datahtml, "实际装货信息</b></td>", "</table>");
// if (datahtml2 != "")
// {
// #region 实际装货信息
// var i = 1;
// while (datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
// {
// var datalength = datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>");
// var recdatastr = datahtml2.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
// datahtml2 = datahtml2.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml2.Length - datalength - 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 4);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
// var ctnall = "";
// var fieldno = 1;
// if (i != 1 && i != 2)
// {
// MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
// data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
// data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
// while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td>") >= 0)
// {
// var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
// var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// if (fieldno == 3)
// {
// data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
// foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
// {
// data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
// data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
// }
// }
// if (fieldno == 4)
// {
// ctnall = fielddatastr;
// }
// if (fieldno == 5)
// {
// data.CTNALL = fielddatastr + ctnall;
// }
// if (fieldno == 6)
// {
// data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
// }
// if (fieldno == 7)
// {
// try
// {
// data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
// }
// catch
// {
// data.PKGS = 0;
// }
// }
// if (fieldno == 8)
// {
// data.KINDPKGS = fielddatastr;
// }
// if (fieldno == 9)
// {
// try
// {
// data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
// }
// catch
// {
// data.KGS = 0;
// }
// }
// if (fieldno == 10)
// {
// try
// {
// data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
// }
// catch
// {
// }
// }
// fieldno = fieldno + 1;
// }
// bodyList.Add(data);
// }
// i = i + 1;
// }
// #endregion
// }
// bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
// if (bodyList.Count > 0)
// {
// result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
// }
// else
// {
// datahtml2 = GetDataHtmlList(datahtml, "码头信息", "合计");
// if (datahtml2 != "" && datahtml2.ToString().IndexOf("暂无") < 0)
// {
// #region 码头信息
// var i = 1;
// var ctnall = "";
// while (datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
// {
// var datalength = datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>");
// var recdatastr = datahtml2.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
// datahtml2 = datahtml2.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml2.Length - datalength - 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
// var fieldno = 1;
// if (i != 1 && i != 2)
// {
// MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
// data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
// data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
// while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td>") >= 0)
// {
// var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
// var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
// if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>") > -1)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
// }
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// if (fieldno == 5)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("</a>") > -1)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</a>"), 4);
// }
// data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
// foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
// {
// data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
// data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
// }
// }
// else if (fieldno == 6)
// {
// ctnall = fielddatastr;//尺码
// }
// else if (fieldno == 7)
// {
// data.CTNALL = ctnall + fielddatastr;//表现形式
// }
// else if (fieldno == 9)
// {
// data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;//铅封号
// }
// else if (fieldno == 10)
// {
// try
// {
// data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr); //箱皮重
// }
// catch
// {
// data.TAREWEIGHT = 0; //箱皮重
// }
// }
// data.KGS = 0; //毛重
// data.PKGS = 0; //件数
// fieldno = fieldno + 1;
// }
// bodyList.Add(data);
// }
// i = i + 1;
// }
// #endregion
// }
// datahtml2 = GetDataHtmlList(datahtml, "出口-海关报关单放行", "</table>");
// if (datahtml2 != "" && datahtml2.ToString().IndexOf("暂无") < 0)
// {
// #region 出口-海关报关单放行
// var i = 1;
// while (datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
// {
// var datalength = datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>");
// var recdatastr = datahtml2.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
// datahtml2 = datahtml2.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml2.Length - datalength - 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
// var fieldno = 1;
// if (i != 1 && i != 2)
// {
// MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
// data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
// data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
// while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td>") >= 0)
// {
// var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
// var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
// if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>") > -1)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
// }
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// if (fieldno == 8)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("</a>") > -1)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</a>"), 4);
// }
// data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
// }
// else if (fieldno == 5)
// {
// data.VESSEL = fielddatastr;
// }
// else if (fieldno == 6)
// {
// data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
// }
// else if (fieldno == 4)
// {
// try
// {
// data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr); //件数
// }
// catch
// {
// data.PKGS = 0; //件数
// }
// }
// else if (fieldno == 10)
// {
// try
// {
// data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr); //毛重
// }
// catch
// {
// data.KGS = 0; //毛重
// }
// }
// fieldno = fieldno + 1;
// }
// bodyList.Add(data);
// }
// i = i + 1;
// }
// #endregion
// }
// }
// if (bodyList.Count == 0)
// {
// bodyList = bodyList3;
// }
// bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
// result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
// }
// result.Success = false;
// result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
public class dgcz
public string RN { get; set; }
public string TDH { get; set; }
public string XH { get; set; }
public string CC { get; set; }
public string XX { get; set; }
public string QFH1 { get; set; }
public string JS { get; set; }
public string HZ { get; set; }
public string TJ { get; set; }
#region 明港东港场站/东港场站//OOLU2579806180//船名航次为中文,提取时需要从船名航次表中提取英文数据,没有则显示中文船名
static public DBResult GetMGDGCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList2 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
#region 抓取页面
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://qoct.qingdao-port.com/cjtdcx/index.jhtml",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "qoct.qingdao-port.com",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "text/html",
Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://qoct.qingdao-port.com/data.jspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "http://qoct.qingdao-port.com/cjtdcx/index.jhtml",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Cookie = mycookie,
Host = "qoct.qingdao-port.com",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Postdata = "pageNo=1&tdh=" + mblno + "&flag=sjzh&pageSize=10",
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var data1 = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer()
var str = "<table>";
foreach(var item1 in data1)
str += "<tr><td>" + item1.RN
+ "</td><td>" + item1.TDH
+ "</td><td>" + item1.XH
+ "</td><td>" + item1.CC
+ "</td><td>" + item1.XX
+ "</td><td>" + item1.QFH1
+ "</td><td>" + item1.JS
+ "</td><td>" + item1.HZ
+ "</td><td>" + item1.TJ
+ "</td></tr>";
str += "</table>";
resulthtml.Html = str;
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/gxcz/common/css/Style.css", "http://www.qingdaoportec.net/gxcz/common/css/Style.css");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/gxcz/common/css/Styletit.css", "http://www.qingdaoportec.net/gxcz/common/css/Styletit.css");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("common/css/css.css", "http://www.qingdaoportec.net/nqoct/common/css/css.css");
//var i = datahtml.IndexOf("<table");
//var j = datahtml.IndexOf("</TBODY>\r\n</TABLE>");
//datahtml = datahtml.Remove(i, j + 20 - i);
//i = datahtml.IndexOf("<form");
//j = datahtml.IndexOf("</form>");
//datahtml = datahtml.Remove(i, j + 7 - i);
result.Data = datahtml;
#region 订舱信息
var datahtml3 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "订舱信息", "</table>");
if (datahtml3 != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml3.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml3 = datahtml3.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml3.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new EntityDA.T_ALL_DA();
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (fieldno <= 2)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
data.VESSEL = fielddatastr;
string sVESSEL = T_ALL_DA.GetStrSQL("VESSEL", "select top 1 isnull(VESSEL,'') as VESSEL from code_vessel where CNAME='" + data.VESSEL.ToString().Trim() + "'");
data.VESSEL = (sVESSEL == "" ? data.VESSEL.ToString().Trim() : sVESSEL);
if (fieldno == 2)
data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
#region 集货动态
var datahtml2 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "集货动态", "</table>");
if (datahtml2 != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml2.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml2 = datahtml2.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml2.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var ctnall = "";
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
if (fieldno == 2)
ctnall = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 3)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
if (fieldno == 5)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
#region 实际装货信息
foreach (var item1 in data1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
data.CNTRNO = item1.XH;//箱号
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(item1.TJ);//
data.CTNALL = item1.CC + item1.XX;//尺寸+箱型(箱型)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(item1.HZ); //毛重
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(item1.JS); //件数
data.VESSEL = "";
data.VOYNO = "";
data.SEALNO = item1.QFH1;
data.TAREWEIGHT = 0; //箱皮重
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
bodyList2 = SumBodyList(bodyList2);
if (bodyList.Count == 0)
if (bodyList2.Count == 0)
bodyList2 = bodyList3;
result.Data = bodyList2.ToList();
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 韩进储运场站//TAQA62234400
static public DBResult GetHANJINCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList2 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Postdata = "__VIEWSTATE=%2FwEPDwULLTE1ODM4ODE4NTdkZFB2%2BQ0gtbtA1JEPM1RqoXiiVVcC&frm_bl_no=" + mblno + "&__EVENTVALIDATION=%2FwEWAwK%2FxuHvDwLVtaiXDAKln%2FPuCkuicsJ%2FSIejrE6MoE7ttsUASyw6",
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/cntaoyd/css/tao.css", "");
result.Data = datahtml;
var datahtml3 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "英文船名:", "</table>");
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "id=\"table1\"", "</table>");
var datahtml2 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "集装箱信息:", "</table>");
#region 船名航次
if (datahtml3 != "")
var datalength = datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml3.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml3 = datahtml3.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml3.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (fieldno < 3)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace("</span>", "");
data.VESSEL = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 2)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf("\">") + 1);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf("\">") + 2);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace("</span>", "");
data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
#region table1信息
if (datahtml2 != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml2.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml2 = datahtml2.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml2.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 2)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
if (fieldno == 3)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 5)
data.CTNALL = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 6)
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
#region 集装箱信息
if (datahtml != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var istrue = false;
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fielddatastr == "" || fielddatastr == "<b>合计</b>") istrue = false; else istrue = true;
if (fieldno == 4)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList2)
if (enumValue.CNTRNO == fielddatastr)
data.SEALNO = enumValue.SEALNO;
data.CTNALL = enumValue.CTNALL;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
if (fieldno == 5)
if (fielddatastr != "")
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 7)
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 8)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace(",", "");
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 9)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (istrue)
i = i + 1;
if (bodyList.Count == 0)
bodyList = bodyList3;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 青岛QQCTU场站//无法确定页面
static public DBResult GetQQCTUCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList2 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.qqctu.cc/findTdh.action",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.qqctu.cc",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "text/html",
Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.qqctu.cc/findTdh.action",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "http://www.qqctu.cc/findTdh.action",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Cookie = mycookie,
Host = "www.qqctu.cc",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Postdata = "billNo=" + mblno + "&btnQueryBill=+%B2%E9%D1%AF+",
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../cssjs/", "http://www.qqctu.cc/cssjs/css.css");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../iframe/", "http://www.qqctu.cc/iframe/");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../common/css/", "http://www.qqctu.cc/common/css/");
result.Data = datahtml;
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "实际装货信息", "</table>");
var datahtml2 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "集货动态", "</table>");
if (datahtml2 != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml2.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml2 = datahtml2.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml2.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var ctnall = "";
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf(" </td>"), 11);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 2)
ctnall = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 3)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
if (fieldno == 5)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
if (datahtml != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf(" </td>"), 11);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList2)
if (enumValue.CNTRNO == fielddatastr)
data.SEALNO = enumValue.SEALNO;
data.CTNALL = enumValue.CTNALL;
if (fieldno == 2)
if (fielddatastr != "")
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 3)
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 5)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
if (bodyList.Count == 0)
result.Data = bodyList2.ToList();
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 青岛振华场站 //需求编号:SR2017082500003 //EASFT0109QB003 //HASLNREE87000700
static public DBResult GetZHENGHUACTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
#region 抓取页面
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
// URL = "!findByBillNo",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
URL = "!findByBillNo",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "text/html",
Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "!findByBillNo",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "!findByBillNo",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Cookie = mycookie,
Host = "",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Postdata = "tidan=" + mblno + "&search1=%E6%9F%A5+%E8%AF%A2",
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/css/catelogue.css", "");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/css/public_head_footer.css", "");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/images/", "");
result.Data = datahtml;
#region 船舶信息
var datahtml3 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "操作员/电话", "</table>");
datahtml3 = datahtml3.Remove(datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
datahtml3 = datahtml3.Remove(0, datahtml3.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (datahtml3 != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml3.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml3 = datahtml3.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml3.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 0)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (fieldno <= 3)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 2)
data.VESSEL = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 3)
data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
#region 配箱数据
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "特殊用箱要求", "</table>");
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(0, datahtml.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (datahtml != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var ctnall = "";
var fieldno = 1;
var istrue = false;
if (i != 0)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 2)
if (fielddatastr == "总计:") istrue = false; else istrue = true;
if (fieldno == 3)
ctnall = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 5)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
if (fieldno == 6)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 7)
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.TAREWEIGHT = 0;
if (fieldno == 8)
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 9)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 10)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.CBM = 0;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (istrue)
i = i + 1;
if (bodyList.Count == 0)
bodyList = bodyList3;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 怡之航场站(改名怡航)
static public DBResult GetYZHCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, string password, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
string url = "";
string[] args = new string[2];
args[0] = mblno;
args[1] = password;
object resultXml = WebServiceHelper.InvokeWebService(url, "P_GETDATA", args);
StringReader rdr = new StringReader(resultXml.ToString());
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ZHONGCHUANG));
ZHONGCHUANG xmlDoc = (ZHONGCHUANG)serializer.Deserialize(rdr);
if (xmlDoc != null)
zhongchuangtable[] ds = xmlDoc.ds;
for (int i = 0; i < ds.Length; i++)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.CNTRNO = ds[i].CNTRNO;
data.SEALNO = ds[i].SEALNO;
data.CTNALL = ds[i].CTNSIZE + ds[i].CTNTYPE;
if (ds[i].PKGS != "")
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt16(ds[i].PKGS);
data.PKGS = 0;
if (ds[i].KGS != "")
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(ds[i].KGS);
data.KGS = 0;
if (ds[i].CBM != "")
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(ds[i].CBM);
data.CBM = 0;
if (ds[i].TAREWEIGHT != "")
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(ds[i].TAREWEIGHT);
data.TAREWEIGHT = 0;
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
return result;
#region 青岛怡航场站/鲁艺场站/港联捷(查询地址相同)//I240195363
static public DBResult GetYIHANGCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
#region 抓取页面
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
// URL = "http://www.worldex.com.cn/glj/querydata/billquerysearch.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
URL = "http://www.qdglj.cn:1027/querydata/billquerysearch.aspx?tdsourcetag=s_pcqq_aiomsg",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
// Host = "www.worldex.com.cn",
Host = "www.qdglj.cn:1027",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "text/html",
Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var viewstatehtml = resulthtml.Html;
viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "__VIEWSTATE", "/>");
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("\"", "");
viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "/", "/>").Trim();
viewstatehtml = "__VIEWSTATE=%2F" + viewstatehtml + "&ctl00%24Maincontent%24txtBillNo=" + mblno + "&ctl00%24Maincontent%24btnSearch=%E6%9F%A5%E8%AF%A2";
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("+", "%2B");
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("/", "%2F");
var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.qdglj.cn:1027/querydata/billquerysearch.aspx?tdsourcetag=s_pcqq_aiomsg",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "http://www.qdglj.cn:1027/querydata/billquerysearch.aspx?tdsourcetag=s_pcqq_aiomsg",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Cookie = mycookie,
Host = "www.qdglj.cn:1027",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Postdata = viewstatehtml,
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../style/", "http://www.qdglj.cn:1027/style/");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../Scripts/", "http://www.qdglj.cn:1027/Scripts/");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../scripts/", "http://www.qdglj.cn:1027/scripts/");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../css/style.css", "http://www.qdglj.cn:1027/css/style.css");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../News/", "http://www.qdglj.cn:1027/News/");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../querydata/", "http://www.qdglj.cn:1027/querydata/");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("#tbDcxx", "");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("#tbZHXX", "");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("#tbXhdt", "");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("#tbZDXH", "");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("display: none", "display:block");
result.Data = datahtml;
#region 船名航次//需求编号:SR2017052500003-3
var datahtml3 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "tbMainData", "</table>");
datahtml3 = datahtml3.Remove(0, datahtml3.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (datahtml3 != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0 && i <= 2)
var datalength = datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml3.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml3 = datahtml3.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml3.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1 && recdatastr.IndexOf("暂无相关数据")<0)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (fieldno <= 2)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace("\r\n", "");
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("/"));
int ikg = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < fielddatastr.Length; j++)
if (fielddatastr.Substring(j, 1) == " ")
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, ikg);
ikg = 0;
for (int j = fielddatastr.Length-1; j > -1; j--)
if (fielddatastr.Substring(j, 1) == " ")
ikg = j;
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(ikg);
data.VESSEL = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 2)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace(" ", "");
data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
#region 实际装货信息
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "实际装货信息", "</table>");
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(0, datahtml.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (datahtml != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var ctnall = "";
var fieldno = 1;
var istrue = false;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace("\r\n", "");
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace(" ", "");
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fielddatastr == "合计:" || fielddatastr == "<bstyle=\"color:Red\">暂无相关数据</b>") istrue = false; else istrue = true;
if (fieldno == 2)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
if (fieldno == 3)
ctnall = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 5)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 6)
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 7)
data.KINDPKGS = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 8)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 9)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (istrue)
i = i + 1;
if (bodyList.Count == 0)
bodyList = bodyList3;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 烟台国际码头//SNL7YTJLV15T67(铅封号)//SITYAYOR266371
static public DBResult GetYANTAIYARDList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList2 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList4 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
HttpHelperX2 ShippHttp = new HttpHelperX2();
var refurl = "http://www.ictsiyantai.com/search/index_common_ingate.asp";//进闸信息查询
var Postdata = "search=true&companyname=&companycode=&bill_no=" + mblno + "&btn3.x=54&btn3.y=13";
var alldatahtml = ShippHttp.PostAndGetHtml(refurl, Postdata, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", refurl, true, Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312"));
if (isweb == true)
result.Data = alldatahtml;
#region 进闸信息查询
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(alldatahtml, "dgdList6", "</table>");
if (datahtml != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
var ctnall = "";
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
data.MBLNO = mblno;
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 2)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 3)
data.SIZE = fielddatastr;
ctnall = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.CTN = fielddatastr;
if (fielddatastr == "普通箱")
data.CTNALL = ctnall + "GP";
else if (fielddatastr == "超高箱")
data.CTNALL = ctnall + "HC";
else if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("超高冻") > 0)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + "RH";
else if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("冻") > 0)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + "RF";
if (fieldno == 6)
data.ENTERDOOR = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 8)
data.VESSEL = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 9)
data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 14)
data.TRUCKNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 15)
data.TRUCKTYPE = fielddatastr;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (data.CNTRNO != "")
i = i + 1;
#region 出闸信息查询
ShippHttp = new HttpHelperX2();
refurl = "http://www.ictsiyantai.com/search/index_me_gate.asp";//出闸信息查询
Postdata = "search=true&companyname=&companycode=&bill_no=" + mblno + "&btn3.x=52&btn3.y=11";
alldatahtml = ShippHttp.PostAndGetHtml(refurl, Postdata, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", refurl, true, Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312"));
datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(alldatahtml, "dgdList6", "</table>");
if (datahtml != "")
#region 出闸信息查询
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
var ctnall = "";
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
data.MBLNO = mblno;
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 2)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 3)
data.SIZE = fielddatastr;
ctnall = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.CTN = fielddatastr;
if (fielddatastr == "普通箱")
data.CTNALL = ctnall + "GP";
else if (fielddatastr == "超高箱")
data.CTNALL = ctnall + "HC";
else if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("超高冻") > 0)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + "RH";
else if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("冻") > 0)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + "RF";
if (fieldno == 6)
data.EXITDOOR = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 8)
data.VESSEL = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 9)
data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 14)
data.TRUCKNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 15)
data.TRUCKTYPE = fielddatastr;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (data.CNTRNO != "")
i = i + 1;
bodyList = AddBodyList(bodyList, bodyList2);
#region 在港箱信息查询
ShippHttp = new HttpHelperX2();
refurl = "http://www.ictsiyantai.com/search/index_gi_container.asp";//在港箱信息查询
Postdata = "search=true&companyname=&companycode=&container_no=&bill_no=" + mblno + "&btn3.x=33&btn3.y=10";
alldatahtml = ShippHttp.PostAndGetHtml(refurl, Postdata, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", refurl, true, Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312"));
datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(alldatahtml, "dgdList6", "</table>");
if (datahtml != "")
#region 在港箱信息查询
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
var ctnall = "";
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
data.MBLNO = mblno;
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 2)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 3)
data.SIZE = fielddatastr;
ctnall = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.CTN = fielddatastr;
if (fielddatastr == "普通箱")
data.CTNALL = ctnall + "GP";
else if (fielddatastr == "超高箱")
data.CTNALL = ctnall + "HC";
else if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("超高冻") > 0)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + "RH";
else if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("冻") > 0)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + "RF";
if (fieldno == 12)
data.CTNSTATUS = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 19)
if (fielddatastr.Length > 4)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (data.CNTRNO != "")
i = i + 1;
bodyList = AddBodyList(bodyList, bodyList3);
#region 装船信息查询
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList)
ShippHttp = new HttpHelperX2();
refurl = "http://www.ictsiyantai.com/search/index_common_ship.asp";//装船信息查询
Postdata = "search=true&companyname=&companycode=&container_no=" + enumValue.CNTRNO + "&btn3.x=28&btn3.y=9";
alldatahtml = ShippHttp.PostAndGetHtml(refurl, Postdata, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", refurl, true, Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312"));
datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(alldatahtml, "dgdList6", "</table>");
if (datahtml != "")
#region 装船信息查询
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
var istruectn = false;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 3)
data.MBLNO = fielddatastr;
if (data.MBLNO == enumValue.MBLNO)
istruectn = true;
istruectn = false;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 8)
data.ONBORD = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 9)
data.ETD = fielddatastr;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (istruectn)
i = i + 1;
bodyList = AddBodyList(bodyList, bodyList4);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 胜狮场站
static public DBResult GetSSCZCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
if (isweb == true)
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.ssqd.cn/Scfs.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "http://www.ssqd.cn/Scfs.aspx",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.ssqd.cn:808",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var viewstatehtml = resulthtml.Html;
viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "__VIEWSTATE", "/>");
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("\"", "");
viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "/", "/>").Trim();
viewstatehtml = "__LASTFOCUS=&__EVENTTARGET=&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__VIEWSTATE=%2F" + viewstatehtml + "&__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR=4FCC0923&TextBox1=" + mblno + "&Button1=%E6%9F%A5%E8%AF%A2";
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("+", "%2B");
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("/", "%2F");
var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;
var item2 = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.ssqd.cn/Scfs.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "http://www.ssqd.cn/Scfs.aspx",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.ssqd.cn",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Postdata = viewstatehtml,
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml2 = http.GetHtml(item2);
var datahtml2 = resulthtml2.Html;
datahtml2 = datahtml2.Replace("images/", "http://www.ssqd.cn/images/");
result.Data = datahtml2;
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.ssqd.cn/agentui.aspx?bl=" + mblno,//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.ssqd.cn:808",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "text/html",
Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var ctnall = "";
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "<table>", "</table>");
if (datahtml != "")
var i = 1;
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</td></tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</td></tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 10);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 10, datahtml.Length - datalength - 10);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr><td>") + 8);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</td></tr>"), 10);
var fieldnamestr = recdatastr.Substring(1, recdatastr.IndexOf(">") - 1);
if (fieldnamestr == "箱号")
data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
data.CNTRNO = GetDataHtmlList(recdatastr, "<箱号>", "</箱号>");
if (fieldnamestr == "尺寸")
ctnall = GetDataHtmlList(recdatastr, "<尺寸>", "</尺寸>");
if (fieldnamestr == "箱型")
data.CTNALL = ctnall + GetDataHtmlList(recdatastr, "<箱型>", "</箱型>");
if (fieldnamestr == "皮重")
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(GetDataHtmlList(recdatastr, "<皮重>", "</皮重>"));
data.TAREWEIGHT = 0;
if (fieldnamestr == "总件数")
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt16(GetDataHtmlList(recdatastr, "<总件数>", "</总件数>"));
data.PKGS = 0;
if (fieldnamestr == "重量")
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(GetDataHtmlList(recdatastr, "<重量>", "</重量>"));
data.KGS = 0;
if (fieldnamestr == "总尺码")
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(GetDataHtmlList(recdatastr, "<总尺码>", "</总尺码>"));
data.CBM = 0;
if (fieldnamestr == "铅封号")
data.SEALNO = GetDataHtmlList(recdatastr, "<铅封号>", "</铅封号>");
{ }
if (fieldnamestr == "集港时间")
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 青岛锦恒场站
static public DBResult GetJINHENGCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList2 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
HttpHelperX2 ShippHttp = new HttpHelperX2();
var refurl = "http://www.sjhlco.com/InfoService/blinfo";
var murl = "http://www.sjhlco.com/InfoService";
var Postdata = "BL_NO=" + mblno + "&x=35&y=10";
var alldatahtml = ShippHttp.GetAndGetHtml(murl, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", refurl, true, Encoding.UTF8);
alldatahtml = ShippHttp.PostAndGetHtml(refurl, Postdata, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", refurl, true, Encoding.UTF8);
if (isweb == true)
alldatahtml = alldatahtml.Replace("/InfoService/resources/", "http://www.sjhlco.com/InfoService/resources/");
result.Data = alldatahtml;
var Vesseldatahtml = GetDataHtmlList(alldatahtml, "船名<", "</td>");
Vesseldatahtml = GetDataHtmlList(Vesseldatahtml, "]", "(").Trim();
var VoyNodatahtml = GetDataHtmlList(alldatahtml, "航次<", "</td>");
VoyNodatahtml = VoyNodatahtml.Remove(0, VoyNodatahtml.IndexOf("ty1 al_l\">") + 10);
alldatahtml = alldatahtml.Substring(alldatahtml.IndexOf("集装箱信息"));
var datahtml = alldatahtml.Substring(0, alldatahtml.IndexOf("</table>") + 8);
alldatahtml = alldatahtml.Remove(0, alldatahtml.IndexOf("</table>") + 8);
var datahtml2 = alldatahtml.Substring(0, alldatahtml.IndexOf("</table>") + 8);
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(0, datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") + 5);
if (datahtml != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var ctnall = "";
var fieldno = 1;
var istrue = false;
if (i != 0)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
data.VESSEL = Vesseldatahtml;
data.VOYNO= VoyNodatahtml;
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf("<td>") + 4);
if (fieldno == 2)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 3)
ctnall = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 7)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 12)
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
if (datahtml2 != "")
var i = 1;
var isfen = false;
if (datahtml2.IndexOf("分提单号") > 1)
isfen = true;
var datalength = datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>");
datahtml2 = datahtml2.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml2.Length - datalength - 5);
while (datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
datalength = datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml2.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml2 = datahtml2.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml2.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var ctnall = "";
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 0)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
data.VESSEL = Vesseldatahtml;
data.VOYNO = VoyNodatahtml;
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf("<td>") + 4);
if ((!isfen & fieldno == 2) || (isfen & fieldno == 3))
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList)
if (enumValue.CNTRNO == fielddatastr)
data.SEALNO = enumValue.SEALNO;
data.CTNALL = enumValue.CTNALL;
if ((!isfen & fieldno == 3) || (isfen & fieldno == 4))
ctnall = fielddatastr;
if ((!isfen & fieldno == 4) || (isfen & fieldno == 5))
data.CTNALL = ctnall + fielddatastr;
if ((!isfen & fieldno == 5) || (isfen & fieldno == 6))
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
if ((!isfen & fieldno == 6) || (isfen & fieldno == 7))
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt16(fielddatastr.Replace(",", ""));
if ((!isfen & fieldno == 7) || (isfen & fieldno == 8))
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
if ((!isfen & fieldno == 8) || (isfen & fieldno == 9))
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
if ((!isfen & fieldno == 10) || (isfen & fieldno == 11))
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
bodyList2 = SumBodyList(bodyList2);
if (bodyList2.Count == 0)
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Data = bodyList2.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 外运场站//QD2E441098
static public DBResult GetWAIYUNTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
#region 查询历史数据,当前查询不到
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.sd.sinotrans.com/CntrYardQuery/QueryByBlnoWLY.aspx?Blno=" + mblno,//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.sd.sinotrans.com",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "text/html",
Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("css/StyleSheet.css", "http://www.sd.sinotrans.com/sdweb/HomePage/CntrYardQuery/css/StyleSheet.css");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../../App_Themes/HomePage/HomePage.css", "http://www.sd.sinotrans.com/sdweb/App_Themes/HomePage/HomePage.css");
result.Data = datahtml;
var datahtml3 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "船舶信息", "</table>");
if (datahtml3 != "" && datahtml3.ToString().IndexOf("No Record...") < 0)
#region 船舶信息
var i = 1;
while (datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml3.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml3 = datahtml3.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml3.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 2)
data.VESSEL = fielddatastr;
else if (fieldno == 4)
data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "装箱单信息", "</table>");
if (datahtml != "" && datahtml.ToString().IndexOf("No Record...") < 0)
#region 装箱单信息
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
var ctnall = "";
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 2)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)//需求编号:SR2017052500003-4
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
else if (fieldno == 3)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
else if (fieldno == 4)
ctnall = fielddatastr;
else if (fieldno == 5)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + fielddatastr;
else if (fieldno == 7)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf(".") > 0)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("."), fielddatastr.Length - fielddatastr.IndexOf("."));
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
else if (fieldno == 8)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
else if (fieldno == 9)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.CBM = 0;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "箱动态信息", "</table>");
if (datahtml != "" && datahtml.ToString().IndexOf("No Record...") < 0)
#region 箱动态信息
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
var ctnall = "";
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno ==2)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)//需求编号:SR2017052500003-4
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
else if (fieldno == 3)
ctnall = fielddatastr;
else if (fieldno ==4)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + fielddatastr;
else if (fieldno == 5)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
else if (fieldno == 6)
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.TAREWEIGHT = 0;
data.PKGS = 0;
data.KGS = 0;
data.CBM = 0;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "重箱返场信息", "</table>");
if (datahtml != "" && datahtml.ToString().IndexOf("No Record...") < 0)
#region 重箱返场信息
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 2)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)//需求编号:SR2017052500003-4
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
if (fieldno == 3)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf(".") > 0)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("."), fielddatastr.Length - fielddatastr.IndexOf("."));
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 5)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.CBM = 0;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
if (bodyList.Count > 0)
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
if (result.Data == null)
#region 查询历史数据
HttpHelper http2 = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item2 = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://sd.sinotrans.com/sdweb/HomePage/CntrYardQuery/QueryByBlnoHistory.aspx?Blno=" + mblno,//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.sd.sinotrans.com",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "text/html",
Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml2 = http2.GetHtml(item2);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml2.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("css/StyleSheet.css", "http://www.sd.sinotrans.com/sdweb/HomePage/CntrYardQuery/css/StyleSheet.css");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../../App_Themes/HomePage/HomePage.css", "http://www.sd.sinotrans.com/sdweb/App_Themes/HomePage/HomePage.css");
result.Data = datahtml;
var datahtml3 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml2.Html, "船舶信息", "</table>");
if (datahtml3 != "" && datahtml3.ToString().IndexOf("No Record...") < 0)
#region 船舶信息
var i = 1;
while (datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml3.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml3 = datahtml3.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml3.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 2)
data.VESSEL = fielddatastr;
else if (fieldno == 4)
data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml2.Html, "装箱单信息", "</table>");
if (datahtml != "" && datahtml.ToString().IndexOf("No Record...") < 0)
#region 装箱单信息
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
var ctnall = "";
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)//需求编号:SR2017052500003-4
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
else if (fieldno == 2)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
else if (fieldno == 3)
ctnall = fielddatastr;
else if (fieldno == 4)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + fielddatastr;
else if (fieldno == 6)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf(".") > 0)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("."), fielddatastr.Length - fielddatastr.IndexOf("."));
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
else if (fieldno == 7)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
else if (fieldno == 8)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.CBM = 0;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml2.Html, "箱动态信息", "</table>");
if (datahtml != "" && datahtml.ToString().IndexOf("No Record...") < 0)
#region 箱动态信息
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
var ctnall = "";
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)//需求编号:SR2017052500003-4
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
else if (fieldno == 2)
ctnall = fielddatastr;
else if (fieldno == 3)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + fielddatastr;
else if (fieldno == 4)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
else if (fieldno == 5)
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.TAREWEIGHT = 0;
data.PKGS = 0;
data.KGS = 0;
data.CBM = 0;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml2.Html, "重箱返场信息", "</table>");
if (datahtml != "" && datahtml.ToString().IndexOf("No Record...") < 0)
#region 重箱返场信息
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 2)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)//需求编号:SR2017052500003-4
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
if (fieldno == 3)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf(".") > 0)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("."), fielddatastr.Length - fielddatastr.IndexOf("."));
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 5)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.CBM = 0;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 港陆场站
static public DBResult GetGLCZCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.medlog.com.cn/querydata/billquerysearch.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.medlog.com.cn",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "text/html",
Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var viewstatehtml = resulthtml.Html;
viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "__VIEWSTATE", "/>");
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("\"", "");
viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "/", "/>").Trim();
viewstatehtml = "__VIEWSTATE=%2F" + viewstatehtml + "&ctl00%24Maincontent%24txtBillNo=" + mblno + "&ctl00%24Maincontent%24btnSearch=%E6%9F%A5%E8%AF%A2";
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("+", "%2B");
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("/", "%2F");
var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.medlog.com.cn/querydata/billquerysearch.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "http://www.medlog.com.cn/querydata/billquerysearch.aspx",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Cookie = mycookie,
Host = "www.medlog.com.cn",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
//2016-05-10 重新从网站获取Postdata配置信息
Postdata = viewstatehtml,
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../css/style.css", "http://www.medlog.com.cn/css/style.css");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../Scripts/jquery-easyui-1.3.1/themes/default/easyui.cs", "http://www.medlog.com.cn/Scripts/jquery-easyui-1.3.1/themes/default/easyui.cs");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../Scripts/jquery-easyui-1.3.1/themes/icon.css", "http://www.medlog.com.cn/Scripts/jquery-easyui-1.3.1/themes/icon.css");
result.Data = datahtml;
var ctnall = "";
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "实际装货信息", "合计");
if (datahtml != "")
#region 实际装货信息
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
var istrue = false;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace("\r\n", "");
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace(" ", "");
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fielddatastr == "合计:" || fielddatastr == "暂无相关数据</b>") istrue = false; else istrue = true;
if (fieldno == 2)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr.Trim();
if (fieldno == 3)
ctnall = fielddatastr.Trim();
if (fieldno == 4)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + fielddatastr.Trim();
if (fieldno == 5)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr.Trim();
if (fieldno == 6)
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 7)
data.KINDPKGS = fielddatastr.Trim();
if (fieldno == 8)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 9)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (istrue)
i = i + 1;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 青岛新东方场站
static public DBResult GetXDFCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.qdxdf.net/SystemQuery.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.qdxdf.net",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "text/html",
Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var viewstatehtml = resulthtml.Html;
viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "__VIEWSTATE", "/>");
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("\"", "");
viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "/", "/>").Trim();
viewstatehtml = "__EVENTTARGET=&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__VIEWSTATE=%2F" + viewstatehtml + "&ctl00%24ContentPlaceHolder1%24BillNoTextBox=" + mblno + "&ctl00%24ContentPlaceHolder1%24QuickSearchButton=%E6%9F%A5+%E8%AF%A2";
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("+", "%2B");
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("/", "%2F");
var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.qdxdf.net/SystemQuery.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "http://www.qdxdf.net/SystemQuery.aspx",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Cookie = mycookie,
Host = "www.qdxdf.net",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
#region Postdata
//2016-05-10 重新从网站获取Postdata配置信息
Postdata = viewstatehtml,
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("img/style.css", "http://www.qdxdf.net/img/style.css");
result.Data = datahtml;
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridView4", "</table>");
var datahtml6 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "装箱信息", "</table>");
if (datahtml != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
var istrue = false;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fielddatastr == " ")
istrue = false;
istrue = true;
if (fieldno == 3 && istrue)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 4 && istrue)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 5 && istrue)
data.CTNALL = fielddatastr.Replace("'", "");
if (fieldno == 6 && istrue)
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 7 && istrue)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 8 && istrue)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (istrue)
i = i + 1;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 长荣场站 //需求编号:SR2017082500001,SR2017090400001 //140701083561
static public DBResult GetCHANGRONGCTNList(string mblno, string bsno, string userid, bool isweb = false)
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
if (userid != "")
MsOpSeaeQDPortDataDAL dal = new MsOpSeaeQDPortDataDAL(userid);
List<string> outList;
outList = dal.GetCRYard(mblno);
OpSeaeJGXX_CRModel jgxx = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<OpSeaeJGXX_CRModel>(outList[0].ToString());
var jgxxData = jgxx.resp.list;
OpSeaeXHDT_CRModel xhdt = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<OpSeaeXHDT_CRModel>(outList[1].ToString());
var xhdtData = xhdt.resp.list;
OpSeaeZHXX_CRModel sjzh = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<OpSeaeZHXX_CRModel>(outList[2].ToString());
var sjzhData = sjzh.resp.list;
if (isweb == true)
string html = "";
string table1hd = "<p class=\"yardlabel \">集港信息查询</p><br><table id=\"example\" class=\"yardtable \" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><thead><tr><th>序号</th><th>船名(En)</th><th>船名(CH)</th><th>航次</th><th>总单号</th><th>箱型/箱量</th><th>船公司</th><th>目的港</th><th>卸货港</th><th>装船码头</th><th>送货地址</th><th>集港开始时间</th><th>集港结束时间</th></tr></thead><tbody id=\"jgxx\">";
string table1bd = "<tr class='odd'><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + jgxxData[0].RN +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + jgxxData[0].YWCM +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + jgxxData[0].ZWCM +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + jgxxData[0].HC +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + jgxxData[0].XSTDH +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + jgxxData[0].YXYQ +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + jgxxData[0].CGSM +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + jgxxData[0].MDGM +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + jgxxData[0].XHGM +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + jgxxData[0].ZCMT +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + jgxxData[0].SHDZ +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + jgxxData[0].XYKBSJ +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + jgxxData[0].XYLBSJ +
string table1end = "<tr class='odd'><td valign='top' colspan='20' class='dataTables_empty'>备注:" + jgxxData[0].BZBZ + "</td></tr></tbody></table>";
string table2hd = "<p class=\"yardlabel \">箱货动态查询</p><table id=\"example\" class=\"yardtable\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><thead><tr><th>序号</th><th>箱号</th><th>尺寸</th><th>箱型</th><th>铅封号</th><th>内点/外点</th><th>提箱时间</th><th>返场时间</th><th>集港时间</th><th>箱皮重</th><th>车号</th></tr></thead><tbody id=\"xhdt\">";
string table2bd = "";
foreach (var item in xhdtData)
string str = "<tr class='odd'><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.RN
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.XH
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.CC
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.XX
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.QFH1
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.NWDBZ
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.TXSJ
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.FCSJ
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.JGSJ
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + ""
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.KCPH
+ "</td></tr>";
table2bd += str;
string table2end = "</tbody></table>";
string table3hd = "<p class=\"yardlabel \">实际装货信息查询</p><table id=\"example\" class=\"yardtable\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><thead><tr><th>序号</th><th>分提单号</th><th>箱号</th><th>尺寸</th><th>箱型</th><th>铅封</th><th>实装件数</th><th>实装重量</th><th>实装尺码</th></tr></thead><tbody id=\"sjzh\">";
string table3bd = "";
foreach (var item in sjzhData)
string str = "<tr class='odd'><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.RN
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.TDH
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.XH
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.CC
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.XX
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.QFH1
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.JS
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.HZ
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.TJ
+ "</td></tr>";
table3bd += str;
string table3end = "</tbody></table>";
result.Data = table1hd + table1bd + table1end + table2hd + table2bd + table2end + table3hd + table3bd + table3end;
#region 箱货动态查询
foreach (var enumValue in xhdtData)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNCODE = enumValue.RN.ToString();
data.VESSEL = jgxxData[0].YWCM;
data.VOYNO = jgxxData[0].HC;
data.CNTRNO = enumValue.XH;
data.SEALNO = enumValue.QFH1;
data.CTNALL = enumValue.CC + enumValue.XX;
data.CTNNUM = 1;
data.TAREWEIGHT = 0;
data.KGS = 0;
data.PKGS = 0;
data.CBM = 0;
#region 实际装货信息查询
foreach (var enumValue in sjzhData)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNCODE = enumValue.RN.ToString();
data.VESSEL = jgxxData[0].YWCM;
data.VOYNO = jgxxData[0].HC;
data.CNTRNO = enumValue.XH;
data.SEALNO = enumValue.QFH1;
data.CTNALL = enumValue.CC + enumValue.XX;
data.CTNNUM = 1;
//data.TAREWEIGHT = 0;
data.KGS = enumValue.HZ;
data.KGS = 0;
data.PKGS = enumValue.JS;
data.PKGS = 0;
data.CBM = enumValue.TJ;
data.CBM = 0;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "登陆状态丢失,请重新登陆!";
#region 提取页面中的16-5个数据集
//string jgxx = DSWeb.Areas.Mobile.DAL.HttpHelper.HttpPost("http://qect.qingdao-port.com/data.jspx", "pageNo=1&tdh=" + mblno + "&flag=jgxx&pageSize=50");
//var jgxxData = JsonConvert.Deserialize<MsOpSeaeYard_ChangRong_jgxx>(jgxx.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""));
//[{"XYKBSJ-集港开始时间":"2017-09-06 16:40:00","HC-航次":"264A","MDGM-目的港":"PHCEB","BZBZ-备注":"","XYLBSJ-集港结束时间":"2017-09-06 17:00:00","RN-序号":1,"XSTDH-总单号":"140701083561","YWCM-船名(En)":"UNI-PROSPER","CGSM-船公司":"EMC","ZCMT-装船码头":"二期","YXYQ-箱型/箱量":"20GP*4","XHGM-卸货港":"XXPN5","ZWCM-船名(CH)":"立昌","SHDZ-送货地址":"三期"}]
//string xhdt = DSWeb.Areas.Mobile.DAL.HttpHelper.HttpPost("http://qect.qingdao-port.com/data.jspx", "pageNo=1&tdh=" + mblno + "&flag=xhdt&pageSize=50");
// var xhdtData = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<MsOpSeaeYard_ChangRong_xhdt>>(xhdt);
//[{"XX-箱型":"GP","CC-尺寸":"20","XPZ-箱皮重":2300,"TXSJ-提箱时间":"2017-09-03 11:05:26","XH-箱号":"EMCU3841277","RN-序号":1,"KCPH-车号":"LBW8899","QFH1-铅封号":"EMCGZN8287","FCSJ-返场时间":"2017-09-05 15:21:14","JGSJ-集港时间":"","NWDBZ-内点/外点":"外点"}
//,{"XX":"GP","CC":"20","XPZ":2300,"TXSJ":"2017-09-03 13:05:07","XH":"MAGU2469711","RN":2,"KCPH":"LBW8899","QFH1":"EMCGZN7817","FCSJ":"2017-09-05 16:41:13","JGSJ":"","NWDBZ":"外点"},{"XX":"GP","CC":"20","XPZ":2300,"TXSJ":"2017-09-03 13:05:07","XH":"TEMU3687642","RN":3,"KCPH":"LBW8899","QFH1":"EMCGZN7807","FCSJ":"2017-09-05 15:24:38","JGSJ":"","NWDBZ":"外点"},{"XX":"GP","CC":"20","XPZ":2300,"TXSJ":"2017-09-03 11:05:26","XH":"WFHU1426176","RN":4,"KCPH":"LBW8899","QFH1":"EMCGZN8297","FCSJ":"2017-09-05 15:29:44","JGSJ":"","NWDBZ":"外点"}]
//string sjzh = DSWeb.Areas.Mobile.DAL.HttpHelper.HttpPost("http://qect.qingdao-port.com/data.jspx", "pageNo=1&tdh=" + mblno + "&flag=sjzh&pageSize=50");
//List<MsOpSeaeYard_ChangRong_sjzh> sjzhData = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<MsOpSeaeYard_ChangRong_sjzh>>(sjzh);
//sjzhData = sjzhData.FindAll(s=>s.TDH!= "合计").ToList();
#region 信息太少,暂时不获取
//string fpxx = DSWeb.Areas.Mobile.DAL.HttpHelper.HttpPost("http://qect.qingdao-port.com/data.jspx", "pageNo=1&tdh=140701083561&flag=fpxx&pageSize=10");
//string dcxx = DSWeb.Areas.Mobile.DAL.HttpHelper.HttpPost("http://qect.qingdao-port.com/data.jspx", "pageNo=1&tdh=140701083561&flag=dcxx&pageSize=10");
catch (Exception e)
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "请求超时,请稍后重试!";
throw e;
return result;
#region 港联荣场站//JWIA604002
static public DBResult GetGLRCTNList(string mblno, string bsno, string userid, bool isweb = false)
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
if (userid != "")
MsOpSeaeQDPortDataDAL dal = new MsOpSeaeQDPortDataDAL(userid);
OpSeaeGLRModel glrData = dal.GetGLRYardXhdt(mblno);
var xhzData = glrData.zxdcwyy.xhz;
var sjzhxxData = glrData.zxdcwyy.sjzhxx;
var xhdtData = glrData.zxdcwyy.xhdt;
var mtsData = glrData.zxdcwyy.mts;
if (isweb == true)
string html = "";
string table1hd = "<p class=\"yardlabel \">港联荣场站下货纸</p><br><table id=\"example\" class=\"yardtable \" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><thead><tr><th>船名</th><th>航次</th><th>提单号</th><th>件数</th><th>货重</th><th>体积</th><th>主提单</th><th>用箱要求</th><th>放箱</th><th>指定箱号</th><th>登记时间</th><th>冷冻标记</th><th>冷冻温度</th><th>通风量</th><th>湿度</th><th>卸货港</th><th>目的港</th></tr></thead><tbody id=\"xhz\">";
string table1bd = "<tr class='odd'>" +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].YWCM +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].CKHC +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + mblno +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].JS +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].HZ +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].TJ +
//"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].FXBZ + 海关审结
//"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].YZCS + 处理审结
// "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].TGYYMC + 退关
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].XSTDH +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].PXYQ +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].FX +
//"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].CGMX +单船责任人/电话
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].ZDXHBZ +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].DJRQ +
//"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].WPBZ +危险品标记
//"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].IMO +危险品等级
//"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].GJWGH +国际危标号
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].LDXBZ +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].LDWD +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].TFL +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].SDYQ +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].XHGYM +
"</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + xhzData[0].MDGYM +
string table1end = "</tbody></table>";
string table2hd = "<p class=\"yardlabel \">箱货动态</p><table id=\"example\" class=\"yardtable\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><thead><tr><th>提单号</th><th>箱号</th><th>箱型</th><th>尺寸</th><th>封号</th><th>内点/外点</th><th>提箱时间</th><th>提箱车号</th><th>返场时间</th><th>返场车号</th><th>箱皮</th></tr></thead><tbody id=\"xhdt\">";
string table2bd = "";
foreach (var item in xhdtData)
string str = "<tr class='odd'>"
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + mblno
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.XH
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.XX
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.CC
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.QFH1
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.NWDBZ
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.BXSJ
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.BXKC
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.FCSJ
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.FCKC
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.XPZ
+ "</td></tr>";
table2bd += str;
string table2end = "</tbody></table>";
string table3hd = "<p class=\"yardlabel \">实际装货信息</p><table id=\"example\" class=\"yardtable\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><thead><tr><th>箱属提单号</th><th>分单号</th><th>箱号</th><th>箱型/th><th>尺寸</th><th>铅封</th><th>实装件数</th><th>包装单位</th><th>实装重量</th><th>实装尺码</th></tr></thead><tbody id=\"sjzh\">";
string table3bd = "";
foreach (var item in sjzhxxData)
string str = "<tr class='odd'>"
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.XSTDH
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.TDH
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.XH
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.XX
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.CC
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.QFH1
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.JS
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.BZLXM
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.HZ
+ "</td><td valign='top' class='dataTables_empty'>" + item.TJ
+ "</td></tr>";
table3bd += str;
string table3end = "</tbody></table>";
result.Data = table1hd + table1bd + table1end + table2hd + table2bd + table2end + table3hd + table3bd + table3end;
#region 箱货动态查询
int i = 1;
foreach (var enumValue in xhdtData)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNCODE = Convert.ToString(i++);
data.VESSEL = xhzData[0].YWCM;
data.VOYNO = xhzData[0].CKHC;
data.CNTRNO = enumValue.XH;
data.SEALNO = enumValue.QFH1;
data.CTNALL = enumValue.CC + enumValue.XX;
data.CTNNUM = 1;
data.TAREWEIGHT = enumValue.XPZ;
data.TAREWEIGHT = 0;
data.KGS = 0;
data.PKGS = 0;
data.CBM = 0;
#region 实际装货信息查询
i = 1;
foreach (var enumValue in sjzhxxData)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNCODE = Convert.ToString(i++);
data.VESSEL = xhzData[0].YWCM;
data.VOYNO = xhzData[0].CKHC;
data.CNTRNO = enumValue.XH;
data.SEALNO = enumValue.QFH1;
data.CTNALL = enumValue.CC + enumValue.XX;
data.CTNNUM = 1;
//data.TAREWEIGHT = 0;
data.KGS = enumValue.HZ;
data.KGS = 0;
data.PKGS = enumValue.JS;
data.PKGS = 0;
data.CBM = enumValue.TJ;
data.CBM = 0;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "登陆状态丢失,请重新登陆!";
catch (Exception e)
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "请求超时,请稍后重试!";
throw e;
return result;
#region 青岛神州行场站//神州场站//COSU6144610680//需求编号:SR2017041200006
static public DBResult GetSZXCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
#region 提取页面
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.szx.net.cn/querydata/billquerysearch.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.szx.net.cn",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
#region Postdata
//Postdata = "__VIEWSTATE=%2FwEPDwULLTE3MzY3NTYxNTEPZBYCZg9kFgICAw9kFgICAQ9kFgICAQ8WAh4LXyFJdGVtQ291bnQCBhYMZg9kFgQCAQ8WAh4EVGV4dAU1PGEgIGhyZWY9Ii4uLy4uL0luZGV4LmFzcHgiIHRpdGxlPSLpppbpobUiPummlumhtTwvYT5kAgMPFgIfAGZkAgEPZBYEAgEPFgIfAQViPGEgIGhyZWY9Ii4uLy4uL25ld3MvbWFpbml0ZW0uYXNweD9zaWQ9MjAxMzExMTgwODA2MDU5NjgyNTMiIHRpdGxlPSLlhazlj7jmpoLlhrUiPuWFrOWPuOamguWGtTwvYT5kAgMPFgIfAAIFFgpmD2QWAgIBDxYCHwEFXzxhICBocmVmPSIuLi9OZXdzL21haW5pdGVtLmFzcHg%2Fc2lkPTIwMTMxMTE4MDgwNjA1OTY4MjUzIiB0aXRsZT0i5YWs5Y%2B4566A5LuLIj7lhazlj7jnroDku4s8L2E%2BZAIBD2QWAgIBDxYCHwEFXzxhICBocmVmPSIuLi9OZXdzL21haW5pdGVtLmFzcHg%2Fc2lkPTIwMTMxMTE4MDgyMTM5ODEyOTk4IiB0aXRsZT0i5LyB5Lia5paH5YyWIj7kvIHkuJrmlofljJY8L2E%2BZAICD2QWAgIBDxYCHwEFXjxhICBocmVmPSIuLi9OZXdzL21haW5pdGVtLmFzcHg%2Fc2lkPTIwMTMxMTE4MDgyNzQ2MzQzNzEiIHRpdGxlPSLnu4Tnu4fmnLrmnoQiPue7hOe7h%2BacuuaehDwvYT5kAgMPZBYCAgEPFgIfAQVfPGEgIGhyZWY9Ii4uL05ld3MvbWFpbml0ZW0uYXNweD9zaWQ9MjAxMzExMTgwODMwNTU0Njg3NTkiIHRpdGxlPSLlhazlj7jljobnqIsiPuWFrOWPuOWOhueoizwvYT5kAgQPZBYCAgEPFgIfAQVfPGEgIGhyZWY9Ii4uL05ld3MvSXRlbUxpc3QuYXNweD9zaWQ9MjAxMzExMTgwODMyMjgwNDY4NDkiIHRpdGxlPSLkuqTpgJrmjIfljZciPuS6pOmAmuaMh%2BWNlzwvYT5kAgIPZBYEAgEPFgIfAQViPGEgIGhyZWY9Ii4uLy4uL25ld3MvbWFpbml0ZW0uYXNweD9zaWQ9MjAxMzExMTgwODMzNTIwNDY1NzYiIHRpdGxlPSLlhazlj7jkuJrliqEiPuWFrOWPuOS4muWKoTwvYT5kAgMPFgIfAGZkAgMPZBYEAgEPFgIfAQVgPGEgIGhyZWY9Ii4uLy4uL25ld3MvSXRlbUxpc3QuYXNweD9zaWQ9MjAxMzExMTgwODM5MjA4OTA2IiB0aXRsZT0i6YeH6LSt5oub5qCHIj7ph4fotK3mi5vmoIc8L2E%2BZAIDDxYCHwBmZAIED2QWBAIBDxYCHwEFSzxhICBocmVmPSIuLi8uLi9xdWVyeWRhdGEvSW5kZXguYXNweCIgdGl0bGU9IuWcqOe6v%2BafpeivoiI%2B5Zyo57q%2F5p%2Bl6K%2BiPC9hPmQCAw8WAh8AAgcWDmYPZBYCAgEPFgIfAQVYPGEgIGhyZWY9Ii4uL3F1ZXJ5ZGF0YS9iaWxscXVlcnlzZWFyY2guYXNweCIgdGl0bGU9IuaPkOWNleWPt%2BafpeivoiI%2B5o%2BQ5Y2V5Y%2B35p%2Bl6K%2BiPC9hPmQCAQ9kFgICAQ8WAh8BBUs8YSAgaHJlZj0iLi4vcXVlcnlkYXRhL251bXF1ZXJ5LmFzcHgiIHRpdGxlPSLnkIbotKfmn6Xor6IiPueQhui0p%2BafpeivojwvYT5kAgIPZBYCAgEPFgIfAQVMPGEgIGhyZWY9Ii4uL2h0dHA6Ly8yMjIuMTczLjk1LjE3MDo4MTgwL1ZHTSIgdGl0bGU9IlZHTeaVsOaNriI%2BVkdN5pWw5o2uPC9hPmQCAw9kFgICAQ8WAh8BBV08YSAgaHJlZj0iLi4vcXVlcnlkYXRhL1NlYWNoQ2FyLmFzcHgiIHRpdGxlPSLpnZ7ljY%2Forq7ovabovobmn6Xor6IiPumdnuWNj%2Biurui9pui%2BhuafpeivojwvYT5kAgQPZBYCAgEPFgIfAQVqPGEgIGhyZWY9Ii4uL3F1ZXJ5ZGF0YS9Cb3hOT1NlY2guYXNweCIgdGl0bGU9IuiIueWFrOWPuOWujOiIueaVsOaNruafpeivoiI%2B6Ii55YWs5Y%2B45a6M6Ii55pWw5o2u5p%2Bl6K%2BiPC9hPmQCBQ9kFgICAQ8WAh8BBWE8YSAgaHJlZj0iLi4vcXVlcnlkYXRhL1NlYUludmVudG9yeVNlYXJjaC5hc3B4IiB0aXRsZT0i5Lit5rW36KOF566x5riF5Y2VIj7kuK3mtbfoo4XnrrHmuIXljZU8L2E%2BZAIGD2QWAgIBDxYCHwEFTTxhICBocmVmPSIuLi9xdWVyeWRhdGEvU2hpcFNlYXJjaC5hc3B4IiB0aXRsZT0i5pW06Ii55p%2Bl6K%2BiIj7mlbToiLnmn6Xor6I8L2E%2BZAIFD2QWBAIBDxYCHwEFYjxhICBocmVmPSIuLi8uLi9uZXdzL21haW5pdGVtLmFzcHg%2Fc2lkPTIwMTMxMTE4MDg1MDAyNDM3Mzk5IiB0aXRsZT0i6IGU57O75oiR5LusIj7ogZTns7vmiJHku6w8L2E%2BZAIDDxYCHwACARYCZg9kFgICAQ8WAh8BBV88YSAgaHJlZj0iLi4vTmV3cy9tYWluaXRlbS5hc3B4P3NpZD0yMDEzMTExODA4NTAwMjQzNzM5OSIgdGl0bGU9IuiBlOezu%2BaWueW8jyI%2B6IGU57O75pa55byPPC9hPmRkLxB67o1TuQQcQXH5d3De4ByiivYg%2Fk0SLZHllQRzSEY%3D&ctl00%24Maincontent%24txtBillNo=COSU6144610680&ctl00%24Maincontent%24btnSearch=%E6%9F%A5%E8%AF%A2",
Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var viewstatehtml = resulthtml.Html;
viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "__VIEWSTATE", "/>");
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("\"", "");
viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "/", "/>").Trim();
viewstatehtml = "__VIEWSTATE=%2F" + viewstatehtml + "&ctl00%24Maincontent%24txtBillNo=" + mblno + "&ctl00%24Maincontent%24btnSearch=%E6%9F%A5%E8%AF%A2";
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("+", "%2B");
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("/", "%2F");
var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;// "wglwgtsjsbz3l2jp34vtxyyg";
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.szx.net.cn/querydata/billquerysearch.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "http://www.szx.net.cn/querydata/billquerysearch.aspx",//“http:///www.szx.net.cn/Default.aspx”
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.szx.net.cn",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Cookie = mycookie,
//2016-12-13 重新从网站获取Postdata配置信息
Postdata = viewstatehtml,
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
var viewdatahtml = GetDataHtmlList(datahtml, "value=", "/>");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("App_Themes/GridView/StyleSheet.css", "http://www.szx.net.cn/App_Themes/GridView/StyleSheet.css");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("images/main.css", "http://www.szx.net.cn/images/main.css");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("images/GridView.css", "http://www.szx.net.cn/images/GridView.css");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("display: none;", "");//需求编号:SR2017061200010
result.Data = datahtml;
return result;
var datahtml3 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "tbMainData", "</table>");
if (datahtml3 != "")
#region 船名航次信息
var i = 1;
while (datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml3.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml3 = datahtml3.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml3.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1 && recdatastr.IndexOf("暂无相关数据") < 0)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf("<td>") + 4);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Trim().Replace("\r\n", "");
if (fieldno == 1)
data.VESSEL = fielddatastr.Substring(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf("/")).Trim();
if (fieldno == 2)
data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "实际装货信息", "</table>");
if (datahtml != "")
#region 实际装货信息
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
var istrue = false;
var ctnall = "";
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("合计") > -1 || fielddatastr.IndexOf("暂无相关数据") > -1)
istrue = false;
istrue = true;
if (fieldno == 2 && istrue)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr.Trim().Replace("\r\n", "");
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
if (fieldno == 3 && istrue)
ctnall = fielddatastr.Trim().Replace("\r\n", "");
if (fieldno == 4 && istrue)
data.CTNALL = ctnall + fielddatastr.Trim().Replace("\r\n", "");
if (fieldno == 5 && istrue)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr.Trim().Replace("\r\n", "");
if (fieldno == 6 && istrue)
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 8 && istrue)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 9 && istrue)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (istrue)
i = i + 1;
if (bodyList.Count==0)
bodyList = bodyList3;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 港湾场站//QJEAHDM108717728//需求编号:SR2017041200002
static public DBResult GetGANGWANCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.qdglhwl.com/querydata/BillquerySearchOld.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.qdglhwl.com",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko",
ContentType = "text/html; charset=utf-8",
Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
Regex reg = new Regex("(?<=<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"__VIEWSTATE\" id=\"__VIEWSTATE\" value=\").*(?=\" />)");
var viewstatehtml = "__VIEWSTATE=" + reg.Match(resulthtml.Html).Value;
reg = new Regex("(?<=<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"__EVENTVALIDATION\" id=\"__EVENTVALIDATION\" value=\").*(?=\" />)");
viewstatehtml += "&__EVENTVALIDATION=" + reg.Match(resulthtml.Html).Value;
viewstatehtml += "&ctl00$Maincontent$txtBillNo=" + mblno;
viewstatehtml += "&ctl00$Maincontent$btnSearch=查询";
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("+", "%2B").Replace("/", "%2F");
var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;
#region 抓取页面
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.qdglhwl.com/querydata/BillquerySearchOld.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding =null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.qdglhwl.com",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Postdata = viewstatehtml,
Method = "Post",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
Cookie = mycookie
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("css/StyleSheet.css", "http://www.sd.sinotrans.com/sdweb/HomePage/CntrYardQuery/css/StyleSheet.css");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../../App_Themes/HomePage/HomePage.css", "http://www.sd.sinotrans.com/sdweb/App_Themes/HomePage/HomePage.css");
result.Data = datahtml;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
reg = new Regex(@"<table\s*id=\""tbMainData\""(.|\n)*?</table>");//匹配表格 #tbZHXX
var headhtml = reg.Match(resulthtml.Html).Value;
reg = new Regex(@"<tr\s*class=\""GridCommonItem\""(.|\n)*?</tr>");//匹配数据行 .GridCommonItem
headhtml = reg.Match(headhtml).Value;
headhtml = new Regex(@"(?<=tr)\s*(\w*=\""[\w:#%-;\s_]*\""\s*)*").Replace(headhtml, "");
headhtml = new Regex(@" +|[\r\n\s]*").Replace(headhtml, "");//去掉 nbsp;、换行、空白和回车符
var trhList = headhtml.Split(new string[] { "<tr>", "</tr>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();//按tr分组
var tdhList = trhList.Count > 0 ? trhList[0].Split(new string[] { "<td>", "</td>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList() : new List<string>();//按td分组
reg = new Regex(@"<table\s*id=\""tbZHXX\""(.|\n)*?</table>");//匹配表格 #tbZHXX
var datahtml = reg.Match(resulthtml.Html).Value;
reg = new Regex(@"(<tr\s*class=\""GridCommonItem\""(.|\n)*?</tr>[\s\r\n]*)+");//匹配数据行 .GridCommonItem
datahtml = reg.Match(datahtml).Value;
datahtml = new Regex(@"(?<=tr)\s*(\w*=\""[\w:#%-;\s_]*\""\s*)*").Replace(datahtml, "");
datahtml = new Regex(@" +|[\r\n\s]*").Replace(datahtml, "");//去掉 nbsp;、换行、空白和回车符
var trList = datahtml.Split(new string[] { "<tr>", "</tr>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();//按tr分组
foreach (var obj in trList)
var tdList = obj.Split(new string[] { "<td>", "</td>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();//按td分组
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
data.CNTRNO = tdList[1];//箱号
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(tdList[7]);//尺寸
// data.KINDPKGS = tdList[6];
data.CTNALL = tdList[2] + tdList[3];//尺寸+箱型(箱型)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(tdList[6]); //毛重
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(tdList[5]); //件数
data.VESSEL = tdhList.Count > 0 ? tdhList[0] : "";
data.VESSEL = data.VESSEL.Split('/')[0];
data.VOYNO = tdhList.Count > 0 ? tdhList[1] : "";
data.SEALNO = tdList[4];
//data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(tdList[7]); //箱皮重
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
var bodyListPi = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
if (true)
reg = new Regex(@"<table\s*id=\""tbXhdt\""(.|\n)*?</table>");//匹配表格 #tbZHXX
var datahtml2 = reg.Match(resulthtml.Html).Value;
reg = new Regex(@"(<tr\s*class=\""GridCommonItem\""(.|\n)*?</tr>[\s\r\n]*)+");//匹配数据行 .GridCommonItem
datahtml2 = reg.Match(datahtml2).Value;
datahtml2 = new Regex(@"(?<=tr)\s*(\w*=\""[\w:#%-;\s_]*\""\s*)*").Replace(datahtml2, "");
datahtml2 = new Regex(@" +|[\r\n\s]*").Replace(datahtml2, "");//去掉 nbsp;、换行、空白和回车符
var trList2 = datahtml2.Split(new string[] { "<tr>", "</tr>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();//按tr分组
foreach (var obj in trList2)
var tdList2 = obj.Split(new string[] { "</td><td>" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList();//按td分组
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
data.CNTRNO = tdList2[0].Replace("<td>", "");//箱号
//data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(tdList2[7]);//尺寸
// data.KINDPKGS = tdList[6];
data.CTNALL = tdList2[2] + tdList2[1];//尺寸+箱型(箱型)
//data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(tdList2[6]); //毛重
//data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(tdList2[5]); //件数
data.VESSEL = tdhList.Count > 0 ? tdhList[0] : "";
data.VESSEL = data.VESSEL.Split('/')[0];
data.VOYNO = tdhList.Count > 0 ? tdhList[1] : "";
data.SEALNO = tdList2[3];
data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(tdList2[8]); //箱皮重
foreach (var m in bodyList)
foreach (var p in bodyListPi)
if (m.CNTRNO == p.CNTRNO)
if (m.SEALNO == "" || m.SEALNO == null)
if (bodyList.Count == 0)
bodyList = bodyListPi;
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 新霸达场站//FQMSP90141//船名航次为中文,提取时需要从船名航次表中提取英文数据,没有则显示中文船名
static public DBResult GetXINBADACTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
//var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
//var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
// var datahtml = MsGetQingdaoPortDAL.GetHtmlData2("http://www.qingdaoportec.net/spcll/spclltdList.action", "btnQueryBill=&tdh=" + mblno);
// if (isweb == true)
// {
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/spcll/style.css", "http://www.qingdaoportec.net/spcll/style.css");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/spcll/layout.css", "http://www.qingdaoportec.net/spcll/layout.css");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/spcll/maxheight.js", "http://www.qingdaoportec.net/spcll/maxheight.js");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/gxcz/common/css/Style.css", "http://www.qingdaoportec.net/gxcz/common/css/Style.css");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/gxcz/common/css/Styletit.css", "http://www.qingdaoportec.net/gxcz/common/css/Styletit.css");
// result.Data = datahtml;
// }
// else
// {
// var datahtml3 = GetDataHtmlList(datahtml, "订舱信息", "</table>");
// if (datahtml3 != "")
// {
// #region 订舱信息
// var i = 1;
// while (datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
// {
// var datalength = datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>");
// var recdatastr = datahtml3.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
// datahtml3 = datahtml3.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml3.Length - datalength - 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
// var fieldno = 1;
// if (i != 1)
// {
// MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
// data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
// data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
// while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
// {
// var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
// var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
// if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>") > -1)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
// }
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// if (fieldno == 1)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("</a>") > -1)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</a>"), 4);
// }
// data.VESSEL = fielddatastr;
// T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new EntityDA.T_ALL_DA();
// string sVESSEL = T_ALL_DA.GetStrSQL("VESSEL", "select top 1 isnull(VESSEL,'') as VESSEL from code_vessel where CNAME='" + data.VESSEL.ToString().Trim() + "'");
// data.VESSEL = (sVESSEL == "" ? data.VESSEL.ToString().Trim() : sVESSEL);
// }
// else if (fieldno == 2)
// {
// data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
// }
// data.KGS = 0; //毛重
// data.PKGS = 0; //件数
// fieldno = fieldno + 1;
// }
// bodyList3.Add(data);
// }
// i = i + 1;
// }
// #endregion
// }
// var datahtml2 = GetDataHtmlList(datahtml, "集货动态", "</table>");
// if (datahtml2 != "")
// {
// #region 集货动态
// var i = 1;
// var ctnall = "";
// while (datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
// {
// var datalength = datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>");
// var recdatastr = datahtml2.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
// datahtml2 = datahtml2.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml2.Length - datalength - 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
// var fieldno = 1;
// if (i != 1)
// {
// MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
// data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
// data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
// while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
// {
// var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
// var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
// if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>") > -1)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
// }
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// if (fieldno == 1)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("</a>") > -1)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</a>"), 4);
// }
// data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
// foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
// {
// data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
// data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
// }
// }
// else if (fieldno == 2)
// {
// ctnall = fielddatastr;//尺码
// }
// else if (fieldno == 3)
// {
// data.CTNALL = ctnall + fielddatastr;//表现形式
// }
// else if (fieldno == 5)
// {
// data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;//铅封号
// }
// else if (fieldno == 4)
// {
// try
// {
// data.TAREWEIGHT = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr); //箱皮重
// }
// catch
// {
// data.TAREWEIGHT = 0; //箱皮重
// }
// }
// data.KGS = 0; //毛重
// data.PKGS = 0; //件数
// fieldno = fieldno + 1;
// }
// bodyList.Add(data);
// }
// i = i + 1;
// }
// #endregion
// }
// datahtml2 = GetDataHtmlList(datahtml, "实际装货信息", "</table>");
// if (datahtml2 != "")
// {
// #region 实际装货信息
// var i = 1;
// while (datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
// {
// var datalength = datahtml2.IndexOf("</tr>");
// var recdatastr = datahtml2.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
// datahtml2 = datahtml2.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml2.Length - datalength - 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
// var fieldno = 1;
// if (i != 1)
// {
// MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
// data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
// data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
// while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
// {
// var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
// var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
// if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>") > -1)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
// }
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// if (fieldno == 1)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("</a>") > -1)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</a>"), 4);
// }
// data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
// foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
// {
// data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
// data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
// }
// }
// else if (fieldno == 3)
// {
// try
// {
// data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr); //件数
// }
// catch
// {
// data.PKGS = 0; //件数
// }
// }
// else if (fieldno == 4)
// {
// try
// {
// data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr); //毛重=整箱重-箱皮重
// }
// catch
// {
// data.KGS = 0; //毛重
// }
// }
// else if (fieldno == 5)
// {
// try
// {
// data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
// }
// catch
// {
// data.CBM = 0; //毛重
// }
// }
// fieldno = fieldno + 1;
// }
// bodyList.Add(data);
// }
// i = i + 1;
// }
// #endregion
// }
// if (bodyList.Count == 0)
// {
// bodyList = bodyList3;
// }
// bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
// result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
// }
// result.Success = false;
// result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 青岛前湾QQCT场站//无船名航次信息//2017-01-24因网址变更,页面格式变更等原因,需要重新解析提取此网站信息
static public DBResult GetQQCTCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.qqct.com.cn/cn/yewuxinxi_02_02.aspx?Panel=13¶mstr=strMTJCKHW%3d" + mblno,//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = Encoding.UTF8,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.qqct.com.cn",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "text/html",
Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("css_js/cnnetstars.css", "http://www.qqct.com.cn/css_js/cnnetstars.css");
result.Data = datahtml;
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "tableGrid", "</table>");
if (datahtml != "")
#region 只有一个Table信息
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
var ctnall = "";
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
else if (fieldno == 3)
data.SEALNO = "";
else if (fieldno == 5)
data.CTNALL = fielddatastr;
else if (fieldno == 11)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
data.PKGS = 0;
data.CBM = 0;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 青岛润海场站(只有一个Table且只有件重尺)//NGTAO02000614JP
static public DBResult GetRUNHAICTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.qingdaoportec.net/rhtdList.action?billNo=" + mblno,//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.qingdaoportec.net",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "text/html",
Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/rh/common/css/css.css", "http://www.qingdaoportec.net/rh/common/css/css.css");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/rh/common/js/sw.js", "http://www.qingdaoportec.net/rh/common/js/sw.js");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/js/jquery.js", "http://www.qingdaoportec.net/common/js/jquery.js");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/jsp/authImg.jsp", "http://www.qingdaoportec.net/jsp/authImg.jsp");
result.Data = datahtml;
//var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "tableGrid", "</table>");
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
if (datahtml != "")
#region 只有一个Table信息
var htmllength = datahtml.Length;
var startstr = "船名";
var startindex = datahtml.IndexOf(startstr) - 200;
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(startindex + startstr.Length, htmllength - startindex - startstr.Length);
var startindex2 = datahtml.IndexOf("</table>");
if (startindex2 != -1 && startindex2 != 0)
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(0, startindex2);
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr>") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace(" ", "");
data.CNTRNO = "";
data.SEALNO = "";
data.CTNALL = "";
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
data.VESSEL = fielddatastr;
T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new EntityDA.T_ALL_DA();
string sVESSEL = T_ALL_DA.GetStrSQL("VESSEL", "select top 1 isnull(VESSEL,'') as VESSEL from code_vessel where CNAME='" + data.VESSEL.ToString().Trim() + "'");
data.VESSEL = (sVESSEL == "" ? data.VESSEL.ToString().Trim() : sVESSEL);
if (fieldno == 2)
data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 4)
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 5)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 6)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.CBM = 0;
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
i = i + 1;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 中外运集装箱运输有限公司//SNL7XGJL166056天津箱运//SNL7DLJL226035大连//http://ebusiness.sinolines.com/snlebusiness/TrackingByBlno.aspx
static public DBResult GetZhongWaiYunCTNList(string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false)
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
//var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
//var bodyList3 = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
// //<input name="ValidateImageButton" id="ValidateImageButton" type="image" src="ValidateImage.aspx">
// //验证码图片http://ebusiness.sinolines.com/snlebusiness/ValidateImage.aspx
// #region 提取页面
// var outcodestr = MsGetZhongWaiYunDAL.GetHtmlData("http://ebusiness.sinolines.com/snlebusiness/TrackingByBlno.aspx", mblno);
// HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
// HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
// {
// URL = "http://ebusiness.sinolines.com/snlebusiness/TrackingByBlno.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
// Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
// Host = "ebusiness.sinolines.com",
// UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko",
// Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
// ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
// Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
// };
// HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
// //
// var viewstatehtml = resulthtml.Html;
// viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "__VIEWSTATE", "/>");
// viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("\"", "");
// viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "/", "/>").Trim();
// viewstatehtml = "__EVENTTARGET=&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__VIEWSTATE="//%2F
// + viewstatehtml + "&dl_seltype=blno&TbBlno=" + mblno + "&ValidateCodeTXT=" + outcodestr + "&BlnoListRetrieveBT=%E6%9F%A5%E8%AF%A2";
// viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("+", "%2B");
// viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("/", "%2F");
// var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;// "pbzqi4fkorcw5fdgw05rispd";
// item = new HttpItem()
// {
// URL = "http://ebusiness.sinolines.com/snlebusiness/TrackingByBlno.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
// Referer = "http://ebusiness.sinolines.com/snlebusiness/TrackingByBlno.aspx",//“http:///www.szx.net.cn/Default.aspx”
// Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
// Host = "ebusiness.sinolines.com",
// UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko",
// Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
// ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
// Cookie = mycookie,
// Postdata = viewstatehtml,
// Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
// };
// #endregion
// resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
// if (isweb == true)
// {
// var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("App_Themes/GridView/StyleSheet.css", "http://ebusiness.sinolines.com/snlebusiness/jQuery-Autocomplete-Port/content/styles.css");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("images/main.css", "http://ebusiness.sinolines.com/snlebusiness/SnlStyles/menu.css");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("images/GridView.css", "http://ebusiness.sinolines.com/snlebusiness/SnlStyles/commonctrls.css");
// result.Data = datahtml;
// }
// else
// {
// var datahtml3 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "tbMainData", "</table>");
// if (datahtml3 != "")
// {
// #region 船名航次信息
// var i = 1;
// while (datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
// {
// var datalength = datahtml3.IndexOf("</tr>");
// var recdatastr = datahtml3.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
// datahtml3 = datahtml3.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml3.Length - datalength - 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 4);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
// var fieldno = 1;
// if (i != 1 && recdatastr.IndexOf("暂无相关数据") < 0)
// {
// MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
// data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
// data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
// while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
// {
// var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
// var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf("<td>") + 4);
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Trim().Replace("\r\n", "");
// if (fieldno == 1)
// {
// data.VESSEL = fielddatastr.Substring(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf("/")).Trim();
// }
// if (fieldno == 2)
// {
// data.VOYNO = fielddatastr;
// }
// fieldno = fieldno + 1;
// }
// bodyList3.Add(data);
// }
// i = i + 1;
// }
// #endregion
// }
// //
// var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "实际装货信息", "</table>");
// if (datahtml != "")
// {
// #region 实际装货信息
// var i = 1;
// while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
// {
// var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
// var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
// datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 4);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
// var fieldno = 1;
// var istrue = false;
// var ctnall = "";
// if (i != 1)
// {
// MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
// data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
// data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
// while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
// {
// var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
// var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// if (fieldno == 1)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("合计") > -1 || fielddatastr.IndexOf("暂无相关数据") > -1)
// {
// istrue = false;
// }
// else
// {
// istrue = true;
// };
// }
// if (fieldno == 2 && istrue)
// {
// data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr.Trim().Replace("\r\n", "");
// foreach (var enumValue in bodyList3)
// {
// data.VESSEL = enumValue.VESSEL;
// data.VOYNO = enumValue.VOYNO;
// }
// }
// if (fieldno == 3 && istrue)
// {
// ctnall = fielddatastr.Trim().Replace("\r\n", "");
// }
// if (fieldno == 4 && istrue)
// {
// data.CTNALL = ctnall + fielddatastr.Trim().Replace("\r\n", "");
// }
// if (fieldno == 5 && istrue)
// {
// data.SEALNO = fielddatastr.Trim().Replace("\r\n", "");
// }
// if (fieldno == 6 && istrue)
// {
// try
// {
// data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
// }
// catch
// {
// data.PKGS = 0;
// }
// }
// if (fieldno == 8 && istrue)
// {
// try
// {
// data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
// }
// catch
// {
// data.KGS = 0;
// }
// }
// if (fieldno == 9 && istrue)
// {
// try
// {
// data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
// }
// catch
// {
// }
// }
// fieldno = fieldno + 1;
// }
// if (istrue)
// bodyList.Add(data);
// }
// i = i + 1;
// }
// #endregion
// }
// if (bodyList.Count == 0)
// {
// bodyList = bodyList3;
// }
// bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
// result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
// }
// result.Success = false;
// result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 青岛克/客运场站(未完成,抓取页面总是抓取到跳转的错误页面)//A240013048
static public DBResult GetKEYUNCTNList ( string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Encoding = Encoding.UTF8,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)",
ContentType = "text/html; charset=utf-8",
Cookie = "ASP.NET_SessionId=tj4yjy452sa2w555kxyjw2m3",//oanzqr2c1klvi0iuuykktmbo
//Postdata = "__EVENTTARGET=LBUserPublicLogin&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__VIEWSTATE=%2FwEPDwUJMzM2ODg0ODc1D2QWAgIDD2QWBAIBD2QWAmYPZBYGAgEPDxYCHgRUZXh0BQvnlKjmiLflkI0gOmRkAgUPDxYCHwAFB%2BWvhueggTpkZAIJDw8WAh8ABQbnmbvlvZVkZAIDDw8WAh8ABRjlhazlhbHmn6Xor6LotKbmiLfpk77mjqVkZGQ%3D&Login1%24UserName=&Login1%24Password=&__EVENTVALIDATION=%2FwEWBgLPqq6lDQKUvNa1DwL666vYDAKnz4ybCALFsbreBgKP3dSIBA%3D%3D",
Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var viewstatehtml = resulthtml.Html;
viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "__VIEWSTATE", "/>");
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("\"", "");
viewstatehtml = GetDataHtmlList(viewstatehtml, "/", "/>").Trim();
var _eventvalidation = resulthtml.Html;
_eventvalidation = GetDataHtmlList(_eventvalidation, "__EVENTVALIDATION", "/>");
_eventvalidation = _eventvalidation.Replace("\"", "");
_eventvalidation = GetDataHtmlList(_eventvalidation, "/", "/>").Trim();
viewstatehtml = "ctl00_TreeView1_ExpandState=enn&ctl00_TreeView1_SelectedNode=&__EVENTTARGET=&__EVENTARGUMENT=&ctl00_TreeView1_PopulateLog=&__VIEWSTATE=%2F" + viewstatehtml + "&ctl00%24ContentPlaceHolder1%24txtTDH=" + mblno + "&ctl00%24ContentPlaceHolder1%24BtnTDH=%E6%9F%A5%E8%AF%A2&__EVENTVALIDATION=%2F" + _eventvalidation;
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("+", "%2B");
viewstatehtml = viewstatehtml.Replace("/", "%2F");
var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;
if (resulthtml.Cookie == null)
mycookie = "ASP.NET_SessionId=adu3xj55pxcznk451totjc45";
var viewstatehtml2 = "__EVENTTARGET=LBUserPublicLogin&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__VIEWSTATE=%2F" + viewstatehtml + "&Login1%24UserName=&Login1%24Password=&__EVENTVALIDATION=%2F" + _eventvalidation;
viewstatehtml2 = viewstatehtml.Replace("+", "%2B");
viewstatehtml2 = viewstatehtml.Replace("/", "%2F");
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "",
Encoding = Encoding.UTF8,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Cookie = mycookie,
Host = "",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
//2016-05-10 重新从网站获取Postdata配置信息
//Postdata = "__EVENTTARGET=LBUserPublicLogin&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__VIEWSTATE=%2FwEPDwUJMzM2ODg0ODc1D2QWAgIDD2QWBAIBD2QWAmYPZBYGAgEPDxYCHgRUZXh0BQvnlKjmiLflkI0gOmRkAgUPDxYCHwAFB%2BWvhueggTpkZAIJDw8WAh8ABQbnmbvlvZVkZAIDDw8WAh8ABRjlhazlhbHmn6Xor6LotKbmiLfpk77mjqVkZGQ%3D&Login1%24UserName=&Login1%24Password=&__EVENTVALIDATION=%2FwEWBgLPqq6lDQKUvNa1DwL666vYDAKnz4ybCALFsbreBgKP3dSIBA%3D%3D",
Postdata = viewstatehtml2,
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var viewstatehtml3 = "ctl00_TreeView1_ExpandState=enn&ctl00_TreeView1_SelectedNode=&__EVENTTARGET=&__EVENTARGUMENT=&ctl00_TreeView1_PopulateLog=&__VIEWSTATE=%2F" + viewstatehtml + "&ctl00%24ContentPlaceHolder1%24txtTDH=" + mblno + "&ctl00%24ContentPlaceHolder1%24BtnTDH=%E6%9F%A5%E8%AF%A2&__EVENTVALIDATION=%2F" + _eventvalidation;
viewstatehtml3 = viewstatehtml.Replace("+", "%2B");
viewstatehtml3 = viewstatehtml.Replace("/", "%2F");
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Cookie = mycookie,
Host = "",
//UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
//2016-05-10 重新从网站获取Postdata配置信息
//Postdata = viewstatehtml3,
Postdata = "ctl00_TreeView1_ExpandState=enn&ctl00_TreeView1_SelectedNode=&__EVENTTARGET=&__EVENTARGUMENT=&ctl00_TreeView1_PopulateLog=&__VIEWSTATE=%2FwEPBRI2MzYxNzMyMTA2MzgyMDcwOTRk&ctl00%24ContentPlaceHolder1%24txtTDH=A240013048&ctl00%24ContentPlaceHolder1%24BtnTDH=%E6%9F%A5%E8%AF%A2&__EVENTVALIDATION=%2FwEWBgKbt5qPCQKizYC%2FCwKEioq3DgKKoomnCQLPit2EBAKD%2B5mLAQ%3D%3D",
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/App_Themes/Default/css/main.css", "");
result.Data = datahtml;
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GridView4", "</table>");
var datahtml6 = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "装箱信息", "</table>");
if (datahtml != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 4);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
var fieldno = 1;
var istrue = false;
if (i != 1)
MsOpSeaeDetail data = new MsOpSeaeDetail();
data.BSNO = bsno;//业务编号
data.CTNNUM = 1;//箱量
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fielddatastr == " ")
istrue = false;
istrue = true;
if (fieldno == 3 && istrue)
data.CNTRNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 4 && istrue)
data.SEALNO = fielddatastr;
if (fieldno == 5 && istrue)
data.CTNALL = fielddatastr.Replace("'", "");
if (fieldno == 6 && istrue)
data.PKGS = Convert.ToInt32(fielddatastr);
data.PKGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 7 && istrue)
data.KGS = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
data.KGS = 0;
if (fieldno == 8 && istrue)
data.CBM = Convert.ToDecimal(fielddatastr);
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (istrue)
i = i + 1;
bodyList = SumBodyList(bodyList);
result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region QQCT单票查询
static public DBResult GetQQCTBILL ( string mblno, string bsno )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
string cookie = "";
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.igenzong.com/Port/CNTAO,5,4,1/" + mblno + ".html",
Method = "get",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",//返回类型 可选项有默认值
Postdata = "portCode=CNTAO&businessId=5&dockId=4&pageNo=1&queryPara=" + mblno + "&url=/Port/CNTAO,5,4,1/" + mblno + ".html"
HttpResult result2 = http.GetHtml(item);
cookie = result2.Cookie;
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.igenzong.com/Port/TraceAjax",
Method = "post",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",//返回类型 可选项有默认值
Postdata = "portCode=CNTAO&businessId=5&dockId=4&pageNo=1&queryPara=" + mblno + "&url=/Port/CNTAO,5,4,1/" + mblno + ".html",
Cookie = cookie
result2 = http.GetHtml(item);
string html = result2.Html;
//JObject jo = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(html);
//html = jo["Data"].ToString();
html = html.Replace("<td>", "<td> ").Replace("</td>", " </td>");
result.Data = html;
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region QQCTU单票查询//青岛港物流电商平台(http://www.qingdao-port.net/)PCSLQIL305161107
static public DBResult GetQQCTUBILL ( string mblno, string bsno )
var result = new DBResult();
//result.Success = true;
//var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
// var datahtml = MsGetQingdaoPortDAL.GetHtmlData("http://www.qingdaoport.net/ywzx/qqctu/qqctuDp.jsp", "tdh=" + mblno);
// //while (datahtml.IndexOf("码头信息") <= 0)
// //{
// // datahtml = MsGetQingdaoPortDAL.GetHtmlData("http://www.qingdaoport.net/ywzx/qqctu/bill_query.jsp", "tdh=" + mblno);
// //}
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/css/style2009.css", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/css/style2009.css");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/css/table.css", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/css/table.css");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/js/common.js", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/js/common.js");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/js/validation.js", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/js/validation.js");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/js/date.js", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/js/date.js");
// var i = datahtml.IndexOf("<table");
// var j = datahtml.IndexOf("</TBODY>\r\n</TABLE>");
// datahtml = datahtml.Remove(i, j + 20 - i);
// i = datahtml.IndexOf("<form");
// j = datahtml.IndexOf("</form>");
// datahtml = datahtml.Remove(i, j + 7 - i);
// result.Data = datahtml;
// result.Success = false;
// result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
static public DBResult GetQQCTUBILL2(string mblno, string bsno, bool isweb = false)
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://www.qingdao-port.net/page/login.do",//URL这里都是测试,必需项
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk)可选项,默认类会自动识别
Host = "www.qingdao-port.net",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",//可选项,有默认值
ContentType = "Content-Type text/html;charset=UTF-8",
Method = "get",//URL,可选项 默认为Get
Cookie = "JSESSIONID_QDPORT=de4d9ce2-8e14-4a92-b4ff-31dcf57a58f8; SERVERID=558e5262858a0a0c35661c324250792f|1484536268|1484536002; a5320_pages=1; a5320_times=1",
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;// "wglwgtsjsbz3l2jp34vtxyyg";
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://track.qingdao-port.net/wmdp/logistics/wmdp/queryWmdp?tdhType=ZTDH&jckType=CK&value=PCSLQIL305161107 HTTP/1.1",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "http://track.qingdao-port.net/wmdp",//“http:///www.szx.net.cn/Default.aspx”
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "track.qingdao-port.net",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko",
Accept = "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
Cookie = "JSESSIONID_QDPORT=de4d9ce2-8e14-4a92-b4ff-31dcf57a58f8; SERVERID=e184e28e2e6e6d459c41e8c1b7e3b683|1484537073|1484536994",
//2016-12-13 重新从网站获取Postdata配置信息
Postdata = "qtype=pc",
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
if (isweb == true)
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html;
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("static/js/layer/skin/default/icon.png", "http://track.qingdao-port.net/static/js/layer/skin/default/icon.png");
//datahtml = datahtml.Replace("images/main.css", "");
//datahtml = datahtml.Replace("images/GridView.css", "");
result.Data = datahtml;
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region QQCT、QQCTU海关放行查询
static public DBResult GetQQCTQQCTUBILL ( string mblno, string bsno )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
//var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
// //http:..www.qingdaoport.net/ywzx/qqct/dpcx/hgfx.jsp?val=140600161817&s_type=0&num=80
// var datahtml = MsGetQingdaoPortDAL.GetHtmlData("http://www.qingdaoport.net/ywzx/qqct/dpcx/hgfx.jsp", "val=" + mblno + "&s_type=0");
// //var sss = datahtml.IndexOf("序号");
// //while (datahtml.IndexOf("序号") <= 0 && datahtml.IndexOf(mblno) <= 0)//海关放行信息
// //{
// // datahtml = MsGetQingdaoPortDAL.GetHtmlData("http://www.qingdaoport.net/ywzx/qqct/dpcx/hgfx.jsp", "val=" + mblno + "&s_type=0");
// //}
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/css/style2009.css", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/css/style2009.css");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/css/table.css", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/css/table.css");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/js/common.js", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/js/common.js");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/js/validation.js", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/js/validation.js");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/js/date.js", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/js/date.js");
// var i = datahtml.IndexOf("<table");
// var j = datahtml.IndexOf("</TBODY>\r\n</TABLE>");
// datahtml = datahtml.Remove(i, j + 20 - i);
// i = datahtml.IndexOf("<form");
// if (i < 0)
// {
// i = datahtml.IndexOf("<FORM");
// }
// j = datahtml.IndexOf("</form>");
// datahtml = datahtml.Remove(i, j + 7 - i);
// result.Data = datahtml;
// result.Success = false;
// result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 青岛港单船查询
static public DBResult GetQDVESSEL ( string vessel, string voyno )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
//var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeDetail>();
// var datahtml = MsGetQingdaoPortDAL.GetHtmlData("http://www.qingdaoport.net/ywzx/ship/shipcx.jsp", "vessel_name=" + vessel + "&voyage_number=" + voyno);
// //while (datahtml.IndexOf("码头船期信息") <= 0)
// //{
// // datahtml = MsGetQingdaoPortDAL.GetHtmlData("http://www.qingdaoport.net/ywzx/ship/shipcx.jsp", "vessel_name=" + vessel + "&voyage_number=" + voyno);
// //}
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/js/jQuery/jquery-1.2.1.pack.js", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/js/jQuery/jquery-1.2.1.pack.js");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/js/jQuery/jquery.autocomplete.js", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/js/jQuery/jquery.autocomplete.js");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/js/jQuery/jquery.autocomplete.css", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/js/jQuery/jquery.autocomplete.css");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/js/common.js", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/js/common.js");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/css/table.css", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/css/table.css");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/js/validation.js", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/js/validation.js");
// datahtml = datahtml.Replace("/common/js/date.js", "http://www.qingdaoport.net/common/js/date.js");
// var i = datahtml.IndexOf("<table");
// var j = datahtml.IndexOf("</TBODY>\r\n</TABLE>");
// datahtml = datahtml.Remove(i, j + 20 - i);
// i = datahtml.IndexOf("<form");
// j = datahtml.IndexOf("</form>");
// datahtml = datahtml.Remove(i, j + 7 - i);
// result.Data = datahtml;
// result.Success = false;
// result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
return result;
#region 物流信息网报关状态
static public MsOpSeaeCustomStatus GetNewCustStatus ( List<MsOpSeaeCustomStatus> bodylist )
if (bodylist.Count == 1) return bodylist[0];
var newbody = new MsOpSeaeCustomStatus();
var tranbodylist = bodylist;
var i = 1;
foreach (var enumValue in bodylist)
var istrue = false;
if (i == 1) newbody = enumValue;
if (enumValue.ISLOADCLEAR == true && newbody.ISLOADCLEAR != true)
istrue = true;
if (enumValue.ISBILLCLEAR == true && newbody.ISBILLCLEAR != true)
istrue = true;
if (enumValue.ISCUSTOMCLEAR == true && newbody.ISCUSTOMCLEAR != true)
istrue = true;
if (istrue == false && enumValue.LOADCLEARSTR != "")
if (istrue == true) newbody = enumValue;
i = i + 1;
return newbody;
//static public DBResult Get56CDCSTATUSList(string mblno, string bsno)
// var result = new DBResult();
// result.Success = true;
// var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeCustomStatus>();
// try
// {
// HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
// HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
// {
// URL = "http://cdp.qdcdc.com/CDP/Login.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
// Referer = "http://cdp.qdcdc.com/CDP/Login.aspx",
// Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
// Host = "56.qdcdc.com",
// UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
// Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
// ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
// Postdata = "__VIEWSTATE=%2FwEPDwULLTE2NDY3NDYxOTEPFgIeCWF1dGhMZXZlbAIBZGQFDBMiaM5jeSqYOP96II7WoW0oyc%2BSfvVv%2FGIrZ%2FP5bg%3D%3D&__EVENTVALIDATION=%2FwEWAgLO2Kj0DALLr40TnsCiM32qLiMK44G5moITtUwkOOjKlsY5RQB7pzBatDk%3D&user_name=user1&password=88888888&hdSuccess=true",
// Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
// };
// HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
// var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;
// http = new HttpHelper();
// item = new HttpItem()
// {
// URL = "http://cdp.qdcdc.com/CDP/MftQuery/BillExportQuery.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
// Referer = "http://cdp.qdcdc.com/CDP/MftQuery/BillExportQuery.aspx",
// Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
// Host = "cdp.qdcdc.com",
// Cookie = mycookie,
// UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
// Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
// ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
// Postdata = "__VIEWSTATE=%2FwEPDwUKLTExMzU1MTk4OGRktjQbcTwrtROJIB0DnKW%2FD24wHlo1MdO2yN13vwaX7GI%3D"
// + "&__EVENTVALIDATION=%2FwEWGAK%2FttbiCQKj%2B6LoDwLooeTACQLu%2F%2Fi7CwLa9PCNDgLp7r6qDgLblJqhCgLV3JG"
// + "HCALkwOjWBQLD2Y%2F%2FAwKYnc6YDwLJ7LFVAuDmrTwCvf3v3AcCluH%2BPgKs37SpCwKqgp2pDQLZ1tnQDQLol%2BuuCQL"
// + "T4ZKcAQKklPGiDwLB043aDwLAkeEVAoba9d8KBTCeVFBSa01eOoxl%2FjKz%2Fc7CpJUHsEtTic89nJEP3hM%3D&txtIMO="
// + "&txtTransportName=&txtVoyageNo=&txtBillNo=" + mblno + "&LinkButtonQuery=%E6%9F%A5%E8%AF%A2&hdSelectRow="
// + "&hdData=&hdCols=%E5%BA%8F%E5%8F%B7%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E6%8F%90%E5%8D%95%E5%8F%B7%2C%E8%BF%90%E8%BE"
// + "%93%E5%B7%A5%E5%85%B7%E4%BF%A1%E6%81%AF%2C%E6%80%BB%E5%8D%95%2F%E5%88%86%E5%8D%95%2C%E9%A2%84%E9%85%"
// + "8D%E8%88%B1%E5%8D%95%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E8%BF%90%E6%8A%B5%E6%8A%A5%E5%91%8A%2C%E8%90%BD%E8%B4%A7%E"
// + "6%94%B9%E9%85%8D%E7%8A%B6%E6%80%81%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E8%A3%85%E8%BD%BD%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E7%90"
// + "%86%E8%B4%A7%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E6%8A%A5%E5%85%B3%E7%8A%B6%E6%80%81%2C%E6%8F%90%E5%8D%95%E6%94%BE%"
// + "E8%A1%8C%2C%E8%BD%AC%E5%8F%91%E7%8A%B6%E6%80%81&hdChildHide=&hdColsHide=&hdColSpan=%E6%8F%90%E5%8D%95"
// + "%E5%8F%B7&hdMutiQuery=&hdReturnResult=&hdLoadMarkText=&hdArrivalMarkText=&hdEmptyResult=&hdTalMarkText=&hdBillRelStatus=",
// Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
// };
// resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
// resulthtml.Html = resulthtml.Html.Replace("../Css/NewMftQueryStyle.css", "http://56.qdcdc.com/cnm/Css/NewMftQueryStyle.css");
// result.Data = resulthtml.Html;
// var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "id=\"tbData\"", "</table>");
// datahtml = datahtml.Remove(datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
// datahtml = datahtml.Remove(0, datahtml.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// if (datahtml != "")
// {
// var i = 1;
// while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
// {
// var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
// var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
// datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Replace(" ", "");
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Replace("/r/n ", "");
// var fieldno = 1;
// var istrue = false;
// if (i != 1 && i != 2 && (recdatastr.Length > 40))
// {
// MsOpSeaeCustomStatus data = new MsOpSeaeCustomStatus();
// while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
// {
// var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
// var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
// recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace("\r\n", "");
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace(" ", "");
// if (fieldno == 1)
// {
// fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
// if (fielddatastr == "合计:" || fielddatastr == "<bstyle=\"color:Red\">暂无相关数据</b>") istrue = false; else istrue = true;
// }
// if (fieldno == 11)
// {
// data.PREPAREDSTR = fielddatastr;//箱号
// }
// if (fieldno == 12)
// {
// if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("接受申报") >= 0)
// data.ISPREPARED = true;//箱号
// }
// if (fieldno == 13)
// {
// data.ARRIVALSTR = fielddatastr;//箱号
// }
// if (fieldno == 14)
// {
// if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("运抵正常") >= 0)
// data.ISARRIVAL = true;//箱号
// }
// if (fieldno == 15)
// {
// if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("单证放行") >= 0)
// {
// data.ISCUSTOMCLEAR = true;//箱号
// data.CUSTOMCLEARSTR = fielddatastr.Replace("单证放行", "");
// }
// }
// if (fieldno == 16)
// {
// data.BILLCLEARSTR = fielddatastr;//箱号
// }
// if (fieldno == 17)
// {
// if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("已放行") >= 0)
// data.ISBILLCLEAR = true;//箱号
// }
// if (fieldno == 19)
// {
// data.LOADCLEARSTR = fielddatastr;//箱号
// }
// if (fieldno == 20)
// {
// if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("同意装载") >= 0)
// data.ISLOADCLEAR = true;//箱号
// }
// fieldno = fieldno + 1;
// }
// if (istrue)
// bodyList.Add(data);
// }
// i = i + 1;
// }
// }
// if (bodyList.Count != 0)
// {
// Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
// using (var conn = db.CreateConnection())
// {
// conn.Open();
// var strSql = new StringBuilder();
// strSql.Append("update op_seae set MANIFESTSTATUS=@MANIFESTSTATUS ");
// strSql.Append(" where BSNO=@BSNO ");
// var cmdupdate =
// db.GetSqlStringCommand(strSql.ToString());
// if (bodyList != null)
// {
// var manifeststatus = bodyList[0];
// if (manifeststatus.ISPREPARED == false)
// {
// }
// else
// {
// var statusref = "无状态";
// var status = "0";
// if (manifeststatus.ISLOADCLEAR)
// {
// status = "5";
// statusref = "装载放行";
// }
// else if (manifeststatus.ISBILLCLEAR)
// {
// status = "4";
// statusref = "提单放行";
// }
// else if (manifeststatus.ISCUSTOMCLEAR)
// {
// status = "3";
// statusref = "报关放行";
// }
// else if (manifeststatus.ISARRIVAL)
// {
// status = "2";
// statusref = "运抵正常";
// }
// else if (manifeststatus.ISPREPARED)
// {
// status = "1";
// statusref = "预配舱单";
// }
// cmdupdate.Parameters.Clear();
// db.AddInParameter(cmdupdate, "@MANIFESTSTATUS", DbType.String, status);
// db.AddInParameter(cmdupdate, "@BSNO", DbType.String, bsno);
// db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmdupdate);
// result.Message = statusref;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// catch
// {
// result.Success = false;
// result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
// }
// //result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
// return result;
static public DBResult Get56CDCSTATUSList ( string mblno, string bsno, string path )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeCustomStatus>();
var filename = path + "\\" + mblno + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff") + ".Gif";
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://56.qdcdc.com/cnm/MftQuery/BillExportQuery.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "http://56.qdcdc.com/cnm/MftQuery/BillExportQuery.aspx",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "56.qdcdc.com",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Postdata = "__VIEWSTATE=0%2Fn5%2BwUDXpmFl%2BFsCVpURKPb5zm1AA%2FvEUtQxN1K02VDENqpJ9ravvyGNjEiiY%2BU&"
+ "__EVENTVALIDATION=7uGtbHgy2hzetVvoMh99Kbi8rUuV06n88PcDvmMbdrXld968D3lNSKQdeJCMVZYUemVNqXircWM2NuMc8XOU6W2hrh"
+ "LiKEEh9AORqcthIR%2Bb1JXgLMr9IvVnVt2MjRmJiBsZxs7ZbgLZyGnR1Pk2oYUmPKJThsqyYwG%2FbHA81ZDclrC6arZ96IV7JY0nZGtgt4"
+ "6T77jeOcX8J073kcFVc6BQExZiRs%2BOYX793IZ%2FoBA%3D&txtIMO=&txtTransportName=&txtVoyageNo=&txtBillNo=" + mblno
+ "&LinkButtonQuery=%E6%9F%A5%E8%AF%A2&hdSelectRow=&hdData=&hdCols=%E5%BA%8F%E5%8F%B7%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E6%8F%90%"
+ "E5%8D%95%E5%8F%B7%2C%E8%BF%90%E8%BE%93%E5%B7%A5%E5%85%B7%E4%BF%A1%E6%81%AF%2C%E6%80%BB%E5%8D%95%2F%E5%88%86%E5%8D%"
+ "95%2C%E9%A2%84%E9%85%8D%E8%88%B1%E5%8D%95%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E8%BF%90%E6%8A%B5%E6%8A%A5%E5%91%8A%2C%E8%90%BD%E8%"
+ "B4%A7%E6%94%B9%E9%85%8D%E7%8A%B6%E6%80%81%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E8%A3%85%E8%BD%BD%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E7%90%86%E8%"
+ "B4%A7%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E6%8A%A5%E5%85%B3%E7%8A%B6%E6%80%81%2C%E6%8F%90%E5%8D%95%E6%94%BE%E8%A1%8C%2C%E8%BD%AC%"
+ "E5%8F%91%E7%8A%B6%E6%80%81&hdChildHide=&hdColsHide=&hdColSpan=%E6%8F%90%E5%8D%95%E5%8F%B7&hdMutiQuery=&"
+ "hdReturnResult=&hdLoadMarkText=&hdArrivalMarkText=&hdEmptyResult=&hdTalMarkText=&hdBillRelStatus=",
Cookie = "ASP.NET_SessionId=f4vivggkpcitpxrqwvtzmmpz; forums=59088DDE442B9B9FF7985FA130A22DD73763B97C86F960019C4E1AF2C5A05AF0B15C3A0A4EFFBFBC5E0F7873273E6D7BF26A8566ABAC67A0598AC66E75D0934C54BE56E2C6A1F88D496D5385F2894F2E",
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var datahtml = resulthtml.Html.Replace("../Css/NewMftQueryStyle.css", "http://56.qdcdc.com/cnm/Css/NewMftQueryStyle.css");
datahtml = datahtml.Replace("../Js/jquery-1.5.2.min.js", "http://56.qdcdc.com/cnm/Js/jquery-1.5.2.min.js");
result.Data = datahtml;
datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(datahtml, "id=\"tbData\"", "</table>");
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(0, datahtml.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (datahtml != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Replace(" ", "");
recdatastr = recdatastr.Replace("/r/n ", "");
var fieldno = 1;
var istrue = false;
if (i != 1 && i != 2 && (recdatastr.Length > 40))
MsOpSeaeCustomStatus data = new MsOpSeaeCustomStatus();
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace("\r\n", "");
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace(" ", "");
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fielddatastr == "合计:" || fielddatastr == "<bstyle=\"color:Red\">暂无相关数据</b>") istrue = false; else istrue = true;
if (fieldno == 11)
data.PREPAREDSTR = fielddatastr;//箱号
if (fieldno == 12)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("接受申报") >= 0)
data.ISPREPARED = true;//箱号
if (fieldno == 13)
data.ARRIVALSTR = fielddatastr;//箱号
if (fieldno == 14)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("运抵正常") >= 0)
data.ISARRIVAL = true;//箱号
if (fieldno == 15)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("单证放行") >= 0)
data.ISCUSTOMCLEAR = true;//箱号
data.CUSTOMCLEARSTR = fielddatastr.Replace("单证放行", "");
if (fieldno == 16)
data.BILLCLEARSTR = fielddatastr;//箱号
if (fieldno == 17)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("已放行") >= 0)
data.ISBILLCLEAR = true;//箱号
if (fieldno == 19)
data.LOADCLEARSTR = fielddatastr;//箱号
if (fieldno == 20)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("同意装载") >= 0)
data.ISLOADCLEAR = true;//箱号
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (istrue)
i = i + 1;
if (bodyList.Count != 0)
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (var conn = db.CreateConnection())
var strSql = new StringBuilder();
strSql.Append("update op_seae set MANIFESTSTATUS=@MANIFESTSTATUS ");
strSql.Append(" where BSNO=@BSNO ");
var cmdupdate =
if (bodyList != null)
var manifeststatus = bodyList[0];
if (manifeststatus.ISPREPARED == false)
var statusref = "无状态";
var status = "0";
if (manifeststatus.ISLOADCLEAR)
status = "5";
statusref = "装载放行";
else if (manifeststatus.ISBILLCLEAR)
status = "4";
statusref = "提单放行";
else if (manifeststatus.ISCUSTOMCLEAR)
status = "3";
statusref = "报关放行";
else if (manifeststatus.ISARRIVAL)
status = "2";
statusref = "运抵正常";
else if (manifeststatus.ISPREPARED)
status = "1";
statusref = "预配舱单";
db.AddInParameter(cmdupdate, "@MANIFESTSTATUS", DbType.String, status);
db.AddInParameter(cmdupdate, "@BSNO", DbType.String, bsno);
result.Message = statusref;
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
//result.Data = bodyList.ToList();
return result;
static public DBResult Get56CDCSTATUSListProcess ( string mblno, string bsno )
var result = new DBResult();
result.Success = true;
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeCustomStatus>();
var createhtml = "<head> <style type=\"text/css\"> .shipmentContain{/**/left:160px;top:9px;width:825px;/*height:22px;*/position:absolute;z-index:1000;/*background-color:#CCC;*/} "
+ ".shipmentContainIdentify{float:left;margin-top:0px;padding-top:8px;padding-left:3px;display:block;width:150px;height:22px;position:absolute;font-size:12px;color:#111;font-family:\"微软雅黑\";left: -3px;top: 9px;}"
+ ".shipmentContain div{width:825px;min-width:815px;height:22px;line-height:22px;margin:0 auto;padding:0px;}"
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+ ".shipmentContainContain li.frtNode{float:left;margin-top:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-left:0px;display:block;width:25px;height:22px;display:inline-block;}"
+ ".shipmentContainContain li.nextNode{float:left;margin-top:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-left:0px;display:block;width:99px;height:22px;display:inline-block;}"
+ ".shipmentContainContain li.lastNode{float:left;margin-top:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-left:0px;display:block;width:99px;height:22px;display:inline-block;}"
+ ".shipmentContainTextContain span{display:inline-block;/*padding-top:25px;*/font-family:\"Agency FB\";color:#f39700;font-size:12px;position:absolute;top: 34px;}"
+ "</style> </head> ";
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://56.qdcdc.com/cnm/Login.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "http://56.qdcdc.com/cnm/Login.aspx",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "56.qdcdc.com",
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
+ "78o8lgFjhBEoow%3D%3D&__EVENTVALIDATION=%2FwEWAgKunaPBDQLLr40TAUOVolCpWuq5jMb12TE1wUQRzvpzmgO1bc1UtxtDpwk"
+ "%3D&user_name=sdeport&password=66666666&hdSuccess=true",
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;
http = new HttpHelper();
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://56.qdcdc.com/cnm/MftQuery/BillExportQuery.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "http://56.qdcdc.com/cnm/MftQuery/BillExportQuery.aspx",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "56.qdcdc.com",
Cookie = mycookie,
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)",
Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*",// 可选项有默认值
ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
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+ "IZBQ1bS1RwCIiTyskE9Nc3kpr8k%3D&txtIMO=&txtTransportName=&txtVoyageNo=&txtBillNo=" + mblno + "&LinkButtonQuery=%E6"
+ "%9F%A5%E8%AF%A2&hdSelectRow=&hdData=&hdCols=%E5%BA%8F%E5%8F%B7%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E6%8F%90%E5%8D%95%E5%8F%B7%2C"
+ "%E8%BF%90%E8%BE%93%E5%B7%A5%E5%85%B7%E4%BF%A1%E6%81%AF%2C%E6%80%BB%E5%8D%95%2F%E5%88%86%E5%8D%95%2C%E9%A2%84%E9%85"
+ "%8D%E8%88%B1%E5%8D%95%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E8%BF%90%E6%8A%B5%E6%8A%A5%E5%91%8A%2C%E8%90%BD%E8%B4%A7%E6%94%B9%E9%85"
+ "%8D%E7%8A%B6%E6%80%81%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E8%A3%85%E8%BD%BD%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E7%90%86%E8%B4%A7%2C%E5%87%BA%E5"
+ "%8F%A3%E6%8A%A5%E5%85%B3%E7%8A%B6%E6%80%81%2C%E6%8F%90%E5%8D%95%E6%94%BE%E8%A1%8C%2C%E8%BD%AC%E5%8F%91%E7%8A%B6%E6"
+ "%80%81&hdChildHide=&hdColsHide=&hdColSpan=%E6%8F%90%E5%8D%95%E5%8F%B7&hdMutiQuery=&hdReturnResult=&hdLoadMarkText"
+ "=&hdArrivalMarkText=&hdEmptyResult=&hdTalMarkText=&hdBillRelStatus=",
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
resulthtml.Html = resulthtml.Html.Replace("../Css/NewMftQueryStyle.css", "http://56.qdcdc.com/cnm/Css/NewMftQueryStyle.css");
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "id=\"tbData\"", "</table>");
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(0, datahtml.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (datahtml != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Replace(" ", "");
recdatastr = recdatastr.Replace("/r/n ", "");
var fieldno = 1;
var istrue = false;
if (i != 1 && i != 2 && (recdatastr.Length > 40))
MsOpSeaeCustomStatus data = new MsOpSeaeCustomStatus();
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace("\r\n", "");
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace(" ", "");
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fielddatastr == "合计:" || fielddatastr == "<bstyle=\"color:Red\">暂无相关数据</b>") istrue = false; else istrue = true;
if (fieldno == 11)
data.PREPAREDSTR = fielddatastr;//箱号
if (fieldno == 12)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("接受申报") >= 0)
data.ISPREPARED = true;//箱号
if (fieldno == 13)
data.ARRIVALSTR = fielddatastr;//箱号
if (fieldno == 14)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("运抵正常") >= 0)
data.ISARRIVAL = true;//箱号
if (fieldno == 15)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("单证放行") >= 0)
data.ISCUSTOMCLEAR = true;//箱号
data.CUSTOMCLEARSTR = fielddatastr.Replace("单证放行", "");
if (fieldno == 16)
data.BILLCLEARSTR = fielddatastr;//箱号
if (fieldno == 17)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("已放行") >= 0)
data.ISBILLCLEAR = true;//箱号
if (fieldno == 19)
data.LOADCLEARSTR = fielddatastr;//箱号
if (fieldno == 20)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("同意装载") >= 0)
data.ISLOADCLEAR = true;//箱号
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (istrue)
i = i + 1;
if (bodyList.Count != 0)
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (var conn = db.CreateConnection())
var strSql = new StringBuilder();
strSql.Append("update op_seae set MANIFESTSTATUS=@MANIFESTSTATUS ");
strSql.Append(" where BSNO=@BSNO ");
var cmdupdate =
if (bodyList != null)
var manifeststatus = bodyList[0];
if (manifeststatus.ISPREPARED == false)
var statusref = "无状态";
var status = "0";
if (manifeststatus.ISLOADCLEAR)
status = "5";
statusref = "装载放行";
createhtml = "<div class=\"shipmentContainIdentify\"><span style=\"padding-left:3px;width:127px;display:block;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;\"></span></div>";
createhtml += "<div class=\"shipmentContain\">";
createhtml += "<div>";
createhtml += "<span class=\"frtNode\"><img src=\"../../images/frtNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"25\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
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createhtml += "</div>";
createhtml += "</div>";
createhtml += "<div class=\"shipmentContainTextContain\">";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:135px;\">预配舱单</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:235px;\">运抵正常</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:335px;\">报关放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:435px;\">提单放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:535px;\">装载放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:632px;\"> </span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:730px;\"> </span>";
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statusref = "提单放行";
createhtml = "<div class=\"shipmentContainIdentify\"><span style=\"padding-left:3px;width:127px;display:block;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;\"></span></div>";
createhtml += "<div class=\"shipmentContain\">";
createhtml += "<div>";
createhtml += "<span class=\"frtNode\"><img src=\"../../images/frtNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"25\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeEnd.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/lastNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "</div>";
createhtml += "</div>";
createhtml += "<div class=\"shipmentContainTextContain\">";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:135px;\">预配舱单</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:235px;\">运抵正常</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:335px;\">报关放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:435px;\">提单放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:535px;\">装载放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:632px;\"> </span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:730px;\"> </span>";
createhtml += "</div>";
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status = "3";
statusref = "报关放行";
createhtml = "<div class=\"shipmentContainIdentify\"><span style=\"padding-left:3px;width:127px;display:block;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;\"></span></div>";
createhtml += "<div class=\"shipmentContain\">";
createhtml += "<div>";
createhtml += "<span class=\"frtNode\"><img src=\"../../images/frtNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"25\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeEnd.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/lastNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "</div>";
createhtml += "</div>";
createhtml += "<div class=\"shipmentContainTextContain\">";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:135px;\">预配舱单</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:235px;\">运抵正常</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:335px;\">报关放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:435px;\">提单放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:535px;\">装载放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:632px;\"> </span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:730px;\"> </span>";
createhtml += "</div>";
else if (manifeststatus.ISARRIVAL)
status = "2";
statusref = "运抵正常";
createhtml = "<div class=\"shipmentContainIdentify\"><span style=\"padding-left:3px;width:127px;display:block;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;\"></span></div>";
createhtml += "<div class=\"shipmentContain\">";
createhtml += "<div>";
createhtml += "<span class=\"frtNode\"><img src=\"../../images/frtNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"25\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeEnd.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/lastNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "</div>";
createhtml += "</div>";
createhtml += "<div class=\"shipmentContainTextContain\">";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:135px;\">预配舱单</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:235px;\">运抵正常</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:335px;\">报关放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:435px;\">提单放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:535px;\">装载放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:632px;\"> </span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:730px;\"> </span>";
createhtml += "</div>";
else if (manifeststatus.ISPREPARED)
status = "1";
statusref = "预配舱单";
createhtml = "<div class=\"shipmentContainIdentify\"><span style=\"padding-left:3px;width:127px;display:block;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;\"></span></div>";
createhtml += "<div class=\"shipmentContain\">";
createhtml += "<div>";
createhtml += "<span class=\"frtNode\"><img src=\"../../images/frtNodeBlue.jpg\" width=\"25\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeEnd.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/lastNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "</div>";
createhtml += "</div>";
createhtml += "<div class=\"shipmentContainTextContain\">";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:135px;\">预配舱单</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:235px;\">运抵正常</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:335px;\">报关放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:435px;\">提单放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:535px;\">装载放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:632px;\"> </span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:730px;\"> </span>";
createhtml += "</div>";
createhtml = "<div class=\"shipmentContainIdentify\"><span style=\"padding-left:3px;width:127px;display:block;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;\"></span></div>";
createhtml += "<div class=\"shipmentContain\">";
createhtml += "<div>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:25px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/frtNodeOnly.jpg\" width=\"25\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/nextNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:99px;height:22px;\"><img src=\"../../images/lastNodeGray.jpg\" width=\"99\" height=\"22\" /></span>";
createhtml += "</div>";
createhtml += "</div>";
createhtml += "<div class=\"shipmentContainTextContain\">";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:135px;\">预配舱单</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:235px;\">运抵正常</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:335px;\">报关放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:435px;\">提单放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:535px;\">装载放行</span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:632px;\"> </span>";
createhtml += "<span style=\"padding-left:730px;\"> </span>";
createhtml += "</div>";
db.AddInParameter(cmdupdate, "@MANIFESTSTATUS", DbType.String, status);
db.AddInParameter(cmdupdate, "@BSNO", DbType.String, bsno);
result.Data = createhtml;
result.Message = statusref;
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "提取数据过程中发生错误,请联系系统管理员!";
//if (bodyList.Count > 0)
// result.Data=bodyList[0];
//result.Data=new MsOpSeaeCustomStatus();
return result;
#region 更新舱单状态
public static DBResult RefreshManifestStatus(List<MsOpSeae> bodyList)
var result = new DBResult();
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (var conn = db.CreateConnection())
var tran = conn.BeginTransaction();
var strSql = new StringBuilder();
strSql.Append("update op_seae set MANIFESTSTATUS=@MANIFESTSTATUS ");
strSql.Append(" where BSNO=@BSNO ");
var cmdupdate =
if (bodyList != null)
foreach (var enumValue in bodyList)
var manifeststatus = GetManifestSTATUSList(enumValue.MBLNO, enumValue.BSNO);
if (manifeststatus.ISPREPARED == false)
var status = "0";
if (manifeststatus.ISLOADCLEAR)
status = "5";
else if (manifeststatus.ISBILLCLEAR)
status = "4";
else if (manifeststatus.ISCUSTOMCLEAR)
status = "3";
else if (manifeststatus.ISARRIVAL)
status = "2";
else if (manifeststatus.ISPREPARED)
status = "1";
db.AddInParameter(cmdupdate, "@MANIFESTSTATUS", DbType.String, status);
db.AddInParameter(cmdupdate, "@BSNO", DbType.String, enumValue.BSNO);
db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmdupdate, tran);
catch (Exception)
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "更新出现错误,请重试或联系系统管理员";
return result;
result.Success = true;
result.Message = "更新成功" + result.Message;
return result;
static public MsOpSeaeCustomStatus GetManifestSTATUSList ( string mblno, string bsno )
var bodyList = new List<MsOpSeaeCustomStatus>();
HttpHelper http = new HttpHelper();
HttpItem item = new HttpItem()
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HttpResult resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var mycookie = resulthtml.Cookie;
http = new HttpHelper();
item = new HttpItem()
URL = "http://cdp.qdcdc.com/CDP/MftQuery/BillExportQuery.aspx",//URL这里都是测试 必需项
Referer = "http://cdp.qdcdc.com/CDP/MftQuery/BillExportQuery.aspx",
Encoding = null,//编码格式(utf-8,gb2312,gbk) 可选项 默认类会自动识别
Host = "cdp.qdcdc.com",
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+ "T4ZKcAQKklPGiDwLB043aDwLAkeEVAoba9d8KBTCeVFBSa01eOoxl%2FjKz%2Fc7CpJUHsEtTic89nJEP3hM%3D&txtIMO="
+ "&txtTransportName=&txtVoyageNo=&txtBillNo=" + mblno + "&LinkButtonQuery=%E6%9F%A5%E8%AF%A2&hdSelectRow="
+ "&hdData=&hdCols=%E5%BA%8F%E5%8F%B7%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E6%8F%90%E5%8D%95%E5%8F%B7%2C%E8%BF%90%E8%BE"
+ "%93%E5%B7%A5%E5%85%B7%E4%BF%A1%E6%81%AF%2C%E6%80%BB%E5%8D%95%2F%E5%88%86%E5%8D%95%2C%E9%A2%84%E9%85%"
+ "8D%E8%88%B1%E5%8D%95%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E8%BF%90%E6%8A%B5%E6%8A%A5%E5%91%8A%2C%E8%90%BD%E8%B4%A7%E"
+ "6%94%B9%E9%85%8D%E7%8A%B6%E6%80%81%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E8%A3%85%E8%BD%BD%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E7%90"
+ "%86%E8%B4%A7%2C%E5%87%BA%E5%8F%A3%E6%8A%A5%E5%85%B3%E7%8A%B6%E6%80%81%2C%E6%8F%90%E5%8D%95%E6%94%BE%"
+ "E8%A1%8C%2C%E8%BD%AC%E5%8F%91%E7%8A%B6%E6%80%81&hdChildHide=&hdColsHide=&hdColSpan=%E6%8F%90%E5%8D%95"
+ "%E5%8F%B7&hdMutiQuery=&hdReturnResult=&hdLoadMarkText=&hdArrivalMarkText=&hdEmptyResult=&hdTalMarkText=&hdBillRelStatus=",
Method = "POST",//URL 可选项 默认为Get
resulthtml = http.GetHtml(item);
var datahtml = GetDataHtmlList(resulthtml.Html, "id=\"tbData\"", "</table>");
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Remove(0, datahtml.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (datahtml != "")
var i = 1;
while (datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>") >= 0)
var datalength = datahtml.IndexOf("</tr>");
var recdatastr = datahtml.Substring(0, datalength + 5);
datahtml = datahtml.Substring(datalength + 5, datahtml.Length - datalength - 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(0, recdatastr.IndexOf("<tr") + 3);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Remove(recdatastr.IndexOf("</tr>"), 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Replace(" ", "");
recdatastr = recdatastr.Replace("/r/n ", "");
var fieldno = 1;
var istrue = false;
if (i != 1 && i != 2 && (recdatastr.Length > 40))
MsOpSeaeCustomStatus data = new MsOpSeaeCustomStatus();
while (recdatastr.IndexOf("<td") >= 0)
var fieldlength = recdatastr.IndexOf("</td>");
var fielddatastr = recdatastr.Substring(0, fieldlength + 5);
recdatastr = recdatastr.Substring(fieldlength + 5, recdatastr.Length - fieldlength - 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(fielddatastr.IndexOf("</td>"), 5);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace("\r\n", "");
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Replace(" ", "");
if (fieldno == 1)
fielddatastr = fielddatastr.Remove(0, fielddatastr.IndexOf(">") + 1);
if (fielddatastr == "合计:" || fielddatastr == "<bstyle=\"color:Red\">暂无相关数据</b>") istrue = false; else istrue = true;
if (fieldno == 11)
data.PREPAREDSTR = fielddatastr;//箱号
if (fieldno == 12)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("接受申报") >= 0)
data.ISPREPARED = true;//箱号
if (fieldno == 13)
data.ARRIVALSTR = fielddatastr;//箱号
if (fieldno == 14)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("运抵正常") >= 0)
data.ISARRIVAL = true;//箱号
if (fieldno == 15)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("单证放行") >= 0)
data.ISCUSTOMCLEAR = true;//箱号
data.CUSTOMCLEARSTR = fielddatastr.Replace("单证放行", "");
if (fieldno == 16)
data.BILLCLEARSTR = fielddatastr;//箱号
if (fieldno == 17)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("已放行") >= 0)
data.ISBILLCLEAR = true;//箱号
if (fieldno == 19)
data.LOADCLEARSTR = fielddatastr;//箱号
if (fieldno == 20)
if (fielddatastr.IndexOf("同意装载") >= 0)
data.ISLOADCLEAR = true;//箱号
fieldno = fieldno + 1;
if (istrue)
i = i + 1;
if (bodyList.Count > 0)
return bodyList[0];
return new MsOpSeaeCustomStatus();