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110 lines
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<%--<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Areas/Storage/Views/Shared/PC.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="KucunList.aspx.cs" Inherits="DSWeb.Areas.Storage.Views.Storage.KucunList" %>--%>
<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Areas/Storage/Views/Shared/PC.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<dynamic>" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="Body" runat="server">
<div class="weui-panel">
<div class="weui-panel__bd" id="MapContainer">
<div class='demos-content-padded'>
<div class="weui-loadmore" id="loadingTip">
<i class="weui-loading"></i>
<span class="weui-loadmore__tips">正在加载</span>
<div class="weui-loadmore weui-loadmore_line" id="noMoreTip">
<span class="weui-loadmore__tips">没有更多数据</span>
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="FooterScript" runat="server">
var loading = false;
var pageIndex = 0;
var pageSize = 10;
var total = 0;
var STOREHOUSE = '<%=ViewData["STOREHOUSE"]%>';
var AREACODE = '<%=ViewData["AREACODE"]%>';
var MapHtml = '<%=ViewData["MapHtml"]%>';
$(function () {
$(document.body).infinite().on("infinite", function () {
//function loadData() {
// if (loading) return;
// loading = true;
// $("#loadingTip").show();
// $("#noMoreTip").hide();
// var len = $("#MapContainer").children().length;
// if (total == 0 || len < total) {
// console.log(len + " " + total);
// $.ajax({
// type: "POST",
// url: "/Storage/Storage/StorageData?openid=" + openid + "&page=" + (pageIndex + 1) + "&pageSize=" + pageSize,
// dataType: "json",
// success: function (data) {
// loading = false;
// total =;
// pageIndex =;
// showList(data.Data);
// $("#loadingTip").hide();
// if (total == 0) {
// $("#noMoreTip").show();
// }
// }
// });
// } else {
// $("#loadingTip").hide();
// $("#noMoreTip").show();
// }
function showMap(MapHtml) {
//var html = getMaphtml(STOREHOUSE, AREACODE);
function getMaphtml(STOREHOUSE, AREACODE) {
var html = '';
if (STOREHOUSE == '0001') {
var html = '<div class="weui-form-preview">'
+ '<div class="weui-form-preview__hd">'
+ ' <div class="weui-form-preview__item">'
+ ' <label class="weui-form-preview__label"><span>提单号</span>' + list[idx].MBLNO + '</label>'
+ ' <label class="weui-form-preview__label"><span>报关单号</span>' + list[idx].CUSTOMNO + '</label>'
+ ' </div>'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="weui-form-preview__bd">'
+ ' <div class="weui-form-preview__item">'
+ ' <label class="case-number weui-form-preview__label">箱号' + list[idx].CNTRNO + '</label>'
+ ' <span class="name-good weui-form-preview__value">货物名称' + list[idx].GOODSNAME + '</span>'
+ ' </div>'
+ ' <div class="weui-form-preview__item">'
+ ' <label class="weui-form-preview__label">入库件数' + list[idx].PKGS_FIRST + '</label>'
+ ' <span class="weui-form-preview__value">库存件数' + list[idx].PKGS + '</span>'
+ ' </div>'
+ ' <div class="weui-form-preview__item">'
+ ' <label class="weui-form-preview__label">仓库' + list[idx].STOREHOUSE + '</label>'
+ ' <span class="weui-form-preview__value">库位' + list[idx].AREACODE + '</span>'
+ ' </div>'
+ '</div>'
html += '</div>';
return html