// 官方推荐的多国语言方法 兼容性不好
// 自定义多国语言动态加载方法
//#region MsOpSeae
Zi.LAN.ShowQuery = "Show Query";//显示查询
Zi.LAN.OnlyAuditBusiness = "Only Audited";//仅需审核业务
Zi.LAN.ChargeDetailsAuditBusiness = "Only Audited Detail";//费用明细仅显示待审核
Zi.LAN.HideQuery = "Hide Query";//隐藏查询
Zi.LAN.RememberQuery = "Remeber Query";//记忆查询条件
Zi.LAN.ReLoad = "Refresh";//刷新
Zi.LAN.BatchReview = "Batch Audit";//批量审核
Zi.LAN.SelectedBusinessReview = "Audit the choose";//所选业务审核
Zi.LAN.AllBusinessReview = "Audit all";//全部业务审核
Zi.LAN.SelectedBusinessFeeReview = "Audit the choose(Only Query Fee)";
Zi.LAN.AllBusinessFeeReview = "Audit all(Only Query Fee)";
Zi.LAN.Costlock = "Fee Lock";//费用锁定
Zi.LAN.SelectedBusinesslock = "Lock the choose";//所选业务锁定
Zi.LAN.SelectedBusinessUnlock = "Unlock the choose";//所选业务解锁
Zi.LAN.SavelistStyle = "Save List Style";//保存列表样式
Zi.LAN.Save = "Save";//保存
Zi.LAN.Initialization = "Initialization";//初始化
Zi.LAN.BusinessType = "MasterOrder";//查看原票信息
Zi.LAN.SingleNumber = "NO.";//单号
Zi.LAN.ShipName = "Vessel";//船名
Zi.LAN.Voyage = "Voy";//航次
Zi.LAN.ForeignAgent = "Agent";//国外代理
Zi.LAN.SettlementCustomers = "Customer";//结算客户
Zi.LAN.Executequery = "Query";//执行查询
Zi.LAN.TypeTransport = "TransType";//运输类型
Zi.LAN.LanhuoPeople = "Sales";//揽货人
Zi.LAN.Requester = "Customer";//委托单位
Zi.LAN.FromBusinessDate = "ETD";//从业务日期
Zi.LAN.ToBusinessDate = "To";//至业务日期
Zi.LAN.CostName = "Fee Name";//费用名称
Zi.LAN.ResetCondition = "Reset"//;重置条件
Zi.LAN.BusinessSource = "Source";//业务来源
Zi.LAN.BSSOURCEDETAIL = "Source Detail";
Zi.LAN.FromAccountingPeriod = "AccPeriod";//从会计期间
Zi.LAN.ToAccountingPeriod = "To";//至会计期间
Zi.LAN.Operating = "OP";//操作
Zi.LAN.WhetherCostIsSubmitted = "FEE Submit";//是否费用提交
Zi.LAN.AdvancedSearch = "More";//高级查询
Zi.LAN.ServiceCategory = "BStype";//业务类别
Zi.LAN.ChangeSingle = "Amend";//更改单
Zi.LAN.DelegateNumber = "BSNO";//委托编号
Zi.LAN.ladingNumber = "MBLNO";//主提单号
Zi.LAN.FenladingNumber = "HBLNO";//分提单号
Zi.LAN.DeclarationNumber ="Customs declaration number";// "报关单号";
Zi.LAN.BusinessLock = "BS Lock";//业务锁定
Zi.LAN.Changing = "CNTRTOTAL";//集装箱
Zi.LAN.ChargesPayable = "Receipt charge";//应收费用
Zi.LAN.Payable = "Paid charge";//应付费用
Zi.LAN.CostStatus = "Fee Status";//费用状态
Zi.LAN.Requester = "Customer";//委托单位!
Zi.LAN.SailingDate = "ETD";//开船日期
Zi.LAN.kuaiJiQJ = "AccPeriod";//会计期间
Zi.LAN.BusinessUnit = "Business unit";//"经营单位";
Zi.LAN.Remarks = "Remark";//备注
Zi.LAN.notIncludederson = "Input";//录入人
Zi.LAN.loadingDock = "POL";//起运港
Zi.LAN.NumberDeclarations = "Number of declarations";//"报关项数";
Zi.LAN.NumberOfpieces = "PKGS";//件数
Zi.LAN.Weight = "Weight";//重量
Zi.LAN.Size = "Measurement";//尺码
Zi.LAN.NoAudtid = "No Data";//没有要审核的数据
Zi.LAN.PageNum = "Records/Page";//每页记录数
Zi.LAN.FenYe = "Record {0} - {1} /Total {2} Records";//当前显示 {0} - {1}条记录 /共 {2}条记录
Zi.LAN.ExaminationPassed = "Audited";//审核通过
Zi.LAN.DismissedSubmission = "Reject Submit";//驳回提交
Zi.LAN.DismissedSubmission2 = "Ban Invoicing";//禁开发票
Zi.LAN.UnlockInvoice = "Allow Invoicing";//解禁发票
Zi.LAN.ApproveApplication = "Approval App";//批准申请
Zi.LAN.DismissApplication = "Reject App";//驳回申请
Zi.LAN.HistoricalApplication = "History APP";//历史申请
Zi.LAN.ViewInformation = "Information";//查看信息
Zi.LAN.ShowWorkflow = "Show Workflow";//显示工作流
Zi.LAN.NameFeePayable = "FeeName";//应收费用名称
Zi.LAN.CostEnglishName = "EnFeeName";//费用英文名称
Zi.LAN.CustomerCategory = "CustomerType";//客户类别
Zi.LAN.SettlementObject = "Customername";//结算对象
Zi.LAN.UnitStandard = "Unit";//单位标准
Zi.LAN.price = "Price";//单价
Zi.LAN.TaxPrice = "Tax Price"; //含税单价
Zi.LAN.Num = "Quantity";//数量
Zi.LAN.taxRate = "Tax Rate";//税率
Zi.LAN.Tax = "Tax";
Zi.LAN.NotaxRate = "No Tax Amount";//不含税金额
Zi.LAN.Money = "Amount";//金额
Zi.LAN.Currency = "Currency";//币别
Zi.LAN.exchangeRate = "Exchangerate";//汇率
Zi.LAN.InputTaxRate = "In TaxRate";//进项税率
Zi.LAN.InputTax = "In Tax";
Zi.LAN.InputAmount = "In Amount";
Zi.LAN.OutTaxRate = "Out TaxRate";
Zi.LAN.OutTax = "Out Tax";
Zi.LAN.OutAmount = "Out Amount";
Zi.LAN.WhetherToAdvance = "Advance Pay";//是否垫付
Zi.LAN.Nnvoice = "No Invoicing";//不开发票
Zi.LAN.CommissionRate = "Commission ratio";//佣金比率
Zi.LAN.EnterDate = "EnterDate";//录入日期
Zi.LAN.Auditor = "Auditor";//审核人
Zi.LAN.ReviewDate = "Audit Date";//审核日期
Zi.LAN.SettlementAmount = "Settle Amount";//结算金额
Zi.LAN.BillingAmount = "InvoicedAmount";//已开票金额
Zi.LAN.InvoiceNumber = "InvoiceNo.";//发票号码
Zi.LAN.TotalProfit = "Profit Total";//利润合计
Zi.LAN.TotalProfitSTR = "Customer Total";//客户合计
Zi.LAN.Receivable = "Debit";//应收
Zi.LAN.ReceivableOther = "Other Debit";//其他币别应收
Zi.LAN.ReceivableSum = "TotalDebit";//合计应收
Zi.LAN.Handle = "Credit";//应付
Zi.LAN.profit = "Profit";//利润
Zi.LAN.profitUSD = "USD Credit";//USD应付
Zi.LAN.profitSum = "TotalCredit";//合计应付
Zi.LAN.USDprofit = "USD Profit";//USD利润
Zi.LAN.HandleOther = "Other Credit";//其他币别应付
Zi.LAN.Otherprofit = "Other Currency Profit";//其他币别利润
Zi.LAN.Hejiprofit = "Total Profit";//合计利润
Zi.LAN.ProfitMargins = "Profit rate";//"利润率";
Zi.LAN.TaxesNotIncluded = "Tax is not included";//"应收不含税";
Zi.LAN.PayableTax = "Tax is not included";//"应付不含税";
Zi.LAN.TaxIncluded = "Receivable including tax";//"应收含税";
Zi.LAN.NamePayable = "FeeName";//应付费用名称
Zi.LAN.notIncluded = "Profits do not include tax";//"利润不含税";
Zi.LAN.notIncludedID ="Profit including tax";// "利润含税";
Zi.LAN.ChangeProfitBefore = "Profit statistics";//"利润统计";
Zi.LAN.ChangeProBefore = "Profit before change";//"更改前利润";
Zi.LAN.ChangeProfit = "Modified profit";//"更改后利润";
Zi.LAN.ProfitMargin = "Profit margin";//"利润差额";
Zi.LAN.Sum = "Total";//合计
Zi.LAN.BiBieSum = "Currency Total";//币别合计
Zi.LAN.LoadData = "Loading...";//数据加载中,请稍等...
Zi.LAN.Bixukuaiji = "Mandatory accounting period!";//"必须会计期间!";
Zi.LAN.NowSelect = "Querying data...";//"正在查询数据...";
Zi.LAN.FirstShenH = "Please select the fee to review first";//"请先选择要审核的费用";
Zi.LAN.TiShi = "Hint";//"提示";
Zi.LAN.OnlyShenHe = "Only fees with a fee status of [Submit for review] can be approved!";//"只能费用状态为[提交审核]的费用才能审核通过";
Zi.LAN.RoleShenHe = "You do not have permission to review this fee";//"你没有审核此费用的权限";
Zi.LAN.ZZShenHe = "Being audited...";//"正在审核...";
Zi.LAN.ZZTiJiao = "Submitting data...";//"正在提交数据...";
Zi.LAN.Error = "An error occurred. Please try again";//"请求出现错误,请重试";
Zi.LAN.LocalBoHui = "This ticket is locked and cannot be rejected";//"此票业务已锁定,不允许驳回!";
Zi.LAN.SelectFeiYong = "Please first select the fee to be rejected";//"请先选择要驳回的费用";
Zi.LAN.Tishi1 = "Only fees whose status is [Submitted for review] or [approved for review] can be rejected for submission";//"只能费用状态为[提交审核]或[审核通过]的费用才能驳回提交";
Zi.LAN.Tishi2 = "Current charges have been settled and cannot be rejected!";//"当前费用已结算无法驳回!";
Zi.LAN.Tishi3 = "Current charges have been invoiced and cannot be rejected!";//"当前费用已开出发票无法驳回!";
Zi.LAN.Tishi4 = "Current fees Applied fees cannot be rejected!";//"当前费用已申请费用无法驳回!";
Zi.LAN.Tishi5 = "Current charges have been billed and cannot be rejected!";//"当前费用已申请开票无法驳回";
Zi.LAN.Tishi6 = "You do not have permission to review this fee!";//"你没有审核此费用的权限!";
Zi.LAN.Tishi7 = "Confirm rejection!";//"确认驳回!";
Zi.LAN.Tishi8 = "Please enter the reason for rejection!";//"请输入驳回原因!";
Zi.LAN.ZhengZaiBh = "Submission being rejected...";//"正在驳回提交...";
Zi.LAN.StopFaPiao = "Please first select the fee for which invoicing is prohibited!";//"请先选择要禁开发票的费用!";
Zi.LAN.NOtUpdate = "It is not allowed to change the billing status after billing has been settled or invoiced and invoicing has been applied!";//"已结算或开出发票及申请开票后,不允许修改是否开票状态!";
Zi.LAN.JinJinFP = "Please first select the fee for which you want to release the invoice!";//"请先选择要解禁开发票的费用!";
Zi.LAN.SelectPiZhun = "Please first select the fee to approve your application!";//"请先选择要批准申请的费用!";
Zi.LAN.SelectFYZT = "Only fees whose status is [Request for Modification] or [Request for deletion] can be approved";//"只能费用状态为[申请修改]或[申请删除]的费用才能审核通过";
Zi.LAN.FYPizhun = "Expense approved!";//"费用批准成功!";
Zi.LAN.FYZTBH = "Only fees whose fee status is [Request for modification] or [Request for deletion] can be rejected for submission";//"只能费用状态为[申请修改]或[申请删除]的费用才能驳回提交";
Zi.LAN.BHRole = "You do not have the authority to reject this fee!";//"你没有批驳回此费用的权限!";
Zi.LAN.BHSuccess = "Application rejected successfully!";//"驳回申请成功";
Zi.LAN.OnSelect = "Querying data...";//"正在查询主表数据...";
Zi.LAN.SelectFY = "Please first select the fees you want to view!";//"请先选择要查看的费用!";
Zi.LAN.E = "Error";//错误
Zi.LAN.LocalWTFY = "This ticket entrustment fee has been locked, do not allow operating fees!";//"此票委托费用已锁定,不允许操作费用!";
Zi.LAN.SelectShenHe = "Please select the business to be audited first!";//"请先选择要审核的业务!";
Zi.LAN.LoaclYeWuNo = "There is no business to lock down";//"没有要锁定的业务";
Zi.LAN.zzaiLoacal = "Locking...";//"正在锁定...";
Zi.LAN.NoYWShenHe = "No business needs to be audited. Please search for the business that needs to be audited first";//"没有业务需审核,请首先检索需审核的业务";
Zi.LAN.selectLocalYW = "Select the services that you want to lock";//"请先选择要锁定的业务";
Zi.LAN.HUMIDITY = "Select the service that you want to unlock";//"请先选择要解除锁定的业务";
Zi.LAN.MeiYuou = "There are no services to be unlocked";//"没有要解除锁定的业务";
Zi.LAN.NowPanduansuoding = "Judging the lock...";//"正在判断锁定...";
Zi.LAN.JieChuSuoDingNow = "Unlocking";//"正在解除锁定";
Zi.LAN.JiechuSuodingSuccess = "Unlocking succeeded";//"解除锁定成功";
Zi.LAN.FYfengzhang = "Expense closing";//"费用封帐";
Zi.LAN.XiuGaiKuaiji = "Revised accounting period";//"修改会计期间";
Zi.LAN.IsOpen = "Confidential or not";//"是否机密";
Zi.LAN.ShenQingJinE = "Amount applied";//"申请金额";
Zi.LAN.Caozuo = "OP";//"操 作";
Zi.LAN.FeiYongFanwei = "Cost range";//"费用范围";
Zi.LAN.FYchakan = "Cost view area";//"费用查看范围";
Zi.LAN.FYUpdate = "The cost is modified to a new value";//"费用修改新值";
Zi.LAN.Fyduixiang = "Cost object";//"费用对象";
Zi.LAN.danweibiaozhun = "Unit standard";//"单位标准";
Zi.LAN.NotShuijia = "Price excluding tax";//"不含税价";
Zi.LAN.jiFeishuliang = "Charge quantity";//"计费数量";
Zi.LAN.buhanshuie = "Excluding tax";//"不含税额";
Zi.LAN.hsjine = "Tax included amount";//"含税金额";
Zi.LAN.caiwushui = "Financial tax rate";//"财务税率";
Zi.LAN.Updateyuanyin = "Reason for modification";//"修改原因";
Zi.LAN.zeperson = "Person in charge";//"责任人";
Zi.LAN.sqperson = "applicant";//"申请人";
Zi.LAN.sqtime = "Application time";//"申请时间";
Zi.LAN.surefengzhang = "Confirmation of seal";//"确认封帐";
Zi.LAN.close = "Close";//关闭
Zi.LAN.isShiYongHuoDaiDaiMa = "货代代码";
Zi.LAN.MASTERNO = "Service number";//"业务编号";
Zi.LAN.XiaoxiangSL = "Output tax rate";//"销项税率";
Zi.LAN.YingFuHanShui = "Tax payable";//"应付含税";
Zi.LAN.LooKYUanPiao = "Check the original ticket cost";//"查看原票费用";
Zi.LAN.SureFengZhang = "Confirmation of seal";//"确认封账";
Zi.LAN.cpyelocal = "This ticket is locked and cannot be approved";//"此票业务已锁定,不允许批准申请";
Zi.LAN.NoRole = "You do not have the authority to approve this fee";//"你没有批准此费用的权限";
Zi.LAN.FeiYongYisD = "This ticket has been charged has been locked, do not allow operating costs!";//"此票委托已费用已锁定,不允许操作费用!";
Zi.LAN.JapanAMR = "Please select the business to be audited first!";//"请先选择要审核的业务!";
Zi.LAN.NoYwu = "No business to be audited, please search for the business to be audited first!";//"没有业务需审核,请首先检索需审核的业务!";
Zi.LAN.TotalProfitAmendSTR = "Total ticket";//"票合计";
Zi.LAN.AmendttlObject = "Description";//"描述";
Zi.LAN.PLACERECEIPT = "PlaceofRececeipt";
Zi.LAN.DESTINATION = "Destination";
Zi.LAN.INVNO = "Invoice No";
Zi.LAN.sureAllAudit = "Are you sure you want to review all the retrieved business?";//"确认要审核检索出来的所有业务吗?";
Zi.LAN.ORDERNO = "Order number";//"订单号";
Zi.LAN.SALECORP = "Accounting unit";//"核算单位";
Zi.LAN.BillFeeStatus = "Block submission";//"整票提交";
Zi.LAN.btnprint = "print";//"打印";
Zi.LAN.btnprintview = "Print preview";//"打印预览";
Zi.LAN.COMMISSIONRATE = "Proportion of freight and miscellaneous expenses";//"运杂费比例";
Zi.LAN.AuditBill = "Check of promissory note";//"本票审核";
Zi.LAN.GOODSNAME = "GoodsName";
Zi.LAN.CARRIER = "Carrier";
Zi.LAN.YARD = "Yard";
Zi.LAN.FORWARDER = "Forwarder";
Zi.LAN.CONTRACTNO = "Contractno";
Zi.LAN.ISSUETYPE = "Issue Type";
Zi.LAN.SERVICE = "Service";
Zi.LAN.noacctaxttldr = "Cancellation amount";//"销项金额";
Zi.LAN.noacctaxttlcr = "Amount of input";//"进项金额";
Zi.LAN.acctaxttldr = " Input VAT";//"进项税额";
Zi.LAN.acctaxttlcr = "Output VAT";//"销项税额";
Zi.LAN.Remarks2 = "Other Remarks";
Zi.LAN.BLSALECORP = "subdivision";//"所属分部";
Zi.LAN.SALEDEPT = "Subordinate department";//"所属部门";
Zi.LAN.INPUTMODE = "Input mode";//"录入方式";
Zi.LAN.Reason = "Delete or modify the cause";//"删除/修改原因";
Zi.LAN.DebitNo = "Reconciliation number";//"对帐编号";
Zi.LAN.BILLFEEOP = "submitter";//"提交人";
Zi.LAN.CUSTSERVICE = "Customer service clerk";//"客服员";
Zi.LAN.CARGOID = "Cargo identification";//"货物标识";
Zi.LAN.DOC = "Doc";
Zi.LAN.BLTYPE = "Mode of shipment";//"装运方式";
Zi.LAN.DCLASS = "Dangerous goods class";//"危险品等级";
Zi.LAN.SubmitDate = "Submit Date";
Zi.LAN.OPSTATUS = "Service status";//"业务状态";
Zi.LAN.Workflow = "Workflow";//"工作流";
Zi.LAN.WorkflowAll = "All";//"全部";
Zi.LAN.SaleOrder = "Sales Order";//"销售订舱";
Zi.LAN.BillSubmit = "Bill Submit";//"单票提交";
Zi.LAN.BsSubmit = "All Submit";//"整票提交";
Zi.LAN.PROFITTYPE = "Total Profit";//"利润合计显示";
Zi.LAN.HAVETAX = "Tax";//"含税";
Zi.LAN.NOTAX = "No-tax";//"不含税";
Zi.LAN.PROFITRED = "Falling Profits";//"利润减少";
Zi.LAN.WU = "None";//"无";
Zi.LAN.SHENMODIFY = "Apply For Modification";//"申请修改";
Zi.LAN.YES = "Yes";//"是";
Zi.LAN.NO = "No";//"否";
Zi.LAN.HEJI = "Total";//"合计";
Zi.LAN.ZHUPIAOFEIYONGHEJI = "Total Main Expenses";//"主票费用合计";
Zi.LAN.CUSTFULLNAME = "Full Name"//"结算对象全称";
Zi.LAN.OTCURR = "Other Currencies";//"其他币别";
Zi.LAN.Prompt = "Hint";//"提示";
Zi.LAN.SureAudit_Profit = "The profit of this ticket business is less than or equal to 0, is it sure to pass the audit?";//"该票业务利润小于等于0,确定审核通过吗?";
Zi.LAN.SureConfirm_Profit = "The profit of this ticket business is less than or equal to 0, are you sure to approve the application?";//"该票业务利润小于等于0,确定批准申请吗?";
Zi.LAN.HYCK = "Sea Export";//"海运出口";
Zi.LAN.HYJK = "Sea Ixport";//"海运进口";
Zi.LAN.PUTONGHUO = "General cargo";//"普通货";
Zi.LAN.GENGGAIDAN = "Change order";//"更改单";
Zi.LAN.ZHENGXIANG = "Full container load (FCL)";//"整箱";
Zi.LAN.PINXIANGDANPIAO = "LCL single ticket";//"拼箱单票";
Zi.LAN.PINXIANGFENPIAO = "Split tickets by container load";//"拼箱分票";
Zi.LAN.PINXIANGZHUPIAO = "LCL main ticket";//"拼箱主票";
Zi.LAN.HEPIAOZHUPIAO = "Joint main ticket";//"合票主票";
Zi.LAN.HEPIAOFENPIAO ="Share the votes";// "合票分票";
Zi.LAN.WEITIJIAO = "Not submitted";//"未提交";
Zi.LAN.ZHENGPIAOTIJIAO = "Block submission";//"整票提交";
Zi.LAN.SHENHETONGGUO = "Pass";//"审核通过";
Zi.LAN.ZHENGPIAOBOHUI = "Reject";//"整票驳回";
Zi.LAN.TRADETERM = "Trade Clause";//'贸易条款';
Zi.LAN.REASON = "Reason For Change";//'更改单更改原因';
Zi.LAN.SHENHETONGGUO = "Pass";//"审核通过";
Zi.LAN.ZHENGPIAOBOHUI = "Reject";//"整票驳回";
Zi.LAN.LURUZHUAGNTAI = "Entry status";//"录入状态";
Zi.LAN.TIJIAOSHENHE = "Submit for review";//"提交审核";
Zi.LAN.BUFENJIESUAN = "Partial settlement";//"部分结算";
Zi.LAN.JIESUANWANBI = "Settlement completed";//"结算完毕";
Zi.LAN.WEILURU = "Not entered";//"未录入";
Zi.LAN.BUFENSHENHE = "Partial audit";//"部分审核";
Zi.LAN.BUFENTIJIAO = "Partial submission";//"部分提交";
Zi.LAN.BOHUITIJIAO = "Reject submission";//"驳回提交";
Zi.LAN.SHENDEL = "Apply For Deletion";//"申请删除";
Zi.LAN.CHEDUI = "TRUCK";//"车队";
Zi.LAN.DAILI = "AGENT";//"代理";
Zi.LAN.QITA = "OTHER";//"其他";