using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Services;
using HomeService.DBHelper;
using HomeService.Models;
using HomeService.Utility;
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data;
namespace HomeService
/// <summary>
/// HomeService 的摘要说明
/// </summary>
[WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
// 若要允许使用 ASP.NET AJAX 从脚本中调用此 Web 服务,请取消对下行的注释。
// [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService]
public class HomeService : System.Web.Services.WebService
public static void StoreMemcachedForLogin(string codeName)
string codeNameStr = CacheHelper.Get("loginUser") as string;
if (codeName != "" && codeName != null)
if (codeNameStr == null)
CacheHelper.Set("loginUser", codeName, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(4));
if (codeNameStr.IndexOf(codeName) != -1)
CacheHelper.Replace("loginUser", codeNameStr, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(4));
else if (codeNameStr.IndexOf(codeName) == -1)
if (codeNameStr == "")
CacheHelper.Set("loginUser", codeName, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(4));
CacheHelper.Replace("loginUser", codeNameStr + "|" + codeName, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(4));
public static void StoreMemcachedForUser(string codeName, string userid, string showName, string companyid, string companyCodeName, string companyName, string localcurr, string workflowMsg, string deptid, string deptName)
string _user = CacheHelper.Get(codeName) as string;
if (_user == null)
CacheHelper.Set(codeName, userid + "|" + showName + "|" + companyid + "|" + companyCodeName + "|" + companyName + "|" + localcurr + "|" + workflowMsg + "|" + deptid + "|" + deptName, DateTime.Now.AddHours(18));
CacheHelper.Replace(codeName, userid + "|" + showName + "|" + companyid + "|" + companyCodeName + "|" + companyName + "|" + localcurr + "|" + workflowMsg + "|" + deptid + "|" + deptName, DateTime.Now.AddHours(18));
public static void StoreMemcachedForCount(string codeName)//加入用户的codeName,正好用于查询用户信息
string gid = "";
string codename = "";
string showname = "";
string companyid = "";
string companycodename = "";
string companyname = "";
string localcurr = "";
string workflowmsg = "";
string deptname = "";
string deptid = "";
string templetid = "";
string linkurl = "";
string sql = "";
string userid = "";
#region opration
if (codeName != "")
List<MsTempletStructure> modInquire = new List<MsTempletStructure>();
modInquire = GetSQLForCount(codeName);
string _user = CacheHelper.Get(codeName) as string;
string[] _userArr = _user.Split('|');
userid = _userArr[0];
showname = _userArr[1];
companyid = _userArr[2];
companycodename = _userArr[3];
companyname = _userArr[4];
localcurr = _userArr[5];
workflowmsg = _userArr[6];
deptid = _userArr[7];
deptname = _userArr[8];
#region get templet
foreach (MsTempletStructure _templet in modInquire)
gid = _templet.GID;
companyid = _templet.COMPANYID;
templetid = _templet.TEMPLETID;
linkurl = _templet.LINKURL;
sql = _templet.SQL;
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
if (sql != "")
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + userid + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + userid + \"", userid);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+userid+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+userid+\"", userid);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + codename + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + codename + \"", codename);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+codename+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+codename+\"", codename);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + showname + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + showname + \"", showname);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+showname+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+showname+\"", showname);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + companyid + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + companyid + \"", companyid);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+companyid+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+companyid+\"", companyid);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + companycodename + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + companycodename + \"", companycodename);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+companycodename+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+companycodename+\"", companycodename);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + companyname + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + companyname + \"", companyname);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+companyname+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+companyname+\"", companyname);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + localcurr + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + localcurr + \"", localcurr);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+localcurr+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+localcurr+\"", localcurr);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + workflowmsg + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + workflowmsg + \"", workflowmsg);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+workflowmsg+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+workflowmsg+\"", workflowmsg);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + deptname + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + deptname + \"", deptname);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+deptname+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+deptname+\"", deptname);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + deptgid + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + deptgid + \"", deptid);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+deptgid+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+deptgid+\"", deptid);
sql = "select (" + sql + ") as result";
dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);
dt = null;
if (dt != null)
if (!CacheHelper.IsExists(gid + "|" + companyid + "|" + userid + "|" + templetid))
CacheHelper.Set(gid + "|" + companyid + "|" + userid + "|" + templetid, dt, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2));
CacheHelper.Replace(gid + "|" + companyid + "|" + userid + "|" + templetid, dt, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2));
public static void StoreMemcachedForList(string codeName)
string gid = "";
string codename = "";
string showname = "";
string companyid = "";
string companycodename = "";
string companyname = "";
string localcurr = "";
string workflowmsg = "";
string deptname = "";
string deptid = "";
string templetid = "";
string linkurl = "";
string sql = "";
string userid = "";
#region operation
if (codeName != "")
List<MsTempletStructure> modInquire = new List<MsTempletStructure>();
modInquire = GetSQLForList(codeName);
string _user = CacheHelper.Get(codeName) as string;
string[] _userArr = _user.Split('|');
userid = _userArr[0];
showname = _userArr[1];
companyid = _userArr[2];
companycodename = _userArr[3];
companyname = _userArr[4];
localcurr = _userArr[5];
workflowmsg = _userArr[6];
deptid = _userArr[7];
deptname = _userArr[8];
#region get templet
foreach (MsTempletStructure _templet in modInquire)
gid = _templet.GID;
companyid = _templet.COMPANYID;
templetid = _templet.TEMPLETID;
linkurl = _templet.LINKURL;
sql = _templet.SQL;
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
if (sql != "")
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + userid + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + userid + \"", userid);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+userid+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+userid+\"", userid);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + codename + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + codename + \"", codename);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+codename+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+codename+\"", codename);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + showname + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + showname + \"", showname);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+showname+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+showname+\"", showname);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + companyid + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + companyid + \"", companyid);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+companyid+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+companyid+\"", companyid);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + companycodename + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + companycodename + \"", companycodename);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+companycodename+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+companycodename+\"", companycodename);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + companyname + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + companyname + \"", companyname);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+companyname+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+companyname+\"", companyname);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + localcurr + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + localcurr + \"", localcurr);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+localcurr+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+localcurr+\"", localcurr);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + workflowmsg + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + workflowmsg + \"", workflowmsg);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+workflowmsg+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+workflowmsg+\"", workflowmsg);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + deptname + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + deptname + \"", deptname);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+deptname+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+deptname+\"", deptname);
if (sql.IndexOf("\" + deptgid + \"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\" + deptgid + \"", deptid);
else if (sql.IndexOf("\"+deptgid+\"") != -1 && linkurl != ".") sql = sql.Replace("\"+deptgid+\"", deptid);
//sql = "select (" + sql + ") as result";
dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);
dt = null;
if (dt != null)
if (!CacheHelper.IsExists(gid + "|" + companyid + "|" + userid + "|" + templetid))
CacheHelper.Set(gid + "|" + companyid + "|" + userid + "|" + templetid, dt, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2));
CacheHelper.Replace(gid + "|" + companyid + "|" + userid + "|" + templetid, dt, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2));
public static DataTable DeliveryMemcachedForCount(string gid, string codeName, string companyid, string userid, string templetid)
DataTable _delivery = new DataTable();
DataTable _de = CacheHelper.Get(gid + "|" + companyid + "|" + userid + "|" + templetid) as DataTable;
if (_de != null)
_delivery = CacheHelper.Get(gid + "|" + companyid + "|" + userid + "|" + templetid) as DataTable;
_delivery = CacheHelper.Get(gid + "|" + companyid + "|" + userid + "|" + templetid) as DataTable;
return _delivery;
public static DataTable DeliveryMemcachedImmediatelyForCount(string gid, string codeName, string companyid, string userid, string templetid)
DataTable _delivery = new DataTable();
_delivery = CacheHelper.Get(gid + "|" + companyid + "|" + userid + "|" + templetid) as DataTable;
return _delivery;
public static DataTable DeliveryMemcachedForList(string gid, string codeName, string companyid, string userid, string templetid)
DataTable _delivery = new DataTable();
DataTable _de = CacheHelper.Get(gid + "|" + companyid + "|" + userid + "|" + templetid) as DataTable;
if (_de != null)
_delivery = CacheHelper.Get(gid + "|" + companyid + "|" + userid + "|" + templetid) as DataTable;
_delivery = CacheHelper.Get(gid + "|" + companyid + "|" + userid + "|" + templetid) as DataTable;
return _delivery;
public static DataTable DeliveryMemcachedImmediatelyForList(string gid, string codeName, string companyid, string userid, string templetid)
DataTable _delivery = new DataTable();
_delivery = CacheHelper.Get(gid + "|" + companyid + "|" + userid + "|" + templetid) as DataTable;
return _delivery;
private static List<MsTempletStructure> GetSQLForCount(string codeName)
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
sql.AppendLine("select B.GID,B.COMPANYID,A.USERTEMPLETID as TEMPLETID,LINKURL,[SQL] from main_module as A ");
sql.AppendLine("left join user_templet as B on A.USERTEMPLETID=B.TEMPLETID ");
sql.AppendLine("where B.LINKURL is not NULL and B.LINKURL != '.' and B.LINKURL != '#' and B.SQL is not null ");
sql.AppendLine("and A.CREATEUSER=(select GID from [user] where CODENAME='" + codeName + "') and B.USERID=(select GID from [user] where CODENAME='" + codeName + "')");
return SetSQL(sql);
private static List<MsTempletStructure> GetSQLForList(string codeName)
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
sql.AppendLine("select B.GID,B.COMPANYID,A.USERTEMPLETID as TEMPLETID,LINKURL,[SQL] from main_module as A ");
sql.AppendLine("left join user_templet as B on A.USERTEMPLETID=B.TEMPLETID ");
sql.AppendLine("where B.LINKURL is not NULL and B.LINKURL != '.' and B.LINKURL = '#' and B.SQL is not null ");
sql.AppendLine("and A.CREATEUSER=(select GID from [user] where CODENAME='" + codeName + "') and B.USERID=(select GID from [user] where CODENAME='" + codeName + "')");
return SetSQL(sql);
private static List<MsTempletStructure> SetSQL(StringBuilder sql)
var list = new List<MsTempletStructure>();
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql.ToString()))
while (reader.Read())
MsTempletStructure data = new MsTempletStructure();
#region Set DB data to Object
data.GID = Convert.ToString(reader["GID"]);
data.COMPANYID = Convert.ToString(reader["COMPANYID"]);
data.TEMPLETID = Convert.ToString(reader["TEMPLETID"]);
data.LINKURL = Convert.ToString(reader["LINKURL"]);
data.SQL = Convert.ToString(reader["SQL"]);
return list;
private static List<Employee> GetUserInfo()
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
sql.AppendLine("select GID,USERNAME,CODENAME,SHOWNAME,PASSWORD from [user] ");
return SetUserInfo(sql);
private static List<Employee> SetUserInfo(StringBuilder sql)
var list = new List<Employee>();
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql.ToString()))
while (reader.Read())
Employee data = new Employee();
#region Set DB data to Object
data.GID = Convert.ToString(reader["GID"]);
data.USERNAME = Convert.ToString(reader["USERNAME"]);
data.CODENAME = Convert.ToString(reader["CODENAME"]);
data.SHOWNAME = Convert.ToString(reader["SHOWNAME"]);
data.PASSWORD = Convert.ToString(reader["PASSWORD"]);
return list;