You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1500 lines
44 KiB

object frm_message_guide: Tfrm_message_guide
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object bsSkinRadioGroup5: TbsSkinRadioGroup
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Top = 23
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object bsSkinRadioGroup6: TbsSkinRadioGroup
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Top = 74
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Height = 52
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SkinDataName = 'groupbox'
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ItemIndex = 0
Items.Strings = (
object bsSkinRadioGroup7: TbsSkinRadioGroup
Left = 1
Top = 74
Width = 187
Height = 52
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object TPage
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RollUpState = False
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Align = alClient
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NumGlyphs = 2
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NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
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object bsSkinButton16: TbsSkinButton
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Top = 172
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object Label1: TLabel
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object Label2: TLabel
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Top = 66
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Height = 12
Caption = #22825#35745#31639#22351#36134
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object bsSkinCheckRadioBox1: TbsSkinCheckRadioBox
Left = 20
Top = 32
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Checked = True
GroupIndex = 1
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object Edit1: TEdit
Left = 77
Top = 34
Width = 69
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TabOrder = 1
object bsSkinCheckRadioBox2: TbsSkinCheckRadioBox
Left = 22
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Radio = True
Checked = False
GroupIndex = 1
Caption = #36134#26399#21518
object Edit2: TEdit
Left = 79
Top = 64
Width = 69
Height = 20
TabOrder = 3
object bsSkinRadioGroup8: TbsSkinRadioGroup
Left = 224
Top = 23
Width = 167
Height = 102
TabOrder = 4
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'groupbox'
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object TPage
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BorderStyle = bvFrame
CaptionMode = True
RollUpMode = False
RollUpState = False
NumGlyphs = 1
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Align = alClient
object Label7: TLabel
Left = 36
Top = 40
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Caption = #24403#25226#26576#31080#25152#20197#36153#29992#25552#20132#26102','#22914#26524#26159#38646#21033#28070#25110#26159#36127#21033#28070#35201#27714
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Left = 12
Top = 72
Width = 144
Height = 12
Caption = #36755#20837#21407#22240','#24182#25552#20132#37038#20214#25552#37266'.'
Transparent = True
object bsSkinButton8: TbsSkinButton
Left = 228
Top = 171
Width = 69
Height = 25
TabOrder = 0
SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1
SkinDataName = 'button'
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TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #30830#23450
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
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Top = 171
Width = 69
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TabStop = True
CanFocused = True
Down = False
GroupIndex = 0
Caption = #21462#28040
NumGlyphs = 2
Spacing = 1
OnClick = bsSkinButton3Click
object bsSkinButton17: TbsSkinButton
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Top = 172
Width = 69
Height = 25
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TabStop = True
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Down = False
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Caption = #21462#28040
NumGlyphs = 2
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object Memo1: TMemo
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