You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

9311 lines
293 KiB

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Left = 1
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Checked = False
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Left = 1
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Left = 99
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Width = 48
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Radio = True
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GroupIndex = 1
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Width = 37
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Width = 81
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object bsSkinCheckRadioBox76: TbsSkinCheckRadioBox
Left = 16
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Width = 89
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Radio = True
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object bsSkinCheckRadioBox77: TbsSkinCheckRadioBox
Left = 72
Top = 23
Width = 41
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object bsSkinCheckRadioBox78: TbsSkinCheckRadioBox
Left = 16
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Width = 89
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Radio = True
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object bsSkinCheckRadioBox79: TbsSkinCheckRadioBox
Left = 108
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Width = 41
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Radio = True
Checked = False
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object bsSkinCheckRadioBox80: TbsSkinCheckRadioBox
Left = 16
Top = 26
Width = 49
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Radio = True
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GroupIndex = 1
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Width = 41
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Checked = False
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object bsSkinCheckRadioBox37: TbsSkinCheckRadioBox
Left = 4
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Width = 41
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object TbsSkinPage
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'select * from t_sys_parameters'
'order by PA_ID')
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'select * from t_sys_parameters_value')
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'SELECT '#25597#36135#20154' AS '#26376#20221',SUM(dbo.t_op_gain.'#27611#21033#28070') AS '#27611#21033#28070',sum('#35745#20215#37325#37327') as '#35745#20215#37325#37327 +
',count(t_op_aire.'#32534#21495') as '#31080#25968' FROM t_op_aire INNER JOIN t_op_gain O' +
'N t_op_aire.'#32534#21495' =t_op_gain.'#32534#21495' GROUP BY '#25597#36135#20154
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Top = 284