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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using dongshengFtpTools.common;
using MailAnalyzeTools.Common;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using MailAnalyzeTools.Logic.HongAn;
using MailAnalyzeTools.Models;
using System.Data;
* 处理共享文件夹里的edi提单,处理完成移动到其他文件夹
namespace MailAnalyzeTools
class dealHA_Edi_tool
public ToolStripStatusLabel TSLabl_Info;
private static string m_HA_Edi_Path;
private static string m_HA_Edi_TargetPath;
private static string GetHA_Edi_Path()
if (m_HA_Edi_Path == null)
m_HA_Edi_Path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HA_Edi_Path"];
return m_HA_Edi_Path;
private static string GetHA_Edi_TargetPath()
if (m_HA_Edi_TargetPath == null)
m_HA_Edi_TargetPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HA_Edi_TargetPath"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_HA_Edi_TargetPath))
string basepath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
m_HA_Edi_TargetPath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetParent(basepath).Parent.FullName, "data");
return m_HA_Edi_TargetPath;
public static bool IsBusy;
//获得要处理的文件private bool analyzeFilelist(
public bool analyzeFilel()
bool isok = true;
string pth = GetHA_Edi_Path();
const string TDNAME = "提单确认";
IsBusy = true;
int iindex = 0;
int iFailure = 0;//失败文件数
string sql_pre = "INSERT INTO [t_op_seae_td_file]([ftp_filename],[lastmodi_date] ,[filesize],[download_ok],[remark],local_path,download_date,ReportID,fileType) "
+ " VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}',{3},'{4}','{5}',getdate(),'{6}','{7}')";
string sql;
string sql_Analyze;
DateTime dtmodi = DateTime.Today;
string localfileName = "";
DirectoryInfo folder = new DirectoryInfo(pth);
FileInfo[] files = folder.GetFiles("*.*");
int ncount = files.Length;
List<string> fileDealErrList = new List<string>();
foreach (FileInfo file in files)
bool isokOp = true;
fileprop fp = new fileprop();
fp.fdate = file.LastWriteTime.ToString("yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
fp.fname = file.Name;
fp.fsize = file.Length.ToString();
string fname = file.FullName;
if (TSLabl_Info != null)
TSLabl_Info.Text = string.Format("{0}/{1}:{2}", iindex, ncount, fp.fname);
catch (Exception)
DateTime taskdatetime = file.LastWriteTime;
string localpath;
string newreportid = NewGUID();
string reporttype = "未知";
string errorinfo = "";
localpath = GetHA_Edi_TargetPath();
if (!Directory.Exists(localpath))
// 目标路径+"ediTD"+"yyyymm";
localpath = Path.Combine(localpath, string.Format("ediTD\\{0}", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMM")));
if (!Directory.Exists(localpath))
if (file.Extension != null && file.Extension.ToLower() == ".xml")
reporttype = TDNAME;
//string localfullpath ="1.xml";
string localfullpath = localpath + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name) + DateTime.Now.ToString("_yyyyMMddHHmmss") + file.Extension;
StringBuilder blderrorinfo = new StringBuilder();
File.Move(fname, localfullpath);
catch (Exception ex)
LogHelper.WriteLog("ediTD", ex.Message);
TOP_Task optsk = new TOP_Task();
optsk.F_01RWBH = newreportid;
optsk.F_02SJRWH = null;
optsk.F_03RWLX = reporttype;
optsk.F_04RWLY = "FTP";
optsk.F_05RWZT = "待导入确认";
optsk.F_06RWSM = "鸿安货运Edi提单";
optsk.F_07FQR = "DEMO-SA";
optsk.F_09RWKSSJ = taskdatetime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
optsk.F_08LRRQ = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
optsk.F_10WCFS = "手动";
optsk.F_14WJBH = newreportid;
optsk.F_16DZDALJ = localfullpath;
optsk.F_17SFGG = true;
sql = string.Format(sql_pre, fp.fname, taskdatetime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), fp.fsize, 1, "", localfullpath, newreportid, reporttype);
int iresult = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(sql);
if (iresult < 1)
string tmp = "ediTD 插入记录表出错";
LogHelper.WriteLog(tmp, localfullpath);
optsk.F_22Remark = "ediTD 插入记录表出错@!@";
if (reporttype != TDNAME)
optsk.F_03RWLX = TDNAME;
optsk.F_05RWZT = "报文文件错误";
errorinfo = "未知类型的鸿安edi提单";
LogHelper.WriteLog(errorinfo, localfullpath);
if (iresult > 0)
UpdateEdiFileDealStatus(newreportid, false, errorinfo);
InsertHAHYediTask(optsk, null, null,blderrorinfo);
TOp_seae_edi_rp_iftmbc edi_rp_iftmbc = new TOp_seae_edi_rp_iftmbc();
List<TOP_EDI_CTN_HACS> ctnlist = new List<TOP_EDI_CTN_HACS>();
//HAEdiAnalyzeTool.ImportMCSEdiList(localfullpath,edi_rp_iftmbc, ctnlist);
HAEdiXmlAnalyzeTool hntool = new HAEdiXmlAnalyzeTool();
edi_rp_iftmbc.F_Base_ReportID = newreportid;
isokOp = hntool.AnalyzeHAEdi(localfullpath, edi_rp_iftmbc, ctnlist, blderrorinfo);
//提单号查询 sea编号及 对ctnlist 赋值
initialTaskSeaRelatedInfo(optsk, edi_rp_iftmbc, ctnlist);
//todo 插入任务
InsertHAHYediTask(optsk,edi_rp_iftmbc, ctnlist, blderrorinfo);
catch (Exception ex)
errorinfo = "分析HAHY edi 发生异常: " + ex.Message;
LogHelper.WriteLog(errorinfo, " reportid为" + newreportid);
UpdateEdiFileDealStatus(newreportid, isokOp, errorinfo);
catch (Exception ex)
isok = false;
LogHelper.WriteLog( typeof(dealHA_Edi_tool) ,ex);
IsBusy = false;
return isok;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="optsk"></param>
/// <param name="edibc"></param>
/// <param name="ctnlist"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool InsertHAHYediTask(TOP_Task optsk, TOp_seae_edi_rp_iftmbc edibc, List<TOP_EDI_CTN_HACS> ctnlist, StringBuilder errorinfo)
string sql;
bool isok = true;
if (edibc != null)
sql = edibc.GetHAHY_EdiTD_OpSeaInsertSql();
int i = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(sql);
if (i < 1)
catch (Exception ex)
string info = "插入业务信息失败:" + ex.Message;
LogHelper.WriteLog(info, optsk.F_16DZDALJ);
isok = false;
if (ctnlist != null)
foreach (var item in ctnlist)
item.base_reportid = edibc.F_Base_ReportID;
sql = item.GetHAHY_EdiTD_OpctnInsertSql();
int i = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(sql);
if (i < 1)
catch (Exception ex)
isok = false;
string info = "插入业务明细信息失败:" + ex.Message;
LogHelper.WriteLog(info, optsk.F_16DZDALJ);
if (!isok)
optsk.F_22Remark = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(optsk.F_22Remark) ? "" : optsk.F_22Remark) + errorinfo.ToString();
string sql_pre = @"INSERT INTO [t_op_task]
([任务编号] ,[任务类型],[任务来源],[任务状态],[任务说明]
,[发起人] ,[录入日期] ,[任务开始时间] ,[完成方式] ,[完成时间]
values({0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},{11},{12},{13},{14},{15},{16},{17}) ";
sql = string.Format(sql_pre,
StrUtill.GetValueString(optsk.F_01RWBH), // 0[任务编号] o
StrUtill.GetValueString(optsk.F_03RWLX), // 1任务类型 o
StrUtill.GetValueString(optsk.F_04RWLY), // 2任务来源 o
StrUtill.GetValueString(optsk.F_05RWZT), // 3任务状态 o
StrUtill.GetValueString(optsk.F_06RWSM), // 4任务说明 o
StrUtill.GetValueString(optsk.F_07FQR), // 5发起人 o
StrUtill.GetValueString(optsk.F_08LRRQ), //6 录入日期 o
StrUtill.GetValueString(optsk.F_09RWKSSJ), //7 任务开始时间 o-->to
StrUtill.GetValueString(optsk.F_10WCFS), // 8完成方式 o
StrUtill.GetValueString(optsk.F_11WCSJ), // 9完成时间 h
StrUtill.GetValueString(optsk.F_13TDH), //10 提单号 to
StrUtill.GetValueString(optsk.F_14WJBH), //11 文件编号 o
StrUtill.GetValueString(optsk.F_15YJBH), //12 邮件编号 h
StrUtill.GetValueString(optsk.F_16DZDALJ,180), //13 电子档案路径 o->to
optsk.F_17SFGG?"1":"0", // 是否公共 o--> to
StrUtill.GetValueString(optsk.F_18RWXGRY), // 任务相关人员 to
StrUtill.GetValueString(optsk.F_19SEABH), // SEA编号 to
StrUtill.GetValueString(optsk.F_22Remark,100) //备注 to
int i= DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(sql);
catch (Exception ex )
LogHelper.WriteLog("插入H鸿安货运Edi任务发生异常:", ex.Message);
UpdateEdiFileDealStatus(edibc.F_Base_ReportID, false, ex.Message);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// 根据提单号进行任务分配
/// </summary>
/// <param name="optsk"></param>
/// <param name="edibc"></param>
/// <param name="ctnlist"></param>
private bool initialTaskSeaRelatedInfo(TOP_Task optsk, TOp_seae_edi_rp_iftmbc edibc, List<TOP_EDI_CTN_HACS> ctnlist)
bool isfound = false;
if (edibc != null)
optsk.F_13TDH = string.IsNullOrEmpty(edibc.F_RFF_BM) ? edibc.F_RFF_BN:edibc.F_RFF_BM ;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(optsk.F_13TDH))
string tdh = optsk.F_13TDH;
string sql = @"select s.编号,s.客服员 from t_op_seae s where s.业务类型='普通货' and s.主提单号='{0}';";
DataTable tbltmp = DbHelperSQL.QueryTable(string.Format(sql, optsk.F_13TDH));
if (tbltmp != null && tbltmp.Rows.Count > 0)
isfound = true;
string seano = tbltmp.Rows[0]["编号"].ToString();
optsk.F_19SEABH = seano;
optsk.F_18RWXGRY = tbltmp.Rows[0]["客服员"].ToString();
optsk.F_17SFGG = false;
edibc.F_EXT_SeaNo = seano;
//最低温度 <==设置温度
//最高温度 <==设置温度
foreach (var item in ctnlist)
item.F_SEANO = seano;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ExtDGIMOClassCode))
edibc.F_WP_DGS_Type = item.ExtDGIMOClassCode;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ExtDGUNDGNumber))
edibc.F_WP_DGS_No = item.ExtDGUNDGNumber;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ExtEquipmentAirFlow))
edibc.F_EXT_EquipmentAirFlow = item.ExtEquipmentAirFlow;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ExtEquipmentTemperature))
edibc.F_WP_TMP = item.ExtEquipmentTemperature;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ExtEquipmentTemperatureUOM))
edibc.F_EXT_EquipmentTemperatureUOM = item.ExtEquipmentTemperatureUOM;
return isfound;
/// <summary>
/// 更新HAHY edi 处理状态
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reportid"></param>
/// <param name="isdealok"></param>
/// <param name="info"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool UpdateEdiFileDealStatus(string reportid, bool isdealok, string info)
bool isok = true;
string sql = "UPDATE t_op_seae_td_file SET deal_ok = {1}, remark= isnull(remark,'')+{2} WHERE [ReportID]='{0}'";
info=(string.IsNullOrEmpty(info)?"''": StrUtill.GetValueString(info, 100));
int i = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(string.Format(sql, reportid, isdealok ? 1 : 0,info ));
if (i < 1)
LogHelper.WriteLog("更新HAHY edi 处理状态未成功:reportid为", reportid);
isok = false;
catch (Exception)
isok = false;
LogHelper.WriteLog("更新HAHY edi 处理状态出错:reportid为", reportid);
return isok;
private string NewGUID()
return System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");