using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Text;
using DSWeb.Areas.TruckMng.Models.Comm;
using HcUtility.Comm;
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data;
using DSWeb.Areas.TruckMng.DAL.MsWlBs;
namespace DSWeb.Areas.TruckMng.DAL.Comm
public class MsChFeeDAL
#region 查询费用数据
static public List<MsChFee> GetDataList(string strCondition,string userid)
var strSql = new StringBuilder();
strSql.Append("SELECT ");
strSql.Append("(select EnumValueName from tSysEnumValue where LangId=0 and EnumTypeID=99024 and EnumValueID=ch_fee.FeeStatus) as FeeStatus_Ref");
strSql.Append("(select EnumValueName from tSysEnumValue where LangId=0 and EnumTypeID=99020 and EnumValueID=ch_fee.FeeType) as FeeType_Ref");
strSql.Append("(select top 1 NAME from vMsTruckFeeType where NAME=ch_fee.FeeName) as FeeName_Ref");
strSql.Append("(select CustName from vMsTruckClient where CustName=ch_fee.CustomerName) as CustomerName_Ref");
strSql.Append(",(select showname from [user] WHERE GID = ch_fee.ENTEROPERATOR) EnterOperatorName");
strSql.Append(" from ch_fee where 1=1 ");
if (strCondition.Trim() != String.Empty)
strSql.Append(" and " + strCondition);
string powerstr = "";
int power = MsWlPcDAL.GetFFSFPower(userid);
if (power == 1)
powerstr = @"and feetype = 1 ";
else if (power==2)
powerstr = @"and feetype = 2 ";
else if (power == 0) {
powerstr = @"and 1=2 ";
return SetData(strSql);
private static List<MsChFee> SetData(StringBuilder strSql)
var bodyList = new List<MsChFee>();
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSql.ToString()))
while (reader.Read())
MsChFee data = new MsChFee();
#region Set DB data to Object
data.GId = Convert.ToString(reader["GId"]);
data.BsNo = Convert.ToString(reader["BsNo"]);
data.FeeStatus = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["FeeStatus"]);
data.FeeStatus_Ref = Convert.ToString(reader["FeeStatus_Ref"]);
data.FeeType = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["FeeType"]);
data.FeeType_Ref = Convert.ToString(reader["FeeType_Ref"]);
data.FeeName = Convert.ToString(reader["FeeName"]);
data.FeeName_Ref = Convert.ToString(reader["FeeName_Ref"]);
data.FeeDescription = Convert.ToString(reader["FeeDescription"]);
data.CustomerType = Convert.ToString(reader["CustomerType"]);
data.CustomerName = Convert.ToString(reader["CustomerName"]);
data.CustomerName_Ref = Convert.ToString(reader["CustomerName_Ref"]);
data.Unit = Convert.ToString(reader["Unit"]);
data.UnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["UnitPrice"]);
data.Quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Quantity"]);
data.Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Amount"]);
data.Currency = Convert.ToString(reader["Currency"]);
data.ExChangerate = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["ExChangerate"]);
data.Reason = Convert.ToString(reader["Reason"]);
data.Remark = Convert.ToString(reader["Remark"]);
data.Commissionrate = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Commissionrate"]);
data.Settlement = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Settlement"]);
if (reader["Invoice"] != DBNull.Value)
data.Invoice = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Invoice"]);
data.OrderAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["OrderAmount"]);
data.OrderInvoice = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["OrderInvoice"]);
if (reader["SubmitDate"] != DBNull.Value)
data.SubmitDate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["SubmitDate"]);
data.Auditoperator = Convert.ToString(reader["Auditoperator"]);
if (reader["AuditDate"] != DBNull.Value)
data.AuditDate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["AuditDate"]);
data.EnteroPerator = Convert.ToString(reader["EnteroPerator"]);
if (reader["EnterDate"] != DBNull.Value)
data.EnterDate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["EnterDate"]);
data.DebitNo = Convert.ToString(reader["DebitNo"]);
data.IsDebit = Convert.ToString(reader["IsDebit"]);
data.IsOpen = Convert.ToString(reader["IsOpen"]);
data.IsAdvancedpay = Convert.ToString(reader["IsAdvancedpay"]);
data.Sort = Convert.ToString(reader["Sort"]);
data.IsInvoice = Convert.ToString(reader["IsInvoice"]);
data.FeeFrt = Convert.ToString(reader["FeeFrt"]);
data.IsCrmOrderFee = Convert.ToString(reader["IsCrmOrderFee"]);
data.AuditStatus = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["AuditStatus"]);
data.InvoiceNum = Convert.ToString(reader["InvoiceNum"]);
data.ChequeNum = Convert.ToString(reader["ChequeNum"]);
data.WmsOutBsNo = Convert.ToString(reader["WmsOutBsNo"]);
data.EnterOperatorName = reader["EnterOperatorName"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : reader["EnterOperatorName"].ToString();
return bodyList;
#region 提交申请
// 根据handle类型执行更新操作:更新费用信息ch_fee.feestatus和工作流运行表WorkFlowDo信息
// 费用状态值 费用状态主要有11个状态,分别为审核通过(STATUS=0)录入状态(STATUS=1)提交审核(STATUS=2)申请修改 (STATUS=3)
// 取消申请(STATUS=5)驳回提交(STATUS=6)驳回申请(STATUS=7)部分结算(STATUS=8)结算完毕(STATUS=9)
internal static DBResult Audit(int newStatus, List<MsChFee> chfeeList)
var result = new DBResult();
foreach (var chFee in chfeeList)
var status = chFee.FeeStatus;
var canAudit = true;
if (newStatus == 2)
canAudit = status == 1 || status == 6;
else if (newStatus == 0)
canAudit = status == 2;
else if (newStatus == 6)
canAudit = status == 0 || status == 2;
else if (newStatus == 8 || newStatus == 9)
canAudit = status == 0 ;
if (!canAudit)
result.Success = false;
if (newStatus == 2)
result.Message = "只有在'录入状态'和'驳回提交'状态下才能提交审核操作";
else if (newStatus == 0)
result.Message = "只有在‘提交审核’状态下才能进行此操作";
else if (newStatus == 6)
result.Message = "只有在‘审核通过’或‘提交审核’状态下才能进行此操作";
else if (newStatus == 8 || newStatus == 9)
result.Message = "只有在‘审核通过’状态下才能进行此操作";
return result;
var feeBsNoList = new List<string>();
foreach (var msChFee in chfeeList)
var bsNo = msChFee.BsNo;
if (!feeBsNoList.Contains(bsNo))
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
foreach (var bsNo in feeBsNoList)
if (newStatus == 6)
string sql = string.Empty;
if (bsNo.StartsWith("TMSBS"))
sql = "select FeeStatus from tMsWlBsHead where Gid=@gid";
sql = "select FeeStatus from tMsWlPcHead where Gid=@gid"; ;
var cmdFeeStatus = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sql);
db.AddInParameter(cmdFeeStatus, "@gid", DbType.String, bsNo);
var feeStatus = Convert.ToString(db.ExecuteScalar(cmdFeeStatus));
if (feeStatus == "1")
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "单据的费用已经锁定,不允许驳回费用";
return result;
var feeGIdList = new List<string>();
foreach (var msChFee in chfeeList)
var GId = msChFee.GId;
if (!feeGIdList.Contains(GId))
foreach (var GId in feeGIdList)
if (newStatus == 6)
string sql = string.Empty;
sql = "select case when ISVOU=1 or ACCDATE<>'' or accdate is not null then 1 else 0 end FeeStatus from ch_fee where bsno like '%XXH%' and Gid=@gid";
var cmdFeeStatus = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sql);
db.AddInParameter(cmdFeeStatus, "@gid", DbType.String, GId);
var feeStatus = Convert.ToString(db.ExecuteScalar(cmdFeeStatus));
if (feeStatus == "1")
result.Success = false;
result.Message = "费用已经锁定或已生成凭证,不允许驳回或撤回";
return result;
const string selectSql = "select FeeStatus from ch_fee where gid=@gid";
const string updateSql = "update ch_fee set FeeStatus=@FeeStatus, Auditdate=getdate() where gid=@gid";
const string enumSql =
"select EnumValueName from tSysEnumValue where LangId=0 and EnumTypeID=99024 and EnumValueID=@EnumValueID";
const string updateBsBillSql = "update tMsWlBsHead set FeeOpStatus=@FeeOpStatus where gid=@gid";
const string updatePcBillSql = "update tMsWlPcHead set FeeOpStatus=@FeeOpStatus where gid=@gid";
using (DbConnection connection = db.CreateConnection())
var cmdEnum = db.GetSqlStringCommand(enumSql);
db.AddInParameter(cmdEnum, "@EnumValueID", DbType.Int32, newStatus);
var newStatusRef = Convert.ToString(db.ExecuteScalar(cmdEnum));
DbTransaction transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();
foreach (var msChFee in chfeeList)
var cmdSelect = db.GetSqlStringCommand(selectSql);
db.AddInParameter(cmdSelect, "@gid", DbType.String, msChFee.GId);
var feeStatus = db.ExecuteScalar(cmdSelect, transaction);
if (feeStatus == null)
throw new MsChFeeDealException("'" + msChFee.FeeName + "'数据还没有保存,不想允许提交,请保存后重试!");
if (Convert.ToInt32(feeStatus) != msChFee.FeeStatus)
throw new MsChFeeDealException("'"+msChFee.FeeName+"'费用状态已经改变,不想允许提交,请刷新后重试!");
var cmdUpdate = db.GetSqlStringCommand(updateSql);
db.AddInParameter(cmdUpdate, "@FeeStatus", DbType.Int32, newStatus);
db.AddInParameter(cmdUpdate, "@gid", DbType.String, msChFee.GId);
db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmdUpdate, transaction);
foreach (var bsNo in feeBsNoList)
var rejectCount = GetFeeStatusRecordCount(db, bsNo, 6, transaction);
if (rejectCount > 0)
SetBillFeeStatus(bsNo, "3", updateBsBillSql, updatePcBillSql, db, transaction);//驳回
var passCount = GetFeeStatusRecordCount(db, bsNo, 0, transaction);
if (passCount > 0)
SetBillFeeStatus(bsNo, "2", updateBsBillSql, updatePcBillSql, db, transaction);//审核通过
var tjCount = GetFeeStatusRecordCount(db, bsNo, 2, transaction);
if (tjCount > 0)
SetBillFeeStatus(bsNo, "1", updateBsBillSql, updatePcBillSql, db, transaction);//已提交
result.Success = true;
result.Message = "提交成功";
result.Data = newStatusRef;
catch (Exception e)
result.Success = false;
if (e is MsChFeeDealException)
result.Message = e.Message;
result.Message = "执行提交发生未知错误,请重试";
return result;
private static void SetBillFeeStatus(
string bsNo,
string feeOpStatus,
string updateBsBillSql,
string updatePcBillSql,
Database db,
DbTransaction transaction)
string sql = string.Empty;
if (bsNo.StartsWith("TMSBS"))
sql = updateBsBillSql;
sql = updatePcBillSql;
var cmdUpdate = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sql);
db.AddInParameter(cmdUpdate, "@FeeOpStatus", DbType.String, feeOpStatus); //驳回
db.AddInParameter(cmdUpdate, "@gid", DbType.String, bsNo);
db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmdUpdate, transaction);
private static int GetFeeStatusRecordCount(Database db, string bsNo, int feeStatus, DbTransaction transaction)
var cmdRejectCount = db.GetSqlStringCommand("select count(*) from ch_fee where BsNo=@BsNo and FeeStatus=@FeeStatus");
db.AddInParameter(cmdRejectCount, "@BsNo", DbType.String, bsNo);
db.AddInParameter(cmdRejectCount, "@FeeStatus", DbType.Int32, feeStatus);
var rejectCount = Convert.ToInt32(db.ExecuteScalar(cmdRejectCount, transaction));
return rejectCount;
#region 查询应收/实收(现金帐目)
static public List<MsChFeeDo> GetChFeeDo(string condition)
var strSql = new StringBuilder();
strSql.Append(" select fd.gid,f.bsno,f.customername,f.feeid,f.feename,fd.Doamount,f.feetype, ");
strSql.Append("(select EnumValueName from tSysEnumValue where LangId=0 and EnumTypeID=99020 and EnumValueID=f.FeeType) as FeeType_Ref");
strSql.Append(" fd.createtime from ch_fee_do fd ");
strSql.Append(" left join ch_fee f on f.gid=fd.feeid ");
if (condition.Trim() != String.Empty)
strSql.Append(" where " + condition);
{ strSql.Clear(); }//防止无参数调用
return SetChFeeDo(strSql);
private static List<MsChFeeDo> SetChFeeDo(StringBuilder strSql)
var bodyList = new List<MsChFeeDo>();
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSql.ToString()))
while (reader.Read())
MsChFeeDo data = new MsChFeeDo();
#region Set DB data to Object
data.Gid = Convert.ToString(reader["Gid"]);
data.bsno = Convert.ToString(reader["bsno"]);
data.customername = Convert.ToString(reader["customername"]);
data.feeid = Convert.ToString(reader["feeid"]);
data.feename = Convert.ToString(reader["feename"]);
data.Doamount = Convert.ToString(reader["Doamount"]);
data.feetype = Convert.ToString(reader["feetype"]);
data.createtime = Convert.ToString(reader["createtime"]);
return bodyList;
public static bool GetFeeCount(string BSNO)
var isfee = false;
var strSql = new StringBuilder();
strSql.Append("Select count(*) as count ");
strSql.Append(" from ch_fee ");
strSql.Append(" where BSNO='" + BSNO + "'");
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSql.ToString()))
while (reader.Read())
var evData = Convert.ToInt32(reader["count"]);
if (evData > 0) { isfee = true; };
return isfee;
/* static public int CWStart(string ContractNo)
var strSql = new StringBuilder();
strSql.Append(" exec smsCWStart '" + ContractNo + "'");
return setCWStart(strSql);//ExecuteNonQuery
private static int setCWStart(StringBuilder strSql)
var _count = 0;
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
_count = db.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, strSql.ToString());
return _count;
internal class MsChFeeDealException : Exception
internal MsChFeeDealException(string message)
: base(message)