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276 lines
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10 months ago
using DSWeb.Areas.MvcShipping.DAL.MsOpSeaeBaoXian;
using DSWeb.Areas.MvcShipping.Models.MsOpSeaeBaoXian;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsOpAireDAL;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.DAL.MsOpSeaeDAL;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Helper;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsOpAire;
using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MsOpSeae;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace DSWeb.MvcShipping.Controllers
public class MsOpSeaeBaoXianController : Controller
// GET:
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
// GET: /
public ActionResult ZD()
return View();
// GET: /
public ActionResult FP()
return View();
public ContentResult Apply(string handle, string condition)
MsOpSeae head = MsOpSeaeDAL.GetData(condition);
if (head == null)
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = true, Message = "申请失败", data = head });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
string userid = Session["USERID"].ToString();
string showname = Session["SHOWNAME"].ToString();
string codename = Session["CODENAME"].ToString();
string comid = Session["COMPANYID"].ToString();
OpSeaeBaoXianModel_Apply_Requst rq = new OpSeaeBaoXianModel_Apply_Requst();
rq.clientid = userid;
rq.productcode = "CA06";
rq.partnerorderid = head.BSNO;
rq.partnerapplyid = head.BSNO;
rq.username = showname;
rq.orgcode = "";
rq.address = ""; = "";
rq.mail = "";
rq.cusqq = "";
rq.fixedtelephone = "";
rq.holderphone = "";
rq.holdercontact = "";
rq.holderaddresse = "";
string sp = "";
string temp = head.SHIPPER.Replace("\r\n","^");
sp = temp.Split('^')[0];
catch (System.Exception)
sp = "";
rq.insuredname = sp;
rq.insuredaddress = "";
rq.insuredcontact = "";
rq.insuredphone = "";
rq.goodscategorycode = "";
rq.packagetypecode = "";
rq.goodsmt = head.MARKS;
rq.goodsmarks = head.DESCRIPTION;
rq.goodsmarksdesc = head.PKGS.ToString()+head.KINDPKGS;
rq.invoiceno = "";
rq.billno = head.MBLNO;
rq.converyance = head.VESSEL+" " +
rq.transporttypecode = "";
rq.portloading = head.PORTLOAD;
rq.destination = head.DESTINATION;
rq.porttranshipment = "";
rq.departurestartdate = head.ETD;
rq.abbreviation = "";
rq.isasprebill = "";
rq.worknumber = codename;
OpSeaeBaoXianModel_Apply_Response m = MsOpSeaeBaoXianDAL.apply(rq, userid, comid);
if (m.success=="true")
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = m.success, Message = m.message, Data = m.result.url });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = m.success, Message = m.message, Data = m.message });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult ApplyAir(string handle, string condition)
MsOpAire head = MsOpAireDAL.GetData(condition);
if (head == null)
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = true, Message = "申请失败", data = head });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
string userid = Session["USERID"].ToString();
string showname = Session["SHOWNAME"].ToString();
string codename = Session["CODENAME"].ToString();
string comid = Session["COMPANYID"].ToString();
OpSeaeBaoXianModel_Apply_Requst rq = new OpSeaeBaoXianModel_Apply_Requst();
rq.clientid = userid;
rq.productcode = "CA06";
rq.partnerorderid = head.BSNO;
rq.partnerapplyid = head.BSNO;
rq.username = showname;
rq.orgcode = "";
rq.address = ""; = "";
rq.mail = "";
rq.cusqq = "";
rq.fixedtelephone = "";
rq.holderphone = "";
rq.holdercontact = "";
rq.holderaddresse = "";
string sp = "";
string temp = head.SHIPPER.Replace("\r\n", "^");
sp = temp.Split('^')[0];
catch (System.Exception)
sp = "";
rq.insuredname = sp;
rq.insuredaddress = "";
rq.insuredcontact = "";
rq.insuredphone = "";
rq.goodscategorycode = "";
rq.packagetypecode = "";
rq.goodsmt = head.MARKS;
rq.goodsmarks = head.DESCRIPTION;
rq.goodsmarksdesc = head.PKGS.ToString() + head.KINDPKGS;
rq.invoiceno = "";
rq.billno = head.MBLNO;
rq.converyance = head.VESSEL;
rq.transporttypecode = "4";
rq.portloading = head.PORTLOAD;
rq.destination = head.PORTDISCHARGE;
rq.porttranshipment = "";
rq.departurestartdate = head.ETD;
rq.abbreviation = "";
rq.isasprebill = "";
rq.worknumber = codename;
OpSeaeBaoXianModel_Apply_Response m = MsOpSeaeBaoXianDAL.apply(rq, userid, comid);
if (m.success == "true")
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = m.success, Message = m.message, Data = m.result.url });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = m.success, Message = m.message, Data = m.message });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
public ContentResult ApplyFenDan(string handle, string condition)
var head = MsOpSeaeDAL.GetBillData(condition);
if (head == null)
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = true, Message = "申请失败", data = head });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
string userid = Session["USERID"].ToString();
string showname = Session["SHOWNAME"].ToString();
string codename = Session["CODENAME"].ToString();
string comid = Session["COMPANYID"].ToString();
OpSeaeBaoXianModel_Apply_Requst rq = new OpSeaeBaoXianModel_Apply_Requst();
rq.clientid = userid;
rq.productcode = "CA06";
rq.partnerorderid = head.BSNO;
rq.partnerapplyid = head.BSNO;
rq.username = showname;
rq.orgcode = "";
rq.address = ""; = "";
rq.mail = "";
rq.cusqq = "";
rq.fixedtelephone = "";
rq.holderphone = "";
rq.holdercontact = "";
rq.holderaddresse = "";
string sp = "";
string temp = head.SHIPPER.Replace("\r\n", "^");
sp = temp.Split('^')[0];
catch (System.Exception)
sp = "";
rq.insuredname = sp;
rq.insuredaddress = "";
rq.insuredcontact = "";
rq.insuredphone = "";
rq.goodscategorycode = "";
rq.packagetypecode = "";
rq.goodsmt = head.MARKS;
rq.goodsmarks = head.DESCRIPTION;
rq.goodsmarksdesc = head.PKGS.ToString() + head.KINDPKGS;
rq.invoiceno = "";
rq.billno = head.HBLNO;
rq.converyance = head.VESSEL + " " +
"" + head.VOYNO;
rq.transporttypecode = "";
rq.portloading = head.PORTLOAD;
rq.destination = head.DESTINATION;
rq.porttranshipment = "";
rq.departurestartdate = head.ETD;
rq.abbreviation = "";
rq.isasprebill = "";
rq.worknumber = codename;
OpSeaeBaoXianModel_Apply_Response m = MsOpSeaeBaoXianDAL.apply(rq, userid, comid);
if (m.success == "true")
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = m.success, Message = m.message, Data = m.result.url });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };
var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(
new { Success = m.success, Message = m.message, Data = m.message });
return new ContentResult() { Content = json };