using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; using System.Web.Services; using DSWeb.Areas.CommMng.Models; using DSWeb.EntityDA; using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Helper; using DSWeb.MvcShipping.Models.MonthDataSet; using DSWebMobileService.Common; using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace DSWebMobileService { /// /// MsRptNoTotalMonth 的摘要说明 /// [WebService(Namespace = "")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(false)] // 若要允许使用 ASP.NET AJAX 从脚本中调用此 Web 服务,请取消对下行的注释。 // [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] public class MsRptNoTotalMonth : System.Web.Services.WebService { [WebMethod] public string HelloWorld() { return "Hello World"; } [WebMethod] public static ContentResult SaleListData(string dType, int start, int limit, string condition, string sort, string printstr, string sortstr, string beginfrom, string beginto, string accfrom, string accto, string startmonth, string endmonth) { int iCount = 0; var strDa = GetRangDAStr("index", Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["USERID"]), Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["SHOWNAME"]), Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["COMPANYID"])); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDa)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition)) { condition = condition + " and " + strDa; } else { condition = strDa; } } var monthlist = GetMonthList(startmonth, endmonth); List beginMonthList = new List(); List accMonthList = new List(); //= GetMonthList(accfrom, accto); string[] beginMonthArr = { };// new string[beginMonthList.Count]; string[] accMonthArr = { }; int monthNUM = 0; if (beginfrom != "") { if (beginto == "") { beginto = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString(); } beginMonthList = GetMonthList(beginfrom, beginto); beginMonthArr = new string[beginMonthList.Count]; monthNUM = 0; foreach (var beginMonth in beginMonthList) { beginMonthArr[monthNUM] = beginMonth.MONTHFIELDNAME; monthNUM++; } } if (accfrom != "") { if (accto == "") { accto = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString(); } accMonthList = GetMonthList(accfrom, accto); accMonthArr = new string[accMonthList.Count]; monthNUM = 0; foreach (var accMonth in accMonthList) { accMonthArr[monthNUM] = accMonth.MONTHFIELDNAME; monthNUM++; } } var strSql = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var enumValue in monthlist) { if (iCount > 0) { strSql.AppendLine("union all"); } strSql.AppendLine("SELECT B.SALE,SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7) as OPDATE"); strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then (case F.CURRENCY when 'USD' then (F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT) else 0 end) else 0 end) as ZLUSD "); strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then (case F.CURRENCY when 'RMB' then (F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT) else 0 end) else 0 end) as ZLRMB "); strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then cast(round(ISNULL((F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT)*F.EXCHANGERATE,0),2) as numeric(20,2)) end) as ZLTTL "); strSql.AppendLine(" FROM CH_FEE F "); strSql.AppendLine("INNER JOIN V_OP_BILL B ON (F.BSNO=B.BSNO) "); if (beginMonthArr.Length > 0) { if (iCount < beginMonthArr.Length) { if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/31 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/30 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/29 23:59:59' "); } } else { if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } } } if (accMonthArr.Length > 0) { if (iCount < accMonthArr.Length) { if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12") { strSql.AppendLine(" and B.ACCDATE>='" + accMonthArr[iCount] + " 00:00:00' and B.ACCDATE<='" + accMonthArr[iCount] + " 23:59:59'"); } else if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } } else { if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12") { strSql.AppendLine(" and B.ACCDATE>='" + accMonthArr[accMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.ACCDATE<='" + accMonthArr[accMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59'"); } else if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } } } // and F.FEETYPE=2 and F.AMOUNT<>F.SETTLEMENT and (F.FEESTATUS=0 or F.FEESTATUS=8 or F.FEESTATUS=9)应付 if (dType == "1") { strSql.AppendLine(" and F.FEETYPE=1 and F.AMOUNT<>F.SETTLEMENT and (F.FEESTATUS=0 or F.FEESTATUS=8 or F.FEESTATUS=9) ");//应收 } else { strSql.AppendLine(" and F.FEETYPE=2 and F.AMOUNT<>F.SETTLEMENT and (F.FEESTATUS=0 or F.FEESTATUS=8 or F.FEESTATUS=9) ");//应付 } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition)) { strSql.AppendLine(" and " + condition); } strSql.AppendLine(" Group by B.SALE,SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7) "); iCount++; } List saleInquData = SetSaleData(strSql); string jsonStr = ""; foreach (SaleModule data in saleInquData) { jsonStr += "{"; jsonStr += "\"SALE\":\"" + data.Sale + "\",\"OPDATE\":\"" + data.OPDate + "\",\"ZLRMB\":\"" + data.ZLRmb + "\",\"ZLUSD\":\"" + data.ZLUsd + "\",\"ZLTTL\":\"" + data.ZLTtl + "\""; jsonStr += "},"; } if (jsonStr.Length > 0) { jsonStr = jsonStr.Substring(0, jsonStr.Length - 1); } string result = "[" + jsonStr + "]"; return new ContentResult() { Content = result }; //} } private static List SetSaleData(StringBuilder sql) { var bodyList = new List(); Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql.ToString())) { while (reader.Read()) { SaleModule data = new SaleModule(); #region Set DB data to Object data.Sale = Convert.ToString(reader["SALE"]); data.OPDate = Convert.ToString(reader["OPDATE"]); data.ZLUsd = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLUSD"]); data.ZLRmb = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLRMB"]); data.ZLTtl = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLTTL"]); #endregion bodyList.Add(data); } reader.Close(); } return bodyList; } [WebMethod] public static ContentResult CustListData(string dType, int start, int limit, string condition, string sort, string printstr, string sortstr, string beginfrom, string beginto, string accfrom, string accto, string startmonth, string endmonth) { int iCount = 0; var strDa = GetRangDAStr("index", Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["USERID"]), Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["SHOWNAME"]), Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["COMPANYID"])); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDa)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition)) { condition = condition + " and " + strDa; } else { condition = strDa; } } var monthlist = GetMonthList(startmonth, endmonth); //var beginMonthList = GetMonthList(beginfrom, beginto); List beginMonthList = new List(); List accMonthList=new List(); //= GetMonthList(accfrom, accto); string[] beginMonthArr = { };// new string[beginMonthList.Count]; string[] accMonthArr = { }; int monthNUM = 0; if (beginfrom != "") { if (beginto == "") { beginto = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString(); } beginMonthList = GetMonthList(beginfrom, beginto); beginMonthArr = new string[beginMonthList.Count]; monthNUM = 0; foreach (var beginMonth in beginMonthList) { beginMonthArr[monthNUM] = beginMonth.MONTHFIELDNAME; monthNUM++; } } if (accfrom != "") { if (accto == "") { accto = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString(); } accMonthList = GetMonthList(accfrom, accto); accMonthArr = new string[accMonthList.Count]; monthNUM = 0; foreach (var accMonth in accMonthList) { accMonthArr[monthNUM] = accMonth.MONTHFIELDNAME; monthNUM++; } } var strSql = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var enumValue in monthlist) { if (iCount > 0) { strSql.AppendLine("union all"); } strSql.AppendLine("SELECT F.CUSTOMERNAME AS CUSTNAME,SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7) as OPDATE "); //strSql.AppendLine(",C.[DESCRIPTION] AS CUSTFULLNAME "); strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then (case F.CURRENCY when 'USD' then (F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT) else 0 end) else 0 end) as ZLUSD "); strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then (case F.CURRENCY when 'RMB' then (F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT) else 0 end) else 0 end) as ZLRMB "); strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then cast(round(ISNULL((F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT)*F.EXCHANGERATE,0),2) as numeric(20,2)) end) as ZLTTL "); strSql.AppendLine(" FROM CH_FEE F "); strSql.AppendLine("INNER JOIN V_OP_BILL B ON (F.BSNO=B.BSNO) "); //strSql.AppendLine(" LEFT JOIN info_client C ON (C.SHORTNAME=F.CUSTOMERNAME) "); if (beginMonthArr.Length > 0) { if (iCount < beginMonthArr.Length) { if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/31 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/30 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/29 23:59:59' "); } } else { if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } } } if (accMonthArr.Length > 0) { if (iCount < accMonthArr.Length) { if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12") { strSql.AppendLine(" and B.ACCDATE>='" + accMonthArr[iCount] + " 00:00:00' and B.ACCDATE<='" + accMonthArr[iCount] + " 23:59:59'"); } else if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } } else { if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12") { strSql.AppendLine(" and B.ACCDATE>='" + accMonthArr[accMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.ACCDATE<='" + accMonthArr[accMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59'"); } else if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } } } // and F.FEETYPE=2 and F.AMOUNT<>F.SETTLEMENT and (F.FEESTATUS=0 or F.FEESTATUS=8 or F.FEESTATUS=9)应付 if (dType == "1") { strSql.AppendLine(" and F.FEETYPE=1 and F.AMOUNT<>F.SETTLEMENT and (F.FEESTATUS=0 or F.FEESTATUS=8 or F.FEESTATUS=9) ");//应收 } else { strSql.AppendLine(" and F.FEETYPE=2 and F.AMOUNT<>F.SETTLEMENT and (F.FEESTATUS=0 or F.FEESTATUS=8 or F.FEESTATUS=9) ");//应付 } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition)) { strSql.AppendLine(" and " + condition); } strSql.AppendLine(" Group by F.CUSTOMERNAME,SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7) "); iCount++; } List custInquData = SetCustData(strSql); string jsonStr = ""; foreach (CustModulle data in custInquData) { jsonStr += "{"; jsonStr += "\"CUSTNAME\":\"" + data.CustName + "\",\"OPDATE\":\"" + data.OPDate + "\",\"ZLRMB\":\"" + data.ZLRmb + "\",\"ZLUSD\":\"" + data.ZLUsd + "\",\"ZLTTL\":\"" + data.ZLTtl + "\""; jsonStr += "},"; } if (jsonStr.Length > 0) { jsonStr = jsonStr.Substring(0, jsonStr.Length - 1); } string result = "[" + jsonStr + "]"; return new ContentResult() { Content = result }; } private static List SetCustData(StringBuilder sql) { var bodyList = new List(); Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql.ToString())) { while (reader.Read()) { CustModulle data = new CustModulle(); #region Set DB data to Object data.CustName = Convert.ToString(reader["CUSTNAME"]); data.OPDate = Convert.ToString(reader["OPDATE"]); data.ZLUsd = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLUSD"]); data.ZLRmb = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLRMB"]); data.ZLTtl = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLTTL"]); #endregion bodyList.Add(data); } reader.Close(); } return bodyList; } [WebMethod] public static ContentResult SaleCustListData(string dType, int start, int limit, string condition, string sort, string printstr, string sortstr, string beginfrom, string beginto, string accfrom, string accto, string startmonth, string endmonth) { int iCount = 0; var strDa = GetRangDAStr("index", Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["USERID"]), Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["SHOWNAME"]), Convert.ToString(SessionUtil.Session["COMPANYID"])); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDa)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition)) { condition = condition + " and " + strDa; } else { condition = strDa; } } var monthlist = GetMonthList(startmonth, endmonth); List beginMonthList = new List(); List accMonthList = new List(); //= GetMonthList(accfrom, accto); string[] beginMonthArr = { };// new string[beginMonthList.Count]; string[] accMonthArr = { }; int monthNUM = 0; if (beginfrom != "") { if (beginto == "") { beginto = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString(); } beginMonthList = GetMonthList(beginfrom, beginto); beginMonthArr = new string[beginMonthList.Count]; monthNUM = 0; foreach (var beginMonth in beginMonthList) { beginMonthArr[monthNUM] = beginMonth.MONTHFIELDNAME; monthNUM++; } } if (accfrom != "") { if (accto == "") { accto = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString(); } accMonthList = GetMonthList(accfrom, accto); accMonthArr = new string[accMonthList.Count]; monthNUM = 0; foreach (var accMonth in accMonthList) { accMonthArr[monthNUM] = accMonth.MONTHFIELDNAME; monthNUM++; } } var strSql = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var enumValue in monthlist) { if (iCount > 0) { strSql.AppendLine("union all"); } strSql.AppendLine("SELECT B.SALE,F.CUSTOMERNAME AS CUSTNAME,SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7) as OPDATE "); //strSql.AppendLine(",C.[DESCRIPTION] AS CUSTFULLNAME "); strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then (case F.CURRENCY when 'USD' then (F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT) else 0 end) else 0 end) as ZLUSD "); strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then (case F.CURRENCY when 'RMB' then (F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT) else 0 end) else 0 end) as ZLRMB "); strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case when SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7)='" + enumValue.MONTHFIELDNAME + "' then cast(round(ISNULL((F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT)*F.EXCHANGERATE,0),2) as numeric(20,2)) end) as ZLTTL "); /*strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case F.CURRENCY when 'USD' then (F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT) else 0 end) as ZLTTLUSD "); strSql.AppendLine(",sum(case F.CURRENCY when 'RMB' then (F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT) else 0 end) as ZLTTLRMB "); strSql.AppendLine(",sum(cast(round(isnull((F.AMOUNT-F.SETTLEMENT)*F.EXCHANGERATE,0),2) as numeric(20,2))) as ZLTTLTTL ");*/ strSql.AppendLine(" FROM CH_FEE F "); strSql.AppendLine("INNER JOIN V_OP_BILL B ON (F.BSNO=B.BSNO) "); //strSql.AppendLine(" LEFT JOIN info_client C ON (C.SHORTNAME=F.CUSTOMERNAME) "); if (beginMonthArr.Length > 0) { if (iCount < beginMonthArr.Length) { if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/31 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/30 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/01 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[iCount] + "/29 23:59:59' "); } } else { if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } } } if (accMonthArr.Length > 0) { if (iCount < accMonthArr.Length) { if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12") { strSql.AppendLine(" and B.ACCDATE>='" + accMonthArr[iCount] + " 00:00:00' and B.ACCDATE<='" + accMonthArr[iCount] + " 23:59:59'"); } else if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } } else { if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "01" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "03" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "05" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "07" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "08" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "10" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "12") { strSql.AppendLine(" and B.ACCDATE>='" + accMonthArr[accMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.ACCDATE<='" + accMonthArr[accMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59'"); } else if (accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "04" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "06" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "09" || accMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "11") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } else if (beginMonthArr[iCount].Substring(5, 2) == "02") { strSql.AppendLine("where B.OPDATE>='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 00:00:00' and B.OPDATE<='" + beginMonthArr[beginMonthArr.Length - 1] + " 23:59:59' "); } } } // and F.FEETYPE=2 and F.AMOUNT<>F.SETTLEMENT and (F.FEESTATUS=0 or F.FEESTATUS=8 or F.FEESTATUS=9)应付 if (dType == "1") { strSql.AppendLine(" and F.FEETYPE=1 and F.AMOUNT<>F.SETTLEMENT and (F.FEESTATUS=0 or F.FEESTATUS=8 or F.FEESTATUS=9) ");//应收 } else { strSql.AppendLine(" and F.FEETYPE=2 and F.AMOUNT<>F.SETTLEMENT and (F.FEESTATUS=0 or F.FEESTATUS=8 or F.FEESTATUS=9) ");//应付 } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition)) { strSql.AppendLine(" and " + condition); } strSql.AppendLine(" Group by B.SALE,F.CUSTOMERNAME,SUBSTRING(CONVERT(char(15), B.OPDATE, 111), 1, 7) "); iCount++; } List saleCustInquData = SetSaleCustData(strSql); string jsonStr = ""; foreach (SaleCustModule data in saleCustInquData) { jsonStr += "{"; jsonStr += "\"SALE\":\"" + data.Sale + "\",\"CUSTNAME\":\"" + data.CustName + "\",\"OPDATE\":\"" + data.OPDate + "\",\"ZLRMB\":\"" + data.ZLRmb + "\",\"ZLUSD\":\"" + data.ZLUsd + "\",\"ZLTTL\":\"" + data.ZLTtl + "\""; jsonStr += "},"; } if (jsonStr.Length > 0) { jsonStr = jsonStr.Substring(0, jsonStr.Length - 1); } string result = "[" + jsonStr + "]"; return new ContentResult() { Content = result }; } private static List SetSaleCustData(StringBuilder sql) { var bodyList = new List(); Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql.ToString())) { while (reader.Read()) { SaleCustModule data = new SaleCustModule(); #region Set DB data to Object data.Sale = Convert.ToString(reader["SALE"]); data.CustName = Convert.ToString(reader["CUSTNAME"]); data.OPDate = Convert.ToString(reader["OPDATE"]); data.ZLUsd = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLUSD"]); data.ZLRmb = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLRMB"]); data.ZLTtl = Convert.ToString(reader["ZLTTL"]); #endregion bodyList.Add(data); } reader.Close(); } return bodyList; } private static List GetMonthList(string startmonth, string endmonth) { var startdate = startmonth.Split('-'); var enddate = endmonth.Split('-'); int monthstart = Convert.ToInt16(startdate[0]) * 12 + Convert.ToInt16(startdate[1]); int monthend = Convert.ToInt16(enddate[0]) * 12 + Convert.ToInt16(enddate[1]); var betweenmonth = monthend - monthstart + 1; DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(startmonth, "yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); var evList = new List(); var month = ""; for (int i = 0; i < betweenmonth; i++) { var evData = new MonthDataSet(); evData.MONTHNAME = dt.ToString("yyyy年MM月"); evData.MONTHNO = i; month = dt.Month.ToString(); if (month.Length == 1) month = "0" + month; evData.MONTHFIELDNAME = dt.Year.ToString() + "/" + month; evList.Add(evData); dt = dt.AddMonths(1); } return evList; } private static string GetRangDAStr(string tb, string userid, string usercode, string companyid) { string str = ""; var strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.AppendLine("SELECT "); strSql.AppendLine(" VISIBLERANGE,OPERATERANGE "); strSql.AppendLine(" from VW_User_Authority "); strSql.AppendLine(" where [NAME]='modNoTotalMonthRange' and USERID='" + userid + "' and ISDELETE=0"); string visiblerange = "4"; string operaterange = "4"; Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSql.ToString())) { while (reader.Read()) { visiblerange = Convert.ToString(reader["VISIBLERANGE"]); operaterange = Convert.ToString(reader["OPERATERANGE"]); break; } reader.Close(); } if (visiblerange == "4") { str = "1=2"; } else if (visiblerange == "3") { str = " (B.OP='" + usercode + "' OR B.SALE='" + usercode + "')"; } else if (visiblerange == "2") { if (tb == "index") { var rangeDa = new RangeDA(); var deptname = rangeDa.GetDEPTNAME(userid); var userstr = new StringBuilder(); userstr.Append(" select SHOWNAME from [user] where GID in (select USERID from user_company where COMPANYID='" + companyid + "') and GID in (select userid from user_baseinfo where DEPTNAME='" + deptname + "')"); Database userdb = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); using (IDataReader reader = userdb.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, userstr.ToString())) { str = ""; while (reader.Read()) { if (str == "") { str = " (B.OP='" + Convert.ToString(reader["SHOWNAME"]) + "' OR B.SALE='" + Convert.ToString(reader["SHOWNAME"]) + "'"; } else { str = str + " or B.OP='" + Convert.ToString(reader["SHOWNAME"]) + "' OR B.SALE='" + Convert.ToString(reader["SHOWNAME"]) + "'"; }; } str = str + ")"; reader.Close(); } } else { str = " UPPER(B.Corpid)='" + companyid + "'"; } } else if (visiblerange == "1") { str = " UPPER(B.Corpid)='" + companyid + "'"; } return str; } } }