var Dictionary = function () { this.elements = new Array(); //Length of Dictionary this.length = function () { return this.elements.length; }; //Check whether the Dictionary is empty this.isEmpty = function () { return (this.length() < 1); }; //remove all elements from the Dictionary this.removeAll = function () { this.elements = new Array(); }; //get specify element of the dictionary this.element = function (index) { var rlt = null; if (index >= 0 && index < this.elements.length) { rlt = this.elements[index]; } return rlt; } //check whether the Dictionary contains this key this.Exists = function (key) { var rlt = false; try { for (var i = 0, iLen = this.length(); i < iLen; i++) { if (this.elements[i].key == key) { rlt = true; break; } } } catch (ex) { } return rlt; }; //check whether the Dictionary contains this value this.containsValue = function (value) { var rlt = false; try { for (var i = 0, iLen = this.length(); i < iLen; i++) { if (this.elements[i].value == value) { rlt = true; break; } } } catch (ex) { } return rlt; }; //remove this key from the Dictionary this.remove = function (key) { var rlt = false; try { for (var i = 0, iLen = this.length(); i < iLen; i++) { if (this.elements[i].key == key) { this.elements.splice(i, 1); rlt = true; break; } } } catch (ex) { } return rlt; }; //add this key/value to the Dictionary,if key is exists,replace the value this.add = function (key, value) { this.remove(key); this.elements.push({ key: key, value: value }); }; //add this key/value to the Dictionary,if key is exists,append value this.set = function (key, value) { var arr = this.getItem(key); if (arr != null) { if (typeof (arr) == "object") { arr.unshift.apply(arr, value); value = arr; } else { var array = []; array.push(arr); array.unshift.apply(array, value); value = array; } this.remove(key); } this.elements.push({ key: key, value: value }); } //get value of the key this.getItem = function (key) { var rlt = null; try { for (var i = 0, iLen = this.length(); i < iLen; i++) { if (this.elements[i].key == key) { rlt = this.elements[i].value; break; } } } catch (ex) { } return rlt; }; //get all keys of the dictionary this.keys = function () { var arr = []; for (var i = 0, iLen = this.length(); i < iLen; i++) { arr.push(this.elements[i].key); } return arr; } //get all values of the dictionary this.values = function () { var arr = []; for (var i = 0, iLen = this.length(); i < iLen; i++) { arr.push(this.elements[i].value); } return arr; } } var dicStatus = new Dictionary(); var dicPointValue = new Dictionary(); var dicPointKey = new Dictionary(); var stepLay = function () { var _this = this; var _stepCount = 0; var _widthMainFlow = 0; var _imgAreaWidth = 0; var _widthFlow = 0; // javascript没有内置的类选择方法,可以编写扩展方法 document.getElementsByClassName = function (className) { var el = [], _el = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); // 获取所有的元素 for (var i = 0; i < _el.length; i++) { // 遍历元素集合 if (_el[i].className == className) { // 获取相同类名的元素 el[el.length] = _el[i]; } } return el; 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dicPointKey.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS")); dicPointValue.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); } else if (iProcess % 3 == 2) { _create(0, -160, _widthFlow * iProcess, 1200, _stepCount, _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS"), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); dicPointKey.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS")); dicPointValue.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); } } else if (iProcess % 2 == 1) { //节点在下方 if (iProcess % 3 == 0) { _create(1, 90, _widthFlow * iProcess, 800, _stepCount, _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS"), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); dicPointKey.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS")); dicPointValue.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); } else if (iProcess % 3 == 1) { _create(1, 50, _widthFlow * iProcess, 400, _stepCount, _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS"), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); dicPointKey.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS")); dicPointValue.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); } else if (iProcess % 3 == 2) { _create(1, 130, _widthFlow * iProcess, 1200, _stepCount, _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS"), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); dicPointKey.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS")); dicPointValue.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); } } } } } }); document.getElementById("mask").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("layBg").style.display = "block"; } //清空显示 var _clear = function () { _widthMainFlow = document.documentElement.clientWidth; var _heightMainFlow = document.documentElement.clientHeight; document.getElementById("mask").style.width = _widthMainFlow + "px"; document.getElementById("mask").style.height = _heightMainFlow + "px"; document.getElementById("mask").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("layBg").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("mainFlowPointContain").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("mainFlowHover").style.display = "none"; } //查询提单号 var _search = function () { var _mblno = document.getElementById("txtSearch").value; if (_mblno != "(--请输入提单号--)") { _clear(); _widthMainFlow = document.documentElement.clientWidth; _imgAreaWidth = _widthMainFlow * 0.8 * 0.8; // * 0.88 0.9 //图片区域宽度 dicPointKey.removeAll(); dicPointValue.removeAll(); document.getElementById("secTitle").innerText = _mblno; document.getElementById("mainFlowPointContain").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("mainFlowHover").style.display = "none"; var _store = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableStore', { fields: [ { name: 'ST_ID', type: 'string' }, { name: 'STATUS', type: 'string' }, { name: 'COMPTIME', type: 'string' } ], proxy: { url: '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeae/SearchOpStatus' }, scope: this }); _store.load({ params: { mblno: _mblno} }); _store.on("load", function (_store) { //得到总节点数,用于直线分段 _stepCount = _store.getCount(); _widthFlow = 0; if (_stepCount > 1) { _widthFlow = parseInt(_imgAreaWidth / (_stepCount - 1)); //节点之间距离 _stepCount - 节点数 } else { //只有一个节点,显示在中央位置 _widthFlow = parseInt(_imgAreaWidth / 2) - 7; } if (_stepCount == 0) { document.getElementById("mainFlowPointContain").innerHTML = "没有记录"; } else if (_stepCount == 1) { _create(0, -120, _widthFlow, 800, 1, _store.getAt(0).get("STATUS"), _store.getAt(0).get("COMPTIME")); dicPointKey.add("0", _store.getAt(0).get("STATUS")); dicPointValue.add("0", _store.getAt(0).get("COMPTIME")); } else if (_stepCount == 2) { document.getElementById("mainFlowHover").style.display = "block"; _create(0, -120, 0, 800, 1, _store.getAt(0).get("STATUS"), _store.getAt(0).get("COMPTIME")); _create(0, -120, _widthFlow, 800, 1, _store.getAt(1).get("STATUS"), _store.getAt(1).get("COMPTIME")); dicPointKey.add("0", _store.getAt(0).get("STATUS")); dicPointKey.add("1", _store.getAt(1).get("STATUS")); dicPointValue.add("0", _store.getAt(0).get("COMPTIME")); dicPointValue.add("1", _store.getAt(1).get("COMPTIME")); 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dicPointKey.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS")); dicPointValue.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); } else if (iProcess % 3 == 1) { _create(0, -80, _widthFlow * iProcess, 400, _stepCount, _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS"), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); dicPointKey.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS")); dicPointValue.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); } else if (iProcess % 3 == 2) { _create(0, -160, _widthFlow * iProcess, 1200, _stepCount, _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS"), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); dicPointKey.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS")); dicPointValue.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); } } else if (iProcess % 2 == 1) { //节点在下方 if (iProcess % 3 == 0) { _create(1, 90, _widthFlow * iProcess, 800, _stepCount, _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS"), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); dicPointKey.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS")); dicPointValue.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); } else if (iProcess % 3 == 1) { _create(1, 50, _widthFlow * iProcess, 400, _stepCount, _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS"), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); dicPointKey.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS")); dicPointValue.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); } else if (iProcess % 3 == 2) { _create(1, 130, _widthFlow * iProcess, 1200, _stepCount, _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS"), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); dicPointKey.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("STATUS")); dicPointValue.add(iProcess.toString(), _store.getAt(iProcess).get("COMPTIME")); } } } } } }); document.getElementById("txtSearch").value = "(--请输入提单号--)"; } } //清空搜索框 var _clearText = function () { document.getElementById("txtSearch").value = ""; } //初始化搜索框 var _blurText = function () { if (document.getElementById("txtSearch").value == "") { document.getElementById("txtSearch").value = "(--请输入提单号--)"; 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} else if (_stepCount == 2) { document.getElementById("mainFlowHover").style.display = "block"; _create(0, -120, 0, 800, 1, dicPointKey.getItem("0"), dicPointValue.getItem("0")); _create(0, -120, _widthFlow, 800, 1, dicPointKey.getItem("1"), dicPointValue.getItem("1")); } else { document.getElementById("mainFlowHover").style.display = "block"; for (var iProcess = 0; iProcess < _stepCount; iProcess++) { if (_imgAreaWidth >= (_stepCount / 2 * 149)) { for (var iProcess = 0; iProcess < _stepCount; iProcess++) { if (iProcess % 2 == 0) { //节点在上方 _create(0, -120, _widthFlow * iProcess, 800, _stepCount, dicPointKey.getItem(iProcess.toString()), dicPointValue.getItem(iProcess.toString())); } else if (iProcess % 2 == 1) { //节点在下方 _create(1, 90, _widthFlow * iProcess, 800, _stepCount, dicPointKey.getItem(iProcess.toString()), dicPointValue.getItem(iProcess.toString())); } } } else if (_imgAreaWidth < (_stepCount / 2 * 149)) { for (var iProcess = 0; iProcess < _stepCount; iProcess++) { if (iProcess % 2 == 0) { //节点在上方 if (iProcess % 3 == 0) { _create(0, -120, _widthFlow * iProcess, 800, _stepCount, dicPointKey.getItem(iProcess.toString()), dicPointValue.getItem(iProcess.toString())); } else if (iProcess % 3 == 1) { _create(0, -80, _widthFlow * iProcess, 400, _stepCount, dicPointKey.getItem(iProcess.toString()), dicPointValue.getItem(iProcess.toString())); } else if (iProcess % 3 == 2) { _create(0, -160, _widthFlow * iProcess, 1200, _stepCount, dicPointKey.getItem(iProcess.toString()), dicPointValue.getItem(iProcess.toString())); } } else if (iProcess % 2 == 1) { //节点在下方 if (iProcess % 3 == 0) { _create(1, 90, _widthFlow * iProcess, 800, _stepCount, dicPointKey.getItem(iProcess.toString()), dicPointValue.getItem(iProcess.toString())); } else if (iProcess % 3 == 1) { _create(1, 50, _widthFlow * iProcess, 400, _stepCount, dicPointKey.getItem(iProcess.toString()), dicPointValue.getItem(iProcess.toString())); } else if (iProcess % 3 == 2) { _create(1, 130, _widthFlow * iProcess, 1200, _stepCount, dicPointKey.getItem(iProcess.toString()), dicPointValue.getItem(iProcess.toString())); } } } } } } } return { fnInitialize: _initialize, fnResize: _resize, fnLoad: _load, fnSearch: _search, fnClose: _close, fnClearText: _clearText, fnBlur: _blurText } } var steplay = new stepLay(); 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