using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Text; using DSWeb.DataAccess; using System.Data.SqlClient; using DSWeb.Models; using DSWeb.EntityDA; using System.Web.Script.Serialization; namespace DSWeb.Shipping { public partial class SeaExportInfoBlissueSurPutSingle : System.Web.UI.Page { public string sSQL = String.Empty; public string gvid = String.Empty; RangeDA RangeDA = new RangeDA(); public string strUserID;//用户GID public string sRMB = String.Empty; public string sUSD = String.Empty; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["USERID"] != null) { strUserID = Session["USERID"].ToString().Trim(); } else { Server.Transfer("~/Error/FriendError.aspx"); return; //strUserID = ""; } this.hdUserID.Value = strUserID; // if (!IsPostBack) { T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new T_ALL_DA(); if (Request.QueryString["handle"] != null) { this.hdHandle.Value = Request.QueryString["handle"].ToString().Trim(); } if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { this.hdGID.Value = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["bsno"] != null) { this.hdBSNO.Value = Request.QueryString["bsno"].ToString(); // TopSeaeEntity TopSeaeEntity = new TopSeaeEntity(); SeaExportInfoDA SeaExportInfoDA = new SeaExportInfoDA(); TopSeaeEntity = SeaExportInfoDA.GetID(this.hdBSNO.Value.Trim()); if (TopSeaeEntity.BSNO != null) { lbVESSELVOYNO.Text = TopSeaeEntity.VESSEL.ToString().Trim()+" "+TopSeaeEntity.VOYNO.ToString().Trim(); lbETD.Text = TopSeaeEntity.ETD.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd").Trim(); lbMBLNO.Text = TopSeaeEntity.MBLNO.ToString().Trim(); lbCUSTOMERNAME.Text = TopSeaeEntity.CUSTOMERNAME.ToString().Trim(); this.hdSALE.Value = TopSeaeEntity.SALE.ToString().Trim(); this.hdISSUETYPE.Value = TopSeaeEntity.ISSUETYPE.ToString().Trim(); } } // if (this.hdHandle.Value.Trim() == "edit") { if (this.hdGID.Value.Trim() != "") { OpBlissueEntity OpBlissueEntity=new OpBlissueEntity(); OpBlissueDA OpBlissueDA = new OpBlissueDA(); OpBlissueEntity = OpBlissueDA.GetOpBlissueID(this.hdGID.Value.Trim()); tbPUTSINGLETIME.Text=OpBlissueEntity.PUTSINGLETIME.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd").Trim(); tbPUTSINGLE.Text = OpBlissueEntity.PUTSINGLE.ToString().Trim(); tbPAYTIME.Text = OpBlissueEntity.PAYTIME.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd").Trim(); tbPAYRMB.Text = OpBlissueEntity.PAYRMB.ToString().Trim(); tbPAYUSD.Text = OpBlissueEntity.PAYUSD.ToString().Trim(); } //权限可视范围 string strV = RangeDA.GetVISIBLERANGE(strUserID.Trim(), "modOrderManagement"); string strO = RangeDA.GetOPERATERANGE(strUserID.Trim(), "modOrderManagement"); //页面是否只读 if (Request.QueryString["hdenabled"] != null) { if (Request.QueryString["hdenabled"].ToString() == "false") { strO = "4"; } } // string alt = ""; if (strV.Trim() != strO.Trim()) { if (strO.Trim().Equals("0"))//全部 { } else if (strO.Trim().Equals("1"))//分公司 { alt = RangeDA.GetOrderManagementCompany(strUserID.Trim(), ViewState["GID"].ToString().Trim()); if (alt == "") { getEnabled(); } } else if (strO.Trim().Equals("2"))//部门 { alt = RangeDA.GetOrderManagementDEPT(strUserID.Trim(), ViewState["GID"].ToString().Trim()); if (alt == "") { getEnabled(); } } else if (strO.Trim().Equals("3"))//个人 { alt = RangeDA.GetOrderManagementPerson(strUserID.Trim(), ViewState["GID"].ToString().Trim()); if (alt == "") { getEnabled(); } } else if (strO.Trim().Equals("4"))//无 { getEnabled(); } } } else { tbPUTSINGLETIME.Text = ""; tbPUTSINGLE.Text =""; tbPAYTIME.Text = ""; tbPAYRMB.Text = T_ALL_DA.GetStrSQL("hjRMB", "select isnull((select sum(AMOUNT) from ch_fee where FEETYPE=1 and CURRENCY='RMB' and FEESTATUS<8 and bsno='" + this.hdBSNO.Value + "' and CUSTOMERNAME=(select CUSTOMERNAME from op_seae where BSNO = '" + this.hdBSNO.Value + "')),0) + isnull((select sum(AMOUNT-SETTLEMENT) from ch_fee where FEETYPE=1 and CURRENCY='RMB' and FEESTATUS=8 and bsno='" + this.hdBSNO.Value + "' and CUSTOMERNAME=(select CUSTOMERNAME from op_seae where BSNO = '" + this.hdBSNO.Value + "')),0) as hjRMB"); tbPAYUSD.Text = T_ALL_DA.GetStrSQL("hjUSD", "select isnull((select sum(AMOUNT) from ch_fee where FEETYPE=1 and CURRENCY='USD' and FEESTATUS<8 and bsno='" + this.hdBSNO.Value + "' and CUSTOMERNAME=(select CUSTOMERNAME from op_seae where BSNO = '" + this.hdBSNO.Value + "')),0) + isnull((select sum(AMOUNT-SETTLEMENT) from ch_fee where FEETYPE=1 and CURRENCY='USD' and FEESTATUS=8 and bsno='" + this.hdBSNO.Value + "' and CUSTOMERNAME=(select CUSTOMERNAME from op_seae where BSNO = '" + this.hdBSNO.Value + "')),0) as hjUSD"); } //如果不是本业务的销售,则不允许操作! string sshowname = T_ALL_DA.GetSHOWNAME(strUserID); if (this.hdSALE.Value.Trim() != sshowname.Trim() && sshowname.Trim() != "系统管理员") { getEnabled(); } else { //本业务已有放单操作,不允许重复操作! DataSet ds = T_ALL_DA.GetAllSQL("select * from op_blissue where bsno='" + this.hdBSNO.Value.Trim() + "' order by BLSTATUS"); if (ds != null) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { string sBLSTATUS = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["BLSTATUS"].ToString().Trim(); if (sBLSTATUS.Equals("批准放单") || sBLSTATUS.Equals("批准电放") || sBLSTATUS.Equals("提单签出")) { getEnabled(); return; } } } } // } } // if (this.hdEnter.Value == "1") { getEnter(); } } protected void getEnabled() { this.imgEnter.Disabled = true; // this.hdEnabled.Value = "false"; // tbPUTSINGLETIME.Enabled = false; tbPUTSINGLE.Enabled = false; tbPAYTIME.Enabled = false; tbPAYRMB.Enabled = false; tbPAYUSD.Enabled = false; } protected void getEnter() { T_ALL_DA T_ALL_DA = new T_ALL_DA(); if (this.hdHandle.Value.Trim() != null && this.hdHandle.Value.Trim() == "edit") { if (this.hdGID.Value.Trim() != null && this.hdGID.Value.Trim() != "") { string alt = T_ALL_DA.GetBlissueSurPutSingleUpdate(this.hdGID.Value.Trim(), tbPUTSINGLETIME.Text.Trim(), tbPUTSINGLE.Text.Trim(), tbPAYTIME.Text.Trim(), this.hdISSUETYPE.Value.Trim(), strUserID.Trim(), tbPAYRMB.Text.Trim(), tbPAYUSD.Text.Trim()); if (alt == "") { this.hdEnter.Value = "0"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "key0", ""); return; } else { this.hdEnter.Value = "0"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "key3", ""); return; } } } else { this.hdGID.Value = T_ALL_DA.getSQLID("Put"); string alt = T_ALL_DA.GetBlissueSurPutSingleInsert(this.hdGID.Value.Trim(), this.hdBSNO.Value.Trim(), lbMBLNO.Text.Trim(), tbPUTSINGLETIME.Text.Trim(), tbPUTSINGLE.Text.Trim(), tbPAYTIME.Text.Trim(), this.hdISSUETYPE.Value.Trim(), strUserID.Trim(), tbPAYRMB.Text.Trim(), tbPAYUSD.Text.Trim()); if (alt == "") { this.hdEnter.Value = "0"; this.hdHandle.Value = "edit"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "key1", ""); return; } else { this.hdEnter.Value = "0"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "key2", ""); return; } } // } } }