Ext.namespace('Shipping'); Shipping.MsOpSeaiFenIndex = function (config) { Ext.applyIf(this, config); this.initUIComponents(); window.Shipping.MsOpSeaiFenIndex.superclass.constructor.call(this); }; Ext.extend(Shipping.MsOpSeaiFenIndex, Ext.Panel, { PageSize: 20, OprationStatus: null, //仅当弹出界面时使用 SelectedRecord: null, EditRecord: null, BsNo: '', mainWin: null, initUIComponents: function () { var mainform = window.panelEdit; this.EditRecord = mainform.editRecord; this.BsNo = this.EditRecord.get('BSNO'); this.mainWin = getMainForm(window.parent.opener); this.formname = "formMsOpSeaiFenIndex"; //页面名称 //定义数据集 this.storectndisp = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableStore', { model: 'DsShipping.ux.CtnDispModel', proxy: { url: '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetCtnDisp' } }); this.StoreOpRange = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableStore', { model: 'MsOP', proxy: { url: '/MvcShipping/MsBaseInfo/GetOpRang' } }); this.StoreOpRange.load({ params: { optype: "modSeaImportList"} }); this.storeList = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { pageSize: this.PageSize, model: 'MsOpSeaiModel', remoteSort: true, proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeai/GetFenList', reader: { id: 'BSNO', root: 'data', totalProperty: 'totalCount' } } }); //#region List列表显示信息 Ext.grid.RowNumberer = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.RowNumberer, { width: 30 }); this.girdcolums = [{ sortable: true, dataIndex: 'BSNO', header: Zi.LAN.BSNO2, //'业务编号', width: 0 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'BSSTATUSREF', align: 'center', header: Zi.LAN.BSSTATUSREF, //'业务锁定', width: 60, renderer: function (value, cellmeta) { if (value == '锁定') { return ""; } } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'FEESTATUSREF', align: 'center', header: Zi.LAN.FEESTATUSREF, //'费用锁定', width: 60, renderer: function (value, cellmeta) { if (value == '锁定') { return ""; } } }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'DRFEESTATUS', header: Zi.LAN.DRFEESTATUS, //'应收费用', align: 'center', width: 60, renderer: function (value, meta) { if (value == '审核通过') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_pass'; value = Zi.LAN.SHENHETONGGUO; } else if (value == '录入状态') { value = Zi.LAN.LURUZHUAGNTAI; } else if (value == '提交审核') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_refer'; value = Zi.LAN.TIJIAOSHENHE; } else if (value == '部分结算') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_settlepart'; value = Zi.LAN.BUFENJIESUAN; } else if (value == '结算完毕') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_settle'; value = Zi.LAN.JIESUANWANBI; } else if (value == '未录入') { value = Zi.LAN.WEILURU; } else if (value == '部分审核') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_refer'; value = Zi.LAN.BUFENSHENHE; } else if (value == '部分提交') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_refer'; value = Zi.LAN.BUFENTIJIAO; } else if (value == '驳回提交') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_nopass'; value = Zi.LAN.BOHUITIJIAO; } return value; } }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'CRFEESTATUS', header: Zi.LAN.CRFEESTATUS, //'应付费用', align: 'center', width: 60, renderer: function (value, meta) { if (value == '审核通过') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_pass'; value = Zi.LAN.SHENHETONGGUO; } else if (value == '录入状态') { value = Zi.LAN.LURUZHUAGNTAI; } else if (value == '提交审核') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_refer'; value = Zi.LAN.TIJIAOSHENHE; } else if (value == '部分结算') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_settlepart'; value = Zi.LAN.BUFENJIESUAN; } else if (value == '结算完毕') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_settle'; value = Zi.LAN.JIESUANWANBI; } else if (value == '未录入') { value = Zi.LAN.WEILURU; } else if (value == '部分审核') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_refer'; value = Zi.LAN.BUFENSHENHE; } else if (value == '部分提交') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_refer'; value = Zi.LAN.BUFENTIJIAO; } else if (value == '驳回提交') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_nopass'; value = Zi.LAN.BOHUITIJIAO; } return value; } }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'BillFeeStatus', header: '整票状态', //'整票状态', width: 60, renderer: function (value, meta) { if (value == '0') { return Zi.LAN.WEITIJIAO; } else if (value == '1') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_refer'; return Zi.LAN.ZHENGPIAOTIJIAO; } else if (value == '2') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_pass'; return Zi.LAN.SHENHETONGGUO; } else if (value == '4') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_nopass'; return Zi.LAN.ZHENGPIAOBOHUI; } else { return ""; } } }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'DRINVSTATUS', header: Zi.LAN.DRINVSTATUS, //'应收开票', align: 'center', width: 60, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { var openSet = "height=200, width=650, toolbar=no, menubar=no,scrollbars=1, resizable=1,location=no, status=no,Top= " + (screen.height - 250) / 2 + ",Left= " + (screen.width - 600) / 2 var openType = "_blank"; var openUrl = ""; openUrl = "../../MvcShipping/MsRptChInvTotal/BsView?handle=check&bsno=" + record.data.BSNO; var winstr = "window.open(this.href,'" + openType + "','" + openSet + "')"; if (value == '已开票') { value = '' + Zi.LAN.YIKAIPIAO + '' meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_pass'; } else if (value == '部分开票') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_refer'; value = '' + Zi.LAN.BOFENKAIPIAO + '' } else if (value == '未开票') { value = Zi.LAN.WEIKAIPIAO; } return value; } }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'CRINVSTATUS', header: Zi.LAN.CRINVSTATUS, //'应收开票', align: 'center', // xtype: 'actioncolumn', width: 60, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { var openSet = "height=200, width=650, toolbar=no, menubar=no,scrollbars=1, resizable=1,location=no, status=no,Top= " + (screen.height - 250) / 2 + ",Left= " + (screen.width - 600) / 2 var openType = "_blank"; var openUrl = ""; openUrl = "../../MvcShipping/MsRptChInvTotal/BsCrView?handle=check&bsno=" + record.data.BSNO; var winstr = "window.open(this.href,'" + openType + "','" + openSet + "')"; if (value == '已开票') { value = '' + Zi.LAN.YIKAIPIAO + '' meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_pass'; } else if (value == '部分开票') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_refer'; value = '' + Zi.LAN.BOFENKAIPIAO + '' } else if (value == '未开票') { value = Zi.LAN.WEIKAIPIAO; } return value; } }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'DRDUISTATUS', header: Zi.LAN.DRDUISTATUS, //'应收开票', align: 'center', // xtype: 'actioncolumn', width: 60, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { if (value == '已对账') { // value = '已开票' meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_pass'; value = Zi.LAN.YIDUIZHANG; } else if (value == '部分对账') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_refer'; // value = '部分开票' value = Zi.LAN.BUFENDUIZHANG; } else if (value == '未对账') { value = Zi.LAN.WEIDUIZHANG; } return value; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'WMSTYPE', header: Zi.LAN.WMSTYPE, //'仓储类型', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'OPSTATUS', header: Zi.LAN.OPSTATUS2, //'状态管理', width: 80, renderer: function (value, metadata, record, rowIndex) { metadata.style = "background-color:" + record.data.OPSTATUSCOLOR; return value; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ETD', header: Zi.LAN.ETD, //'到港日期', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ETA', header: Zi.LAN.ETA, //'开船日期', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'INVNO', header: Zi.LAN.INVNO, //'开船日期', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'MBLNO', header: Zi.LAN.MBLNO, //'主提单号', width: 120, renderer: function (value, meta) { meta.tdCls = 'mblno'; var btnurl = getGridCopyButton(value); return btnurl + value; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CUSTOMERNAME', header: Zi.LAN.CUSTOMERNAME, //'委托单位', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'TRADETYPE', header: Zi.LAN.TRADETYPE, //'贸易方式', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'BSDATE', header: Zi.LAN.BSDATE, //'接单日期', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CONTRACTNO', header: Zi.LAN.CONTRACTNO, //'合同号', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'GOODSNAME', header: Zi.LAN.GOODSNAME, //'品名', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'NUMBERPLATE', header: Zi.LAN.NUMBERPLATE, //'牌号', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'PKGS', header: Zi.LAN.PKGS, //'件数', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'KGS', header: Zi.LAN.KGS2, //'毛重', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'NETWEIGHT', header: Zi.LAN.NETWEIGHT, //'净重', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CNTRTOTAL', header: Zi.LAN.CNTRTOTAL2, //'集装箱', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ORDERTYPE', header: Zi.LAN.ORDERTYPE2, //'委托方式', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'FORWARDER', header: Zi.LAN.FORWARDER, //'委托方式', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CUSTNO', header: Zi.LAN.CUSTNO, //'委托编号', width: 120, renderer: function (value, meta) { meta.tdCls = 'mblno'; btnurl = getGridCopyButton(value); return btnurl + value; } }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'ORDERNO', header: Zi.LAN.ORDERNO, //'业务编号', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'HBLNO', header: Zi.LAN.HBLNO, //'分提单号', width: 120, renderer: function (value, meta) { meta.tdCls = 'mblno'; btnurl = getGridCopyButton(value); return btnurl + value; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ACCDATE', header: Zi.LAN.ACCDATE, //'会计期间', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'BSSOURCE', header: Zi.LAN.BSSOURCE, //'业务来源', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'BSSOURCEDETAIL', header: Zi.LAN.BSSOURCEDETAIL, //'来源明细', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'INPUTBY', header: Zi.LAN.INPUTBY, //'录入人', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CREATETIME', header: Zi.LAN.CREATETIME, //'创建时间', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'OP', header: Zi.LAN.OP, //'操作员', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'SALE', header: Zi.LAN.SALE, //'揽货人', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'DOC', header: Zi.LAN.DOC, //'揽货人', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'VESSEL', header: Zi.LAN.VESSEL, //'船名', width: 100 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'VOYNO', header: Zi.LAN.VOYNO, //'航次', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'PORTLOAD', header: Zi.LAN.PORTLOAD, //'装货港', width: 100 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'PORTDISCHARGE', header: Zi.LAN.PORTDISCHARGE, //'卸货港', width: 100 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'OTCNTR', header: Zi.LAN.OTCNTR, //'其他箱型', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'TEU', header: Zi.LAN.TEU, //'箱TEU', width: 40 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'COUNTRYOFORIGIN', header: Zi.LAN.COUNTRYOFORIGIN, //'原产地', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'UNITS', header: Zi.LAN.UNITS, //'单位', width: 40 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'BALES', header: Zi.LAN.BALES2, //'包装(散货/托盘)数', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CUSTOMSER', header: Zi.LAN.CUSTOMSER, //'报关行', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CUSTOMNO', header: Zi.LAN.CUSTOMNO, //'报关单号', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CUSTOMDATE', header: Zi.LAN.CUSTOMDATE, //'通关日期', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'INSPECTION', header: Zi.LAN.INSPECTION, //'报检', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'INSPECTIONNO', header: Zi.LAN.INSPECTIONNO, //'报检单号', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'INSPECTIONDATE', header: Zi.LAN.INSPECTIONDATE, //'报检日期', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'KINDPKGS', header: Zi.LAN.KINDPKGS, //'件数包装', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CBM', header: Zi.LAN.CBM2, //'立方/尺码', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'STORAGENAME', header: Zi.LAN.STORAGENAME, //'仓库', width: 100 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CARRIER', header: Zi.LAN.CARRIER, //'船公司', width: 100 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ENTERP', header: Zi.LAN.ENTERP, //'经营单位', width: 100 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'TRUCKER', header: Zi.LAN.TRUCKER, //'承运车队', width: 100 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'VOUNO', header: Zi.LAN.VOUNO, //'凭证号', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'FBP', header: Zi.LAN.FBP, //'免箱期', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'BMDDATE', header: Zi.LAN.BMDDATE, //'箱使到期日', width: 70 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'MDTDATE', header: Zi.LAN.MDTDATE, //'搬倒日期', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'TRADINGAGENCY', header: Zi.LAN.TRADINGAGENCY, //'贸易代理', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'GOODSTYPENAME', header: Zi.LAN.GOODSTYPENAME, //'品名类型', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'SHOWNAME', header: Zi.LAN.SHOWNAME_Client, //'委托单位联系人', width: 100 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'EMAIL', header: Zi.LAN.EMAIL, //'委托单位EMAIL', width: 90 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'TEL', header: Zi.LAN.TEL, //'委托单位TEL', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'FAX', header: Zi.LAN.FAX, //'委托单位FAX', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'TARRIFSPAIEDTIEM', header: Zi.LAN.TARRIFSPAIEDTIEM, //'交关税时间', width: 70 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'APPROVENO', header: Zi.LAN.APPROVENO, //'审批单号', width: 100 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'UPDATETIME', header: Zi.LAN.UPDATETIME, //'申报日期', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'SALECORP', header: Zi.LAN.SALECOMPANY, width: 60 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'IMPORTVALUE', header: Zi.LAN.IMPORTVALUE, //'货值', width: 50, renderer: function (value, cellmeta, record, rowIndex, columnIndex, store) { try { var lsValue = usMoney(value, 2, '', false); if (lsValue != "NaN") { value = lsValue; if (parseFloat(lsValue) < 0) { return '' + lsValue + ''; } } else { return value; } } catch (e) { return value; } return value; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'UNITPRICE', header: Zi.LAN.UNITPRICE, //'单价', width: 50, renderer: function (value, cellmeta, record, rowIndex, columnIndex, store) { try { var lsValue = usMoney(value, 2, '', false); if (lsValue != "NaN") { value = lsValue; if (parseFloat(lsValue) < 0) { return '' + lsValue + ''; } } else { return value; } } catch (e) { return value; } return value; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'BLTYPE', header: Zi.LAN.BLTYPE, //'装运方式', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'CNTR1', header: Zi.LAN.CNTR1, //'箱型1', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'CNTR2', header: Zi.LAN.CNTR2, //'箱型2', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'CNTR3', header: Zi.LAN.CNTR3, //'箱型3', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'CNTR4', header: Zi.LAN.CNTR4, //'箱型4', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'CNTR5', header: Zi.LAN.CNTR5, //'箱型5', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'CNTR6', header: Zi.LAN.CNTR6, //'箱型6', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'CNTR7', header: Zi.LAN.CNTR7, //'箱型7', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'CNTR8', header: Zi.LAN.CNTR8, //'箱型8', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'CNTR9', header: Zi.LAN.CNTR9, //'箱型9', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'CNTR10', header: Zi.LAN.CNTR10, //'箱型10', width: 60 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ISPRINTPR', header: Zi.LAN.ISPRINTPR, //'打印核算单', width: 100, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { if (value == '1') return '√'; else return ''; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ISFUMIGATION', header: Zi.LAN.ISFUMIGATION, //'服务项目1', hidden: true, width: 100, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { if (value == true || value == '1') return '√'; else return ''; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ISSTORAGE', header: Zi.LAN.ISSTORAGE, //'服务项目2', hidden: true, width: 100, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { if (value == true || value == '1') return '√'; else return ''; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ISLAND', header: Zi.LAN.ISLAND, //'服务项目3', hidden: true, width: 100, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { if (value == true || value == '1') return '√'; else return ''; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ISCUSTOMS', header: Zi.LAN.ISCUSTOMS, //'服务项目4', hidden: true, width: 100, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { if (value == true || value == '1') return '√'; else return ''; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ISINSPECTION', header: Zi.LAN.ISINSPECTION, //'服务项目5', hidden: true, width: 100, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { if (value == true || value == '1') return '√'; else return ''; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ISBOOKING', header: Zi.LAN.ISBOOKING, //'服务项目6', hidden: true, width: 100, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { if (value == true || value == '1') return '√'; else return ''; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ISAGENT', header: Zi.LAN.ISAGENT, //'服务项目7', hidden: true, width: 100, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { if (value == true || value == '1') return '√'; else return ''; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ISHBLNO', header: Zi.LAN.ISHBLNO, //'服务项目8', hidden: true, width: 100, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { if (value == true || value == '1') return '√'; else return ''; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'SERVICE9', header: Zi.LAN.SERVICE9, //'服务项目9', hidden: true, width: 100, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { if (value == true || value == '1') return '√'; else return ''; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'SERVICE10', header: Zi.LAN.SERVICE10, //'服务项目10', hidden: true, width: 100, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { if (value == true || value == '1') return '√'; else return ''; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ISAPPLY', header: Zi.LAN.ISAPPLY, //'是否生成报关', width: 80, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { if (value != '0') return '√'; else return ''; } }, { dataIndex: 'BLISSUESTATUS', header: Zi.LAN.BLISSUESTATUS, //'货物标识', width: 120, renderer: function (value, meta) { if (value == '提单签出') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_pass'; value = Zi.LAN.TiDanQianChu; } else if (value == '提单签入') { meta.tdCls = 'feestatus_refer'; value = Zi.LAN.TiDanQianRu; } return value; } }, { dataIndex: 'APPLYNO', header: Zi.LAN.APPLYNO, //'申请放箱号', width: 120 }, { dataIndex: 'DEST_RTCNT_TIME', header: Zi.LAN.DEST_RTCNT_TIME, width: 100 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'AMEND', header: Zi.LAN.AMEND, //'更改单', width: 80, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { if (value != '0') return '√'; else return ''; } }, { dataIndex: 'CTNNUM', header: Zi.LAN.CTNNUM, //'申请放箱号', width: 120 }, { dataIndex: 'WMSCTNNUM', header: Zi.LAN.WMSCTNNUM, //'申请放箱号', width: 120 }, { dataIndex: 'REMARK', header: Zi.LAN.REMARK, //'货物标识', width: 120 }, { dataIndex: 'REMARK2', header: Zi.LAN.REMARK + '2', //'货物标识', width: 120 }, { dataIndex: 'DESCRIPTION', header: Zi.LAN.DESCRIPTION, //'货物标识', width: 120 }, { dataIndex: 'MaTou', header: Zi.LAN.MaTou, //'码头', width: 120 }, { dataIndex: 'SALEDEPT', header: Zi.LAN.SALEDEPT2, //'码头', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'SERVICE', header: Zi.LAN.SERVICE, //'航线', width: 100 }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'DESTINATION', header: Zi.LAN.DESTINATION, //'航线', width: 100 }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'SHIPPER', header: Zi.LAN.SHIPPERID, //'SHIPPER', width: 100 }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'CONSIGNEE', header: Zi.LAN.CONSIGNEEID, //'CONSIGNEE', width: 100, filter: { type: 'string', dataIndex: 'CONSIGNEE' } }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'NOTIFYPARTY', header: Zi.LAN.NOTIFYPARTYID, //'NOTIFYPARTY', width: 100 }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'AGENTID', header: Zi.LAN.AGENTID, //'NOTIFYPARTY', width: 100 }, { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'TIHUOTIME', header: Zi.LAN.TIHUOTIME, //'NOTIFYPARTY', width: 100 }, { sortable: false, dataIndex: 'CHANGEDOCSTATUS', text: Zi.LAN.CHANGEDOCSTATUS, width: 56, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { if (record.data.CHANGEDOCSTATUS == 1) { return '  ●' } else if (record.data.CHANGEDOCSTATUS == 2) { return '  ●' } else { return ""; } } }, { sortable: false, dataIndex: 'CUSTOMSSTATUS', text: Zi.LAN.CUSTOMSSTATUS, width: 56, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { if (record.data.CUSTOMSSTATUS == 1) { return '  ●' } else if (record.data.CUSTOMSSTATUS == 2) { return '  ●' } else { return ""; } } }, { sortable: false, dataIndex: 'CANGDANSTATUS', text: Zi.LAN.CANGDANSTATUS, width: 56, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { if (record.data.CANGDANSTATUS == 1) { return '  ●' } else if (record.data.CANGDANSTATUS == 2) { return '  ●' } else { return ""; } } } , { sortable: true, id: '', dataIndex: 'INSPECTSERVICE', header: Zi.LAN.INSPECTSERVICE, //'NOTIFYPARTY', width: 100, renderer: function (value, meta, record) { var records = DsStoreQueryBy(_this.storeINSPECTSERVICE, 'EnumValueId', value); if (records.getCount() > 0) { var data = records.getAt(0).data; var EnumValueName = data.EnumValueName; return EnumValueName; } else return value; } }]; this.GridCheckBoxFenModel = Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel'); //定义Grid this.gridList = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ store: this.storeList, enableHdMenu: false, region: 'center', loadMask: { msg: Zi.LAN.ShuJuJiaZaiZhongQingShaoDeng}, trackMouseOver: true, selModel: this.GridCheckBoxFenModel, disableSelection: false, columns: this.girdcolums, // paging bar on the bottom bbar: Ext.create('Ext.PagingToolbar', { store: this.storeList, displayInfo: true, displayMsg: Zi.LAN.displayMsg, emptyMsg: Zi.LAN.emptyMsg }) }); /////////////以下部分为获取存储的gridpanel显示样式 // this.column = DsTruck.GetGridPanel(USERID, this.formname, this.girdcolums, 1); //使用者id,表名,中间column数组,跳过一开始的几列 this.gridList.reconfigure(this.storeList, this.girdcolums); this.gridList.columns[0] = new Ext.grid.RowNumberer(); //////////////////////////////////////////////// this.gridList.addListener('itemdblclick', function (dataview, record, item, index, e, b) { this.SelectedRecord = record; this.OprationStatus = 'edit'; DsOpenEditWin('/MvcShipping/MsOpSeai/Edit', "分票信息"); }, this); _thisfenlist = this; //按钮工具条 this.panelBtn = new Ext.Panel({ region: "north", tbar: [{ text: Zi.LAN.btnadd, iconCls: "btnadd", handler: function (button, event) { this.OprationStatus = 'add'; DsOpenEditWin('/MvcShipping/MsOpSeai/Edit', "分票信息"); }, scope: this }, '-', { text: Zi.LAN.copyadd, //"国外舱单", iconCls: "btnadd", handler: function (button, event) { var selections = this.gridList.getSelectionModel().getSelection(); if (selections.length == 0) { Ext.Msg.show({ title: Zi.LAN.TiShi, msg: Zi.LAN.QingXianXuanZeYeWu, icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); return; } var record = selections[0]; this.SelectedRecord = record; this.OprationStatus = 'copyadd'; DsOpenEditWin('/MvcShipping/MsOpSeai/Edit', "分票信息"); }, scope: this }, { text: Zi.LAN.btndelete, iconCls: "btndelete", handler: function (button, event) { this.onDeleteClick(button, event); }, scope: this }, '-', { text: Zi.LAN.btnrefresh, iconCls: "btnrefresh", handler: function (button, event) { this.onRefreshClick(button, event); }, scope: this }, { text: Zi.LAN.btnreset, iconCls: "btnreset", handler: function (button, event) { this.onClearSql(button, event); }, scope: this }, '-', { text: Zi.LAN.btntest, id: "btntest", handler: function (button, event) { this.column = DsTruck.SaveGridPanel(USERID, this.formname, this.gridList.columns, this.column, 1, true); }, scope: this }] }); this.panelTop = new Ext.Panel({ layout: "border", region: "north", height: 30, items: [this.panelBtn] }); Ext.apply(this, { items: [this.panelTop, this.gridList] }); this.onRefreshClick(); this.storeList.on('beforeload', function (store) { var sql = this.getCondition(); Ext.apply(store.proxy.extraParams, { condition: sql }); }, this); }, //end initUIComponents onRefreshClick: function (button, event) { //var girdcolums = this.gridList.getColumnMode(); var sql = "BSNO<>'" + this.BsNo + "' and MASTERNO='" + this.BsNo + "'"; this.storeList.load({ params: { start: 0, limit: this.PageSize, sort: '', condition: sql }, waitMsg: "正在查询数据...", scope: this }); }, onDeleteClick: function (button, event) { var selections = this.gridList.getSelectionModel().getSelection(); if (selections.length == 0) { Ext.Msg.show({ title: Zi.LAN.TiShi, msg: Zi.LAN.QingXianXuanZeYeWu, icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); return; } var record = selections[0]; if (record.data.BSSTATUS == 'true') { Ext.Msg.show({ title: Zi.LAN.JingGao, msg: Zi.LAN.YeWuYiSuoDingBuYunXuShanChu, icon: Ext.Msg.WARNING, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); //'警告', '业务已锁定,不允许删除!' return; } if (record.data.FEESTATUS == 'true') { Ext.Msg.show({ title: Zi.LAN.JingGao, msg: Zi.LAN.FeiYongYiSuoDingBuYunXuShanChu, icon: Ext.Msg.WARNING, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); //'警告', 费用已锁定,不允许删除!' return; } if (this.StoreOpRange.getCount() == 0) { Ext.Msg.show({ title: Zi.LAN.JingGao, msg: Zi.LAN.QuanXianBuZuBuYunXuShanChu, icon: Ext.Msg.WARNING, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); return; } else { var op = record.data.OP; var inputby = record.data.INPUTBY; var records = DsStoreQueryBy(this.StoreOpRange, 'OPID', op); if (records.getCount() > 0) { } else { var recordins = DsStoreQueryBy(this.StoreOpRange, 'OPID', inputby); if (recordins.getCount() > 0) { } else { canedit = false; Ext.Msg.show({ title: Zi.LAN.JingGao, msg: Zi.LAN.QuanXianBuZuBuYunXuShanChu, icon: Ext.Msg.WARNING, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); return; } } } Ext.MessageBox.confirm(Zi.LAN.TiShi, Zi.LAN.QueDingShanChuGaiJiLuMa, function (btn) { if (btn == 'yes') { Ext.Msg.wait(Zi.LAN.ZhengZaiCaoZuoShuJu); Ext.Ajax.request({ waitMsg: Zi.LAN.ZhengZaiCaoZuoShuJu, url: '/MvcShipping/MsOpSeai/Delete', params: { data: Ext.JSON.encode(record.data) }, callback: function (options, success, response) { if (success) { var jsonresult = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText); if (jsonresult.Success) { this.storeList.remove(record); Ext.Msg.show({ title: Zi.LAN.TiShi, msg: jsonresult.Message, icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); } else { Ext.Msg.show({ title: Zi.LAN.JingGao, msg: jsonresult.Message, icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); } } }, failure: function (response, options) { Ext.Msg.show({ title: Zi.LAN.JingGao, msg: '服务器响应出错,请重试', icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); }, success: function (response, options) { }, scope: this }); //end Ext.Ajax.request } }, this); }, OprationSwap: function () { var ret = new Array(); ret[0] = this.OprationStatus; ret[1] = this.storeList; ret[2] = this.SelectedRecord; ret[3] = this.EditRecord; ret[4] = this.mainWin; return ret; }, //#region 打印 Print: function () { var basicForm = this.formHead.getForm(); var MASTERNO = this.BsNo; var printType = 'MSOPSEAIFENLIST'; var sql1 = "SET LANGUAGE 'us_english' SELECT * FROM op_seai WHERE BSNO = '" + MASTERNO + "'"; var sql1 = "SET LANGUAGE 'us_english' SELECT * FROM op_seai WHERE MASTERNO = '" + MASTERNO + "'"; var sql3 = ""; var sql4 = ""; var sql5 = ""; var sql6 = ""; PrintComm(printType, sql1, sql2, sql3, sql4, sql5, sql6); } //#endregion });