Ext.namespace('Shipping'); Shipping.MsOpTaskIndex = function (config) { Ext.applyIf(this, config); this.initUIComponents(); window.Shipping.MsOpTaskIndex.superclass.constructor.call(this); }; Ext.extend(Shipping.MsOpTaskIndex, Ext.Panel, { PageSize: 30, OprationStatus: null, //仅当弹出界面时使用 SelectedRecord: null, EditRecord: null, BsNo: "", stroplb: "", sqlcontext: '', initUIComponents: function () { //定义数据集 // var mainform = window.parent._this; _this = this; _this.sqlcontext = ""; _this.sqlcontextall = ""; _this.sqlcontextselect = " isnull(ISCOMPLETE,0)=1 "; this.formname = "MsOpTaskIndex"; //页面名称 //人员信息加载 this.storeOpCode = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableStore', { model: 'DsShipping.ux.UserRefModel', proxy: { url: '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetUserRefList' } }); this.storeOpCode.load(); //客服 this.comboxCUSTSERVICE = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox', { store: this.storeOpCode, forceSelection: true, name: 'COMPOP', valueField: 'UserName', displayField: 'CodeAndName' }); Ext.define('ModuleModel', { extend: 'Ext.data.Model', fields: [ { name: 'id', type: 'string' }, { name: 'NAME', type: 'string' }, { name: 'DESCRIPTION', type: 'string' }, { name: 'MODULEURL', type: 'string' }, { name: 'SORT', type: 'number' }, { name: 'PARENTID', type: 'string' }, { name: 'PARENTNAME', type: 'string' }, { name: 'TASKCOUNT', type: 'number' }, { name: 'TYPE', type: 'string' }, { name: 'leaf', type: 'bool' }, { name: 'expanded', type: 'bool' } ] }); this.treestore = new Ext.data.TreeStore({ model: 'ModuleModel', nodeParam: 'PARENTID', proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: '/MvcShipping/MsOpTask/GetTaskTreeRefList', reader: { id: 'GID', root: 'data', totalProperty: 'totalCount' } }, autoLoad: true, root: { name: '根节点', expanded: true, id: '-1' } }); this.tabtree = new Ext.tree.Panel({ region: 'west', title: '任务信息', //'业务信息', split: true, width: 180, collapsible: true, margins: '0 0 0 0', store: this.treestore, useArrows: true, rootVisible: false, hideHeaders: true, animate: false, lines: false, columns: [{ xtype: 'treecolumn', text: '任务信息', //'模块名称', width: 318, dataIndex: 'DESCRIPTION' }], listeners: { scope: this, 'itemclick': function (thisview, record, item, index, e, eOpts) { if (record.data.TYPE == '1') { // var sql2 = this.getCondition(); var TASKTYPE = record.data.NAME; var ISCOMPLETE = record.data.PARENTID; var sql = "TASKTYPE='" + TASKTYPE + "' AND isnull(ISCOMPLETE,0)=" + ISCOMPLETE; _this.sqlcontextselect = sql; // if (sql2 != '') sql = sql + " and " + sql2; this.sqlcontext = sql; this.storeList.load({ params: { start: 0, limit: this.PageSize, sort: '', condition: sql }, waitMsg: "正在查询数据...", scope: this }); } else { // var sql2 = this.getCondition(); var ISCOMPLETE = record.data.id; var sql = "isnull(ISCOMPLETE,0)=" + ISCOMPLETE; _this.sqlcontextselect = sql; // if (sql2 != '') sql = sql + " and " + sql2; this.sqlcontext = sql; this.storeList.load({ params: { start: 0, limit: this.PageSize, sort: '', condition: sql }, waitMsg: "正在查询数据...", scope: this }); } } } }); this.storeList = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { pageSize: this.PageSize, model: 'MsOpTask', remoteSort: true, proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: '/MvcShipping/MsOpTask/GetDataList', reader: { id: 'GID', root: 'data', totalProperty: 'totalCount' } } }); this.initgirdcolums = [{ sortable: true, dataIndex: 'GID', header: 'GID', hidden: true, width: 150 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'BSNO', header: '业务编号', hidden: true, width: 150 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'PTASKNO', header: 'PTASKNO', hidden: true, width: 150 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CORPID', header: 'CORPID', hidden: true, width: 150 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'FILENO', header: 'FILENO', hidden: true, width: 150 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'MAILNO', header: 'MAILNO', hidden: true, width: 150 }, //{ // sortable: true, // dataIndex: 'TASKNO', // header: '任务编号', // width: 120 //}, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'TASKTYPE', align: 'center', header: '任务类型', width: 120 }, //{ //sortable: true, //dataIndex: 'TASKSTATUS', //align: 'center', //header: '任务状态', //width: 120 //}, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'TASKSOURCE', align: 'center', header: '任务来源', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'TASKTITLE', align: 'left', header: '任务标题', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'TASKDESCRIP', align: 'center', header: '任务内容', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'OP', align: 'center', header: '接收人', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CUSTNO', align: 'center', header: '委托编号', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'MBLNO', align: 'center', header: '提单号', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CARRIER', align: 'center', header: '船公司', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CUSTOMERNAME', align: 'center', header: '委托单位', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ETD', align: 'center', header: '开船日期', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'FILEPATH', align: 'center', header: '文件路径', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CREATEUSER', align: 'center', header: '发起人', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'CREATETIME', align: 'center', header: '发起时间', width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'TASKBEGINDATE', align: 'center', header: '任务开始时间', renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('Y-m-d H:i:s'), width: 120 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'COMPLETETIME', align: 'center', header: '完成时间', renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('Y-m-d H:i:s'), width: 120 }, { sortable: true, align: 'center', dataIndex: 'COMPLETETYPE', header: '完成方式', width: 80 }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'ISCOMPLETE', align: 'center', header: '是否完成', width: 80, renderer: function (value, cellmeta) { if (value == '1') { return "完成"; } else return "未完成"; } }, { sortable: true, dataIndex: 'REMARK', header: '备注', width: 150 } ]; this.girdcolums = this.initgirdcolums; this.gridListCellEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', { clicksToEdit: 1 }); this.CheckBoxModel = Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel'); //定义Grid this.gridList = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ store: this.storeList, enableHdMenu: false, region: 'center', loadMask: { msg: "数据加载中,请稍等..." }, trackMouseOver: true, disableSelection: false, plugins: [this.gridListCellEditing], selModel: this.CheckBoxModel, selType: 'cellmodel', viewConfig: { enableTextSelection: true, //允许复制数据 autoFill: true }, columns: this.girdcolums, bbar: Ext.create('Ext.PagingToolbar', { store: this.storeList, displayInfo: true, displayMsg: '当前显示 {0} - {1}条记录 /共 {2}条记录', emptyMsg: "没有数据" }) }); this.gridList.addListener('itemdblclick', function (dataview, record, item, index, e, b) { this.SelectedRecord = record; this.OprationStatus = 'edit'; if (record.data.TASKTYPE == "待派车" || record.data.TASKTYPE == "待派车(重新提交)" || record.data.TASKTYPE == "驳回派车" ||record.data.TASKTYPE == "已发单" || record.data.TASKTYPE == "派车中" || record.data.TASKTYPE == "派车已发单" || record.data.TASKTYPE == "已派车") { var openSet = "height=700, width=1024, toolbar=no, menubar=no,scrollbars=1, resizable=1,location=no, status=no,Top= " + (screen.height - 750) / 2 + ",Left= " + (screen.width - 1100) / 2 var openType = "_blank"; var openUrl = ""; openUrl = "../../MvcShipping/MsOpLetter/TruckView?handle=check&le_id=" + record.data.TASKNO + "&bsno=" + record.data.BSNO; window.open(openUrl, openType, openSet); } if (record.data.TASKTYPE == "派车业务") { var openSet = "height=700, width=1024, toolbar=no, menubar=no,scrollbars=1, resizable=1,location=no, status=no,Top= " + (screen.height - 750) / 2 + ",Left= " + (screen.width - 1100) / 2 var openType = "_blank"; var openUrl = ""; openUrl = "../../TruckMng/PcHeadEdit_WFSD/TaskView?GID=" + record.data.BSNO; window.open(openUrl, openType, openSet); } else { DsOpenEditWin('/MvcShipping/MsOpSeae/TaskView', record.data.BSNO); } }, this); this.girdcolums = DsTruck.GetGridPanel(USERID, this.formname, this.girdcolums, 1); //使用者id,表名,中间column数组,跳过一开始的几列 this.girdcolums.unshift(new Ext.grid.RowNumberer()); this.gridList.reconfigure(this.storeList, this.girdcolums); //this.storeList.on('beforeload', function (store) { // var sql = this.getCondition(); // Ext.apply(store.proxy.extraParams, { condition: _this.sqlcontext }); //}, this); //客户加载_委托单位 this.storeCustCode = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableStore', { model: 'DsShipping.ux.CustomRefModel', proxy: { url: '/CommMng/BasicDataRef/GetCustomRefListController' } }); // this.storeCustCode.load({ params: { condition: "ISCONTROLLER='1'"} }); //委托单位 _this = this; this.comboxCustCode = Ext.create('DsExt.ux.RefTableCombox', { fieldLabel: '委托单位', //'委托单位', store: this.storeCustCode, queryMode: 'remote', minChars: 1, queryParam: 'CODENAME', name: 'CUSTOMERNAME', valueField: 'CustName', displayField: 'CodeAndName', enableKeyEvents: true, listeners: { keyup: function (field, e) { if (e.getKey() == e.ENTER) { _this.onRefreshClick(); } } } }); this.formSearch = Ext.widget('form', { frame: true, region: 'center', bodyPadding: 5, fieldDefaults: { margins: '2 2 2 2', labelAlign: 'right', flex: 1, labelWidth: 60, msgTarget: 'qtip' }, items: [ {//fieldset 1 xtype: 'container', defaultType: 'textfield', layout: 'anchor', defaults: { anchor: '100%' }, items: [{ xtype: 'container', layout: 'hbox', defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ fieldLabel: '提单号', name: 'MBLNO', enableKeyEvents: true, listeners: { specialkey: function (field, e) { if (e.getKey() == e.ENTER) { _this.onRefreshClick(); } } } } , this.comboxCustCode,{ fieldLabel: '从任务日期', format: 'Y-m-d', xtype: 'datefield', labelWidth: 65, name: 'ExpDateBgn', enableKeyEvents: true, listeners: { specialkey: function (field, e) { if (e.getKey() == e.ENTER) { _this.onRefreshClick(); } } } }, { fieldLabel: '到任务日期', format: 'Y-m-d', xtype: 'datefield', labelWidth: 65, name: 'ExpDateEnd', enableKeyEvents: true, listeners: { specialkey: function (field, e) { if (e.getKey() == e.ENTER) { _this.onRefreshClick(); } } } }, { xtype: 'button', width: 90, text: "执行查询", iconCls: "btnrefresh", handler: function (button, event) { this.onRefreshClick(button, event); }, scope: this }, { xtype: 'button', width: 90, text: "高级查询", iconCls: "btnmore", handler: function (button, event) { var sql = this.getCondition(); if (sql != '') sql = _this.sqlcontextselect + " and " + sql; else sql = _this.sqlcontextselect; var winAccess = new Shipping.DsQuery({ }); winAccess.StoreList = this.storeList; winAccess.formname = this.formname; winAccess.condition = sql; winAccess.show(); return; }, scope: this } ] } ]//end items(fieldset 1) }//end fieldset 1 ]//end root items }); //查询工具条 this.panelBtn = new Ext.Panel({ region: "north", tbar: [ { xtype: 'button', text: '刷新', //刷新 iconCls: "btnrefresh", handler: function (button, event) { this.Refresh(); }, scope: this },{ text: "确认并完成", iconCls: "btnadd", handler: function (button, event) { this.onUpTransStatusClick('确认并完成'); }, scope: this }, '-', { text: "PENDING", // iconCls: "btndelete", handler: function (button, event) { this.onUpTransStatusClick('PENDING'); }, scope: this }, '-', { text: "转发邮件", // iconCls: "btndelete", handler: function (button, event) { this.onUpTransStatusClick('转发邮件'); }, scope: this }, '-', { text: "取消任务", // iconCls: "btnsave", handler: function (button, event) { this.onUpTransStatusClick('取消任务'); }, scope: this }, '-', { text: "保存列表样式", id: "btntest", menu: [ { text: "保存", handler: function (button, event) { this.girdcolums = DsTruck.SaveGridPanel(USERID, _this.formname, _this.gridList.columns, _this.girdcolums, 1, true); } }, { text: "初始化", handler: function (menu, event) { _this.gridList.reconfigure(_this.storeList, _this.initgirdcolums); _this.girdcolums = DsTruck.SaveGridPanel(USERID, _this.formname, _this.gridList.columns, _this.initgirdcolums, 1, true); } }], scope: this } ] }); this.panelTop = new Ext.Panel({ layout: "border", region: "north", height: 80, items: [this.panelBtn, this.formSearch] }); this.panelcenter = new Ext.Panel({ title: '任务列表', //'委托详细信息', layout: "border", region: 'center', animate: true, autoScroll: true, // containerScroll: true, frame: false, items: [this.panelTop, this.gridList] }); Ext.apply(this, { items: [this.tabtree, this.panelcenter] }); this.storeList.load({ params: { start: 0, limit: this.PageSize, sort: '', condition: 'isnull(ISCOMPLETE,0)=1' }, waitMsg: "正在查询数据...", scope: this }); this.storeList.on('beforeload', function (store) { var sql = this.sqlcontext Ext.apply(store.proxy.extraParams, { condition: sql }); }, this); // this.onRefreshClick(); }, onRefreshClick: function (button, event) { var sql = this.getCondition(); if (sql != '') sql = _this.sqlcontextselect + " and " + sql; else sql = _this.sqlcontextselect; this.sqlcontext = sql; // this.tabtree.removeAll(); // this.treestore.reload(); //this.treestore.load({ // params: { PARENTID:'-1', condition: sql }, // waitMsg: "正在查询数据...", // scope: this //}); this.storeList.load({ params: { start: 0, limit: this.PageSize, sort: '', condition: sql }, waitMsg: "正在查询数据...", scope: this }); }, onDsQuery: function (button, event) { var sql=this.sqlcontext; this.storeList.load({ params: { start: 0, limit: this.PageSize, sort: '', condition: sql }, waitMsg: "正在查询数据...", scope: this }); }, getCondition: function () { var form = this.formSearch.getForm(); if (!form.isValid()) { Ext.Msg.alert('提示', '查询条件赋值错误,请检查。'); return ''; } var sql = ""; var MBLNO = form.findField('MBLNO').getValue(); sql = sql + getAndConSql(sql, MBLNO, " t.MBLNO like '%" + MBLNO + "%'"); var BSDATEBgn = form.findField('ExpDateBgn').getRawValue(); sql = sql + getAndConSql(sql, BSDATEBgn, "CONVERT(char(10), t.TASKBEGINDATE, 20) >='" + BSDATEBgn + "'"); var BSDATEEnd = form.findField('ExpDateEnd').getRawValue(); sql = sql + getAndConSql(sql, BSDATEEnd, "CONVERT(char(10), t.TASKBEGINDATE, 20) <='" + BSDATEEnd + " 23:59:59'"); var CUSTOMERNAME = form.findField('CUSTOMERNAME').getValue(); sql = sql + getAndConSql(sql, CUSTOMERNAME, "b.CUSTOMERNAME='" + CUSTOMERNAME + "'"); return sql; }, onUpTransStatusClick: function (transstatus) { var selections = this.gridList.getSelectionModel().getSelection(); if (selections.length == 0) { Ext.Msg.show({ title: '提示', msg: '请先选择任务!', icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); return; } var bodydatas = []; for (var i = 0; i < selections.length ; i += 1) { var member = selections[i]; bodydatas.push(member); } if (bodydatas.length == 0) { Ext.Msg.show({ title: '提示', msg: '没有需要更新的任务!', icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); return; } Ext.MessageBox.confirm('提示', '确实要将选中任务的状态更改为<' + transstatus + '>吗?', function (btn) { if (btn == 'yes') { var jsonbodyAddDatas = ConvertRecordsToJsonAll(bodydatas); Ext.Msg.wait('正在操作数据...'); Ext.Ajax.request({ waitMsg: '正在操作数据...', url: '/MvcShipping/MsOpTask/UpTransStatusList', params: { data: jsonbodyAddDatas, transstatus: transstatus }, callback: function (options, success, response) { if (success) { var jsonresult = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText); if (jsonresult.Success) { this.storeList.reload(); var sql = ''; // this.tabtree.disableSelection(); // this.treestore.reload(); this.treestore.load({ params: { PARENTID: '-1', condition:'' }, waitMsg: "正在查询数据...", scope: this }); Ext.Msg.hide(); } else { Ext.Msg.show({ title: '错误', msg: jsonresult.Message, icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); } } }, failure: function (response, options) { Ext.Msg.show({ title: '警告', msg: '服务器响应出错!', icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); }, success: function (response, options) { }, scope: this }); //end Ext.Ajax.request } }, this); }, Refresh: function () { this.treestore.load({ params: { PARENTID: '-1', condition: '' }, waitMsg: "正在查询数据...", scope: this }); this.storeList.reload(); }, OprationSwap: function () { var ret = new Array(); ret[0] = this.OprationStatus; ret[1] = this.storeList; ret[2] = this.SelectedRecord; return ret; } });