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'#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 6 end end object DBEdit5: TDBEdit Left = 402 Top = 302 Width = 128 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #38598#35013#31665 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 1 end object DBMemo3: TDBMemo Left = 52 Top = 50 Width = 298 Height = 62 Color = clWhite DataField = #21457#36135#20154#20195#30721 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False TabOrder = 2 end object DBMemo4: TDBMemo Left = 52 Top = 113 Width = 298 Height = 62 Color = clWhite DataField = #25910#36135#20154#20195#30721 DataSource = 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Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 8 end object DBEdit55: TDBEdit Left = 402 Top = 49 Width = 127 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #33337#21517 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ReadOnly = True ShowHint = True TabOrder = 9 end object DBEdit56: TDBEdit Left = 402 Top = 70 Width = 128 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #24320#33337#26085#26399 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ReadOnly = True ShowHint = True TabOrder = 10 end object DBEdit53: TDBEdit Left = 402 Top = 91 Width = 128 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #35013#36135#28207 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ReadOnly = True ShowHint = True TabOrder = 11 end object DBEdit54: TDBEdit Left = 402 Top = 112 Width = 128 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #21368#36135#28207 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ReadOnly = True ShowHint = True TabOrder = 12 end object DBEdit10: TDBEdit Left = 402 Top = 133 Width = 128 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #20132#36135#22320#28857 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ReadOnly = True ShowHint = True TabOrder = 13 end object DBEdit17: TDBEdit Left = 402 Top = 154 Width = 128 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #30446#30340#22320 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ReadOnly = True ShowHint = True TabOrder = 14 end object DBEdit57: TDBEdit Left = 402 Top = 175 Width = 128 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #36816#36755#26465#27454 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ReadOnly = True ShowHint = True TabOrder = 15 end object DBEdit58: TDBEdit Left = 402 Top = 196 Width = 128 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #25552#21333#20221#25968 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ReadOnly = True ShowHint = True TabOrder = 16 end object DBEdit25: TDBEdit Left = 402 Top = 217 Width = 128 Height = 20 Hint = #31614#21333#22320#28857 Color = clWhite DataField = #31614#21333#22320#28857 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ReadOnly = True ShowHint = True TabOrder = 17 end object DBEdit59: TDBEdit Left = 402 Top = 238 Width = 128 Height = 20 Hint = #31614#21333#22320#28857 Color = clWhite DataField = #20184#36153#26041#24335 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ReadOnly = True ShowHint = True TabOrder = 18 end object DBEdit60: TDBEdit Left = 402 Top = 259 Width = 128 Height = 20 Hint = #31614#21333#22320#28857 Color = clWhite DataField = #22330#31449 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ReadOnly = True ShowHint = True TabOrder = 19 end object DBEdit61: TDBEdit Left = 402 Top = 280 Width = 128 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #36135#20195#20844#21496 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 20 end object DBEdit70: TDBEdit Left = 583 Top = 281 Width = 98 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #25805#20316#21592 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 21 end object DBEdit71: TDBEdit Left = 583 Top = 260 Width = 98 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #25215#36816#36710#38431 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 22 end object DBEdit72: TDBEdit Left = 583 Top = 239 Width = 98 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #25253#20851#34892 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 23 end object DBEdit73: TDBEdit Left = 583 Top = 218 Width = 98 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #33337#20844#21496 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 24 end object DBEdit74: TDBEdit Left = 583 Top = 196 Width = 98 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #31614#21333#26085#26399 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 25 end object DBEdit66: TDBEdit Left = 583 Top = 175 Width = 98 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #31614#21333#26041#24335 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 26 end object DBEdit67: TDBEdit Left = 583 Top = 154 Width = 98 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #35013#36816#26041#24335 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 27 end object DBEdit68: TDBEdit Left = 583 Top = 133 Width = 98 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #33322#32447 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 28 end object DBEdit69: TDBEdit Left = 583 Top = 112 Width = 98 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #39044#25269#26085#26399 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 29 end object DBEdit64: TDBEdit Left = 583 Top = 91 Width = 98 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #38144#21806#37096#38376 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 30 end object DBEdit65: TDBEdit Left = 583 Top = 70 Width = 98 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #35013#36135#28207 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 31 end object DBEdit62: TDBEdit Left = 575 Top = 26 Width = 98 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #24320#33337#26085#26399 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 32 Visible = False end object DBEdit63: TDBEdit Left = 583 Top = 49 Width = 97 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #33322#27425 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 33 end object DBEdit11: TDBEdit Left = 223 Top = 324 Width = 127 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #21253#35013 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 34 end object DBEdit13: TDBEdit Left = 52 Top = 302 Width = 298 Height = 20 Color = clWhite DataField = #36135#29289#21517#31216 DataSource = v_op_bscard1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ImeName = #20013#25991' ('#31616#20307') - '#25628#29399#25340#38899#36755#20837#27861 ParentFont = False TabOrder = 35 end end end object bsSkinPanel2: TbsSkinPanel Left = 0 Top = 51 Width = 911 Height = 50 TabOrder = 2 Visible = False SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1 SkinDataName = 'panel' DefaultFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET DefaultFont.Color = clWindowText DefaultFont.Height = 14 DefaultFont.Name = 'Arial' DefaultFont.Style = [] DefaultWidth = 0 DefaultHeight = 0 UseSkinFont = True AutoEnabledControls = True CheckedMode = False Checked = False DefaultAlignment = taLeftJustify DefaultCaptionHeight = 22 BorderStyle = bvFrame CaptionMode = False RollUpMode = False RollUpState = False NumGlyphs = 1 Spacing = 2 Caption = 'bsSkinPanel2' Align = alTop object Label28: TLabel Left = 20 Top = 10 Width = 30 Height = 12 Caption = #21457#31449':' Transparent = True end object DBText10: TDBText Left = 72 Top = 10 Width = 48 Height = 12 AutoSize = True DataField = #21457#31449 DataSource = t_op_railway1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True end object Label31: TLabel Left = 176 Top = 10 Width = 54 Height = 12 Caption = #21457#36710#26041#21521':' Transparent = True end object DBText11: TDBText Left = 232 Top = 9 Width = 48 Height = 12 AutoSize = True DataField = #21457#36710#26041#21521 DataSource = t_op_railway1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True end object Label42: TLabel Left = 316 Top = 10 Width = 42 Height = 12 Caption = #21040#36798#31449':' Transparent = True end object DBText12: TDBText Left = 372 Top = 10 Width = 48 Height = 12 AutoSize = True DataField = #21040#36798#31449 DataSource = t_op_railway1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True end object Label45: TLabel Left = 456 Top = 9 Width = 30 Height = 12 Caption = #31665#22411':' Transparent = True end object DBText13: TDBText Left = 492 Top = 9 Width = 48 Height = 12 AutoSize = True DataField = #31665#22411 DataSource = t_op_railway1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True end object DBText14: TDBText Left = 592 Top = 9 Width = 48 Height = 12 AutoSize = True DataField = #31665#28304 DataSource = t_op_railway1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True end object Label46: TLabel Left = 556 Top = 9 Width = 30 Height = 12 Caption = #31665#28304':' Transparent = True end object Label49: TLabel Left = 660 Top = 9 Width = 30 Height = 12 Caption = #27611#37325':' Transparent = True end object DBText15: TDBText Left = 696 Top = 9 Width = 48 Height = 12 AutoSize = True DataField = #37325#37327 DataSource = t_op_railway1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True end object Label50: TLabel Left = 772 Top = 9 Width = 54 Height = 12 Caption = #36135#29289#21517#31216':' Transparent = True end object DBText16: TDBText Left = 824 Top = 9 Width = 48 Height = 12 AutoSize = True DataField = #21830#21697#21517#31216 DataSource = t_op_railway1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True end object Label51: TLabel Left = 20 Top = 30 Width = 54 Height = 12 Caption = #21457#36710#26102#38388':' Transparent = True end object DBText17: TDBText Left = 72 Top = 30 Width = 48 Height = 12 AutoSize = True DataField = #21457#36710#26085#26399 DataSource = t_op_railway1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True end object Label52: TLabel Left = 176 Top = 30 Width = 30 Height = 12 Caption = #36710#21495':' Transparent = True end object DBText18: TDBText Left = 228 Top = 30 Width = 48 Height = 12 AutoSize = True DataField = #36710#21495 DataSource = t_op_railway1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True end object Label53: TLabel Left = 316 Top = 30 Width = 66 Height = 12 Caption = #21040#21475#23736#26102#38388':' Transparent = True end object DBText19: TDBText Left = 384 Top = 30 Width = 48 Height = 12 AutoSize = True DataField = #21040#23665#21475#26102#38388 DataSource = t_op_railway1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True end object Label54: TLabel Left = 456 Top = 30 Width = 54 Height = 12 Caption = #20986#22659#26085#26399':' Transparent = True end object DBText20: TDBText Left = 524 Top = 30 Width = 48 Height = 12 AutoSize = True DataField = #20986#23665#21475#26102#38388 DataSource = t_op_railway1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True end object Label55: TLabel Left = 586 Top = 29 Width = 54 Height = 12 Caption = #25442#35013#26085#26399':' Transparent = True end object DBText21: TDBText Left = 654 Top = 29 Width = 48 Height = 12 AutoSize = True DataField = #25442#35013#26085#26399 DataSource = t_op_railway1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True end object Label56: TLabel Left = 730 Top = 29 Width = 54 Height = 12 Caption = #25442#35013#36710#21495':' Transparent = True end object DBText22: TDBText Left = 798 Top = 29 Width = 48 Height = 12 AutoSize = True DataField = #25442#35013#36710#21495 DataSource = t_op_railway1 Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True end end object t_op_gain: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Parameters = < item Name = #32534#21495 DataType = ftString NumericScale = 255 Precision = 255 Size = 12 Value = Null end> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_op_gain' 'where '#32534#21495'=:'#32534#21495) Left = 320 Top = 244 end object t_op_gain1: TDataSource DataSet = t_op_gain Left = 380 Top = 184 end object t_ch_accept: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Parameters = < item Name = #32534#21495 Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString NumericScale = 255 Precision = 255 Size = 12 Value = Null end> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_ch_fee' 'where '#31867#22411'='#39#25910#39' and '#32534#21495'=:'#32534#21495 'order by '#39034#24207',CH_ID') Left = 168 Top = 136 end object t_ch_accept1: TDataSource DataSet = t_ch_accept Left = 168 Top = 184 end object t_ch_pay: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Parameters = < item Name = #32534#21495 Attributes = [paNullable] DataType = ftString NumericScale = 255 Precision = 255 Size = 12 Value = Null end> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_ch_fee' 'where '#31867#22411'='#39#20184#39' and '#32534#21495'=:'#32534#21495 'order by '#39034#24207',CH_ID') Left = 248 Top = 104 end object t_ch_pay1: TDataSource DataSet = t_ch_pay Left = 208 Top = 184 end object bsBusinessSkinForm1: TbsBusinessSkinForm UseSkinFontInMenu = True ShowIcon = False MaximizeOnFullScreen = False AlphaBlend = False AlphaBlendAnimation = False AlphaBlendValue = 100 ShowObjectHint = False MenusAlphaBlend = False MenusAlphaBlendAnimation = False MenusAlphaBlendValue = 0 DefCaptionFont.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET DefCaptionFont.Color = clBtnText DefCaptionFont.Height = -12 DefCaptionFont.Name = #23435#20307 DefCaptionFont.Style = [] DefInActiveCaptionFont.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET DefInActiveCaptionFont.Color = clBtnShadow DefInActiveCaptionFont.Height = -12 DefInActiveCaptionFont.Name = #23435#20307 DefInActiveCaptionFont.Style = [] DefMenuItemHeight = 20 DefMenuItemFont.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET DefMenuItemFont.Color = clWindowText DefMenuItemFont.Height = -12 DefMenuItemFont.Name = #23435#20307 DefMenuItemFont.Style = [] UseDefaultSysMenu = True SkinData = frm_main.bsSkinData1 MinHeight = 0 MinWidth = 0 Magnetic = False MagneticSize = 10 BorderIcons = [biMinimize] Left = 280 Top = 156 end object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu OwnerDraw = True Left = 184 Top = 252 object N1: TMenuItem Caption = #40664#35748#26684#24335#39044#35272 OnClick = N1Click end object N2: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object N3: TMenuItem Caption = #40664#35748#26684#24335#25171#21360 OnClick = N3Click end object N4: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object N20: TMenuItem Caption = #20854#20182#26684#24335#25171#21360 OnClick = N20Click end end object v_op_bscard: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic AfterOpen = v_op_bscardAfterOpen Parameters = < item Name = #32534#21495 DataType = ftString NumericScale = 255 Precision = 255 Size = 12 Value = Null end> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from v_op_bscard_detail' 'where '#32534#21495'=:'#32534#21495) Left = 200 Top = 352 end object v_op_bscard1: TDataSource DataSet = v_op_bscard Left = 288 Top = 308 end object PopupMenu4: TPopupMenu AutoHotkeys = maManual OwnerDraw = True Left = 136 Top = 216 object N82: TMenuItem Caption = #23519#30475#36153#29992#32467#31639#20449#24687 OnClick = N82Click end object N83: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object N84: TMenuItem Caption = #23519#30475#36153#29992#21457#31080#20449#24687 OnClick = N84Click end object N85: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object N86: TMenuItem Caption = #23519#30475#36153#29992#20462#25913#36807#31243 OnClick = N86Click end object N87: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object N123: TMenuItem Caption = #23519#30475#36153#29992#23545#24080#20449#24687 OnClick = N123Click end end object PopupMenu5: TPopupMenu AutoHotkeys = maManual OwnerDraw = True Left = 112 Top = 156 object MenuItem5: TMenuItem Caption = #23519#30475#36153#29992#32467#31639#20449#24687 OnClick = MenuItem5Click end object MenuItem6: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object MenuItem10: TMenuItem Caption = #23519#30475#30003#35831#25903#20184#20449#24687 OnClick = MenuItem10Click end object MenuItem11: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object MenuItem12: TMenuItem Caption = #23519#30475#36153#29992#20462#25913#36807#31243 OnClick = MenuItem12Click end object N124: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object N125: TMenuItem Caption = #23519#30475#36153#29992#23545#24080#20449#24687 OnClick = N125Click end end object t_op_railway: TADOQuery Connection = frm_main.db CursorType = ctStatic Parameters = < item Name = #32534#21495 DataType = ftString NumericScale = 255 Precision = 255 Size = 12 Value = Null end> SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from t_op_railway' 'where '#32534#21495'=:'#32534#21495) Left = 640 Top = 192 end object t_op_railway1: TDataSource DataSet = t_op_railway Left = 652 Top = 276 end end